by Boar Hear Speci Exer 139311417049011801 **CR 43 FCKSVL PU3 LIB/WELKER it- Vote Nov Committee Repor 159 JERUSALEM AVE \ HICKSVILLE i The Hicksville Board of Education review- NY 11801 ed several financial and committee reports b various speci committee members at the Oct, 2 meeting, Among these matters, Superintenden Dr. Catherine J Fenton reporte that work has alread begun on the Hicns formation of next year’ budget said she will submit her propose budge to the board Incorporating The Hicksville Edition b the end of December. Sh also indicated of the Mid-Island Herald ILLUSTRATED N at the community will have the opportuni- ty to give input at the Januar 18 Februa “11968 Anton of Isla March Finance Committee meetings. Vol. 3 No. 21 NY. November 1988 Community Newspapers Long jand Hicksville, Thursday, 3, 35¢ per copy au Rights Reserved. Central Gifice Phone: 7. All other board committee meetings are cancelled during these three months. StateiAid Polic Issu 27 Tickets For Violati school district receives less state aid. In addi- tion she said if Hicksville had a hi dropout rate or a poor attendance record, it would receive more state aid. Continuing, Dr. Fen- On Avenue Over Peric ton said that a 2.5 percent dropo rate in Duff Mont Hicksville schools is considered ood and that Hicksville, with a Geen ratio of very rr do move thereat a clip,’ in Septemb and 106 from Oct.1 Rita : Peopl alon goo teachers, is can By Langdon o guidan doin everythi it said Nicholas Holden, of Holden said that about half mak students don’t For The Second Precinct ha issued 27 tickets J. deputy inspector Inspector to sure dro out. tickets for fo traffic violations Avenue alone the Second Precinct. Duffy Avenue is a were speedi butsome three consecutive years, the attendance rate on Duff with a limit of miles equipment violations, failur to of three official straight- spee 40 w in the hig schoo has been a least go percent. over a course moniths a polic hour. belts, and/or for havin no registrat said at the Park Civic Association per : S said if it were between 75-80 percent, ad- Duffy week. The polic also determined that speedin The polic departmen asked the ditiona state monies would be forthcoming meeting last occurs particularl durin the earl morning County Traffic Safet Board to su however, “We do it all with local money Atthe the civic the and rush hours. street to see if conditions would rather than th state’s.” request of association, evening th traffic on the street. Th issued 9 tickets in August, 7 signs stop signs or a traffic light. Inthis Dr. Fenton announced that police investigate police Rosso president of the civic, said th district aoh invited Senator Ralp Marino organization thinks a traffic light and other to visit the hi school _ legislators remedy the speedin problems. on November 1 to see “our excellent pro- Hicksville High 1988 Inspector Holden sai that the traffi grams for students at risk and the alternative Homecomi departme is in the process of conc school.” Progra include E.S.L. (Englis as Ane th research. “Once they get their resu and a Second and crisis counselors. * Languag if the feel there isaneed for additi traf- Assistant OnNovembe 2, Superintende fic control devices al Duffy Avenue, the William Hall will attend a in New York hearin will make arecommendationto the’ of State Aid. City on Oyster Bay, he said. School Board Committees The town makes th final d Holden said the whichis c School board member Pat Rooney survey, takes three or process, fou mi “reporte on the October 19 meeting of the ete; He noted that the Board’s Curriculum Committee, whi in- ar ause the surveys cond —~—€luded a discussion of the 198 Regents daysa at different times. He also “results. Sh asked that community members the town will probabl receive ieted take the opportunity-afforded the Cur- - th aro ‘hank riculum Committee to attend and their survey reports traffic board findsaneed concerns to the board’s attention. The next safet . ty devices on Duffy Avenue. will be November 1 at 8 p.m. meeting Hic! ksville School Board Carole. Wolf z Secretary Residents have expressed reported on the meetings of the board’s abou the rapist who attacke a in Finance and Facilities Committees. The hom Route in Mr. ~ her near 106/1 August district ha been notified of a 20 percent in- Holde said that the polic departme con- crease in New York State Empire Health Plan ducted an extensive investigation b “un- effective Januar 198 fortunately came up with noth Mr. Items discussed during the Facilities Holde said that the suspect, who is out meeting included asbestos school cafeterias of town, is “common looking,’ & and community use of buildings PRINCESSES: Left to Freshman Princess Jen- HOMECOMING QUEEN AND Right; ‘to 6’0’, fair, medium build, white, a 25- Th board also announced that Septembe Princess Debbie Lobmeier, Junior Princess Deanne Rungo, nifer Lane, Sophmore This suspect is believed to be the sam man 8 les than thre fest of asbestos wrap- Homecoming Queen Jeannine Sirey. Conrad Weyer, Hicksville High School AlumniPresi- ine wh raped another woman in Hi pin from a pipein’ boys room, was remov- dent announced the winners. See more Homecoming photos on page 18. about a year ago, Mr, Holden said ed a qualifie district employe Students b “There is nothing really distinctive abou had apparentl poke holes in the wrapping the man at all. Jus somebod who would with Aeca to Mrs. Wolf, the pencil blen right in;’ said Mr, Holden, district is authotized, unde federal an state Residents inquire as to whether a to remov up three linear feet regulation to posite sketch of the suspect could b publis of asbesto related materials. She said, any e in the Hicksville Illustrated News. At the “Hicksville is fortunate to have o staff a meeting, Mr. Holden said that he would sub- registere asbestos remover, who, b using mit a sketch for publication however, da tools and created speci suppli equipment after the Oct. Mr. Holden 2 meeting, to fiber in to absorb and treat any loose th air, Ulustrated that the would not polic re he able to the without was perfor operation acomposite, asthe suspect wore a mask and ick. endangerin the students or staff” is not easily identifiable. ae Jo Board Ann add- presiden J Miltenber “I wish we hada goo composit It& ver an district s) ed that asbestos removed from - frustrating because he’s not know t saidna eit ine in CABG ie ieee 8 building is triple bagge place 55- Mr. Holden. ‘ drumis, sealed, bolted and labeled and sent Residents’ Questions mir to a mine shaft in Maine. Aresident asked about thesecurii ore Mrs. Wolf said the district has been faced town parking garage on Newbridg wo witha significan increase in publi demand if there were many automobiles for the use of school building Thoma Shaw, to there. Inspector Holden said th director of facilities and operations. met with were not too many burglaries beca ing thi arepresentative from each group and opene iliar police headquarter is at e the all- rooms in the elementar schools On resident said homele in th to meet the additional demand. A Bo Scout harass people the housed at Dutch Lane was recently “There&# not an awful lot we can do said vith troop denied a for the use of a for inspector Holden. “Th very fact led request gym basketball because the gym had beenassign are hangi around the neighborho Jo - ed to Multiwire, a local business which has doing nothing is not a crime. The are within ead - their constitutional to walkthe streets” a school/business partnership with the right Hicksville District, and to Lilco. Mr, Shaw will He added, “There is no public intoxication the “trace” all community groups durin this year lawan there&# nolaw ionya eee to allow for better schedulin small all been taken off the books; and of groups to smaller rooms next Mr. Holde said that gener the vagrant and year. The Business Services Office has recom- do not bother anyone, but if the do the School Band marches in the Homecoming Parade. uld — E HIG ; nended that Mr. Shaw with a pro- Illustrated Photos police will take action. eld. procee (continued on page 2) _|‘ - Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville. New Bork Thursday, Novemb 3, 1988 Page-2 A from th East Street School in- parent Update a. h quire as to th lack of playgroun equip- Committ Repor (continued from y ment at East Street. Mrs. Miltenber com- mented tha she believed it was due toa shor- Agen to Use Originall Cc but find out the week of November 13 tage.o space, that she would T posa from NYNEX to revamp th school forts to have Site on Jerusalem whi Education Week in the more information. An additional comment Planne district’s ae willinitially declared American A few we Rleph Ms. Kabakoff read the was mad by this resident regardi the lack cost $12,000 bu will ultimatel save #6,00 Town of Oyster Ba For Disabled Adults Vincen of East Street School. Mentall inSt. with that will bet- Proclamation b Town Supervisor soap dispense at pe year, phone generate signe fering a he a contest Congratulatio were offered to Robert ween 3,000 and #4,00 revenue pe year. A Angel Delligatti and announced who awarded his alternate sites for undergo « resident, William Kelly, asked that the sponsore by the HCT.
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