Intituled " an Act for Ejecting a Bridge Over the River Thames, from Or Near
intituled " An Act for ejecting a bridge over the Bondgnte, in Auckland, West Auckland, and* river Thames, from or near the three Cranes, in Escomb, in the said county, with a branch frboi the of Saint James Garlick Hithe and the said rail-way or tram-road, terminating at or Saint Martin Vintry, in the City of London, to near Yarm-Bridge, in the county of Durham; and the opposite batik of the said river, in. the parish of also a branch from the said rail-way or tram-road, Saint Saviour, in the county of Surrey ; and for terminating at or near Croft-Bridge, in the said making proper streets and avenues to communicate county; and also a branch from the same, termi- therewith ;", the second passed in the fifty-third nating at or* nearPierce-Bridge, in the said county j year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled and also a branch from the same, terminating at or " An Act to amend an Act, passed in the fifty-firstupon Cockfield Fell, in the parish and township of year of His present Majesty, for erecting a bridge Cock field ; and also a branch from the same, ter- over the river Thames, from the city of London, minating at or near Witton-Park Colliery, in the to tbe opposite bank, in the parish of Saint Saviour, township of Witt-on, both in the said county; and in the county of Surrey;" the tE'ird passed in the also a branch from the same, terminating at or near fifty-sixth year of the.
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