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INTERNATIONAL CENTRE for THEORETICAL PHYSICS, TRIESTE Scientific Activities in 1989 IAEA-TECDOC-575 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, TRIESTE Scientific Activities in 1989 TECHNICAA L DOCUMENT ISSUEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA, 1990 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, TRIESTE: SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES IN 1989 IAEA, VIENNA, 1990 IAEA-TECDOC-575 ISSN 1011-4289 Printed by the IAEA in Austria September 1990 The IAEA does not normally maintain stocks of reports in this series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from IIMIS Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 0 10 P.Ox Bo . A-1400 Vienna, Austria Orders shoul accompaniee db prepaymeny db f Austriao t n Schillings 100, in the form of a cheque or in the form of IAEA microfiche service coupons which may be ordered separately from the INIS Clearinghouse. CONTENTS PAR I T Reviescientifie th f wo c activitie n 1989...................................................i s 1 Statistical digest: Summary of participation (Calendar 1989)..................................................5 Summar f participatioo y n 198 . 1988....................................................9vs 6 Participation by geographical areas............................................................. 6 Numbe f scientisto r person/monthd an s y activities...........,......................b s ? Summary of all activities............................................................................8 Participatio y activities...........................................................................b n 9 e scientifiTh PAR I I T c programme Fundamental physics: Research in high energy physics, fundamental theory and astrophysics....................................................................................... 1 5 Spring school and workshop on superstrings............................................... 1 6 Summer schoo hign i l h energy physic cosmology................................d san 7 .1 Trieste Conference on supermembranes and physics in 2+1 dimensions....... 1 9 Trieste Conferenc recenn o e t development conforman i s i field theories.......20 25th Anniversary Conference on "Frontiers in physics, high technolog d mathematics"..............................................................2an y 1 Condensed matter physics: Researc condensen hi d matter physics.......................................................22 Fourth international worksho computationan po l condensed matter physics: "Total energ d forcan ye methods"..............................................................23 College on atomic and molecular physics: Photon assisted collisions in atoms and molecules..............................................................................24 Experimental worksho hign po h temperature superconductors.....................25 Spring college in materials science on "Ceramics and composite materials"................................................................................26 Conferenc oxygen eo n disorder effect hign i s c superconductors..............2hT 7 Working party on modelling thermomechanical behaviour of materials......... 29 Working part n fracturo y e physics.............................................................29 Miniworksho strongln o p y correlated electron systems in condensed matter..................................................................................30 Research worksho condensen pi d matter, atomi moleculad can r physics.....1 .3 International symposiu highlightn mo condensen i s d matter physics.............33 Adriatico working party on condensed matter properties of neutron stars..34 Mathematics: Mathematics research...............................................................................36 Workshop on theoretical fluid mechanics and applications............................ 3 7 Topical meetin hyperbolin go c geometr ergodid an y c theory.......................8 .3 Topical meetin variationan o g l problem analysis...................................n i s 9 .3 College on differential geometry................................................................ 40 Physics and energy: Fourth workshop on perspectives in nuclear physics at intermediate energies............................................................................42 Spring college on plasma physics...............................................................43 Worksho materialn po s scienc physicd ean f non-conventionaso l energy sources.........................................................................................44 Workshop on interaction between physics and architecture in environment conscious design................................................................45 Physics and environment: Worksho radon po n monitorin n radioprotectiongi , environmental radioactivity and earth sciences.......................................... 47 Colleg soin o e l physics..............................................................................8 .4 Third Autumn worksho atmospherin po c radiatio cloud nan d physics...........9 .4 Applied physics: Course on basic telecommunications science...............................................50 College on theoretical and experimental radiopropagation physics............... 51 Workshop on remote sensing techniques with applications to agriculture, wate weathed an r r resources.............................................52 Second ICFA school on instrumentation in elementary particle physics........54 Fifth college on microprocessors: Technology and applications in physics....54 Second workshop on telematics..................................................................55 ICTP-INFN Course in basic VLSI design techniques....................................... 56 Physics Space:the of Workshop on space physics: Materials in microgravity...............................58 Anniversary Adriatico Research Conferences: Interface between quantum field theor condensed an y d matter physics.......0 .6 Quasicrystals............................................................................................ 61 Strongly correlated electron systems........................................................ 62 Computation physicn si physicd san computation..................................n si 3 .6 Other research....................................................................................................65 Microprocessor Laboratory.................................................................................66 High Temperature Superconductivity Experimental Laboratory............................8 .6 LAM P- Laser , atomi moleculad an c r physics........................................................71 Long-term scientific visitors............................................................................... 72 Network of Associate Members and Federated institutes: Regular Associates.................................................................................... 73 Senior Associates.....................................................................................74 Junior Associates....................................................................................5 .7 Federation Agreements..............................................................................76 Trainin d researcgan t Italiaha n laboratories.......................................................8 .7 Regional activities co-sponsore e y b d 9 .7 The ICTP Donation Scheme...................................................................................80 Science, High Technolog Development...........................................................8d yan 1 UNESCO programm histore th n f science.......................................................8eyo o 2 Hosted activities.................................................................................................83 Awards: Dirac Medals of the ICTP...........................................................................84 Hideki Yukawa Prize.................................................................................. 84 PART III Publications issued in 1989..................................................................................85 Preprints and internal reports in: Fundamental physics.................................................................................. 86 Condensed matter physics........................................................................6 .9 Mathematics........................................................................................... 1 02 Physic energy................................................................................d san 8 0 .1 Physic livine th f go s state......................................................................1 .11 Physic environment........................................................................d an s 1 .11 Applied physics........................................................................................11 2 PARTl A E SCIENTIFIREVIETH F WO C ACTIVITIE 198N SI 9 e Internationaath t l Centr r Theoreticafo e l Physics, Trieste, Italy GENERAL The main field f researcso training-for-researcd han Centre th t h198n a ei 9 were: ) (a Fundamental physics (high energ d particlan y e physics, cosmologd an y astrophysics); ) (b Condensed matter, atomi moleculad an c r physics (condensed matte relatedd an r , atomi moleculad an c r physics, materials science); ) (c Mathematics (applicable mathematics, analysis, differential geometry, ergodic theory, theoretical fluid mechanics);
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