Township School Tax Down, Borough's up Order to Hand Over
A Panorama COVERING roirNsiiiM or 01 Local IIOLMDEL, MADISON Peoplesop] And MARLBORO, MATAWAN AND E vventa IU 1A WAN SOROCKj M M em ber •6th YEA R — 28th W EEK ■•I Mttarti MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1964 M#» Jfn$y Prees Aaaoclatfoa Single Copy Ten Cent* New Faces At Reorganization Of The Maiawan Township Committee Maiawan IJoroii'di Council Organizes For The New Year .T ‘ - - ... H i f \ - i r~Tirr^ipinni~r T"--*: Two aew member* •( the Maiawan Township Commute*, Charles* and mayor lor the year. Shawn almvc (loll to rig h t) arc Daniel II. V . Drydcn and Jay KrlviUky, were sworn In to start three-year terms llowncy, Mr. Ilrydcn, Mayor IVaphagen, Mr. Krivltrky and fiillHirl 0t the annual reorgaidiattoB al the conimltlee Thursday. The commit-1 Hickman, lee voted unanimously tn dect Henry Traphafea commltteee chairman) Support Hospital Cover Girl M aiawanS governing bmlv, organl/ed ut cenimonlea at 12 o’clock; Ilyrne and Councilman l.eon Chrlstlnat. Standing, (left to right), are Township School Tax Himo, V» ^r > |)o ), pose* for Us ofilchd picture before embarking: t'ouncilmen Warren Ryan, Vernon K. ■ayshon area mayor*, la la- Uttic Suslu sSwilxor, seven, ;» hllUon, (ieorge tommr and Mgural addreaie* al arsaatia- new roHidem of (he Strathmure .on Its municipal business for the year. Shown above, (left to rig ht)1 Robert R. Colot. " ‘ sealed, are Council president Warren Hutchinson, Mayor lutward K. i Mm mealing* In Iheir n Inactive development in MaiawaH Town* Mmmunlllea, have * ' ‘ ■hip is a cover gtrl of (he Jan. 14 ■Ian far a Bay there Canunaatly Down, Borough’s Up l.(K)K macaeine, and the ulory Hwfttal u meet the aaril al Ibe of her move Inin a new To Sell Bondi Final figures on the 1984^5 bud $1.79 per $100 In 1!MI while the 11 V i ne Takes tacrttoiag bayahar* pafriadas.
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