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HE'S HE'S THERE FAMILY PICTURE NEWSPAPER HE'S EVERY. WHERE! SIHTCH SHOPPING is their erase, . VOLUME 2. NUMBER 63 ^FRIDAY. DECEMBER t8, I960 * PRICE 10 CENTS anytime of the year. They both leave their homes early Satur- day morning, shopping bags in "Sd and credit cards, charge plate.s and other dead-beat equipment in their pocket- books. What they have done to their husbands, and fam- ilies, in general, the past two years would never have hap- pened before this loose credit MY FEET Jsystem of spending came about A few years back. One of them is currently arranging to take a second mortgage to take up her cash outlay slack. HURT!! IN HIS CAR, he's a big opera- AND ONE tor. Cruising down the main of the town, he waves to MORE LETTER tiie girls but never even when tl <sy acknowledge his "Hello doll" greeting, for TO GO he's just plainly too cheap to take them for ice cream, or beer. He figures it took hard- earned dough to buy the con- vertible—without girl- friends—and gathers hell lose it faster if he starts in with them now. WITH A MARTINI in her mitt at a cocktail party, she cuts a "mean figure—hair done just so maSe-up perfect and cloth- ing in the latest vogue. But •once she opens her mouth, her escort will surely be embar- rassed—for not only does she have poor diction and lack of imaginative conversation, but her teeth are ugly—what few there are. With all the money she spends on fashion, she should see a dentist instead, and" then try a self-improve- ment speech course. They're both iess expensive than what she spends now on what she need as much of. He passed the bar - but not without drinking his share. However,' this pettifogger proved a real shyster when he recently attended a house- warming party. He brought a bottle of Chivas Regal - a Scotch for those with expen- sive taste - and poured drinks only for himself and his friend. After eating the fancy chow served up by the hostess, the barrister left,, naturally, taking the Chivas with him. I t would take more than a legal brief to describe what the guests called htm. He'll get no cases out of tha*crowd, not even Scotch; •«•-•• She met him in the Five and Dime store. He was tfce Santa Glaus and she was shopping for trinkets. Her curiosity got file better of her when she noted how streamlined this fasts was, She began & con- versation and now they are tfitttag especially since she found out that be was a Tele* vision aad Biovie star who was »?tu* out a scene is fee Dime St-Jre. According to the gossip Columns, ifeey will be *e<£ to (Continued on page 2) THIS WEEK EDITOR' By AI Lambiase This being Christinas week. I would like to tell you a Christmas story. However, it is a story that takes place Sister N. Virginia Aloysius, Club, 530 Park Ave. Mrs. Ann every day of the week in one OCarm., daughter of Mr. and O'Brien was reelected presi- Health Center Opens way or another. Christinas is Mrs. Frank Russoof 326Clin- dent for the third consecutive that time of the year when ton &., recently made a pro- •year.. After a long, anxiously awaited delay, the Hoboken everyone seems to have that fession of vows as a sister in Others elected are: Bessie Health Center* has been opened under careful guidance "Ptrit of giving and helping the order of the Carmelite Gordon, v.p.; Elaine MiekuiUn Sisters of the Aged and la- 2nd v.p.; Catherine Bah an. and proddtogof Welfare Director SalvatoreiyAnielio. gj ^ firm at ceremonies in the St. treas.;Dorothy Richards, fin. The $120,000 structure was officially occupied early Cro8s 4^ mB ewry day of Theresa's Mother House at secy;Catherine Schneider .re- by its Stall Of personnel and executive administrator, the year, and you hardly read Germantown, N.Y. recording secy; HelenKunnel, It is a hallmark of progress in the ever-continuous about, or know about it, un- Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M. corr. secy; Kathy Knode 1,pub- struggle to keep Hoboken abreast of the rest of the less you are one of these un- Pernicone officiated at the licity chairman, and Peggy "ortunate people and are in ceremony and the Mass. Mot shed, sgt.-at-arms. nation's municipalities. need of the Red Cross. Twelve new members were ' The Ruasos have another welcomed into the unit and all *~ Located in Stevens-Waldheim Building, 916 Garden daughter in religion,Sister M. St., the delayed opening was attributed by observers Have you ever wondered what members donated a gift to Xavier Francis, O.Carm..who Slhir Lady of Grace Orphanage to disputes between the city-hired architect and happens to the people who have pronounced her vows in the their homes burned out with all In Hobobken. The next regu- the building contractor. same community four years lar meeting of the group will their belongings lost? I have ago. Consolidation of the city's health and welfare and I contacted Miss Ethel be held on the first Tuesday The Carmelite Sisters are in January. agencies under roof, as planned by Mayor John J. Kel'y, executive director of dedicated to the care of the Grogan and city council members, will be directly the Hoboken Red Cross and aggd and infirm. They are Trinity Guild ot Trinity supervised by Director D'AmeHd" although he also this *S the report she gave me located in numerous cities Evangelical Lutheran Church will maintain his city hall office. on the recent fire at 57 Park throughout the United States. held their annual Christmas Ave., which is typical of so party Tuesday in the church No longer will marriage licenses be obtainable many of them. Michael M. Beasty, retired hall, 9th and Clinton as. The at City Hall, but at the Health and Welfare Center On Wednesday, Nov. 30,1960 treasurer of Lipton Tea, Inc.. Sunday School's program to instead, where the city's Bureau of Vital Statistics at 4 p.m. a fire broke out at in Hoboken and past president have been held in the church 57 Park Ave. Red Cross was of that city's Rotary Club is will be situated. Stevens Forum, now conVerted into expected to be named presi- on Wednesday was cancelled. a modern, two-story building, will also contain the on the scene about five minutes dent of St. Mary Hospital Bd Mrs. Roslyn Holmes ispre .children's health department public nursing staff, jjE^JS 3B££2£ of Trustees next Thursday, ident. it was reported this week. Thursday Night KnittingClul housing inspection team, board of health offices and third floor windows and smoke met Thursday evening in the sanitary and plumbing inspection officials facili- pouring from the roofs of both Beasty will replace Patrick home of Mrs. Lee Serine,722 57 and 59 Park Ave. People J. Kelly, president of Union ties. Engineering Co..Hoboken, who Willow Ave. The new structute has been approved by U .S. Public with half clad children in their Christmas party was held arms were running through the has held that post for the past last Thursday in the home of Health Service and N.J. State Department of In- streets in freezing weather.' six years. Kelly nominated Mrs. William Bergin. 116 Jef- stitutions and Agencies. The entire production, long- Seventy families from seven Beasty for the p*. J. last week. ferson St. Mrs. Serine played awaited, should prove a benefit to the Mile Square 10-family apartment buildings His election is subject to the Santa and distributed gifts. City. were evacuated and temporar - approval of the board. Mrs. Bergin is president. ily sheltered at the City Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Demp- Ladies Aid Society, First MARRIAGE Our local Red Cross Chapter sey, 513 Bloomfield St.. cele- Presbyterian Church will in- OBITUARIES set up headquarters In the brated the 26th wedding anni- stall new officers Jan. 3. in LICENSES municipal court chambers and versary, Dec. 7. at home. clubrooms, 605 Hudson St. Bener-Androaiglio-Robert Michael Boski registered the victims. At 10 Married Dec. 7, 1934. in New New officers include: Mrs. Bender, 20. of 1222 Garden Michael Boski, 7. of 218 p.m. all except 20 families York City, they are the par- Marion Berasccr, vice pres.; St., and Lois Androsiglio. 19, Seventh st., Hoboken died last were permitted to return to ents of Robert Dempsey, Ho- Mrs. Lillian Watt, corr.secy, of ill2 Hudson St., both Ho- Thursday of a heart ailment their homes. Twelve families boken; and Kathleen and Judith and Mrs. Jane Viskil.treas. boken. at his home. The child had stayed with friends or rela- Ann Dempsey who attend the Mrs. Walter Lee is presi- Overkleeft-Toro- Hendricus suffered a tenthy illness. tives. Eight families consist- Sacred Heart Academy. dent. Fradfcra ©rerkleeft, 28, of Surviving are his father. ing of fifteen adults and twenty Mrs. Dempsey is the former Mrs. Fanny Samarelli, 222 911 Clinton at., and Sofia Toro. Victor; his mother, Catherine one children were sheltered by M»ss Margaret Humphreys of Willow Ave. has announced 38, 907 Clinton St., both Ho- (Nee Howe); two brothers,* jRed Cross at a local hotel and Long Island. the engagement of her daugh- boken. Victor Jr. and Thomas, and arrangements made to have Mr. Dempsey, who has been ter, Jean, to Charles Alessi. Boro-Nunex- Jorge Boro, two sisters, Kathryn and Bar- meals served in a nearby res- on the police force for 29 yrs.