SNH ANNUAL REPORT 2005/2006 SCO OUR MISSION STATEMENT TTISH NA Working with Scotland’s people to care for our natural heritage TURAL HERIT OUR AIM Scotland’s Natural Heritage is a local, global and national asset. We promote its care and improvement, A its responsible enjoyment, its greater understanding and GE ANNU appreciation and its sustainable use, now and for future generations. AL REPOR OUR OPERATING PRINCIPLES We work in partnership, by co-operation, negotiation and consensus, where possible with all relevant interests T 2005/2006 in Scotland: public, private and voluntary organisations and individuals. We operate in a devolved manner, delegating decision making to the local level within the organisation to encourage and assist SNH to be accessible, sensitive and responsible to local needs and FURTHER COPIES AVAILABLE FROM circumstances. We operate in an open and accountable Publications Section manner in all our activities. Scottish Natural Heritage Battleby, Redgorton Perth PH1 3EW T: 01738 444177 F: 01738 458613 E:
[email protected] W: Scottish Natural Heritage 2006 ISBN 1 85397 503 5 NP0.5k1106 PHOTOGRAPHY All photographs by Lorne Gill/SNH except: Laurie Campbell/SNH – front cover (Sea eagle) George Logan/SNH – p. 8 (left), p. 11 (left and centre) P & A Macdonald/SNH – p. 13 (second from left) Ron Summers/RSPB – p.13 (right) Annabel Drysdale – p. 13 (left) Danny Green/RSPB – p. 14 (left) Typesetting by: MintoGordon Publishing Services, Perthshire CRC_SNH_Annual_Report_2005-6_text.qxd 23/11/2006