All Urn NEWS ol SECTION B E D B A N B •tad tiarroundliig Town* Told FearlMily tnd Wlthont Bis* BANK REGISTER VOLUME LX, NO.19. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28,1937. PAGES UP FOR RE-ELECTION. Forgfetful Prisoner Rumson To Vote Lawyers Almost Chief Interest In Committed to Jail Oh Pension Fund Unanimous For Voters to Decide ; William Carney, colored, of West Bergen .place, was sen- For Policemen Joseph Donahay tenced to serve from 20 to 30 days in the county workhouse Republican*—and — Democrats On Borough Hall (.Proposition Will.ljeji .at-FroohoId^ by- Recorder"Jbhii"~ V. -Crowel! In police court Sun- the General Election Next Alike Indorse His Re-Election day morning. He had been ar- • Tuesday—Officers Contribute —Bigger Majority Than Ever rested the day previous on a warrant charging him with be- Four Per Cent to Fund. Before Seems Probable. For Shrewsbury ing drunk and disorderly. Rumson voters will decide at next Surrogate Joseph L. Donahay, who part of The Register Is on Indorse- Carney was arrested October Contest Holds Center o: 9 and found guilty of the drunk Tuesday's general election whether Is up again this year for re-election, Former Mayor George SiN ment of his candidacy signed by or not a retirement pension fund will released this week the names of 192 Anti-Gunning : most of the leading lawyers of the and disorderly charge. He was Attention on Political given a choice of paying a line be established for the members of Monmouth county lawyers who have ver Offers Allen Houso county. Republican signers of the the police department. The borough signed an endorsement of his admin- Law Is Passed Indorsement are even more numer- of (10 or going to Jail. He was istration and some figures which granted permission to leave for council recently adopted a resolution to Borough for $14,000 Stage as the Campaign ous than Democratic signers. Mr. placing the proposition on the ballot, show that since he has held the of- Meglll on three occasions has been a few days In order to raise the fice, he has turned over to the coun- money, but apparently forgot to following the filing of a petition In At Fair Haven Enters Its Final Stage. a candidate for assemblyman and he favor of the police pension fund ty net profits of $311,676.99. —Repairs to Cost $3,000 was defeated each time. return. Tho police jacked up For five successive five-year terms 'his memory by apprehending signed by ten per cent of the legal Bed Bank Campaign. ( Mr. Donahay has been elected sur- Ordinance Prohibits Gunning him Saturday, and Sunday night voters. The campaign at Red Bank has Under -the act an officer may re- rogate and each time the lawyers of and Firing of Firearms in the he was on his way to Freehold Monmouth county who, In the course Clee's Stock Rises been a quiet one. Two- oouncllmen In custody of Constable Thomas tire on half pay after he has. reached Colonel David P. Wood and a justice of the peace are to be of practice, transact so much busi- Borough—Special Hallowe'en Hackett a certain age and has served the ness In his office, have rallied to his elected. The Republican councll- specified period of time, and be Is Patrol—Other Matters. manlo aspirants are Burton Terhune support with just such an 'endorse- JOSEPH I* DONAHAY In Gubernatorial Fight also eligible for the pension on the ment as they have given him again Is Against Purchase Doremus and Joseph C. Irwln and ground of permanent disability, pro- . i this year, Without regard to poli- Fair Haven's ordinance prohibiting their Democratlo opponents are J, vided he has paid four per cent of tics, Democrats and Republicans gunning and discharging of firearms As tho election campaign winds Emlle Qoleman and Harry Gunther Testimonial To tils salary into the pension fund dur- alike have signed this remarkable Warning Lights in the borough was adopted at the Whether or not the former Allen . lntp the home stretch chief Interest Degenring. The candidates for jus- ing that period. Tho maximum age testimonial In which they praise the regular meeting of the mayor and I property, pictured above, will be pre> centers on the contest between Jo- tlae of the peace are Charles R. D. Judge Sweeney for active service Is 65 years. The manner In which the records are council of that place Monday night j served as a borough hall by Shrews^ seph Mayer of Belmar, Republican, Foxwell, Republican, and Daniel pension fund Is In operation in all kept, the efficiency of service and For Crossings Herbert W. Barber of Forrest ave- j bury borough will be decided by the who Is running for re-eloetloh as « Dorn, Democrat.- Brief biographical large cities In the state and alBO In "feeling that tho public's interest nue told the council' the ordinance did voters next Tuesday. The property . member of the board of chosen free- sketches of the candidates were Of Sea Bright communities no larger than Rum- has been properly cared for" they At Little Silver not go far enough. H e said tthere may be purchased from Former holders, and former Assemblyman printed In The Register last week. son. No protection is given an of-, "again take pleasure In endorsing should also be restrictions on owners Mayor George Silver for $14,000 and. Theron McCampbell of Holmde? fleer's widow in Rumson If he should' your administration." Voting Machines. Dinner in His Honor to be Given who under the ordinance have the the repairs necessary to fit the build- Democrat The Republican leaden ' .Under the auspices of .The Asbury bo killed while on duty. The names signed to this endorse- Railroad Agrees to Protect Both privilege of hunting on their own ing for use as a borough hall may apparently feel quite sure of electing Should a majority favor the pen- be made at an estimated cost of not r Park Press a voting machine is be- Monday Night at Harry's ment read like a roster of the Mon- Silverside Avenue and White properties. He suggested that no their assembly ticket, made HP o ing demonstrated in most of the large sion act at the election the organi- mouth county bar. They are John gunning be allowed within a certain moro than $3,000. Joseph C, Irwln of Red Bank and towns of the oounty. It was at tho Lobster House—Gives Plat- zation and establishment of the S. Applegate, Henry E. Ackerson, Road Crossings After Confer distance of the boundary line of any This question which the voters ara J. Stanley Herbort of Spring Lake, fund will take place tho first day Schulte-Unlted atoro at' Red Bank form as Mayoralty Candidate.- Jr., John J. Qulnn, John W. Slocum, ence With State Commission. property. Georgo A. Hawkins, Sr., to decide has aroused as much inter* over John V. D. Forman of Jersey- last week. People "who tried Using of 1938. Under the provisions of the Jacob Stelnbach, Jr., W. E. Foster, asked If the ordinance prohibited the est as a heated contest for mayor of vllle and William F. Hanlon of As- the maphine found it easy to do so act a police officer who has served Theodore D. Parsons, Edwin P. use of air rifles and wa! Informed by Shrewsbury, between^ Frederick W> bury Park. Evidently they are equal- after its operation was explained by Plans have been completed for for 20 years and attained the age of 50, Longstreet, Edward W. Wise, An- Silverside avenue railroad crossing John S. ApplGgate, borough attorney, Robinson, acting mayor, and Colonel ly as certain that It Is usless to try a demonstrator. The demonstration the testimonial dinner to be given shall upon hla own application be drew J. Conover, John M. Pillsbury, at Little Silver, where four persons that It pertained only to firearms. David P. Wood, a member of thai to defeat Joseph L. Donahay of Adel- provides a straw vote of public opin- In honor of Judge Walter J. S,wee- retired, on half pay, and an officer Peter Cooper, Edward G. Forman. were killed last summer, will be pro- Mr. Hawkins said some air rifle3 council. Mr. Robinson was appoint* pjila, who Is running to succeed him. ion, as the users cast their ballots who has served 20 years and attained Max Finegold, Eugene Caplblanco, tected by lights, and so will the were powerful enough to Inflict fata! ed mayor to fill the unexplred term, self as surrogate agalnpt Joseph R. for county candidates. A compilation tho ago of 65 shall be retired on half Arthur M. Blrdsall, Warren H. White road crossing In the game bor- wounds. The council decided to pass of Mr. Silver. Both are ordinarily Meglll of Asbury Park. of the votes cast thus far shows Mc- pay. The 50-year-age retirement Smock, Leroy S. Throokmbrton, ough. A written report of a confer- the ordinance as drawn and to give Republicans, but Mr. Robinson de- The Ropubllcan machine Is con- Campbell slightly ahead of Mayer. limit Is voluntary. Fred M. Burlew and Solomon Laut- ence of railroad officials and tho pub- consideration in the future to the feated Colonel Wood in the prlmarr centrating against Mr. McCampbell'i With the exception of the freeholder The pension commission in a bor- man. lic utility commission at Newark was W made at the meeting. les for the Republican nomination candidacy. All sorts of allegation! candidate all the Republican candi- ough such as Rumson Is composed submitted at Tuesday night's meet- for mayor.
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