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July 2008 Daily Egyptian 2008


The Daily Egyptian, July 15, 2008

Daily Egyptian Staff

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2 Tuesday, July 15, 2008 DAILY EGYPTIAN News SimmonsCooper Institute opens to serve region

Universit y administrators and ful building and it’s going to have asset for the people it serves. Robbins supporters cut the ribbon Thursday the most advanced, state-of-the-art said the institute would also include an in Springfield for the $21.5 million equipment.” on-site social worker specially trained SimmonsCooper Cancer Institute, Dr. Thomas Robbins, director of to help cancer patients navigate their which has been in the works for more the institute, said the most important treatment options. than eight years. aspect of the building is the way it will However, the facility will not begin SIU President Glenn Poshard said allow the university to serve the people serving patients until late fall or early the facility would help the southern of central and . next year because of money cut from Illinois region by providing much- “It’s clearly our goal to become the state budget proposal for fiscal needed healthcare while also giving the comprehensive cancer pro- year 2009. the university a boost in research and gram for the downstate region,” reputation. Robbins said. Allison Petty can be reached at “It’s a tremendous asset to our uni- He added that the institute’s patient 536-3311 ext. 254 or versity,” Poshard said. “That’s a beauti- learning resource center as a particular [email protected].

TRIAL should be ready by the Sept. 22 she was also the person who oversaw CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 trial date. the card’s use. Interim Provost Don Rice said he “No one was really looking into did not know how much money was the accounting on that card,” Rice said. “It takes time to go through every- involved in the charges. But he said “That’s my understanding.” thing and look for everything,” he said, the situation caused administrators to College of Liberal Arts Dean Alan indicating SIUC police officers are still be more aware of who uses university Vaux said he would not discuss the investigating the credit card charges. credit cards and who supervises their case. Stewart would not discuss specif- use. But Vaux said the college has ics of the case, including how much He said he thought Musgrave was procedures in place to make sure a money the university is missing. the only person in the department similar situation does not occur in But he said all of the evidence who had a university credit card, and the future.

The calendar is a free service for community groups. In the Thursday edition of the DAILY EGYPTIAN, the page 3 story “City reviews dog S We cannot guarantee that all items will run. laws after girl attacked” should have said “There is such an overwhelming pet NT VE

E AILY GYPTIAN TIONS overpopulation issue here,” Amy Hecht said. The D E regrets this error. EC Submit calendar items to the DAILY EGYPTIAN newsroom, ORR

Communications 1247, at least two days before C If you spot an error, please contact the DAILY EGYPTIAN accuracy desk at ALENDAR C event, or call (618) 536-3311, ext. 266. 536-3311, ext. 253.

Sam Albert Manning, a 22-year-old Carbondale resident, A 15-year-old was arrested at Evergreen Terrace Sunday on was cited Saturday at the corner of Wall and Park streets for driving on a suspended license, driving with suspended a failure to appear warrant for an original charge of larceny. The

LOTTERS registration and driving without insurance. Manning posted a B $100 bond. juvenile was transported to the Jackson County Jail.

A BOUT U S R EACHING U S VOICES EDITOR: ALEXIS BOUDREAU EXT. 281 The DAILY EGYPTIAN is published by the PHONE: (618) 536-3311 AD FAX: (618) 453-3248 students of Southern Illinois University EMAIL: [email protected] PULSE EDITOR: at Carbondale, with fall and spring LUKE MCCORMICK EXT. 275 circulations of 20,000. Free copies are EDITOR IN CHIEF: distributed on campus and in the DIANA SOLIWON EXT. 252 PHOTO EDITOR: Carbondale, Murphysboro and Carterville STEPHEN RICKERL EXT. 270 communities. ADVERTISING MANAGER: ZACH ENGLUM EXT. 230 VIDEO EDITOR: P UBLISHING I NF O ZLATKO FILIPOVIC EXT. 271 AILY GYPTIAN The D E is published by the WEB AD MANAGER: GRAPHICS EDITOR: students of Southern Illinois University. MATT CROWELL EXT. 244 PABLO TOBON EXT. 265 Offices are in the Communications Building, Room 1259, at Southern Illinois CLASSIFIED MANAGER: WEB EDITOR: ARIANDE CHAMBERS EXT. 225 University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL TYLER JACKSON EXT. 257 62901. Bill Freivogel, fiscal officer. First copy BUSINESS OFFICE: BUSINESS & AD DIRECTOR: is free; each additional copy 50 cents. MATTHEW DREUTH EXT. 223 JERRY BUSH EXT. 229 N O TIC E AILY GYPTIAN AD PRODUCTION MANAGER: The D E is a “designated public FACULTY MANAGING EDITOR: CARL JAMES EXT. 244 forum.” Student editors have authority ERIC FIDLER EXT. 247 to make all content decisions without NEWS EDITOR: censorship or advance approval. ACCOUNTANT 1: HIP EFFELMAN EXT C L . 248 DEBBIE CLAY EXT. 224 C OP YRIGH T I NF O

© 2008 DAILY EGYPTIAN. All rights reserved. CITY EDITOR: MICRO-COMPUTER SPECIALIST: All content is property of the DAILY SEAN MCGAHAN EXT. 274 KELLY THOMAS EXT. 242 EGYPTIAN and may not be reproduced or CAMPUS EDITOR: PRINTSHOP SUPERINTENDENT: transmitted without consent. The DAILY ALLISON PETTY EXT. 254 BLAKE MULHOLLAND EXT. 243 EGYPTIAN is a member of the

Press Association, Associated Collegiate SPORTS EDITOR: MORNING CIRCULATION REPRESENTATIVE: Press and College Media Advisers Inc. BRANDON AUGSBURG EXT. 256 KYLE AUBRY EXT. 243 News DAILY EGYPTIAN Tuesday, July 15, 2008 3 ‘The lounge from Heaven’ Morris Library and work in groups so we need to accommodate that,” Carlson gets more than $1 said. “There will be a variety of furniture. It will be like the million worth of lounge from Heaven.” Office furniture is the most used new furniture so far, Carlson said. The office fur- niture is used in both administra- tive offices on the second floor and Jeff Engelhardt group study rooms throughout the DAILY EGYPTIAN library. Carlson said the group study rooms were booked through most of last semester, especially as finals The Morris Library makeover will approached. feature plenty of seating options for By the library’s scheduled comple- students looking for the perfect chair. tion date of Jan. 1, Carlson said he David Carlson, dean of library hopes to have office, traditional, com- affairs, said the department has spent puter station and recreational reading more than $1 million on a variety of furniture available for the students. EMILY SUNBLADE ~ DAILY EGYPTIAN furniture to assure comfort and effi- While new furniture will stylize Armschairs and ottomans are some of the new furniture that were placed in Morris Library. The library ciency when the library gets back to the inside of the library, a wind-driven is set to be furnished with more than $1 million of furniture. full operation. sculpture will serve as The furniture’s price the art for outside of when the wind blows. as Gatton said the sixth and seventh Carlson said he does not expect tag fits into the reno- the building. Phil Gatton, director of the floors would not be completed by that project to happen any time soon vation costs originally he new Under the Illinois Physical Plant, said the state works Jan 1. as it would cost between $1.2 and $1.5 estimated at $48 million. Tstudy rooms Art-in-Architecture closely with the university to select Gatton said the focus now is on million for trucks, labor and supplies. The D E are really well- program, SIUC is an artist for major university projects the auditorium, basement and south While the major move is being reported in May that the ‘‘ required to spend 0.5 like Morris Library. The artist is Evan entrance of the building. Carlson said delayed, Garrett Hoemmen, a stu- project was $16 million furnished. I even percent of its budget Louis, who is known for his pieces in he hopes the contractors would be dent worker at the library, said shelves over budget. for the library con- the movie “Twister.” done by Oct. 1. continue to be filled with books and The largest furniture fell asleep in struction on works Gatton said he is excited about Once the contractors finish, DVDs. Hoemmen, a junior from purchases so far have there one time, from Illinois artists. the completion of the project and Carlson said the main concern would Springfield studying economics, said been $798,839 on office Carlson said they thinks students will enjoy everything be transporting furniture and books. he has been impressed with how the furniture and a $600,000 off the clock. spent $137,358 on the library will have to offer. Carlson said it would take at least four library is taking shape. order on traditional — Garrett Hoemmen the project. Roughly “I think people are really going to to five weeks to move furniture and “The new study rooms are real- library student worker wooden chairs and tables $15,000 of that be impressed, especially with the first the university is still deciding on how ly well-furnished. I even fell asleep that began shipping this money went to fund floor,” Gatton said. “What was needed to move the books from McLafferty in there one time, off the clock,” weekend. the project proposals of more than 15 on campus was a place where students Annex. Hoemmen said. “If the whole library Carlson said it was important to different artists. could meet and socialize so this is Carlson said moving the 1.5 million looks like what’s already open we’re offer a variety of furniture because Carlson said the university decided going to be a very important part of books to Morris Library in an orga- going to have a real nice library.” students use the library for multiple to purchase one large sculpture, which the university experience.” nized fashion would be costly whether services. will be enclosed in the glass façade The university did not receive or not they built new shelves or tore Jeff Engelhardt can be reached at “Students come to just read, at the north entrance of the build- enough state funding to accomplish down the current ones in McLafferty 536-3311 ext. 268 or to study, use the computer ing. The hanging sculpture will rotate everything on the library’s agenda, and rebuilt them in Morris. or [email protected]. 4 Tuesday, July 15, 2008 WORLD & NATION News InBev snags Anheuser-Busch and its marketing clout

Christopher Leonard spending heavily on marketing. and Emily Fredrix Industry estimates put Anheuser’s THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. spending last year at $378 million, said Benj Steinman, edi- ����������� ST. LOUIS — The King of tor of the Beer Marketer’s Insights ����������������������������������������������������������������� Beers, the folks who spent lavishly to trade publication. That’s more than ����������������������������������������������������������� bring you the Bud Bowl, the Talking the combined spending of its big- ����������������������������������������������� Frogs, the Whassup Guys and the gest rivals, Miller Brewing Co. and Clydesdales, is being swallowed by a Molson Coors Brewing Co., which German health care firm Fresenius SE agrees Belgian brewer known for its frugality. began their own joint venture in to buy Illinois-based APP Pharmaceuticals But InBev SA has an ambitious the U.S., MillerCoors LLC, as of for $4.6 billion, a 29 percent premium over the plan behind its $52 billion acquisition this month. company’s price prior to the announcement of Anheuser-Busch, hoping to tap into Those marketing successes have the U.S. company’s massive marketing coined popular phrases such as Takeda Pharmaceutical power and make the Budweiser and “This Bud’s for you,” its Clydesdale of Japan bids $8.8 billion in cash for Cambridge, Bud Light brands into globally rec- horses are a fixture of Super Bowl Mass.-based Millennium ognized products akin to Coca-Cola ads and the Bud logo adorns sports Pharmaceuticals; the bid or Pepsi. events from NASCAR to is a 53 percent premium over Leaving marketing untouched, Fighting. the company’s price prior to though, will mean cuts elsewhere. “This deal is transformation- the announcement InBev expects to wring out $1.5 billion al for InBev, not just because of in annual savings, most of which will the scale and the economic scope come from better managing the sup- that this gives them, but because ply chain. InBev keeps a sharp eye on InBev is seeking to become more costs, forcing managers to justify every of a marketing-based culture,” said cent spent. Steinman. Anheuser-Busch Cos. agreed to Brito made his commitment the sweetened $70 per share bid clear Monday, saying InBev has German airline late Sunday to create the world’s no plans to trim advertising in the Lufthansa buys a 19 largest brewer and head off what United States. percent stake in New York-based carrier was shaping up as an acrimoni- “What we see in Anheuser- JetBlue for $300 million ous fight. Swallowing Anheuser- Busch is its marketing expertise, Busch will give InBev, the maker and that’s one of the pillars of why Anheuser-Busch accepts Belgian beverage Russian steelmaker Severstal buys of brands including Stella Artois, they built such great brands,” Brito company InBev’s takeover bid of $52 billion, Sparrows Point, Md., steel mill Beck’s and Bass, half the U.S. beer said. creating the world’s largest brewer for $810 million from Arcelor-Mittal, an India-based firm market and a fifth of those in Still, some experts questioned Source: Tribune reporting China and Russia. whether InBev can really hold off Graphic: Max Rust and Marty Bach, Chicago Tribune © 2008 MCT Gaining control of an iconic indefinitely. beer brand — Budweiser — to With the U.S. economy slowing, Budweiser brand out of American Louis as its North American head- precise, said financial analyst Juli sell into emerging markets such InBev might constrain spending sports and NASCAR in particular. quarters, and that it will keep open Niemann of Smith Moore & Co. as China and Brazil was a key on sports endorsements, said John “Budweiser does spend an awful all 12 of Anheuser-Busch’s North In a company that watches costs part of the deal, said InBev Chief Sweeney, director of sports com- lot of money in overall sports mar- American breweries. very carefully, employees must jus- Executive Carlos Brito, who will munication at University of North keting and you might see cutbacks, Brito tried to reassure workers tify their jobs every year. retain his position. Carolina’s School of Journalism. but I’d be stunned, frankly, to see worried about possible job losses, Where Anheuser-Busch execu- “What consumers care is that But the company must guard any significant cuts in NASCAR.” saying the company could instead tives travel by private jet, Niemann their Bud will always be their Bud, against competitors swooping in to Anheuser-Busch executives are expect “growth and investment” said InBev folks will be flying and that’s what we’re committed buy any advertising space it aban- expected to have a hand in the despite Anheuser-Busch’s existing coach to St. Louis — and taking to, not only the product, the qual- dons, he said. new company, and presumably in plans to shed 1,185 positions — the city’s light rail system, not a cab ity, the beer ... but also the heritage, Ryan Kurek, CEO of Leverage its marketing plans. CEO August mostly by offering early retirement or limousine, from the airport to the breweries, who brews the beers, Sports, a motorsports marketing Busch IV will move into a non- and not filling existing vacancies. Anheuser-Busch’s headquarters. and everything that’s connected to firm based in Charlotte, N.C., executive role, but will be on the That plan had already spread “They’ll start cutting from there,” the breweries,” Brito said Monday. said he would be more than sur- new company’s board. the pain across the board, but she said. “They’ve got it down to a That image has been built by prised if InBev decided to pull the InBev said it plans to use St. InBev’s approach is more surgically science. They’re very smart people.” Woman admits $116K fraud in ID theft 86 accused of plotting Maryclaire Dale disclose that she has been receiv- high-flying pair “the poster chil- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing counseling and medication for dren for identity fraud.” Kirsch mental health issues. maintains that she or her family secular coup in Turkey PHILADELPHIA — A Kirsch and Anderton, 25, legitimately funded some or most 22-year-old woman will prob- acknowledge they stole the iden- of the international trips, lawyer Suzan Fraser Central Asia believed to be the ably face six years in prison after tities of friends and neighbors in Ronald Greenblatt said. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ancestral homeland of Turks. admitting Monday that she and the Philadelphia area in 2006 and Kirsch, a former Drexel The opposition says the case her boyfriend pulled off a brazen 2007 to net more than $116,000 in University student, is the daughter ANKARA, Turkey — smacks of a political revenge identity-theft scheme that funded goods and services — and tried to of a North Carolina plastic surgeon Prosecutors on Monday charged against secularist groups — trips, fancy dinners and expensive obtain twice that. and lived until last month with 86 nationalists, including former including the military — at a salon visits. “She and Edward Anderton her mother in Northern California, army officers and a best-selling time when the country’s top court Travel photos show Jocelyn stole the identities from numer- where prosecutors say she con- writer, of plotting to overthrow is deliberating whether to disband Kirsch and ex-beau Edward ous people from all walks of their tinued to engage in identity theft Turkey’s Islamic-oriented govern- the ruling party for alleged anti- Anderton, a onetime Ivy League lives, from co-workers to neigh- while awaiting court appearances ment, escalating a power struggle secular activity. swimmer, posing in matching red bors, anyone that they encoun- in Pennsylvania. between the ruling party’s sup- Erdogan’s supporters, on the swimsuits by a luxury hotel pool tered,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Anderton, a University of porters and secular forces. other hand, say the lawsuit will and kissing near the Eiffel Tower. Louis Lappen said afterward. Pennsylvania graduate original- Aykut Cengiz Engin, the chief help strengthen democracy in But in court Monday, Kirsch Police found evidence of their ly from Everett, Wash., pleaded prosecutor in Istanbul, said the a country that has experienced sported a rumpled green prison trips in dozens of digital photos on guilty last month to the same six suspects were charged either with several military interventions in uniform as she pleaded guilty to their laptop computers. The scheme counts, which include bank fraud forming or belonging to a terror- the past half century. The mili- aggravated identity theft and other unraveled when an employee at an and money laundering. ist organization, or of provoking tary staged three coups since the federal crimes. upscale city salon told police that Lappen said Monday that an armed uprising with the aim 1960s and in 1997 pressured an The counts carry a two-year a check for Kirsch’s $2,250 hair the probable sentencing range is of bringing down Prime Minister Islamic party out of power. minimum sentence, but prosecutors extension job had bounced. About about five years for Anderton. Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s govern- The indictment accuses the expect her to get about six years the same time, a neighbor of Kirsch Kirsch could get more prison time ment. suspects of “attempting to prevent under federal guidelines. and Anderton told police that a because of the California con- The suspects are believed to the functioning of the Turkish Kirsch, speaking barely above a package that she did not order had duct, which could negate credit be part of a nationalist network government or of eradicating it, whisper, declined the judge’s offer been sent to her. for acceptance of responsibility, called Ergenekon, which takes its by using oppression and force,” to comment after her plea. She did A federal prosecutor called the he said. name from a legendary valley in the prosecutor said.

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NT VE LONDON (AP) — In a case that WASHINGTON (AP) — Putting UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (AP) WASHINGTON (AP) — Barack FAYE TTE VILLE (AP) — The Obama’s campaign says a satirical E POR changed the face of air travel, three men pressure on congressional Democrats — Westerners were getting too racy on husband of a Fort Bragg Army nurse charged with a plot to kill trans-Atlantic to back more exploration for oil, the beaches of this Persian Gulf tourist New Yorker magazine cover showing whose remains were found amid a brush RE airline passengers with bombs in soda President Bush on Monday lifted an haven, and a police crackdown on topless the Democratic presidential candidate fire was charged Monday with first-degree bottles said Monday they intended to executive ban on offshore drilling sunbathing, nudity and other indecent dressed as a Muslim and his wife as a murder and a fellow Marine was charged cause explosions. that has stood since his father was behavior has resulted in 79 arrests terrorist is “tasteless and offensive.” with being an accomplice. WI RE But the men appealed to the jury to president. But the move, by itself, will in recent days. The couple is doing a fist tap Marine Cpl. John Wimunc, 23, also ALENDAR in front of a fireplace in which an C believe their story — that they wanted to do nothing unless Congress acts as First-time offenders may be issued a was charged with first-degree arson stage an elaborate publicity stunt at one well. warning, but if caught twice, tourists could American flag is burning. Over the and conspiracy to commit arson in the of London’s iconic sites to promote a film, Bush criticized Congress for failing be referred to the public prosecutor for mantel hangs a portrait of Osama bin death of his wife, Army 2nd Lt. Holley rather than commit mass murder. to lift its own ban on offshore drilling. possible criminal charges, authorities said. Laden. Wimunc, a nurse from Dubuque, Iowa. D AI LY E GYPTIAN E DI TO RIA L B OA RD DA IL Y E G Y P T IAN Diana Soliwon Alexis Boudreau Sean McGahan Brandon Augsburg EDITOR IN CHIEF VOICES EDITOR CITY EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR

Paul Flowers Allison Petty NEWSROOM REPRESENTATIVE CAMPUS EDITOR PAGE 5 · TUESDAY, J ULY 15, 2008   VTHE DUKE REPORT September 11 and the tragedy industry

non-circulating Liberian legal tender” thing? neglecting to mention any donation in the commercials, The only thing that authorizes you to do is look like an I am going to write that 1.9 off as Mafioso-style public ANDREW O’CONNOR idiot if you ever went to Liberia trying to use that “coin- relations and declare them manipulative. of-the-realm.” You might have better luck with Toys-R-Us The saddest thing about this is the only reason [email protected] bucks. companies like this can exist is that tragedy, like everything I put on my research hat and dug, I found out some else in our modern society, has become a commodity. interesting facts about the National Collector’s Mint that In the collective tragedy that was 9/11, an entire market Have you ever have one of those moments that are so makes the silver plates. was inevitably made to exploit those raw surreal not even the wildest imagination could do justice? The National Collector’s Mint is The saddest thing emotions we Americans have about that Maybe it is the times, maybe it is me, but I seem to have based out of New York and is in no day. those moments with increasing frequency. While watching way affiliated with the actual Federal about this is the only Entrepreneurs always find a way to TV two days ago, I think I reached a breaking point. U.S. Mint. capitalize on anything profitable and Between episodes of “Futurama” on Comedy Central, I They make commemorative coins reason companies 9/11 has been very profitable for the saw a commercial that, for the first 45 seconds, I believed of historical figures, sports team, auto like this can exist tragedy industry. was a joke. When I realized it was real, my head exploded. companies and ones celebrating your T-shirts, bumper stickers, ribbons The commercial I saw was for a “September 11th run-of-the-mill patriotism. They even is that tragedy, like and now Liberian silver plates: how can Commemorative 9/11 Twenty Dollar Silver Leaf Coin- have Barry Goldwater Jr. on their one person honestly keep track of which Certificate.” board of directors. everything else in our companies are legitimately donating their The ad reads, “The National Collector’s Mint makes They came to fame in 2004 when modern society, has proceeds to charity? history with the release of this Government Authorized they issued “Freedom Tower Coins” Almost every gas station I see has Non-circulating Liberian legal tender September 11th which were supposedly made of silver become a commodity. “support the troops” merchandise, commemorative. This $20 Silver Leaf Coin-Certificate is found in the wreckage of Ground wherein “portions of proceeds” go to payable like a silver certificate in coin-of-the-realm.” Zero. Not surprisingly, the entire state of New York was benefit military charities. What portion? The “coin-certificate” shows on one side the Twin thoroughly offended and then Attorney General Elliot The late George Carlin said if Jesus came back, he Towers “gleaming in the sun much like on that fateful Spitzer halted their sales with a court order. A judge found probably would not be too thrilled to see everyone wearing morning” and on the other an artist’s rendering of the New the company who created the coins guilty of fraud, false a crucifix since he was brutally hung and stabbed on one. York skyline with the unfinished “Freedom Tower.” advertising and deceptive practices, but given the new line The same probably goes for the 9/11 victims and Liberian On the Twin Towers side, they have the numbers 9 of merchandise, I do not think they learned their lesson. commemorative 9+11 = $20 bills. and 11 not only to “commemorate” the 7th anniversary I attempted to find out how much money goes to the Maybe if we rethink how we honor tragedy, there will of the attacks but also to celebrate the fact that these two families of 9/11 victims. The ad and Web site conveniently be less of a market for this shameful exploitation. numbers add up to 20, the “value” of the thing. Again, I am do not mention it and the sales representatives and Regardless, I take solace in the fact that the Liberian not making this up. managers I called had no idea. They referred me to plates are limit five per customer. Of course good luck cashing these things in because customer service, an automated messaging system. while they may have some silver value, they certainly have The company’s Web site says they have given $1.9 no cash value (that is not entirely fair; 20 Liberian dollars million to victims’ funds. But given the fact that I have seen equals $0.32 USD). Remember the whole “authorized this commercial at least four times in primetime this week O’Connor is a junior studying political science.

TWO MINUTES OF TRUTH Networking: We can be the solution

PAUL FLOWERS They were right. Understanding a bit of psychology and being abducted and the danger of talking to You find that in many communities the neuro-linguistic programming, to infer that strangers, realize that this is simply a negative [email protected] lack of listening is not always the problem; it one’s upbringing, especially the attitudes attitude and victim mindset that proves to is the lack of speaking up and taking action. they obtain towards specific people or ideas, be the stronger side of your belief system. Many people, having heard of solutions to could drastically shape their outlook on those These negative beliefs are like a default Bill Clinton tells us, “Government is problems, begin to talk about these solutions particular people on ideas, would seem to be setting on your Web browser — you have not the problem and government is not the and, in essence, speak them into existence. a valid argument. Have you been told those to do something to change it. By refusing to solution. We the American people, we are the On the other hand, we sometimes just earlier statements as a child? Have you told do something about it, you will continue to solution.” like to acknowledge that there is a problem in them to another person? Have you told them reproduce the same negative thoughts and What do you think? our environment and we sit and do nothing to your children? outcomes. American people have too much to about it. If you answered “yes” to one To be truly happy and successful, one complain about, yet few of us actually propose An upbeat attitude and desire How often do or all of those questions, then must absolutely understand that people are solutions. Even fewer of us take the ostensible to succeed will take us farther, you too may have a negative the solution. Knowing this, you have to set solution when it is candidly expressed. As faster than keeping an attitude of you say ‘hello’ attitude towards open discussion out to attract the people you most want to forthright as you can, speak on your solutions. negativity and slothfulness. and dialogue. help you with your solution. The negative and Then put together the plan of action. Lastly, An attitude adjustment to another This is not negative in the victim mentality champions might surround do it now. when we talk about our issues person in ‘you’re a bad person’ sense. themselves with the same people, yet those Several international students have — and talk, period — is in order. The negative I’m referring to that think positively are surrounded with the expressed to me that, as Americans, we do Ever since we were young, our passing? is simply the absence of your same. not speak to one another much. They told me parents told us not to speak participation. How often do you Who do you want to be surrounded with? how everyone looks down or around when unless spoken to, that children should be seen say “hello” to another person in passing? Do The quiet victims or the lively leaders? they are walking, but just pass by other human and not heard and, most importantly, not you consider those people strangers? Think about it. beings without saying a word, waving or even to talk to strangers. Think of how this early A wise person once said, “A stranger is Talk about it. flashing a smile. programming clouds the filter on how we see simply a friend that I have yet to meet.” Then do something about it. I reflected on their observations, then life. Now for all of the negative thinkers began to take notice. Do you think this affects a person’s future? who are ready to comment about children Flowers is a senior studying biological sciences.

MISSION STATEMENT QUOTE OF THE DAY The DAILY EGYPTIAN, the student-run newspaper of Southern Illinois University We cannot drill our way to Carbondale, is committed to being a trusted source of news, information, commentary “ energy independence. Chris Van Hollen and public discourse, while helping readers understand the issues affecting their lives. ” Democratic representative on President Bush’s plan to lift the band onoffshore drilling 6 Tuesday, July 15, 2008 DAILY EGYPTIAN News A look at the past With less than a month to go until the start of the 2008 Olympic Summer games, here is a look at the great moments of the past 112 years

Antwerp as compensation for the destruc- Lou Retton wins gold, silver and 1896  ATHENS tion infl icted on Belgians during World bronze medals. Participating nations: 13 War I. Th e Olympic fl ag, with its fi ve Most medals: rings, makes its debut. � SEOUL Greece (47) American Charlie Paddock wins 1988  the 100 meters and 4x100-meter relay. He Participating nations: 159 An idea proposed is the fi rst runner to be called “the world’s Most medals: Soviet Union (132) in 1892 by Baron de fastest human.” Coubertin of France Canadian runner Ben Johnson is is realized, and the 1924  PARIS caught using steroids, and subsequent International Olympic Participating nations: 44 investigations reveal that substance abuse James B. Connolly Committee is born. Most medals: United States (99) is widespread. North Korea and Cuba � Th e fi rst victory boycott the Olympics. � in the modern Olympics is awarded to Th e Olympics are becoming better German cyclist and speed-skater American James B. Connolly in the hop, organized, and all sports are run by their Christa Luding-Rothenburger becomes step and jump. international governing organizations. one of few athletes to win medals in both Germany does not participate. the summer and winter Olympics. � 1900  PARIS Finn Paavo Nurmi wins the 1,500 Mark Spitz won seven gold medals at the 1972 Summer Games. meters and, two hours later, wins the 5,000 Participating nations: 22 LONDON MUNICH BARCELONA Most medals: France (102) meters. He goes on to win fi ve medals at 1948  1972  1992  the Paris Games. Participating nations: 59 Participating nations: 122 Participating nations: 172 Because of poor organization, more 1928  AMSTERDAM Most medals: United States (84) Most medals: Soviet Union (99) Most medals: Unifi ed Team (112) athletes than spectators attend the fi ve- Terrorism mars the games. Arab day event. In fact, some of the athletes Participating nations: 46 Following the precedent set after “Black September” extremists kill 11 Israeli Th e collapsing Soviet Union partici- don’t even realize they’ve participated in Most medals: United States (56) World War I, aggressor nations Germany team members. pates as the Unifi ed Team. Individual � the Olympics. Women make their fi rst and Japan are not invited to the Olympics. American swimmer Mark Spitz winners are honored with the fl ag of their appearance in the modern games. Th e Olympic fl ame is introduced. For It is the fi rst games with participation by sets a record for the most medals by an home republic. � � Archery makes its fi rst appearance the fi rst time, women participate in track Communist countries. individual at a single Olympics: seven Th e U.S. “Dream Team,” � as an Olympic event, as do cricket and and fi eld. Germany returns to the games U.S. fencer Janice Lee Romary golds. made up mostly of top NBA players, croquet. Archery remains in the Olympic for the fi rst time since 1912. competes in her fi rst Olympics. Her last defeats Croatia 117-85 to capture the � lineup — the other two events do not. American Johnny Weissmuller wins games will be in 1968 — more Olympics 1976  MONTREAL gold. two more golds to add to his three from than any woman in history, but no med- ST. LOUIS Participating nations: 92 1904  1924. He later stars as Tarzan in 12 mov- als. Most medals: Soviet Union (125) ies. 1996  ATLANTA Participating nations: 12 1952  HELSINKI Poor planning Most medals: United States (238) LOS ANGELES and corruption Participating nations: 197 1932  Participating nations: 69 result in the games Most medals: United States (101) Th e games are originally slated for Participating nations: 37 Most medals: United States (76) going drastically Chicago, but St. Louis also wants them, to Most medals: United States (104) over budget. It takes One woman is killed and 111 peo- be held in conjunction with the Louisiana Th e Soviet Union joins the Olympics decades for Canada ple are injured after a bomb explodes in Purchase exhibition. President Th eodore Th e L.A. Olympics introduce auto- for the fi rst time. Sixty-nine countries par- to pay the debt. Atlanta’s Centennial Olympic Park. � Roosevelt sides with St. Louis, but the matic timing, the photo-fi nish camera, the ticipate, setting a record at the time. American gymnast Kerri Strug � � Olympics are lost in the chaos of the use of the victory platform at the award Hungarian shooter Karoly Takacs Romanian competes with a sprained ankle and helps World’s Fair. ceremonies and the playing of the winners’ wins the gold medal and sets a world Nadia Comaneci her team win the gold. � American George Poage, the fi rst national anthems. record while shooting with his left hand. makes an Olympic � black athlete to compete in the games, Two teams from the United States His right hand — his pistol hand — had fi rst by receiving a hurdles to the bronze in the 440-meter play an exhibition game of American been shattered by a defective grenade. perfect score of 10 2000  SYDNEY Nadia Comaneci event. football. seven times. 1956  MELBOURNE Participating nations: 200 1906  ATHENS 1936  BERLIN Most medals: United States (97) Participating nations: 67 MOSCOW Participating nations: 20 Participating nations: 49 Most medals: Soviet Union (98) 1980  Trampoline, tae kwon do and syn- Most medals: France (40) Most medals: Germany (89) Participating nations: 81 chronized diving make their debuts, as do Th e Summer Games run from Nov. Most medals: Soviet Union (195) women’s pole vault, women’s water polo Th e Interim Games of 1906 reig- Th e torch relay brings the fl ame to the 22 to Dec. 8 because the seasons are and women’s weightlifting. � nite enthusiasm for the Olympics, but site of the games for the fi rst time — 3,000 reversed in the Southern Hemisphere. Th e United States leads a 62-nation Just 17 years old, Australian Ian the IOC deems them unoffi cial. Record people carry it through seven countries. For the fi rst time, athletes march together boycott in protest of the Soviet Union’s Th orpe wins fi ve swimming medals and � crowds attend the games. Black American Jesse Owens wins during the closing ceremony, instead of by invasion of Afghanistan. breaks his own world record in the 400- � the long jump, 100 meters, 200 meters and nation, as a sign of global unity. Cuban heavyweight Teofilo meter freestyle. � 1908  LONDON 4x100-meter relay as Nazi leader Adolf American Bob Richards repeats his Stevenson becomes the fi rst boxer to win Hitler watches, discrediting his theory of Helsinki success and becomes the only three consecutive gold medals in the same Participating nations: 23 ATHENS Most medals: Britain (145) Aryan supremacy. person to win two golds in the pole vault. division. 2004  ROME LOS ANGELES Participating nations: 201 Originally award- 1960  1984  Most medals: United States (102) ed to Rome, the Participating nations: 83 Participating nations: 141 games are reassigned Most medals: Soviet Union (103) Most medals: United States (174) Th e Games returned to Greece, home to Great Britain when of both the ancient Olympics and the fi rst the Italians back out Th e pope watches some of the com- Th e Soviets lead a revenge boycott, but modern Olympics. � for fi nancial reasons. petition from a window of his summer more countries attend the games than ever German canoeist Birgit Fischer � American J.J. residence. before — 141 nations with 7,000 athletes. became the fi rst woman in any sport to win � � Hayes wins the mara- American Wilma Rudolph wins American gymnast Mary gold medals in six diff erent Olympics. thon, which is extend- triple track gold despite childhood bouts ed from 25 miles to with polio, double pneumonia and scarlet the current standard fever that made her leg nearly useless. of 26.2 miles so the royal family has a view 1964  TOKYO J.J. Hayes of the race. Participating nations: 93 1912  STOCKHOLM Most medals: United States (90) Jesse Owens’ victories in the long Participating nations: 28 Th e Tokyo Games are the fi rst to be jump, 100 meters, 200 meters and Most medals: Sweden (65) held in Asia. 4x100-meter relay debunked Nazi � Germany’s racist theories of Aryan Australian Dawn Fraser becomes Th e games enter the modern age, supremacy. the fi rst female swimmer to win a total of using electronic timing devices and a pub- eight medals in three Olympics. lic address system for the fi rst time. � In Greco-Roman wrestling, the 1940  HELSINKI 1968  MEXICO CITY middleweight semifi nal match between Th e games are awarded to Tokyo, but Participating nations: 112 Russian Martin Klein and Finland’s Japan loses them after invading China. Most medals: United States (107) Alfred Asikainen lasts 11 hours. Reawarded to Helsinki, Finland, the games are canceled after Soviet troops Th e IOC is enraged when two 1916  BERLIN invade Finland. American athletes display the black- World War I cancels the Olympics. power salute during an awards ceremony. 1944  LONDON Th e committee orders medalists Tommie DAVID C. TURNLE ~ MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE 1920  ANTWERP World War II cancels the Olympics. Smith and John Carlos to leave the coun- United States gymnast Kerri Strug is carried from the medal stand by coach Participating nations: 29 It was the second and fi nal time that a war try. Bela Karolyi after the United States’ women’s team was awarded the team � Most medals: United States (96) cancelled the games. Dick Fosbury, an American high gold medal at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. Strug, who assured the jumper, revolutionizes the event with his American win on her vault routine only to hurt her ankle while landing, was sent Th e Olympics are awarded to unique “fl op” style. to a hospital after the medals ceremony. Classified DAILY EGYPTIAN Tuesday, July 15, 2008 7 8 Tuesday, July 15, 2008 DAILY EGYPTIAN Classified Pulse DAILY EGYPTIAN Tuesday, July 15, 2008 9 Girls and Sports by Justin Borus and Andrew Feinstein

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today By Linda C. Black is a 6 — A difficult situation turns out Today’s Birthday 07-15-08 You well for your family. Put their needs may have to postpone travel plans until ahead of your own for a while. That will later in the year. Your work requires extra be the best. The Duplex by Glenn McCoy attention, to keep up with the demand. Buying and selling both look good. Do Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today it for yourself as well as for somebody is a 7 — Continue with your research. else. Chances are very good you’ll make an To get the advantage, check the amazing discovery. When viewed from day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the a new perspective, everything will sud- most challenging. denly be crystal clear.

Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — Do you believe in miracles is a 7 — Consult an older person who has yet? Give it another try. Something will your best interests at heart. This coach happen that cannot be explained by will be glad to tell you exactly what you conventional thinking. Check the view need to know, whether you want to hear from outside the box. it or not. This is tough, but good.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — is a 7 — It’s worth the time to get a reap- Today is an 8 — A change is taking place praisal of your assets. Your wealth and in the way you see yourself. You’re gain- status have grown while you were busy ing confidence, and it looks very good on with other things. You’re better off than you. Even if you were confident before, you thought. this time it’s even better. You’re cooler.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — is a 7 — You don’t have to blindly follow Today is a 6 — At first, it seems like all an authority figure. Unless, of course, this is lost. What you tried did not seem to person signs your paycheck. In that case, work. But then, amazingly, at the last try to get a new job before you quit. instant, the answer is revealed. This is another example of why you should Edited by Wayne Robert Williams THE Daily Crossword Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today never give up. is a 7 — It’s not easy to hold your temper Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — ACROSS when things don’t go as expected. If you Today is an 8 — Meetings should go 1 Drawn out can remember that mistakes are all a well now. They’ll be shorter than usual. periods part of the learning process, it might be People, with your assistance, will quickly 5 Biblical pronoun a little easier. check items off the lists. Finally, you’ll get 9 Dull finish something done. 14 Controversial 1987 Supreme Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today Court nominee an 8 — A person you find fascinat- is a 7 — You’re catching more criticism 15 Stir-fry pans ing thinks you’re absolutely wonderful. than you’d like. That’s because you offered 16 Grate deposit Goals you set together have a good an opinion. Don’t be intimidated. Stand 17 Online auction chance of coming true. Might as well your ground. You have to be tough to location give it a try. make it in the big leagues. 18 __ Royale, MI (c) 2008, Tribune Media Services Inc. | Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. 19 Done in 20 Home-purchase investigation THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Henri Arnold and Mike Argirion 23 Fixed charge comic co-star 24 Utah ski resort 12 Basic principle 37 Kind of terrier Unscramble these four Jumbles, 25 Make bubbly 13 Lauder of 39 Afrikaner one letter to each square, 27 Hack driver cosmetics 41 Stage a coup 30 Pantry 21 Type of type 43 Butter sub to form four ordinary words. 32 Capek play 22 Automobiles 44 Vicarage 33 Works out 26 Paper quantity 47 Insteps MUTOH 35 Inquires 27 Rugged rock 49 Japanese 38 Sun-dried brick 28 Autobahn companion 40 USMC rank auto 50 Big name in 41 Inuit craft 53 Radio spots pilgrimage 4 Early space 29 Decoration for brewing ©2007 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 42 Marchetti or 54 Fighter flier 67 Legal wrongs station valor 51 Gem State All Rights Reserved. Cappelletti 60 Quantity of 68 Big Apple letters 5 Tornado 30 Word after 52 Mr. Copland 43 Different ones cookies 69 Retort to “Are 6 Minor prophet 20A, 54A, 11D 55 Principal NIORB 45 Towel off 62 Saab model not!” 7 Tex. neighbor and 29D 56 Group of girls 46 Gung-ho so- 63 Go it alone 8 Manipulator 31 Pot starter 57 Rich soil and-so 64 Stock amount DOWN 9 Converted into 34 In the matter 58 REO maker 48 Socialist Debs 65 Welsh actor 1 Help a crook pulp of 59 Japanese 50 Cardin of Novello 2 Asian desert 10 Small snake 36 “Home dictator fashion 66 Muslim 3 Part of QED 11 Gary Larson’s Improvement” 61 Part of a TV PRAMTE 52 Lot of land REDUME Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

A: “ ” ON Sudoku By The Mepham Group (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: POACH TASTY SADIST MISHAP YeTsterdahursday’sy’s Level: 1 2 3 4 Answer: The convict enjoyed sitting in the sun because he had a — “SHADY”PAST Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit

Solution to Thursday’s puzzle

© 2008 The Mepham Group.Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reservved. 7/11/08 om .c Gloria Bode says read up tomorrow for tips on some new tunage. siuDE .

www DA IL Y E G Y P T IAN PAGE 10PS OUTHERN I LLINOIS U NIVERSITY JULY 15, 2008 ‘Hell’ of a good time Luke McCormick DAILY EGYPTIAN

“Hellboy II: The Golden Army” Rated: PG-13 Starring: Ron Perlman, Selma Blair, Doug Jones Directed by: Guillermo del Toro Runtime: 110 minutes

Demons are frightening things, harbingers of Hell and the ugliness of the underworld. But this summer, Hellboy is back, and while he might be a bit ugly, he is looking out for the greater good. “Hellboy II: The Golden Army” begins with a flashback to a pre-pubescent (do demons go through puberty? He does have a goatee now) Hellboy on Christmas Eve, as his father reads him an ancient legend of a war fought between mankind and elves, trolls, goblins and all kinds of monsters. The war was settled as a truce was struck and the humans would remain in the cities and the monsters in the forests. However, the humans have now broken PROVIDED PHOTO their end of the deal by tearing down forests and building shopping malls and develop- up for the human race in this battle as they film unto themselves as there is so much it is all really just an excuse for Del Toro to ing real estate. Monster Prince Nuada (Luke are working for the Bureau of Paranormal detail planted into each nook and cranny of put some of the haunting creatures floating Goss) is none too pleased with this and Research and Development. the space. All of the creatures are surpris- around in his brain onto the big screen. defies his father, the king of these crea- The film’s plot does not pull any tricks or ingly lifelike and the stuff of childhood This second installment of Hellboy is one tures, by attempting to awake the perform major twists; it is nightmares. of the best this summer has had to offer over indestructible Golden Army to really only in place to give The performances in the film are top- the past couple months (it seems each week- defeat mankind. 4 out of 5 stars director Guillermo del Toro notch and are anchored by Perlman’s por- end has at least one awful film) and is a great Hellboy (Ron Perlman) takes a backdrop to create some trayal of Hellboy. He is a big brute but has precursor to what Del Toro will be bringing on the enemy with his gang of outcasts: fish- eye-popping, magnificent creatures. a heart of gold and provides a whole mess of to the table with his coming adaptation of man Abe Sapien (Doug Jones), fire-producing In one exquisite scene, Hellboy and his laughs, especially a drunken Barry Manilow “The Hobbit.” Hellboy love interest Liz Sherman (Selma gang search for clues within a hidden troll sing-a-long between him and Abe. Blair) and ectoplasmic spirit Johann Kraus market, located under the Brooklyn Bridge. The film contains many laughs, great Luke McCormick can be reached at (voice of Seth MacFarlane). The troop takes The market and its inhabitants could be a visuals and some intense action sequences but 536-3311 ext. 275 or [email protected]. Summer’s new sci-fi film is one ‘Journey’ not to miss

Amber Fijolek ented scientist-brother Zak who mys- DAILY EGYPTIAN teriously vanished 10 years ago. A visit from his lost brother’s 13- “Journey to the Center of the Earth” year old son Sean goes from mundane Director: Eric Brevig to marvelous when they discover clues Starring: Brendan Fraser, Josh revealing the same seismic condi- Hutcherson, Anita Briem tions of Zak’s disappearance, making Rated: PG a recently-found copy of Zak’s favorite Runtime: 92 minutes fiction novel, “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” their new reality. After Anderson tries to cut his “Journey to the Center of the detached nephew’s visit short to Earth” is not only a satisfying outing investigate further into the eerie geo- for youth audiences, but also for older logical consistencies, Sean (played crowds thirsty to see their childhood by Josh Hutcherson from 2007’s fantasies onscreen. “Bridge to Terabithia”) decides that With a rather stiff plot (the idea to although he would love to get away make a fiction book reality is fun, but from his nerdy uncle, he cannot pass does not prove fascinating), this inner- up the chance to learn about his earthly escapade is as eye enchanting dead father. as a journey through a favorite video The two take a trip to gather data game. at a newly active geological site with You will be pleased to find out that the help from a striking and saucy the center of the earth is reminiscent Icelandic native played by Hollywood of the 1991 Saturday morning TV newcomer Anita Briem. show “Land of the Lost.” The film, Predictably, danger dawns on although it follows a cheesy and mea- the trio and the adventure at the ger story line, is visually refreshing and Neverland-like Earth’s center begins. PROVIDED PHOTO surprisingly fun. Conditions get riskier and their return The preface of the lonely, boring to the surface becomes more uncertain, only imagine would be sensational an IMAX. Time” did when it first premiered life of unappreciated and failing scien- teasing the audience with stunts and in 3-D. The 2-D version, avail- The connections to the novel decades ago. tist Trevor Anderson (Brendan Fraser) scares until the film’s end. There are able locally, is sufficient enough keep it interesting in a Disney’s is brief and fortunately, jumps quickly fantastical creatures, paleontological for a diverting experience, but is “National Treasure” kind of way Amber Fijolek can be reached at into action. Anderson is consumed by perils, and a pretty good presenta- probably unparalleled to crazy- and the images may even capti- 536-3311 ext. 275 or the lifelong research of his late, tal- tion of special effects that one can sharp teeth flying at your face at vate children like “The Land Before [email protected].

ULSE P US Weekly is reporting that Jimm Cy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman have called it quits after dating for 5 years. What celebrity couple break-up would put you in shambles? Luke McCormick Christian Holt Jana Hughes If Kristen Bell were to dump Dax Shepard I’d be the After I spent weeks crying when Jennifer Aniston After the age of 35, if you date a guy for three years and you opposite of shambles. What’s that guy done? Punk’d? I used and Brad Pitt ended their marriage, I gave up hope for all still do not have a ring, you can pretty much chalk it up as a loss. to write campus stories for the Daily Egyptian! celebrity couples — I refuse to feel that way ever again. Linda Hogan and Charlie Hill watch out. Learn from Hulk Hogan, sometimes it is not cheaper to keep her. Sports DAILY EGYPTIAN Tuesday, July 15, 2008 11

The American and National League All-Stars will square off tonight at Yankee Stadium — the last Midsummer Classic to be held there. The NL has failed to post a victory in the last 11 contests, includ- ing a tie in 2002. The winning league secures home field advantage in the World Series, so which team needs the win more? Who will win?

BRANDON AUGSBURG The NL All-Stars need the win more, but they won’t get it. The top contenders in the NL are all lights out at home, but mediocre on the road. With home field advantage, bauggie it is tough to imagine and NL team beating a team like the Red Sox or the Angels in the series. The AL roster is absolutely stacked again this year. They just have too much power for the NL.

I have to go with the National League in this series. The pitching for the NL is solid with guys like Tim Lincecum and Brandon Webb. it’ll be hard for any AL hitter to make IAN PRESTON contact off these guys. The AL may have a bit more pop in their bats but with Lance idpreston Berkman, Chase Utley and Chipper Jones playing as hot as they are this season, it’ll be hard to go against the NL. Game six and seven will be at Wrigley in October.

Regardless of the final score, the real winner will be George Steinbrenner and the over-hyped spectacle that is Yankee Stadium and the under-performing team that SEAN MCGAHAN inhabits it. Never since ExtenZe began advertising on late night television has a man paid so much for such a small result. The Yankees are miserable this year, but The Boss smcgahan will continue raking in the dough as fans worldwide attempt to crack off pieces of con- crete as a memoir of the national landmark. They’d have better luck at Wrigley.

him and Dejesus, so I acted like is a sure bet to produce for Bobby QUICK HITS any good NBA GM would and Cox’s Braves. He will not put up CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 decided to throw the numbers and MVP numbers but will be a solid age out the window and base my contributor in deeper leagues. SS, Stephen Drew, Arizona pick totally on potential — that I promise all of you out there and the Billy Bean factor. The Starting Pitchers that have bought into the second A’s GM is a control freak when John Danks, White Sox coming of Drew hype, he will be it comes to developing hitters, Think he is good now? Just better than his brother, J.D. All his preaching patience and high on wait until he has another year numbers are up from his rookie base percentages. Mix in some under his belt. year including a slugging percent- power and you have Jack Cust, the Zack Grienke, Kansas City age that is over 100 points higher. A’s prototypical player. He has been called the next Still the best young D-back and Maddux his whole professional next year he will prove it. C, Ryan Doumit, Pirates career, in 2009 we will see. Geovanny Soto does not count! Andrew Miller, Florida CF, Jay Bruce, Cincinnati That would have been the easy way Has shown flashes of brilliance Nicknamed “Bruce Almighty” out of this, but if your looking for in his first full year. Has a Justin already, he has slumped recently, a catcher who could be a solid sec- Verlander type fastball. but that is normal. What is not ond option, look no further than Clayton Kershaw, LA normal is what he has done since Doumit (fun to say too). I do not Dodgers coming to the majors. He has got know if the .320 averages are going The best thing LA did was call 21 RBI’s and a slugging percentage to be consistent, but the power this kid up as early as they did this of .429 in only 43 games. Playing numbers should be there. season and let him take his lumps in the Great American Ballpark now. He is only 22 but has some will help his power numbers over 2B, Kelly Johnson, Braves really nasty stuff. the years as well. It is hard to find a good young second baseman. There are some Ian Preston can be reached at LF, Jack Cust, Oakland potential good ones but they have 618-536-3311 ext. 282 This was a tough call between a ton of risk with them. Johnson or [email protected].

UNBAR D Games in the past. Dunbar spoke but the potential was always there, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 with coaches at the world cham- Burnett said. Dunbar is healthy pionships who had former athletes now, and Sparks said the more “I told him when he went over qualifying for the Olympics this Dunbar trains the better he gets. to make sure he enjoys the trip,” year, and he said their advice and He recorded low times through- Burnett said. “It’s so rare to get encouragement made him look out the spring season and into the an opportunity like what he had forward to the next few seasons. summer with less training than to run in an international field in Sparks and Burnett both said other athletes, so Sparks said he a foreign country. Make sure you Dunbar has the potential to be expects good things in the seasons enjoy it because it might never a special athlete in the future. to come. happen again.” Burnett said Dunbar is one of the “Now that he’s getting consis- Dunbar is hoping this is not best athlete\s he has coached but tent training, boom, he has blos- his last international race, however. he had a few injuries in high school somed,” Burnett said. He said many athletes have used that kept him from training consis- the junior world championships as tently. As a result, Dunbar did not Brandon Augsburg can be reached at a stepping stone to the Olympic win a lot of races in high school, 536-3311 ext. 256 or [email protected]. om .c INSIDER, page 11: Who’s going to win it? siuDE .

www DA IL Y E G Y P T IAN P AG E 12 S OUTHERN I LLINOIS U NIVERSITY JULY 15, 2008 TRACK & FIELD DunbarS places 19th at world championships

Brandon Augsburg “I did break 31 still, which that is pretty He said the race was very different from DAILY EGYPTIAN good still, I think for me,” he said. “You other distance races he has been in. Normally, know, I really was shooting to break 30.” runners start off slow and build throughout So phomore distance runner Dan Dunbar His pace was only 26 seconds off his the race, but in Poland Dunbar said a few of did not reach his goal of finishing the 10,000- personal record, set at the MVC Outdoor the runners jetted out of the blocks and set meter race in under 30 minutes at the IAAF Championship in May. Distance coach Matt a blistering pace of just over four minutes Junior World Championships. But that does Sparks said he was pleased with Dunbar’s per mile. He hung with the lead pack not mean the whole trip was for naught. result. He said he was impressed with of about 10 runners throughout Dunbar finished 19th with a time of the way Dunbar handled the situa- the first half of the race and even 2009 here I come 30:51.67 in Bydgoszcz, Poland, on July tion and was glad the young runner led briefly, but faltered after the 9. Dunbar joined Donald Cabral, of learned something from the experi- first 5,000 meters. Glastonbury, Conn., as the only American ence. “I came through the 5K at a Ian Preston runners in the race. Cabral finished 17th “The experience of going and good time, but I was hurting when DAILY EGYPTIAN with a time of 30:47.55. gaining a better understanding of what I came through,” he said. “Basically Before the race, Dunbar said his goal for the elite world class runners do was the last 5K I don’t really remem- We ll, thank God that is over. the world championships was to break 30 what he can take most from the ber much. I was hurting and That is what myself and thousands of minutes for the first time. Even though he entire experience and carry I just wanted it to be over others are saying across the nation as we did not hit that mark, he said he still ran a that over to the next three with as soon as I could.” collectively lament over a fantasy season that good race. years of his college running,” Even though the can only be summed up in a simple state- Sparks said. results were not exactly ment — it is no more. ����������������������������� He said Dunbar’s willingness to learn what he was hoping for, Dunbar said the However, I know, just like all those others ���� ���� ������� ������ from his mistakes is probably the main rea- international experience was priceless. It out there losing sleep over Milton Bradley, son he has risen from a walk-on to the track was his first international race and he said that I will be back next year. So, for today’s � ��������������������� ����� �������� program to become a top runner in the con- it was good to figure out how his body topic we are going to throw up the white flag, � ���������������������� ����� �������� ference. Sparks said Dunbar told him after responds to jet lag and different types of call up the prospects from the Montgomery the race that he got anxious and jumped food than he is used to eating before a race. Biscuits and leave Jerry Manuel in charge of � �������������� �������� �������� towards the front of the pack too early, but He also enjoyed mingling with athletes from filling out our daily lineups. � ��������������� �������� �������� know he knows he has to control his pace other nations and seeing what the world’s Here is a look at my 2009 breakout play- better in the future. best young athletes are all about. ers — a position-by-position look at guys � ���������� �������� ������� ��������� “I kind of wanted 30 so bad, I was kind Dunbar’s high school coach at O’Fallon on the verge of becoming next season’s Matt � � � � � � � � of sitting up towards the front of the pack,” Township High School, Jon Burnett, said he Holiday or Josh Hamilton. Keep an eye on �� ������������� ��� �������� Dunbar said. “When it is that long of a race told Dunbar, before he left, to make sure he the teams on this list that have more than I really should have just been wherever I soaked up the experience. one guy by the way — those teams could be �������������������������������������������� ������������� needed to be. I was kind of edgy, just because next year’s Tampa Bay Rays. ��������������� it was such a big race.” See DUNBAR, Page11 3B, Alex Gordon, Kansas City I am starting you off with my surefire BASEBALL guy who I know will make some big noise next year. Gordon came up to the Majors as a heralded minor leaguer who Two Salukis digging second chance at baseball was going to be the hope of the Royals Former SIU baseball organization. He has struggled mightily though, hit- players playing for the ting just .250 over the past two seasons. However, he is on pace to drive in close to Southern Illinois Miners a 100 runs and hit about 20 to 25 hom- ers. Not bad numbers for a player heading Ian Preston into year three in the Majors. DAILY EGYPTIAN The Royals have had nothing to lose (except more games) on waiting for guys like Gordon, pitchers Luke Hochever This time last week, Tyler Lairson was and Zack Greinke, and a guy who almost back in his hometown of Richmond, Ind., made my team, David Dejesus. All these coaching little league baseball. players were very high draft picks and This week, the former SIU infielder is have had time to grow in the majors. back on the field for a first place professional Numbers wise, they are all on track to put baseball team. up some solid figures. Lairson had been out of baseball since If the central does not improve next the seasons end in May when he was con- year, the Royals may have baseball going tacted late last week about coming and play- retro. ing for the Southern Illinois Miners of the . 1B, Joey Votto, Cincinnati “They had a couple of guys get hurt, so I have talked about Votto before and I got a phone call around 11 p.m. Thursday will stick to my guns. If Gordon is my night asking if I could be there Friday to breakout player, it is only because I worry play,” Lairson said. “So I drove and got in THOMAS BARKER ~ DAILY EGYPTIAN with Votto playing on a team that is going around 5 a.m. and played that night.” Former SIUC baseball player Kevin Koskie steps up to the plate for the Southern nowhere fast. His numbers are already Lairson started Friday for the Miners, Illinois Miners at Rent One Park during a make-up game against Rockford last month. solid with a .280 average, 13 homers and even with many on the team still not know- Koskie was joined over the weekend by fellow former Saluki Tyler Lairson, who signed 40 runs batted in. ing who he was. His bat would break the on to play infield for the Miners. By the way, it is still his rookie year. ice for him, though, as he went 2-3 with a Had it not been for Geovany Soto on two-run homerun in his second at bat. The one homerun and 10 RBI’s in 28 games this get tired, but when you go out on the field the North Side, this guy would get some Miners won 6-2 over Traverse City that season. you get excited for the three hours your out serious love for the Rookie of the Year. night, which put Southern Illinois in first “I had a couple of phone calls from some there.” As it stands though, we will all just have place in the Western Division. other independent league teams,” Koski said. Lairson said he also noticed a big dif- to settle for him being the next Todd “Words can’t explain how nervous I was “I was familiar with the area so I, of course, ference between college and professional Helton. and how much adrenaline I had going before chose to play down here than with any other baseball. the game,” Lairson said. “Once I got out on team.” “I’ve played in some nice parks with LF, Nick Markakis, Baltimore the field and turned a double play though, I So far, both players have adapted well some good size crowds in college, but it was You can see a trend building here; bad was fine.” to playing in the Frontier League. Both are nothing like Friday night,” Lairson said. teams have good young players. Markakis Lairson represented the Salukis well in accustomed to playing with wooden bats, “The crowd cheers for everything, and being is a pure example of this. Lately the his first weekend at Rent One Ballpark in since SIU plays fall games with wood. Both local, some people knew me. It was a great Orioles have been nothing more than Marion, but he is not the first to trade in also say the talent is not too far off from feeling.” something for Maryland sportswriters to Saluki Maroon for Miner gold and black. that of decent college players. The biggest The Frontier League is on its All-Star talk about in between heartbreak filled Lairson’s former teammate and good friend thing both said they have had to get use break this weekend — the game is in seasons by the Ravens. Markakis is a Kevin Koski is also on the team and is in his to is the number of people that now watch Traverse City, Mich. The Miners will resume bright spot for the O’s though. He will second season with Southern Illinois. them play. play Friday when they head to Chicago be good for 30 homers and 100 RBI’s this Koski who graduated in 2007 played for The Miners set the Frontier League to take on the Windy City Thunderbolts. year and should have a very productive the Salukis from 2004 to 2007, and was attendance record last season, averaging Both Koski and Lairson are set to be in the 2009 with teammates Luke Scott and named to the All-MVC team his sophomore more than 4,000 people per game. lineup. Brian Roberts around. year. Koski now resides in centerfield for the “It definitely gets you up for the game,” Miners coach Mike Pinto did not return Miners. He is currently batting .267 with Koski said. “It’s a long season and you do a phone message seeking comment. See QUICK HITS, Page 11