Revision A Revision



Client: Byfield Medical Centre

Engineer: Create Consulting Engineers Ltd

Revision A Revision

109-112 Temple Chambers

3-7 Temple Avenue


Tel: 0207 822 2300 Email: [email protected] Web:

Travel Plan

Report By: Fiona Blackley, MA (Hons), MSc, MCIHT, MILT

Checked By: Sarah Simpson, BA (Hons), MSc (Eng), CEng, MCIHT

Reference: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A

Date: February 2017

LAND SOUTH OF WOODFORD OF LAND SOUTH Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre


Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Policy and Guidance 3.0 Site Assessment 4.0 Proposed Development 5.0 Objectives and Targets 6.0 Travel Plan Measures 7.0 Management and Monitoring 8.0 Disclaimer

Appendices A. Bus service 200 timetable B. Northamptonshire Bus Map

REGISTRATION OF AMENDMENTS Revision Revision Revision Amendment Details Prepared By Approved By A Updated to include final layout and development details FB SS 21.07.17

Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 1 Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre


1.1 Create Consulting Engineers Ltd was instructed by Byfield Medical Centre to prepare a Travel Plan in support of the proposed relocation to land south of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire.

1.2 The aim of a travel plan is to consider the travel needs of the future users of a development and provide a structure for ensuring that such needs can be met in the most sustainable way possible. A travel plan is a long-term management strategy to deliver sustainable transport objectives in the future, after construction of the proposed development. This will be achieved through a series of specific actions relating to both the provision of physical transport infrastructure (hard measures) as well as marketing and behaviour change activities (soft measures).

1.3 This document is a travel plan that will be used by Byfield Medical Centre to support a Planning Application for the relocation of the surgery within the village. It should be not be considered as a final report, but as the start of an on-going process which will require future monitoring, review and revision, to ensure that it remains active and relevant to the development site and its users.

1.4 Byfield Medical Centre is currently located on Church Street in a building comprising 2 linked bungalows. Although the practice has been rated by the Care Quality Commission as Good overall, some of the current consulting rooms are not fit for purpose and the practice needs to make improvements to its storage of confidential files. The relocation of the practice to a new, purpose built facility will address these shortcomings.

1.5 This travel plan takes cognisance of the Transport Assessment and residential Travel Plan reports which have also been prepared by Create Consulting Engineers in parallel to this document.

Project Context

1.6 The proposed development site is located on land to the south of Woodford Road, to the south-east of the village of Byfield. Byfield lies approximately equidistant from the towns of Banbury and which are both around 10 miles away.

1.7 It lies in the area covered by Council, which is the Local Planning Authority for the site. Northamptonshire County Council is the Highway Authority in this area. The location of the site and its surrounding area is shown in Figure 1.1.

1.8 The development proposals for the site comprise the construction of a new, purpose-built medical centre and up to 90 new residential dwellings. This travel plan will be focused on the travel behaviours of the future staff of the proposed medical centre, as well as patients and other visitors.

Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 2 Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre

Figure 1.1 – Location of proposed development site and its surrounding area

Report Structure

1.9 The remainder of this travel plan report is structured as follows:

 Chapter 2 - Policy and Guidance - analyses the planning and sustainable transport policy context relevant to the proposed development;  Chapter 3 - Site Assessment - describes the existing sustainable transport context at the site and the surrounding area;  Chapter 4 - Proposed Development - describes the characteristics of the proposed development;  Chapter 5 - Objectives and Targets - sets out the objectives and targets of the travel plan;  Chapter 6 - Travel Plan Measures - provides details of the travel plan measures that will be carried out for this development;  Chapter 7 - Management and Monitoring - gives an overview of how the travel plan will be managed, implemented and monitored.

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2.1 Travel plans have become an increasingly important tool in the planning process for controlling sustainable travel patterns and ensuring that development does not have a negative impact on the local and global environment. There is also a growing research and evidence base that supports travel planning as a cost effective way of encouraging sustainable travel choices and minimising carbon emissions.

2.2 The current local and national policies and guidance which relate to sustainable transport provision and the production of travel plans are:

 The National Planning Policy Framework;  National Planning Practice Guidance;  Joint Core Strategy Local Plan (Part 1); and  The Northamptonshire Highway Development Management Strategy.

National Planning Policy Framework

2.3 The Government’s Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in March 2012.

2.4 Section 4 relates to ‘Promoting sustainable travel’. Paragraph 36 states that:

“All developments which generate significant amounts of movement should be required to provide a travel plan.”

2.5 Paragraph 35 outlines how development planning should identify opportunities for the use of sustainable transport modes to cater for the movements of both goods and people. It states that:

“developments should be located and designed … to:  accommodate the efficient delivery of goods and supplies;  give priority to pedestrian and cycle movements, and have access to high quality public transport facilities;  create safe and secure layouts which minimise conflicts between traffic and cyclists or pedestrians, avoiding street clutter and where appropriate establishing home zones;  incorporate facilities for charging plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles; and  consider the needs of people with disabilities by all modes of transport”

National Planning Practice Guidance

2.6 The National Planning Practice Guidance is a set of web-based guidance founded on the NPPF and published online by the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) in March 2014.

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2.7 The section of guidance on travel plans, transport assessments and statements defines travel plans as:

“long-term management strategies for integrating proposals for sustainable travel into the planning process. They are based on evidence of the anticipated transport impacts of development and set measures to promote and encourage sustainable travel (such as promoting walking and cycling).”

2.8 With regards to the preparation of a travel plan it states that:

“Travel plans should where possible, be considered in parallel to development proposals and readily integrated into the design and occupation of the new site rather than retrofitted after occupation”.

2.9 It also identifies that a travel plan can be an effective tool for taking forward transport mitigation measures arising from other parts of the planning process that specifically relate to the future occupation and on-going operation of the development.

2.10 The section of guidance on travel plans says that they should identify specific outcomes, targets and measures, as well as a clear structure for monitoring and management arrangements. Each of these features should be proportionate to the size of the development itself and its estimated level of impact. It also highlights that travel plans should address all journeys and include all users who may need to visit the site for whatever purpose.

The West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Local Plan (Part 1)

2.11 The West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Local Plan (Part 1) was adopted by the West Northamptonshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee in December 2014 to cover the areas of Daventry District, Borough and South Northamptonshire District. It sets out the long-term vision and objectives for the whole of the West Northamptonshire area for the period up to 2029, and includes strategic policies to steer and shape development.

2.12 Policy C2 on new developments states that

“Development will be required to mitigate its effects on the highway network and be supported by a transport assessment and travel plan prepared in accordance with current best practice guidelines as issued by the department for transport or the relevant local authority.”

The Northamptonshire Highway Development Management Strategy

2.13 The Northamptonshire Highway Development Management Strategy was adopted in December 2013 and is a daughter document of the 2012 Northamptonshire Transportation Plan. It sets out the overarching vision for highway development management within Northamptonshire and the strategy to achieve it.

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2.14 It identifies that the Development Management policies will contribute to the Transportation Plan Objective ‘Fit for the Environment’ by encouraging the development of travel plans that encourage less environmentally damaging travel.

2.15 The overall aim of the Development Management Strategy is to ensure that all developments within Northamptonshire mitigate their effects on the transport network. Under the heading of Fit for the Environment, Objective 5 of the Strategy says that:

“by securing modal shift and Travel Plans for all larger applications Northamptonshire Highways will help to limit transport related environmental damage, such as emissions, air quality, climate change, noise and severance. Northamptonshire Highways will promote well designed places with good connectivity.”

2.16 Policy DM3 states that:

“Northamptonshire County Council will work with Borough and District Councils and developers to ensure that effective, adequately funded, resourced and monitored Travel Plans are created and implemented.”

2.17 In particular, the Strategy highlights that travel plans supporting planning applications should cover the following thematic areas:

 “Reducing the need to travel  Influencing travel behaviour  Optimising the use of existing available network capacity across all modes of transport  Delivering accessibility by walk, cycle and public transport to key services and facilities  Promoting smarter travel choice, mode shift to more sustainable modes and more responsible car use.”

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Site Location & Description

3.1 The site is located on land to the south of Woodford Road, to the south-east of the village of Byfield in the district of Daventry, in the county of Northamptonshire. The location of the site within the village is shown in Figure 3.1 below:

Figure 3.1 – Location of proposed development site

3.2 The site is in a village setting, approximately equidistant from the towns of Banbury and Daventry. It is bounded by Woodford Road to the north, by open pasture to the east and south, by Church Street to the south-west and by the rear of properties on Knightley Close to the north-west.

3.3 The village of Byfield is an established residential community with a range of local amenities, including a primary school, public transport, retail and leisure facilities, which are all readily accessible on foot.

3.4 The site is currently a field of 4.8 hectares of open pasture featuring some pockets of trees and with hedgerow vegetation along most of its boundaries. There is a gated vehicular access into the field from Woodside Road.

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Access by Public Transport


3.5 The nearest bus stops to the development site are on Woodford Road, with further stops in the middle of the village on the A361 High Street. The eastbound bus stop on the north side of Woodford Road features a stop flag and timetable information, while the westbound stop on the south side also has a waiting shelter. The bus stops on the High Street each feature a stop flag, timetable information and waiting shelter, except the southern-most northbound bus stop which does not have a shelter.

3.6 The location of the bus stops in the village are shown in Figure 3.2 below:

Figure 3.2 – Plan of nearby bus stops

3.7 These bus stops are served by route 200 which is a Stagecoach-operated service between Banbury and Daventry, via . This service runs approximately hourly 6-days a week from Monday to Saturday. On weekdays there are 12 services in each direction, with stops in Byfield between the hours of approximately 7am and 7pm. On Saturdays there are 11 services in each direction, with stops in Byfield between the hours of approximately 8am and 7pm. A full current timetable for this service can be found in Appendix A.

3.8 On site observations have shown that the bus stops in Byfield are well used with a good level of patronage on bus services to and from the village.

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3.9 A map of further bus routes in Northamptonshire can be found in Appendix B.

CountyConnect Demand Responsive Transport

3.10 The village of Byfield is covered by CountyConnect which is an on-demand rural public bus service that can be pre-booked on a ‘dial a bus’ basis. There is no fixed timetable for this service and it operates in response to pre-booked requests for pick up and set down at villages and towns within the defined service area. The bus route and schedule is therefore defined by user demand on each day.

3.11 The service utilises fully accessible minibuses which allow wheelchairs on board and can accommodate shopping or luggage. It can be used for any journey purpose such as medical appointments, shopping, leisure activities or to connect to longer-distance bus or rail services.

3.12 Users must pre-register with the service operator and can then book a journey either online or by calling a customer service phone number.


3.13 The nearest rail station to the development site is in Banbury, approximately 10 miles away. Banbury station is served by Chiltern Railways, GWR and CrossCountry with direct trains to nationwide destinations including London, Oxford, Reading, Bournemouth, Southampton, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle and Edinburgh.

3.14 The rail station has 795 car parking spaces, 80 cycle storage spaces, a taxi rank and a drop-off point by the front entrance. Banbury bus station, which is the terminus point for the number 200 bus route from Byfield, is only 300m or around a 4 minute walk from Banbury rail station.

3.15 The station features access to all platforms by lift offering good rail accessibility for all users. It also has a ticket vending machines, a shop, café, toilet facilities, and seated waiting rooms.

Access by Active Travel Modes


3.16 The proposed development site benefits from its location on the edge of the existing village of Byfield which typically has good pedestrian infrastructure with a well-developed local street network offering connectivity across the settlement.

3.17 There are pedestrian footways on one side of both Woodford Road and Church Street, while the High Street through the centre of the village has footways on both sides. The footways are generally flat and even, providing a safe and secure walking environment.

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3.18 There is a footpath which gives a pedestrian-only route between Church Street (opposite the site boundary) and the High Street.

3.19 There is a zebra pedestrian crossing point across the A361 High Street, approximately 120m to the south of the junction with Church Street.

3.20 The village of Byfield is an established residential community with a range of local amenities, including a primary school, public transport, retail and leisure facilities, within walking distance from the development site.

3.21 The areas covered by 5, 10, 15 and 20-minute walking times from the site are shown by the walking isochrones in Figure 3.3 below:

Figure 3.3 – Plan of walking isochrones

3.22 This demonstrates that staff and patients living within the village of Byfield would all be within a 20 minute walk of the site.


3.23 There is no dedicated cycling infrastructure in the village of Byfield. However, many of the minor roads in the surrounding rural area are sufficiently quiet to allow cycling.

3.24 The areas covered by 5, 10, 15 and 20-minute cycling times from the site are shown by the cycling isochrones in Figure 3.4:

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Figure 3.4 – Plan of cycling isochrones

3.25 This shows that the neighbouring villages of , Woodford Halse, , Eydon, Aston le Walls and Upper Boddington are all within a 20 minute cycle of the site using the local road network.

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4.1 The development proposals for the site comprise the construction of a new, purpose-built medical centre and up to 90 new residential dwellings. Byfield Medical Centre (currently located on Church Street) requires a new premises as some of the consulting rooms are not fit for purpose and the practice needs to make improvements to its storage of confidential files. The relocation of the practice to a new facility will address these shortcomings and retain this community medical facility within the village.

4.2 An indicative layout for the proposed development site is shown in Figure 4.1 below:

Figure 4.1 – Indicative site layout

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4.3 It is proposed that the new medical centre will be around 6,000 sq ft laid out over two storeys with 12 medical consulting rooms and space for ancillary functions including reception area and waiting room, office accommodation, storage and staff room with kitchen. It may also include a pharmacy.

4.4 The main entrance to the building will face diagonally onto the new access point on Woodford Road, with direct access from a new footway along the site boundary. There will also be a secondary entrance to the building from the car park area which will be located to the south of the medical centre.


4.5 The relevant section of the Northamptonshire Parking Standards (September 2016) is shown in Table 4.1 below:

Table 4.1 – Northamptonshire Parking Standards for Medical Centres

4.6 The new medical centre will include a car park to the south of the building. Based on the parking standards for a medical centre with an estimated 30 members of staff and 12 consulting rooms, the car park will provide 65 car parking spaces and 4 motorcycle/scooter parking spaces.

4.7 The medical centre building will include an internal cycle store on the ground floor to provide secure cycle parking for up to 8 staff bicycles (for an estimated 30 members of staff).

4.8 There will also be short-term covered cycle parking stands adjacent to each building entrance for the use of patients and other visitors with space for up to 6 bicycles in each location (a total of 12 spaces).

4.9 Of the 65 car parking spaces, 7 will be dedicated disabled parking spaces (10%) which will ensure that the proposed development will be accessible to all users, including those with mobility restrictions.

4.10 In addition, a further 5 of the 65 spaces will be dedicated car-sharing parking spaces for staff who are able to car-share with colleagues for their journeys to work.

4.11 The car parking area will also provide an ambulance bay and one large parking space dedicated to delivery vehicles.

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Future Users

4.12 This travel plan will be focused on the travel behaviours of the future staff of the proposed medical centre, as well as patients and other visitors. A separate travel plan has been prepared for the residential element of the development.

Medical Centre Staff

4.13 The existing medical centre is 3,000 sq ft in size and has 8 consulting rooms. It currently has 5 GPs (4 full-time and 1 part-time), 2 full-time practice nurses and 2 part-time health care assistants (equivalent to 1 full-time) based there permanently. It also has 2 counsellors and a midwife who each visit the medical centre once a week. There are approximately 8 administrative/reception staff working in the medical centre at any one time plus two managers and at least 2 dispensing staff.

4.14 The home postcodes of the existing members of staff have been plotted geographically to show where staff live in relation to the medical centre and their usual mode of travel to work. The resulting plan can be seen in Figure 4.2 below:

Figure 4.2 – Plan of home postcodes for existing medical centre staff Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 14 Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre

4.15 It can be seen from Figure 4.2 that two members of existing staff who live in the village of Byfield usually walk to the medical centre. However, the members of staff who live elsewhere in the surrounding area all use a car to travel to work.

4.16 It is expected that this pattern will continue in future when staff numbers are expanded for the new medical centre, with staff living in the village of Byfield able to walk or cycle to work with those living further afield more likely to choose a private car for their journeys to work.

4.17 It should also be noted that GPs and nurses often have to drive their private cars during the working day in order to fulfil their working duties such as making home visits for those patients who are unable to travel to the medical centre. Therefore the use of more sustainable modes amongst medical centre staff is likely to be limited to those who do not need to carry out home visits in the course of their duties.


4.18 The existing medical centre draws patients from Byfield and surrounding villages across the local area. A plan of the current patient catchment area is shown in Figure 4.3 below:

Figure 4.3 – Plan of catchment area of existing medical centre patients

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4.19 At present the practice is operating over capacity, with around 9,000 registered patients. The new medical centre building will provide extra consulting capacity and may offer additional services such as a pharmacy, which could attract more patients from a potentially wider catchment area.

Visitors and Servicing

4.20 Although not the main focus of this travel plan, the medical centre will also attract occasional trips by visitors, as well as regular trips by servicing, delivery and waste collection services.

4.21 The following regular trips are made by vehicles servicing the current medical centre:

 Delivery of medicines – twice daily (AM and PM)  Collection of test sample – twice daily (AM and PM)  Delivery of medical supplies – once a week  Delivery of stationery supplies – once a week  Collection of general waste – once a week  Collection of clinical waste – once a fortnight  Confidential shredding vehicles – once a month

4.22 It is anticipated that a broadly similar number of servicing trips will be required for the new and expanded medical centre but that each collection or delivery will be for a larger quantity of goods.

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5.1 The purpose of a travel plan is to identify opportunities for the promotion and delivery of sustainable transport initiatives e.g. walking, cycling and public transport, thereby reducing the demand for travel by less sustainable modes such as single-occupancy private car journeys.


5.2 The two key objectives of this travel plan are to:

 Positively and effectively encourage the use of sustainable and healthy travel modes such as walking, cycling and public transport, by staff and patients of the new medical centre.

 Minimise the use of travel modes that have the highest environmental impact, such as single-occupancy trips by fossil-fuelled motor vehicles, especially where other alternatives are available.

5.3 It is also important that the proposed new medical centre will be accessible using as wide a range of transport modes as possible so as to ensure equity of access for all, including those without access to a private car.

Initial Travel Survey

5.4 A snapshot survey of the existing staff and patients was carried out on Tuesday 31st January 2017 to understand the travel patterns associated with the current medical centre. The survey established the arrival time of every person arriving at the medical centre and the travel mode they used.

5.5 On this day there were a total of 20 arrivals by members of staff, of which 17 were staff driving a car, 2 people walked and 1 person used a moped.

5.6 The survey also showed 264 arrivals by patients, of which 210 were patients driving a car, 30 were car passengers, 23 patients walked and 1 used the bus.

5.7 The proportional mode shares for staff and patients are shown in table 5.1 below:

Car driver Car passenger Walk Bus Moped Staff 85% - 10% - 5% Patients 79.5% 11% 9% 0.5% - Table 5.1 – Proportional mode share results from initial travel survey

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5.8 It is important that travel plans have set targets to measure the impacts of the travel plan activities and the progress made towards achieving the plans objectives. Travel Plan targets should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.

5.9 For this travel plan, the initial travel survey described above has been used to set preliminary mode share targets for the proposed medical centre.

5.10 With regards to the medical centre staff, it has already been highlighted that medical staff such as GPs and nurses often have to drive their private cars during the working day in order to fulfil their working duties such as making home visits for those patients who are unable to travel to the medical centre. Therefore any mode share targets for the medical centre staff should take this factor into account.

5.11 The rural location of the village of Byfield also means that opportunities for the use of sustainable travel modes are more limited than would be the case in an urban setting. For example, walking and cycling are only likely to be a realistic travel option for staff living within the village of Byfield itself.

5.12 Based on the initial travel survey carried out, and the factors stated above, the following preliminary targets relating to staff travel are proposed:

 100% of staff who live within the village of Byfield, and who do not need their own vehicle to fulfil their duties, should use active modes such as walking or cycling as their usual travel to work mode. This should be achieved after the first year of travel plan activities.

 20% of staff who live outside of Byfield, and who do not need their own vehicle to fulfil their duties, should use more sustainable modes, such as car-sharing or the bus, as their usual travel to work mode. This should be achieved after the first year of travel plan activities.

5.13 With regards to patients of the medical centre, it is probable that there are many instances where patients would be unable to make sustainable travel choices due to their illness or other physical limitations related to their reason for needing to visit the medical centre. However, this is not necessarily the case for all patients, and there will be some instances where patients living within the village of Byfield can readily walk or cycle to their appointments.

5.14 In addition, it is anticipated that the proposed new medical centre will be significantly larger than the existing facility and may offer a wider variety of medical services than at present. It is therefore expected that the new medical centre could attract more patients from a wider

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catchment area than at present, with possibly a lower proportion of patients living within the village of Byfield i.e. those who could more readily walk or cycle to appointments.

5.15 Based on the initial travel survey carried out, and the factors stated above, the following preliminary target relating to patient travel is proposed:

 10% of patients visiting the medical centre should use more sustainable modes, such as walking, cycling or the bus, as their travel mode. This should be achieved after the first year of travel plan activities.

5.16 These preliminary targets will then be reviewed and updated once a full baseline travel survey has been completed, after the occupation of the proposed new building. At this time, the targets will be set in consultation and agreement with a relevant representative of Northamptonshire County Council.

5.17 If the targets are easily met within the early period of the travel plan, more stretching targets will be set for the rest of the duration to ensure that continual improvement is achieved in terms of uptake of sustainable travel modes.

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Medical Centre Design

6.1 The new medical centre building has been designed to be accessible for all and to give priority to users of sustainable travel modes including walking, cycling and public transport.

6.2 The main entrance on the north side of the building will face onto the new access point on Woodford Road, with direct access from a new footway along the site boundary. This entrance will offer good pedestrian connectivity from the footways and bus stops on Woodford Road. There will also be a secondary entrance to the south side of the building which will offer additional pedestrian connectivity from the south of the village via the two proposed access points to Church Street on the west side of the site.

6.3 On the ground floor of the new medical centre building, there will be a parking/storage area for prams, buggies and children’s scooters which will be located in an accessible location near to the reception area for security. This will cater for local patients visiting with children and will help to encourage them to walk to the medical centre for appointments.

6.4 Although it is not anticipated that many staff or patients will choose to cycle to medical centre, the new facility has been designed to cater for those who do make this sustainable choice. This includes the provision of an internal cycle store on the ground floor to provide secure cycle parking for up to 8 staff bicycles, and short-term covered cycle parking stands adjacent to each building entrance for the use of patients and other visitors, with space for up to 6 bicycles in each location.

6.5 A staff shower and changing room is proposed adjacent to the staff room to allow pedestrians and cyclists to shower and change prior to starting work. It is also suggested that lockers should be provided in the staff room for the storage of cycle helmets, wet-weather clothing and any other equipment which may be needed on the journey to work but which would require removal prior to the working day.

6.6 The car parking area will be located to the rear of the medical centre and users arriving from the car park will access the building by the entrance on the south side. The car park will provide 7 disabled parking spaces which will be located in a prominent position as near to the entrance as possible. This will ensure that the new medical centre will be accessible to all users, including those with mobility restrictions.

6.7 The car park will also include 5 dedicated car-sharing parking spaces in a priority location for staff who are able to car-share for their travel to work with colleagues living near to them or en-route. This will help to reduce the number of single-occupancy private car trips to the site. The number of dedicated car-share spaces could be increased in due course if demand is sufficiently high.

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Information and Promotion

6.8 As well as the provision of a well-designed medical centre facility, the provision of high-quality, relevant travel information and the promotion of the use of sustainable modes will help their uptake. There needs to be a long-term commitment to encouraging and promoting sustainable and healthy travel modes in order to embed positive travel behaviours amongst all the medical centre staff and patients.

6.9 A sustainable travel information pack will be produced and disseminated to existing staff prior to moving to the new building and also included as part of the pre-arrival induction materials sent to new staff before they begin their employment. This is one of the most important measures of a travel plan as it will help all staff to form sustainable and healthy travel habits from the beginning of their employment at this new facility and will enable positive travel behaviours to be embedded in the staff culture from the outset.

6.10 The sustainable travel information will also be collated onto a simple information sheet for distributing to patients visiting the new facility for the first time.

6.11 There will also be up-to-date local travel information provided in the building on a noticeboard near to the main entrance which will include maps of nearby walking, cycling and bus routes and current bus timetables. This sustainable travel information will also be added in electronic format to the medical centre’s website, including links to third-party sites as appropriate.

6.12 Where possible, the sustainable travel information will be co-promoted with a health focus, for example by providing information on the health benefits of active travel such as walking and cycling, as well as circulating details of forthcoming events and initiatives relating to active and healthy travel choices. The promotion of active travel choices may also support the medical centre’s public health campaigns around obesity, heart health and dementia, for example.

6.13 The staff and patients of the medical centre will be encouraged to participate in sustainable travel initiatives throughout the year such as National Walking Month, National Cycle to Work Day, European Mobility Week, and any local events organised by Northamptonshire County Council.


6.14 Given that the medical centre is in a village setting, it is expected that staff and many of the patients who live within the village of Byfield will be able to walk to the new facility. For this group, walking will be a realistic and attractive travel option that will be actively marketed as a free, healthy and sustainable travel choice through the information and promotion activities described above.

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6.15 Third-party tools specifically focused on walking such as and will be utilised to generate the best walking routes to and from the medical centre and to help staff and patients to track their personal walking activity. Participation in walking initiatives such as Living Streets’ National Walking Month which is held in May each year, will also be encouraged.


6.16 Cycling may be a realistic travel option for some staff and patients, particularly those who live between 2 and 5km from the medical centre. It will be actively marketed to all users as an affordable, healthy and sustainable travel choice through the information and promotion activities described above.

6.17 Third-party tools specifically focused on cycling such as and will be utilised to generate the best cycling routes to and from the medical centre and to help employees track their personal cycling activity. Participation in cycling initiatives such as Bike Week which is held in June each year and National Cycle to Work Day which is held in September each year, will also be encouraged.

6.18 Participation in the NHS Cycle to Work scheme will also be promoted which offers a salary- sacrifice tax incentive to staff, giving them cost savings on bicycles and cycling accessories such as safety equipment that will be used for journeys to work. Alternatively, discounts with local cycling retailers will be investigated to offer staff access to reduced-cost bicycles and cycling equipment.

Public Transport

6.19 Travel by public transport may be a suitable option for staff or patients who live near to the 200 bus route which stops directly outside the site of the proposed new medical centre. For some patients who live in neighbouring villages, the CountyConnect on-demand bus service may be the most appropriate form of public transport service to use for travel to their appointments at the medical centre.

6.20 The use of the 200 Stagecoach bus and the CountyConnect on-demand bus service will be actively marketed to staff and patients (for whom it is realistic and appropriate) through the information and promotion activities described above.

6.21 Technological developments such as real-time bus stop information, real-time bus apps and mobile ticketing will be promoted to staff and patients when they are available at this location.

Car Sharing

6.22 For some staff, for example those who live beyond a reasonable walking distance and not on the 200 bus route, car sharing may be an attractive and realistic travel option. This would be

Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 22 Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre

more likely to apply to those who have regular working hours and who do not need their own vehicle during the working day to fulfil their duties, for example managerial and administrative staff at the medical centre.

6.23 Car-sharing will be actively marketed to staff as a sociable and cost-effective travel choice through the information and promotion activities described above.

6.24 To help facilitate car-sharing, a third-party journey matching tool such as or will be utilised. These tools match people with compatible journeys and can be open to anyone within the local community or can be limited to only employees with the same workplace. Staff who arrive at the medical centre with another colleague in the same vehicle will be able to make use of the dedicated car-share parking spaces which will be in a priority location in the car park to encourage staff to share their journeys.

Action Plan

6.25 The travel plan measures described above have been incorporated into an outline action plan which will form the basis of the programme for delivery of the measures. The outline action plan is shown in Table 6.1 below:

Time period Measures to be implemented  All Medical Centre Design measures  Production and dissemination of sustainable travel information pack for staff Short term Pre-occupation  Distribution of sustainable travel information sheet to patients  Provision of sustainable travel information on medical centre website  Provision of up-to-date sustainable travel information on medical centre noticeboard  Participation in sustainable travel initiatives including ad- hoc local campaigns and regular annual events such as Within 1 year of National Walking Month & National Cycle to Work Day Medium term occupation  Promotion of active travel modes in conjunction with relevant health campaigns  Commencement of car-share scheme for staff to start matching those with compatible journeys  Promotion of NHS Cycle to Work scheme to staff  Review & update of sustainable travel information on centre noticeboard  On-going participation in sustainable travel initiatives 1-5 years post- including ad-hoc local campaigns and regular annual Long term occupation events such as National Walking Month & National Cycle to Work Day  Continued promotion of active travel modes in conjunction with relevant health campaigns

Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 23 Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre

Time period Measures to be implemented  Continued promotion of car-share scheme and NHS Cycle to Work scheme  Potential installation (if required) of additional electric vehicle charging points  Increase number of dedicated car-share spaces if demand is sufficient Table 6.1 – Outline action plan

Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 24 Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre



7.1 The key factor in the successful implementation of this travel plan will be the formal appointment of a Travel Plan Coordinator for the medical centre. This role could be undertaken by a member of the facilities management or administration team for the medical centre or by a third party, such as a specialist transport planning consultant, contracted by the medical centre to fulfil this role.

7.2 The appointment of a specific, named Travel Plan Coordinator should be carried out prior to the occupation of the new medical centre building. This will enable them to produce a sustainable travel information pack and to provide this to existing staff in a timely manner or include it as part of an induction pack for new staff. They will also be able to provide travel information to patients visiting the new facility for the first time.

7.3 Until such a time as the Travel Plan Coordinator is formally appointed, the following persons may be contacted in relation to this travel plan:

Author: Fiona Blackley Address: 109-112 Temple Chambers, 3-7 Temple Avenue, London, EC4Y 0HP Telephone: 020 7822 2300 Email: [email protected]

Practice Manager: Tracey Rymer Address: Byfield Medical Centre, Church Street, Byfield, Daventry, Northants, NN11 6XN Telephone: 01327 265842 Email: [email protected]

7.4 The Travel Plan Coordinator is an important role which will be responsible for delivering the travel plan by:

 being a champion of sustainable and healthy travel modes;  delivering the travel plan measures, in particular by acting as a focal point for providing and distributing travel information;  liaising with staff and patients on all transport‐related issues, including the management of deliveries and servicing;  conducting and analysing the staff and patient travel surveys (for up to 5 years after the full opening of the new facility);  updating the travel plan targets, travel plan document and its action plan; and  managing the on‐going cycle of monitoring and review of the travel plan.

7.5 It is important that this travel plan is understood to be an active, live document which will need to be regularly reviewed and updated in future by the Travel Plan Coordinator to record

Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 25 Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre

the various stages of the travel plan process. The production of this travel plan document denotes the start of the travel plan process and it should not be seen as a finished or completed product.

7.6 This travel plan has been prepared with as much detail as is available at this time, given that the future staff and patients are not all known at present. It has been written in such a way that it can be updated by the Travel Plan Coordinator with greater detail once more information becomes available.

Monitoring and Review

7.7 Monitoring of the travel plan is important as it enables the Travel Plan Coordinator to assess the efficacy of the measures being implemented and ensure that the travel plan is meeting its objectives and making progress towards its targets.

7.8 An example of the travel plan monitoring and review cycle is shown in Figure 7.1 below:

Conduct staff Analyse travel and patient survey data travel surveys

Deliver the travel Produce a plan measures summary according to the monitoring action plan report

Update the Review & travel plan adjust the document travel plan and its action targets plan Figure 7.1 – Travel plan monitoring and review cycle

7.9 By undertaking this cycle of monitoring and review, the Travel Plan Coordinator will gain a clear understanding of the emerging travel patterns for staff and patients of the new medical centre. They will also be best placed, through their on‐going relationship with staff, to identify any transport‐related issues as they emerge and gather any feedback or suggestions for improvements to the package of travel plan measures offered.

Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 26 Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre

Future Travel Surveys

7.10 Within 3 months of the full opening of the new medical centre, a baseline travel survey will be undertaken to obtain information on the travel patterns associated with the new and expanded facility. For staff, this could be carried out using a short online or paper questionnaire asking about their journeys to work including origin (home postcode), shift patterns, trip modes, journey times and any barriers to sustainable and healthy travel choices. For patients, this could be a repeat of the snapshot arrival survey carried out in January 2017.

7.11 The surveys could be supplemented by additional observations such as surveying the usage of the cycle parking provided at the new medical centre.

7.12 Subsequent travel surveys will be carried out annually for up to 5 years after the full opening of the new medical centre. They will enable changes to be identified over time and will help to monitor the effectiveness of the plan by evaluating changes in travel patterns compared with previous surveys. The travel surveys will include an incentive, such as a prize draw for shopping vouchers, to encourage a good response rate.

Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 27 Land South of Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XD Travel Plan for Byfield Medical Centre


8.1 Create Consulting Engineers Ltd disclaims any responsibility to the Client and others in respect of any matters outside the scope of this report.

8.2 The copyright of this report is vested in Create Consulting Engineers Ltd and Byfield Medical Centre. The Client, or his appointed representatives, may copy the report for purposes in connection with the development described herein. It shall not be copied by any other party or used for any other purposes without the written consent of Create Consulting Engineers Ltd or Byfield Medical Centre.

8.3 Create Consulting Engineers Ltd accepts no responsibility whatsoever to other parties to whom this report, or any part thereof, is made known. Any such other parties rely upon the report at their own risk.

Ref: FB/CS/P16-1149/01 Rev A Page 28



Service 200: Banbury - Woodford Halse - Daventry

MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS Except public holidays Effective from Thursday 10th March 2016 DNC Banbury, Bus Station bay 7 0640 0750 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1520 1620 1725 1825 Wardington, The Greensward 0652 0802 0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1532 1632 1737 1837 Chipping Warden, Rose & Crown 0658 0808 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 1538 1638 1743 1843 Byfield, Five Ways 0704 0814 0939 1039 1139 1239 1339 1439 1544 1644 1749 1849 Woodford Halse, Kings Corner 0710 0820 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1550 1650 1755 1855 Byfield, Dolls Hill 0718 0828 0953 1053 1153 1253 1353 1453 1558 1658 1803 --- , Pinfold Green 0727 0837 1002 1102 1202 1302 1402 1502 1607 1707 1812 --- Daventry, Bus Station 0735 0845 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1615 1715 1820 ---

DNC serves Daventry Northampton College at 0850 on college days only


Banbury, Bus Station bay 7 0750 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1520 1620 1725 1825 Wardington, The Greensward 0802 0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1532 1632 1737 1837 Chipping Warden, Rose & Crown 0808 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 1538 1638 1743 1843 Byfield, Five Ways 0814 0939 1039 1139 1239 1339 1439 1544 1644 1749 1849 Woodford Halse, Kings Corner 0820 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1550 1650 1755 1855 Byfield, Dolls Hill 0828 0953 1053 1153 1253 1353 1453 1558 1658 1803 --- Badby, Pinfold Green 0837 1002 1102 1202 1302 1402 1502 1607 1707 1812 --- Daventry, Bus Station 0845 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1615 1715 1820 ---

Sorry, no buses on Sundays or public holidays At Easter, Christmas and New Year special timetables may run - please check or look out for seasonal publicity please check or look out for seasonal publicity

Service 200: Daventry - Woodford Halse - Banbury

MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS Except public holidays Effective from Thursday 10th March 2016

Daventry, Bus Station bay 2 - 0740 0910 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1620 1720 1825 Badby, Pinfold Green - 0747 0917 1022 1122 1222 1322 1422 1522 1627 1727 1832 Byfield, Dolls Hill - 0756 0926 1031 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1636 1736 1841 Woodford Halse, Scrivens Hill 0704 0800 0930 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1535 1640 1740 1845 Woodford Halse, Kings Corner 0706 0802 0932 1037 1137 1237 1337 1437 1537 1642 1742 1847 Byfield, Five Ways 0713 0809 0939 1044 1144 1244 1344 1444 1544 1649 1749 1854 Chipping Warden, Rose & Crown 0719 0815 0945 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1655 1755 1900 Wardington, The Greensward 0724 0820 0950 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1700 1800 1905 Banbury, Bus Station 0745 0850 1005 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1610 1715 1815 1920 Lighter traffic means these buses arrive at 0740 and 0840 in school holidays


Daventry Bus Station bay 2 0910 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1620 1720 1825 Badby Pinfold Green 0917 1022 1122 1222 1322 1422 1522 1627 1727 1832 Byfield Dolls Hill 0926 1031 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1636 1736 1841 Woodford Halse Scrivens Hill 0814 0930 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1535 1640 1740 1845 Woodford Halse Kings Corner 0816 0932 1037 1137 1237 1337 1437 1537 1642 1742 1847 Byfield Five Ways 0823 0939 1044 1144 1244 1344 1444 1544 1649 1749 1854 Chipping Warden Rose & Crown 0829 0945 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1655 1755 1900 Wardington The Greensward 0834 0950 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1700 1800 1905 Banbury Bus Station 0850 1005 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1610 1715 1815 1920

Sorry, no buses on Sundays or public holidays At Easter, Christmas and New Year special timetables may run - please check or look out for seasonal publicity please check or look out for seasonal publicity

This timetable is valid at the time it was downloaded from our website.To check service updates or to recheck your journey please visit


northamptonshire A-Z 180 L Abthorpe C7 Grafton Regis D7 Piddington D6 public transport in STAMFORD L I N N C F3 Grafton Underwood E3 Pilton F3 O Adstone B6 Grange Park D6 D3 to Melton Mowbray L northamptonshire to Melton Mowbray N Alderton C7 Great Addington F4 D5 DD S F3 C5 Polebrook G3 from 1 January 2017 to Oakham NN H Park C5 Great Cransley D4 Potterspury D7 I Apethorpe F2 Great Doddington E5 B6 AA R Northamptonshire bus services Places of interest/public buildings LL Armston G3 Great Harrowden E4 Pury End C7 180 Easton On The Hill E RF1 TT D3 Great Houghton D6 Pytchley E4 Red (hourly service) 500 Museum RF1 0 1 2 3 Miles UU Settlements within mauve Ashby St. Ledgers B5 Great Oakley E3 Quinton D6 60 Castle Collyweston shaded area served by Blue (daily service) Ashley D2 C3 Radstone B7 0 1 2345 Kms. RR South Luffenham demand responsive 206 Monument CallConnect Service Ashton D6 Greatworth B7 Raunds F4 Green (infrequent service) to Leicester RF1 47 Ashton G3 Greens Norton C7 Ravensthorpe C4 Parks/country gardens 47 Route terminus X4 47 Astcote C6 Grendon E5 Redhill A6 47 Motor racing circuit 47 Duddington 47 24.47.203 Aston Le Walls A6 Gretton E2 Ringstead F4 Non bus road UPPINGHAM 206.X4 Aynho A8 Grimscote C6 Roade D6 Racecourse 303 180 Motorway 232 Wakerley PETERBOROUGH Badby B6 C4 Rockingham E2 X7 47 Railway line and station Tourist railway P Barby B4 Hackleton D6 Rothersthorpe C6 Fineshade E T Yarwell TE Barnwell G3 Halse B7 Rothwell D3 County boundary Stately home/ to Leicester Abbey ER Other public building Harringworth B Barton Seagrave E4 D4 Rushden F5 District boundary King’s O Laxton R Blakesley B6 Hannington D4 Rushton D3 Country parks Cliffe Nassington O Demand Responsive Service - RF1 Blatherwycke U Blatherwycke F2 Hardwick E4 D4 CallConnect Services Library (Apply here for your 67.67A Apethorpe 180 G Blisworth C6 Hargrave F4 Shutlanger C6 E4 X4 H concessionary bus pass) Prebendal H Gretton terminating: Manor House 206 Boughton D5 C5 C3 Woodnewton 24 Demand Responsive Service - Demand Responsive Service - 203 Bozeat E6 Harpole C5 Silverstone C7 Caldecott 2B.8.19 X4 CountyConnect Services Shire Community Services Great Easton 67A.RF1.X1 C Brackley B8 Harrington D3 Slapton B7 Fotheringhay A 67A 67 A Brackmills D6 Harringworth E2 Slipton F4 232 Kirby Hall Southwick Demand Responsive Service - RF1 Rockingham Deene M Bradden C7 Hartwell D6 Southwick F2 X7 Kirby Hall M Northampton Door to Door Weston By 67 180 Brafield-on-the-green D6 C4 C4 303 67 67A 67 Deene 180 Warmington B Welland Cotterstock Tansor B D3 A6 Stanford on Avon B4 Cottingham Rockingham Park EE Ashley Rockingham Motor Speedway Glapthorn R A5 Helmdon B7 Stanion E3 IIRR Middleton Castle 24.203 232 Upper I Braybrooke D3 Hemington G3 Stanwick F4 Key to Community Minibus Services HH RF1 180 206.X4 S D Brigstock F3 Higham Ferrers F5 Staverton A5 S 10.67 X7 Weldon X4 GTCM Gayton and Tiffield Community Minibus RR 67 East 8 Lower Benefield G D4 Hilltop E4 Steane B8 77.X10 Brampton Carlton CORBY X4 Ashton Lutton G LCM Community Minibus EE Ash Brockhall B5 Hinton A6 D3 67 (see above) Polebrook TT Stoke Albany 8 E Broughton D4 Hinton-in-the-hedges B8 Stoke Bruerne D6 RCM Rushton Community Minibus SS Dingley Little 232 Stanion Lyveden S Buckby Wharf B5 D4 F3 EE Stanion 8 New Bield Stoke Doyle Armston CC RCM Great Bugbrooke C6 C5 Strixton E5 E II Pipewell Barnwell H LL E Marston 10 Oakley Country Bulwick F2 C4 Sudborough F3 232 Little Brigstock 24 Park Trussell East 303 Fermyn Woods Barnwell I Settlements within purple Rushton Oakley Country Park Hemington I Burton Latimer E4 Horton D6 Sulby C3 Farndon X10 Triangular Luddington R shaded area served by 8 Pilton 203 R Byfield A6 Hulcote C6 Sulgrave B7 Braybrooke Lodge RCM 19 Newton in the Brook demand responsive Great KETTERING 206 E Caldecott F5 Irchester E5 Sutton Bassett D2 CountyConnect Service 77 19 terminating: Lilford Oxendon 2B Geddington 24 to London B6 Irthlingborough F4 Syresham B7 Sibbertoft X7 2B.8.16.19 Achurch Wigsthorpe Thurning RCM Rushton X1 Eleanor Sudborough King’s Cross Castle Ashby E6 Isham E4 Sywell D5 10.19 Cross 34.35.48 Sulby 232.303 RCM X4 Aldwincle Chacombe A7 Islip F4 Tansor G2 RCM Boughton 49.50.RCM Clipston X10 10 Thorpe C5 C4 C4 Arthingworth GlendonX10 House 303.RCM Rothwell Weekley Lowick Waterville A8 E4 Thenford A7 to Nuneaton, Hall Grafton 24 Charlton Kettering Welford Harrington 8 Warkton Charwelton A6 B4 Thornby C4 the North-West Kelmarsh Hall 19 X1 Underwood 203 Titchmarsh Clopton and Scotland 60 and Gardens 232 Stanford on Avon Kelmarsh Orton Slipton 206 Chelveston F5 King’s Cliffe F2 Thorpe Malsor D4 LCM 35 KETTERING Islip 60 Carpetbagger Chipping Warden A7 Kings Sutton A8 Thorpe Mandeville A7 Aviation Loddington Thorpe (see above right) Cranford 16.206 Museum 232 24 C5 Kirby Hall E2 Thorpe Waterville F3 LCM Malsor Wicksteed St. Andrew Twywell 35 X10 Park B6 Kislingbury C6 Thrapston F4 Cold 35 Manor House 16 to Clifton LCM LCM Ashby 60 Haselbech 10 Museum 16 Denford Clay Coton B4 Knuston E5 Thurning G3 Great Cransley Woodford Birmingham 10.12 Lilbourne Draughton Barton Cranford 16 Clipston C3 Lamport D4 Tiffield C6 Elkington 77 10.X10 232 96.203 LCM Mawsley 10 232 St. John 206 203 Thornby X7 Broughton Seagrave Clopton G3 Laxton F2 Titchmarsh F4 214.LCM LCM 60 232 LCM D5 Lilbourne B4 Towcester C7 X10 Pytchley 34 206.X1 RUGBY Lamport 10 Ringstead 60 Cottesbrook Hall Burton LatimerGreat Addington C4 Lilford F3 Twywell F4 and Gardens Lamport Hall

10.12.96 10 10 206 Upper Astrop A8 l and Gardens Isham Cold Higham C6 Litchborough B6

10 12 96 a Winwick 34 232

n 60 Hanging 49.50 Little Addington Collingtree D6 Little Addington F4 Upper Benefield F3 DIRFT a Old

C Houghton 203 Guilsborough 206.232 A6 Crick X10 Orlingbury X4 Collyweston F1 C5 Upper Boddington 96 214 96 n 60 Scaldwell X1 Finedon Raunds 10 o 44.45 Corby E3 Little Harrowden E4 A6 i 60 Hilltop 44.45.206 n 61 Coton 62 10 X1 Stanwick 16.297 12 U 4 2 Cosgrove D7 Little Houghton D6 Upper Heyford C6 Hollowell 62 0 9. Irthlingborough 203.297 d West Little Harrowden 6 50 X46.X47 10 n Coton Manor 60 10 Great Harrowden .2 Hargrave C6 a 96 32 232.X46.X47 Coton C4 Little Irchester E5 Onley r Haddon Gardens 61 34 232

Kilsby G Hannington Barby 60 Brixworth 77 Holcot Hardwick 34 44 Cotterstock G2 Little Oakley E3 Wadenhoe F3 203 Ravensthorpe Teeton Spratton 10 44 45 Chelveston 203.214 12 Brixworth 45 Cottesbrooke C4 Little Preston B6 Wakerley F2 214 62 Country X4 Watford 96 X10 X1 45 Ashby 61 77 Park 34 Caldecott Cottingham E2 Little Stanion E3 Walgrave D4 St. Ledgers 10 Wellingborough X7 10 34.44.45 Heritage Centre Chichele Courteenhall D6 Loddington D4 Wappenham B7 214 Holdenby Northampton Pitsford X10 34.44.45 College 203 10 96 and Lamport Sywell W8.X1 W8.X1 Higham Cranford St. Andrew E4 B5 Warkton E3 12 96 , 60 X10 Ferrers 26.49 Long Buckby Gardens & Railway Sywell Country Cranford St. John E4 Lower Benefield F3 Warkworth A7 Park WELLINGBOROUGH 51.232 E E to Falconry Centre 62 X10 Long Mears Ashby 26 Warmington G2 Princethorpe Braunston Buckby 11.14 61 10 1 RUSHDEN Creaton C4 Lower Boddington A6 Chapel 1.37 Rushden Historical Watford B5 and Priors Hardwick Althorp House Boughton Wilby 203.297 R R Crick B4 A6 Daventry Welton Wharf 14 96 Church Brampton Overstone Little Knuston Transport Society B5 12 X46.X47 Newton B6 11 Great Brington Brampton X4 X47 Irchester I I Croughton B8 Lower Weedon B6 Daventry Moulton 1 37 Irchester Irchester Bromswold Country Park Althorp Harlestone Solarium Country Crowfield B7 Lowick F3 Weedon Lois B7 14 terminating: 37 X46 Park 203 26 63 Park 1 HH Culworth B7 Luddington in the Brook G3 Weekley E3 EE 11 63 Upper Great Doddington 297 Lower Little Brington .X4 Weldon E3 Norton 63 37 7 X46 X47 W8 26 Daventry B5 Lutton G3 Shuckburgh Harlestone 46.X 4 Earls W8 SS RR X 26 Deanshanger D7 Maidford B6 Welford B3 63 60 7.X4 Ecton Summer Leys II Brockhall 3 X47 Barton 50 to 63 61 89.96.901.D1 46. Nature Reserve Wollaston 43 DD Deene F2 Maidwell D4 Wellingborough E5 Leamington 65 HH DAVENTRY 96 62 X X4 51 65 D2.D3.GTCM.X10 Deenethorpe F2 Marston St. Lawrence A7 Welton B5 Spa 65 SUpper 200.D1.D2.D3 77 X46.X47.X88.X89 X4 43 Strixton 26 RR S X7 Denford F4 C3 B4 ShuckburghStaverton Dodford Harpole Cogenhoe 43 KK D3 NORTHAMPTON OO Denton D6 Mawsley D4 Weston B7 Napton On Lower 200 D1 Flore Upper D1 D2 D3 Little Whiston 297 26 .D D1 43 Grendon FF The Hill CC Catesby 2. D2 Heyford D1 D2 Houghton W8 DD 51 Desborough D3 Mears Ashby D5 D2 II D3 D1 D2 43 Upper D3 43 EE 50 Dingley D3 Middleton D2 Whilton B5 Badby Newnham Weedon Bec Kislingbury 87 X88 Castle 43 BB WW Catesby Bozeat Sharnbrook Dodford B5 Middleton Cheney A7 Whiston E5 Lower D3 Great 43 Ashby 26 D3 Hunsbury Hill Brafield-on- W8 51 Whitfield B8 D3 Country Park Houghton 41 Easton 26 Draughton D4 Milton Malsor C6 RR Weedon Nether Heyford the-Green 901 Hellidon 88.89 3.33 Denton Maudit Duddington F1 Moreton Pinkney B7 Whittlebury C7 200 86 33A 26 AA Church Stowe Bugbrooke X88 X89 297 50 Duncote C6 Moulton D5 Wicken D8 Settlements within purple 87 X4 Harrold Upper Stowe Rothersthorpe X7 Yardley Earls Barton E5 Naseby C4 Wigsthorpe G3 WW shaded area served by Wootton 901 51 Collingtree 3 Hastings to East Carlton D3 Nassington G2 Wilbarston D3 demand responsive Charwelton Milton Malsor Hackleton CountyConnect Service 87 86 Bedford 50 Demand Responsive C3 Nether Heyford C6 Wilby E5 200 Preston Capes 87 86 Pattishall 88 Grange 3 901 to Bedford East Haddon C5 Newbottle A8 Winwick B4 Upper 89 3 Horton 41 901 Foster’s Booth Gayton Park Quinton Lavendon to London St. Pancras Transport in Eastcote C6 Newnham B6 Wollaston E5 Boddington Byfield Litchborough X88 X89 Piddington 3 297 200 Little Preston Eastcote GTCM 86 33A Easton Maudit E6 Newton E3 Wood Burcote C7 Grimscote Courteenhall 3 Cold G Blisworth Northamptonshire Woodend B7 Astcote r Easton On The Hill F1 Newton Bromswold F5 Woodford Halse and Union 33.33A.86 41 Hinton Maidford Higham GTCM Woodford F4 to Lower Boddington 200 C X4.X7 41 Ecton D5 Nobottle C5 87 88 anal Roade Birmingham Adstone Tiffield to Many areas of Northamptonshire are now served by Edgcote A7 Northampton D5 Woodford Halse B6 Redhill 89 X4.X7 Demand Responsive Transport services that operate in Duncote X88 OLNEY Bedford Elkington B4 Norton B5 Woodnewton F2 Aston Le Walls Canons Ashby Blakesley 86 response to pre-booked requests and pick up and set X89 Hartwell SS Evenley B8 Old D4 Yardley Gobion D7 Eydon Canons Ashby House Shutlanger down at villages and towns within a designated area. and Gardens Greens 86 These services will also take you to specified local Everdon B6 Old Stratford D7 Yardley Hastings E6 Moreton Hulcote 90 Stoke Ashton 33 EE Woodend Norton 90A towns outside the area and allow you to connect onto Eydon A6 Orlingbury E4 Yarwell G2 Chipping Warden Pinkney 87 87 Bruerne X4.86.90.90A 33A regular bus services that will take you longer distances. 200 Bradden Stoke Bruerne Rookery NN Farthinghoe A8 Orton D4 Yelvertoft B4 Canal Museum Open Farm These are operated using fully accessible minibuses TOWCESTER Towcester Stoke Park 297 YY Farthingstone B6 Oundle F3 Race Course Pavilions and can be used for any purpose such as shopping, Edgcote 86 medical appointments, work, leisure activities etc. Fawsley B6 Overstone D5 Weston Slapton 86.87.90 90 Grafton Regis EE Culworth 89 X89 Finedon E4 Overthorpe A7 Sulgrave Weedon 90A.GTCM Wood X4 Before you can use these services you must first 90 Alderton KK Fineshade Abbey F2 Passenham D8 Manor Lois Burcote 90A X7 33 register with the relevant booking centre as shown Sulgrave 88 Yardley below. You can then book a journey up to a week in Flore C5 Pattishall C6 Thorpe Mandeville Wappenham X88 Pury End 33A advance or on the same day with at least one hours Paulerspury Gobion NN Foster’s Booth C6 Paulerspury C7 200 89 notice. All bookings are on a first come, first served 88 89.90 O Fotheringhay G2 Chacombe X89 90A.X89 X4.X7.86 O basis. Helmdon Silverstone Whittlebury 90 90 TT Gayton C6 90A 90A 90.90A LL Fares are based on the distance travelled and are 500 Marston Silverstone Potterspury 90.X4.X7 II broadly in line with those on regular bus services. Geddington E3 Middleton St. Lawrence 88 Circuit X89.90 Cheney Greatworth X88 90 Cosgrove MM English National Concessionary Travel Passes are also Glapthorn F2 132 Syresham 89.X89 86 valid on these services. Glendon Hall E3 Crowfield 90 90.90A Thenford Areas shown in purple are served by CountyConnect. Halse Old Stratford 297 BANBURY Overthorpe 132 Radstone 89.X89.90 89.X89.90 To register call 0345 456 4474 or log on to Farthinghoe 88 90A.91 X4.X7 500 Deanshanger Stony 33 132.200 Warkworth 132 X88 Whitfield Lines open Monday-Friday 0900-1800, B Wicken Stratford 33A 499.500 500 B 90A 89.90 89.X89 Saturday 0900-1600 499 89.X89 90A.91 90. Service operated by Kier MG 500 U 90.90A.91 91. 90A MILTON KEYNES 91 X4.X7 Monday-Friday 0700-1900, Saturday 0800-1800 Upper Astrop Steane CC 33.33A.89 Bodicote K Newbottle 131 K 90.90A.91.297 Areas shown in mauve are served by CallConnect. 499 II Hinton-in- 132 131 132 NN X4.X7.X89 To register call 0345 263 8153 or log on to BRACKLEY G Kings Sutton Charlton the-hedges G H 88.131.499 H to London Euston Lines open Monday-Friday 0800-1800, 499 91 A EE Saturday 0900-1600 499 Evenley 500.X88 MM I RR 132 SS HH I Service operated by Croughton 499 499 132 BUCKINGHAM Centrebus/TransportConnect Aynho 131 Monday-Saturday 0700-1900 499 91.131.132 Aynho This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Park Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Areas shown in green are served by 132 © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Shire Community Transport. Northamptonshire County Council: Licence No. 100019331. Published 1/1/2017 To register call 01933 223636 OO Produced by 20.12.16 Lines open Monday-Friday only 0800-1300 XX Service operated by Shire Community Transport FFOO Monday-Friday only 0900-1700 RRD Area shown in blue is served by DSSH Northampton Demand Responsive Service. HIIR To register call 01604 583553 to Oxford and to LondonR EE Lines open Monday-Friday only 0930-1230 London Paddington Marylebone Service operated by Northampton Door to Door Monday-Friday only 0830-1700