Acknowledgements With particular thanks to Jean-Yves Gouttebel, President of the Local Council of the Puy-de- Dôme, and to the staff at the University and other experts who have contributed to this project: Pierre BOIVIN, Benjamin VAN WYK DE VRIES, Eric LANGLOIS, Yves MICHELIN, A unifying Olivier MERLE, © D. Pourcher © D. Pourcher François-Dominique de la ROUZIERE, Frédéric TREMENT, regional project Laurent RIEUTORT, Contact details Alain GOURGAUD, Philippe LABAZUY, Institution Christèle BALLUT, Conseil général du Puy-de-Dôme his application proposal These thirty years of sustainable, Hôtel du Département Franck VAUTIER, 24, Rue Saint Esprit for the magmato-tectonic collaborative management of this 63033 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1 Gérard VERNET, ensemble of the Chaîne des outstanding geological landscape have Dominique DESCOTES, HERITAGE TPuys and the Limagne Fault to be accepted enabled it to preserve its integrity. This Coordinator Bruno PHALIP, onto the World Heritage List has been jointly application proposal to the World Heritage Cécile OLIVE-GARCIA, Dominique ORTH, compiled by the local council of the Puy-de- List aims to unite all the interested parties Head of Project, Direction of Evaluation and Projects Pierre LOISEAU, Dôme, the Regional Natural Park of the and the local population in order to: Email address:
[email protected], Volcanoes of the Auvergne (PNRVA), the Telephone: 04 73 42 12 15 - Fax: 04 73 42 21 22 Antonella TUFANO, Philippe ROCHER, University of Clermont-Ferrand and the make the universal excellence of this Graphic Designer Marc LIVET, local government of the Auvergne region, site more widely known; Rudy MOUTIER with support from the regional government Conseil général du Puy-de-Dôme Christian JAMOT, and the town of Clermont-Ferrand.