Historians of British Art Table of Contents summer newsletter 2018 Letter from the President 2 By Jongwoo Jeremy Kim, Ph.D. British Art in American Collections: Catalogue excerpt: 4-8 Truth and Beauty: The Pre-Raphaelites and the Old Masters (Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA, 6/30–9/30) By Melissa Buron HBA Graduate Travel Award Report: ASECS 2018 9-11 By Sandra Gómez Todó HBA at CAA 2019 11 HBA Book Prize Long List 12-19 By the Book Prize Committee (Morna O’Neill, Chair) Book Review: Court, Country, City: British Art and Architecture, 20-23 1660–1735, ed. Mark Hallett, Nigel Llewellyn, and Martin Myrone Review by Agnes Haigh Widder, A.M.L.S., M.A. Member News 24-26 Member News Spotlight: Anne Helmreich 27 HBA Funding Awards & Officers 28 Edited by Caitlin Silberman
[email protected] An affiliate society of the College Art Association (CAA) in North America, HBA promotes scholarship and other professional endeavors related to British art and architecture, broadly conceived in terms of place and time. Letter from the President By Jongwoo Jeremy Kim, Ph.D. Dear HBA Members, In Modern Painters, John Ruskin wrote that young artists “should go to Nature in all singleness of heart, and walk with her laboriously and trustingly, having no other thoughts but how best to penetrate her meaning, and remember her instruction; rejecting nothing, selecting nothing, and scorning nothing; believing all things to be right and good, and rejoicing always in the truth.” 1 As I thought about the Historians of British Art's forthcoming 2019 CAA session “Climate Change and British Art,” I wondered what “her meaning” and “her instruction” would be today when Nature is so politically fraught and the Anthropocene equals a narrative of decline and doom.