
Boar Hear Speci Exer 139311417049011801 **CR 43 FCKSVL PU3 LIB/WELKER it- Vote Nov Committee Repor 159 JERUSALEM AVE \ HICKSVILLE i The Hicksville Board of Education review- NY 11801 ed several financial and committee reports b various speci committee members at the Oct, 2 meeting, Among these matters, Superintenden Dr. Catherine J Fenton reporte that work has alread begun on the Hicns formation of next year’ budget said she will submit her propose budge to the board Incorporating The Hicksville Edition b the end of December. Sh also indicated of the Mid-Island Herald ILLUSTRATED N at the community will have the opportuni- ty to give input at the Januar 18 Februa “11968 Anton of Isla March Finance Committee meetings. Vol. 3 No. 21 NY. November 1988 Community Newspapers Long jand Hicksville, Thursday, 3, 35¢ per copy au Rights Reserved. Central Gifice Phone: 7. All other board committee meetings are cancelled during these three months. StateiAid Polic Issu 27 Tickets For Violati school district receives less state aid. In addi- tion she said if Hicksville had a hi dropout rate or a poor attendance record, it would receive more state aid. Continuing, Dr. Fen- On Avenue Over Peric ton said that a 2.5 percent dropo rate in Duff Mont Hicksville schools is considered ood and that Hicksville, with a Geen ratio of very rr do move thereat a clip,’ in Septemb and 106 from Oct.1 Rita : Peopl alon goo teachers, is can By Langdon o guidan doin everythi it said Nicholas Holden, of Holden said that about half mak students don’t For The Second Precinct ha issued 27 tickets J. deputy inspector Inspector to sure dro out. tickets for fo traffic violations Avenue alone the Second Precinct. Duffy Avenue is a were speedi butsome three consecutive years, the attendance rate on Duff with a limit of miles equipment violations, failur to of three official straight- spee 40 w in the hig schoo has been a least go percent. over a course moniths a polic hour. belts, and/or for havin no registrat said at the Park Civic Association per : S said if it were between 75-80 percent, ad- Duffy week. The polic also determined that speedin The polic departmen asked the ditiona state monies would be forthcoming meeting last occurs particularl durin the earl morning County Traffic Safet Board to su however, “We do it all with local money Atthe the civic the and rush hours. street to see if conditions would rather than th state’s.” request of association, evening th traffic on the street. Th issued 9 tickets in August, 7 signs stop signs or a traffic light. Inthis Dr. Fenton announced that police investigate police Rosso president of the civic, said th district aoh invited Senator Ralp Marino organization thinks a traffic light and other to visit the hi school _ legislators remedy the speedin problems. on November 1 to see “our excellent pro- Hicksville High 1988 Inspector Holden sai that the traffi grams for students at risk and the alternative Homecomi departme is in the process of conc school.” Progra include E.S.L. (Englis as Ane th research. “Once they get their resu and a Second and crisis counselors. * Languag if the feel there isaneed for additi traf- Assistant OnNovembe 2, Superintende fic control devices al Duffy Avenue, the William Hall will attend a in New York hearin will make arecommendationto the’ of State Aid. City on Oyster Bay, he said. School Board Committees The town makes th final d Holden said the whichis c School board member Pat Rooney survey, takes three or process, fou mi “reporte on the October 19 meeting of the ete; He noted that the Board’s Curriculum Committee, whi in- ar ause the surveys cond —~—€luded a discussion of the 198 Regents daysa at different times. He also “results. Sh asked that community members the town will probabl receive ieted take the opportunity-afforded the Cur- - th aro ‘hank riculum Committee to attend and their survey reports traffic board findsaneed concerns to the board’s attention. The next safet . ty devices on Duffy Avenue. will be November 1 at 8 p.m. meeting Hic! ksville School Board Carole. Wolf z Secretary Residents have expressed reported on the meetings of the board’s abou the rapist who attacke a in Finance and Facilities Committees. The hom Route in Mr. ~ her near 106/1 August district ha been notified of a 20 percent in- Holde said that the polic departme con- crease in New York State Empire Health Plan ducted an extensive investigation b “un- effective Januar 198 fortunately came up with noth Mr. Items discussed during the Facilities Holde said that the suspect, who is out meeting included asbestos school cafeterias of town, is “common looking,’ & and community use of buildings PRINCESSES: Left to Freshman Princess Jen- HOMECOMING QUEEN AND Right; ‘to 6’0’, fair, medium build, white, a 25- Th board also announced that Septembe Princess Debbie Lobmeier, Junior Princess Deanne Rungo, nifer Lane, Sophmore This suspect is believed to be the sam man 8 les than thre fest of asbestos wrap- Homecoming Queen Jeannine Sirey. Conrad Weyer, Hicksville High School AlumniPresi- ine wh raped another woman in Hi pin from a pipein’ boys room, was remov- dent announced the winners. See more Homecoming photos on page 18. about a year ago, Mr, Holden said ed a qualifie district employe Students b “There is nothing really distinctive abou had apparentl poke holes in the wrapping the man at all. Jus somebod who would with Aeca to Mrs. Wolf, the pencil blen right in;’ said Mr, Holden, district is authotized, unde federal an state Residents inquire as to whether a to remov up three linear feet regulation to posite sketch of the suspect could b publis of asbesto related materials. She said, any e in the Hicksville Illustrated News. At the “Hicksville is fortunate to have o staff a meeting, Mr. Holden said that he would sub- registere asbestos remover, who, b using mit a sketch for publication however, da tools and created speci suppli equipment after the Oct. Mr. Holden 2 meeting, to fiber in to absorb and treat any loose th air, Ulustrated that the would not polic re he able to the without was perfor operation acomposite, asthe suspect wore a mask and ick. endangerin the students or staff” is not easily identifiable. ae Jo Board Ann add- presiden J Miltenber “I wish we hada goo composit It& ver an district s) ed that asbestos removed from - frustrating because he’s not know t saidna eit ine in CABG ie ieee 8 building is triple bagge place 55- Mr. Holden.

‘ drumis, sealed, bolted and labeled and sent Residents’ Questions mir to a mine shaft in Maine. Aresident asked about thesecurii ore Mrs. Wolf said the district has been faced town parking garage on Newbridg wo witha significan increase in publi demand if there were many automobiles for the use of school building Thoma Shaw, to there. Inspector Holden said th director of facilities and operations. met with were not too many burglaries beca ing thi arepresentative from each group and opene iliar police headquarter is at e the all- rooms in the elementar schools On resident said homele in th to meet the additional demand. A Bo Scout harass people the housed at Dutch Lane was recently “There&# not an awful lot we can do said vith troop denied a for the use of a for inspector Holden. “Th very fact led request gym basketball because the gym had beenassign are hangi around the neighborho Jo - ed to Multiwire, a local business which has doing nothing is not a crime. The are within ead - their constitutional to walkthe streets” a school/business partnership with the right Hicksville District, and to Lilco. Mr, Shaw will He added, “There is no public intoxication the “trace” all community groups durin this year lawan there&# nolaw ionya eee to allow for better schedulin small all been taken off the books; and of groups to smaller rooms next Mr. Holde said that gener the vagrant and year. The Business Services Office has recom- do not bother anyone, but if the do the School Band marches in the Homecoming Parade. uld — E HIG ; nended that Mr. Shaw with a pro- Illustrated Photos police will take action. eld. procee (continued on page 2) _|‘

- Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville. New Bork Thursday, Novemb 3, 1988 Page-2 A from th East Street School in- parent Update a. h quire as to th lack of playgroun equip- Committ Repor (continued from y ment at East Street. Mrs. Miltenber com- mented tha she believed it was due toa shor- Agen to Use Originall Cc but find out the week of November 13 tage.o space, that she would T posa from NYNEX to revamp th school forts to have Site on Jerusalem whi Education Week in the more information. An additional comment Planne district’s ae willinitially declared American A few we Rleph Ms. Kabakoff read the was mad by this resident regardi the lack cost $12,000 bu will ultimatel save #6,00 Town of Oyster Ba For Disabled Adults Vincen of East Street School. Mentall inSt. with that will bet- Proclamation b Town Supervisor soap dispense at pe year, phone generate signe fering a he a contest Congratulatio were offered to Robert ween 3,000 and #4,00 revenue pe year. A Angel Delligatti and announced who awarded his alternate sites for undergo « resident, William Kelly, asked that the sponsore by the HCT. Students in grad K Greenber was recently Despite several suggested local to thank all on doctorate. Dr. Greenber is Director of Speci ahome for1o0 disabled adults, a Facilities Committee domore researchonthis to 12 submit essays or create posters men may Personnel prayers anc before I Like School.” Contest rules Education/ Services. counselin agenc will use it originally sug- subjec implementing any change.I the topic “Why them. to all Mrs, announced that her hom at Ave. Mr. said more information « information will be distributed Rooney 499 Jerusale particular Ke and geste Get well, le number wasincorrectlylistedon - isneede regardi servicing of new phone principal the notrict’s calendar. Her number is Ken Moskowitz, project director of the as well as the cost to purchase. 822-44 . 2 i Central The next meeting the Hicksville School residence program at Nassau The demolition of the temporaries at General Public Session of Board will be November 22 at in the Guidance and Counseling Services, Inc., Steven Dutch Lane and Burns Avenue has been 8:1 p.m. Resident Janet Von Barge expresse her Hicksville, said that the Town of Oyster Hicksville) Environmental Protection Administration Building Ba | delaye Agen- and to the boar for its thanks appreciation had until Oct. 27 to request a hearin but did of Aircraft. must be obtained to such prior decision to the and Nassau. “At this oH rompt spli kindergart not Central point, we nessee by emopepoe notify | irst at Old Road School. said grade Country pla o going with 499 Mr. Moskowitz. gradua o Passaro the board to NYS. School Board Association Vick approa Aviation the “wonderful the Mr. Moskowitz said that he doesnot know Several board members, including board comment.on job” Jazy Hicksville Marching has don this the precise time that the residents will be president J Ann Miltenberg, attended the Band year. United visited their She thanked the board fo its Way moving into the home. “We have to recent New York State School Boards Associa- “grea support.’ him on hisa Tobin astothe “poo finish up purchasinggro the home and tion Convention, Hicksville delegate attend- Jea inquired timing” It out best Laurie, rel of boiler maintenance in the schools. Mrs. bring the renovating it. We won’t be moving in for ed 1 seminars, includin sessions on child 198 Tobin sai there was no heat in her in all of us. awhile...a few months.’ abuse, the Regents Action Plan, and on October7 because of the pendi omvisit o evaluatin superintendent Board trustee resident have the boiler cleaner. Mrs. Miltenber said she Helping Since Septemb local sug William Bennett served as Hicksville’s voting alternate sites to the town, but none Gregory will loo into this matter. Mrs. Tobin also asked Over One Million geste : delegat ; were to Mr. Moskowitz. Michael Hac wh air test was not taken at East feasible, accordin i : an quality Islanders liaison for the residents United State American Education Wee Street School after the removal of the asbesto Long The Town acts as a Post Office Box 998 and Central Nassau. He complet Mrs. Miltenber congratulated Bob Zaleski wrapping, She was told that since it was under Melville, Long Iskand, —R.M.L. Air Force and Elayn Kabakoff, officers of the Hicksville three linear feet, an air quality test was not NY 11747-0998 overseas aft of Teachers, on their successful ef- necessary. Congres in the Med Gre isa How sweet i is. Hig Schoo Just call or visit us Air Force B: son of Suse to send the today gradua o! > FTD® Sweetest Day © Secon i Bouquet. graduat f : and has rec Ze Flowers—The / ‘ FTD Air Force Ao\NSE “As - i . feeling never ends. Lt. McC ca _ Caterers of Distinction McConie, is “OLD WORLD CHARM COMBINED WITH PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND Giese Florist Sthoo and Bae Force Aci CULINARY DELIGHTS WILL MAKE YOUR NEXT CATERED FUNCTION A PEGTIO 248 S. - S BROADWAY, Colorado.


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pressure checks, films, exhibits DATE: 9 a.m. - Noon and a half hour professional Saturday, November 12, 1988 forum on “Diabetes and 10 a.m. to noon Vor information on cligibility requirements Exercise.” for the exam or on our financial assistance LOCATION: program. please call Maureen P. f Appel. SPEAKERS: The Community Hospitai Director of Admissions. at (516) G2G6-9268. T. Ravishankar, M.D. at Glen Cove Medical Director Harold |. Pratt Auditorium | Deadline: November 18. 1988 The Diabetes Center Barry Root, M.D. Refreshments will be served. Each year Old Director, Physical Medicine Westbury School of the Holy Child and Rehabilitation DOOR PRIZES. holds an ¢xamination which results in the awarding of full and partial four-year scholarships to Old Westbury. Eligible boys an.i in girls the 8th grade are invited to participate,‘ Old Westbury is a Catholic independent THE college-preparatory: day school tor boys and in ~ COMMUNITY Sirls grades Nursery through 12. HOSPITAL Old at glen cove: Westbury School St Andrews Lane+Gien Cove New Yoru 11542 of the Holy Child 25 Store Hill Road |p Old Westbury. New York 11568 AIRN . we Bs awe ee a oe


- November 3, 1988 Hicksville Illustrat News - Hicksville, New York Thursday, Page-3

H O M E T O W N- P EO P Ti

Compiled by Flo Gries _ Sharin With Pen Pals Ton Say ‘Thanks’ Th children in Mrs. Simon’s first grad class at East Street School are and A few weeks ago Tony Previte wound up learning with their in The in St. Vincent&# Hospit in New York afte suf- sharin pen pal Alban children each have their own pal with fering a heart attack. Since then he has pe who letters. are lear- undergon ope heart surgery. He& now like they exchan The about life in our state to thank all his friends for their kind words, ning capitol, compar- and contrasting their own lives with those prayers and cards. H really appreciated ing of their and the them. pen pal experiencing benefits of letter writing hand. .we all miss friendly first Get well, Tony. . . you. Grumman Gift Support ‘Appl New Position A $45,0 grant from the Grumman Cor- Steven A. Jazwinski (formerly of poration has enabled Apple Inc. the Hicksville) has been named Duty Manager substance abuse treatment center, to refur- of Aircraft Maintenance at Memphis Ten- bish rooms for 20 femal clients at its princip nessee b Northwest Airlines. Steve is a residence in Hauppauge gradua of Hicksville Hig and B.O.C.E.S. Grumman haslon been involved in Com- Aviation Center. His parents, Joan and munity Service Programs and is please to Henry Jazwinski of Burns Avenue recently support APPLE where effective treatment visited their son in Memphi to congratulate methodsare helping people hel themselves him on his appointment. Steve and his wife, to become drug-free, useful members of Laurie, relocated to Memphis in January, society. 198 Aiding in the selection of grant recipients is Grumman’s Contribution Council, the of which includes Norma To . Hats Off .. membership Hicksville. Gregory S. Mulheron son of Mr. and Mrs. Aschner of Michael Hach of Sugg Lane who entered the The APPLE drug hotline, staffed by substance fo crisis United States Air Force in Augus of this year. recovering abusers, is open He complete his basic training at Lackland intervention and referrals 24 hours a day Air Force Bas in Texas and will be going seven day a week. The number is overseas after Christmas to th Island of Crete 516-979-09 in the Mediterranean. of Hicksville Greg is a June 198 gradua wae ERIKA OLSEN and Matthew Peter stoptosay helloto “Mr. Bones” inthe childre n’sroom Hig School. of the Hicksville Public Library. ¢ .andalso from Lackland .., graduatin Air Force Base is Airman Kevin M. Donohue, on November oth. Congratulation port... .and Lu and her husband Chip are of Susan Donohue. Kevin is a son als 198 also retired. Howard was . .. Finnegan als Hicksville Get Well Wishes graduat of High there enjoying reminiscing old times with his © Second Lt. C. McConie has Our get well wishes are going to Julia Jeffrey friends, .[t was a old . . great party. Con- White of Stanford Air Avenue. We hopin = graduate from U:S Forc pilot training, gratulation Phylli and Leo. are and arou and has received his silver wings at Laughli you up hopping Air Force Base in Texas. soon...... and we also sendin them to Basile who ha been ill - A Bunch of Birthdays Lt. McConie, the son of Jean and James Jerry recently. The Anderson home had double McConie, is a graduat of Locust Valley Hig Celebrate 40 Years Togethe fun and pleasur this month as Paul Stho and is a 198 gradua of the U.S, Air birthday Leo were celebrated his Oct. 15t an Mark Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Phyllis (Gendron)an Ruggiero birthda Inn 22nd Paul and Colorado. surprise ata dinner party at the Snapper celebrated his October Mar

in Oakdale last week. The occasion: their got are the sons of Elaine and Ron... ..- The © Army Spec. Bruce Swoopes has par- which is November 21st. Their of Dr. Kashan’s office wish ex- ticipated in the NATO- exercise, anniversary employe to two Adrienne and Debbie and Return of Forces to Germany ‘88 daughters (continued on page 4) (REFORGE her husband Merv Frankel gav the lovely for them in advance so would be Bruce is a cannon crewman with the 1st party they There Hicksville Illustraten News Field Artillery in West Germany. completel surprised— the were. is presently engaged in an extensive mai were about 50 of their friends arid relatives ing program so that newcomers to our WE FOUND A WITCH on Myers Avenue, and: of. course, when old attending read our endea House area can weekly (Joyce Jurgensen) doing an Open Hicksvillites together a get the have great vors and become regular subscribers. last a Hicksville resident is Sunday. Joyce, time. A few of the old timers that used to live Estate. Word an agent at Steve Previte Real in Hicksville that were there were Eddie and Yes!...1 want to subscribe | hasitshe didnotscare away customers, they Maryann Coleman, Willie and Toni Suppa, to Hicksville Mlustrated News vowed to come back tosee what she looked Joe Oliveriand Donna(Jones) and like without her witch’s makeup. Barbara, Bill Thomas, Arlene and Ernie Naso, and

: NAME Celebrated Sweet 16 Jerry Kiesel. is a senior lieutenant Sweet 16 Birthday was Adrienne Ruggier Alovely party given | of Grumman and Debbie and her ADDRESS to Jennifer Grillo b her mom and dad, Security husband Merv their boat business Barbara (McGeever) and John Grillo a St. operate divide their time between Florida and Golf and Country Club in Stony and CITYISTATEZIP . Brookco last Saturda night. One hundred Southampton. his sister i . Olvieri was us that twenty five attended with about 70 bein Jo telling PHONE from Sachem Hig School. The Madeline (Oliveri) Gilson’s son George—a youngster © C) $16 for 2 of pro ball $9.00 per yr. yrs. | girl looked lovel in their strapple bouffant gradu Jericho High— playe CI $22.50 for 3 : and Ten yrs. — dresses while the boy looked handsome in for the Minnesota Vikings was a Big Senior Citizens z Cham two is now 3 their jackets and dress sweaters. I have to say Wrestlin for years— C $8.00 L) $1 for 2 yrs. a successful contractor in the city of per yr. tha it was an absolute pleasu to see this Chicago...... Eddie Colemanisnow retired C $21.50 for 3 yrs. many young people together—behaving so addresses loving .Emie and Arline are anx- Add $5. per year for such time. and it... . beautifully— havin a great off Long Island the time the will be able to The wonderful D,J never stoppe playing for iousl awaiti Method of (enclosed) ~ Payment: .Lee’s sister is her. retire. . . Dolly spendin one minute arid the ‘kids’ never stoppe £] x O @ 0 Check GREGORY S. MULHERON time between Florida and Center- | dancin fora minute. The club was decorated Litt t |) ree | balloons beautifully with pink ‘hot air Card Expiration ....twinkling white light on pink ribbons hanging from the ceiling, flowers MAIL-TO: ‘

.it was ; everywher . . just lovely Anton Community Newspapers. John and Jennifer two brothers, Bobby P.O. Box 1578 Mineola, LI NY 11501 werealso there to hel he with the celebra- tion as were her gymnast coaches. Three of the younsters there were children The Hicksville Illustrated New of of Hicksvillites. Todd Healy, son BobHealy s . (USPS346-720) was there with Sue Phelan Postmaster: Send address changes to alon daughte , of former Sue Ruggieri, and Jessica Martins, Long Island Community Newspapers, Inc. P.O.. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11 of Lawrence Martins. (Sma world, daught Entered as second class paid postage isn’t it?) the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and ad- It was a greeaattttt party. Happpy Birthda ditional mailing offices ynder the Act of : Jenny. A Congress. ey . on Long Celebrate Anniversaries Published.weekly Thursdays by — Island Community Newspapers, Inc. 132 Betty and Bill Minardi are celebrating East Second Street, Mineola; NY 11507 their of happines this wee and (P.O. Box 1578) Phone - (516) 747-8; 39t year : Subscription $9.00 per year_ Rosemarie and Pete Ciorciari will be CO celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary PHYIDIAS atid EE RUGGIERO’: a-

New - November 3}1988 Page-4 - Hicksville, York Thursday, Hicksville llustrated News

in the Delco (continued from page 3) Sneakers Plus More his Plaza... Jimmy Abberton celebrated tend sincerest birthda wishes to Dr. Kashan ‘Wish List’ Senio 37t birthday October 24th... .and on the Holida wh celebrated his on Oct. 17th arid birthda her 10th 29th Christine Bungert celebrated anothe o the calendar The H to Mrs. Kashan wh celebrated he Before we rushin realize that soonwe flip page special from all her you say things, birthday with wishes coming Citizens z October 16th. Best wishes from ‘The and the countdown to th holidays begin da . .also friends Old Roa School . All those at Countr th we a Holida Wish List. Casino in Crew!..... happ birthday songs To hel our reader get in spirit, putting togeth on the ha a very speci da Cost for th heard Arcadia Lane were from 19t Ryan Coyle desires ask for world an end to hung unilateral that were on and Those with more idealistic may peace, to celebrate—it was his 8th . . . . celebrated his birthda and we sure those “wishes” will top th list bus ti a the Telender home as BobSr. disarmament or a cure for cancer. So do we, last, but not least, we happy Th bi Jr’s 16th sendin such as the lottery numbers, a birthda Oct. 16th—Bob speci Others may request simple thing winning fully- wishes to Ebba Kid, Frank and birthday (Johnson) even a Patch the latest Nathan’sc birthda was on Oct. qth...... Corvette or a “cottage in Amagansett. Or, simpler Cabba who became a real celebration - McGunnigle finally Jessie Gabrus had a very speci C or a new sweater. Again, so do we. . celebrated his ‘senior citizen’ on October 29th— with “wishes” from all of our readers for Anthony Russ as he In the next few weeks we expect to be bombarded celebrated her Birthda Ebba make October 20th. was 65t Happy and whimsical. We included a nice to your participa birthda Anthony da young and old, sincere for and ....andtoallofyou. ~ than one wish or need than made extra.special as wife Peggy tio in this effort that much easier. If you have more mor space him Th form is not children Sergio and Brittany helpe You Rea It Here First is feel free to be as eloque and greed as you suggeste provide wis from Seitz of Princess Street husban of “wishes” come in, we ‘ love to hea you. Happy celebrate... . Cheryl Tuesda night Ricky Pitino, required because whatever way the celebrated he very speci oth birthday on Joanne Minardi was named “Man of the wishing wishes October uyth. Best Yea in Sports by the New York Athletic Club

AGEN sso « “pase frame had ee eee eees Paradiso ee dee who named lc Chel. Maria lovely alon with Donald Trump was NAMES. ce 20th. ith birthday celebration on October “Man of the Year in Finance.” Bill Minardi

nomena 8 REM ETE EE Oo we eleleseee a ka Hed e a Hicksville ADDRESS:...... 6 eee eee Best wishes from all you friends at and his two sons, Jimmy and Billy were be High,..:. and Kathy DiFranzo is to invited guests for this happ occasion. Most cere t eens IS). ...- 0-200 cee celebration of her MY WISH FOR THE HOLIDAYS congratulat upo the peopl that interested in sports know that .The 20th. . . birthda which was on Oct. Rick took over as coach for the New York Meade Avenue was the with Dalton home on Knicks last year and did a great job hom of double pleasur this month as them. We lookin forward to watchin celebrated her on Oct. 21st .let’s Kerry birthda them this year. Best of luck, Ricky. . . and celebrated his on Oct. Billy go all the way... .. 26th... .Diana Wahi had a wonderful sur- . home on prise when s visited the Leoce Ho to.... Theha all the birthday trim- Blueberry.Lan Att: Rita her Announcement Please send to: E. Second Street, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 Langdon mings set and read to hel he celebrate Ge Your 13 Diana’s was Oct ‘special day birthday ‘ In the Illustrat New DEADLINE: November 25, 198 2ist...... dJennifer Robeson had a very ’ also celebrated her Those to an announcement special dayrecently assh wishin get another 21st in the “Hometown section can birthda on October 21st... ..-. Peopl of at East Second St., Mineola, birthda celebrated was b Bryan Walker write to u 13 Bob White Lane... .then on the 22nd Ne York 11501. celebrated his We both color and black and OrigenAssociation Andrew Philip Moscatiello accept ) IVOR .and Paul celebrated his white aslong they are clear. WERE FIGHTING FOR birthday . . Mango photograp YOU LIFE speci da October 24th He became 17 years All announcements are free of charge. (616) 741-5822 AT A REASONABLE COST old. Best wishes fro all the employe of LAW OFFICES OF Succes H. MICHAEL STERN Weig Control Progra Proves Highl 516-795-302

old and since had been Every overweight person knows that the Drsarders. was 12 years i972 FREE CONSULTATION was told by Dr. Felixbrod, afflicted with colitis and blood name of the gam ts not just losin weight, He Jeffrey hig press- BY APPOINTMENT desire who directs the ure which continued to a risk - but keepi it off. Yet, peopl in their the behavioral psychologis pose great that loss to her health to lose weigh quickly, constantly par- Institute, a slow, health weigh through 1984 allow him consume more Her mother had suffered from ucipate in diet programs which actually program mig to greatl 543 BROADWAY after his diseases related to obesit and cause them to gain their weigh back later calories per da reachin go long- MASSAPEQUA, NY he Mrs. Can said she was “fearful she would on. weigh than would be th case if were the end u in the same When she Ina healthy weight conuol program, a to lose weight quickly. “This is because position!’ Dr. Felixbrod’s control person should be able to dine out. go on body often adapt to low-calorie dieting b joined weight pro- March of Mrs. Cann. wh is vacation, and experience -holidays and burning calories more slowly. When this gram in 1984 enormously difficult to 5 feet 6 inchess tall, 29 specia occasions without havin to put up happens it is kee weighe pounds the Retirement living with the unreasonable.restricuions require the weight off! Dr. Felixbrod explained. In 1 months she lost 120 pound on

by most diets. these lines. the Obes: Joh was iniuall skeptical program. i Alon ; without retiring had lost 7 Now, almost three vears later, Cann ty Clinic of the University of Pennsvivania As of April, 1988. Joh Mrs. and has maintained her loss. Schoal of Mediciné has developed what is pounds but his friends are puzzle successful weig from life... first in 22 I&# called the “LEARN” program for perma amazed. Recently many have observed him “For the time years; health and I feel no she said. “I don’t stand nent weigh control. dining regularl and eating heartil at pain,” crowds she The “LEARN®™ program does NOT use places ranging from neighborhood out in anymore!” explained Manhat of normal can never under gimmick pills. or low calone diets because restaurants to Classv restaurants on “Peopl weigh medical esearch reveals that these methods tan’s east side. “How can vou do this with stand how obese people ‘eel’ Felixbrod out that this generall do NOT lead to permanent out gaming the weigh back?” the as with Dr. points weigh weight control. Instdad, the “LEARN” pro: astonishment. control program is not a diet. “Almost 9 of hundred their gram emphasize sound nutritional prin ‘The answer is simple.” according to peopl out one gain habits, nor “By in a control back diets and ef ciples. changin eating eating Joh participating weign weigh following popula _ loss inethods. On the other mal foods in amounts which are reasonable. program that emphasize slow weig loss. rapi weig and hand, our nutri- Increasing physic activity, and learning goo nutrition, changin eating habits, programs emphasiz goo specilic techniques for behavioral self- increasing physica activity, have to con: uon, appropriate eating habits, psycholog I& ical to and hfe control. Permanent weight control is not sume at least 2,000 calories per da or approache self- Medical evidence reveals thar © Situated o historic tree lined the resulj of dieung, but rather the result continue to lose weight!” Needless to say, styl change Bowne Street this the successful to of permanent change in habits and many are envious now only of the improve- is most approac per control.” © Modern 12 story building behavior ment in John’s appearance. but of the way manent weight e Spacious — cheerful apartments within Recently, the “LEARN” has been his is able to eat without gaining weight. Professor Kell D. Brownell, a leadin progra your means refined and Dr. Felix When asked about the results obesit researcher at the University of Penn- expande b Jeffr |. long- e Roof top lounge with panoramic Dr. Felix: sylvania ‘School of Medicine, “Per- brod. a behavioral psychologi who directs of his weight control programs, agrees: Manhattan view loss the select the Insutute for Eatin Disorders in Nassau brod talks about one ‘of his most famous manent weig is goa so e Round the clock security ¢ that will — County. The following article, which orig- patients. a program hel you chang your Walk to shopping transportation Be of diet and Houses of inall appeare in local newspapers des- Nearly three years ago, the Gannett lifestyle suspicious popular pro- Worship filled with © Meals and light housekeeping provided ‘cribes the actual experiences of two peo- Westchester Newspapers reported that a grams, since many are senseless ¢ All A should focus the amenities of a luxury cruise ship pl who participated in the revised Yonkers woman took a 112.7 mile walk from gimmick program on sen- ¢ Free yourself to do what want to do * and you “LEARN” program. the steps of St. Joseph’ Medical Center to sible chang in nutrition and lifestyle. should be based on the best scientific Remarkable thing can happe when a the door of the University of Pennsylvani Non-protit—non-sectarian—non- studies available.” , perso loses weigh in a nutritionally sound to dramatize her extraordinary success in The run Dr. Felixbrod program that emphasiz permanent a weight control program. programs b at FLUSHING change in eating habits. An example 1s Barbara Ciegle Cann chose the beginn Th Institute for Eatin Disorders are avail- able his Manhasset Hills offices. what happene to Joh D. Murray, a ing end points of her six- journey at Accor- HOUSE youthful- 4 year old sociolog pro- - -Dr. Felixbrod’s program at St. din to Dr. Felixbrod, “Approximately 80 where she took in of with disorders fessor at Manhattanville Colleg Joseph Hospit is part percent patients eating Contact: Director that was a of five John who is 6 feet, 2 inches tall and a treatment originally developed pay weekl out-of- expense Resident Services 718-762-3198 at the of School of dollars or less?’ For further information, con- weighe 262 pound in May of 1987 was University Pennsylvani Flushing House Club Residence Dr. attracted to a health weight loss program Medicine. tact Felixbrod at (51 294-5000. 38-20 Bowne Street had been she , offere b The Institute” for Eating Mrs. Cann overweigh since Flushing, NY 11354 race &l Dr Jeffre Felixbrod. 1083 “The Home will not discnminate in any form based on accordance creed. color, national ongin, sex or handicap in with Title VI of the Civii Rights Act of 1964& a

- Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New York Chursday, November 3, 1988 Page-5

Seniors’ to Caesar’ p.m. and leave Atlantic City at 9:45 p.m. Poletti Grou Ope Office in Hicksvill Tri Lots of fu is in store. Donought will Th Poletti full-service Th The Hicksville-Mid Island Senior be served o the bus Group a personn will allow Poletti Group to better serve has an office in Nassau its clients located in Lon Nassau Citizens are plannin trip to Caesar’s Reservations must be in b November organization, opened Island’s an it was announced today President counties, He also noted that the Casino in Atlantic City on November 28. 7 For more information, call Irma (931-6 County, by Queen ad and CEO A. Poletti. The Cost for th trip is #6 which includes the or Clare (938-707 Rog new facilit dition of such a office will provid better is located at 82 North bus a voucher Broadwa Hicksville, coverage for the temporary and permanent tips, # return and $5 in cash. The club also has a few more openings for The bu will from 942-0170., office/clerical markets in those depart behind the November trip to Woodloch Pines. Call particul Accordi to Mr. Poletti, the new office counties. Nathan& on Broadway in Hicksville at 12:1 Clare for information, ELECT JOEL B. MEIROWITZ Elect an Independent Judge To 4th District Court JUDICIAL EXPERIENCE:

& Arbitrator - Nassau County District Court

Referee - Nassau County Supreme Court Receiver - Nassau County Supreme Court LEGAL EXPERIENCE: Special Counsel - N.Y. State Dept. of Transpor City Attorney - City of Glen Cove Counsel - Glen Cove Community Development Agency Counsel - Nassau County Hispanic Foundation

Court Appointed Law Guardian - Nassau County; Family Court Court Appointed Defense Counsel - District Cove City Court coura EDUCATION:

Plainedge High School - North Massapequa, NY

State University College - Oswego; NY Suffolk University Law School - Boston, MA MEMBER: i Nassau County and NY State Bar Association— to practice N.Y. State &a Federal Courts &a U.S. age Supre : COMMUNI

35 Year Resident - Glen Cove, Oyster Bay

Former V.P. - North Country Reform Temple Men’s Club Executive Board Member North Country Keform ‘Templ Men’‘s Club

Assistant Coach - Glen Cove Jr. Baseball Leaque/Jr. Soccer Leaque

President - Glen Cove Democratic Club *Qualified by Nassau County Bar Association Recommended by Nassau County Women’s Bar Association Commended by the New York State _ Vote Meirowitz, Democrate Row “A” for an Attorney General’ office for assisting Independent Judiciary ~~ in the prosecution of environmental polluters. .

A LEADE FOR THE 5th SENATE DISTRICT EXPERIENCED in State © Over 25 Years in State and Local Government, 20 Years Senate e Sponsored More Than 600 State Laws RESPONSIVE © Led Investigations of Local Hazardous Waste Sites Crime Prevention © Created Neighborhood Preservation Program e Has Obtained Funding for Many Long Islan Community

Organizations . © Two District Offices: Oyster Bay, Nassau County and Huntington, Suffolk County Chairman: Senate Committee on Banks Senate Majority Program Committee Past Chairman: Senate Committee on Crime and Correction NYS Select Committee on Crime RECOGNIZED Senator Marino is endorsed by: NYS United Transportation Union Suffolk County Partrolmen’s AFL-CIO Benevolent Assn Sheriff Nassau County Council of Suffolk County Deputy Carpenters & Joiners of America Benevolent Assn Conference AFSCME/New York State Nassau County Police Patroimen’s NYS Public Employees Federation Nassau County led AFL-CIO Benevolent Assn nip Nassau Detectives Assn CSEA, Long Island Region | County Officers Councit 82 Security & Law Nassau County Superior Enforcement Employees Assn Court Officers Suffolk Coalition of Public Nassau County Benevolent Assn Employees Old Brookville Policemen’s NYS United Teachers Benevolent Assn National Education Assr/NYS NYS Supreme Court Officers Assn Police Conference of New York NY Police Benevolent State Sergeants Assn Metropolitan Police Conference of NYC Transit Patrolmen’s Benevolent NYS Assn Suffolk Gounty Police Conference Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Officers Suffolk Caunty Superior Officers Benevolent Assn Assn RE-ELECT STATE SENATOR RALP J MARI —ROWB x * ON NOVEMBER.S — VOTE-REPUBLICAN New - November 3, 1988 Page-6 - Yor Thursday, Hicksville Illustrated News Hicksville,

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© 1988 The Bank of New York Member FDIC An Equal Housing Lender GY __—_5 Soe @QGSGaSeEeeeco= iaiceslenesee =©6

— Hicksville Bilustrated News - Hicksville, New York - Thursday, November 3, 1988 Page-7 Students Give the Gift o Life Jim McCrann By ceeded to ing some quick energy; jelly- i Blood, itself, be in is life. None of us would beans, cookies and Tang orange drink were very good idea to n oe peop th without Unfortunate- this i around right now it. included in pre- meal. Follow- need ood.” Tom Cassata, also a senior, ly not everyone is blessed with health blood. ing this was the blood donation itself. ed, “It’s basciall something that’s ni Those whos blood was diseased were once Students would.lie down and roll up their the and throughou country 1 condemned to a shortened life, but now sleeves. A nurse would then choose the arm should d it?’ Most students said th through modern medicine these same peo- to be siphoned rub the area where the nee- would donate again; Lenny Scolero wi pl may lead normallives. Ever since French dle would pierce with an anti-bacterial solu- donate agai because,” itjust makes you physicia Jea Baptiste Denis attempted to are the apparatus used to better’ transfuse sheep blood into a huma in the ood. Followin this was the Thou 67 pint of life-giving blood ath century, man has tried to find better ways most dreade part of the whole procedure donated on Thursday there is st with After tohelp those blood disorders. cen- the needle. Onl a quic an slight discom end to the on- blood Alden Manor turies of intensive research and experimen- fort was felt’by the students as the needl foreIsland Blood Services has 239-39 Linden Blvd., Elmont emp! we can now transfuse blood as a th bad oe 9am-lpm tation, pierce skin; it was not nearl as as ct tha it is simpl impossibl tox routine medical But since blood led AI Commack procedure. some were to believe. For a perio of time orany other disease throu; 6090 JerichoTurnpike is so unique, onl human donors can provid ranging anywhe from to 20 minutes, the Blood donation also has no effect on 9am-lpm this precious resource, With so little suppl blood was draw to a ba suspend from regula activitiesand caninno way Copiague and so many in need of blood, there isa need the sid of the cot. Aftera pint was donated, Accordin to one nurse from Lon Is 980 Merrick Rd. for constant donors. a nurse removed the needle and direct Bloo blood that is 9am-lpm replenishme by Lon Services, any donat Island Blood Services to find was o the small wound to the doesn’t it. If donatin Deer Park attempted pressure placed extra, bod need Hicksville Commack & Nicholls Rd. donors durin a blood drive hel at stop the bleeding. Members of the high the blood could even remotel pose a th this ib 9am-lpm Hig School on October2o. At time, man school’s Volunteer Club th assisted to someone, they would never have to the “Gift Life.” East Hampton seniors volunteered give of donors to a table where their energy was the physic If you want to donate bl i 66 Main St. Before the students donated, the were restored with cookies and Ac- contact Lon Blood Servic 9am-Noon quickl Tang may Island 3 given physical examination a nurse; this cordin to Lon Island Blood Services, 6 pints Th gift of life through Garden City b 752-7300. bloo la 2 included blood and a of blood donated. 82 Seventh St. exam pressure, puls were be the greatest gift you can give. 10am-Ipm bloo test. If the passe this test, the pro- Why did students volunteer to donate Great Neck Plaza 60 Great Neck Rd. 10am-lpm. of Mail: Postal Servic Green Priva 238 Main St. m-Noon The ‘Sanctit of the Seal’ is a term which Gua First-class mailcanbeopenedintheDead privacy ofthe mailandthesani Hampton Bays has nothing do with the character of asea to Letter Office, he noted. There, sworn were so vital to the exercise tea Montauk Highway mammal, joked Roge Nienaber, General mail 9am-lpm employee open inan effort to discover this country that the must ever De Manager/ of the Long Island an address where Hicksville the mail can be delivered fo any reason, he added. Division. returned. this 1 Broadway or For single purpose, first-class “This means that a parent, send | a bir- 10am-lpm Turning serious, he said: the mail and “Althoug is opene forwarded to either the thday card and a check to a son or daught Huntington term is unfamiliar to most it ’ people, sender or the addressee who may be iden- at can that mail to arrive in- 295 New Yo Ave. expec represents a promise and a trust which tified inside the mail: cal 10am-lpm tact and sealed? benefits American citizen of every every da Suppose the contents of a letter were Italso means loca businesses can se b Island Park the week.” 212 Long Beach Rd. useful in helping law enforcement officers and statements of account to custo’ 9am-lpm terms, ‘The of the Seal’ Insimple Sanctity in trackin criminals. Or what if matters of without the privac o1 these transactions be imeans that Jericho a person can mailaletterthrough national security dependeduponthecovert ing favaded t any post employe or: 35 JerichoTurnpike the local office with the post certain openin of certain first-class mail b govern- agent. 9am-lpm letter will be governme open- autharities? “Americans can b grateful that thei mail Kings Park suowi a al ment ‘ edand examin: or an’ se anyone how ‘ - “No matter isa trust of the U.S. Postal Servic 35 Tai Head. a pressing the cir- sacred Rd other than the adie Ly 9am-lpm cumstances, how crucial to the securit of our that it will be handled with Th first-class is of the compl Levittown privacy of mail one country, how helpf it migh appear to all fidence;’ Nienaber concluded. “This ‘S 681 Rd. intrinsic freedoms b the Newbridge enjoyed citizens of concerned — the one unchanging dictum of tity of the Seal’ is one of our

9am-Noon ’ mo United States. Said Nienaber, “It cannot be the U.S. Postal Service is tha first-class mail freedoms.” Lindenhurst abridge b a posta employee a postal in- is sealed said Nienaber. - 166 S. Wellwood Ave. against inspection, a or the 10am-lpm spector, postmaster even Postmaster The Founding decreed that the General.” Fath MacArthur (Bohemia) 4110 Veterans Memorial Highway, Bohemia 9am-lpm Massapequa 35 Hicksville Rd. 9am-Noon Patchogue 444 Wav Ave. 10am-lpm Plainview 44 S. Oyster Bay Rd. QYam-Noon Port Jefferson 1064 Route 112, Pt. Jefferson Station LET& COMPA THE TRUE FACTS i mae 9am-lpm ABOU YOU RETIREMENT AS A HOMEOWNER \\ zs Port Washington 805 Port Washington Blvd. 9am-Noon LONG ISLAND, BEVERLY HILLS, Smithhaven N.Y. FLA. 2001 Pt. Jefferson/Nesconset oe Lake Grove Highway, AVERAGE HOME SALE $178,000 $67,500 l0am-lpm TAXES ON THIS HOME $2,940 $368 S. Farmingdale 12¢ KWH 5¢ KWH 901 South Main St. COST OF ELECTRIC per per 9am-lpm HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE $675 $225 Syosset w AUTO INSURANCE $1,069 $44 JerichoTurnpike 9am-lpm Source: Newsday 1987. Lilco. Nationwide Insurance. Citrus County Tax Powe: Company. Auto Owners Insurance Company You Be The West Hempstead Department. Florida Judge!! ge ee Harttord Insurance Company owe 565 Hempstead Turnpike ae 9am-Noon - Round . Avera Temperature 71° 66% Humidity Year & Driest Areas In Florida Williston Park © Beverly Hills Is One Of The Highest 29 Hillside Ave. (Up to 183 Above Sea Level) - No * - No. Flooding 9am-Noon There Are No Swamps - N Lowlands Mosquit

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Florida' Retirement Community NAME: ore Of the Year oP tADDR 2059 HEMPSTEAD TURNPIKE, EAST MEADOW, 11554 ,

(516) 542-0773 — 800-632-7158 {

3, 1988 Bage-8 - November Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New Bork Thursday, Offer : Cancer Lions’ Club Pancake Breakfast The Lions Club will hold its pancak Hicksvill & Grou Tbreakfas Sunda Nov. 7 For more informa‘ Suppo ion call George Montana at 938-36 Cancer Care is offerin a support grou for Installs Four New Members Place Lions Club New Meeting relatives of cancer patients, at the agency& The club will hold its next Woodbur office located at 20 Crosswa Par atm Wednesda Nov. 9 at 6:3 p.m. Jol North, suite 304. The support grou will be _| Inn. held on Tuesd evening from 5:45-7:1 p.m. and will be led b a profession social worker, Atlantic . City free of charg For tfise iriterested in atten- Atlantic Ci Th club will sponsor a trip to din plea call Harriet Orenstein, at 364-81 Hicksville School au ty Nov. 6. Meet at Hig Advance registration is necessary. 8:3 a.m. The purpose of thesupport group is to pro- vide information and emotional support to peopl who are copin with a loved one’s Ceremonies wi Veteran cancer. Participants be able to share in formation and discuss their experiences and The Henry Biel Post #46 Masonic War feeling in a supportive atmospher Veterans of the State of New York will be sponsoring the Annual Veteran&# Day Cere- monies at the War Monuments, Hicksville Middle School, Jerusale Avenue, Hicksville, Northwest Civic Meeti N.Y. on the morning of November 11. All The following is being published for veteran&# organization are invited ta provid our readers who receive the [lustrated their Color Guard for the Massing of the Col- on Wednesday, Nov. 2. will be at a.m. with the ors. Assembl 10:15 The Northwest Civic Association will ceremonies commencing. at 10:30 a.m. meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesd Nov. 2 at Burns Avenue School.

Your Community Newspaper Is ve / Delivered By Your Reliable new Eileen Jena Do know students wh are Member Paul Webber, Lions Club president Don Valente, member Szab Letter-Carrier you colleg member Joe Gentile. The first female Webber, Robert Webber, Donna Rellegrino, and alittle homesick? Send them their own weeks was Carol Fyfe. Illustrated Photo member installed a few ago copies of the Hicksville Illustrated so the latestnews a the can kee up onall back home. Call our circulation depar Your Hometown ment for speci out-of-town rates. SSS COSTUME Newspaper | JEWELRY SALE

Is A Vital $1.00 €ACH

€ARRINGS © NECKLACES @ PINS e ETC. GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS One Pair of Earrings Of FREE With This Ad Part . ee NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. &l WEEKDAYS 9-5 SAT. 10-4 Your NICE PEOPLE CO. 2 Heitz Pl., Hicksville 516-932-5610 Community. Second Floor Next To ‘Car Cash’

OF da cen servers, a ——— N Fea, Win i ere, —— arg Ps ra) = 7 INFORMED *- IT KEEPS YOU —w fy : ‘(ISLAND TRE P r About Schools & Children 4 i — your ae About local actions =~ government INTERNATIONA TRAVE LTD Sj j=— = About recreation and cultural programs ... o “EST. 1974 About the successes and SPECIALISTS IN achievements of your neighbors * About the many good things your AIRLINE TICKETS * neighbors are doing in supporting CRUISES and volunteering for our hospitals. paramedic * TOURS

fire t activities. our volunteer department * HONEYMOONS and other to the organizations important COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVIC quality of life _ ..1n addition. our letters section provides a readily available 681-7747

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Isn’tth “o f=It Time To Subscribe? Bi ed One Full Year (52 Issues)...... 0..00-5 $9.00 (Save $9.20 off Newsstand) &qu Manor On-The Sound

Jones Manor on the Sound, a 46-bed facility Island in a country setting overlooking Long Sound. Non-profit home dedicated ta pro- viding excellent individual care, superb WLOR meals, with twenty-four hour supervision for ambulatory adults, licensed by New York State. All ground floor facilities. 747-8282 Call Today! 59 Bayville Avenue New York FAX TEL. #(516) 742-5867 TTY (For the Deaf & Hearing Impaired) 516-294-8265 Bayville, 628-1350 ANTON COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS. 132 EAST SECOND STREET MINEOLA NY 11501 (516)

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-——Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New York - Thursday, November 3, 1988 Bage-9

a The Winthrop Experience i ie = In this regard, it should also be noted that Winthrop a e is encouraging ~ 130 vaginal deliver for women who may have ha Cesarean sections in the past. . . The guiding principle: What best for the = mother, a decision based on the special ne’: — in circumstances surrounding each case. Peace of Mind

And when special care is needed, rest assured it’s there. This includes genetic —

care for — or counseling, prenatal high- a pregnancies and a neonatal intensive care unit. At every step, the most modern & are i techniques applied, including am- niocentesis, fetal heart monitoring, sono- grams and Dopple blood flow studies. But it is not this state-of-the-art ~

- — technology so much as state of mind me — about the birth process, physical and es that sets Ws psychological, Winthrop apart.

It- Ou nursing and medical staff are total- 5 ly committed to the special needs of mothers. To encourage relaxation, the = delivery environment is as natural an personal as possible. For parent-child © bonding during the crucial first hours after birth, post-partum suites with private : baths and showers are available. For Your Family ‘The hospital also provides rooming-in- Making hours for fathers and the birth and special visiting siblings. Plus a special program to help of your child these siblings prepare for the arrival home of the newest member of the family. _ : Before the hospital parents will a time to leaving — remember. learn the essentials of infant care so that they know what to expect and how to- took and Last year over 3,000 mothers-to-be That tradition root, growing cope when they&# on their own. “The chose Winthrop-University Hospital for expanding through the years, and Winthrop Experience.” you see, is not Care the birth of their babies. That&# an average culminating in today’s Maternal Child something we want to end when you with of over eight births every single day. Center,.a superbly equipped facility walk out the door. :

It& also a ringing. endorsement of the the most complete, up-to- family-or- ~ If you are pregnant or plan to be, your kind of care we iented maternit care available anywhere. specia maternity repre- first big decision is choosing the plac of

sent to the community. ~ Know Your Options birth. We hope we convinced you to For no decision this important is eve consider Winthrop-University Hospital. : made What&# behind this strong The needs of prospective parents are lightly. Because everything w do is directed of women for Winthrop? always put first. All the options are out- preference toward making the birth of your child a stems in from the fact lined. most women choose to be ‘ Perhap it part Today, to remember. which tim that Winthrop (then known as Nassau awake and aware during delivery the husband If have to choose your obstetricia or if you Hospital) was the very first institution on encourages participation you ye like to know more about our program let us know. ‘We Lon to establish a maternity wing. under an obstetrician’s supervision. Many Island send you our pamphl “Childbirth—The Winthro Way for childbirth, of on our We long ago recognized that pregnant women opt prepared that includes the names physcian obstetri a nurse-midwife, /gynecolo staff Please write to Dept. 41103 Office of women had special needs deserving directed by physician or Community Affairs. special attention. in a hame-like setting at the hospital. . Winthrop i University Hospital 259 First Street, Mineola, New York 11501

A majo teac affiliate of SUNY Ston Brook Schoo of Medicine 8

- November 3, 1988 Bage-10 Hicksville Biustrated News - Hicksville, New York Thursday. ‘ ecutive meeting, 9:30 a.m. at the American Community Legi Hall, 11 Southeran Pkw Plainview, Fo information call Joh Schwin at 334-56 Hicksville PTSA Executive Board Calendar meeting, 8 p.m. at the Hicksville Hig School,

© Heal Your Life at the Healing Circle, 8 to 10 at the Parkwa Community Church, Please address all notices of local events to p.m, founded in 1986 by Howard J Finnegan Stewart Ave., Hicksville. For information call Calendar Editor, 132 E. Second Street (P.O Box 1578) Mineola, N.Y. 11501 or phone 747-8282. 883-9133, RITA LANGDON Editor Calendar items must be submitted two weeks © Emphyse Club meeting, 1:30 p.m. in EDITORIAL STAFF prior to the event. the Mid-Island Hospital’ Center for Well CATHERINE TOKAR, JANICE MANASKIE Friday, November 4 Being, N fee. For information call 520-2212 FLO GRIES Social Editor © The New York State of © Hicksville Kiwanis Club meets at 12:30 ADVERTISING Department Motor Vehicles, operation Outrea will be p.m. at the Milleridge Inn, Jericho. KEITH KNUDSEN - PETER HOEGL

_ from a.m. at the Hicksville Public Librar 10 Incorporating the Hicksville Edition of the Mid-Island Herald to noon. Pre-registration is a must. Thursday, November 10 founded in 1949 by Fred J. Noeth | © ® Hicksville Americans “Soccer Club Hicksville Elks Lodg No. 193 will meet 80 Eas Barclay Hicksville. p.m. at the Hicksville Middle at 8 p.m. at St., For Hicksville Illustrated News is published every Thursday meeting, School Cafeteria. information call 931-9310. by Anton Community Newspapers of Long Island © Hol Diocesan School will © Cancer Support Group meeting, 7:30 132.East Second Street, Mineola, New York 11501 Trinity Hig th at the in the Room of theMid-Island 516-747-8282 perfori play, “Quilters,” p.m. p.m. Oncolog school theatre, Newbridg Rd. Hicksville, Hospit N fee. For information call 520-221 call Also Tickets: $5 For information 433-2900. e William M. Gouse Jr Post No. 321: c takes plac on Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. and Nov. 6 at Veterans of Foreign Wars, ladies auxiliary & 1:30 p.m. will meet at 8:3 p.m. at the VFW Hall, 32 Hicksville. Letters From Our Readers © A trained social work intern from South Broadway will Adelph Univeristy Senior Connections © Fund- activity, 10:45 a.m. at Con ORIGI Letters to the editor are welcomed by the editors and publishe of the Anton Communit Newspapers. from 10 a.m. to 1 7 them: should be as short as be available every Frida Shaarei Zedek, Old R However, they must follow certain guidelin in order for u to print they possi- gregation Country \Wa of MUST be name at the bottom at the Hicksville Public Hicksville. ble; we reserve the right to edit in th interest space; the signed ( type p.m. Librar Everyon and Ne South Rd. UNO number that we can their will not suffice); the must include an address and telephon so verify authenticity. welcome. © Hicksville- Rotary Club will meet with our readers, but we are unable to use W receive many fine letters whic we would like to share Saturday, November 5 at 12:1 p.m. at the Milleridge Inn. the because they are ered o: have a typewritten name onl because of limitations, but we to both sides © Plainview-Beersheva Hadassah Annual © We cannot publish every letter we receive spac try present Financial Aid for Colleg 7:30 p.m. at the and letters considered to be in taste will not be printed of all issues, Personal attacks poor Bazaar, to 11 p.m. at the Congregation Hicksville Public Librar Guest speak Shaarei Zedek, corner of Old Country Rd Charlotte Kania. Free. All welcome. Th Editor: Episcop Church. and New South Rd. Hicksville. Also takes To ® Auxiliar to William M. Gouse Jr., Post Due to adverse circumstances and events This letter is . on Nov. 6 from 10 a.m. to bein publishe upon request: plac p.m. No. Veterans of Wars will meet it has become 3211 Foreig Rev. Dr. Theordore S Grant beyo our control impossi Monday, November 7 at 8 pm. at the VFW Hall, 320 South Ecumenical Consultation Center ble for the danc to take pla at this time. To all who have u in this ® Hicksville Republica Rall Night p.m. Broadwa 30 Grand Ave. supported ( extend thanks for ef- at Old Hicksville. ® Hicksville Citizens Hicksville, N.Y. 11801 endeavor, we our your Antun’s, 244 Country Rd. (Mid-Island) Senior able Dear Rev. Dr. Grant: forts and.hope that we may be to All inyited. will meet from 11 a.m. to p.m, at the United Nassa for future date. Gulottat reschedule this event a © Methodist Church, Old Rd and We read about your Center and its needs Overeaters Anonymous, a 12 step Country Frederick W. Meyer, Nelson Ave., Hicksville. For information call implem in Rita Langdon’ Oct. 20 article. recovery program for recovery from We believe in and the kind of President Clare at Bond Ac support overeating, will meet at 8:3 p.m. Monday Smyt 938-707 work the Center sider len is doingand hop you are and Thursday at Parkwa Community © Seminar on “A Convert Experience,’ successful in the funds. which w raising necessary Church, Hicksville. For information call will be held at at Lane, 7:30 p.m. 24 Sylvi Novemb Seamen & Eisemann Inc. Election Da 795-681 Plainview. Sponsore by Shaarei Zedek. which residents If the Editor' Note: The Center, serves © Diabetes Club meeting, 7:30 p.m. in the © Josep F. Lamb Columbiettes Business November 8th is a very important day; $ billion wh need psythological services, must vacate its Staff Room of the Mid-Island Hospital No 8:3 in Our Lad of Mercy A da to get out and VOTE your way. meeting, p.m. Departn at 30.Gran Ave. The Center is to a premises moving If fee. For information call 520-2212. School Cafeteria, South Oyster Ba Rd. your man wins, you happie be transpor home on Broadwa but need +30,000 to renovate that Fair So out and VOTE, then wait and see. Hicksville. Thanksgiving- home. get November 8 state hi 5 Tuesday, the Free. Al! Voting is a privilege that we should cherish, following meeting, 9 p.m. been Th Editor: © Transitions: Thé person center offers a gu. To Do and this right will never peris welcome. your part with [tis with much regret that the Hicksville- person- alternative to dealin * * Cl - VOTE VOTE VOTE life at Communi- Jerich Rotary must announce the change 7:30 p.m. Parkw Friday, November 11 Howard W. Darling cancellation of our Charit Dance, which was ty Church, 95 Stewart Ave., Hicksville. Fee: © 15t Annual L.I. Region Conference for scheduled for November 12, at Holy Trinity $10. For call Dennis at 796-198 informatig the Association of Personnel Consultants of © Co- Anonymous, a 12-step New Yor will be held at the Royce Carlin will meet from to t support group, 9:30 p.m. hotel, Melville, Nov. 11 and 12. For informa: Bee A of downstairs at the If You Have Ever Memb Parkwa Community tion call 935-0100. Church, Hicksville. For information call © A trained social work intern from 735-15 Benevolen & Protective Adelphi University Senior Connections © The Retired Police Association of the Progrm will be available every Frida mor-

~ State of New York, Inc., will hold its regula ning from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hicksville Order of Elks at VFW Hall, genera meeting, 7:30 p.m. th Public Library Everyone welcome. 7277 Veterans Blvd., Massapequa. The But No Call the Lodg Listed Below and ® Hicksville Republica Club’s General Long Belong....Ple meeting will be held that nigh even thoug Membershi meeting, 8:3 p.m. at the Se H Little It Cost To B Reinstated. Join Once Agai and Tak it is election da For information or member- Hicksville VFW Hall, S call 320 Broadwa An Active Roll In shi 249-0525. Hicksville. ® Recovery Inc., thé association of nervous © Hicksville Republica Club’s Board of and former mental patients, will meet at 8 Directors meeting, 7:30 p.m. at Hicksville ELKDOM - p.m. at Parkwa Community Church, VEW Hall, S Hicksville. Hicksville. 32 Broadwa © Eye of Learning willmeet at 8 p.m. at FRATERNALISM © Prenat Exercise Classe Tuesday and Levittown Hall, Pkwy Hicksville. Thursda from 6:3 to 7:30 p.m. in the Staff Fee. For informationLegocall 579-53 AT WORK! Roo of the Mid-Island Hospital Fee. Fo in- formation call Here’s Just A Partial List of 520-2212. Saturday, November 12 © at Con- Fund- activity, 7:45 p.m. © Beginnin Anew Widow and Widowers How You Can Help By Reinstating Shaarei Zedek, Old Country Red. gregation Club dance, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Galileo Lodg and New South rd., Hicksville. Refreshments e Youth Activities e Drug Awareness Levittown Pkwy. Hicksville. Admission: #8 served. oe Everyone welcome. For information call Prepare, supervise and conduct programs for the YOUTH OF OUR COMMUNITY, ¢ Hicksville Fire District Board of Fire 822-399 (suc as teenagers of the month and year, both bo and girls.) Commissioners meeting, 7:30 p.m. in the e Government Relations ¢ Projects Community board room at E. Marie St. Firehouse. Sunday, November 13 e e Inter Activities Veterans’ Programs © Lodge Wednesday, November 9 Congregation Shaarei Zedek Bazaar, 11 e e Shoot Projects (CP) a.m. to p.m. at Old Rd and New Hoop Major © Plainview/Hicksville Unit of the Country e Christmas Baskets For Families South Rd. Hicksville. Sponsore b the North Needy American Cancer Society trip to Atlantic Ci- Shore Nassau Region, Women’s American e Elks National Foundation at the Resorts International. Express bus ty ORT. leaves Moprton Villag Shoppin Center — The Highest’’ “Charity (Re plac location) at 9:30 a.m. Fee: #22. Virtue of Every Elk Recei #1 in coins, plu #1 in a deferred ¢ The Career Counselor will be at the coupon. For information call 433-4204. Hicksville Public Librar for self-assessment, HICKS LOD #1931 433-383 or 931-931 and hunting For infor- © Sagamor Life Member Club, Telephon resume help job ides. call A FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION Pioneers of America, Paumanok Chapte ex- mation/appointment 931-1417. —_atof+a_|||

Hicksville Blusterated News - Hicksville, New Bork - Thursday, November 3, 1988 Page-1 ican lew, 679 yard EDITORIAL A N D ool.

8to itch, KCL : 7 0 ae

, SME Euler call , \N \908 GOSH ALL ...Have yo noticed, as you ride around, looking all of the new houses an AVTOMOBILE EISEMO at all of the renovations, that the seem to have one common factor—andit'sa WERE STILL RAR one—and it& skylights...Ju little while back, I don’t remember seeing any house BU BECAUSE OF EARLY or apartments with skylight and now, everyone who& doin somethi the i CASES OF RECKLE DRIVIN building line has found how glamoro they are...They brin the sk and the NASS COUNTY BEGAN TO IWACT TRAFFI ORDINANCE / looking at the nigh sk chang color, as the moon rises and comes right over’

| skylight— th stars twinkle just for you, as you muse about the dajust \T DIDN TAKE LONG FOR Lil&# ROAD “To BECOM CONJESTED. LOGICA PATH FOR A NEW ROAD EXISTED WITHTHE RIGH OF homes, both new and old...I especiall like the small- windows, which have WA OF TH PIPELIN THAT USE TO CARR asemi-circular top with one or another of the historical design traced on itss WATER TO FROMTH RESERVOI NYC: ALON THE face b the wooden molding... put one over the sink in my old kitchen

Soul - SHOR \W ASSEMBLE “THO MANKI seems as if the whole kitchen has become more glamorou and even larg LE THE WAN FORA WY.ST NASSA PARINERSIN FOR THE the there are all of the companies which are now installing “replacem wi dows”...It’s a idea because we all have windows which are CONSTRUCTIO CF A HIGAWAY ALONOTIHI ROUTE -«- grea old impos: to open and un-insulated— I never remember people replacing windoy NAME I ORIGINALL THE Yoweve SINC LON ISLAND WAS “THE Bana the old day (whic were only a short time ago)... all just suffered an: \WA TO GE THE RATHER PROMOTE AS- SSANIRI HOMELAN THE ourselves that we didn’t need to open that stuck window...And one execu UNROMANT SODNDIN New ROA ; office I visited recentl had installed floor-to- palladia windows (t neet “PIPELIN with the round top) with beveled, leade glas in black walnut frames and It BODLEVA the are the most glamoro I' ever seen! tthe Anton Community Newspapers 11 raker 22 Ge Post meet outh Gulotta Bond Act VOTING AND ECONOMICS Suppor Transportati In last week’s column we discussed the - zens deficit problem and ho itis tied to the and President whom we elect. nited Nassau Executive gressmen We mad the point that these peopl are trusted County Thomas 5 million, which translates into 2 percent of those whoielect them to solve the that the cannot the defi and Gulotta announced his b problem people solve; toda support for the the total budget i bein one of them. Yet, few of us elect these people. n call implementation of the 198 Transportation In situation has evolved where the have Bond Act. our country a slowly people takenthems Gulotta urges all residents to con- In Nassau County will be alone, there out of the We have voting. As a sider lending for this process. stopped resul our nce,” their support proposal several improvements on highways and elected electe . representatives are by smaller * being an which will be on the New York State Ballot including the and Lane, bridges, repair expansion smalle This is a very great dange tothe country. November 8th. of the Islan the Southern ek. Long Expressway, Th framers erof the constitution be ri may proven 3 Act State and the Northern State If the Bond ispasse Parkway see did not trust the the senators siness Transportation they people. Originally, the York State Also, there will be a rehabilita- $3billio will be utilized by New Parkwa majo of this country were selected by th state legislator by Aercy for overall tionon ten Nassau County Department of Transportation bridges, includin direct vote as we now hav it. That was a measure their ii for the bridge over Seaman Neck Creek the transportation improvements, specifical on tremendous distrust. Why do you think that the el Fair has Wantagh State and the over state highway and bridges Longisland Parkwa bridge college is set up the way that it is The reason is th & Al! of Creek on the bee guaranteed a regional allocation 690 Long Loop Parkway forefathers did not want the larger Eastern section country to overwhelm the smaller southern states a new western states. As it is turning out in this country need have worried. - Publisher’s Endorsement Dr. Joseph P. Frey not ce for As percentage, it is estimated that a little more th nts of percent of our eligible voters will vote. That means that fewer than 30 percen o} a United States Senator is one of the most important jobs in the -arlin Being voters will elect our next President. MORE IMPORTANT, this small number will who would serve in this most must orma- world. Those prestigious body bring our local CONGRESSIONAL and representatives STAT : qualification of the highes order. That contrasts with a vote of about go percent in Germany, 8 percent in Fran 80 in remember what whena Englan The happensto country minority € from Here in New Yor State, we are currentl very fortunate in havin two percent th rulers. History is full of lessons for us. Germany in 193 ended up with a chan ‘tions outstanding Daniel Patrick Moyniha a senator for twelve years, o candidates who had received less than a majorit of votes. The ancient Greeks used the vate to /mor- is aname known all over the nation. via the “ostracan,” the blackball. The ancient Romans had many spectacula ev. sville to have Robert McMillan, a candidate who the coliseum put on by the candidates for office. The greater the spectacula th But how luck we are (Bob mc votes the candidates received. (The got it back after they go into office, especiall if believes in the two party system—a man who is so well qualifie that he *neral the handled money) It corrupted their system. Our not voting will corrupt o would make an outstanding to his state. and nation; wh is ~ t the contributio Th very fact that Congre stayed in session for so lon ina year of reelection (toabout incumbent— th dway willing to accept the challen to run against a well-known three weeks before th election) is an indication (to me of their arrogance towar We have become so disinterested in the and so few vote, they know Bob McMillan, a man whose experience in the nation and in privat life population. process, that they will be reelected. ard of hav the fine judgment to meet the challeng that face the Senate provided Th figures bear this out. Of those.representative who stand for reelection, 9 per- csville for fast world. in their deliberations our pace cent willbe reeelected. The have tight minorities and well organize political machine le. Because I know and admire and appla the things that Robert McMillan that get out their vote. Mm, at In Nassau, Suffolk and in NYC, examine the local election returns. First, look the will work for in the Senate, I hereb enuorse his candidac and urge our sville. percentag of peopl reelected to the Congress the State Assembl and Senat readers to vote for him. figure wi be about 100 percent for the federal seats and about 95 percent to th V. Anton, : _—Karl Jr. offices. Then, look at the percentage of voters. Publisher Th reason that we have free education in this country is to TRAIN knowledgeabl


Keep Christ in Christmas fee and cake will be served. We have prepare everythin for a suc- Polish Night Dance cessful drive to Keep Christ in Christmas for Polish Ni will be held Saturda Nov. 19. 198 Now we need our members help in Music will b provide by The Ableman, a making it a complete success. We need you polis band. Also, repeat performan by the to distribute posters and flyers. We need you Hayn Dancers from Riverhead. Ope bar. to hel install our billboards around town. Th finest polis food. For information call Pleas call any of the:followin men if you chairman Stan Macner at 935-7059 are interested in helping us: Joh Harty Hats off the the 935-3291, Bill Henne Sr, 433-617 George Squires Frank On Columbus Day, Oct. 10, the Squires and Maguire, 935-1855, Gariboldi, 242-1874 © raised’ Tony Previte, 735-246 Bill Bennett, 681-31 Counsellors of St: Ignatius Circle 547, Vincent Murphy 931-678 and Charles Mon- and lowered the flag on Broadway in Hicksville. This isthe ninth that tana, .938-360 straight year have don this. AMONTE CARLO crashed into a home on the corner of Newbridge Road and Flamingo Open House the Squire Road at about 6:30 p.m. last Friday. There were no occupants in the home at the time of ambulance. There We will be holdin our open house Nov. The Squires are plannin a very the accident. The driver was transported tothe hospital by police were Christ bu noother in the car, As of Precinct had no further details. 15 It will be our kickoff to our Keep year—camping trips, ammusement par passengers Monday, Eight police (ilustratéd should be an ex- Photo) in Christmas Campaign It trips, visits to historic sites and of course their ceptional evening. Several community annual dance. However, the Squires need leaders have been invited to attend our holi- Our Circle is in need of members. your help. Send the information in unifications. 1 the to the da If you know any young man between age Surpri Someon on His or and have them contact Mike Hicksville Mu News Our guest spea at the open hous will of 12 8, pleas at H or Rev. Kenneth Associate State at 681-299 or Bill McGoug Birthda Anniversa an welll it. b Murphy, Galga prin .. free of char Chapli for the New York State Council. Cof- 731-844 re DISPOSABLE LENS STUDY COMPREHENSIVE PAIN THERAPY Professional Evaluation of Pain WANTED: @ ¢ Low back pain NEEDED FOR CLINICAL STUDY ¢ THOMAS M.D. PARTICIPANTS Neck and upper back pain SZULC, SOFT LENS WEARER Pain Center MUST BE CURRENT OR PREVIOUS °¢ Common headaches Director, Therapy

Central General . © Post traumatic Hospital PATIENTS WHO WILL RECEIVE pain QUALIFY Diplomate American Board of Anesthesiology: ¢ Cancer pain Member of the International Association for the Study aof Paii . : | ¢ ONE MONTH’S FREE LENSES Reflex sympathetic dystrophy . ° Previously Unsuccessful Wearers:- May Algo, Apply. Neuralgia © + . Postherpetie Limited Study Size. Please call for more in rmation. neuralgia (Shingles) ° Muscle Pain DR. LOWELL GLATT DR. SEBASTIAN POLIZZI and Joint OPTOMETRIST OPTOMETRIST 146A MANETTO HILL RD., SUITE 101. 32 Salem Rd., Hicksville 93 Jackson Ave., Syosset PLAINVIEW, 931-1133 ~ 921-3580 931-3177 *

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Monday-Friday 9 to 9, Saturday 9-6, Closed Sunday Our people make: the difference +

mtd Gdns De ROSEN + 1988 Ages, Enea, Prout. ———— Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New York - Thursday, November 3, 1988 Page-13


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1988 - Page-1 - New November Al SuckBUIIe Silustraten ew. Sicksutlle, Pork Chursday, 3 . ORDIN. Hicksville. The large portion of our com- Club. munity is represented in Albany b Mammogr Testin BEI Hicksville Republican Assemblyman Frederick Parola. Town of Due to the larg number of responses New Yo1 Assembly Parola hold the leadership Joseph Jablonsky Robert Kluck the Women’s Outreach Center has receiv- of Oyste of Whip in the Assembl amende President position Minority for November Executive Leader ed mammograp testing, suance | as wellas leade of the Nassau County delega- has been adde as an additional Chapter By Marc Herbst the 21, da tion. Assembly Dan Frisa represents and add tha their van will visit the Hicksville school district north of Bethpag Road and west of DELI van -district. The mammograp testing or deniz the L.LR.R. Frisa, wh faces a GOP. Rally Night on Monday Lent, dean of the Long Island Congression Assemblym will be behin the ADD the in parke Administrati Caucus, is seeking tenth term in the House toug challeng is onl Assemblym denial, 1 The tradition continues. O the evening his Buildin on Divison Avenue. For an ap- County earn the endorsement of quire f before Election the Hicksville of Representatives Nassau to for further Day Republic th pointment, or information, DEL] Hicksville has three in the the New York Times. Josep Covello, At- “Club will hold its Annual at representatives Women’s Outreach Network, ADD: Rally Night Town Zoning contact: the of the com- tomney for the Oyster Ba Board Up “Antun’s, Old Road, Hicksville. New Yor Senate; majority Inc, P.O. Box NY 11782 244 Country the incumbent 174, Sayville polic 1 is Senator of Appeal is challengin Hicksville remains one of the few com- munity represente b Ralph suant tc of South 589-552 will become the Democrat for th district northwest the lice that continues to hold a “Election Marino. Senator Marino munities Road and Road. Mr. Clerk s&# Senate Leade in January, one of the Oyster Ba Woodbury Eve” rally. Majority chauffe York Covello was Associate Lead Counsel in the The unlimited three most powerful positions in New to drive membership provide an case. The current Ma- landmark “Agent Orange “Hunt Harvest’. In Seaso perienc covered dish buffet for all members of State government. Deputy open | and driv Leader, Senator Joh Dunne, represents the community who wish to be part of the jority Judg Jerome Medowar currently serves be deni the Hicksville Gardens Community, east of At Carlin Hotel ADD campaig spirit. The affair will b held on onthe Distict Court bench. H is seekin the Roy Mike the November between and 10 New South Road Senator Tully Monda 7, p.m. position of Famil Court Judge. Lon Island’s luxurious and centrally under t! former Supervisor of the Town of North The G.O.P. candidate for U.S. Senate is at- located Carlin Hotel will celebrate the may rey third in the Councilman Kenneth S Diamond has serv- Royc Robert McMillan. Bo is his Hempstea is seekin his term notice a: tomey running autumn season witha speci “Hunt Harvest” sixth senatorial district. The district includes ed 1 years on the Oyster Ba Town Board. ()Fre statewide campaign from his Hicksville head- room, Edouard’s, contain Councilman Diamond offers his candidac menuinits gourmet dining South the southwest corner of Hicksville. (2 quarters on Broadwa from October 24 throug November 5. Like the Senate, the New York State for District Court Judg The 4t Congression District choice is Executive Che John Erickson will tempt Assemb ha thre officials representing Representativ Norman Lent. Congressman heart appetites b preparing an exotic ar- applica of fresh and fowl entrees noted for ray gam otherw: th fall season, including Venison Wellingto bAc Medallions of Wild Boar, Panache of Wild transpo amphet FRIENDS ACADEMY Rib and Breast of Pheasant. Birds Buffalo Ey anampl is located at olds through High School The Roy Carlin Hotel 59 ¢. O Three-year ofalcoh Broad Hollow Road on-Route 110, one mile Cordially Invites You and Your Family mulatio south of the Long Island Expressway in narcoti To Attend Melville.

A Presentation Designed ‘To: island —inform. parents of the philosophy and structure of the school —meet the members of the administration and faculty telephone —tour the school buildings and campus answering —chat with our student representatives —learn about the procedures for admissions service, inc. WEIls 5-4444 Date: Sunday, November 6, 1988 main ofrice

Time: Presentation at 2:00 p.m. FULL * PART TIME * VACATION HOURLY OR MESSAGE RATE Place: Leonhardt-Cassullo Commons \ Building aS Friends Academy, Duck Pond Road National Westminster Bank USA Building

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Prices from $175,000 to $250,000 Sit Premiums Have Been Waived For # Directions: Long Island Expresswa to Exit 73. This Spec Sal PON East on Route 58 (Route 25 4 miles to Forest First-Come, FirstServed Hurry! ESTATES Drive and furnished models. f Open Daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. MODE PHONE: 516-727-5111 Another Luxury Community by the Evergreen Organization OFFICE PHONE: 516-727-0500 __a

Hicksville Iustrated News - Hicksville, New Bork - Thursday, Nowember 3, 1988 Page-15

and located at the northwest uf AMENDMENTS TO THE lying corner . CODE OF These amendments shall take effect AMENDMENTS TO THE CODE OF fy Avenueand tate ar neert nas ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF OYSTER BAY ORDINANCES OF THE TOW OF OYSTER BAY immediately. 400 Duffy Avenue,Want Hicksville, New nd CHAPTER 22 CHAPTER 22 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD Tax designated on the Nassau County Land a VEHICLES FOR HIRE VEHICLES FOR HIRE OF THE TOWN OF OYSTER BAY he Map as Section 11, Block 326, Lot 20 BE IT ORDAINED, by the Town Board of the BE IT ORDAINED, by the Town Board of the Angelo Delligatti abovementioned and | map which ac Town of of Nassau, Town of of Nassau, State of Oyster of Supervisor ‘ Bay, County State Oyster’Bay, County panie it are on filepeesand may be viewed dail (ex- Ne York, that the Cod of Ordinancesof the Town Ne York, that the Co of Ordinances of the Town Carl L. Marcellino cept Saturday, Sunday or Holiday betwee the of Oyster Bay, New York, be and thesame is of New York, be and thesame is n Clerk hereby Oyster Bay, heréby hours of 9a.m. and 4:45 p.m., prevailing tim amended by deleting the entire Section 22-143, “Is- amended by deleting the entire Section 22-40, “Is- Date: Oyster Bay, New York office of the Town Clerk at Oyster suance or denial of license; require findings” of suance of driver' license” of Chapter 22, “Vehicles October 25, 1988 Massapequa. Any ane unter sea it “Vehicles For Hire” Fo Hire” inits current form and new Sec- STATE OF NEW YORK, Chapte 22, initscurrent form adding matter of the said pershearin will be given an oppor and adding a new tion as follows: COUNTY OF NASSAU,STATE OF NEW YORK, Section 22-40, as follows: 22-40, tunity to be heard with reference the: it the DELETE: The title to Section 22-143, “Issuance DELETE: The title to Section 22-40, “Issuance COUNTY OF NASSAU, gss: time and place above designated. TOWN. or denial of license, required findings.” or denial of license, required findings.” TOWN OF OYSTER BAY OF TOWN OF OYSTER BAY. ANGELO A. ADD: Ne title to Section 22-143, “Issuance, ADD: New title to Section 22-40, “Issuance, I, CARL L. MARCELLINO Town Clerk of the DELLIGATTI, Supervisor, CARL L. Townof andcustodian of the Records denial, revocation and suspension of license; re- denial, revocation and suspension of license; re- Oyster Bay, MARCELLINO, Town Clerk. Dated: findings.” of said DO HEREBY CERTIFY thatI have Septemb quired findings” quired Town, 20, 1988, Oyster Bay, New York. ‘ the annexed with the Amend- DELETE: Section 22-143 and in its place DELETE: Section 22-40 and in its plac compared original id BBAT H4315-HICKS ADD: 22-40 ments to the Code of Ordinances of the Town of ADD: New Sectio 22-4 (a) to read as follows: New,Section (a) to read as follows: faJU the receipt of the report of the county (a)Upon the completion of the investigation pro- Oyster Bay adopted by the Town Boardofthe Town NOTICE TO pon BIDDER _ of October 1988. police investigatio of the applicant made pur- vided fo in this article, the Town Clerk shall issue Oyster Bay on 26, (Chapter 22, “VEHICLES FOR HIRE&q filed in suant to this division, the Town Clerk shall issue atow car driver license tothe applicantifheshall Section 22-40). The Board of Education of Hicksville Union Free the license sought to the applicant if the Town find that the applicant holds a New York State the Town Clerk&# Office and that the sameisatrue School District of the Town of Oyster Bay, Nassau thereof, and of the whole of such 103 Clerk shall find that the applican holds a state Operator&# License and is a qualified person to transcript County, New York (in accordance with Section original. = chauffeur’s license and is a fit and proper person drive a.tow car considering his experience, of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law) criminal In Testimony Whereof, [have hereunto signed bids to drive such a vehicle considering his age, ex- and driving records and character; other- my hereby invites the submission of sealed on perience, police and accident records, character wise, such application shall be denied. name andaffixed the seal of said Town this 26th day and otherwise the ADD: New Section 22-40 (b) to read a follows: of October, 1988 driving ability; application shall 5 be denied. {b The Town Clerk shall not issue any license (SEAL) until 2:00 p.m. on the 10th day of Novemt ADD: New Section 22-143 (b) to read a follows: under this chapter, or having issued such license, Carl L. Marcellino in the Purchasing Office at the Admin: b The Town Clerk shall not issue any license may revoke or suspend the same after written Town Cler&# Building on Division Avenue at 6th 11-3-88-1T-#4316-HICKS p under this chapter, or having issued such license, notice and a hearing for any ofthe following causes: Hicksville, New York, at which time and may revoke or suspend the same after written (1)Fraud, misrepresentation or false statement bids will be publicly opened PUBLIC HEARING notice and hearing for any of the following causes: contained in the application for license. Specifications and bid form may be obtained at NOTICE is hereby given, to law, that (1)Fraud, misrepresentation or false statement (2).Any violation of this chapter. the Purchasing Office, Administration Building, a public hearing will be held persub the Town Board of contained in the application for license. (3) Conviction of any crime or misdeameanor Division Avenue at 6th Street, Hicksville New involvin the Town of Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New York, York. (2) Any violation of this chapter. ; on Tuesday, November 15, 1988, at 10 oclock a.m., (3) Conviction of crime or misdeameanor a. A felony involving the use ofa vehicle by the The Board of Education reserves the ri any revailing time in the Hearing Room, Town Hall, applicant within the last three(3) years, except as ject all bids and to award the contract toot) Ea Building, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New involvia. A felony involving the use of a vehicle by the otherwise specifically hereinafter provided. the lowest bidder for any reasondeemedin t! b. Acrime the York, for the purpose of considering anapplication interest of the District. bid submitted be applicant within the last three (3) years, except as involving manufacture, knowing Any will for a special use permit to the Buildin otherwise specifically hereinafter provided. transportation, possession, sale or habitual use of pursuant binding for ninety (90) days subsequen to the date Zone Ordina of the Town of Oyster Bay as 5 b. Acrime involving the manufacture, knowing amphetamines, a narcotic drug, a formulation of of bid opening.

follows: PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT: f sale or habitual use of anamphetamine, or aderivative of a narcoticdrug. Dated Oct. 27, 1988 transportation, possession, Petition of SCAPPY AUTO BODY ASSOCIATES, c. vehicle while under theinfluence BOARD OF amphetamines, a narcotic drug, a formulation of Operating EDUCATION narcotic for- INC.,and JERRY SPIEGEL fora special use pe HICKSVILLE FREE anamphetamine, or a derivative of a narcoticdrug. ofalcohol, anamphetamine,a drug a UNION of mit at#400 Duffy Avenue, Hicksville, New Yorkon SCHOOL c. Operatinga vehicle while under the influence mulation an amphetamine, or a derivative of a DISTRICT the described ALL that cer- 5 of narcotic for- narcotic drug. following premises: Town of Oyster Bay, Nassau County alcohol, anamphetamine, drug, of land with the d. the of accident. tain piece or parcel buildings Yor! mulation of an amphetamine, or a derivative ofa Leaving scene an plot Ne : and improvements thereon erected situated and narcotic drug. e. A crime against or involving children. Marie Egan,. Purchasing Agent a

_ d. Leaving the scene of an accident. ae ee 11-3-88-1T-#4314- e. A crime against or involving children. These amendments shall take effect immediately. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Angel Delligatti Supervisor Carl L. Marcellino Town Clerk Date: Oyster Bay, New York

O c r 25, 2 198: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU, S8.: TOWN OF OYSTER BAY- I, Carl L. Marcellino, Town Clerk of the Town of Oyster Bay, and custodian of the Records of said Town, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have com- - pared the annexed with the original Amendments Holiday tothe Code of Ordinances ofthe Town of Oyster Bay Club adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Oyster “VEHICLES Bay on October 25, 1988.(Chapter 22, Bonus FOR HIRE,’ Section 22-143). filed in the Town Clerk Office and that the sameisa true transcript thereof,and of the whole of such From In Testimony Whereof,originI have hereunto signed my name and affixed the seal of said Town this 26th da of October, 1988 Central (SEAL) arl LE Marcellino Federa Town Clerk _11-3-88-1T-#4317-HICKS Savings VEN theatres NN Easi Meadow MEADOWBROOK WANTAUGH PKY EatW 3 QUARTET 735 7562








HICKSVILLE TWIN CINEMA € MARIE $T_931 0749 pca3GLARA’S HEART Receive a “Sterlingcraft” serving tray, R HALLOWEEN 4

MANHASSET TRIPLEX oy 430 PLANOOME RO_627 7887 just for the opening! eS pc THINGS CHANG ad THE ACCUSED R It& eas It& rewarding. Just open an interest-bearing of $10 a week R GOOD MOTHER ° Holiday Club Account with a minimum deposit fo Federal branch and receive SYOSSET TRIPLEX twelve months at any Central Savings JERICHO TURNPIKE 364 0700 : your gift— FREE! Er GROSSING pc DELAN With its lustrous silver finish, this elegan tray-will be the table. So ends ec THINGS CHANGE perfect complement to your holiday hurry—offer November 15, 1988. e ALL AMERICANoo:sy toda call Stop into any Central Federal Savings branch or Syosset UA CINEMA or 1-516-584-8042. JERICHO TURNPIKE 931 5810 1-800-332-CASH PUNCH LINE OCLBY STEREO Cental PS ae dh Le BRUSH HOLLOW RO N STATE PKY fast 3a More for you money. © Federal pol RATTLE AND HUM That&# the Central idea ~ a THEY LIVE $100,000 2 Equal Opportunity Lender. Member FSLIC. All savings insured up to ® HALLOWE IV


- November 3, 1988 Page- Hicksville Jilustrated News - Hicksville, New Qork Thursday.

B Ever iliary Democ student more in Comdr. tant, P: THE MELENDEZ &a Vitiello, FAMILY we are S 2s * Hicksvil INVITES YOU : Tide Restaurant High our Jou TO _DO JUA SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOOD, STEAKS, AND A be mad Westbury, N.Y. OPEN FOR LUNCH/DINNER VARIETY OF SAUTEED SPECIALTIES IN A verif tk 333-1020 321 VE - CONTEMPORARY SURROUNDING Th Be per I.D. OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER the Cor | HAPPY HOUR Mex Restaura MONDAY THRU SUNDAY OnN Authe SUNDAY BRUNCH 11:30-3: War Ve old. DAILY LUNCH AND DINNER SPECIAL We Nort o th see WV Bor a CATERING FACILITIE FOR THAT from gr SPECIAL OCCASION ARE AVAILABLE rades re IN OUR GARDEN ROOM. upareE EL ZORRO the mai Center Opp. South Gate Shop. 140 TPKE. Massapequa Park JERICHO Sche SYOSSET, N.Y..11791 shap 1 (516 921-8110


DON JUAN 255 South Broadway ROCKWELLS Hicksville NY CELEBRATE CAFE OPEN FOR LUNCH/DINNER 932-5230 GRAND OPENING EXTRAVAGANZA OPEN 7 DAYS Mon.-Thurs. 11:30-10 PM, Nov. 20 from p.m.- p.m. © Nov. 2 from p.m.-l] p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11:30-11 PM, Sun. 2-10 PM FREE BUFFET win: 2

TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE - Band MAJOR CREDIT CARDS “KEEPSAKE’*-Long Island’s Top Wedding Welcome! 7... Everyone UNWIND !!

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Your host Eduard invites you to enjoy their excellent & specials and to choose from a selection of fine Italian wines.

When the sun rises Ona Sunday morning, nature seems to celebrate the beginning of a bright new week and a beautiful new day. Captain Bill invites vou to celebrate the day in a way that will inspire all vour senses. excelle service in a Drink in the atmosphere and feast on the delightful brunch at Captain Fin Italian food, cozy, Bill’s next Sunday. Brunch ts fully served and includes favorites such as comfortable atmosphere best describes IL Classico Flounder Meuniere, Eggs Benedict, Belgian Waffles and more! Start your meal with a complimentary Bloody Mary or Mimosa followed by your choice of appetizer, entree und dessert accompanied by freshly baked ‘'Gen is the word that best describes

; ‘ muffins, coffee, tea or fresh-brewed decaf..all . oI “JOANNE STARKEY NEW YORK TIMES for $IL95. See you Sunday? IL ClassICo... Our Specials Reservations Brunch Served include a 198-8496 from 12-3 efipicte of LL vaniety choices: Bill’s IE Captain ites PASTA ¢ VEAL CHICKEN e SEAFOO: SOUPS «SALADS L Inn & (Commodore APPETIZERS 4857 Merrick Road (ample parking in rear), Park 122 OCEAN AVENUE e BAY SHORE « 665-3677 Massagequa Citybe

Ist ne DEE sma Konak 1 ew

Hicksville IustratedD News - Hicksville, New Pork - Thursday, November 3, 1988 Page-1 Pw William Gou Jr. Pos 321 New Dance with music b “Keieg D,J”. Donation VF is # per person. wedding By P.P.C. Carmine A. Somma iliar will hold the traditional Veteran Day Happy 44t anniversary to Nan- Police and Dominick on and Rep Service at the Hicksville Middle School at cy Giacopell Sept Every year our Post and the Ladies Aux- | November Happy 42nd.weddin to Jean and Ernie iliary sponsor the annual “Voice of 10:30 a.m. Friday 11. Simuro o Sept. 28. Happy 47t Weddin An- Democracy Scholarshi Program for all State Senator Michael J. Tull Jr. (R- The Second Precinct has reported Chairman of the Senate Veterans niversar to Frances and Comdr. Vincent Fer- students in the Hicksville Schoo District. For Heights the following: et rara on Oct, 18, Also to Committee, announced the Happy Birthda * October 22- Assorted were more information call the chairman, Jr. Vice recentl passage clothes Frances Ferrara on October 14. 39t of a bill (S,5591 that would create a specia Happy the of a Comadr. Pierre Gasq at 933-214 or his assis- stole during burglar clothin New Yor State license for of Birthda to Georg the Greek. 2 tant, Past Auxiliary President Carmela plate recipients store on Old Country Road. the Purpl Heart Medal. Individuals who Vitiello, at 935-35 From October to Januar *Qctober 23- A house on Richard hav received the Purpl Heart were wound- we are the onl V.FW. Organization in Financial Aid Avenue was burglarized The loss includ- e in action against enemies of the United Colle Hicksville area tha will be soliciting ads for ed a stereo system, a jewelry box and States of America. Tully stated “The issuance : our Journal Ad by letter. No phon call will Th Hicksville Public Librar is offering a assorted jewelty. of distinctive to these deserving be made. Our members have I.D. cards to plate in- program for college- students and their dividuals demonstrates our national for verif the belon the Wm. M. Gouse Jr. Post prid parents, Thursda November 10, at 7:30 p.m. their heroi action in preservin the Constitu- Charlotte Kania will about the 321 V.FW. If the cannot produ the pro- spea pro- Attention Crafter tion and our Liberty.’ forms and various pe I.D. call the V.FW, Hall at 932-78 or call cess of filling out properly Th distinctive plate bearin the words financial aid tha are available to The Bide-A-Wee Home in the Comdr. Vincent Ferrara at 935-60 sources of Association Heart” would be issued after On November 11, Korean War & Vietnam onl colleg students. Wantag is sponsoring a Holida Boutiqu proofaethat the applica had in fact received do for financial December Sell War Veterans Memorials will be two years Many families not apply Saturda 3. your crafts pain- the Purpl Heart Medal. Th license plates aid because think much wood Reserve old, We at the V.FW. Post 321 are happ to the the earn too tings carving etc your spac would carry an additional annual service see WW.I and WW. II Memorials are free money or have money in the bank. The fact NOW-#20. Donation pe table. Call Kathie char of fifteen dollars. Th bill goes to the have millions dollars available for information at from graffiti and vandalism. The two com- is, colleg of of Meyer 933-8671 where it is Assembl being sponsore by funds because are Allitems must hand rades responsibl for the war memorials clean unclaimed, people not displaye crafted ‘Assemblyman Michael J Bragman aware of how to about becoming This is nota flea market. If not up are Ed Kleniewski and Connie Steers, and go eligible you& a craf the maintenance crew from the Hicksville (D- . for them. person, please mark your calendarand come _ Every third of the month at the down Dec, from to School District who the area in Frida This progra is free and all are welcome on 3 10a.m. to p.m. pur- kee goo ‘ V.FW. Hall, 320 So, Broadw there isa Social attend. chase decorations shap The combined Veterans and its Aux- to speci holida and gifts.

A picture erfect way to save for the holidays

finish, this frame is an ideal way It’s time again to open a Holiday Club Account for lacquer quality to show off favorite photo. the upcoming year. To help you get started, your To. a Club Account, and for all Beacon Federal Savings Bank has an idea worth open Holiday and business banking needs, framing. your personal into of Beacon Federal’s many Long Starting Nov. 7, and while supplies last, you&# come any Island branch offices. We&# be happy to give you receive this beautiful 5” x 7” brass frame with the oval window when you choose Beacon to save complete picture. for the holidays. With its highly polished Cenbea

Hicksville = Baldwi S. Baldwin Bellport Rd. 169 Old Main Offic 835 Atlantic Ave. 112 South Country Country R 935-0522 2303 Grand Ave. (516) 225-2855 (516) 286-2800 (516)

5 (516) 223-2300 _

° , Oceanside g N. Baldwin Bellmore Garden = South © 2951 Beach SAVINGS BANK 1180 Grand Ave. 2080 Bellmore Ave. 339 Nassau Bivd. Long Rd FEDERA 678-4800 (516) 4485-5 (516) 785-0585 (516) 481-3900 (516) Member FSLIC. UPSTAT LOCATIONS: Beacon, Hyde Park, Kingston, Newburgh &a Poughkeepsie —


- 1988 Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New York Thursday, November 3, Bage-18 a&qu Hicksville Hig

Jerini Sue Abarno, Carl Anderson, Ra aneta Andrew Belis Jennif Benicke Jac Blazejewic Tit Ol Butt, Steven

Jurgensen Karyn Karrmann, Richard ma Christoph Kuzinsk Keith LaSpalu Gerar Maisonet, Ronald Mancuso, Lucinda Manolak

Samantha M Paul Niccolls, O’Connor Kelly s Pilot, TheresePin Pined Stell

Kim Stepha William Stiel Willia Tayl Sanj ‘Trevor Tranchina Carmine Vozzolo jon Webste Wood, Harry Zouros, Cher


—_— 7

Home Sirey.

Pi Mo

Nex at the! aftern THE FRESHMAN FLOAT was of a football Pictured are the three freshman giant player. on vel for (Left to Jennifer Lane, Leslie Diamond, Lazo. candidates princess. Right) Lucy da gi The Roster backir . Football ‘Varsity 1988 ture fr the Robert Allen Carl Andersen Bill Millis pi frame Phil Adam Augustow Angli Harr Panga lucite peragce Tom Cassata Ro Pilot~ anJ Cerini Ji Curle Robe avery be he! Scott D'Ami las Danowski Sean Tower David Dobrindt Donohue Brett Volo Ag George Filippone Michae Flemm non-n Goodrich Stephe Gourla Eugen InI Chris =~ Thomas Gra Hogan ; Budd Bryan s crafts Horvath Jaso Horan Chris Manager Danny Moscato - Richard Hutchinson Mike Irons Maria Paradis quires and n Gus Kefalas Jo Lecausi Naj Kirdah 1:30 tc THE JUNIOR FLOAT consisted of a house which landed on the Lawrence team players. Ron Lipson Jo Luparell Jennif Roone that said “The Wizard of Oz non-n Smoke came from the chimney. Students carried a sign Rya McCann Dougla McGee Jennife Dixon savs...Watch Out!! The Comets Will Drop a House on You.” Tab a

Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville. New Bork - Thursday, November 3, 1988 “Page-

“HICKSVILLE COMETS STORM The Tornadoes” was the theme of the senior float which: won first place. The float featured a tornado with arms, heads and legs sticking out as if Lawrence football players were being swooped up by a storm. During the judging, smoke came from the tornado.

Hicksvill Ban Aim Its Music in Rig Direction By Jim McCrann as they won the award for “Outstanding If you live near Hicksville Hig School, Drum Major.’ B exemplifying their en- chances are you have heard the sound of thusiasm and portraying the way the music music penetrating th crisp autumn air. This should bplayed, they were able to attain this music may seem almost nonsto and ona dai- prestigious award. Both Ran and Tricia said, l basis becaus it practical is. It isindicative “We love what we do,’ Thatis the basic reason of the enormous amount of work the why they do so well. Hicksville Hig Comets Marching Band is do- Thoug this was a promising performanc ing Their labor seems to be payin off as a it was far from perfect. According to Assis- dramatic improvement in the band E taken tant Band Director, Phil Grusenmeyer We pla since last year. As this season progresses, still havin some small problem with the so doe this ban according to Ban Direc- marching that affects the playin that wejust tor Jim McRoy,’ They& gon from bein a need to iron out.’ These proble will have very inexperienced, immature group to to be worked out if the band isto achieve Mr. becoming much more capable performers McRoy’s goal of scoring in the 70s. and players The band ha also improved their O Saturday, Nov. 5, at5are the Champion- _ competition scores by approximately 20 ships in Mineola’s, North Hempstea Town Pa Mr. McRoy and points “They&# achieving a greater degre Stadium. By that time, of success,” said Mr. McRoy Mr. Grusenmeyer hop to have the ban play During the Marchin Comets’ last com- ing at 100% of their capabilitie Mr. McRo petition at Sachem Hig School, they per- said that this can be achieved if every in- formed their usual show little better than dividual contributes all that they have. The usual. They opened their show with “New Drum Majors have more definitive aspira and World Firebird,’ a popular song for marching tions as they are aiming for Brentwood bands, Their middle number entitled,” In The Walt Whitman, two of Hicksville’s toughes

Stone,’ was widely enjoye b the audience; rivals. Rana Aranetta hopes that they can . this jazzy tune features syncopat rhythm reacha certain goal thatis, “To finall reach the and ac- alon with an upbea tempo. The Comets that point where they feel music and closed out their performan with “Olvidar;” tuall want to perfor for the audience the melodic beginni of this song is joine enjoy what they&# doing” The Drum Majors asked for is a b a percussio solo to its upswinging con- have also one more thing— ceie Because the ban played with more request which is asked for b the band as a excitement and enthusiasm, they were able whole; that is more support. A cheerin sec- band the to put on their best performan so far. The tion for the motivates performer achieved a score of 66 which place them se- to do even better. The performer willin turn, more en- cond in their division. This performanc was reward their supporters with a especiall sweet for Hicksville Drum Majors thusiastic performance All of these ingre- Rana Aranetta, Tricia Gerr and Kim Stepha dients are contributors to a band onthe rise.

J Homecoming Queen Candidates: (left toright) Stacie Ryan, Maria Paradiso, Sirey. Driver: Mr. George Philppone.

Picture and advance payment are necessary, Register at Framin the museum, or b mail, givin name, ad- dress, phone and age of child. Mor at Museum Grego The Gregory Museumt is located in the Heitz Place Courthouse, junction of Ba Next in th series of children’s workshop Avenue and East Barclay Street, Woodbury the Hicksville Museum will be an at Gregory Road 822-7505 afternoon of creating press flower pictures hman on velvet, suitable for framing— nice holi- 10. da gift for mother. dried flowers and The museum will suppl Fork Lane Ope House backing Participants are aske to bring a pic- Open House was recently held at Fork Lane ture fram or two if they want to complete . School. After a brief PTA meeting, th staff the project during the session. The best and the teachers were introduced to the frames f their use would b a 5x7 or 8x10 lucite “box” type availabl in local stores for parents. would also Parents were the invited to visit their a very modest price. A tweezer child’s Classroom This year’ events and work be helpful. were discussed. Most of the students left $8 for Ages and up. # for members and notes for their prou moms and dads. non-members. November 1:30 to p.m. Refreshments were served afterward, com- of Fork Lane PTA. In December, emphasi will again be on pliments crafts for gift- The musuem has ac- quire a quantity of lucite to be decorated and mad into usefu objects December 3, #8 Your Community Newspaper Is 1:30 to 3 ages and up, # members and non-members all supplie Delivered By Your Reliable including sixth class East Street © Letter-Carrier STUDENTS IN Mr. Hilsky’s grade at with di: awards for the month of Table spac is limited, so reservations September. \ 1988 - November 3, Hicksville Blustrated News - Hicksville, New York Thursday, Bage-18 Hicksville High


Sf 1988 Marching Comets Jetini Sue Abarno, Carl Anderson, Rana Aranet Andrew Beli Jennif Benicken, Jack Blazejewic Ti

Joh Christ, Bill Christofidis Kathleen Doyle, Carol s Richa Reiss Se

Color Guard


a —_ a

Home Sirey.

Pi Mo

Nex atthe! aftern was football Pictured are the three freshman THE FRESHMAN FLOAT of giant player. on vel (Left to Jennifer Leslie Diamond, Lazo. candidates for princess. Right) Lane, Lucy da gi The Football Roster backir Varsity 1988 ture fi the Carl Andersen Bill Millis Paul Niccolls pi frame 7 PenAngli Adam Augustow Passo -) - a Harry Panga lucite Ji Buonagur Tom Cassata Pilot Paul Poretsky Cerini Brian Neuman Shah a very . Ji Curle Robe Joh be he! Scott D'A Dougla Danowski Sean Tower Pau Viar David Dobrindt Ti Donohue Brett Volo Agi George Filippon Micha Flemm Head Coach: Ron Quattrini non-n Eugen Goodrich Stephe Gourla Asst. Coaches: Larr Graziose Chris In! Thomas : Gra Hogan crafts Jaso Horan Chris Horvath Manager Danny Moscato Richard Hutchinson Mike Irons Maria Paradiso quire andn Gu Kefalas Jo Lecausi Naj Kirdah - 1:30 Ut THE JUNIOR FLOAT consisted of a house which landed on the Lawrence team players. Ron Lipson Jo Luparell Jennif Roone carried that said “The Wizard of Oz Dixon non-r Smoke came from the chimaey. Students a sign Rya McCann Dougla McGee Jennife You.” says...Watch Out!! The Comets Will Drop a House on ; Tat 5a ROEPRSR A eSB SS

_ Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville. New York - Thursday, November 3, 1988 Page-19

“HICKSVILLE COMETS STORM The Tornadoes” was the theme of the senior float whic won first place. Th float featured a tornado with arms, heads and legs sticking out as if Lawrence football players were being swooped up by astorm. During the judging, smoke came from the tornado.

¢ Hicksville Ban Aims It Music in Rig Direc By Jim McCrann as the won the award for “Outstanding If you live near Hicksville Hig School Drum Major.” B exemplifying their en- chances are you have heard the sound of thusiasm and portraying the way the musi music penetrating the crisp autumn air. This should be played the were able to attain this music may seem almost nonstop and ona dai- prestigious award. Both Rana and Tricia said l basis becaus it practical is. It is indicative “We love what we do’’ Tha is the basicreason of the enormous amount of work the wh they do so well. Hicksville Hig Comets Marchin Ban is do- Thoug this was a promising performanc ing. Their labor seems to be paying off as a it was far from perfect Accordin to Assis- dramatic improvement in the band ha taken tant Ban Director, Phil Grusenmeye We& pla since last year. As this season progresses, still havin some small problem with the so doe this band, accordin to Ban Direc- marching that affects the playin tha we just tor Jim McRoy,’ They’ve gone from bein a need to iron out:’ These problem will have very inexperienced, immature group to to be worked out if the bandis to achiev Mr. becoming much more capable performers McRoy& of scoring in & band ha also their O go Nov. at are ne and players The improved Saturday, 5, Champion No ~ competition scores by approximately 20 ships in Minca Hempste Town oy points. “They’re achieving a greater degree Park Stadium. By that time, Mr and band of Success; said Mr. McRoy. Mr. Grusenmeyer hop to have the play During the Marchin Comets’ last com- ing at 100% of their capabilitie Mr. McRoy petition at Sachem Hig School, the per- said that this can be achieved if every in- formed their usual sho a little better than dividual contributes all that they have The usual. The opene their show with “New Drum Majors have more definitive aspira- for and World Firebird?’ a popula song for marchin tions as the are aiming Brentwood bands. Their middle number entitled,’ In The Walt Whitman, two of Hicksville’s toughes that can Stone? was widely enjoye b the audience; rivals. Rana Aranetta hop the this jazzy tune features syncopat rhythm reacha certain goa thatis, “To finall reac

« the and alon with an upbea tempo. The Comets that point where they feel music ac- closed out their performan with “Olvidar;” tually want to perfor forthe audience and the melodic beginnin of this song is joined enjoy what they& doing The Drum Majors is b a percussio solo to its upswinging con- hav also asked for one more thing— a clusion. Because the band playe with more request which is asked for b the ban as a

excitement and enthusiasm, they were able - whole; that ismore support..A cheerin sec- band the to put on their best performan so far. The tion for the motivates performer achieved.a score of 66 which place them se- to doeven better. The performer willin tur, cond in their division. This performance was reward their supporters with a more en- especiall sweet for Hicksville Drum Majors thusiastic performance All of these ingre- Rana Aranetta, Tricia Gerr and Kim Stepha dients are contributors to a band onthe rise.

J Homecoming Que Candidates: (left toright) Stacie Ryan, Maria Paradiso, Sirey. Driver: Mr. George Philppone.

and advance payment are necessary, Registe at Class Has Perfe t Attendance Picture Framin the museum, or by mail, givin name, ad- Sixth Grade dress phon and ag of child. - Mor at Museum Greg The Gregor Museum is located in the Heitz Place Courthouse, junction of Ba Nextin th series of children’s workshop Avenue and East Barclay Street, Woodbury the Hicksville Museum will be an mace! at Gregory Road 822-7505. afternoon of creating presse flower pictures hman o velvet, suitable for framing— nice holi- ‘0. da gift for mother. dried flowers and House The museum will suppl Fork Lane Ope aske to backin Participants are brin pic- Fork Lane Open House was recently held a frame or two if want to complet - ture they brief PTA th staff The best School. After a meeting, the project during the session. to the and the teachers were introduc frames for their use would be a 5x7 or 8x10 lucite “box” availabl in local stores for parents. type then invited to visit their would also Parents were a modest price. A tweezer very child’s classroom. This year’ events and work be helpful were discussed. Most of the students left and # for dads. Ages and up. # for members notes for their proud moms and non-members. November 5, 1:3 to p.m, Refreshments were served afterward, com- of Fork Lane PTA. In December, emphasi will again be on pliment crafts for gift- The musuem has ac- be decorated quire a quantit of lucite to and mad into useful objects December 3, members and #8 Your Community Newspaper Is 1:30 to 3 ages and up, # including Delivered By Your Reliable emomb all supplie sixth class at East Street School received perfe at- Letter-Carrier STUDENTS I Mr. Hilsky’s grade with d awards for the month of September. Table spac is limited, so reservations PearsEya][|

1588 HH - Nowember 3. Bage-2 Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New Bork Thursday, a make them will distribute the Christmas and of these homeless animals who aren& course! and a speci groomin to ta stocking a Pe Prog some of Spon welcome to can be taken and more Sponsor are pictures sponsor pet. luck enough to be celebrating the holida adoptabl are a time for hearts and own blankets, or and are welcome to give Christmas The holida open with a of their own. For a #20 brin in their treats, toys Sponsor ‘season famil the arms— not some love and of th little extra holida attention. present of their own t pet. open wh bring contribution, pet lovers can sponsor one give pet Bide-A-Wee If can be renewed after the For more information, please call holida cheer to a speci pet. these long- residents for the duration of This sponsorsh your have room in heart, but not in your will at $10 a month. nearest Bide-A-Wee. Shelters are located at you your the holiday season (11/15-1/1 They holidays Wh East NYC home, you can still love to a do or cat as wellas individuals are welcome 410 38t Street, (212/532-44 424 brin receive a certificate, a pictur of the pet the Group lunch: Pro- West Street, NYC throug Bide-A-Wee’s new Sponsor-A- th of the sponsor a are invited to come 53r (212/974-95 3300 choose, anda sign place on cage to pet. Sponso nam. the ‘ West or Avenue, Wantag N (516/325-020 coming holiday will to th 53r Beltag . gram durin pet naming the sponsor. This pet Wantag Westhampton willbe and 11 Old Road, NY is Bide-A- stuffed with East Street Shelters on December 17th Country Westhampto Sponsor-A- Progra way receive a Christmas stocking 38t tothe] when San- : to happine and holida to the of for Bide-A-Wee Christmas parties (516/325-02 hel brin cheer speci goodi (signed b sponsor, progra Ee Here’s What Long Island’s On Target Gift Certificates. Newsday Has Said About The Best to Put Your Way r Norm Lent Name in Front of a Customer. Congressman (Reprinted from Newsday, October 30, 1986) Every month, our ON TARGET “One ina Thousand”

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Elect Kenneth S. Diamond District Court Judge

Oyster Bay Town Councilman 15 years Former Legal Counsel to Senator Ralph J. Marino 1 years practicing attorney Recipient of UJA-Federation “Award of Honor” LARSEN

Honorary Board Member of Senior Day Care Center ‘ HOME IMPROVEMENTS EST. 1960 Recommended by Nassau County Women’s Bar Association Found qualified by Bar Association of Nassau County Endorsed by Nassau County Police Benevolent Association 115 NEWBRIDGE RD., HICKSVILLE, NY | e FINANCING AVAILABLE


Hicksville Blustrated News - Hicksville, New Bork - Thursday, November 3, 198 Bage-21 3 and pet. stmas Fre Do and Ca Foo Obituarie your ted at Michael Funer services were held the Who there’s no such thing free Mongelli und 3 says as a tha all these pets can chow down during the 424 lunc for Michael Mongelli, a resident of direction of Thomas F. Dalton pets? Ever Thursda from holida season. Bide-A-Wee shelter in Wan- Fun » 3300 Hicksville, on Oct. 11 at the 11a.m. to2 Bide-A Wee&# shelter passe away Home, Hicksville Chapel is located and . 0200), p.m. Wantag tag at 3300 Beltag Avenue, . of willbe age 95. — away free dr do and cat food seniors should remember to bring their own William Blittman yn, NY Pre-deceased his wife;. Theresa, Mr. tothe petgiviof area senior citizens. This containers, For further by speci information, pleas William Blittman, a mail is survived his carri will last December so call Bide-A-Wee at Mongelli b daughters program through 31, 516/785-40 on Oct. at the of was Frances, Marcella, Clara, Santa, Terry and away 24 age 31 a resident of Hicksville. Mary, his sons, Michael, Anthony and Mr. Blittman is suryived b parents, Leonard, 18 grandchildre and nine hi Mr. and great- Mrs. Mitche Blittman, his siste Ilene, Diana and Karen, a brother, S: A Mass of Christian Burial was said at and nieces nephews Contract Hol Famil R.C. Church on Oct. 14. Inter- 1 an ¢* ment followed at Pinelawn Memorial Park man’s Funeral Home on Oct. Interment ¢ Ste Beck under the direction of Thomas F. Dalton 25, Bridge at New Funeral Home, Hicksville Chapel follow Montifi Cemetery. Helen Fatula (Varilla) Contributi to the Americ Cancer Helen Fatula a resident of Hicksville, Society, Hodgekin Disease Resear Divi- How to Succeed Without Tryi passe away on Oct. 22. sion or your favorite charity, be Mrs. Fatula is survived: b her husband, wo her appreciated East dealer. East with the ace John daughter MaryEllen her son, dummy, going up Dew East-West vulnerable. and returning the king of hearts. Josep and nieces and nephews Josephine ee NORTH Declarer ruffed cashed his Josephin Ducas, a resident of low, king A Mass of Christian Burial was said at ee, a7 of spades, discarding the nine of on Oct. St. Ignatius R.C. Church on Oct, 24. Inter- passe away 25 9 A643 clubs from dummy, and ruffed his last Mrs, Ducas is survived her ment followed at Hol Rood Cemeter by Biep © AQI9OS spade in dummy. under the direction of Vernon C. William, her daughte Doroth Frederic &a AKI South then cashed the queen of Wagner Funeral her son, William, her Grace WEST EAST trumps and A-K of clubs, producing Home. a & QJ10862 AIMS this devastating setup: Frieda Felder to, two brothers, Frank and 995 V KQJ1072 North six Frieda Felder, a resident of Hicksville, grandchildren.

© 1083 = 9 64 pass away on Oct. 23. & I6 oh Q852 o 39 Miss Felder is survived’ he SOUTH West East b sisters, C. Wagner Funeral Home on O &K53 & QJ10 9 Q10 Anne Schultz, Martha Sher, Paul and Els Cremation services followed at W. 98 © 10 &a QB Petersen. Memorial Park. o K7642 South & 10743 OKT ~ The bidding: &a 107 East South West North Declarer now led dumm & jack of _ FLORAL PARK NEW HYDE PARK 2 ISTO PARK 19 Pass 1e&a Dble diamonds and poor East could not LEVITTOWN 2786 HEMPSTEAD 29 ATLANTIC AVENUE | 125 HILLSIDE AVENUE | 412 AVENUE 29 30° Pass 6° discard satisfactorily. He was faced wit TURNPIKE Opening lead — nine of hearts. with a devastating Hobson' choice. If Some of the best plays in bridge he discarded a heart, South would come about more by accident than by retain the lead in dummy, ruff a heart, THOMAS design. For a good example, consider and so win the rest of the tricks. © this deal where South, a plain, And if East instead discarded the ordinary, run-of-the-mill player, made eight of clubs on the jack of dia- the six diamonds by following a simple monds lead, South would achieve FUNERAL HOMES line of play that eventually led him to identical result by overtaking the jack with his and an extremely rare but highly effective of trumps king ruffing 47 JERUSA AVE. finale. the seven of clubs in dummy. East HICKSVILLE (AT WEST MARIE ST.) 931-0262 would fall on the trick He won the opening heart lead in queen of clubs declarer would once score dummy with the ace and played the and again out. the tricks. Either way, East ace of trumps, East showing remaining deceased Declarer then led a spade from was a pigeon.

/ The Chap of the Angels at Hicksvi




addition to its Plain Lawn Cemetery is pro to announce the most recent for more information - of beautiful mausoleum complex: 900 crypts only 112 in the Chapel Setnthi attac coupon o the Angels. PLAIN LAWN MAUSOLEUM jon-Sectarian) West Old Country Road CONSTRUCTION Hicksville, W.Y. 11801 Gentlemen: iS the IS NEAR COMPLETION Please send me more information about I Lawn Mausoleum without any obligation. es

mausoleum. Bu now in your community’ of mind. It is an investment in pea STREET ary STATE Small monthly payment with no interest charges. TELEPHONE NUMBER eolambarlu niches also available. EPISCOPALpeeveSRWERC§=-eezy.

1988 - November 3, Page-22 Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New York Thursday,

Jericho, 11753. Tel: 938-2540. Rabbi Our Lady of Mercy R.C. Church 500 South Oyster way, Routes 106/107, Steinhart, Cantor Israel Goldstein. Sabbath services Road; Hicksville, 11801. Tel: 931-4351. The Rev. Msgr. Stanley Men/ Sou by Bay meets at 10:45 a.m. Morn: The Rev. Charles A. Gartner, The Rev. at 9:00 a.m. Junior Congregation James E. Boesel, Pastor, Even- Mon-Fri at 7:30 a.m. Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Services William Donnelly, The Rev. John Fencik. Masses: Sundays in ing services Religious Sun-Thurs at 8:00 p.m. Friday candlelighting time, and 7:30 and Sundays services the Church-Saturday evening at 5:00 ing of Brazi Visi service on th first Friday Rotaria In the lower Sat sundown. Special Family at 7:30, 9:15, 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for Mass each month at 7:45 Affiliated with the United Synagogue church-8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Family p.m. 11:00 a.m. in the lower + of America. o the third Sunday of every month at Rotarians of the Rotary Club of church. at 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. ee ‘Church Liszt St. and Pollock P1. Hicksville. Weekdays LUTHERAN are Pastor. Services: Sunday mor- st. tins Lo; R.C. Chureh 129 Hicksville/ seekin outstandin Tel: 938-7134. Kevin J. Rawlins, South Rev. Frederick Harrer, Pastor. The of St. Stephen 270 Sunday hour at 7:00. Sun- Hicksville. Tel:931. . The The Lutheran Church men ning worship at 11:00. night gospel L. busines and professiona or Administrator, The Rev. Peter Liu and 11081. Tel: 931-0710. The Rev. Frank young schoo! for cradle through adult at 9:45 a.m. Wednes Rev. Edward Tarrant, Broadway, Hicksville, day ages 10:30 a.m. Holy The Rev. Robert J. Giuntini, Assoc. Pastors. Services: Pastor. Services: Sundays at 8 and women to visit Brazil in day evening prayer at 7:30. Nelson, (non- at Church School at 9:15 Weekend masses, Saturdays at 5 and 7:30 p.m. Sundays Communion at both services. Sunday CATBORIC March- 198 under the sponsors of 7:30, 8:45,.10 and 11:15 a.m. 12:30 and 6:00 p.m. Weekday Lutheran Church 17 New South Road, April Ave., Hicksville, 11801 7. Also 9 a.m. and Saturdays at 9 a.m. during Dr. Theodore S. of the Holy Church 5 Fordham masses at Hicksville, 11801. Tel: 938-8693. The Rev. the Group Stud Exchang Program Duvelsdorf, Pastor, The Rev. School at Tel: 935-1345. The Rev. Peter L August. Grant. Services: Sundays at 8 and 11 a.m. Sunday Foundation. Graziadio, Asst. Pastor. Masses: Sundays. in the at 8 p.m Rotary Domenick COMMUNITY 9:15 a.m. Bible Study on Thursdays 12:45 and 7:00 Chureh-7-30, 9:00, 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. Church 40W. Nicholai St., Hicksville, The strives to improv interna- and Church Stewart Ave. at Trinity Lutheran progra 10:00 a.m. Saturdays at 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. The Parkway Community the School at 931-2225. The Rev. Wayne Puls, Pastor. Services: Levittown Parkway, Hicksville, 11601. Tel: 938-1233/931-9055. 41801. Tel: tional understanding by enablin you peo- 5:00 and 7:30 p.m. at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 am. R. MacDonald. Services: Sundays at 9:30 Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. Sundays The Rev. Douglas the 9:30 a.m. Nursery Care at 9:30 a.m. for from different countries to learn from Schoo! and Infant Care at 9:30 and 11 a.m. ‘Sunday School at pl and 11 a.m. Church at 9:30 9:45 service. Ladies Bible Study on Wednesdays Midweek Bible Study on Wednesdays at 8:15 p.m. a.m. each other. The awards involve exchangin and 7:30 p.m. Se a.m. OUST of business and COSMO TIL & MARBLE INC. EPISCOPAL teams profession persons ee METHODIST Church 130 Ave., between 25-3 years of age for four to six-week Holy Trinity Episcopal Methodist Church Old Country Rd. and Nelson 931-1920. The Rev. Domenic K. Cian- United Hicksville, 118601. Tel: Rev. Richard visits. Ave., Hicksville, 11801, Tel: 931-2626. The Rector, The Rev. Anne E. Lyndall, Deacon. Services: Holy nella, at 8:00, 9:15 Communion Smeitzer, The Rev. Dale White. Services: Sundays members observe Communion on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. Holy While abroad, team of schoo! from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. The Bus Selection and Care and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Large on Sundays at 8 and 10 a.m. Sunday School Nursery month of the Church operates every Sunday to bring peo- their hosts’ way life as well as the na- service on the first Monday of each Ministry of stud ceramic tile, at 9:30 a.m. Healing service. ple to Sunday School or the 9:15 a.m. worship social and cultural marble. granite at 8 p.m tion’s economic, and marble slabs. ORTHODOX NON-DENOMINATIONAL characteristics throug travel and discussions Greek Orthodox Church 20 Field Ave., Ho Trinity 17 Place, Hicksville, districts. Team Services: The Church of Herzog within participatin Rotar Hicksville. Tel: 433-4522, Fr. George Stavropoulos. 822-6330. Harold Butler, Pastor. Walter Muench, Schoo! at 10 a.m. Divine 11801. Tel: have th to meet Installation Sunday Orthros at 9 a.m. Sunday School members also opportunity Available Asso. Pastor. Services: Sundays at 10.45 a.m. Sunday ! Liturgy at 10:15 a.m. 6:30 Home 9:30 a.m. meeting on Wednesdays at p.m. their eee at Prayer profession counterparts. JEWISH Bible Study Groups. For further information, contact: IRON WORKS, INC. | TERE Church of Christ 105 Broadway, Hicksville, 11801. Tel: FOREST Congregation Shaarei Zedek New South Rd. and Old 935-3855. The Rev. Tom Goodlet, Minister. Services: Sundays Frederick Meyer, President Hicksville, 11801. Tel;938-0420, 938-0422. Rabbi . Country Rd., Bible at 11:00 a.m, Bible School at 10:00 a.m. Study at 9 a.m. worship Melvin Sachs. Services: Saturdays at 7 “Critter Hicksville/ Rotar ‘on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. and Wednesdays p.m. Jewish Center Jerusalem Ave. and Maglie Hicksville County Club&q meets on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. PO, Box 43 Hicksville NLY. 11801 3 Elm Street Or., Hicksville, 11801. Tel: 931-9323. Rabbi Joseph Grossman. at 8:30. Saturday morning at 9:30 More than from some Services: Friday evenings PRESBYTERIAN 13,000 persons 150 Locust Valley and Wednesday 4:15 p.m. Primer THE¢ v Hebrew. School Monday at ee in the meets 474 Ave., Levit- countries have participate progra School meets on Mondays at 4:15 p.m. The Men Club First Presbyterian Church Wantagh Ser- Barry of each month at 8:30 p.m. Sisterhood 11756. Tel: 731-3808. The Rev. Robert A. Wieman. a cost of more on the 1st Wednesday town, since its inception in 196 at School at 10 a.m. Child Frank meets on.the 4th Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. vices: Sunday Worship and Sunday children. than 41 million dollars. (516) 671-4161 671-4229) Jericho Jewish Center (Conservative) North Broad: care for pre-school ting o

~ diye PPS ooo > ~ooool ole oo eo oo ror er Oe a v ¢ v to v VOTING: A GOD-GIVEN PRIVILEGE “Fine Dining Along with the presidential election this year, there comes a number of federal, state, county and local offices to be upon. Just stop and think what a privilege it is to be given the oppor- 4 with vote. There are na- 2s iposonoe tunity to voice your opinion for the candidate for each office your many REED tions in this world of ours this is not possible, or voting is just a charade. &g ) where y RESTAURANT With every privilege we have there comes a to that Our sibility Is to vote. Once the voting is done and the peopte’s choice has been given the authorit ot 58 LANDING RD. GLE COVE of his or her office, by God’s Word we are then subject to that authority, |.e.— 676-0400 676-9475 sim je must submit to the governing authori is no authority except that which tablished. Consequently, he who rebels st the aithority is rebelling against what DINNER SERVED WEDNESDAY THROUG want to =—— tablished, and those who do so will brin: on themselves. Do you Ne . SUNDAY 5-10 PM. SPECIALIZING IN STEAK, im fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For CHOPS, CHICKEN AND SEAFOOD. BLACKBOARD he is God' servant to do you good.’ ROMANS 13:1-4 N SPECIALS INCLUDING FRESH STEAMERS AND MUSSELS. If you don’t vote, you will have no right to complain about what the resulting consequences might be. So VOTE for your choices on Election Day. Want to know more about how God’s authority is given to man? We would be happy to share q Place His Word with you. Feel free to visit The Church at Hicksville, 17 Herzog or call at 822-6330. EL Mioeste $7.95 | v ? HERZOG HICKSVILLE, N.Y. 11801 unewpes satan 2 potato THE CHURCH AT HICKSVILLE, 17 PLACE, * SPECIAL BIBLE-God's and allow Him, our God and creator and Savior y We are a Christian, Bible teaching church. Dig into the Word, No We would be most happy to give you one. If we to minister life and direction to you. If you do not have a Bible call us. in this call at or visit us. See the Church Directory newspaper 4 can help you better iinderstand God Word, please us 822-6330, for service times. Look for next week article, from THE CHURCH AT HICKSVILLE.

v g v a i > ee ww oo ooo or Om

pe a e © m Srsll a Group | ofoyay- eine tahs-) CO-OPS RESIDENTIAL HOUSES Must Roslyn Gardens, Lowest Prices In HICKSVILLE REDUCED! "1 4 Development’. All Bayview: sell my Ranch wifireplace, 2 bdrms., new kit., only $164,990 Th Monten Agen Offore bedroom deluxe $120' : $130&# On Person bedroom Comprehe PLAINVIEW, Already Moved! Whic Cover Must sell my Ranch w/Garden, Pack Poli Liv. Rm., CAC, Din. Rm., New Estates” Oyster Bay “Lexington Windows, RF & Heating, only You Hom Auto Person floor with vaulted ceilings, Top $175K. oak floors, new kitchen & bath, Belongi Additiona Residenc with ceiling fan and verticals! Ab- MERRICK COLONIAL, Owner solutely spotless and asking on- Umbrell an relocating, priced for fast sale. Liabili more.. ly $89,990! New kit., Formal Din. Rm., 3 to Standard Hom & Auto Policies $170’s. Farmingdale, “Transferred, Must bths., Fin. Bsmt., Only Sell!’ Suburbia, desirable 2 COMPARE 32 setae bedroom, all new, plus pool! Must see and only $99,000! FO YOUR le = / PCP GIVE YOU MORE PROTECTIO DOLLAR INSURANCE NEED TO SELL YOUR HOUSE NOW? in crowd- We can show you how to get top dollar for your house today’s ed “buyers” market. After 20 successful years specializing in Real Estate house Co- Brokerage, no firm is better prepared to help you sell your or op in the shortest amount of time! GO WITH THE PROFESSIONALS CALL ME TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Now Call BROADWAY For Free Quotation 115 NORTH MR. ESPOSITO ( a.m--5 p.m.) at...516-937-0750 HICKSVILLE oircl SERVING QUEENS-NASSAU-SUFFOLK ent 181 WEST OLD COUNTRY RD., 938-3600 Full Real pico, Representing Continental Insurance N.Y. A Mander Lane, New York, N.Y 10038 HICKSVILLE, (516 Estate Services 433-04 SCHEDULE'©C«|

2. eee a te leer ee od i

- Hicksv ‘Bians News Hicks N Pork - Thursday, Mesta 3, 1988 Pag

Trista Axel Theirlo Do t Drink the Wate i a Theatrical Smash playe by Levy, played b Frank as publicity and ticket sales hours Mandriotta and Marion and Walter, playe of rehearsal, hard work, and sacrifice p of The Kremer and To their The Risin Generation Theatre Company June to obtain support for their production b Jennife Blake respective- as production was a success. Woody Also in the were Generation Theatre presented Allen’s comed Don’t from a community organization. Executive ly productio Jennifer James Compan is pr Drink the Water at the Hicksville ‘Mid London, Barone, Eddie Marshall, director said, “ director Barbara Dale agreed to sponsor the Barr Joey Stephani Gayl School Auditorium on October The Jef Moore, Sal Noto, Terri Kim Fran- tribute to what can do 14.and1 theatre company as shebel it was avery Glyn peopl when chino, Groves and Maura theatre company was sponsored by Hicksville exciting youth oriented proposal Amy Glynn their hearts and mind to work.’ Youth Council. The Hicksville Youth Council The majority of the cast and crew were provided Terri and financial resources and The Th Hicksville Youth Council Glyn Stephani Gaylor, two Hicksville Hig School students. While many supervision. wo ° Hicksville School theatre was for all to the Gener Hig students, develope of the cast members had prior stage ex- company responsible publicly congratulat Risin the theatre technical of the as well tion Theatre a well company over the summer. The perience, for some it was their debut perfor- aspects production Compan for jo done. two approach Hicksville Youth Council in mance. The leads in the comedy were Susan



THE CAST from Don Drink the Water: (back row) Terri Glynn, Eddie Marshall, Sal Noto, Barry London, Jenn James, Stephanie Gaylor, Jeff Moore, Kim Franchino, Amy Grobes,

Frank Mandriotta and Trista on couch) Maura Barone. - Levy. (Sitting Glynn ara Jczy (Sit- FRANK MANDRIOTTA, Trista Levy, Jenn Kremer, Joey Barone, Jenn an on table) Tom Blake and Jenn ae ting Kremer. Blake rehearse a scene from the play Don’t Drink the Water. IMPORTANT RECYCLING AND SANITATION


: Qne SANITATION NO MORE SHOPPING AROUND jecyciables cS .GO FOR THE BEST FUR There will be Toaa regular DEAL IN TOWN. : sanitation RECYCLING SCHEDULE collections on: LEATHER ELECTION DAY No Recycling Tuesday, November 8th Collections on « and OF FURS— PETITE TO LARGE SIZES ELECTION DAY LARGE SELECTION

VETERANS DAY y old fer fur. November 8th Resty feteand update Se Tuesday, HOURS: MON-SAT. 9-7, SUN. 11-5 CiZ5 Normal recyclin collections Friday, November 11th will resume the followin week. 3106 HEMPSTEAD LEVITTOWN (516) 731 ‘ TPKE.,


hat the course’ that ha the nation the sustained SEND A MESSAG py your vote on ROW C the Conservative Part line, t you want to ‘sta broug greatest of Federal Court economic growt in history,. renewal of traditional in values an a majo turn around: in the judici actions our system A VOTE ON ROW C REGISTERS YOUR SUPPORT FOR:

Three Court b NO TAX INCREASES « The tax cuts have meant prosperit job an JUDICIAL RESTRAINT « Supre Justic may replaced in the next fou the kind court we will have into the next century. opportunitie for more peopl years, effectin o FAMILY VALUES OVER GAY RIGHTS Respec for the family and PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH « Dealing with the Soviets throug the sanctit of life cannot b undermined b demands for homosexual ‘marriag a has forced them to the table maintaini a defense will strengt bargaini stro adoption get more decrea in nuclear weapons. VICTIMS’ RIGHTS Capital Punishment for dru king- an felon murders for the victims of crime must have PATRIOTISM e More than fashionable prid in our country is symbolize in must b enforced and concern preceden over of convicted criminals. the honor of Pledgi Allegianc to the fla and the republi for which it stands. the. “rights”

The Vote on Row helped to deliver in 1980 and can so in 1988. a message for Conservative Reform do again


Wh not giv a subscripti to the Hicksville Illustrated News

OYSTER BAY TOWN COUNCILMAN Kenneth S. Diamond (holding scissors right) gives the of PINS, Inc. ( Positive Emanuel Martinezahand cutting the ribbon at grand opening award from OYSTER BAY TOWN SUPERVISOR Angelo A. Delligatti receives a special New Inc.) in Hicksville. Joining Martinez, who is the organization’s ex- Insight Sights, Hicksville Baseball Association for his support of youth activities in the community. (left A. DeMaro, a member of the ecutive director, and Diamond are toright) Judge Joseph iation lawards John Budnick, Michael Griffith and Dana Granice pr dtheplaqueatthe the Board of Advisors; Marie Svec; Nassau County Police Lt. Robert Reed; occasion were ( left to Town Clerk Car! L. Marcellino, Town ” and Helene Also on hand for the right) Assistant to the Nassau Board of Supervisors; and Norman night. Special County Town Councilwoman Ann R. Ocker and Simonelli, to assist Councilman Thomas L. Clark, Greg Brander. PINS is a non-profit community organization designed young people of the association. within social or school settings. president ages 8through 16 whoare experiencing problems family,


.Fissrams Author a Professainal Arictes COMPLIM* CONSU m Cancel ‘= Sunday School “A 4 “ested Seow 11:0 DOES NOT INCLUDE TREATMENT] a CUNY, 12:00 Refreshments & Fellowship



For Peter and North PIC JUDG JEROM B FLEISCHMA too many years Luger’s Shore Steak House have had it too easy ~~ COUR BRUZELLS opened two months ago giving them FO NASSA COUNT FAMIL is very heavy competition. A “BRUZELLS STEAK&qu selected USDA Prime meat, expertly EXPERIEN specially 4 MOR THA 2 YEAR cut by the most skilled chefs. BRUZELLS ages and A ACTIN CIT COUR JUDG supervise the steaks in an on- temperature-controlled dehumidified, specially lit + PRACTICIN TRIA ATTORN room. FO MORE THA 30 YEAR Peter Luger& hits you for $23.75 (16 oz.), North Shore Steak House demands $22.95 (1 oz.). DECISIONS x MAN O JUDG FLEISCHMAN’ BRUZELLS ONLY CHARGES $22.75 FOR A AR USE A PRECEDENT FO OTHE SHELL STEAK, 180z.++ FAR SUPERIORI! JUD AN LAWYER T FOLLO ..With fresh vegetable & potat of the day. If love steaks, Come To BRUZELLS. x GRADUAT O HARVAR you If “BIRUZELLS STEAK” is not as good LA SCHOO as, or even better than what you ate at Luger& or North Shore—£) RECOMMEN BY refund cost of your steak!! THE COUNT I putting you on notice: NASS THE BATTLE FOR WOMEN BAR CUSTOMERS HAS BEGUN ASSOCIATI FO 451 Middle.Neck Road, | FAMILY COUR JUDGE Great Neck, 516-482-6600





wn eS ie oe

Henredo ...Contemporar goes elegant in this Bel-Air bedroom by Soft woodtones and upholstery add warmth. ee

——_____————_— Anton Communit Newspape - Interiors - November 1988 Page-2A Se Supple


Back int

tion hat echoed, to headlines. Consum health age growin cc water we d doors, and becomea

fices and r monoxide The Na is preparin; for reside detect pol their fami hazards.

Radon, a dange he odorless g deca of ra ment in the b means ¢ Of mor produc of compone: duced by ee ‘ and furnac a No one fills an empty space “vision and crease, ¢ as well as we... ean. 0 ultimatel Health ventilatio when win efit hea | * of keepi operating, Flues sho -eranges sh home. Do ween gara tigh as pe bekept ru l if it is at

NORT SHO INTERIO DESI a interiors on Island” a b c most memorable Long b We create the P __. ¥ Steve Prince

One of Long Island’s largest interior design showrooms, with an extensive collection of fine furniture, accessories, objects d’art and large screen media units. Mon.-Sat. 10-5, Evenings by appointment 406 W. Jericho Turnpike, Huntington, 516-271-8330 |

Anton Community Newspapers - 3nteriors Supplement - November 1988 Page-3A

Consumer Watch: The Air We Breathe by Keni Woodruff Bac in th 60&# the rock musical “Hair” Improperly vented and maintained kero- popularized a song that included the sene heaters and gas ranges can produce line. “The the air. .it’s . air, . everywhere!” nitrogen oxide and dioxide which can irritate That earl environmental protest was a cau- the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Ex- tion that has become a frightening reality, cessive exposure to hig levels of nitrogen echoed, today, in all-too-frequent media dioxide can cause lun damag and chronic headlines. lun disease. Again authorities recommen Consumer groups, federal, state and local proper maintenance and ventilation when health agencies and individuals share in the these applianc are in use. about the the growing concern safety of Asbestos, a mineral fiber used extensive- we drink and the air we breathe, water out- l in fireproofin and insulation material was and inside Asbestos has doors, our homes in common use prior to 1970 It is most com- become a major concern in our schools, of- monly found covering pipes in ceilin and fices and residences, as has radon, carbon wall insulation, in wi sbestos flooring and and monoxide formaldehyd ‘ in furnace heat shields, There are varying opi- The Nassau County Departmen of Health nions on the removal of asbestos materials is preparing a series of consumer fact sheets fromthe home, since disturbance can cause for residents to better understand how to breaka of small fibers, allowin them to themselves and detect pollutant and protect becom airborne. Experts caution that un- their families from these environmental trained homeowners should not attempt to hazards. remove asbestos, recommendin removal or the a Radon, according to County, is not sealin by trained experts to assure that par- The dange here on Long Island. colorless,- ticles do not escape into the environment. odorless gas comes from the radioactive Th latest addition to th list of indoor deca of radium, a naturally occurring ele- pollutants is formaldehyde. This distinctly th soil and be eliminated ment in can easily pungent chemical is used in bindin plywoo ventilation. b means of simple and particle board in furniture, draperie and Of more concern, is carbon monoxide, a urea- foam wall insulation. As produc of combustion motors, This ga is a these products age, the amount of vapor component of auto exhaust, andis also pro- released generall decreases, Hig humidi- duced by kerosene space heaters, wood or ty and excessive heat causes the release of coal stoves, improperl maintained gas ranges formaldehyd fumes which are highly ir- and furnaces. Carbon monoxide can affect ritating. It is suggeste that the homeowner vision and brain function, and as levels in- avoid buyi product that contain this heart- crease, can cause headaches, irregular chemical and temporaril ventilate rooms beat, nausea, weakness, confusion, and whic contain new materials containing it. death. Dehumidification and air are ultimatel . conditioning Health authorities re¢ommend proper also effective in reducing formaldehyde ventilation (especiall in colder weather levels, and increased air exchange rates may when windows are normall closed to pre- also be effective. The EPA and other agencies efit hea loss) and underline the importance are seeing an increase in complaint about of keepin combustion appliances in goo this irritant, and new studies are underway st operating condition and vented while in use. todiscover its effects and create ds for ~ Flues should be cleaned regularly’an gas itsuse. z 4on the cover the chemicals - should never be used te hea There are hufidre of organic in this B Air bedroom by Henredo Frank home. Doorways and other openings bet- in wide use in the home in cleaners, insect- Contemporary goes elegan armoire and stand should b as air- and has added the bed and, classic oak night ween garage and residence icides, aerosol sprays, paints hobby Designs upholstere vehicles should never of these are known to have to its collection, the lines with delicat traces tight as possibl and materials: Many showroom softenin contemporary running closed adverse side effects, and users are strongl of Oriental...a statue here, dried flowers brin a classicsimplici be kept ina garage, especia sweeping | house. follow label instructions and : ly if it is attached to the cautioned to ty and eleganc to a dramatic room. ‘continued on page Nor Au Futons Dollar for dollar

‘Are Createp Equar enabled Nemo For over 64 years, smart buyin has Tile to offer the finest value in “designer” ceramic tile and marbi We the best brought to be found anywhere Come see our beautiful wall to Long Islan since 1981 and floor tiles and marble. For value and styl the are beyon compar

esas il


Selection ¢ Craftsmanship ¢ Service at prices you can afford. Visit the World’s Ist Natural Living Store with lots of great gift ideas too! NEMO TILE: 277 Old Country Roa Hicksville, N.Y. : dreams) 516-935-5300 east JAMAICA, NY: NEW YORK, NY 177-02 Jamaica Ave. 48 E 2\st Street (718) 291-5969 New York, New York Tower Place. Roslyn Village, LI, NY (212) 5O5-O009 516/484-5384 Tue Sun 116 Thurs till 8 °

- November 1988 Anton Community Newspapers - Interiors Supplement Page-4A

Conran’s..Where Style Quality and Affordability Converge. You& find home and*office furnishin glasswar snap- storage cubes to decorate every corner of your life...with haloge lamps laundr basket linens and affordable, fashionable finesse...a Conran’s, luxuries....pictured here the Klimt sofa and 1900 Northem Blvd., Manhasset. The sho Altona table, reminiscent of the Arts & i full of exciting home fumishings...s and Crafts Movement, in clear or black ash and

a solid beech * chairs dhurr rugs, dinin room tables, china, Bentwood coatrack.

Let ry Ne Gopi td

Italian dash compartments. and high tech engineering keep this Strata bookcase on the straight! & even...with concealed steel rods throug its uprights, foot levelers on its base. Conran’s shops| Tite ‘| the world for the best designs. quality workmanshi affordability.

& Klimt sofa and Altona occasional table evoke the style of the Arts & Craft Movement.

(continued from page 3) avoid mixing these products together. guide and satety ordinances. There are Household cleansers containing chlorine strong guidelin fo installation and location, bleach should never be mixed with others and several brochures on safety. If you have ammonia. .the fumes installed a wood be careful to avoid containing . resultin stove, are potentially lethal. There are numerous creosote build-up on flues and chimney A other household chemicals that may be quite controlled, hot fire should be burned for safe when used accordin t label directions, abou 15 minutes every da and air pollutio but when combined, can cause dramatic can be ke at a relative minimum by using chemical chang and, ultimately physic dry well seasoned wood. harm. More is not better, and any harsh If you have a question about air pollution, chemicals should be used with care and a complaint, or merel want copies of the stored safel when not it use. many fact sheets and brochures available, call Th increasing popularit of wood and coal the Nassau County Department of Health, burning stoves has led to numerous safety Mineola, 535-3233 between 9 and 4:45 daily

We& Cleani U F Yr The Holida ae Pig Fabri Seal cleans more than just the surface. Pro- : fessional Fiber cleaning that will remove all residue from your carpeting, furniture and draperies. le a ° ¢ e 4 Carpets Draperies Protective Coatings | |

: rd.) e Upholstery 7 Fabri Seal specializes in and allows you fo clean Carpet-Life, protective any mess more easily. sealant guards against Stain Free stops the stains and spills of all growth of mildew and types yet allows the nat- adds more life to fur- and ural beauty of your car- nishings draperie ___ bh pet to come through.

- Stain Free protects against unsightly spill AoaS that stain \&qu your upholster get \

(Fees Se S| |S i discouna | on our ; any of services I Wit. . i (EXPIRE MARCH, 1989) f i NOT TO ‘ coe cece OTHER l

WS RSG CSASWINDOW ‘ TREATMEN VERTICAL & SHADE RCE D IE. Maintenance and Office Fabri Cleaning Services for all your bi usiness needs ¢ 627-7030 Seal 5y total Fabric services nc. | 8 Hillcrest Avenue ¢ Manhasset * 627-6594 * 627-703 - Interiors Supplement - November 1988 Page-5A u papers lal O M E D 5 S I G N

Throu Ros Colore Glas

Today homeowners can have the beau- stringent buildin codes and is especiall ap- and ty of staine gla througho their homes propriate for exterior windows, doors with Designe Glass b Stained Glass Overla skylight Colorful design are applie direct. - The process allow intricate design in l to tempered, safet or dual- glas limitless color combinations, giving im- to dress up front entries, sidelight shower mediate visual and decorative beaut to any doors, patio doors and room dividers. room and addin dramatic decorative value Beveled Glass b SGO uses clear %inch to the home. plat glas cut to the specifie pattem and Designe glass can be used to coordinate then hand-beveled and polishe to shimmoer match a total desig theme, can be made to ing beaut The fully- beveled gla window decor with fabrics, wallpap or panel are available in 2 sizes and over 3 prage| beautiful fit standard door and ‘aight floor covering patterns. Designs can designs— window frames—and can be delivered from shops duplicate a speci photograp a treasured stock. if piece of art, a monogram or a family crest. Or, desired, SGO’s designer will Beveled or multicolor, SGO compleme create custom desig to homeowners’ any decorative: style— tradi- specification Both multicolored and bevel tional or Art Deco, and seamless construc: ed gla provid a degre of privac or allow tion of Overla allows builders and the homeowner to artfull camofla an un- homeowners to use decorative gla in view bloc out natu e are se with place never before considered without the ight tion, of or the loss of cool- Homeowners wi.o are interested in ad- have worry water dama ed or heated air. din designe glas to their homes call avoid can Overla meets or exceeds safet and Designer Stained Glass Overla Inc, at ys. A for free visit the for Security requirements set b increasingl 334-3550 a brochure, or studio at 797 Old Roa ution or Wea usin ition, FUT HERE.. fro S f the AR | call dire e, -alth, daily

FUTON MATTRESSES QUALITY FROM Fray FROM)...... - sgg°° |... 132

Martin Cernitz and GLASS AND TILE make the most of your Tony Parma, owners of Center,,and in’ . This black and white bath was desig Jerich Design specialist THE ORIGINAL FUTON FUTMATTRESS C space. (ARIS floor coverings and all phase of home im- ed b Jerich Design Center (32 N. Broad- 1610 Old provement, will their talented Country Rd., Westbury narrow, put designe | way, Jericho) using elongaged, hig (1/4 mile east of and skilled craftsmen to work creating the Fortunoff) glo ceramic tile on wall and floor, mirror 516/683-1501 room of your dreams. Stop into their new accent tiles, clear glas shower doors and showroom where you can choose from hun- MON.-SAT. 10-9 PM; SUN. 11-6 P a see- window to ad space, drama dreds of wall and floor coverings to suit your and sophisticatio to a relativel confined taste and master bath. budget Cameo G WHER FRAMI I STI A ART...


¢ Conservation Framing © Restoration of Oils & Frames e Releafing of Frames e Fan Cases © Memorabilia © Over 5,000 Traditional & ~ Contemporary Styles e Hand Colored Engravings e Print Reproductions


(ie Pt oes a ee

Anton Community Newspapers -3nteriors Supplem - November 1988 Page-bA

(contir Ever., assure Wicker More Popular than e durable and _ Furniture, Solid weaves are especiall Will Barnet, 198 : b copyrighused ancient to prolong its life, keep in active en- by Keni Woodruff sturd and bouyant it was b lacquere are best suited for heav wear and maintenance low and enhance the fiber’s The warmth and whimsey of wicker fur seaman to construct seaworth rafts vironments, If the furniture you have vessels constructed his “Kon finish (ru hand over the piece to check niture has mad it a favorite decorative ac (Tho Heyerda your selected i rattan, make sure it was dippe Painted should hav Victorian when craftsme Tiki” out of rattan, from for smoothness piece the material& cent since times, utilizing drawing in a sealan prior to painting, as latex enamel for fantasies of fibers. sites as two coats of semiglo to created woven the.supp archeologic models) core is porous and must be pretreate and -outdoor use. 7) Wicker is the process used to mak the Pier I, one of the country’ leadin durabilit continued on pa furniture, the fibers migh be willow buri, retailers of wicker furniture give the follow- natural rattan or any of a number of pliable ing tips on purchasin and care of wicker: around a the weave...the it is the bet- fibers which are woven loosel Chec tighte | AMERICAN STANDARD MAKES frame. The was used a far back as ter and longer- the furniture. If you process EUROPEAN ELEGANCE AT HOM IN AMERICA. early Egyptian tines and the fibers are so select a natural finish, make sure it has been THE ROMA SUITE.



Sleek, sophisticated and stylish, the design-matched - Roma” Suite is European elegance translated into the PURE LUXURY most modern form of Juxury. A luxury you can expect from American Standard. From the spacious pedestal lavatory to the elegant whiflpool, every matched piece hip on a of fine crat and a to innovative design. Because qualityton should begin at home.


251 EAST SHORE ROAD e GREAT NECK ¢ 487-1975 Pier offer a variety of stylish looks, adds bright colored cushions and pillows to lift the spirits ¢ * 8-5 and give a contemporary look to a Victorian setting. AMPLE PARKING CASH OR CHECK ON SALE ITEMS HOURS: MON-SAT. DIRECTIO LIE Exit 33:&# Community Drive for 2 miles cross Northern Blvd. Becomes E. Shore Rd.

S Z - l YM (LZGelloni&a

S OHO -« LOCUST VALLEY Will Barnet Dionigi Cossu Alex Katz Henry Moore Robert Natkin LeRoy Neiman Robert Rauschenberg. Larry Rivers C.J. Yao Yuan Yun-Fu among others Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, : Silk Tapestries, Limited Edition Prints and Twilight 1988 Edition of 75 Museum-Quality/Archival Framing NEW RELEASE BY WILL BARNET 8 Hill Locu NY —— Birch Roa 1156 Etching with aquatint in Il colors Valley 516-671-7575 30 x 30 inches | a ee

= - 1968 Anto Community Newspapers - Interiors Supplement November Bage-7A

the area maskin tape to hold in plac (continued from page 6) felt wicker should be hosed down periodic finished pie with Old Englis Scratch usiri finish. darker colored furniture. until the glu dries. assure a long- l to kee it so anymore. Cover on Light for diluted white Make sure the pieces you select Use a feather duster or the soft brush at- colors can be touched u with nearest Pier I (Carl P where the seat clear oil or Stop by your seating are comfortable tachment of your vacuum to prevent or ivory paint and a lacque Great Neck, Huntington and pic up their meets the back, especiall for dinin chairs, buildup of dust Wipe down occasionall finish. free wicker care pamphlets..yo find a check that seats have resilien- mild Buri, a pal commonl used and enoug with a cloth dampene with household Philippin brass be dazzlin displa of wicker, wood, to take use without sagging cleaner and’ water. in wicker furniture, should not polishe cy long- the under normal conditions. cryst and gla to deligh eye an mak and move the pieces (especial larg ones Bentwood can take a goo furniture or waxed style also find tons of loose un- decoratin to ensure they are lightweight polish and some of the darke rattans take To tighte wrappping, gentl a to..pamphlets covering everthing Good wicker pieces shoul last for years, well to lemon oil. wrap a few turns‘of the “peel sprea ligh wicker care to selectin cushion: of on the frame, and with minimal maintenance. Years ago, it was Touch up- nicks and scratches in glos coating glu rewrap Fall Gardening Tips:

Autumn is the time to cut back and divide perenni to giv plant a goo slow release fertilizer, to cut back roses, to mulch and to protect evergreens from dehydration Mar- fall tin Viette Nurseries offers these garde S33 ing tip to hel you hel your gard sur- Sac vive the winter. Cut perennial 23 above soil surface. Pull up all annuals after th first hard frost and destro all stems and leaves. Rake up leaves and debris and label perenni locations. $ > Tuberous annuals such as dahlias should be | du up and stored. e Cooler groun temperatures make thisa goo time to divide many of your peren- nials do your peonie earl Make sure dum divisions have at least three eyes, and remove all puts all the energy into root productio and facilitates the rooting process. / ea ee Feed your plants to tide them over into sprin Plant Tone is an excellent slow release, organi fertilizer can be put directly into the hole when dividin root clump or used on top of the soil for all your plants Water

floribundas | thoroughl after fertilizin Hybri tea roses, should be cut back. Ther Mulchin is often confusin Here are grandiflor are two theories; some experts reco} some guideline mend canes back 1/ to p © Mulch should not be applie until cutting kill. Others the has frozen. Applying tect agains winter say yo groun when before the groun freezes allows the should onl prune in spring you has « of can see how much twig die and plant to continue to grow, instead : then below that. In either going dormant, weakenin the plant prune just _ well watered until Avoid anythin that mats an retains case, kee roses &l freezes to the word water..oak, sycamore and beech leaves groun allo harden and become dere are goo mapl leaves mat. Straw can ripen, soil 810& each be used but must be properl fluffed. Mound up aroun If the is to ex © Salt is the best mulch, althoug plan expos whimsical charm to ha Wicker, rattan and glass round favorites, addin a sense of living cold and wind, after groun is are year expensive and harder t find. It’s light room, dining room, bedroom or sunporch. Approve Dormers

creations by dee inc. INTERIOR SPECIALISTS

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- Novem 1988 Anton Community Newspapers - Interiors Supplement Page-

Fumishi You Hom ...mpossi Affordabl at Ike driver and can by Keni Woodruff migh need is a screw anyone the togeth (this writer bough What&# well designe excitingl conteém put pieces assemble room table...not well a rea to dinin porary, impossib low- incredibly from IKEA, unfortunately, but the idea was and comes in a sealed car- -s¢- corrugated hour to the same. It took just about an “tom? Everythin you could possibl want to assemble. furnish your entire home, apartment, office ; There’s no drawback to this incredible

or dorm! i: home furnishin ‘supermarket.. unless you Ikea, a old tradition in Europe, fort vear friend to don’t have a driver&# license or a and relative newcomer to the United States, to (th closest IKEA and has been take you Pennsylva was conceived in Sweden ma hours is at Plymouth Meeting, PA (abou 2.5 interior decoratin ing hig qualit hig styl close to from Huntington and there one a cinch for since everyone- another in opening in Northern New Jersey, The concept is simple...devel a hig set the for a coupl of years, of standards, search the world for manufac- planni stages (not though in the L.I. area. turers who can produc furniture and ac write for a full cglor catalo (Ike and Call or cessories that meet those specificatio Plymou Meeting Mall, Plymouth meeeting standards, purchas those product in bulk, PA. showrooms out 1940 (215/834-1 set up ‘buyer-friendly” just rent, of side the city (to save money on tride-and ride “ allow the customer to browse, touch, course), a —_——$1

sit in, lie on, stand on, lift, hold, admiresf and examine everything the could imagine for their hom (and lots of things the never imagined)...ha everything in stock so the customer can take it home THAT DAY!

Buver friendliness is of the IKEA suc the or use the serving table. part Roo for four with plenty of space for more. Just extend drop-leaf extends to-the cess package.. the concept whole family. Every catalo comes with a coffee cold drink coupon for a free cup of or a in the in-store restaurant (you& had long tmp, vou must b thirsty!), every restaurant offers wonderful Swedish snacks specialtie SSIS children’s meals and a just for kids ‘Moose Munch! The there the ‘ball room; a super- 6000004 COMPLETE vised play area filled with plastic ball to jump off their in, roll Gn, slide throug work You can bor BATHROOM energy in..while you explore 0909004 row a stroller for vour tired toddler, a roof rack for your car 6400000 INSTALLATIONS Buver friendliness is more than an amus- with full ing day...a stress tested products Lvear guarantees. It’s child safe window locks, drawer pulls safet catches, seat belts, cor- balancers for ner protectors, furniture (not kids only) anti slip/ etc. It’s up- produc labeling..yo know what you&# getting before you buy it...if it’s particleboar it say’ so, if it& wood, you know it, no surprises here. It’s also amazi l affordable ‘prices on thousands of of unusual, usable, excitingly designe product ready Everythin at IKEA is flat packe to assemble, complet with easy-to- step wrench for by step instructions, and an allen . other tool you quick a



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| DESIGN CONSULTANT ON CARPETIN ® CERAMI ® WOOD & VINYL FLOORING ® GENERAL CONTRACTO Flower PREMI A great idea for any time of the year! JERIGHO DESIGN CENTER _ING Orchids are wonderful house plants and w have the largest selection of HICKSVILLE FLORAL PARK flowers ’on Long Island. Free advice. Selection of bocks and supplies. 325 NORTH BROADWAY 263 JERICHO TURNPIKE 1702 Rt. 25A (Northern Blvd.) 933-7799 516-35 2-1323/718-479-0946

Laurel Hollow - 367-6336 East of Rt. 106. West of Cold Spring Harbor Behind Scarsella’s Florist Open 6 Days ® Closed Mondays SEAGULLS LANDING ORCHIDS ‘ ORCHIDS & FIN ART aY mere| aa

— Woters Guide For Nassau County — November, 19868 I




| 6 A.M. - 9 P.M.

JUDGES 7 a 2 a ae & g wo —RESIDENT DISTRICT ait cae 3 Political aol — | B . mm ae. e 7 District S| zeZ S< VICE U.S. SUPREME FAMILY ict Party . ‘eo aimee a~ 72a PRESIDENT SENATOR COURT COURT § (Note for 2 {Yul for a

Wo Se


&g utakis atoyninan Mam ii we xo <

: Medowar Franco Diamond Bush R. McMillan McCarthy Palmieri kx. Quayle

7 Medowar DExsrico Diamond Bush R. McMillan Santoro comanvari Fiechter : Quayle

Callahan Skidmore Esemnio roure Marra Nathanson McCarthy Andrews Raab : e REFER TO CANDIDATES . sera Dukaki Moynihan McCarthy Medowar Franco Di = INSIDE p Benen Raab y FOR YOUR :

; 4 : DISTRICT —

o Hommes Bayoneta Lariva

soc.wonxe MacWarreit Harris Mickells swe

Paul }useRTARI u Ww McMillen Marrou

? -

Fulani Dattner


POLITICAL PARTY 19 Russell Park Road, Syosset, N.Y. 11791 681-1044

EDITOR: Arlene Hinkemeyer COUNTY PRESIDENT: Ora Meyer VOTER GUIDE Trudi De Grazia, Goldsmith, Ella ASSISTANT EDITORS: Laura Berenson, Katherine Bergen Elsa Brody, Marilyn Stark, Toumey, Nancy Ulrich, Isaak, Barbara Josepher, Leslie Pollak, Judy Schmerz, Debby Shichtman, Janessa Lynne , Leona Weiss, Terry Wolff. which responsibility through informed The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization encourages political The does not endorse candidates or support and active participation of individual citizens in government. League certain issues after thorough study. political parties, but it does take a position and acts on governmental

Voters Guides $1.00 per copy mailed. 1000 Bulk rates: $10/ 100 copies; $40/500 copies; $75/ copies available at time, October 10, 1988. The information contained in this Voters Guide is the most accurate press Permi ©Copyright 1988 b The League of Women Voters of Nassau County (Reprinted By Se Seton dere nate ne set fF Mt WN ope ee on W sc DEL erdrey o sete

1988 — 2c Boters Guide For Nassau County — November, 4 STATE-WIDE BALLOT ISSUE


have issue deficiencies, and 660 miles of the state highway system inadequate | his proposal. ifapproved, would authorize New York State to Explanation: New York State faces an immediate need to reconstruct the continued construction, reconstruction, capacity traffic-carrying capacity $3 billion of bonds to assure state’s the highway and bridge network, but the genera and of highways and and improve existing improvement. replacement, reconditioning preservation has been for funds are insufficient to meet this need, and federal highwa aid Any reduction in the amount of state funds appropriated yearly operating bridges. will over its life. to be divided reduced. This program create 38,000 jobs four-year highway and bridge capital purposes is prohibited. Expenditures are 23%, the Hudson is in regionally. New York City and Long Island will each receive in ition: New York State’s transportation infrastructure will be Arguments the rest of the state 40%. Within each region, expenditures is not the to for needed Valley 14°; and appalling condition, but a bond issue way pay and state and have divided among three programs: highways. capacity improvement, New York State is one of only three states that does not a York improvements. of by the New taxes and municipal bridges. A memorandum understarding approve dedicated highway fund, created from highway use taxes, motor fuel will determine the of to be and In the run, a State legislature, priority projects undertak motor vehicle fees, and used exclusively for highways bridges long interest on dedicated fund is less costly to the taxpayer because the need to pay and roads a has debt of $2 billion, which is in Support: Infrastructure deterioration overcrowded are borrowed funds is eliminated. New York State a Arguments of to One-third and can ill-afford a further debt of $3 billion plus significant threat to publi safety and a deterrent economic growth. higher tha that of any other state, one-half of local bridges have structural of another $ billion. state bridges are substandard, over an anticipated debt-service


ADELLE R. ROBERT R. DANIEL P. NATHANSON (RTL) McMILLAN (R,C) MOYNIHAN (D,L) Education: University of Minnesota, 2 Education: University: J.D.. Le.Cordon Bleu, Paris, | Education: B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D.. Tufts Adelphi years: year Law School Executive Director of com- University Brooklyn Occupation: Senior partner in law firm involved with educational works on Occupation: U.S. Senator. 12 years Occupation: pany Former counsel to U.S. bioethical issues Qualifications: Former professor of Qualifications: Senator Kenneth Keating; Nixon aide; Qualifications: Member — Cardinal Cooke government. cabinet and subcabinet Anti-Trust Division of U.S. Justice for Life Commission, Child Care Action member. ambassador to India, aide to President Advisory and Parents Roundtable; Pro-. Reagan’s . N-Y.S. Governor Averill Harriman, per- Department: Campaign Committee on Women’s Business Owner- ducer, award-winning documentary; munent representative to U.N.; author, N.Y.S. Commission on Powers of of seminars, international travel, editor of 14 political science books ship: years Local Government meeting with public officials on public policy issues

CHARLENE MITCHELL LYDIA BAYONETA JAMES E. HARRI JR. WILLIAM P. McMILLEN (INDEPENDENT (WORKERS WORLD PARTY) (SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY) "(LIBERTARIAN PARTY) PROGRESSIV PARTY) Education: Syracuse University, years: Education: B.S., Bryant College Education: High school graduate Education: Associate degree, Herzl Jr. Crouse-Irving Memorial Nursing School, of foods Occupation: Chairperson of New York Occupation: Division controller a 2 College years Socialist Workers Party corporation Waitress Occupation: Bookkeeper, office manager Occupation: Active union member, Qualifications: Chair of Libertarian Party National Com- Qualifications: Qualifications: Member, Board of U.S. Qualification Member, of New York since 1983: Certified Public United Auto Workers of America: active of Friends of of the Workers World born Peace Council, Board mittee Party, since 1970&# Accountant, accounting teacher: prisoner, in struggle for black rights African National SWAPO and in Philippines; on front lines in struggle Congress, member of National Black 1965 draft resistance. committed to per- intervention abroad, has founding the Frontline States; National Executive against U.S. sonal liberty Independent Political Party. Director, to free Davis; foughtagainst racism and bigotry; has Campaig Angela research founding director, National Aliiance demanded that moncy for AIDS — 8 ¢ Racist and Political be taken from war budget f Against Repression

of New York State. Information on State-Wide Ballot Issue and U.S. Senate Candidates has been supplied by League of Women Voter


THOMAS V. MALLON (D) JOHN G. McCARTHY (R,RTL,L) DOMINIC SANTORO (C) Station St. James Huntington *Rocky Point (Incumbent) St. Johns University; L.L.B., St. Johns Education: B.B.A., St. John’s University: L.L.B., St. Education: Education: B.B.A.. St. Johns University; L.L.B., St. Johns University School of Law John’s University School of Law University School of Law Occupatio Judge Suffolk County Court Occupation Employed b a defense contractor Occupation Judge State Supreme Court, 10th Judicial Qualifications: Judg of County Court; former Judg of Qualification Expertise in governmert contract law; District District Court; former Judge of Family Court; attorney private law practice; chairman, Conservative Party, Town Qualifications: State Supreme Court Judge, 14 years; for Town of Smithtown; independent law practitioner of Brookhaven; Congressional candidate, 1986 former New York State Assemblyman, |2 years; practicing attomey, 23 years

: SALARY: : VOTE FOR ONE $95,000 TERM: 10 YEARS and how could it be remedied? Question: What would you target as the #1 problem in Family Court today PAUL F. CALLAHAN JEROME B. FLEISCHMAN (D) - JEROME S. MEDOWAR (R,C,L) (RTL) Merrick Garden City 3 Long Bea Law School; "Education: L.L.B.,St. John Law School: Education: B.A., Rutgers University, J.D., Harvard Law Education: B.A. L.1.U.;J.D.; Brooklyn University . L.L.M., Law School M.A., Education, SUNY ‘New Paltz Brooklyn School Private law Occupation: Acting Judge Long Beach City Court: Occupation: Judge. District Court Occupation: practice which includes family teacher, Court matters practicing attorney “Qualifications: Elementary Family 32 Practitioner: Board As District Court Qualifications: Member of Grievance Committee of 2nd - Qualifications: Judge, 2 1/2 years; attorney, years, School Attorney; a/

WPot Guide For Nassau County — November, 1988 — 3c

JEROME B: FLEISCHMAN @) JEROME S. MEDOWAR (R,C, PAUL F. CALLAHAN (RTL) Judicial Brookl: trying family law cases among others; former Adjunct Judge preside over cases involving youth and families. and I 1th Districts; Trustee, Assistant Professor of Law. ANSWER: Association; Former president Lawye 5 Cath ANSWER: Custody/ visitation decisions are difficult to make and ANSWER: Numbers. has number Congeste calendars delay the delivery of services to the more so whe there is abuse of one parent by the other in The Family Court great of it is to: public. The remedies are: the child’s presence. Courts must recogniz psychosomati matters to handle, far more than equipped 1 create a Special Part to expedite the handling of the symptoms in child fear of violent parent, danger to abused The primary aim of every Judge of the Family The mai f mos child and-spousal abuse parent or impairment of his/her ability to function. should be to keep the family together. i serio case calend: load 2. a a reluctant, courts are can be cured by providing sufficient judges so thz syste ry day& Although justified in denying is divide into groups each given a differe appearance custody, giving supervise visitation rights to the offender. case can be given the time required. time to lessen waiting times; 3. increase Court support staff, establish Night Court.

Question: What do you consider the prime qualifications for an outstanding District Court Judge? SECOND DISTRICT COURT Town of Hempstead and Long Beach TWO YEARS VOTE FOR TERM: 6 $ ¥ RALPH P. FRANCO (R,L) IRA J. RAAB (D,RTL,L) Freeport Woodmere Uincumbent) SAUL I. WEINSTEIN (D) _ Education: B.B.A.. City College of N Education: B1A.. Brooklyn College: J.D., Woodmere J... Brooklyn Law, M.P.A,, New York Brooklyn Law School Education: B.A... Syracuse University: University: M.S., Long Island University Occupation: Nassau County District of Law Court J.D... University Pennsylvania Occupation: Attorney-arbitrator, 3 years Judg School Smallclaims arbitrator 1 Qualifications: Former Freepor Village DANIEL PALMIERI ( Occupation: Attorney manila Court justice: former Deputy County Qualifications: Practicing attorney 31 Attorney; former Law Secretary to Garden City years: Special Master, Supreme Court of Special Masi 1 yea Supreme Court Justice (Nassau): lecturer; Education: B.A. St. John’s Uni NY: Admitted U.S. Supreme Court; ANSWER: former president, Nassau County Magis- J.D... St. John’s: University Law Guest lecturer Pace Univ., SUNY / Buffalo The District Court handles Small Claims, trates Association Occupation: Attorney Law Schools landlord Tenant, Civil,and Misdemeanor ANSWER: : Qualifications: 6th in law schoo ANSWER: Criminal Cases. An outstanding judge A judge should have experience as a author and lecturer: arbitrator. Ame All i and abreast of Arbitration Association; judges must possess knowledge, judg- should have trial experien in these areas, Practicing attorney keep partne firm ment and patience in order to fully absorb a well-rounded education, fairness and laws: be aware of his community; actively the matters before them. Their recommend in laws to ANSWER: education, understanding balanced by proper judicia changes legislature. : for the law and the wisdom and experience acquired over temperament, and ability to write scho- Should be fair, firm and compassionate, Respec ca at the bar must have them cases on basis of merit, not treat come many years larly decisions. He should give appropriate determining a beto The w adhere to the credo “knowledge alone is sentences to fit crimes, and dispose of from outside pressures influences. not ... the is to be used to educate the enough importa thing court calendar promptly and fairly. An Courts should have the to use it and and for law in our with tolerance and judgm wisely ... substantial public develop respect patience, u ae outstandin judge dispenses the wisdom to use it justly.” justice. youth. ing. SECOND DISTRICT COURT (CONT.) a MICHAEL A. FIECHTER (C) FRANK N D’ERRICO (C) ALFRED J. North Bellmore Garden City SKIDMORE (RTL) Education: B.A., Hunter College; J.D. Education: B.A., Fordham University; Levittown New York Law School J.D... St. John’s University Law School Education: B.A., Mt. St. Mary’s Colleg Occupation: Attorney Occupation: Partner, genera law practice J.D.. St. John’s University Law School Qualifications: Four years of trial expe- Qualifications: 12 years private practice; Occupation Attorney rience with Nassau. County District former trial counsel to liability insurance Qualifications: General law practice Attorney’s office; four years of civil trial carrier; appointments by State courts to including trial and appellate cases in US experience: preparation and argument of incompetency, estate proceedings; past Supreme Court, US Second Circuit Court post-trial appeals before the Appellate president, Columbian Lawyers Assn. ; of Appeals. US Southern District, Eastern: Division ANSWER: District Courts of NY ANSWER: Ihe fora most necessary requirement ANSWER: Respect for the Rule of Law and an successful judicial career is knowledge of The prime qualifications for district understandin of judge role as one who the law throug the experienc of practice. court judge as forany other judgeship are applies rather than makes law. Dedication A of local law school will graduate any integrity, knowledge of and practical to see to it that the correct law is applied. demonstrate a knowledge of law; it is the experience in the law, including not only Commitment to fair treatment to all who understanding of the law, how it works trial and appellate work, but also counsel- come seeking justice. Experience with and and affects people&# lives which is the ling and advice on legal matters and understanding of the principles of civil/- essential tool of the judiciary. This under- understanding of the practical aspects of criminal trial practices Ability and forti- is acquired “practice.” standing b life in all phase of the law. tude to make difficult lega decisions.

FOURTH DISTRICT COURT Town of Oyster Bay and Glen Cove TER 6 YEARS VOTE FOR ONE SALARY: B. MEIROWITZ (D) GEORGE P. ESERNIO (RTL JOE KENNETH S. DIAMOND (R,L,C Glen Cove Glen Head i Education: B.S., SUNY Oswego: J.D., Suffolk University Westbury Education: B.B.A., St. John’s University; J. or Law School Education: B.A.,C.W. Post College; J.D., SUNY Buffalo Law School oe tion: Private practicin attorney, !2 years Law School Occupation Attorney Qualifications: Arbitrator, Nassau District Court; Occupation Attorney; Oyste Bay Councilman Qualifications: Practicing attorney, 1 years referee‘ receiver, Nassau Supreme Court; former City Qualifications: Former legal Counsel to Sen. Marino and in matrimonial and family law before Famil: Attorney. Gle Cove: speci couns NY Dep Senate Committee on Crime & Correction; Counsel to Suprem Court and Appellate Division; ¢ court-app South Farmingdale Fire Dept., honored by community, £xperience in commercial litigation. law guardi ~charitable organizations. ANSWER: ANSWER: ANSWER: The District Court is th plac where a individual first A outstanding District Court Judge displays judicial encounters the judicial system. It is a “people& court” temperament under all circumstances and is able to work -landlord: tenant, small claims, traffic violations and effectively with lay persons and attorneys to solve system. Importan for judg to be patie wit

» must fair, . misdemeanor crime A Distri Cou Jud b problems. A judge has done an outstanding job when, come before him. This is not easy duc te case sa firm. and My regardles of the Court&# actions, all litigants and counsels just as justice delayed is justice denied, so too then: to Glen Cov City Attom has exposed me problems leave the courtroom believing justice was dispense fairly too quickl administered. from “dog at large’ complaints to toxic spills and and impartially, and that all-have had their day in court. environmental litigation. x a ea

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— 4¢ Hoters Guide For Nassau County — November, 1988


health care? is the role in viding access to quality Questions: 1. What government pro be rnment to this issue 2. What is the most pressing foreign policy issue? What U.S. gove response

— do you propose?

SALARY: $89,500 TERM: 2 YEARS VOTE FOR ONE ROBERT J. MRAZEK @ ANTHONY J. Centerport ROBERT PREVIDI (R,C) ROBERT J. (Incumbent) SIGNORELLI Manhasset CONSIDINE (L) Education: B.A..Government, Cornell (RTL) B.A. Hunter University Education: Economics, Huntingt Huntington. of New Occupation:. Representative U.S. Cen- College: M.A., City University Education: B.S., Economics, Hofstra Education: Huntington High School York; Hunter College Hall of Fame Post Car Salesman . gress University; M.B.A., C.W. College Occupation: three Vice President, interest in Qualifications: US. Congressman, Occupation: Banking : tion: Human Resources Executive Qualifictions: Longtime politics; Author of book, CIV- has run in elections. terms: member of. House Committee on Qualifications: Qualifications: Asa Human Resources previou ILIAN CONTROL VERSUS MIL- ANSWERS: Apptopriations: former four-term professional, I have serviced many peopl ITARY RULE health member of Suffolk County legislature, with various levels and types of needs, 1 | believe in a national policy ANSWERS: former staff member of U.S. Senator both within and external to the work similar to Senator Kennedy& proposal It 1 The role is to sure Vance Hartke. government mak place. should be mandatory for all employers to Americans covered catas- ANSWERS: all are agains ANSWERS: have a health policy on all employees illness, care for homes and 1 The federal government should fill trophic nursing |. To eliminate funding for abortions and 2. The Middle East conflict. We should get care at home. Information, particularly on all to sit down to draw those gups that now exist between private to provide services to foster health, partie together up illness, must be made available solution that will insurance programs and federal programs. preventing especiall among the poor. a peacefu keep every- the America deserves the best Congress has mad progress in this area by to public’ 2. To stop providing funding for abortions bod happy. health care in the world, and federal. approving catastrophic health coverage, state, in third world countries. work providing for those facing long-term and local governments must together effective debilitating illn¢sses and reducing the cost to achieve implementation. 2. Our success around the world isa of prescriptio drugs. Additionally, Con- recent to cover direct resul of our strong defense. We gress is likely to enact legislatio continue this to nursing-home and home health care for must using strategy achieve further nuclear reductions with the elderly. : the Soviets, in the Middle East, and 2. [he- of a verifiable strategic peac we must the Communists out of arms control agreement is the most get the did with important foreign policy challenge that we Nicaragua way we Afghanis- in the Pen- face today. [he U.S. needs to make a tan. We must fix corruption while still America common sense. constructive commitment tagon keeping strong. to pursuinga verifiable strategic arms agreement based upon on- inspection And new verification technologies. 4th CONGRESSION DISTRICT ONE SALARY: $89,500 TERM: 2 YEARS VOTE FOR FRANCIS T. GOBAN (D,L) NORMAN F. LENT (R,C) MARGARET T. McGEARY (RTL)

Hicksville 4 Baldwin Bethpage Education: Our of Sorrows, School Education: B.S., Fordham University, U.S. Air Force (Incumbent) Lady Flushing High Education: B.A., Hofstra J.D., Cornell Occupation: School Crossing Guard. 20 training University: years Law School Qualifications: Married 37 mother of 5: former Occupation: Former owner, plastic packaging film plant: University years; U.S. 4th Families for Life: former member, Parish present consultant, Waste Management Industry Occupation: Representative. Congressional president, District Council, member, State and Judicial Committee. to Qualificatians: Democratic Committeeman; worked on Right tions: former State Life political campaigns; former Boy Scout Scoutmaster, Qualifi Attorney: Republican Par parish youth direetor, retired USAF captain Committ n; former Republican Executive Leader ANSWERS: ANSWERS: ANSWERS: |. The enactment of a catastrophic health plan would committed to the of health care tor this mean to 1. We. in the federal government, are improve quality everyone. Legalized lo-oversee. By provide pricing (fee) . all Americans access to health care. This abortion, however, means certain death for 14 million guidelines, to make sure that insurance companies provide providing quality is demonstrated the of babies each We must reverse Roe v. Wade. find it coverage to all at reasonable rates (group vs. individual). commitment through expansion year. health suchas Medicare which has ironic that we are so concerned about the health and and to help set a program to prevent bankruptcy to a care programs enjoyed in since 1981. the welfare of some citizens while at the same time and patient. a 274°¢ increase funding By promoting legally Social and other social babies. 2 USA-USSR Relations. Precommend setting up mutual vitality of Medicare, Security mercilessly killing wellare access to 2. We need an immediate in information and exchange programs on cultural, cco- programs, we are ensuring quality change foreign policy the financial aid which homic. financial, manufacturing and military matters, medical care. Tegarding granting of to countries 2. to the to the U.S. Bolivia chiet is coca leaves thus encouraging and promoting more understanding and We must continue promote peace enjoyed during export drugs crop less fear and distrust of each other. This then should bring the seven years of this administration and to foster {rom which cocaine is made. We should immediately halt democratization worldwide. The most notable all our to Bolivia and them about cooperative efforts on peace, armaments, drugs, positive exports stop “loaning” money, if trade, ete development is bur renewed good relatipn with the Soviet we are sincere about trying to solve our drug problem. Union and the continuing dialogue on arms control and human rights. Other encouragin news is the settlemént of the Iran/ Iraq war.and the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. sth CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT TERM: 2 YEARS VOTE FOR ONE SALARY: $89,500 RAYMOND J. McGRATH (R,C) JAMES A. MATIER WILLIAM G. KELLY (D) Valley Stream (RTL)

: Hempstead _ (Incumbent) Lynbrook M.A.. Education: B.B.A.. Notre Dame: J.D... Brooklyn Law Education: B.A. in Education. SUNY Brockport: Education: Graduate, Far Rockaway High School; 2 New York School Education, University . years, Long Island University : Occupation: Trial Attorney Occupation: U.S. Representative. 5th Congressional Occupation: Electrician Qualifications Lifelong resident of district, married, two District Qualifications: Former chairman. currently member of Member 4 Member of children; investigator for Joe Hynes, Special State Qualifications: of Congress. terms; Parish Council 2 active in Prosecutor. Nursing Home Investigations; intern, New York State Assembly, terms; participant ANSWERS: civic charitable endeavors Brooklyn District Attorney& office: Managing Attorney numerous organizations, N response received. ANSWE for major insurance company ANSWERS: 1 We should continue federal role in financing medical for 50 million Americans Medicare and 1 The government& role is twofold. First is the responsi care through Medicaid. The two will cost $110 billion in 1989. bility for making sure that properly staffed facilities and programs will be illness sufficient medical personnel are available to provide Coverage expanded through catastrophic which Further federal initiatives should effective health. care to everyone who'nee it. Second is plan, supported. be undertaken until control the of the equal responsibilit of ensuring that the. health care not we costs existing and determine the of the which is provided meets the reasonable standards that Programs cost new catastrophic plan. every citizen has the right to expect. 2. Issue: Phe need for stable international trade. 2. The U.S. has many pressing foreign policy obligations, Through free trade and such as the Caribbean from negotiation with the Soviets over nuclear weapons, agreements policie Basin Initiative, the U.S. can relation- toassisting importan allies such as Isracland NATO. But improve existing from ships. We canal opportunities for the most pressin concern is the flood of illegal drugs open developing because countries, which are ripe for turmoil as long as their abroad. If we hypocritically support druglords citizens live in terrible these nations they control another nation (Panama), our children will poverty. Helping harmful. uchieve economic independence is a major contribution to surely ignore our message that drugs are international stability. a anal

— November, 1988 — 5c — Boters Guide For Nassau County




JOHN C. \VECCHI JAMES H. SCHEUER (D,L) (c Forest Hills Douglaston .

oi : zs =a (Incumbent) NO RESPONSE RE EIVE n: B.A. Swarthmore College degree in industrial relations, Harvard : ity Graduate School of Business Administration; LL.B. Columbia University 1) r Law School Occupation: U.S. Representative 8th Congressional District Qualifications: 22 year incumbency ANSWER 1 With 37 millio America lacking even basic health care insurance, government must provide leadership to insure universal access to the total array of medical service including preventive health care and long-term care. Government must insure that the vast sum of money spent annually on health care is spent wisely to cover the gaps in coverage that currently exist and to maintain quality services. ics: 2; Th nee for a mutual and verifiable reduction of nuclear weapons must remain a top priority for our government. We must continue to forge ahead with negotiations with the Soviets to insure that our world will never suffer the devastation of a nuclear holocaust. icy —- . H 7 FO N STATE SENATE CANDIDA Ye get up the state in the ea affordable housing? ~~ Questions: 1. What is the role of meeting for Act 1988, would you 2. What further state action, beyond the Solid Waste Management recommend to solve the solid waste problem?

VOTE FOR ONE SALARY: $57,500 TERM: 2 YEARS M. WATSON WILLIAM GIBBON - PAMELA ROBERT M. MACHIDA (D) RALPH J. MARINO (R,C) (RTL) Huntington Locust Valley Glen Cove Syosset Education: Attending Nassau Community Education: High school graduat I Education: B.A.. Maryknoll C (Incumbent) olleg University extension courses on- i Univer: Education: B.A., Syracuse University; College philosophy: M_A.. Adelphi relations Law School . Occupation: Student management LL.D. Fordham : education: M.A..C.W. Post, politic . Former candidate for 10th technicia Occupation: Attorney Qualifications: Occupation: Laborator science . Assembly District Qualifications: Past union: Occupation: Educator Qualifications Chairman, Temporary pre — and ANSWERS: ANSWERS: Involved with affordable State Commission on Tax. Liens Qualifications: No received. 1 [he probl is not som Union Frauds, Joint Legislative (later response housing - apartments; Mortgage housing garden The cs Senate Banks that surfaced just yesterday - Crime, executive’ board, 2 years; environment Select) Committee on 00 bentlegislators have ic chemical anti- Committee: former member, Oyster Bay helpe marched against dumping, rather than solve it. Board problem Shoreham stand School Board, |own must not only monitor the abu ANSWERS: ANSWE must work with landlords who are entitled avenues 1. While continuing targeted |. There are three possibl tha Privat wh the State to a fair-return. as well as tenant ‘ool lar sector tax and loan incentives, warrant consideration as as meeting Be: : fund Board: This © be for deserve respectability. the needs for housing. State should expand support Affordab Z est Soec affordabl a recycling accomplished by subsidy. on wise interest an Home Ownership Corporation’s housing, con subsidy of mortgage rates, Ae ‘ Sr eate ak ‘ish and YEE and or inspection. amendment to the state constitution Stock programs Brani P MO O rKC OPE improvement | products: study waste tire promote 2. Ava resident of Long Islan | 1s affordable SONY MA low interest mortgage loans. reuse lifelong allowing counties to construct match- Infras- biodegraduble packaging: remember a time when you could provid 2 account environmen- Retain housing a priority use of housing (taking into as retrofits of solid ing funds for mandated our beaches, drive on unc! stabilization tructure Fund revenues. Initiate IRA-type tal factors): allowance of rent i waste facilities; extend payback schedule New York State. for the first-time home- uld throughout sitvings programs loans Bond Act): devel- for landfill closure (1986 2. Serious must be given to buyers. Give surplus State land to consideration funds for certain construction condition cost of home matching forming a Statewide agency dealing witha opers on they‘cut (recycling centers, transfer stations, etc.): the years. [hey must be rep’ dit Included in sucha to the “recycling” policy. public of and an upgrade enforcement current candidate who haye true conce: policy would be economic incentives for environmental laws. environment of our island. and implementation. Mass .burn incineration is certainly not the answer. ie DISTRICT ich 6th SENATORIAL VOTE FOR ONE SALARY: $5 St TERM: 2 YEARS ; ey, SUSAN em. ( COURTNEY G. JOHN R. DUNNE (R,C) HELLDORFER (RTL) PAUL F. HARPER FLEMING (D) Garden Cit Bethpage Hempstead (Incumbent) Education: Accounting major. St. John’s Education: B.A., University of Pit Garden City . Education: B.A., Georgetown University: University PhD., Cornell University Education: B.S.. Economics, Villanova L.L.B., University Occupation: Bookkeeper. credit rating Occupation: University Professo: — University Yal Occupation: New York Senator Qualifications: Professor and d nt bureau : Occupatio Managemen Analyst, Nas- Stat ir Qualifications: N.Y. State Senator - 23 Qualifications: Candidate, Town Council head. politics and government, sau County Gov&# Office Services 1987: in Force, 1951-1955 years: Deputy Senate Majority Leader; Oyster Bay Experience legal 0 Qualificatio 1953-1968 Owner, opera- Former Chairman, Senate Judiciary _fesearch previou employmen ANSWERS: home from tor insulating products company: Environmental Conservati Leader of organization both inside and_ |. With home rule sacrosanctat v 196% to assisted in design, Committ present. opera- Committe Crime outside the community. level, the State has little inf tion of first automated inventory control. Committ Insuran and Committee legislature should provide coui ith

: ANSWER : Nassau County; Democratic State Com- Correctio ANSWER |. Housing should be made readily avail- some powers to build moder: nd 1 2 faitteciiani : State Providin affordable housin for young able to peopl of low income, minorities, low-income housing. The coul ANSWERS: financial aid for Small le, and elderly is difficult and while maintaining community provide more low familie particularly senio Lwould like to see th state legislate local and federal scattered site and in Nassau where we are blessed quality. State, govern- housing, public te the County of interest: mortgages guaranteed by should With with a thriving economy but hindered by tment pravide qualified developer stronger fair-housing la this to state, making mortgage palatable this with variances, low interest loans ment. this would also a very high housing costs. To deal with zoning help institutions. It should our lending require $326 and tax incentives to motivate them to of our crisis the Legislature approved ghettoization subur a scale of downpayments from sliding million for development of affordable provide affordable units. There should be minorities. 5‘; to 15‘¢ to be available to lower about statewide. The monies will be moderate construction of multiple-unit 2. Towns and villages are relu A housing income. middle class and senior citizens. of two divided among new and existing state housing and approval legalized impose mandatory garbag separa state subsidized mortgage plan should be where: programs to help provide for critical family dwelling community recycling: legislation requiring: available on a majo scale. will make housing needs. approval exists. mandatory recycling 2 The State should set up legislative 2 the solid waste crisis requires a 2. Solid waste must be properly managed implement this proven and si, of Solving standards for sale effective disposal the waste reduction method. state local government partnership. The to protect health and environment. Sharp solid waste. now are build- Municipalities Solid Waste Management Act provides Reduce volume of solid waste through the budget for the underfunde ing all kinds of waste disposal plants Public of Environmental technical and some financial assistance to source separationa recycling. Department without such Officers, as well and guidelin localities for aimed at reducing und private sector should conserve tion to effectively enforce exist programs f as the itself, should be held Further Raise corporation solid waste. State must do more to help reuse, not discard, materials. onmental laws. fines, for liable for dumping, etc. to personally illegal close landfills, site alternate. disposal research and development of programs beyond the “acceptabl business standards should The Mandatory recycling facilities, develop markets for recyclable convert waste to energy is needed. level. also be enacted. assistance to products. and with federal government State can provide technical its solid offer financial help to pay for Solid Waste local programs and enhance own Managernent Programs. waste management programs. — 6c Boters Guide For Nassau County — Novembe 1988

qth SENATORIAL DISTRICT SALARY: $57,500 TER 2 YEARS VOTE FOR ONE- M. MALONE (RTL) MICHAEL J. TULLY, JR. (R,C) CATHERINE BARBARA J. JOHNSON (D) Westbury Roslyn Heights St. Dominic School graduat Port Washington (Incumbent) Education: High Hall Education: B.A., New York University; J.D., Seton St. John’s Occupation Homemaker, legal secretary Education: B.A., St. John’s University: J.D., / and community life experience, 41 University; M.B.A., Pace University University Law School Qualifications: Family newsletter. editor, state Occupation: |awyer Occupation: New York State Senator : years: Icgal secretary, lobbyist: specializing in labor committeewoman, RTL Party: former president and Qualifications: Practicing attorney, Qu: ions: Former Assistant District Attorney, collective and involved in of relations, bargaining litigation; Nassau County: North Hempstead Town Councilman, treasurer pro-life organization for welfare mothers Korean adoptions and job training 1967-71; Town Supervisor, 1971-82; State Senator,

19K2-present :

: ” ANSWERS: . ANSWERS: ANSWERS: foraffordable for 1 [he state should consult /advise with area housing 1 The shortage of affordable housing requires a commit- 21 lo help meet the need housing young the $326 experts and community members to fix priority needs; ted effort b the legislature to find a solution. $326 million families and senior citizens. Legislatur approved $40 assist monetarily (loans/ grants) where emergency exists; has been carmarked for housing in the state. Government million for specific housing programs, including Home In halt OVERUSE of available land for malls/ office should use these funds in most effective manner such as inilhon for the Aflordable Ownership Program and buildings. The state must stop using taxpayer monies providing low-interest mortgages and encouraging private addition, the Senate authorized housing development Medicaid to exterminate Democratic for counties, such as Nassau, within the framework (through abortions) pre-born sector to pla a more direct role and adopt powers ordinances. babies from their first home, the womb. proposal for construction loan insurance which would of existing zoning 2 New York State has to enforce its to provide affordable housing 2 Mandated recycling and resource separation are an strictly regulations mountain of solid waste. I protect the environment; be consistently vigilant; punish 2. The problem of waste management is presently dealt initial must to reduce the violators issuing stiff establisha with on local, municipal levels. This has created expensiv sponsored Icgislation banning non-biodegradable plastic promptly, penalties; the Senate citizen “hotline” to report violations: continue research to and overlapping agencies whos activities lack coordina- packaging. And. passe my bill establishing needs air emission standards for purily incinerator disposal New York State has to ‘tion. [h state’s new guideline are helpful but more tough, new “California Style” stop the Medicaid abortions which treat life as to be done, Reliance on incineration is environmentally municipa incinerators. authored the law precluding funding pre-born would from used human garbage. unsound. W need a state-wide recycling plan. This Port Washington sandpits being as a regional enable municipalities to establish resource recovery ushlill site. systems and marketable recycled materials. Sth SENATO) DISTRICT SALARY: $57,500 TERM: 2 YEARS. VOTE FOR ONE JOSEPH S. BILELLA (L) JEROME JAINCHILL (D NORMAN J. LEVY (R,C) JOHN J. DUNKLE (RTL) Bellmore North Bellmore Merrick Freeport Education: B.F.A.. New York Institute of Education: B.A., M.A. in Genetics. Ph.D. (Incumbent) Education: B.A., Cross _ Holy College; York Univer- Technology: M.S. in Specia Education, in Biological Science. New Education: B.A.. Bucknell: J.D.. Brooklyn M.A., New York University; Ph.D. St. Adelphi University; teaching credentials sity Law School John’s University Occupation: Junior high school teacher Occupation: Science educator, pharma- Occupation: New York State Senator and Occupation: High school English teacher Qualifications: Lifetime residen of Bell- ceutical consultant attorney Qualifictions: history of involvement research more who&# not owned by the Democratic .Qualifications: Pharmacological Qualifications: State senator. 18 years; in politics his or Republica parties. who cares about ut major pharmacological company, sponsor of over 900 new laws: chairman, ANSWERS: and medicines; Committee, and community developing improving Senate ransportation take no public stand on any issue except ANSWERS: medical research in cancer and viruses: [ask Force on Drunk Senate Special legal abortion. I believe we are all involved detection of abuse 1 believe that the state has a very drug programs Driving in the massive killing of innocent people : role in citizens find , its ANSWERS: ANSWERS: his murderous dwarfs all important helpin ; public policy | in favor of a families must have the incentives to affordable housing. am 1 Long Island 1 lo provide financial other issues. of rent control similar to New York opportunity to live as families. Young used with private and: local governmental system for the entire state. We are losing couples should be able to find homes to investment to encourage affordable hous- City’s, because cannot keep them near their parents. A better ing subject to local zoning, through our young people they find live. ° program for first-home buyers is needed. gfants, technical assistance and/or loans any place to solid will be Senior citizens living on fixed incomes for construction, rehabilitation or 2. The problem of waste not 1988 Act. We have to should have freedom from financial improvements of over-occupied housing. solved by just the other means of our worries of high taxes and mortgage | hrough programs suchas Affordable investigate removing payments. State backing of “reverse Home Ownership Development Program garbage. | am in favor of mandatory similar that found in some mortgages” is one step in this direction. and Housing Trust Fund, state’s commit- recycling to areas of New 2 The greatest current problem in solid ment to affordable housing is nearly Jersey. waste disposa is the attempt by local Long one-half billion dollars this fiscal year Island municipalities to postpone the alone.

i closin of garbag dump sites. The town 2 In addition to co-sponsoring the 1988 officials are draggin their feet instead of Act. [have co-sponsored legislation which which will instituting recycling programs would provide up to S0¢ state funding to reduce a large percentage of our garbage. localities for construction of recycling The of countdown on spoiling our water centers, transfer stations and waste-to- supply has been started. energy plants and allow the cost that _Jocalities face in closing landfills to be included in the financing of new facilities. The Assembly should pass this program and the Governor should sig it. 9th SENATORIAL DISTRICT TERM: 2 YEARS VOTE FOR ONE SALARY: $57,500 DEAN G. SKELOS (R,C) ROBERT E. SLATUS (D) Rockville Centre JOAN M. JACK OLCHI (L) (Incumbent) West McDERMOTT (RTL) Hewlett 3 Hempstea Education: B.A.. History, Washington Education: B-A., Hunter College: J.D.. Education: B.A.. New York University; College: J.D.. Fordham University Law Lynbrook Brooklyn Law School L.L.B.. New York University School of School Education: High school graduate Occupation: Attorney-at-law Law . New York State Senator Occupation: Homemaker Former counsel to Occupation: 0 io Qualifications: legal State candida Deputy County Attorney, Qualifications: State senator, 4 Assembly State Senator Albert Lewis, 1973; former years: Nassau County former Assemblyman; Chairman, Senate Senate candidate, 1986; over- of Community Association of Former president st in Qualifications: Nassau County Standing Committee on Aging; prime good government West Hempstead former teacher, chapte Deputy Clerk. Deputy County Treasurer; of State Pro- chairman of United Federation of sponsor Prescription Drug No received. Deputy County Attorney since 1971 State for senior citizens, 1986 response Veachers : gram Vice-Chairman, N.Y.S. Liberal ANSWERS: Party ANSWERS: : ANSWERS: and should “L. The state. as well as our federal |. The state legislature pas legisla- 1 support a constitutional amendment local governments, has an obligation and tion making cach county responsibl for to'ena counties to build affordable to that and the or responsibility provide programs affordable housing not village housing. At the present time, the New will assure alll individuals have the The state should: increase funds oppor- locality. York State Constitution prohibits a tunity to find affordable housing for for the present program of subsidizing low from affordable themselves and their families. Over the county building housing interest mortgage loans for first-time for and several the has whic iss necessary young peopl and local past years, legislature home owners; work with county senior citizens. enacted several in affordable housing development villages establishing housing. 2. There are no in the Act and authorized various incen- provisions for The and localities should also be programs county mandatory recycling and no enforcement tives to help encourage the building and encourage to build suitable housing for In the bill, rehabilitation of affordable housing. powers. approving Governor senior citizens. Mario Cuomo stated: “The monies in 2. While the 1988 Act isan first this We committees to define importan 2: must establis are insufficient toward forming state/local appropriation to meet the waste and theh act We step a partner- toxic accordingly. recycling and landfill closure need of the ship in solid waste management, the state must encourage cou and localities to local must expand its role in addressin this many governments throughout the recycl waste. The bottle return program state.” call serious | upon the legislature to carry bottles for problem. Legislation co-spon- should be expande to include out the sored earlier this would have recommendations of the Governor other than soda bottles. year provided item just Packag- in this respect. Sf; state funding to localities for con- ing laws should be enacted limiting the struction of recycling centers. transfer number of wrappings of one package. We stations, landfills and waste-to-energy should eliminate the production of non- Localities bear the burden biodegradable packaging plants. cannot of this problem alone. a|

— Boters Guide For Nassa County — November, 1988 7c

ae 11th SENATORIAL DISTRICT TERM: 2 YEARS SALAR $57, VOTE FOR ON FRANK PADAVAN (R,C) Queen Village EDWARD NICASTRO (D,L) (Incumbent) Education: B.S., Polytechnic University; M.B.A., Ne York Unive Hollis Hills Brooklyn s Education: B.A... St. John’s University: M.A., New School for Social Research; J.D.., Occupation: New York State Senator University of Bridgeport School of Law Qualifications: 16 years service as Senator; Four years as Deputy Commissi Occupation: Administrative Manager New York City Department of Buildings; 14 ee in engineer-management ate Qualification Official declared whistle blower by the Department of Investigation positions. nd (N.Y.C.) for exposing corruption ANSWERS: ANSWERS: 1 The State helps tocal housing needs thro agencies such as SONYMA rehabilitation of exi 1. The State must construct low income housing and expand lo interest housing subsidizing public housin agen ncouraging the loans for middle class. housing stock through tax incentives. This year, I voted to extend and enhan of SONYMA so lam 2. There must be a stronger state environmental police force establishment. bonding authority young families can get mortgages. please have the State law New York’s Homeless Assis Alternative waste disposal programs must be created. sponsored creating Housing Program. 2. Localities are in a dilemma. The are prohibi from using existing landfill they are no} getting enough State assistance in bringing on line new, safe dis; facilities. Until the new law that co-sponsored produces effective separatio: recycling and reuse programs that bring disposa wastes down to tse levels, the State must help localities with their soaring disposal costs.

&quo 1. What is the role of the state in meeting the need for affordable housing? would 2. What further state action, beyond the Solid Waste Management Act 1988, you recommend to solve the solid waste proble 12th ASSEMBLY DISTRICT TERM: 2 YEARS VOTE FOR ONE of S. WILPAN in, JOAN (D,L) PHILIP B. HEALEY (R,C) MARIANN E. SYKES au Farmingdale Massapequa Massapequa Park Education: B.A., New York University; J.D.. mpi (Incumbent) Education: Nassau Community cole a Attending : Center C.W. University. Law Education: B.B.A.. St. John’ University, B.A., Teacher' assistant at school d tic Occupatio Occupation: College Professor, 1986- Post- College: attended St. “John’s Law School coach/ fo his swimming lifeguard Former Assistant U.S. Attorney (Federal and Consultant Qualifications: Occupation: Assemblyman Qualifications: Town resident, 30 years, caretin chu Sole Practitioner of Law, N.Y.C.. and Prosecutor) 1972-76; Qualification M experience in legislative matters school, community groups” law 1976-79; Trial Attorney, Civil Litigation, large private activities in the area enables me to b effective in ANSWERS: ry N.Y.C., 1979-84 to the firm, respondin community. 1 lhe state must take an active role in hel an ANSWERS: ANSWERS: affordable don’t with fa housing. agree providing 1 State should low interest loans to first low interest for sponsor housing I. of state guarantee mortgages for those who do not There are ork Suppo housing work, many_ homeowners (family income not exceeding $50,000) and of useful first time home buyers. Stop overdevelopment to be done in this town and the possibility of hours construction of affordable and reasonable land for malls and office buildings. Construc- encourage unnecessary community service in exchange for a reductio in rent ot is not housing in areas where environment tion of senior citizen has been successful, and cooperative housing might be one answer. threatened. Continued building of $250,000 - $300,000 per middle class can be done similarly. Tax credits to housing 2. would support a ban on non-essential unit condominiums does not serve the needs of the existing to build affordable middle class corporations housing. biodegradable products such as styrofoam and plast creates severe environmental problems and Remove of rentals and tax population, stigma “illegal” previde fully support expansio of recyclable materials to i sur senior citizens. drives out the young and benefits to senior citizens who rent.a portion of their cash- for rubber and metals. | ry scra wo 2. State should pass legislation to unify solid waste homes to young couples. encourage the large industries to assist with the collecti and regiona solutions. Incentives for disposal proposals plan long-term 2. Set up State standards for recycling. and disposal of the materials they produce. Plan should include mandatory recycling program (with communities who participate in recycling programs. Set enforcement aimed at least half of wastes. mechanisms) up community-based educational programs to explain State should tax manufacturers who in legislation engage management of solid wastes. Incorporate state regulate excessive or non-recyclable packaging. Only a last resort recyclin facilities. Stricter/packaging regulation and stiff should incinerators be built according to state plan fines to*those corporations who disregard existing laws. minimizing number, and siting in least populated areas.


- LEWIS J. YEVOLI (D) Old Bethpage (Incumbent) JOSEPH COVELLO (R,C) RAYMOND G. Education: Graduate Hicksville H.S.; Education: Graiat of Plainview MURPHY (RTL) Hicks attended Hofstra University, Adeiphi School Education: B.A., Psychology, SUNY University Old Bethpage Screen Printer ~Buftalo: J.D... Hofstra University Law Education: B.B.A., Hofstra University; Occupation: Assemblyman am an ordinary ¢ School Assistant to the Supervi- MLS. in Education, St. John’s University ity; Qualifications: appalle at the poverty of ideas, spirit. of Town of Occupation: Private law practic Retired sor, Oyster Ba 1966-69; Oyster Occupation: in our Board of participation democratic system, Fown Councilman, 1970-73. Qualifications: Counsel, Zoning 14 Bay only Qualifications: Purchasing agent, stepping forward Appeals: served as associate to lead 12 ey, Democrat in Town history to be elected to years: teacher, 10 years; counselor, ANSWERS: counsel in landmark the Town Board Agent Orang case, 4 years years; anny paratrooper, 1. People are and have capit ea ANSWERS: providing me practical familiarity. with ANSWERS: nty ownership is transformational, mi environmental laws / issues. 1 The cost of housing so inflated No received. rer; is greatl response tained value will rise - of and ANSWERS: housing late in our region that young working people housed, is how most of New York ownership beg the dream of home 1 The State Mortgage are often denied save and The ladder of Agency’s (SONYMA) Affordable Hous- progress. ownership. W are losing the battle to must be extended should be continued and ship opportunity for local businesses. ing Program retain young talent to the waterline by enabling encou of availabil- an ¢ th could assist with expande ats a means ensuring state private industry ing construction of starter size ui ity of low cost financing for first time, low-interest financing incentives to build developin moderate income home buyers. Efforts to more housing for young families of financial instrumentations, stock publicize this program should be modest means. for homes. increased. Maximum acquisition costs of 2. Wh Act&# original purposes are well 2. This excellent and homes in Nassau under the legislation intended and set some standards. County pro- lofty follows as time deepens our understai the into gram should be adjusted to realistically Th problem is putting proposals and widens our technical in the option -effect with the effective mechanisms that reflect highe cost of living county. ink on paper until we see citizens 2. Immediate and aggressiv state actions f will promote immediate action. I have volume reduction, needed: amend state aidin source bill that would create a Long procurement practi- —— sponsore realis- tion, and law enforcement. When which ces to favor purchas of recycle materials resource recovery facilities; provide Island Solid Waste Authority witness heroic on in tic assistance for local patriots report would be funded low-interest competitive bidding: require state funding recyclin by bonding ers or testify contracts to utilize products made from and energy recovery projects implemen again organi c This if would a unit, approved go long law will have become gold in our recovered materials; immediately develo and enforce a stringent manifest system heai way towards meetin the daily challenge and successful in our land. state regulations for safe operation of for infectious wastes. of solid waste policy for our area. pigeeernin = — —-

an oat sateen’ sma agit

— Oc ‘Boters Guide For Nassau Gon — November, 198

14th ASSEMBLY DISTRICT SALARY: TERM: 2 YEAR VOT FOR ONE $57,500 MARY T. MURRAY (RTL) MAUREEN ARECCO (D) FREDERICK E. AARON M. SCHEIN (L) ville Hicksville Hicksville PAROLA (R,C) Hicksv in Education: B.S. Math, New Mexico State Education: Educated Ireland, graduate Education: Mercy College, years; Mand! . Wantagh Math, CUNY; addi- of vocational training school School for medical technicians University, M.A. (Incumbent) Homemaker - wife, mother tional graduate studies. Math, NYU Occupation: Occupation: Assistant to chief registrar, Education: B.A., Political Science, Hart- of Mathematics of four children Nassau Board of Elections Occupation: Professor County J.D., Albany Law School of 25 wic Chairman, Nassau Qualifications: Member community Vice Park Colleg Qualifications: County Qualifications: president, Duffy involved with Liberal Party: Member, Executive Com- years; raised four children, Civic Association: secretary. Gianelli Qualifications: Five-term Assemblyman, mittee, N. State Liberal Party: Member, their education: active member of parish; Democratic Club; state committeeperson, deputy Minority Whip; member Assembly Policy Committee, N.Y. State Liberal active in pro-life work. Nassau County Democrats Education. Energy Committees; member Party ae ANSWERS: Commission on LF. Water Legislative To(he state must receive, listen and ANSWER . 1 state-guaranteed low-interest coun- Support Resource Needs: former legislative examine from in senior 1 State legislature should pass law allow- input people need, mortgages for first-time home bvyers sek Republican committeeman, 1971- counties to build affordable housing. citizens, youn marrieds, single and poor, Stop overdevelopment of land for unne- ing present in determine State should work in partnership with and urea experts housing to cessury malls and office buildings. Con- ANSWERS: localities and federal government to where the need is greatest and how money struct middle class housing along same Fill breach due to federal cutbacks. finance housing. If necessary, the state can best be used. Also the homeowner is lines as successful senior citizen housing. and loan subsidy for Expand eligibility taxed the hilt. New York State build should bring a vote on bond issuc to to must Give tax credits to corporations wh affordable housing under SONYMA up finance for the home- stop funding abortions. The preborn - affordable middle class Remove housing. especially housing. a comprehensive _ mortgages. Implement citizen is denied all rentals and tax less. rights. stigma of “illegal” provide statewide program to erect senior citizen 2. [he state should require mandatory 2. Manufacturers, firms, industry and all benefits senior citizens who rent portion housing. Utilize $326 million for Housing There should be a study and packagin plants must be alerted to the of their homes to young couples. Assistance fund for homeless and low- recycling. alternatives to the use of of material use in various 2. state standards for laws passe on type they Setup recycling. income housing. Cooperate with towns to who landfills. products to be packaged. Advise them to Provide incentives for communities eliminate absentee landlords illegal rentals facture and. in Set-up stock package only recycled participate recycling programs. that are destroying existin housing educational material. Educate and enlighten the community-based programs and neighborhoods. statewide recycling program to eliminate to and trash the of solid general public garbage to explain management Ban all occan dumping waste. Define one-half New York’s solid waste by 1998. state of medicaid wastes. recy- disposal. Stop funding Incorporate state-regulated ull medical waste as “hazardous.” require Require all fast food containers and lawn abortions that treat life facilities. Pass stricter preborn as dispos- cling packaging solely by incineration: increase to be Expand state disposal bags biodegradable. able and stiff fines to those garbage. regulations give + penaltie fo illegal dumping; create Waste aid to towns for recycling and conserva- wh laws. corporations disregard existing Reduction Corporation to fully implement ton,


TERM: 2 YEARS VOTE FOR ONE SALARY: $57,500 ROBERT P. ZIMMERMAN (D) DANIEL FRISA (R,C) JOHN A. TIGHE (RTL) Jericho Westbury Levittown York Education: B.A. Brandeis University, cum laude, M.B.A. (Incumbent) Education: B.S., Business Administration, New Fordham University Education: c B.A. B.S., St. John’s University University Occupation: Vice-President, Westbury-based marketing, Occupati Retir head advertising. public relations firm Qualificati ful busi ience; i ive Qualift in of Qualifications: Past Special Assistant to Assembly Programs instituted for business developm onL.l. nation’s third largest retailer; familiar with organizati Speaker, Executive Director Assembly Long Island while working with the NY Job Development Authority managerial concepts. budgets. Sound lask Force; Present member LI Economic and the U.S. Small Business Administration. ANSWERS: Development Council ANSWERS: 1. Affordable housing, particularly for low income ANSWERS: New York must aggressivel coordinate its efforts-with working families and senior citizens must have high The State must place increased emphasis on th unique the localities where zoning power is vested. The housing priority. The state must act as a facilitator with local interests determine housing problems of the suburbs and must provide crunch on L.L. hits both older citizens and younger people, governments and privat (churches) to additional financial incentives to encourage housing with problems of both high propert taxes and home necd, eligibility, site selection and funding. Likewise construction, especially for our young couples and our LI Housing Partnersh is making headway. But affordable low cost housing need not have an adverse * price senior citizen senior citizens who can no longer afford to live here. We state’s best efforts will be in stabilizing property taxes b effect on neighborhood values. Our

5 must continue and strengthe our commitment to tenant payin its fair share of school aid. developments are credits to our areas. and additional real tax relief 2. New York take a more role 2. As a “novice” | have no recommen- protection provide property must progressiv / politician, specific _ which to overburdened homeowners. in solving the garbage problem. Comprehensive plastics dation to resolving the problem stymies “profes- Lsupport mandatory state-enforced municipal recycling and packaging restrictions are needed and a common sionals.” Albany must provide technical leadership and and industries. programs. with required percentages and penalties, to sense, workable reduction, re-use and recycling program monetary support to local communities of on treatments and redu the amount of waste generated I favor a state ban in order to reduce the total tonnage drastically and prevent However. instead focusing disposal on styrofoam and plastics in food packaging and oppose those materials which produce toxins from entering the methods. we should look towards waste reduction/elimi- mass-burn incineration, because of the threat to the public waste stream. Composting must also be state-sanctioned nation, mandating industry action if necessary. Ultimately “health and safety and the excessive use of our ground with financial asSistance. this would reduce local community costs and increase water. the sole source of our drinkable water. industry profits.


THOMAS P. DiNAPOLI (D,L) SALVATORE SCATURRO (RTL) LEONARD H. SHAPIRO (R,C) Great Neck New Hyde Park Great Neck (Incumbent) Education: Attending New York University for real Education: B.S.B.A., Boston University Education: M.A.. New School for Social Research; B.A.. Property administration Occupation: Vice President, Long Island. oil company Pe Hofstra University Occupation: Departme store manager oNQualifications: Member/ officer many professional, Occupation: Full-time legislator Qualifications: Active in churc organizational work. charity and religious organizations including Board of Qualifications: Member Assembly. 1987- Chair. ANSWERS: Directors Nassau Citizens Budget Committee, Kiwanis, Assembly Task Force Long Island Sound, Member, I. The state should supply the funding. B' Brith, Family Service Association, Long Island Committees Education, 2. We need more to solve the Association Committee Standing Higher Education, ae knowledgeable people Energy eric: mu A Gk mis BE Bole a a eagnrwr a2 - P LGaRmr Environmental Conservation, Children and Families, problem and more funding. ANSWERS: Tourism and Arts 1 The state should fill the gap from federal cutbacks: In ANSWERS: order todo this we must increase the income eligibility and 1 Encouraging public-private cooperatio is essential: loan subsidy under SONY MA mortgages. The state must Provide surplus land at low cost to local governments and pu into bein a comprehensive prograrfr whereb senior not-for-profit agencies with assurance that affordable citizens housing can be built. will be built on it. Increased for state 2. All “hazard housing support medi waste should be defined as programs like Housing Prust Fund and Affordable Home waste.” Disposil should b by incineration only and Local should be for establishment effective local Quwnership Program. governments provided of recycling increase the Penalties for illegal dumping. Implemen a * id should be established to elimi encourage to include zoning for affordable housing in programs. A separate authority me 199 to half of ycling prog: by . efforts, mutate markets and York lans and local ordinances. promote recycling New s solid waste. Eliminate non- mast and coordinate Restrictions should 2. Lo governments must be encourage compelled comprehensive strategy. packagin products. Provide state aid to local in local solid be certain container materials to to emphasiz recycling. over incineration placed on discourage municipalities for recycling and conservation. Dumping of assistance should be excessive dnd waste plans. Grants/technical non-biodegradable packaging. all waste into the ocean should be discontinued. — Boters Guide For Nassau County — November, 1988 Ic



VINCENT P. GARBITELLI (D,RTL) KEMP HANNON (R,C) East Williston Garden City Education: B.S., Biology, St. John’s University; M.D., Loyola University of Chicago (Incum bent) lf-employed M.D., Internal Medicine Education: Fordha Law School; Boston Co Chaminade High Sc : Served as Nassau County Deputy Medical Examiner Legislat Attorn i ivities; Sa d in local and Chair ANSWERS: gi should subsidize and tax breaks to-all who such or Natio Committee on Sugges State for Council Stat 1 State give provide housing Legislatio os refurbish older buildings. State should not subsidize abortion, but provide funds for Governments medical and social nee of the unbo and the paren ANSWERS: dabl Give tax 1 statewide and and 2. Restrict use of te T provi regional encouragem incentiv technic localiti bal. d breaks to companies that deal in recycl t make it profitab Restri pin usein 2 to fora hto al the marketplace. Opportunities for housin jobs, recreati and the environment. 2. Funding for on-going recycling programs; finding markets and bein a market f recycle products; on-going research into the least costly and least harmful means waste disposal; state aid for town resource recovery projects.


TERM: 2 YEARS VOTE FOR ONE SALA $57,500 THOMAS R. SIMMONS (RTL) * EARLENE H. HILL (@,L). CARNELL FOSKEY (R,C) Freeport Education: B.S., Hofstra University, J-D., Hofstra La Hempstea West Hempstea ~ School; pursuing Masters, Eastern Christian College (Incumbent) Education: B.A., Stony Brook; J.D., California Western Occupation Courier and seminary student Education: Norfolk State M.S.W. School of Law; Masters in Tax Law, Boston University B.A., College; + Adel Qualificati Asst. Coordi Lent Occupation: Deputy County Attorney University Board of Elections; L.I. Advisory Boar egvari Qualifications: Former Staff Attorney, Nassau County Occupation: New York State Assemblywoman Adoption and Family Services; Deacon, N of Social Services; formerly with Family Sout Qualifications: Committee Woman: Executive Board, Department Christian Church Jack Court Bureau, then of Municipal Affairs Public Employee Federation; Legislative Liaison, Burea ANSWERS: and Jill; Committee, Nassau Chapter, Legislative 1 oppose raising taxes to provide low-jncome Natisnal Business and Professional Women heeyState shas key role in filling the void resultin from” Negro Higher taxes make it harder for first time! eal cutbacks. Expand eligibility and loan subsidy for for owners to continue to afford their home ee affordable housing under existing programs. Institute a t ANSWERS: must ease resttictions on “illegal” apartments, to he state-wide program to increase construction of senior 1 I support the Fair Housing Act that encourages low young couples and older homeowners. State and citizen housing. Work with local governments in elimin- and moderate income housing. | support increased governments should coordinate “rehab zones,” whi ating absentee landlords’ illegal rentals that are a leading housing cénstruction for seniors. Also, | support real families can purchas and renovate structures with cause of the destruction of existing housing and lead to the property fa credits for seniors, and tenant protection. down payments and degradation of neighborhoods. mortgages.. 2. Recy programs. The banning of plasti¢és and 2. We need a regional recycling resource recovery system lin all ocean 2. Impose a moratorium-on dumping. Require c styrof in food packaging. Baldwin-Roosevelt Sanitary District should be all medical wastes to be classified as hazardous, thereby mended for pioneering recycling in Town of Hempstea requirin that it only be disposed of by incineration, and District #2. We must change our mental Weve institute penalties for any illegal dumping. Increase state accustomed to throwin away anything “inconvenient aid to municipalities and to consérvation programs. - down to our unborn children! | support laws resiricti use of non-biodegradable packaging and extension of 5 deposit to non-carbonated cans and bottles.




JOHN P. HAGAN © Baldwin (L) (Incumbent) EDWARD J. Merrick Education: B.A., History. Duke Univer- BRENNAN (RTL) Education: B.S..M.S., Fordham Uni sity: J.D., Fordham University School of sity: Ed.D. candidate. New York Univer. Law Levittown sity Occupation: New York State Assembly- Education: Associates Degr Alfred - Occupation: Retired school principal man University Qualifications: Former vice-chairma! Former Nassau Occupation: Computer Programmer.Ana- Community Planning Board, New Y STEVEN J. POUYAT (D) Qualifications: County Assistant District Attorney, Deputy University: former vice president. Unite cations: Founder, local Senior of Freeport County Attorney in Family Court and Federation leachers Education: B.A., History. Rutgers Uni- Litigation Bureau, Former Freeport ns’ Club and Widow and Widowers* ANSWERS: and directed versity Village ask Force on Drug Abuse Organization: wrote a parish Provide more subsidized low-int Occupation: Insurance Broker ANSWERS: census program: past Chairman of Levit- home Repeal some costly FISH bHe Qualifications: Businessman. Commit- 1 Affordable housing is crucial to Long town archaic. ilding codes. Support a teeman: Deputy Zone Leader Island continued cconomic development ANSWERS: encourage condominiums rather thi not but ANSWERS: and to our suburban lifestyle. The state 1 The state should only continue, only single family homes. Help communi should also its effarts to 1. The state can play a major role in mnust help provide the means for first time expand present lcs capand the concept of mother, dau, low interest for those forging a partnership between the county. home buyers te live here, and for current sponsor mortgages ter housing. Homesteading and indus state and federal governments. toward homeowners to be able to remain here. | who qualify. It should offer tax incentives development incentives to open up Io of providing mortgage subsidies for the first have co-sponsored legislation in.these for builders to. encourage the building cost rural areas of New York Sta also low-cost-homes. and income tax vouchers -- time home buyer. [he state should areas and will continue to fight for greater provide Housing public subsidy those within a encourage the construction of quality. state participation to guarantee affordable families, given private housing. More adequat shelte moderate-cost homes. Thirdly. the state housing. salary range. who are seeking a mortgage allowance for public assistance recipien should provide special zoning for senior 2 New York must solve and remediate the for the first time. 2. Attack the hug amount of excessi wait for New citizen housing solid waste crisis. More state dollars must 2 We should not two years packaging on so many items by taxing it York to its ocean of 2. In the area of Solid Waste Management, go to municipal recycling efforts. have City stop dumping banning entirely certain packaging Su; off-shore | would introduce legislation to mandate: sponsored legislation to: create a Long solid waste. Building waste port Assemblyman Hinchey’ solid wast units should be studied. Units local recycling efforts across the state for Island Solid Waste Commission to coor- conversion funding bill (A. 5654) emphasizing rec should be to convert industry and for individuals; a penalty tax dinate local recycling efforts and find designed existing cling and landfill closures. Funding fron ocean dump into a useful of the on any good which are “over-packaged™. markets for recycled products: establish sites energy recovering 50% unclaimed depos the use of bio-degradable paper and emission standards for municipal inciner- component. Federal, neighbor-state sup- kept by the beverage industry. Increase investment should be plastic products which are safe to our autor facilities; and levy felony sanctions portand private skimpy staff of Bureau of Waste Red must be environment, once they have been incin- against the unlawful disposal of infectious encouraged. Existing legislatio tion and Recycling. Make illegal dumpi erated. hospital waste. enforced. Abuses must cease. a felony. a/

SS ges Boters Guide For Nass County — November, 198 — 10c 20th ASSEMBLY DISTRICT


CHARLES KOVIT (R,C) ARTHUR J. KREMER (D,L) RAYMOND S. SOLGA (RTL) Beach Hewlett Long East Education: J.D.. Hofstra Law School; B.A., Political Rockaway (Incumbent) Education: B.S. in Education, Manh College; M.A. LL.B. Science. SUNY Stony Brook; admitted to NYS Bar 1984 Education: B.A., New York University, Brooklyn Social Studie for Town of in CUNY Law School Occupation: Deputy Town Attorney tion: Assistant of an intermediate school Hempstead principa Occupation: State assemblyman, attorney Qualifications: Active in church and youth activities NYS 23 former Qualifications: None given. Qualifications: Member Assembly, years: ANSWERS: Ways and Means Committee, 10 years; ANSWERS: chairman ‘I. ‘The state’should take a more active role in opening up all Committees of State I. Existing state programs to provide affordable presently Chairman of Standing adequat the possibilities for private development of low and housing for our citizens of modest income and for our Assembly middle-income housing. senior citizens are often underutilized and ineffectively ANSWERS: 2. Vhe state should take a leadership role in getting the administered. | would endeavor to see that these 1 The state should consider using pensio fund as a programs various communities on the local level to emulate the most built, there are conducted in a more effective manner and in concert “means of getting affordable housing providing forward-thinking and forward-acting communities in the a and with federal would is & return. The state should and must take cooperation housing programs. | protected — stale in promoting solid waste programs communities role we are and old seek repeal of the 3%, tax o bills. more as losing young ; aggressive utility such as towns in Suffolk which have 2 Local have the for County greatly from our due to the lack of housing. governments primary responsibility community increased the recycling of solid waste. perso the safe disposal of the millions of tons of solid waste that believ it is incumbent upon the state todevelopa plan other New Yorkers they lack to a prototype facility which could be used by any generate annually, and’yet sulficient to deal with it. State municipality having to meet the 1990 deadline. I think itis resources government from the should provide local government sufficient monetary aid to important. that we remoye the red tape factor and it is close landfills and to develop and alternative issue of getting solid waste facilities built, constru ~ important that we address thi issue -with state disposal faciliti participation.



ROBERT J. SVOBODA (D) GREGORY R. BECKER (R,C) str la Rockville Centre Lynbrook O Education: B.A., Norwich University. History/ Education; the (Incumbent) MARY T. MICHEL (RTL) M.S.. Hofstra, Education Administration Education: Associate Degree, Business Administratio Occupation: Attendance supervisor in large Nass Nassau Community College: B.S. in Business Valley Stream Count school district Administration, C.W. Post College Education: High school graduate, attended college Qualifications: aught social studies; took government Occupation: State legislator Occupation: Community activist; housewife and mother courses; served on RVC Mayor&# Committee- on Qualifications: Three terms. totaling 6 years, in New York Qualifications: Den mother; 4-H Leader, LaLeche League Education: legislative chairman, state teachers association, State Assembly leader. 20 years: president of many church groups; 5 years ANSWERS: constantly involved in community political activities ANSWERS: |. Create and invest more state funding for mass ANSWERS: 1. would introduce the legislation on state level to make transportation needs to build more efficient and faster 1 One of responsibility, to all citizens, poor, rich, unborn, available more low interest If mortgage moncy. some of system of moving work force to and from Nassau Suffolk born. the state had this could be - agencies surpluses money used und Westchester/Rockland areas through New York 2. Keen supervision. Proper management. tor low jnterest mortgage money. streamline the bureaucratic charade of the State 2 Mandate local government to provide source n of Housing and Community Renewal. Replace separation. The state should coordinate the markets for issioner with new, energetic individual concerned

~ the material collected. The state should provide guidelines with affordable housing and combat homelessness. for the construction of resource recovery plants to avoid 2. Greater state aid for localitie to assi them in meeting time and wasting money as was seen with the Town of the legislative intent of the act. Hempstead’ plant that failed to work and cost millions. W need safe sites for the resulting ash products.



GEORGE H. MADISON (R,C) FLORENCE D. BRADY (RTL) BARRY DEL MASTRO (D) Franklin Square Floral Park Elmont (Incumbent) Education: Grover Cleveland High School, Ridgewood, Education: A.S. in Accounting, Magna Cum Laude, Education: B.A., Hofstra University; J.D.. New York Law N.J. Nassau Community College; B.B.A.. Accounting, Hofstra: School Occupation: Homemaker M.B.A., Finance, Hofstra Occupation: State Assemblyman since 1978, attorney Qualifications: Third time running for office. Life in me! Occupation: Business manager of magazi for major Qualifications: Ranking Republican, Assembly Labor experience help qualifying ANSWERS: “N.Y.C. media company Committee: senior Republican member, Codes Commit- The State should be of Qualifications: My professional background allows me t6 tec: member Ways and Means Committee. Insurance spending money on the upkeep provid viable solutions to district’s economic proble Committee, and Mental Health Committee existing housing. The exorbitant daily motel charge for ANSWERS: the needy could easily be eliminated by putting up affordable and it that taken |. Without question, there is a serious lack of affordable |. The State must provide a healthy economic environ- housing seeing t they are care Pra of. New for caretakers should be housing here’ on Long Island. This is exacerbating our ment, one in which there is little unemployment and high jobs created. There is too much. waste and carelessness in problem of a tight labor supply and is stunting our quality of life for its citizens. Lower interest rates follow. entirely our state. 2. One of the economic growth. Government must not shoulder the Long Island iy a great area to live in. An Ope and free most importan things to do would be to eliminate the use of as take hundreds burden alone. Ihis problem can be mitigated by a marketplace. when operating efficiently, is our best plastic bag they of committed partnership between business and government. assurance of affordable housin years to disintegrate. Paper bags are more readily dissolvable. 2. The Solid Waste Management Act of 1988 was not as 2. Being actively involved. in the preservation of Long complete as it should have been. Source separation must Island Sound, as well as the NYS Legislative Commission be mandatory forall municipalitie the state must provide on Water Resource Needs of Long Island. have been ‘assistance to the various municipalities with regard to sale working on our solid waste problem a it affects our of collected recyclable materials: and guidelines and environment, Landfills must be a thing of the past, yet the specifications must be established regarding constructing State must do more to help localities fund solutions to and maintaining these source separation plants. these problems.

a, QUESTIO ON VOTING? iCALL: e Nassau Count League of Women Voters, 681-1044 8|

- Anton Commumit Newspapers Week of October 31, 1988 - Page 1C


CPA Business & CARBONATED PAINTING PROBLEMS? BARTENDER STERLI MATCHIN SERVI Personal Landscape Design, CARPET CLEANING Call a Professional Solve them f ‘or * Replac Missin Pieces All types — Accounting, Tax Preparation, Landscape Construction Hav it don right the first time. YOUR PARTIES * Add T Your Place Settin No Steam. No Shampoo, Rifles, Financial Plannin General : Full insured, W stil! us oi * Start a Full Set Consultation, Qualified Dries in hr. shotguns, handguns and ani and cil finish coats. Ver Licensed, Practitioner. Estimates Given ALSO primers SPECIAL OCCASIONS i New Gold-Coast. Chem- Ground Maintenance Reasonable Rates. Crosman air gun thoroug preparatio scraping. & Weekends Discontinued & Obsolete INSURED & Service Ctr. Evenings CALL Andrew L. Sunkin CPA GUARANTEED Factory warranty. machine sandin We putly Patterns in Stock 4621774 759-4629 324 Jackson-@ve., Syosset GREENSPAN caulk windows doors. Solve mildew 931-0807 516-921-0134 We Bu & Sell problems Servin Nassau only. 4 LANDSCAPING 516-374-197 BUSINES CLEANING SERVICES BRADLE TILTON HOME 1702 Northern Blvd. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOCUS SERVICE: (Route 25A) 671-179

| IMPROVEMENTS “MAGIC” Professional Assistance To HOME CLEANING Laurel Hollow, Small Busineses & Individuals NY. 11791 Costumes: King, Need Help? TAX PREPARATION Aluminum Telephone: ‘Om. Cowboy, Teddy bear, to bottom at fark | Top cleaning ’ Accounting/Bookkeeping Svcs. aa (516)367-6060 More. 4 M.A, Insulate Bunny, Every Payroll Processing reasonable price. Depen- Sidin ge eS Deion ot Unicen Gast dable honest * Child Systems Set Up cleaning Aluminum & Vinyl Doors & Participates people for your home. Windows Year-round Attention $.B.L. DECORATING MalJean 516-997-9739 Bonded & Insured. * All Work Guaranteed Affordable fees INTERIOR PAINTING i VALUABLE, 516-931-2011 * Licensed Insured LIMOUSINE SERVICE ° Free Mem National Association Michael A Cullon Lic #989 HI Amow Limousine Wallpapering eee LIVE MUSI TOPSOIL { Accountant 366-139 Lite Carpentryeee High Quality Beauti Backar Screened Topsoil Free Estimates, to Land- © Guit * Prompt delivery Aluminum column speciali Flutes Vocals TAXES TRAININ 238 ROUTE 109 ¢ Duo scapers and Homeowners. ,GOMP “Insured Classical Popular — or Compatiable. o | Add elegance to your.home. FARMINGDALE, NY. Algo SAND, GRAVEL, FILL & GP 8 a tutor Your location. Best Paints Used. (6 yrs Bi exp), Lawyer Replace wood columns with E & J MUSIC CO., BURGANDY BLUE STONE handles variety of tax Eves and weekends. 11735 754-7123 } fluted aluminum, maintenance call Ron Call MD TOPSOIL CO problems and returns. 516-261-9411 free. Lic/insured (516) 249-5449 581-4907 Reasonable Rates. Marted Ci Call 516-266-3070 8AM-8PM _ PAUL McDOUGAL FREELANCE PC CONSULTING PET SERVICES 864-2840 CARTWRIGHT LIMOUSINE TREES APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT th i of THE GENTLE GROOMER 488-6656 AN PAINTING CORP. USER TRAININ IN LOTIS 12 its new service, Featurin 1986 Certified Weather-Tame Your Home Interior Exterior Professilo CareAC Now At: Lincoln Stretch Limousines R. PIERCE AIR DUCT BAS III and NETWORKING Storm & Vinyl Window Servin North Shore & South SATISFACITON GUARANTEED COU ‘AC KENN CLEANING CALL ROBERT 516-248-2849 Installation Prepare Now Shore Communities. INSURE LIC.#B649616-4 111 Whitson Road Tree Work For Occasions Station, NY 11746 For The Unpredictable Special Moore Paints Huntington Stump Grinding 2 Silver Stretches. Benjami 427-6077 Heating Season White, Complete Dependab Reasonable Rates/Call Anytim Read To Serve All Your DIRTY Air Ducts from FARNUM BROTHERS 795-9197 Insured. COLLECTORS FREE ESTIMATES BOARDING GROOMIN NEED

: EXPERIENCED Heating systems 759-2526 M blow a constant MARBLE & TILE C.A. DV.M. COIN COLLECTING stream of dusty, Sooty, germ covouree acon, Emergenc Leave Messag laden air to foul premises. AEaaenaueRc YBERG & SMITH Then Dial Beepe Number Our Truck Mounted vacuum oe ire tt, il OR ge IMPROVEMENTSIRENOVATIONS “EUROPEAN Painting Practice Limited to the Enquin thoroughly cleans Air Ducts. CALL (516) 223-4236 Specializing-Kitchens LIMARBLE &a ‘TILE Decorating Basements-Bathrms-Dormers- 516-499-2619 Omni-Vac COUNSELING ¢ Kitchens Paper Hanging VIDEO SERVICES Decks-Ceramic tile-Carpentry 25 Stonywell Court — Wind ¢ Baths Dix Hills, NY. 11746 Videotape Your Precious — 516-796-7973 3 Light Carpentry Moments PHYLLIS KATZ MLS. C.S. Floorin -FREE ESTIMATES ¢ Fireplaces 935-5359 & Psychotherapist- PETE 718-204-2343 © Counter-Tops Custom by PHOTOGRAPHY APPRAISERS Fiv Gea o ho installation “Captned (51 773-6145 Great Neck, NY 1102 SMITH’S HOMEWORK, INC. European craftsman of WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Complete h ceramic tile & marble. $375.00 Complete Coverage 466-2555

. DECKS ARLEEN E. GOSCINSKI servi for th homeo Dan 767-3867 | 150 color photos in Album who needs lists of reliable con- & : Videos starting at $295.00 FINE CUSTOM tractors and. MAGICIAN i Established Studio AGES 4 to 10 Balloon Animals! ASSOCIATES DECKS gi of th wor draftinoF MASSAGE CALL JEFF: HILITE Ene other PHO H 8 YRS IN THE AREA 759-1089 HOLISTIC THERAPIST Refs. available 51 499-6338 6 334-4455 - Certified Real Estate LICENSED & INSURED Enjoy refined

work water with a Rainsoft — Appraisers body by pr DECKED OU INC. i | Jes. stoNE CONTRACTING Fair Market/Estate- regigistered nurse in & Comedy PIANOS whole house syste! 484-1967 Basements Magic Call for a free water tes! Bathrooms, Bayside. Moving Sale Prices Appraisals/Marital/ 10am to For All Occasions Monday-Saturday, Steinway—Knabe Residential/Commercial avindo piten pm DRESSMAKE! R arpentry, Plumbing by... Kawai 718-279-0303 365-8872 Electric Alan Garber, Magician Consoles Grands 4 Spinets DRESSMAKING Ee estimate MOVERS 933-7592 ED MARTIN 628-2445 516-368-0519 516-822-2231 30 yrs Experience EXPERIENCED MOVER no fin clot Tuned Repaire Rebuilt easly wae INSTRUCTION A-B-M Windo Cleanin PLUMBING Professional Service with ASPHALT SEALING Notat bortooef LIVE MUSIC Call SPANISH REGENTS an old fashioned touch. Excellent work Beautiful Background guarantees CME. PLUMBER satisfaction. 466-0573 PAINTERS! ounds your BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS Private in- . Comprehensive Fully Insured. Family trade Flutes ¢ Guitars ¢ Vocals New bathrooms, Hand Sealed Hot Patched, Intens pra WALLPAPERERS since Classical e Popular Duo Repaire Prepar strudey. Installations, Alterations, Bea Commercial, Residential. Ca 822.23 as fo Bo Before Winter Damagol Prevent DRIVEWAYS auditory comprehension, ‘Ye ATLANTIC PAINTING E & J MUSIC Senior Citizen Costly Repaving of Reliable reading’and dialogue, etc. CO., Service to the Nort Exteriors are our specialty 516-261-9411 Discount.

SenF ag CALL 938-9014 ~ munity. Reasonable. Con BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS Quality CALL WINDOW CLEANING Finest Paints Gutters-Professional Quality. Estimcial WResideLicensed/insured Built. Asphalt Resurfaced,. 767-9190 Neat-Reliable 5 REIT Extensions Hot Patched. Yrs. yrs. exp. Handyman BLACKTOP Piano Instruction Interior/Exterior Of Reliable Service—To The LORAINE’S SILK FREE ESTIMATES 549-3067 549-5455 Nort Shore Communit M.A. in Music. FLOWERS ensed/insu Need A Plumber? All-Levels WINDOW CLEANING © REITMA BLACKTOP 51 338-7746 All phases of plumbing & ANY OCCASIONS Honest Work For A Fair Price DRIVEWAYS 549-5455 Children & Adults heating. Residential and & * Gutters Cleaned Get neat reliable ser- Birthdays/Weddings Commercial. Reasonable & : 538-3031 GREG’S NATIONAL FREE Licensed + Scheduling within a vice for less all week on your 5 Holidays * | & ESTATNEW CONC Free Estimates asphalt sealcoating and PAINT CONTRACTOR “DRIVEWAYS” Call 516/754-5625 eed HEATI ife repair needs. FREE ECUMBI CALL MARK TODAY! HOT OIL COLORE STONES ESTIMATES 516-225-2534 All work insured and - CONCEPT- TUTORING * « 24 Hour Service 549-3067 guarant Maintenance Free Paintin Popco Ceiling * PONY PARTIES - Social Studies of Island Sealcoating Exotic Colors Rustic Pap Hangin * Spacklin « Appearance ¢ SAT—English Feeding, Petting, ROOFING & SIDING 351-4647 Free Estimates Interior/Exterior Reasonable, _ for *¢ Reading Improvement B. REITMAN BLACKTOP Children’s Wintern Fun up EXPERIENCED TEACHER F dentia as BAR CONSTRUCTION CO 549-5455 Licensed Departmental Chairman . are Hot AUTOMOTIVES REASONABLE RATES Commercial Birthd & All Roofin is wecol FITNESS 516-226-7554 Occasions. FR ESTI AUTO RESTORING 581-7471 WARM, caring Tutor able to Complet Interiors - PAINTING Thoma Barulich excite the most negative child. Exercise with Ginnie Hines and Deir : B - Pai - E of LD-ED certifed KS Interior Exterior (71 545-70 THOUSANDhon FIX YOUR dre Kent every Mon. & Wed. at RM, J. COLE, BA, MA 822-1805 Theodore J Baade, Jr. ily OLDER CAR of every Tues Thurs at 8:3 A.M. G&a SOUNDS vatUa Classes are held at 1 Franklin Ave. LIVELY DJ FOR ALL ROOFING “RESIDEN° include: Port OCCASIONS! SLATE & TILE West Cla weight LANDSCAPING Free Estimates Weddings are.our 2 We Jericho Tpk Hunt muscle jthenin a stretchin ONLY YOU& sF THE DIFFERE A Specialty FREE Estimate en 674-4745 CALL NOW! GOO INST MAKE compt Repairs, Restorations Fo more information call B3 PRO For the Holiday Season wa {Chora LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REYNOLDS SLATE & TILE CAP 754-1350 Call now for scheduling 3 516-724-6279 Waxing, Vacuuming, 423-7264 Interior/Exterior Painting a H330702A Chrome, Nas FURNITURE & Most Jobs $55.Poli Free Estimates Preparation, Dry WallnoruRepair, MAGIC! MAGIC! TREE/SHRUB REMOVAL- (51 759- CHAIR RECAN $15.95 Wall Removal-Staining RUBBISH REMOVAL PRUNING-CLEAN-UPS-SOD- paper The best in children B. Blanchard All wood treatment. RUSHIN $49.9 SEED-RR TIES- COMPLETE Quality P. Heuser Workman- entertainment, RATTAN REPAIRS: DESIGNS. FREE ESTIMATES. Painting. Superior ARTIE Eves cavern Gluing, |OE 333-4240 ship. Call Juggling/Ilusion & 931-2145 : CARPENTRY Lacq 8 Bieaing /Comedy. S of of ine craftsmen! New Construction Seng xiisment SAM’S PAINTING MAGIC BY BRUCE. LAWNS Renovation - Specializing TH ANTIQU WORKSHO LE M CU YOU 579-2207 Interior - Exterior Custom Wall Units, 7941212 Trim, Weekly maintenance, Seri Finest Quality Paints 747-82 Replace Windows, iclean-ups, garages clean Neat, Reliable, Insured Oak Ex and Classifed Floors, s, trimming pruning. FREE Estimate & A Rubbish Dept. Dormers, Baths, Kitchens ad Reasonanta aati is REC2 Véij si miemporary SABRINA WOODWORKING 333 =; 9 740 Remo ) cal Sa 944-7937 at affordable rates. 496-712 516-328-9266 TARAS R Licensed & Insured ponse eit I eed Kate Lvl COHLeLE CGE

: ee CONNECT THE NUMBERED DOTS ae) ™TO MAKE A PICTURE. TO FIND ITS NAME, PUT THE FIRST LETTE OF EACH NUMBERED DRAWING IN THE BOXES BELOW. PREMIER CROSSWORD / B do Paqui Spook Special Ba HE& 4 LIVING e oy ACROSS mustard 87 Halloween 3 Double-reed 41 Game show WATCH TOWE! Li = Ethiopian family competition woodwind prize 42 Hebrew mea- town 54 Ascertained 92 Patron fol- 4 Cashmere ta Iz sure 6 Initials on lower and angora queen Nickname || Coz 1} the Cross 93 Football' 5 Medieval hel-. 43 Ledger items 81 met 44 Canadian for comedian &g Joe 0 10 Ruth or Did- 56 Forerunner Bill rikson of the CIA 94 Favorite 6 Chants peninsula 82 Halloween 14 Anagram for 57 Supposes 95 Import tax 7 No, in Berlin 45 Harvest god- birds dess snarler 59 Make a mis- 99 Biblical 8 Fabled 84 18 On type of take place 9 It might be 46 Unpaid Employ 85 Sandarac union 60 Kiwi 101 River islands indelible 47 Lady Chaplin 19 Broadway 62 French 105 Sense of 10 Wild, shaggy 48 Murray and trees illuminant painter taste sheep West 88 Plant spray- 20 Sacred image 63 Spheres of 106 Palm leaves: 11 Yearns 49 Student org. ers 21 Asian silk action Var. 12 Flourishes 56 Hockey&# 89 Early Mexi- fabric mak- 64 Halloween 107 Federal 13 Typesetter&# Bobby 57 River in Ven- 90 Al ers activity mortgage units together 23 Halloween 69 Instrument assn.’s nick- 14 Insurance ezuela 91 Alters

underwriter: 58 Sword defea- 95 — facto prop for Beider- name 25 Halloween becke 112 Halloween Brit. ter? 96 Brazilian 71 American 15 Label 61 Autumn mo. bird Deetiqane 5 tale props again inc 28 © 1987 United Feature Syndicate, 27 Halloween humorist 114 Halloween 16 One hundred 62 Raided the 97 Fashion fol- lower? props 72 Actress Joan creatures? lacs: Anglo- refrigerator?

Indian 63 Two — time. 98 Rowed 28 Ark passen- — Ark 115 “Horse or 73 Tax-time opera” 17 Finch 64 River in 99 Money: slang 29 Brazilian aide: abbr. 116 Exclamation 22 Way of England 100 Forever: Indians 76 Gentle touch 117 Arrow poi- doing: abbr. 65 Hosp. per- poet. 30 Actress Anna 77 Word before son 24 Fr. saint sonnel 102 Daughter of 31 Facing gla- contact or 118 Mme. Bovy- 26 Fictional 66 “The joke&# Cadmus cier direction shadow ary, et al. Tom 103 River in Italy 32 Pressing 78 Role for 119 Marries 28 Beer mug 67 Cereal grain 104 Alabama city 33 Small, in Polly Holli- 120 Filmdom’s 31 Takes the 68 Wading bird 107 Affectionate

— Alice — of 69 Horn or 108 Have in Aberdeen day s part Fear 36 Less difficult 80 Takes place 121 Summer 33 Marshy place 70 Crude metals one’s bonnet 39 French spirit 83 Like*some refreshers 34 Bishop&# 73 Prankster 109 Opera her- 40 Halloween tourna- 122 Worker' headdress 74 It precedes oine sight? ments request 35 Rose essence ribs or time 110 Collections 50 Reach’ 84 Service org. DOWN 37 South Ameri- 75 Thing of of anecdotes 51 TV comedy 85 Actor Bald- Priestly vest- can Indian value 111 Being * 52 “Tarzan” win ments 38 Igneous rock 76 Male swan 113 Brit. air arm

extra? 86 Tree-dwelling 2“ — Victory” 39 French 77 Envelope 114 Hawk parrot 53 Plant of the animals (1939 movie) donkey abbr.

72 Thar Unaed Feature Srmaicate. ne t ‘NO & ‘N3A3S 9 OIHO & " ¥ 050d ¢ Ya Z—uMOg 3S009 8 " “2 'SO ' || —sso0y ‘SU3MSNY N ESTES THERE ARE EIGHT THINGS IN KidSpot ™ DRAWING “A” THAT ARE MISS- ING FROM DRAWING Yo MANY CAN YOU FIND?


5, Tce StHRevo 1987 Unded Feature Synacate inc 730


o AIE z z D S

# 337 Average time of solution: 67 minutes.




Answer to Cryptoquip: Today&# Cryptoquip clue: U equals F DOES THE CARPENTER’S BALKY APPRENTICE LIKE DRILLING HOLES YET? NO, IT’S BORING. &essenc6ys)MON4081SisTTcoA|;|]|||

Anton Comnumity Newspapers - Week of October 31, 1988 - Pag 3C

Bi CLASSIFIEDS Ma T Wi Ov Read ats 135,0 Hom 315,0 East Northport Voice Farmingdale Observer Floral Park Dispatch — Garden City Life Glen Cove Record Pilot Great Neck Record — Hicksville Illustrated News Jericho Tribune Levittown Tribune —

I[slander/North —— —— Long Shore Long Islander/South Shore ——— Manhasset Press

— — Massapequan Observer —- Mid Island Herald Nassau Illustrated News

— Northport Journal — Oyster Bay Enterprise Pilot Port Washington News —————

— Roslyn News — — Syosset Tribune The Elmonitor Westbury Times —

Announcements 3 Special Occasions 6 Services 6 Services 6 Services 22C Child Care

VISA/MASTERCARD = Catering * * * * * USCHARGE Guaranteed AMORE. onPi pe Window Cleaning Upholstery8 CHILDCARE * onan : Cale re E iro town5hra Shr Carpeticlee erotreat Full or Part Time ViooNaseaure WANTED DIVISIONWO Having a Party? Limousine theatr ‘speci ticket Free Estimates 826-5624 Vole pen We&# cater! Call: fee, Drivers. Slowpitensoftba Playireli- availableadio ‘mas MiserablesShow & | or .& Nees" 5 5 dle C Bil S22-4 atters All Occasions airp ate. Solutions dings, S p 28 ane&q 5 Cemeteries & 238 Reute 109 516-581-8517 223-3600 Monuments 2 Prof. Sves Farmingdale, NY 11735 i 2 S1G-249-5449 | BETHPAGE CEMETERY. plot, 6 RADON PREVENTION burials. Call 593-8814 after& Cheld Care

: 2 PIT eati Venti Al FIT, positions available. sag Os Seasonal aoe Essi All Reunion CLEARANCE-HEMLOCKS, BLUE | hs to care for children & infants. SERVICE Ads MUST SE Eien 759-2526 Personals Los Knox w Personnel A Community News; Set PEERADREP, pC Proteesicnal Goma all 21 of our newpspers. $25 551 Meee . a 5 ee ae We have rates for all budgets. 516-681-0410 Looking for a date? $30 inch box, 5 weeks Call For Information Call Serrarit & Son 540-MATE & listen to singles waiting for 747-8282 your Visa-MC-Check fesponseorleave your message CHILD CAR formy 10 &a year old. Ask for the “Expert Moving and Packing for others. Mon-Fri 3 to 8 pm. Call.after 8pm. "944- CLASSIFIED DEPT. of Most YOUR MATE ISONLY your ACALL AWAY:

FIT - M-F for my old. Call Treasured Possessions” 50¢ a minute, $1.50 first minute 2% year BAY RIDGE H.S. OA Class of 1963 Period Furniture and MATURE MOTHERot3. NURSE ASST/COMPANION 25th REUNION JEWISH INTRODUCTIONS Inter- your child in my Port W: If or know, a member of Refs. 767-7334 Available from 4 p.m.-7 a.m., Ex- youare, pianos our specialty! national, Li&# local & personalized cel. references from hospital the class of 63, please contact: Jewish introduction. Service. Ages NANNIES/HOUSEKEEPER-Exp. 21 thru 101. 1-800-442-9050. and private parties. Own Transp. PO. Box 1168, Anton Communi- Call for mature, responsible woman to Call 487-6783 OR 466-3923 ty Newspapers, 132 E Second help mother care for 2% yr. old. Some house work. Refs. St, Mineola,.NY FREE Consultation esectsee 11501 516-767-9083 9 Lost & Found Education 516-248-2808

If The Name FOUND, Grey Kilten. Approx. 4-6 WANTED MR. WILGENKAMP wks. old. Hicksville area. West SURROGATEGRANDMA COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS! John St., West of 106. Formerly f Westbury HS. Professional Great Neck Cou- Regardiessof Grades orincome TmerRI BELL HOME &am OFFICE TELEPHONES Call 821-6756 GUARANTEED! ple seeks a loving, caring, PLEASE CALL: a 385-8685 CONSTRUCTION sitter for in- NOL 9 our 516-732-2240 FOtOnriol Ft i Weat sella compl line of $ ownahceaigned 8 fant. 2-3 days per week in our Betw. 10a.m. &a Mon-Fri. angry. Lost pm. Sheetrock partition ; phones. (Perf Holiday Gift). home. Cail David pu cowtporPor The Antoh Papers Aceustical cetings, small “Free ANEXCI REUNI | Sonata 261-87 822-5350 Days I: The Islander } repairs tol Long MATH TUTORING ; Custom wood decks. Mid Island Tel Communication not responsible fo Course 1,2 &a SS EXCELLENT REFS, 32-8657 errors beyond REGENTS & SAT PREP 30 Yrs. EXP. PAUL D.SCHREIBER * 24 the first insertion peaSONABLE FREE |- 22 Domestics Help Reasonable Rates Wante H.S. CLASS OF 1969 i NYS Licensed ESTIMATES i All THE SHADEMAN LTD. Ads Must B Teacher-25 years Exp. 20th Reunion : CALL ANYTIME manuracturenorTHerinest ‘ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BABYSITTER 579-3974 OOKKEEPER If you are, or know a JOHN URCAN. boy. FIT. Knowledge of ONE-WRITE Custletail/wnolesale.| win shad NeeFri 2:45-7:. of] Representative forone8-. CONSTRUCTION system helpful. Salary to mem ct th sas MCS Taam open , : Call i |Srirutins temas qualifications. Evelyn. fe ticles pleate shade companies. 767-0746 Call Evamogs:267;35t0ee Mark Wurzet, chairperson All types venetian repairs. Free 126 Brookville Health & Fitness Road Insured #H0405 780000 Measurement & installation. Brookville, N.Y. 11545 (516) 466-2017 C LADY CHILOBIRTH & PREP. CLASSES 516-496-7610(H) eeoyPh. Vaginal deliveries. V bac, C-Sec. Sarcyhameen ANSWERING SERVICE 676-8990. 3 MATURE Live-in Housekeeper OPERATORS ———aanen JOH J. O’GRADY MUST lovechildren.Goodcleaner |} 3 NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL Attorney at Law § O46) Special Occasions tL varie SHIRE N: WoO)}Femal io live- 125 Front Street 1950-59. Su Oct25 1988. Call (to wo M Fri (i to wor F GooWe WiBen Edith 212-823-8811 Mineola, New York 11501 to Mon. Must cook and drive. Plea- Trai ISLAND 7 Sant surroundings. 624-9145 (516) 742-0664 935-4434 Tent Rentals *Tents 6 Services Former Assistant District Attorney handling all criminal and DWIcases, civil matters, as well as Wills and Estate proceeding 22C Child Care *Canopies ail for a consultation. AT-HOME CUSTOMER SERVICE *Tables, Chairs etc. DAVID MARKS PRINTING CO. BABYSITTER WANTED P/T Sales-oriented returnees, WE 22 Terrace Ct.. Great Neck j Baby&# home, Hicksville area. COVER LAST CHANCE - HEMLOCKS, housewives, handicap) with Community Printers & SALTHETAILORcustomiailoring. Mature woman for 2¥ year old. BLUE SPRUCE PINE, others. good phone abilities welcomed. THE ISLAND Lithographers Pants & sports jackets for sale. Very early morning hrs. Tues.-| 76-5882 32Glen St. NY. 385-8688 (516) 829-5954 Glen Cove, 11542 Leave on PRANK’S 516-689-6666 TREES 676-3737 recorder. , 681-8644 MARMADUKE® by Brad Anderson

in “If you must do runnies...from now on “Anything particular you&# annoyed about me instead of keep “Can you just scare fed with us in it down to a slow runny.” or are you just up general?” getting friendly!” Msa.|

_— PEP ae

- - 4C Anton € 6 Week of October 31, 1988 Pag Wanted 24 Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wante 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted Help

DRIVER AUTO MECHANIC DENTAL OFFICE Receptionist 3 years experience. inlovely Great Neck office. Hrs. Must have own tools. flex. Salary open, exp. req. Must know all aspects of CAREER Our Reputation auto mechanics. 516-482-2215 621-6024 Speaks For Itself! RETAIL DISPATCHER needed for BANK TELLERS P/T Private limo service. Exp Talk About Starting $7 Hr. Necessary. Call 868-8686 Let’s Positions available at our ~ Assistant Service LEVITTOWN LOCATION Manager Unite in DRIVER Apply person - per S d YOU! The Williamsburgh Savings Bank have an outstanding opportunity i Hempstead Turnpike & Center Ln : FULLTIME menswear store managementin Parcel has been meeting Levittown NY. 4 specialty For over 80 years United Service its EOE the Lynbrook area... ~ To Nassau & W. Suffolk. commitment to serve the public in every community throughout Must be able to work flexi- America. Today, we continue our dedication by offering men and ble hrs. (no weekends). women who have a strong desire to succeed, some of the best job W offer a qualified individual with some Company paid benefits. opportunities available any BILLING CLERK WANTED retail a salary, excellent Call Pete: experience good rre| portunities in Assistant Billing Clerk, Port 4+ and condi- 10 a.m-4 Washington. Clerici duties incl. benefits prestigious working p.m. LYNBROOK, L.I., RICHMOND HILL, and order taking & invoice process: tions in pleasant, comfortable SPRINGFIELD GARDENS, QUEENS include... ing. Experiece with |BM 36 747-8282, ext. 103 helpful. Good salary & benefits. Surroundings. ‘Stern&# Miracie-Gro Products, Inc. 883-6550 CALL D. SLAZAS DRIVER-PIT 25-30 hrs/wk. Must know L.I & NYC. Ciean license req. 1-800-225-0453 For Details call: 939-6689 BOOKKEEPER -FiT Drivers To service clients of com MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 A.M.-4 P.M. Delivery puterized North Shore Nassau

CPA firm. Flex. hrs, no travel. || 759-0022 : DRIVERS Full Time, Permanent, Mon.-Fri.

CYERICAL - Established Co 25 Needed To you must be over 21 and have valid class 1-5 license tor den City area has numerous DATA ENTRY NY,aualNJ, | o CT, a clean record, the ability to drive Earning Potential Unlimited. driving and rical openings for reliable in transmis is a plus. } OPERATORS Top Equipment, Very busy Taxi standar Trucking experience BOOKKEEPING) dividual wilt. exp. Benefits galore. Limo Co. Start immediately. ASSISTANT Metropolitan Personnel Agency **HIRE-ON BONUS** 72550 $50 after 30 after 90 F es.-Sat. Nandiing ac days/$100 CALL NOW! purchase. days Large, progressive com counts payable jour- 516-883-1900 Drivers’ pany inconvenient Farmingdale nal invoice verification CLERICAL Helpers location seeks several disbursement. Pleasant sur exper for Full Time roundings. Yacht Club located PIT retail store is looking for ienced individuals DRIVERS on North Shore: someone to help assist book- positions. Competitive Salary/ Bonus/Benefits. Overtime avail- Schoo! Bus - Class I! Temporary thru X-mas, Full Time—Days 767-1 keeper. Filing, It. typing, answer- able. Call for immediate or will train ing phones, 20-25 hrs, flex. hrs. To be at least 18 of and have the Paid holidays & Vacation qualify you must years age, ability Returnees welcome. to interview. Willing to lift packages weighting up to 70 Ibs., a pleasant personality, neat train. Locust Valley & Roslyn. 694-5555 SYNERGY GROUP appearance, and lots of energy and enthusias A license is Call Laura at: DRIVERS Taxi, Immed! 23 & over. idnive INCORPORATED NOT required BUS DRIVER 724-5600. Clean license, new cars. N Shore, East Williston Public School. 516-454-6900 FIT-PIT. Dispatcher. 466-8780. Must possess class Hrs. 3 eil Intervie will be held at the pm. to7.TRANSPOCali 3 DYNAMIC, ARTICULATE WOMAN An Equal Opportunity To assist p/t in major business ex- UPS Employment Office COACH REALTORS M/F Employer pansion. Strong peopl skills an 26 William Street, Lynbrook, L.1. income ist year, H t Dix as Potent 25. Call: 744-8613, the hours of 8PM-10PM Hills, Commack & Kings Park. BUS PERSON DENTAL ASSISTANT Duri November 7 Coach will train & prepare you in Exp pref., butwilltrain amotivated, jonday, Real Estate. Call Finn: EARN 1,000' a Larry reliable, people-oriented person. Needed for nights & weekends WEEK at HOME! 883-8810 EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED at small collegein Glen Cove Ex- 516-757-7272 inyoursparetime. Doing Credit We&# give you cel benefits Repair. Call 1-619-6532, ext. R. * excellent starting salaries, ly growing company. ~ 3328 NY 24 hrs. training and advancement possibilities. DENTAL HYGIENIST “You and UPS--it all adds up to a winning combination Call for interview FIT, PIT. Noeves. Exp. pref, Quali- COFFEE SHOP NEEDS all. y EARN EXCELLENT MONEY 676-7813 around responsible, depen- Exc. salary & benefits. at home. Assembly work. Jewelry, dable person 7 a.m.-2 p.m., Locust Valley 671-7333 toys, others. Call: 1-619-565-1657 wkends off. Good salary. ext. TM513. 24 hours. 420-0152 or 249-2916 Banking EDITOR-WRITER PART TIME OPENING SOON/ Responsibilities include: CAREER writing, editing and follow- Branch Syosset through publication for Parcel Servic Nassa Educator Federal quarterly issues of Cold Unite Harbor School Credit Union has immediate RETAIL Spring of Equal Opportunity Employer M/F opening due to new branch in report, preparation Syosset. weekly news releases & liaison with local news Tellers FIT & PIT Salesman Clothing media. Position * Customer Service F/T Reps approximately day per We have an in VALLEY STREAM outstanding opportunity week with flexible hours. in Modest pay, but very in- FILE CLERK-FIT BRANCH menswear specialty store management FIT, FULL TRAININ teresting work. Journalism Position: 35 hour week. General FIT & PIT STOCK & SALES area. i Clerical * Miscellaneous the Lynbrook backgroundhelpful, strong ponsibilities. For inter- work, housewives, Positions available in discount Accounting Clerk writing skills essential, returnees. Massapequa Party Warehouse. Albertson also word processing and 671-5910 ; Park area. area. Flexible hours. Students & * Tellers individual with some FI W offer a qualified basic photo skills. returnees welcome. Excellent benefits include: (516) 541-8008 ‘retail experience a good salary, excellent Immediate start. Send ap- 621-3310 Pension, long term disabili- FOOD SERVICE WORKER plication letter and Call foran ty, tuition reimbursement. benefits and prestigious working condi- North Shore Private Schoal. Mon.- samples of writing to: Fri.,7a.m.to2 pm. Salary commensuratewith tions in comfortable Superintendent of Schools + benetits Urban at experience. Willtrain. Con- pleasant, G Mr tact Personnel at COLD SPRING ; Siaiie aon surroundings. HARBOR SCHOOLS Fr. 1 some FIT PERSON WANTED HORTICULTURAL PERSON driving, avail. atlocal fungralhome. 561-0030. Dry Cleaners, wil train. F/T Container Dix Hills (516) Goose Hill Road Excellent working cofditions & Nurury. ning, Some Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. 11724 salary, plus benefits, Callforappt. area. exp. pref./will train. or SLAZ 615Pt. Wash. Blvd. jashington CALL D. 643-9347 883-1330 Ask for Dewey Send resume to: pelea- pm ae DELI CLE Wanted I, 1-800-225-0453 EXPita t Market. NEFCU 283 S0 FIT HELP WANTED -4 P.M. FACTORY HELP Greenvale, will HICKSVILLE CAR WASH IMMEDIATE 264 East Merrick Road MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 A.M. train to work on small parts. Work Salary Plus Tips FULL TIME Entry Level Bookkeeper for Valley Stream, N.Y. 11582 Close to home, 516-621- (616) 681-3135 Retail Store. Cash Draw Recon: POSITIONS ciliation. Accounts Receivable, EOE MIFIVIH Typing: Heavy Phones. Cashiers/ Excellent Filinn-Fri. 8-5; Oyster Bay Area. Good Benefits! COMMERCIAL benefits, competitive salary. Apply in personto: Call Laura/Joanne: Banking ARTIST 724-5600 CEE rosters GENEOVESE DRUG Full-time, temporary -We-have your STORE with (tillXmas) position 961-3 Port Washington Blvd. IMMEDIATE PIT SASTORIToemal sures potential tobecomeper- Holiday position Mon.Fri. afternoons. Busy in- Port surance office seeks mature Glen Cove manent fortheright per- toans. phones. Typ- son. of ae CALL MR. MELI Advertising dept. all wrapped up! ing req. intervi (349-0555 671-6200 a busy newspaper. Ex- GENERAL HANDYMAN, -| perience pref’d. Call Peg Start For large office building in Carle Wallace: immediately... Place area. Duties to include and earn extra $$$ for the holiday building superintendent. IMMEDIATE P/T M/F assisti$5/hour. For app please call CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Fountain Mature 516-2 Person, RECEPTIONISTIOFFICE ASST. 516-747-8282, Sales/Cashiers/Receiving wanted for Westbury Chiropractic office Luncheon- Ext. 109 “HIRING” GOVERNMENT JOBS ette in Roslyn Area. Mon. 2-8, Wed. 10-7, Fri. 2-7. Full & Part-Time positions Your area. $15,000 - $68,000. Call: Other hrs. flexible. Phones, lite (602) 838-8885, Ext. 3152 typing, computerizedinsuranc Flexible schedules skills desire Wil Immediate merchandise discount train COMPUTER ASSITANT FULL TIME and PART TIME Dr. George, 334-8425 PARTTIME Apply at Customer Service .For computer aided designer no POSITIONS AVAILABLE CAD Exp necessary. America’s 5 & 10 store now hiring * SALESPEO CLERKITYPIST Must be self motivated. ° t AUSCO OPPORTUNITY ° LE PIT Mon. thru Fri. 944-9882 * EXC!flee Rrro RY,PeeBENEFITS AND EMPLOYEE DISCOUNTS. * EXPERIE PREVE BUT NOT NECESSARY. 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Diversified Steinbac duties, inciuding heavy phones. DENTAL ASSISTANT THE FAMILY CLOTHING CALL: 883-8685 Insurance, legal tein prefebackgrounda plus. FIT of PIT. Four handed GP. Exp. Pret. Will train. Motivated in- OR APPLY IN PERSON AT: Gomest hourly wage with Smith Haven Mall dividual. benefits. Pleasant office in Levit- Friendly Quality practice 1504 Old Country Road in Middle Country Rd town. For interview Roslyn Hgts. NY Store S166219615 Westbury, Lake NY McCrory Call Carol Grove, Kelly DENTAL ASSISTANT and/or com- Soundview Shop Center 671-7854 516-731-6100 puter operator. Port eens NY. "PARKING-

Anton Community Newspaper - Week of October 31, 1988 - Bag 5C

ited 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Hel Wanted 24 Help Wanted

IMMEDIATE MODELS M/F POSITIONS REAL ESTATE SALES HELP Ortho front desk, Busy Mod. of- Agreat future with multi-million TO $800 a day tice needs bright, energetic AVAILABLE dollar U.S. LAFFEY. Immediate Fashion TV. & Petite secy/recept. for ph openings for exp. sales asople females and Tall males needed in typing ‘riendly at- Homes, Condos, Co-op & for Roerh eefT, PIT M-TThurs. & minis, jeans, evening wear. ¢ F/T Cashiers Commercial. We&# sponsor, TV Fashion Shows. Also - Deliv train and career min: alternate U .2to7 na Sat., ¢ P/T Cashier/Stock support 6B shoe, ten porate client 8:30to5 Gall AM. Massapeq : Leg, Sportswe beginners to be the best! We swim wear. Models w. ¢ Excellent Benefits 798-6786 Career have a schedule to meet the re- Sea Cliff area Opportunities Possible shoot inthe Baham ¢ Flexible Hours quirements of parents with $150- 671-2502 UPS has school ag children. temporary/seasonal positions immediately Commission to 75% available that can lead to permanent Full Time and MOSTLY MODELS Apply inpersonat: Part Time positions after the holidays. W will give Genovese Drugstor U.S.1 Real Estate IMMEDIATE all the need to become a member of 212-213-0116 yo training you 391 W. Main St. Now Hyde Park Office SALES --Earnth $600/$800 P/T Female the UPS team. 328-3233 prod oieitse Medicaloffice Mon. & Wed., 3-8 $6.00 PER HOUR Huntington Roslyn Office zm. Some typing, will train 626-0440 You must be at least 18 old and be abi to lift MONITORS Student or Senior Citizen O.K. years SALES to 70 248-5675 Eves Near Sunrise Mall. up pounds. needed for Cafeteria & 549-955 Jc Hall duties at el 541-2288 To explore these temporary positions which can Sal jabl COLD SPRING lead to and a FIT - Flexible plie Excelle Leave message permanent employment thriving HARBOR ; career with UPS... SCHOOL RECEPTIONIST - IMMEDIATE Benvetits Front desk ortho., Mon,Tues.- count. incite Full or Part Time PROGRESSIVE Gout — APPLY IN PERSON — Thurs.-Fri. 2 to 7 Phones, $5.40 per hour. Call p.m. sSo It. insur- Fda Oy MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY appt’s., ty Road, (516) 692-8036 ance, mod. office, friend atmos- IMMEDIATE! seeks counselors to work with 9AM-3PM disabled re. SECRETARY F/T BETHPAGE POLICE BOYS CLUB adults in group home settings. CallAM 798-6786 OFFICE GIAL, PartTime, 1 For Great Neck office of Real p. Full time, part time. State-of. 4 Al for & filin Larkti Estate developer. Must have typing the-art training provided. Call JUST NORTH OF CENTRAL AVENUE Bi E Northport. $4.50/hour. previous training, secretarial RECEPTIONIST 462-6228 skills, IBMWP.Salary commen- — OR — 334-4210 OFFICEASSISTANT THURSDAY-FRIDAY surate wlexperience. For inter- OFFICE HELP-N Westbury Chiropractic office- view call: Organization. P/T typing & clerical 8:30AM-2PM Mon. Wed. 10-7, 2-7. 516-487-1200 skills. 423-7610. P/T Counter Help Bagel Bakery. 2-8, Fri. HOLTSVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT Mon-Fri mornings 516-742-0420 Other hrs. flexible. Phones, lite Follow Service Rd. to Waverly Ave. make right turn typing, computerized insurance & SOUTH O L1.E. EXIT 62 dividu OFFICE HELP P/T DEMONSTRATORS desired. Will train. Territ EE township. Salary plus com IMMEDIATE! FOR FURTHER INFO CALL Dr. George, 334-8425 benefits. Salary with gi Send resu 516-PACKAGE experience. Will Train. Mon- The Longislander Bus Drivers Work in a local Supermarket

da 10 5 ° An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F thru Friday, to p.m. & oneLASS 2 and 4 distributing Manhasset area. EARN O TO $9.50 per hour samples. _ RECEPTIONIST BUS MONITORS Ee 627-6533 High Hourly Wage Large Farmingdale com- 516-434-1454 EARN U TO $7.00 per hour UP United Parcel Service: pany seeks Receptionistto handle busy switchboard Will Train. P/T a.m. & p.m. ATTENDANTS 8 a.m.- 1p.m. and handle Paid vacation, holidays, FIT Positions available $4/hr other office work from ‘and incentive days. 944-7136 P/T DENTAL ASS - & Tues - CALL: p.m. closing. Thur full days. Exp pref&# not Pleasant environment. PARKING ATTENDANTS essential. Salary commen- Salary/benefits. Call 883-6711 surate wiexp. Call 759-0086 PY eves. Li Flexible Personnel: JAMAICA WATER hours. Call SYNER 516-825-4661 GROUP PIT EXP. BOOKEEEPER 2 after- INCORPORATED SUPPLY COMPANY noons a week. all phases. Min IBM, odwledPC. 484-1500 IMMEDIATE SALES 516-454-6900 P/T, F/T GUY/GAL FRIDAY PHARMACY Some Knowled of & PERSON PERSONNEL RECORDSCLERK typing Book! An Equal Opportunity FIT CASHIERS 627-9263 between 9 10 for Window Treatment Co. keepi Employer M/F We offer 5pm 6 due to Co. Will train, F/T Days. Temporary opening (approx. mos.) benefits. Ci starting leave for a in- & discounts. Must have car! maternity bright personable salary employee PIT & FIT NEEDED dividual. Duties include record Apply in person at the Genovese typing, filing, D 345-3535 in Port REPORTER keeping, answering phones. frontexp. 961-3 Port Washington Blvd. cosmetics & register. Good Full-time news reporter feature salary & conditions. writer tocover Islip township for INSTRUCTOR—Racquet Ball, pvt. Call Personnel for informaton: 944-6147 South Shore newspaper. If you & group lessot writing skills & Easter ability to meet deadlines, send nec. Apply y Farming 238-10 Hillside Ave., Bellerose. ‘516-488-4600 resume to: 718-479-0505. 249-2111 Islander PORT 313 ‘St. Call from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. LIC Huntington, N.Y. 11743 eee Saee—— has anticipated ean js for PY F/T RECEPTIONIST Soeiciaeh nos ner-salary $16,800. In Roslyn Hgts. t. typing. people Salary $18,172 to $20,688. beginners or retut welcome. Diversified position. Excell JWS in Ex i benefits & working 121-3900 R.E. Si packing benefits. Roslyn Hgts. Road conditions. maintaining warehou: 2 410 Lakeville COLDWELL BANKER Port 484-7500 Call Washing Lake NLY. 11042 ~ Success, (516 883-4000 x 206 P/T POSITION REAL ESTATE EOE. Located in Sears-Hicksville is HICKSVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS looking for several Hicks- ville/immed. Vicinity residents INSURANCE Teacher' aide/Computer en- LEGAL SECRETARY PIT-F/T to.list and sell homes. Ex- SALES try/Monitor from 1% hours to3 Salary commensurate with ex- Joinone of the most non-| research facilities in the hours daily. perience preferred, but will WANTED perience, Call: 676-7400. Ci eee pro train. For an appt.: Please contact Personnel CAREER SEEKERS to new has rout sever ‘opportu in the following Call Charles Rute areas: TODAY ALES 933-6612 Potential Earning 40K plus. Ex- LIFEINSURANCESALES 931-3204 liscount cellent benefits LABORATORY TECHNICIANS bertson Call Ron Miller Unlimited commission Requires a4 year degree in Chemistry. udents & potential for experienced 794-4758 candidate will have 2: years work experience in sales Sell Successful P/T RECEPTIONIST, Sat. & Sun. Y, Biology and cell work. - Phones, filing, lite typing, R.E. plied leads. Will train on Office, Greenvale. Call Denise RETAILSALES Call: LABORATORY ASSISTANT + Inc. Village ot Bayville-PIT Clerical Products. (516) 484-6767 help. Contact Ms. Dinekita Bet. MANAGER witha ~ 516-757-5837 ween 8-4 Call 628-1439

PROGRAMMER P/T SECRETARY STORE MANAGER -RSON Brofeasi seeks bright, Dix Hills 02 C, Fort id UNIX. atti for bill- NEEDED JAMAICA ing, pho work, Co rill train. WATER is essential. Familiarity with Relational Database Management and typing, IMMEDIATELY sal., great atmosphere, itexibl Graphics programming on Sun and VAX/VMS wauld be helpful. hours. In Roslyn area. Call: For SUPPLY COMPANY PUBLISHING PRODUCTION ASSISTANT 625-1008. NEW SUNGLASSES Individual to work in our busy book Good typ- PIT Switchboard Operator : CUSTOMER SERVICE ing. organizational and clerical skills a Word processing ex- SPECIALTY SHOP perience helpful. Production experiance amuplu: Will Train, Roslyn area. sper for 3 pm-6pm. Mon, Fri. $5.50/nr. vRecon- Opportunities available in Customer Service in our Opening in Sunrise Mall. Flex. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Call: 621-2300, ext. 213 seivable, Lake Success office. We are a major Water Utility with Hrs., Full Autonomy, an exciting xcellent Phones. for individuals Excellent career, ‘kage product openings who enjoy customer + commission. ay Area. in abeautiful, congenial environment. Toapply, please call'5 salary t telephone contact. W will train in billing inquiry to a confidential interview or and in arrange drop by apply person. Call Mr. Gillis Collect research and e: response. Entry-level starting salary. These excellent opportunities offer a comprehensive benefits package PIT TYPIST Monday through Friday. Full-time Positions in Credit 203-783-1535 in abeautiful, congenial environinent. Toapply, please call 516-367-8397 MATURE, ACCURATE Collections also available, requiring typing. to'arran a confidential interview or drop by and apply in person. SHADE OPTICS Will train for Call for informaton: COLD SPRING HARBOR LAB puters. $5/nour. Monday thru Fri- Personne S 81 or 1-5. Permanent. Scholar- in RETAIL SALES Full/Part-time Fish l publisher Amityville. Busy in- On 25A Opposite Hatchery WORK IN OUR LOVELY STORE 516-488-4600 Cold Harbor, mature Spring NY. 691-1270 with friendly co-workers and M/F nes. Typ- Equal Opportunity Employe As for Dottie or Bobbie customers. Call: 627-5181 0555 Call from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


‘CY Firm - Flex. PouNiashihrs. 883-5 MEDICAL OFFICE LEran Riddles 410 Lakeville Road Prt jen SALE DEI Mature P/T Will Cove Call: M batt Train, however, typing QUICK LEARNER needed for Neses full/time sal anted for Success, NY. 11042 skill Call M-F after 10 at 676-2298ae Lake req. a.m. operating single balloon print ic Arts & incheon- /AITRESSES/M Print Plainview 933-6474 PODIATRIST'S OFFICE ASSIS- machine. Variedduties. $5/hr. to wi train. TANT F/T of P/T Will train. start. PIT or FIT. Experienced preferred Manhasset Area. 627-5775. 249-4225 Lunch & Dinner JOIN THE TEAM MARINA F/T year round Full or Part Time that has people that care and work Need have Boating exp. positi$6 PIT AFTER SCHOOL HOURS Ser- Call after 3 p.m. in a supportive environment. We Call days 944-719 eves Hrs. flex. TELLER have immed. F/T in MATURE, RESPONSIBLE sales REALTY Plainview. 935-4865-7-8. RECEPTIONIST Hicksville to openiwork with MacCRATE people, PI FIT to oversee opera- 533 Old Country Road, Trainee or Experienced developmentally disabl adults. with over: in & store For in-| Excellent benefits & tions novelty accessory in busy organization, Westbury Excellent organization: All paid experience serving LI& North PIT CLERICAL | in Port Washington. Call after 7 p.m. dividual must be abletoanswer conditions. Contact M benefits. (516) 433-8300. Shore is expanding their Sales at 718-225-7787. switchboard, access caller 997-8666 Assistant Manager. Stat. Port Washington Community need, make referrals to ap- DIESEL & GAS There limited number of are a Chest seeks someone 3 hours propriate departments and take MECH & reliable. Ex- openings available for week. LAB AIDE high perday3to4 days per Typ- messages. Computer and typ- UNTS.. olie opportunity & conditions. motivated who in- people are ing, filing, date entry. Careful skills EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY benefits. Floral ing helpful, patienceand Full-Time, top pay, creed soarwer it wark habits more important ENTRY LEVEL POSITION personality a must. Park. 516-354-2160 Real Est. t Sureu than experience. Flexible hours In Environmental Lab. Busy for poitiseriti int fit schedule of of Hours 9-5, Mon-Fri. T exp Sabrea MECHANIC. for small engines. FAT To gran can parent SALES PERSON Responsible for sample pickup, Mineola office Locust Valley Shop. Salary open. terview, please call school children, with school uisid bottle preparation and other For fast Benefits. “Greenvale 484-44 10Deor Sch holidays off. Send resume to: 516-747-4070 growing company F/T. miscellaneous lab duties. Mostly + poto Between 9:30 and noon selling by phone. $5/hr Call 671-3287 Schrader. J. Blanchard ject for Student! benefits. Call General tgr ence Chest TYPIST-CRT-PIT, Plea: Call H2M at: MEDICAL SECY./RECEPTIONIST Farmingdale 883-2900&quo or Albert Mellert. PO, Box 648 mosphere. 2 avai Busy heavy phones, M-F, RECEPTIONIST-PIT, FI lig 694-3040, ext. 282 office, “Manhasset 627-4440" typ- 516-249-4225 abl 627-3717. Port Washington, N.Y. 11050 1: Benefits. Call ing filing. Data vision. 681-9444 &Sorier__=-.|

nent & + petarpearangead etic stim D aunt - eSBs U ints @) tn, daa Ft

N, 1988 - 5C - October 31, Pag Anton € ity s Week of 27 Business 34 Pets For NYSCAN 24 Wanted 42 Wanted To Buy Help 24 Help Wanted Opportunities Afop OLD HOUSES INCREDIBLE INFORMATION: Jeeps” Cars” 4x4’s seized in drug DEALERSHIP For Landscape raids for under $100.00? Call for TELLERS i 865. Homes Restorations t |247-3166, ext. H are ciustom intereste Log peter you oriented, personable, in a career and FREE: good with figures... Your complete Lo Home line whereipreketeraidndgNew York&# NEW HOUSES meet. Sey netoes raatitete ha all of KIT ple Company LATE! WE HAVE FULL TIME & PART TIME OPEN DOGS For It& funt It exciting! (Only 20cents America’s finest lines, AeO 5ae Landscape tirst minute, 10 cents per x PORR POSITIONS FOR YOU starting at $12,475. Great prer s FRE Installations additional.) earning potential, willnot & Sun. too! Poodle. Colle Cocker Pu MASTERCARDIVISA. W repre- * EXCELLENT BENEFITS PACKAGE interfere with Husk She Dobie Dalmatian sent card issuing companies. We present ., W haul trees large know work with troubled Pointer Setter how to COMPENSATION Investment ie Algha & available “OVERTIME employment. plants credit history, even backruptcy. (For Friday Evenings) 100% secured by model Scotty Bulldo Millons have these cards. Youcan Siamese Greenspan DOUBLETIME COMPENSATION home. Call Don Hickman: too. 94.6% success rate. Apply by Persian phone. 999-0670. (For Toll Free Landscaping Saturdays) MERRY CHRISTMAS! Perfect TV- 1-800-633-0670 367-6060 Chair converts to ironing boar in- stantly manufacturer gives COUNTRY discount. Perfect: Apar51 FIDELITY OLD ORIENTAL ment/Toom. FREE PECTU wane¥ SIZE OR CONDITI! Ru INCREDIBLE-CINDERELLA- ~ LIVING Als 608.9503. ‘Anyti ‘CHAIR, 350-8 North Engel, Escondido, CA. 92025 HOMES WANTED! Old Oil Paintings -any NEW YORK LO cond (even torn). Aliso old frames. MOVING? WE SHIP FURNITURE. Anything old or antique. Highest $ From one piece to a roomful paid. Housecalls. Sandy, 574-0216 in the country. No PO. Box 171080 minimums. insured. Call: 746-8500 WANTED-Oid watches movement Fully TN 37217 (616) 569-8010 for Tne Packaging Call Human Resources at Ext. 366 Nashville, tools. Retired watchmakers ac- Store nearest cumulation. Paying from $500 for you. Employer M/F tc Equal Opportunity Directions—1IE to Exit 36 G north 4 MILES Patek Philippe. 482-8858 TARPAULIN - HEAVY DUTY: All Port Washingto WATCH for TEXAC GA STATION weather, polyethylene nylon rein- 32 Instruction PE TRAINI make LEF turn onto Davis Avenue to FRE parking forced. Cover is, boats, cars, wood. 6x8 ‘8x 10. 9x12- NORTH SHO! E ANIMAL LEAGUE WANTED -$5, Wwil GERMAN 12x12-$12, TEMPORARY. PROOFREADER 25 Davis Ave..Port Washington, LI. (516)883-757: reer ees BRING COUPON EX — WA RELICS Weekly newspaper chain, based in Mineola, needs a proofreader for Flags, medals, helmets, dag- ‘m. until Christmas. Noex- TWO 7 CHEVELLE doors, right & Immedia h by Pvt. Collec- perie Returnees Welcome left, and misc parts. $200 take all. necess BRAND NEW tor. Serious call for TR Cali Ron 826-6275, After 5:30 pm. inquires CALL TOBEA ppt. Lady&# London Fog Raincoat- $175, TRAVEL AGENT Black, out lining 10. 747-8282 zip size 50x 100-$600. Call (5 18) 827-5587 or _ BEST REASONABLE OFFER 36A Sales 1-800-527-1701 NY oF 1-800-654-- Ext. 133 139 TOUR GUIDE Garage/ or 7837. Windy Rid Dist Rt. 145, AIRLINE (516)676-6768 Middleburg, NY. an RESERVATIONIST GARAGE/MOVING SALE YOUR 25 WORD AD (516)676-58 will run in the New York State full time. NOV 5 10 a.m. 4pm. Start locally, time/part pe Classified Network Locust Advertising Train o live ., Valley TOW CAR 26 Situation Wanted (NYSCAN) of 182 weekly Home study & resident training. seare ‘ster lamps, dishes. newspapers statewide for only Financial aid available. & MUCH MORE! 6711215 OPERATOR $180. iso advertise your assistance. 546-5549 Yo Job placement CHILDREN' BDRM. specific regions NORTH SHORE AREA AVAILABLE by the Nat&# Hdqtrs Pompan Bch, Fl. COMPLETE (Western, Central and Metro) for HOMEMfor shut-in or elderly MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE Louis of London turn. Black MAHOGANY LAW OFFICE recep- only $132 for two and $72 HicksvilteiLe ares Light pc. regions WFLATBEDS & WRECKERS ACT. TRAVEL SCHOOL & White. Good Condition. desk, $325. 6metal book: for one Call or visit Anton _ cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc. tio region. 80&q 36 shelves, $200 all. 132 East Elaine: 433-5 482-3501 high Community Newspapers, 621-6024 French provincial 2 Second Street, Mineola. 1-800-327-7728 Best Offer! dining HOUSEKEEPER avail. 5 days wk. leaves, dk wood. $300. 767-186:tabl NYSCAN EXPER Accredited Member N.H.S.C. HOLS-BOS:6083.-. MOVING-ALL CONTENTS o a Looking Yor ENTRY- LEVEL posi- HOME. Redwood outdoor furn., DRIVERS/TEAMS WANTED: tion a computer repairer. Have bric brac 796-450 Minimum 23, (1) cross as FO SALE: Contemp. walnut D/R organ, lamps, age year 43 Boats For Sale BBA DEGREE IN BUSINESS country experience, insurance, set, table with self storing leaf, MOVING SALE-Custom made DR HOME TYPISTS MANAGEMENT. Currently atten- glass door breakfront, 6chairs ask- LRecouch & ly ding computer technical school. NEEDED! ing $600. 869-8498 end tables. New washing machine, Assertive, ambitious, non-smoker. Toat /unioadin: KROBLIN 17 Ft Glastron B furn., 757-7880. after 6. Experience: 2 years as customer REFRI ERATED X&# RES INC.. trailer. New can- No experience needed. For in: service rep; promoted to claim' 1-800-331, “3995. Bowrian2 formation, send: FOR SALE: vass. mooring. No engine. adjuster; have done data on 671-7175 entry O ITEL 1BM CRT unit. 28 Church St., lacquer BRAND NEW! double FLAGS: Alls! U.S. stocked. Old Call Glenn 667-3587 40 Musical Instruments damiaca, NY. 11414 dresser; armoire (2 doors, 3 flags earn trade-in allowance. TUTOR available. Exp. Elementary © EXECUTIVE SECRETARY drawers); 2 night tables (2 marine, historic custom CRUISER 1978 19° -150 DRUMS. Vintage Ludwigs, 6-piece Forei Mercu School Teacher will provide sup- drawers); beveled glase mirror, White eng, railer, Start localty, Full time/part Hi-Hat.ptus 3 cymbals, natural port in Math & Reading during {box-framed tomatch). Teakmi wall tiosrg flagpoles shipped na- will demonstrate, exc fo wate ski m word ing wood, extra skins, whole $30hr.myhome. unit: 232” cabinets (4 drawers, tionwide. Nautique LTD., ing. $3000. Call 589-2581 and related secretarial cases. $1,000. (718) 343-0388 sai Surueec"yo home. Ga Susan Sliding door); 2 etched glass, (816) 722-3944. TYPIST PIT Krav o skills. Home Study and Thurs. Wkends il DAY SAILER(HERMAN-19 Ft.) All fave Resident sliding cabinets; 28&q deep ~ Huntingson vilisge trainon Training. do aft & Franchises available for$475/and Fiberglass & Genoa, WANTED G: Ne mai Wi Nat&# no Beh., Fla. up. 1BM P - 12:30-4:30 daily. $8/hr. Hdq brass hangers, PIA Geo Steck a Corre ‘ul silver and mar- Benches & Trim, Center board, 421-4488 = FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE hardware. Chocolate ve upright Excel cond. $795 beter)jewelry. Unlimited earnings. cuddy cushions. wing chair; 8 x 10 Rya vi 201-445-2568 after 6 271-14 « er or PIT. Wholesale Call FIcop bone JOB PLACEMENT prices. ,500 . Boat i in brown/black/tan/ Amityville, erayeraaare sli avail 10am-5pm 2 white abstract, on beige. Call GOVERNMENT JOBS! after 6pm 757-5510 Richard. 516-487-3667 eves, jor leave Now hiring Two B-Class mechanics wanted 32 Instruction name&number, 42 Wanted To Buy in your area, both skilled and un- for Mitchell service skilled. For a list of jobs and department. Full Company SCHOOL Call: er G.I. JOES, OLD TOYS, DOLLS, 14615) 383-2627 Ex benefits, paid vacation. Call Mr. (A Division of prcati 43A Sailboats for Sale Military items, Barbies wanted. Conti between 8 a.m. 4 .CT. Cor, FOR SALE TWI SIZE WATER BED p.m. PIANO LESSONS Call Barry: 266-3620, leave Ta SCHOOL Monday thru Friday LIKE NEW $225. Call 674-4745 BUG SAILBOAT 18° from message. college financing, STUDgrant as 421-3000. witrailer ANE& hp Johnson. (eateac& BB A. in music.eanerioCall FRACO BELGE Coal Stove, 22000 ships, S.AT. preparation. MITCHELL OLDSMOBILE LIONELIAMERICAN FLYER all SA $2500/best ott 70 1498 BTU&# $350. Call 277-5326 eves. FORMATION. Write/Phone: ee tor Le iauo other old toys & trains wanted by 660 ike ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE CENTE Huntington Station, N.Y. FURN-MAHOGANY Law Office collector-$$. 248-4899 33 Pets For Sale Recp. 6 metal 536-B Summer St., des 3325. ORIENTAL RUGS Paterson, New Jerse OL OIL PAINTINGS 742-1988, 43C Marinas all. Ticnch provineta iebt (201) LOVEABLE AKC PUPS cash-any SHIHTZ 2 leaves, dk. wood, $300. 767-1 Highest sizelcond HIRING! Federal Piano 2 2 2maie, government jobs Instruction Call 334-0500 ANYTIME. FAMILY MARINA SLIPS AVAIL. For VAULT ATTENDANT PIT 2 female. $250. Call: Paula 671-68 GIRLS B set, all wood, off-white Many im- M.A. In Music. All-Levels LI. ORIENTAL RUG GALLERY inyouraeaandov “88 season. Pool & all amenities. wiblue trim. week schedule. wimirror. 26ft. to S5ft. sizes. Call 3days alternate * WANTED-OLD Jewelry, Watches, list or test. $17,84 to $69,48 stip Children & Adults. Inight table, 5 drawer armoire.42” Senior Citizens Welcome. & Prices Phone call refundable. 727-8386 If no answer Call desk wichair &a hutch. Excel. cond. Glassware, more. High (602) Vacation benefits. 538-3031 paid! Call 718-347-6543 838-8885, Ext. 11013. 727-3456 $1,000. 516-294-9571 Apply in person 36 Articles For Sale HUMMEL ANNIVERSARY PLATE TUTOR-Reading & Learning 1980 “Spring Dance&quo Boxed, Central Federal 7 pc COUNTRY FRENCH OAK Br specialist. MS., ED, NYC & NYS asking $165 Call 369-5014 Set-Excellent cond. $750. 5 pe Gert. 718-291-0676. Savings Bank COUNTRY FRENCH Dinette set LIVING ROOM, dining room, kit- & for 60 Broadway Excellent Cond. $100 After 5 pm. chen, furniture accessories 781-4105 sale by owner. (516) 671-9413. Hicksville 27 Business LOWRY Spinet organ & bench. One of Long DRESSER, MAN' CHEST $350. All transistor. 352-5384 Island’s 931-3611 tables-truitwood. 2 Singer 2night MAHOGANY Corner cabinet, Opportunities sewing machines. Eves: 759-1923 finest winged-backed chairs, sofa, OB marinas, Bed, Sq. coffee table, matching end table, Mahogany Davenport family oriented, table, oi! paintings, Japanese WAREHOUSE o ~ Chinese col- prints, garden stool, with a new 30’ x 50’ MATERIAL HANDLERS lectable ceramics. 676-2527 pool, Some heavy lifting involved Permanent. FIT. an immaculate clubhouse and FIRST AMERICA FINANCIAL WAREHOUSE FIT MUST SELL complete facilities. ORDER CORPORATION 3m MR-412 Camera Presently FILLERS using Onyx Material butcanbe | Will train to fill orders. Begin- converted to Itek materials. ners or Returnees are welcome. - FOR QUICK SALE! 671-5910 EARN $230,000+ PER YEAR CALL SAL individually or $807,500 with 10 516-928-3971 ‘Peconic River associates (est.) with America’s most: (Evenings) WAREHOUSE exciting business opportunity. SHIPPING DEPT. have attracted CPA&# lawyers, MBA’s,. Yacht Basin” we executives, and others Want mature responsible salespeople,

individual. 8 - 4:30 Mon.-Fri., Ho own franchises. ORIENTAL! Mineola area. Benefits; Health INDIA RUG Care Package. Call Mr. Skahiil = Brand new product « Unlimited market. 12 X 22 pastels, 100% wool YO allocate at the mouth of the (516)747-8282 ext. 170 = CLIENT benefits s your background powder blue wipad- own ding, $1,350, perfect. Turquoise Peconic substantially at no time silk contemporary couch- Bay extra cost e Exper training i ‘or best offer. (516 727-8386 26 Situations Wanted || = No inventory 759-2862 = Product sells itself = Minimal overhead BABYSITTER & HOUSECLEAN- * when shown ING avail, live-out, wiexp rets. Act now! - « Nota franchise or PIANO - Hardman Peek oak Cali Connie at 201-892-5277 = No competition MLM upright. Incl. bench. Excel. cond. Receive the balance of BRITISH REGISTERED RN/Mid- $1,200. Call 516-294-9571. | wife avail. for daily visits or full- Limited number of Marketing Rights SEALY -SERTA - SIMMONS LOWEST the ‘88 Season Hanah. time home care. Contact PRICES! 2 hr. MATRESS 471-3387 of 467-6248 TOTAL INVESTMENT $20,000 MADNESS 1-800-544-ponywa FREE for NURSE Looking private duty SIX RECESNhaSt white formica, reliable refs. for &# rental. nome care. Caring, furn. 2nite tables, bed w-horsehair, slip Call 751-7178 matress, wardrobe, desk & dresser, EXPERIENCED Baby sitter will For an information packag call best offer. 482-3501 care tor your toddler. Westbury, SOLID WOOD Triple Dresser $25, Hicksville. area. Call 4 64 or 416)941-9922 Syosset (416)368-0 (416) Men Armoir $25. Call after 6 p.m. §16-333-5994 | 579-3974. 327-6609OYSTEREstates,Owne$700___all.1-

Anton € M 5 - Week of Octob 31, 1988 - Page 70

40 Real Estate 44 Apts For Rent Offices For Rent 50 Rooms For

GLEN COV ast Estate Attention ROSLYN - Furnished rooms, Real \ttorneys FOR SALE floor + bsmt, yard. Nov.istfrpl$750 Crest Bid Hicksville Female non-smoker, parkir PORT WASHINGTON COVE REALTY 621-6 Bethpage & bury Road. utilities incl. Refi microwave, ig 2 rom priv. GLEN COVES Am. apt ww carpet. Affordable ” Court.5 Rm. suite of offices. En- Weekly. $900 incl. 76213 Charming House util. 47 Time tire 181 floor. CIA/C, new rugs, ‘Zoned for 44 Apts For Rent 45A Apts To Share Sharing Ample parking. Business Station GLEN COVE No availabl Opposite WESTBURY RM FOR For rent. Totally renovated 2BR RE 516-627-4034 WASHINGTON Leave message house & 35 loft. AllnewLR, PORT PUERTO RICO-S Star Paimas De 2 BR, Immed. Occup. MA Villa. Sleeps 6. Wk. & 944-3774. Eves. 191 14, 741-2380. son windows, laundry area in PORT WASHINGTON basement. & Comtor: 1 your homestillon the market? incl. $700 table. $1300/Specl B te 8-10 at: 718-961-2457 Tired of noshow appointments? I $900 p.m. DOWNTOWN GLEN CO 51 6-944-6 a $1300 48 Seasonal Rentals These are just two of the bath igi pply by reasons marketing your home B w tai Garvieee 45B Wanted to Rent Available | 2 Office Spaces can become frustrating! Duplex 3 BR, baths ect TV- Let GARY at MERRILL LYNCH ei eee vacant $ FLORIDA in Elevator REALTY show his Luxury Building pard in- you proven GLEN COVE B RON!oe e50. HUTCHISON ISLAND plan. QUIET Teacher & Writer seeks 2 as 51% marketing foneW OCEANFRONT CONDO Mod 2 rm. EIK Fumished or unfurnished. 3BR, apt., or3 BR apt. or part of house; &a 1% and BRILA. Off St. Parkin Call GARY bath, LR, DR, eat-in-kit. Ex: perferably in country setting in 2BR, 2bath, beautifully turnish- $650 incl. heat. cellent area. Full yard and washer/dryer, aN. Shore K ed, all appliances, pool, tennis, Two Stores in Prime Call owner: Nan today fora free market analysis. garage. Lease and deposit re- 212-781-2404 ‘sauna. Available Dec. 1988, Jan. $1500 671-8171 quired, month. Call: 1989. $1,250 per month. New Building GARY MURDOCK 671-8317 ROCKVILLE CENTRE NORTH Lovely sunlit 2-room apartment, 516-671-150 License Sales Agent private entrance,.new kitchen & 46 Homes For Rent Contact Ben a MERRILL LYNCH ath, wiw carpet, lots of closet Pleas GLEN COVE-Mod 3 BR, 2 bath $120 s includes 7 kagi ;EALTY Duplex Townehouse GLEN 2 BR houses COVE-Lovely LUXURIOUS SKI GETAWAY 674-4500 731-3600 COVE REALTY 621-6161 ROSLYN VILLAGE TY:Ail Immed. occupancy. $1,250 neg. Mt. top location in theexclusive on rein- Hidden Valley private ski resort. Levittownareas, other areas call GLEN COVE RENT NOW New LAKE FRONT HIGH OAKS REALTY your local M Realty offices. Studio & 2 BR, Pool, tennis, 671-6522 676-9287 2nd 2 GLEN COVE Newly , tloor, pet, AC, ter- house. GLENWOOD LANDING 3 BA Walktosiop very affordable. 51 race, $1625, $900 NO FEE family Mod kit., tiled NEW DOWNTOWN Real Estate Wan house $1100+ % For info, call days 758-9210 bath, 2 BR, den, AVAILABL NOW. ‘gar Ideal for Gil Realty uti GR|-2300 Prime location - from 440 sq ft Parking, 201-764-6886 - 212-770-8930 to ft. FREE TIMBERPEG prof coulpe. $1550 neg. 1185sq Ample park- ne Eves.(Wkends, 516-483-2234 Oo = ing. GLEN COVE- Small 2room studio 621-0349 621-1185 & beam construction-using true Family rm., like new, N. of Jericho. 516-671-3330 mortise & tenon joinery. Stylish $47 incl. all. OWNER util. Owner. 732-2827 Gil Realty 671-2300 traditional designs with open, con- PORT ON-New 4 BR, 2 9am-6pm temporary floor plans, feature GLEN COV - Spacious 2 BR apt. baths Central Air, appliances UP- PALMAIRE, FLA. Andersen win- Oversized fur- cedar shingle root, LR, OR, carpeted. Nov. 15occupan- TOW $1600. BR, completely our family. jows, cedar sidings & other high- nished & newly decorated. Ter- cy. Ex. area. $900 inc. all. COVE REALTY 621-6161 GREAT NEC Private office in our quality components. SEA CLIFF race, EIK, new dishwasher, CALL) HIGH OAKS REALTY suite. Prestige bldg, parking, 2 biks CAMBRIA DAC (516) 567-7733 ROSLYN 2 BA/Carriage House bthrm, OR, LR, carpeted, new 671-6522 676-9287 2 B Villager $750 inc! heat RIR. 516-482-4250. Work (212) 752-77: frpic., garage. Estate Setting. PET TV, stereo, walk in closet, 3 sur. B Villager wideck ‘ 684-3064 GREAT NECK 3 Rm. apt., private oK rounding pools, near shopping (212) $700 incl. heat. ome. Business women, non- COVE REALTY 621-6161 plaza. $1,400 incl. util. smoker, It. cooking. Refs. avail Studio Villager $700 incl. all. 516-223-1954 44 For Rent Now. 516-487-2537 Call after6 GREAT NECK Apts Exquisite 2+ Am. apt. . $815 incl all. ROSLYN/FLOWER HILL JAMAICA HILL - Furn. 3 room: WINDOWED OFFICE residential home Neat BALDWIN-very quiet deadendbl. wipvt. ent. GIL REALTY 671-2300 Adorable Cap in mint cond. 8A, KiULR full bth. Util. includes subway/all transp. Single occu- LAM rpice.,den, EIK, 2BR, 1 bath, for rent in LUXURY Building all. Prof. pref. Closetoall, RR/Shop- pant. Sec. & Refs. $525 util. incl. 9 jarage, CAC, gas WMO secretarial space. 718-523-2720 eves PALM BEACH RENTAL ping etc. heat. $1,500 + util. 3 blocks to R station. Indoor $795/mo. 516-623-2131 After NO FEE parking. 6:00.p SEA BR, EIK, cul-de-sac Furnished 3BRs, 3Bths., home, LOCUST VALLEY 2 BR, EIK Dec. CLI$77: SSBF setting Call after 6 p.m. block from ocean, 516-829-6610 3 2 bath aue 15th occup. $750 COVE REA 621-6161 locat © tocentr Hu B Net $159,900 378- BAYSIDE-2 BR Apt, new 2 family. 627-2492 shopp: COVE REALTY 621-6161 (516) & houses of Near all ing worshi Ss ry ca trans./pkwys./shopping. Rooms, EIK,$700 incl. m MANHASSET 31m furn bsment Seasonalfmonthly. First floor, terrace, backyard, park- SEACLall. GREENVALE-2 offices $400. BR apt. aan oneal Sec Ee ing. NO PETS, NO CHILDREN. apt. nearall. Single occupant. Please Call 621-5427 Call Owner: 516-454-084: COVE REALTY 621-6161 Fee EAL 2 baths, 627-7682 Available Sept. 1st 718-224-1589 & ref. $875 inc! util. 482-4620 fin. O orine. fireplace, only. PORT WASHINGTON SE CLIFF-Waterview 3-4 BR, bam 1% garage. Roslyn Schoo HICKSVILLE GARDEN CITY: BROOKVILLE: Estate area, imm- All Sizes Of Apts, Offices, And bath, heat incl.$1300 deck, REAL “621- Cathedral BE can- COVE w ed! BR, working prof., $700 all jouse Rentals. Some Available COVE REALTY 621-6161 ly renovated. SercsWell i ele ngine. McCarroll Realty, 676-1440. For Immediate Occupancy. 5 Room office, corner suite, carpeted, AC, ample parking, sor price $96K 294-1948 Am. BARRY REALTY Florida COLLEGE POINT - Spacious 5 RRandLiE. apt., 1st floor. All new. No pets. Work: 46A Homes To Share Community. Studio or Suitable insurance, travel, etc. 718-463-7961. _883-2244 in Couple. $850. bedroom apartments, Storage avail. Immediate. lercury PORT WASHINGTON-Spectacular 46 Homes For Rent GARDEN CITY-1 BRGo- ELMONT/E. FRANKLIN SQUARE GARDEN CITY-Walk bus. Non- OWNER. waterfront 2 BR, Apt in private RR, completely furnished Ave $170,000 718-347-4675 _ Beautiful suntit 3-room cottage, smoker. $525. Lucy: 775-1563 —_rreweow house. 718-721-2992 ELMONT/E. FRANKLIN SQUARE plus fully kitchens, l new ap- equippe 681-4578 Beautiful sunlit 3-room plicances, kitchen & bath. Base- PORT WASHINGTON Garden BR, cottaap- * All Utilities ment &a patio. Mint. $875 + utilities Apt., large $905/month inclunus plicances, kitchen & ba! ee _ & security. 775-8518 47 Time MANHASSET or 2 rooms avail ment &a patio. Mint. $875. yuittie Sharing 1st floor 2 BR apt. ai ee . Nov 1 $200-600 627-4727 GLEN yard. & 775-8518 util. security. Phase Ii COVE-35No dogs. 2bat692-7398 + BARBADOS VAGATION-Save GLENCOVE4 carpeted, acasa $1000&# Red Time Share, Exchange 3 EIK, frpic..- MacCRATE finished Bsmnt.B 2BI Port Washington area. $ Priviedges-Rockly Resort-Only F yard. Top REAL GLEN OAKS-3 BR COVE 621-6161 ‘$6500. Call Gary After 3at579-3974 WALK TO LIRR COVE REALTY 621-6161 883-2900 appliances, burglar alarm, Modern, Professional Bidg. near all. negotiable. with excellent parking. 2,000 * Fishing Pier 8q.{t. corner unit & 775 s¥.ft. * Putting Green unit. * Library SCHMERGEL \T 18° JACKSO HEIG ° Beauty/Barber Shop nnson ENTERPRISES GUARANTEED 4 Month Minimum THE TOWERS (516) 466-0460 Write or Call Collect Top floor? vr wipanoramic of Manhattan. LR wibri

for brochure. | formal DR. custom EI 4BR TENANTS Majestic Towers ROSLY VILL as 2% baths. Lovely Built a 1255 Pasadena Avenue South Share with new ottic Reasonable, fee. 621-3113. NATIONWIDE St. Petersburg, Florida 33707 no AIL. For nities. 347-2169 (813) ‘Prime profession! 3. Call se wor N orth Shore r Call Hi Scho 1000 sq. ft. $1250. NORTH SHORE TOW Whether per month. Buying or Selling at HART REALT we ~~ Commercial BAUER ASSOC. 671-6535 ‘make things happen! Fastes grow TENANT, Realtor in town. 466-101 & Properties SYOSSET individual executive of- ‘OYSTER BAY Lexingto — tices beautifully furn.wicont.rms., CHE ,000-3,000-5,000sq FAX. Beautiful L-shaped S recept./secy./phonesicopier. ft.STOWNSfor rent. for manufactur- Long/short term Asking $88K ingialar 9. Secured parking. OUR DATA BASE 718-93 496- AUDREY AVE REALTY

ROSLYN: 2 Warehouses for rent, We have files on thousands (3) Access through various ap- WESTBURY BAY-Lex (1 prox. 2,500 sq. ft. & 4,700 sq. ft, selling spacious 1BR, 1 area credit bureaus to all credit businessilight industrial zoning. Gold Old Road Near Post of bad tenants in each Country apt, Ex i Coast R.E. renovated Newly country-type immed. 922-Tesos we serve. background. Exclusive/1 office suites with wiw carpet- (2 We have legal files for (4) We have files on hundreds of ing. Near everything 2Rm. Suite—$515. thousands of tenants we most areas right at hand. Rm. Suite—$412. 53 Homes For Rent For know are good. Space Owner: 516-261-6155

AFFORDAB AVOID FLOW GLEN COVE CASH INTERRUPTION WOODBURY Office space to share Levitto Ranch in: Stores near L.|.A.R. luxury bidg. 367-3900 EI upda bat wit ~ Alum siding, low taxes, Will n RENT, Offices fast! 400 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft. Offices Wanted CHEK — 10 Cedar Swamp Rd. GLEN HEAD or vicinity. Approx. 676-3745 or 671-5900 600& street level. 671-1741 GUARANTEE PAYS THE REN FOR UP Building For Sale TO 45 DAYS ON LEASE-BREAKERS OR HICKSVILLE 3,000sq. ft.- basement spac in Office building. Ideal for inac- MANHASSET-On Plandome Rd. Stone 16x55, bsmnt, 5 Am apt. EVICTEES: tive storage. Price open. Calt: 516-931-0600 695K. Box 164, Manhasset 11030 . TENANT, WE SEND YO A HUNTINGTON-Office space for Store For Rent CHEK RENT CHEK rent. 1400 sq. ft. Will sub-divide. 215 East Main St. Call: 549-8297

WHEN THE TENANT DOESN' | WESTBURY - Corner store, exc. location, Post Ave., theater bidg.. A NATIONAL SCREENING SERVICE no food. No brokers. 997-7082 eves Offices For Rent or 338-4300 ans machine. FOR NASSAU COUNTY CALL (516) 735-7119 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED GREAT NECK py office. Excel. location Ne 50 Rooms For Rent FOR SUFFOLK COUNTY IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY remodeled ae Gul 24 hr. CALL (516) 242-9338: access. 516-773-4267. SATISFIED WE WILL REFUND 100% GREAT NECK-I B Suite. Newly PORT WASH Furn rm. avail. non- IN NEW YORK CALL FEE. fur lear trans. 1-800-722-0078 OF YOUR SET-UP LIAR. FIT-PIT 773-4698 call after 6pm. or wken 883-0905 SETDRELaTa2|||

ae SS

- 8C € of @ctoher 31, 1988 Pag Anton uN - Week 53C Out Of Town 53 Homes For Sale 53 Homes For Sale 53 Homes For Sale| 53 Homes For Sale 53 Homes For Sale 53 Homes For Sale Real Estate

450 acres. Woods -Fields. House, BAYVILLE - NEW HOME MANHASSET Roslyn WANTAGH Miles Road Fron- = Walk to Beach. 3 BR, 2 full baths, outbuildings. OPEN HOUSE NEW CONTEMPORARY HILL N.Y. $349K- Possible LR, DR, EIK. Den wiskylite. Many FLOWER WILLOW WOOD tage. Central Spectacular 4 BA, 3% bath Finance. extras. Asking $345. 000. 4 2% bath ~ Newly BR, dream Call: Saturday, 11/5 & 11/6 home on ¥ acre, LR, w/sunken updated Your townhouse come 607-397-8137 628-3713 o fenced lot. New marble frpic., conversation pit, Cape deep true! 2 BR, 1% baths, beautiful . OR, EIK, playroom. finished bsmnt., alarm, many aey.o5p.m. formal Large den w/wet BAYVILLE bar—skylights. Fabulous kit- extras, must see! Principals. BERSHIRES 655S. Fif Str Lindenhurst chen wisliding doors to yard, $229K. North Shore-L.|.Sound cathedral ceilings, 2-car: MA Builder' BECKET, new 4 BR-colonials. CAC, gas heat, pool—tennis + 516-781-7002 LR, DR, den, frpic. 2% baths, full Come visit this totally renovated 1,500 sq. 24hr guard house and Much REAL ESTATE CHOICE, 2 two 6 acre wooded bsmnt, C/A/C, Central vac. sys. More! $875,000. sites. Watertronts roll- ft. Colonial located in the of WOODMERE, NOATH acreage, to Sell Village in views, Minutes Priced 365-6606 eee hills, ponds, of Montauk to Tanglewood, Jacobs Pillows, 299,000 Lindenhurst, south Highway. ACCENTS Ary1BR, 3baths, tree lined, SD 14 F BUILD NOWORINVEST } {516-671-5279 or B ck. Dramatic main level den, skiing. Too man extras to list. Call Lynn (Realtor) OWNER FINANCING 516-759-0153 REAL ESTATE deck, contemporary for more information. 29 Park Ave. ernertal1K MANY EXTRAS! Roslyn Harbor Asking Mid $339,0 Manhasset for BELLEROSE Legal 2 family, car 627-9360 944-7171 Modern Colonial 569-5252, Ask Charney Se j ~ 516-351-2965 garage, full tin. aluminu 4BR, 2% baths, frpice. + guest sid if 3 apt. wicentral baths, full carp 0x1 air, spacious 53A Mortgage Loans thru-out, OYSTER BAY-Mint 3 BR Ranch rooms, great location for schools, NEW HYDEPARK in“The Oaks”, PORT WASHINGTON Exclusiv at $575,000. i transportation, off Cross Island 4 BR, 2 full baths, brick cape, ome 922-6877 Glorious Pool -HOMEO&# Pkwy., $225,000. Eves. Mon-Fri6-8, finished downitinished up, Setting COVE REALTY621-6161 CATSKILLS . 718-343-0388, Eves. Tues., We possible M/D, $265,000 A elegant designers home e DELAWARE COUNTY Thurs., 6-8, FORECLOSU 516-775-8231 PORT WASHINGTON 516-354-6431 wiall amenities, 4 BR, 3 Baths, SEA CLIFF Charming Dutch Col- JUST LISTED beautifull new skylite Elk, onial. Completly remodeled. 4 BR ° BANKRU open acres. Private with A Electric, plus lovely family room * DEER PARK IMMACULATE 3 BR. 1% baths all set on v2 acr views, de Spriggrst& Park exquisite pluslegal2 8A guest cot- DIVORCE atdeerrapond brick colonial an to PORT WASHINGTON poolsetting. Asking fueple. Big Reduction Now $419,000 Right Hinti Possible M/D Split Ranch, Lg. Falling behind on you RR St. LRifrpice.,Pra wawith wigicti$650,000. G REALTY EXCLUSIVEG7 1:3800 minutes. Windom 25 min., 5 eat in kitchen. OWNER TRANSFERRED mortgage payments? We country sliding doors to yard, den, plus minutes to Stamford. Pool, Cathedrai ceiling, LR, % BR. Town & Country can No modern kitchen wibreakfast $309,000 help! payments up hospital, tennis, golf, shopping, Den,2baths, Lg. screened patio. &q 5 2 area, full bsmnt., attached Colonia! With Loads SHELTER ISLAND to years! Bad credit, Askin $25,000. 8 appliances, 1% car garage, garage. $309,000 ‘of Charm. bankruptcy or unemploy- alum. sided, alarm. 75x 100, low Owner 9-5 PM 212-566-0743 CHARMING 38R, baths col- restored 5 br. farm- ment is not a problem. taxes, $175,000. Walk to store, This home has 3 bedrooms, in- WESTBURY-SPLITLR, DR, Kit, J Beautifully Call Weekends 607-652-2693 oniatinMonfortHills, LA/frpice., suite with 9 house. & school, train. cluding Master B bin, garage 70x10. Very light airy. Original formal DR, modern EIK, plus 2 more brick & DR., Foreclo ronseta Owner x 20 loft, deck and bath. $18!B frpic. LR., gourmet (516)242-2981, De over % acre secluded master suites pro- large and airy BR, 2 baths, LR, au POW REALTY 486-1212 kit.,2 BR., facing Con- MINT! $425,000 an self-“emp perty. DR, EIK, 15 x 20 den leading to southwest breezes & spec- your FABULOUS young colonial on large deck, laundry room. New tacular sunsets. 170 bulk head- ROSLYN-EAST HILLS—Prime home! ¥ acre cul-de-sac, 4 BR, 3% heating system, separate gas, beach &am loc., designers colonial. 4BR,3 DIX HILLS baths, LAlfrpice., large formal hotwaterheater, new electric & et. Malertront& float. By app&# only. SWISS CONSERVATIVE GROUP BOYNTON BEACH, FLA. | baths, Den, DR, 33 Ft. LR/Study, So New’ -4,000 sq.ft. 5-bdrm OR, modern Elk, 2 large family plumbing. Alum. siding. LOW S1 203-454-4404 203-454-1336 Indian sky-lights, awork of art. Owner- Spring 3¥4-bth., brick and cedar Col., rooms(1wifrpice., w/skylight) TAXES. #1 Schools. financing avail. Principals only. F PRICEAGENCY vine, 207 2Baths + ent. air/vacuum, 1 acre, wipvt. both PERFECT. $599,000 GREGO Dersc driveway, Sept. occup. CENTURY 21 Cal 749-0047 53C Out Of Town 2e Pato furnished. Buildertorappt. - ROSLYN HEIGHTS Palm Beach decorated.ful 516-673-3524 ACCENTS FOLAN AGENCY Family Colonial-LAvfrpic. DR, Waterview Bouns 944-9721 hug family rm. CITY Real Estate ‘ST. ATE EI maste Occupy. $155,000 378 PORT WASH. BLVD. BRibth, 4 W HEMPSTEAMint Wide neat L s ti ‘c Brick Ca FLORIDA: MUST SELL! SACRIFICE 516-621-7356 407-734-5617 GLEN COV - Lovely iocation, Lovely OPEN SEVEN DAYS WKLY. ‘on 4 Per Washi WaJ & BR, 2baths, LRwith frpic,larlot 4 Furnished BR Mobile Home property. 4 BR, 2 bath house, Over- Bening Member Pt. Wash. Boayd of Realtors 944-7171 o EIK, rec. room. CAC, $259, Cal In top class park 25 Mi. No. of Di: sized kitchen. Askin $239,000 orrent 516-481-7214 Asking $34,000, 5 for $1,300/rent with option GIL REALTY ton671-2300 i GLEN COVE AUTOMOTIVE [ SECTION Sun. Nov. 6—1p.m.-4p.m 12 Lindbergh Ave. Must Sell! Owner Relocating Mint residence, 2cargarageon beautifully treedacreage in top location. For Details Call: Frank Flynn 759-3440 ee North of 25A E PEUGEOT [TE] sund 11-5 GLENWOOD LANDING New ex- open clusive. Charming Country Ranch 2BR,2bath, LAwitrpic. Lovely over.Mi sized proper ‘Owner anxious. GIL REA EXCLUSIVE67 1-2300 GOVERNMENT HOMES From $1.00 (U-Repair) delinquent tax properties and repo’s. For cur- rent lists call INTRODUCING T ALL R 1-800-232-3457, Ext. 5298 NE Ss Iso open evenings. , 789 NISSANS °88 PATHFINDER GREENLAWN pooccco-e LIES Hi-Ranch. corner lot, 3BR, EIK, large DRILA, 1% baths, family $15,649 Selling Price rm., Beautifully landscaped. $1,300 Dealer Discount Nissan Paintinger xt K neg. Pri 28,855 $21,583& $2904 taxes owner $14,349* 516-757-7636 3 ~~ WITH THIS 77) - &q Auto COUPON Peugeot Wagon DL, . 6,995 &qu Auto...... $100 OFF , - 4,495 to HUNT/CENTERPORT &qu 300ZX Present this 2+2,5 Sp, Tops .... $11,495 coupon for an additional $100 &qu 4 Dr. Auto. off the price. Limit customer. deal SUCCESS Hyundai GLS, . 5,495 per per STORY ’84 Maxima Leather...... - 7,495, Must be presented at time of sale. All with Not Applicable For Advertised Specials A SUPERBLY BUILT HOME yr.42,000 warranty All the lovely rooms you want; Rare oak & cedar decor: huge firepiac ed ceils; uni- jue floor plan. Pye PRIVACY-LIKE ACRES O IT! 788 Pulsar SE See the water, far hills. High BOT AVAILABLE FOR open, spacious grounds. INTRODUCING EUROPE’S CAR P.S,P.B. AM/FM STEREO ASHOWPLACE, ALUCKY FIND DELIVERY FOR REAL. HI $300&# OF THE YEAR 1989 IMMEDIA OWNER: EVES BEST 261-5868 300 AUTO/LEATHER Z <i. PEUG 0 DIGITAL ELEC. << LOADED HUNTINGTON COLD SPRING HILLS Price Charming country farm ranch: F $13,249 Selling |. Q flat % acre. 4 BR, 2 baths, _ 2-car garage. Walk to RR. $25,639 Selling Pric $1,250 Dealer Discount _ Asking $369,000 STARTING AT - 4,640 Dealer Discount North Valley Realty * 516-674-9494 ,500* $ 20,999 * 11,999

MANH. NEW CON PORARY Spectacular 4 BR, 3% bath “| home on % acre, LR, w/sunken marble frpic., conversation pit, 6 REASONS TO BUY FROM BARON formal DR, Large den wiwet bar—skylights. Fabulous kit- ALT chen wisliding doo to yard, cathedral ceilings, 92, 1. GAG, gas heat, pool— tennis OUR OVERHEA is lower than 3. PERSONALIZED SERVICE. You 5. WE DON’T CHARGE YOU 24hr Gu house and Much More! $875,000. most Nissan Dealers (which are not a number but a valued MORE. We will meet or beat any ACCENTS means lower to Real Estate prices you). customer. Yéu don’t have to wait legitimate price. 29 Park Ave. 2. OUR SERVICE RAT is $19 an an for a sales 6. N FINE Manhasset hou rep. PRINT. N GIM- 627-9360 44-7171 hour less than the # Volume 4. THE BARON FAMILY has been MICKS. JUST GOO DEALS. Dealer coin a SER- in (to phrase . . business for over 37 years. NOT VALID ON ORDERS MANHASSET-Plandome Hgts. VICE AFTER THE SALE). 3BR,2% ial. LR WRITTEN PRIOR 9/29/88 witrpice., DR,ipatnCo e HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9 T ed base Fri.-Sat. 9-6 $449,000. Sct Ope Sunday 11-5 *Add Taxes, Tags Freight & Dealer Option Rebate include -

- @ - Week of October 31, 1988 Page 9C Town Anton Newspapers

te 53C Out Of Town 63 Autos For Sa 53D Vacation Homes 63 Autos For Sale 63 Autos For Sale 63 Autos For Sale s. House, FORT LAUDERDALE. MAZDA AX7-GXL 2x2 198 A/T, OD, OLDSMOBILE 1986 Cuftla: ad Fron- GOVERNMENT Satin'Gold, fog lights, A/M FIM Waterfront home. Contemporary MELBOURNE BEACH, FLA “COLLECTOR” Supreme Broughm, 4dr, low Possible Stereo Cassette elec ranch on Intercoastal corner pro- SEIZED wieq., milage, all power, am- -{in stereo OCEAN FRONT sunroof, 18K mi loaded. perty. Dock avail. on side of house 1972 Volk Kharmanghia wirewheels, A-1 Cond. SURPLUS VEHICLES Call Ma tor boat. Inground pool, view from Executive pool homebeautiful- Clean Machine $15,400 Neg. ae674-4286 work (518) 933-9 ry room. Priced for immediate ly furnished. $800 prwk. Monthly Best offer -As low as $100 BMW home:(516) 563-4430 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 1981 2door, sale! By Owner 482-3500 reduced rates. Mercedes, Porches and more. Call Dennis s, pb, am-fm, ac, only 56,000 :S recorded MEAGEDES BENZ SLC 1979 HILTON HEAD SC-Shipyard Villa Beach Amazing message miles. Excletient condition? Nancy&# reveals details. CALL NOW! $20,700 onGolf Course. Pool, tennis, 2BR, Inc. 589-8198 922-0727 IA Properties, Showr 599-627con tact 2% baths. Avail 8/13, 8/20. Sept., after 5 293-6862 Ext. 104 PONTI 85 FIERO SE, 201-839-2240, 407-727-1404 p.m. wooded Oct... & Nov. PLYMOUTH &# Volarie/siant 6 mi, all options, BLK/GRAY vitei age, roll- HANCOCK, MASS., 1 mile from skiing, Owner, cor ‘BENZ ‘73 280 Sedan engine. Runs well. Good sta. car showroo Minutes 3B plus den, fireplace, sauna, pool, orgi CORVETTE  auMERCPIS, AIC Excellent $300, 516-944-9896. Pill tennis. Days, 212-736-6530. throug $3650. 676-6520 Days 933-3356 Eves INVE Full Power louvers, 256 MONTAUK Spoilers, Claret/4 spd. 98! NG mags NEW WATERFRONT COND Mon-Thurs, B 2 1104 iv. RPI Sat., 516-921-5392. Sleeps 4, heated pool, hot tub, $7500. at Camaro, automatic, great con- special, 3day, 2nite. $225. Week- dition, 6 cyc.7 60,000 original miles. day and full week discounted. KOENIG REALTY $3,500. G Heidi at 856-8275. 549-9859 Corvette - 1965. Mint in & out. Red. Oneonta, N.Y. Not orig. Call for details 671-5732. 1-800-333-4085 oi DODGE ARIESK 1981, 51K, 4DR, 4 Retire To These Businesses cyl.,exc.cond. in-out, asking $1250 ITY Income PUERTO RICO ni -3482 Liquor Store 1.400 sq. ft. 5 Star Palinas Del Mar Villa. Sleeps. . Private DODGEPOLLARO 1973V8, needs Good ample turn- 6. Weeks 11/26 & 1/14. 741-2380. Ask for gross parking, minor work. 484-2611. Donny, key operation. 7 BR home with FORD 1955 2 Dr. Restorablie. new kitchen patio. #1035. Mike or William Asking $400. 671-0018 56 Plots For Sale 4. FORD FAIRLANE 500 “CLASSIC™ Pool Now make your money work for 1957, 2 dr, A/T, V8, body excel. in. opping, 3apts + commercial terior needs some yo stofor good, mechanical work. Nice car! $4,000 8-0743 income pr UPSTATE NY Test Drive _ po condit 516-271-8095. }2-2693 DELAWARE COUNTY GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles the New from $100. Fords. Mercedes. Cor- ’89’s tiflecoun- vettes. Chevys. Surplus. Buyers , Guide (1) 805-687-6000 ext. S-5158. UPSTATE try,6.41 surveyed acres ad- joining over 5,000 acres of GOVERNMENT.SEIZED Vehicles from $100. Cor- 2 Bedroom Cabin an 102 acres State land forests. Good Fords, Mercedes, with pond, meadows & mount- road Beautiful vettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers frontage. Guide ext.S-4836. ains with view. 2 miles from (1)805-687-6000, South Street view. Land is mostly wood- 286 Deer Run Ski Resort. Deer & ACCORD 1986 LX. 32K ful- ed wichoice home site. Ex- HONDA turkey rifle country. Owner. ly loaded, 5sp, a/c, am/tm cassette, Oyster NY 11771 investment at only Bay, Dark Grey $9650. Call after 4:30 $180,000 (516)234-2549 gen Owner 5,900. financing 692-7480 922-3400 After 5 p.m reai $3,500 down. Call Bill Hunt, Sidney, NY. WEST PALM BEACH CONDOFOR 563-1993 SALE, BR, 1 bath, avail. immed. (607) 427-6243


62 Wanted Auto 1964 Mercedes Benz S00 SEL Gray Metalic, Excellent Cond. Reasonably ALL Used Cars Foreign, Domestic, priced. Porsche 924 Exotic. Prot service. Top $$. We Red, Immaculate Cond. 5 spd. visit you. Jon‘Tar Inc, 826-5611 trans, a/c, low miles. Price for JUNK CARS REMOVED quick sale. WE BUY LATE MODEL WRECKS 1981 Mercede HIGHEST $ss 671-0179 380 SLC in white with very low miles. olger Benzin Absaure 63 Autos For Sale good r va AZDA Gre Neck 240 Northern Boulevard LeSabre 1970 (516) 829-6020 Great Condition (in and out) $750 negotiable Toyota Sta. Wagon 1975 ~BUICK SKYHAWK-Red. am/fm je offer. cassette, auto trans, excellent 754-3701 cond. $3500 NEG. 369-5014

BUY GOVERNMENT Seized ang FORD 1978Fairmont.Sunroot, new Veniclea fcom$100, Fords, rear brakes, $650.00 tires good. Surevys. Corvettes, etc, For info C (213)925-9906 ext.2172 DODGE ASPEN 1979 Auto, 4 dr, CAMARO 1975-p/s, pib, am/im cycl., AM/FM, AIC, Good running cass.,, new alt. very cond., $600 Best offer. 997-8022 dependable. $600.00. 248-2849 MERC.1982 LINX Compact CHEVETE 1982 Ac, auto, ps Wagon-Excellent cond. 38K miles, ong. 27,000 miles. 294-0081 sh Extended 4d1,4sp, year. warran 6pm ty $2500 neg. 422-2080 BUICK Somerset 1986. custom CHEVY 1979 4 WD Pick-up. MIND blue - loaded - fully tow mileage cond. $6,500. Call for details Florida driven only $8,000 671-5732, alter 5 p.m CHEVY 1986 S10 Total Package 000 mi running boards. push i ard. windows & tilt 1987 PORSCHE 924 316-338-power

Red, Immaculate CHEVY MONTE CARLO 1978 $16,500 Good condition. Runs Great $1,000. Call 549-0724 Mazda Great Neck CHRYSLER Le Baron 1985. Wgn Lo 240 Northern Bivd mileage. Likenew. Auto. All pawer NY. * Grc at Neck, AMIFM, Orig. owner. Lo $ 627-0671 (516) 829-6020

After 90 day st car repair out of 929 626 guarantees n gas. While most car repai guarante last onl you own your car or light truck. Irs Amer- MX6 90 days, there is one that lasts a lifetime. ica’s best car repair guarantee. Only Ford, 323 It' Lifetime Lincoln and Mercury owners can get it. “ALL NEW MPV Service Guarantee. Ask your participating Ford or Lin- Once vou dealer for a of this lim- VAN” GUARANTEE pay for coln-Mercury copy PASSENGER covered repair, it’s ited warranty. The Lifetime Service SEE IT NOW! guaranteed, with free parts and labor, Guarantee. Because peace of mind d for as long as you own your car. just the opposite of distress. OPEN SUNDAYS But it doesn’t just last longer than 12-5 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE other guarantees, it covers more parts and labor, in more places too. QUALITY CARE. No matter where you travel in Nort FOR QUALITY CARS America, you& be covered for as long as 2408AEM.--.--|

1988 - 100. - Week of October 31, Pag Anton alta 6 o ene 63 Autos For Sale a | PILLSIDE DODGE... FOR SALE

1987 Audi 4000S

Mint Condition Silver/Gray 4 door, 5 speed SEDAN 13,000, Sunroo Garaged.

ALL MINT!! Rts Asking $12,500 our AWARD 718-656-8484 Ext. 239 Days Me WIN | 516-747-5616 Nights SALES FORCE? MUST SEE AG Al po tlt whe iil North Co Subaru

1986-GL 3 dr. auto. lo milage. VOLKSWAGON '85-GOLF 1986-BRAT G with cap & AIC, 4 Auto, PS/PB, AIC, Sunroof, 65K, wheel drive. 4 spd. 16K miles. original owner. 536-2466ee ARIES 4 DR. XT-GL (516) 1989 DODGE 1986 Sunroof, A/C. priced S30 CARAVAN SE| E 4989 DODG to sell. VW. 1974 LOVEBUG-New engine & Stk. #9038, Auto, A/C, P/S, front end. Mint cond. Original 7 Auto,* 1985 SEDAN 5 spd. A/C Stk. #9094, Pass., Litre Call wes Best Ofter P/B, Pkg., 2.5 : NOW Equal. 1984 GL Auto, 4x4, turbo ear. AIC, Roof Rack and and more. sunroof, loaded, lo mileage. 1984 Sedan GL, auto, loaded Wad sre [Masse 1984 4-wheel DOOR WANTED - $43, 5 977 0,6 drive, auto. F ° 1976 N SAVE $1,281 L SA * . 1982 Station Wagon auto, Duv side” economy, lo mileage Best Price. Call 781-7250 “DEDICATED TO —t OUR CUSTOMERS...WE’R | All Subaru Priced to Sell All With Year Subaru Warrenty NOT UNTIL WE MAKE HAPPY!” 63E RV's/Mobile APE ba North Coast Subaru Homes

112 Glen St. —————————————————— Glen Cove, N.Y. 19782 ft. Coachmen Leprechau 516-676-3676 minimotor GM 400cu inengine, AC, cruise, hitch, 4new fillSsequiexcel. cond. 46,000 mi S 000 (516) 935-5359 1979

Pis, P/B, AM/FM cassette stereo. New brakes, high mi 63G Garages $1200 neg Ask for Barbara: i INDOOR/OUTDOOR parking for 6 Days: 747-8282 Ext. 140 mths. 2shortbiks. Great NeckLIRR Eves: 661-7866 63H PYLMOUTH ‘48 5 window Coupe Accessories runs have all parts needs restora- tion. Best offer Over $1,000. 1981 FORD Pick-Up Cap Only. For 871-5187 Quick Sale $275 483-0953 1988 DODGE DAYTONA 1988 DODGE OMNI CA TRUCK PACIFICA Stk. #8967. Auto, P/ Console, AM/FM, oe Stk. #8012. Leather, Auto, 2.2 L., Tur- bo, Cass., and much more. cae a mo WA 54 347 ssw&qu now’ °13,29 NOW °6,7 SYOSSET FORD TRUCK CEN c HA 496-9700 271 Jericho Tpke. lacy s we aT aa We CADDY 89


° ! 555 Sunrise Hwy., W. Islip 587-6800 ER GRA wrno prion crenit pre-arproven... NO $$$ DO ‘88 ELDORADO Metallic blue, white TB leather, white sim-con rf $21,500 ‘87 FLEETWOOD BRGHM DeElegance 1983 FORD MUSTANG GL HIB Black, silver leather, 14K aay wae $18,500 V6 Auto A/ Siroof Stereo Auto, AIC Great §9,00 Miles, White int. Stereo P/ 44,00 Miles ‘85 COUPE DeVILLE - White Roadster, Shape leather and Sim-Con. Roof +4,a95 blu 1984 MAZDA 3,990) 626 TOURING tos7 DODGE S GRAND SEDAN fun 1983 CHRYSLER FIFTH ‘87 COUPE DeVILLE - Metallic light gold Loade spd. CARAVAN V6 7 Pass Auto AI AVENUE Loaded, Silver on sporty Silve Stere 29,00 Miles. brown sim-con roof, 16K $17,900 50,00 Miles. onl Only *41,990 6,595) 1967 DODGE ‘87 COUP DeVILLE — White, white sim- CARAVAN SE 4 1984 DODGE CARAVAN Std. 12K SE Loaded only 37,00 Miles Cyi Auto AI PI P/ Stere con roof, blk.leather, $17,900 Stereo. Miles. won& last! shift, AI PI 29,0 . ‘87 FLEETWOOD BRGHM Light ONLY *6,395 ONLY ‘6,100 1982 CHRYSLER TOWN & metallic Ithr, loaded, 14K 1987 NISSAN 4X4 KING gold, gold COUNTRY STATION WAGON CAB PIU PI 5 Spd Stereo! $17,900 Wood Front Whi. Gass Chrome Bed Liner Grain Drive Whi AICe PM, SI/B, Stereo Cass. ‘86 FLEETWOOD BRGM - Metallic blue, Black 29,00 Miles. Onl 19,49 40 0 Miles. 54,695 blue Ithr, loaded 29K $16,500

3 ‘86 FLEETWOOD BRGHM White, blue CALL: velour, loaded, 35K $15,900 ‘86 FLEETWOOD BRGH - Cranberry (718) 347-511 firemist, Ithr, loaded, 31K $16,500 ‘85 FLEETWOOD BRGHM Light metallic blue, white leather $10,900 (51 354 jar] ‘85 COUPE - Metallic brown, DeVILL {a o Z = beige leather, 34K $11,900 ve DG ° Se Habla Eos ‘85 SEDAN DeVILLE - Academ grey, ° ov IV NEED leather, loaded, 29K $11,900 O SUN 11 SALEO ‘84 SEVILLE - Beig Roadste Beig leather, Brown Sim.-Con. Roof. $10,900 ATHERTON-JEAN Cradle 555 Sunrise Hwy., W. Islip ¢ 587-6800 / Are

Anton @ s - Week of October 31, 1988 - Pag 11€


I PKWY. DOR AUDI SAVE BIG! FALL Il 2 DOOR 4X4 00 TROOP Stock #5533 $4290 Pwr. Steering, Pwr. Di Plates, Tinted Radial Tires and 2 Oil change and filter e Flush radiator e Pressure test cooling system e Replace coolant e Check and adjust drive belts e Check brakes * Rotate tires io impuls e Check steering components Stk. #5241. 5 Spd., Power Brakes, Tilt Steering Wheel, AM/FM Stereo Cassette, w/6 Speakers, Air Condi- CALL FOR APPOINTMENT tioning, Cruise Control, Power Win- Wipers, AM/ Stereo Cass.. dows, Locks and Mirrors, Lotus Tun- Paint wiPinstripes, Cloth e © : Expires 14/30/88 ed Sport Suspension. & Much More! a Additional Parts and Labor Not Included 11,19

You Should Get VO AUD Maybe 5 O &l Going To...

We&# finally hore...A dealer who really cares

MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY HOURS: 9-9 9-6 GENUINE AUDI PARTS AND SERVICE Monday-Friday; Saturday 3520 SUNRISEHWY 1043 Northern Blvd., Roslyn, L.I. WANTAGH, NY 11793 (516) 6 79-2000 516-627-7755 Off (WAN FRL, NOV. 4: 5 p.m. - 9 Stp.m. Op SAT., NO 5: 12 NOON - 5 PM. SUN., NOV. 6: P.M. - 4 P.M. Nee&qu y SALES HOTLIN Hug Selection — f ‘826-7788 FREE!! Vee of New Cars_ ‘SAVE THOUSANDS

= YOUR CHOICE SS “ju Driv One Away i

Pierre Cardin i 8 : € YPF, voor S z Quartz Travel Alarm ne

or 35 MM Camera Complete with 50 MM Lens & Case The —~ “INCREDIBLE MONEY





- 120 @ - Week of October 31, 1988 Pag



24 HOUR ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE for as long as you own your Jagua EBar FALL SPECIAL $149.95 + TAX & DELIVERY FOR SCHEDULED SERVICE AT YOUR HOME or OFFICE REEC Oil/ / change and filter ;

LOANER CAR FO SERVICE VISITS ~ ocdteriocet ) PeTessure test cooling system . : ee (Except 911 LIFETIME ENGINE WARRANTY Replace coolan (except 91) Check and adjust alternator & ; € i - « A/C cve bes ER SAME DA SERVICE | (Pick-up Until 8 p.m.) oe oo S RB ELECTI O N o N EW Check steering components AND USED JAGUARS AWAR WINNING SALES, SERVICE AND PARTS DEPARTME CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT expires 11/30/88 Additional parts and labor not included “SOVER JAGU 45 NELSON AVE. HICKSVILLE, N.Y. “A MEMBER OF THE SOVEREIGN GROUP”

+ 516-005-0 Joc ce mih O ost. |. 748-895-0572

Wh else but the Luyster Twins coul do it! 2 1 Sale! e The first car is the one you buy! e TheFosecond car is the one we loan you when your car needs ‘servicing!*

e Twice the value e Twice the selection ¢ Twice the service

Open Sunday Olds Cutlass. Supreme

legitim deal? *Offer limited to 1 yea Must be 25 or older due to insurance requirements. Limited time offer.

(huysTe coca eresy “Glen Cove Rd., just north<--of 254 P by

Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New - 1988 7 Bork Thursday, Novemb 3, Page-55 ~ Comet Soccer Team Defeats MacArthur 7

By Jim McCrann Even thoug the Comets started out slow- eventuall subsided altogethe MacArthur scored once more late in the game to The are the advantag playoff time of year when th still outplayed MacArthur and pro- took of the improved weather b the score a final 7-2, reach th each team must pinnacle of its pla i uced more scorin It wasn’t scoring a go earl in the second half mak- Thoug the were successf in the © in abilities, [f the team doe not do this, the until about 15:40 of thteenfirst half when ing the score 2-1. This was the last time the season, the Cometsare hungr for suc will season come to an abrupt end. The Hicksville broke the scoreless tie as Jac were actually in contention for the rest of the th playoffs. Tha is because the were Hicksville Hig varsity soccer team is deter- Fabrizio brok in from the right side and kick- Hicksvillescored consecutive goal plac most of the year but ended up mined to continue its season as a ed th hii into the net from pre the wide Mike Paul Aversano, who long possi- ball about1 . reakin game open. Luongo con play defense ble. The showed this b the manner in which yard out. Mike Valente assisted o the first beat the approachin MacArthur goalkeep their first the play playof game on Oc- of Fabrizio’s goal which gave Hicksville a to a loose ball dee in MacArthur territory tobe MacArthur School. and centered it to Kilmetis who 28, agains Hig On 1-0 lead. The Comets were not content with Jaso are this cool, rainy afternoon, the Comets han- a one goal lead. Onl seconds later, Mike it into the open net to regai the 2 go lead dil dispose of MacArthur by a score of 7-2. Luongo came storming up the middle with After more opportunities, the Comets scored After scoring twice in th first half, the Com- the ball and rolled a shot dee into the left again Bill Smith carried the ball down the hopi for the Count Finals Island éts explod fo 5 goal in the secon half as corner of the net well eyond the: rig side with Jaso Kilmetis moving up on State Ghampl but teadeca the advanced to the quarter finals, Hicksville pealie reach giving the Comets:a 2-0 th left. Smith chipp the ball just past the sh or anyon else on the team is over- finished out the regula season witha record lead. Tim Doy assisted on that goa MacAr- goaltende who came up to cut down the their gam a; of 10 wins, 2 losse and ties, thur came close to the lead in to Hicksville a lead: The Com- If goo enoug very cutting angl giv 4-1 quarter- s scored Fabrizio kicked in a be closer for second plac in the American Leagu A half. Hicksville’s goali Kevin Morrisroe made ets again as Jac Calhoun, they one step 1 Division and second seed in the playoff a brilliant divin save to his left as he deflected rebound from Steve Gourlay’ shot makin; County Finals which will be playe ai The weather conditions in the first half a line drive sho just off the post and wide the score 5-1. Fabrizio complete his ha tri at Hofstra University. Mr. Moeller said were far from ideal; the clouds broug driz- of the net. That was the closest either team b heading in a corner kick Bob Ladimir have to pla as well as we did in the zle that steadil increased to showers b came to scoring for the rest of the first half - Hicksville a5 go lead. T offense was half [again MacArthur in order tok halftime. Did this affect the game Accordin as the Comets held a 2-0 lead. still not finished. Jim Theologiti moved the vancing The team hope the “Playof to Comets coach Ed Moeller, “It had a lot to Th rain, which came down hardest dur- ball up field with some impressive ball handl- the caug in the first gam will be do with the gam earlier, but as we got go- ing the half-time break, dwindled down to ing, cut towards the middle jus in front of tagious and sprea througho the p f ing [think it became less and less of a factor” a fine mist at th start of the second half and the net and tipped his own rebound off the This, combined with the player peakin at goali into the net fora 7- lead. MacArthur the righ time, migh carry themal LATE REGISTRATION HICKSVILLE . P.A.L.UNIT 1988 FALL REGISTRATIONS

THE HICKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Varsity Soccer Teams had 1 wins, twolosses and NOVEMBER 1988 THROUGH MARCH 1989 BASKETBALL: ties. They finished the regular season in second place, seeded second in Class A Pla BOYS PROGRAM: Ages 7 - 15 GIRLS PROGRAM: Ages 8 - 18 The defeated MacArthur 7-2 in first round playoffs on Oct. 28. Outstanding players th

é season are Jack Fabrizio, Mike Steve Jason Kilmetis, BillSmii Monday, Nov. 7 7 P.M. - 9 P.M. Luongo, Gourlay, Valente and Kevin Morrisroe. Woodland Ave. School, Ketcham Rd., Hicksville (use rear door) Minutemen Ti 2- at Wednesday, Nov. 9 7 PM. - 9 PM. Bethpa Cantiag Woodland Ave. School, Hicksville (Ketcham Rd.) By Karen Blicker scored with under 10 minutes left contest. ] : Th Hicksville Minutemen “B” travel- Minutemen consisted of: Wi Thursday, Nov. 10 7 PM. - 9 PM. 1977 offense ~ Lee Ave. School, 7th St., Hicksville (off Jerusalem Ave.) ing soccer team tied the Bethpag Jaguars Tracy Koetter and Danny DePinho Saturda October 22 at Cantiagu Park in a b Mark Spinner and Robi Blicker; st that saw Hicksville until five DeSilva halfbacks Brian and JUDO: October 1988 through April 1989 gam leadin up Jorg Riger J minutes before the whistle was blown. Brown; center half Bobb Braun; BOYS & GIRLS Age 8 - 18 a Mike Whitman and Keith The skies Carpentera Fall Classes: Oct.-Dec. ’88 Spring Classes: Jan.-Apr. ’89 contest, punctuated by overcast Anthom and Hicksville dominate by Bobb Wagner; stopper Registration on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS howlin winds, saw and sweeper Gre Walunas. Sever to until all classes are filled. throughout continually beatin Bethpag Minutemen their the while the displayed versatilit FOR BASKETBALL ball, defense was seldom bet- REGISTRATION DATES— SAME AS in in at other positions, as well. Th ter. At th half, the Minutemen led 2-0 via two Spring Class Registration only at this time. team, as a whole, demonstrated goal b DeSilva, on assists from Trac Koetter andJoDanny DePinho. Th Hicksville BOWLING: Oct. ’88 thru April ’89 team constantly pressure the Jaguars (Hicksville/ Plainview PAL League) and had shots goalkeep numerous on goal for this fine effort and th BOYS AND GIRLS Ages 8 - 18 gratulat Inthe second half, Hicksville’s defense was Coach Al Blicker and Assistants Pete Waiting List only at this time. toug and unyieldin and goali Mike Coen man and Tony DePinh for their assi repelle Bethpag shots with skill and deter- A thanks to Seaman & Eisemann fo! BASEBALL/SOFTBALL: Summer 1989 bi mination. The two tieing goal were both sponsorshi Approx. July 4th through Labor Day BOYS BASEBALL— Ages 8 - 15 197 Travel Soccer Defeats 3-0 GIRLS BASEBALL— Ages 8 - 15 Couga M. — AS FOR BASKETBALL By Jay Schwartz REGISTRATION DATES SAME take in succession - all wide, The ball Th 1977 Pioneers from the Americans Soc- not bein cleared out and it led to ai Oct. 1988 through April 1989 cer Club defeate their arch rivals, the in the second half, La _ Valle Earl Gre BOYS AND GIRLS Ages 10 - 18 Stream Cougar by a score of 3-0 on the goalkeppe mad a strong Kick save, Oct.-Dec. ’88 Classes: Jan.-April ’89 hom field The Pioneers “saves in the half”. The forwards, Phil Fall Classes: Spring Cougar’ Saturda C SERVE BASIS un- took the control, the Tommy Russell Brousseau, Ri Registration is om a FIRST COME, FIRST early keepin Cougar Coffey, . at on their own the Werchenski, worked the ball to the til classes are filled.. ba territory. Although up ball moved around quickly the Pioneers kep Jonatha Schwartz sent a pass u an REGISTRATION DATES — SAME AS FOR BASKETBALL the attack on, taken by Peter Titone who took off Spring Class Registration only at this time. Minutes into the game, Jonatha Schwartz breakaw As he ran towards the at center half, took a side swing at a ball and a sho but it went wide. DANCE-TWIRL: October 1988 through sent it sailin Everyone watched as it took dune 1989 Ages 8 18 floated fi and in the the fullbacks came with cl - off, , droppe over through either a Classes will be held on goalie’ head. T goa was a tone-setting one passes. Jonatha Schwartz cleared Mondays or Tuesdays, and took the wind out of Valle Stream. ball up to the forwards, This one was

REGISTRATION DATES — SAME AS BASKETBALL Hicksville maintained its pressure as the b Phil Caput who ran down the righ fullbacks Matz, David u to the he was blocked Limited openings in some classes. Joe Danny Wolchok, Jus net, Nelson Tim Dalton, and Robert created ‘oalie bu knocked the ball in to the far Waiting list in other classes. Ilsel the play to pus the ball forward. ‘or the third goal The Pioneers ha their second go as Sean The team showed great determination Flana took an indirect kick and Gregory skills as the dominated the pl on the PARENT Latini head in a beaut passed the goalie. The MVP award goes to Jon | Evenas th ball wassent passe the Hi le toda for one go and one assist. H MUST BE PRESENT halfbacks Jonatha Schwartz and Joe Florio, askillfull center halfback position asits

Joe Matz was there to defend the attack. be playe Thecoachesand ; AT REGISTRATION Late in the half Ri Ladimir who had two Saving and Loan should be very proud saves, watched as thre quic shots were team’s courage. Illustrated HICKSVILLE NEWS

- Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New Bork Thursday, Novem 3, 1988 Bage-56 Comet Defe Lawrence 16- i Homeco Gam

Valuable Jim the second be difficult to pic a “Most Player.” By McCrann ble on the 46- line of Lawrence. However, in quarter. kickoff resulted in another Hicksville’s brilliant defensive show, led b “This is the game we& alwaysremembe the offense was stopped at the 27 on fourth Th ensuing an describ- It was recovered Bill Millis and Doug Magee was integral said Hicksville safet Sean Tower as he down with yard to go. Lawrence bega a fumble by Lawrence. b of the team’s success, Turnovers were also ed the Comets victory at Homecoming Satur- drive which took them down to Hicksville’s Nauman Sha This set up a 50- field- part the which fell short. The Comets defense ake While the Comets committed notum- da And a tremedous victory it was as 44- line. This drive ended as Lawrence attempt drive. Hicksville overs, induced Lawrence into 4 turn- Hicksville Varsity Football Team defeated fumbled and Scott D’Amico once again stoppe Lawrence&# next the drive which ended on overs two costl ones in the Lawrence by ascore of 16-0. During the game, recovered it. The Comets capitalized o this began a new including very in- line as time ran out in the first half. The team also played with gre the defense playe superbl forcing tur- latest turnover. They drove down to the. Lawrence’s 35- the That might have offense converted Hicksville took a 10-0 lea into tensity during game. novers which the into, 35- line of Lawrence where Georg Filip- second quarter. half-time break. ‘ been something that was lacking earlier on points. Hicksville coach Ron Quattrini said pon took a handoff from Jo Passo and ran the what the third for Hicksville. The crowd “The kids playe hard hit hard, and did it into the endzon for a touchdown, Steve In the beginning of quarter, Homecoming defens continued to dominaté have had something do with it. the were supposed to do with no mistakes Gourla kicked the extra point giving the Hicksville’s migh to the Lawrence from Mike There wasa aura thi As mentally or physicall The win improve Comets a 7-0 lead at the end of the first and prevented scoring, special durin game. losses. The vic- recovered another Lawrence fumble at one observer from Binghampton—Rob Comets record 2 wins and 4 quarter. Ions usual but were Walsh a Hicksville Hi luate—said, tory was even more satisfying than the Lawrence 31-yard line, the 198 gra in the third, “It was nice to see the whole Hicksville because the team won in front of the larg Lawrence was stoppe o their next drive unable to capitaliz o it. Late really The festitivies offense He for one afternoon.’ Homecoming Da audience. at their 4o- line and was forced to punt Jo Passo led the Comets upfield community get togethe who, Rich Hutchinson on the seemed to inspire the Comets in turn, giving the Comets dirst down o their 31- complete a pas to fourth down The Comets have two remaining in incited the spectators b their dominating line. Quarterback Joe Passo took the snap 12- line. A few play later, on games Union- to the line, faked to his run- the Long Beachand play The closest.Lawrence came scoring from center and rolled right; he found Chris and oneon 4- he season—against line. th ball into the dale. Mr. Quattrini said he is confident about was at the Hicksville 4o- Hogan down th right sideline. Hogan caug ning back and took himself the duration of the season. “If we - making score pl like Hicksville was unabl to score on their first the and ra it down to the line endzone for more points the pass 11- both That the final score in the we did we capabl of winning drive and Lawrence took over on their 40- for a 58- gain This set u a 25- field- 16-0 was game. today, with his of them. We to kee that same in- line, It didn’t take lon for the Comets defense b Steve Gourla increasing Hicksville’s Mr, Quattrini was very please just got g team’s and said that it would tensity and we& be fine?” to get going, Scott D'Ami recovere a fum- ead to 10 with about minutes remaining performanc Hicksville High Girls’ Varsity Tennis

& = TEN TENfay ~ x

TENNIS TEAM CO-CAPTAINS: (I-r) Danielle Campisi and Stacie Berger. os

THE HICKSVILLE HS. Girls’ Tennis Team ended its home schedule on a winning note by beating Massapequa, 4-3. Under the direction of Coach Marty Cohn, the 18-girlteam Hoa exhibited good sportsmanship and pride throughout their fall season. (1-r): Pham, Chan Park, Sonu Sachar, Geetika Banga, Christine Theis, Jennifer Aloi, Nancy Roux, Jen- nifer DeGroff, Gillian Silver-Smith, Kristin Dalby, Sheila Leano, Stacie Berger, Danielle

Campisi (Team Members not pictured — Jennifer Diamond, Brenda Loomis, Min Park, Kimberly Ross and Katrina Zafiriadis). FRESHMAN TEAM MEMBERS: Gillia Silver-Smith and Christine Theis

: m KIMBERLY ROSS, Senior and Member of HOA PHAM, Sophomore and Second SISTERS CHAN AND MIN PARK the First Doubles Team JENNIFER DeGROFF Singles