Hymns on Various Passages of Scripture
This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. https://books.google.com L''' 'l,’ll’lllf L: Jii.n.‘ . Pg!— . .“i " HYMNS ON VARIOUS PASSAGES 0F SCRIPTURE. /_. ““““M\_ BY THOMAS KELLY --.-/ Mi1m_sw FIFTH EDITION, WITH MANY NEW HYMNS. Mmmu_swu DUBLIN: ’PJNTED BY DIARTXN KEENE, 6, COLLEGE-GREEN 1 820. \ PREFACE. -““\' _.. THE present volume contains all the Hymns before published by the Author, with the addition of about forty new ones“. He has made some corrections to get rid of bad rhymes, and some also on other accounts. But after all he has been able to do, he is sensible of the many’ defect§ which still attach to these Hymns—defects which it is not in his. power to remedy; and for which he begs’ indulgence. But whatever faults they belong to the composition! of these Hymns, for the _ * The hew ones will be found, chiefly, ht the head of the missionary and‘miscelhmeous classes.. iv PREFACE. doctrines which they inculcate, the Au thor asks no indulgence. ,Atonement for sin, by the blood of Christ; Justifica tion, by faith; Sanctification, by the agency of the Holy Spirit; Union with . Christ; growing conformity to him :— These, and other truths connected with them, or dependant upon them, will be found to constitute the matter of the fol lowing pages. And with respect to these, the Author has only to express his ardent desire, both for himself and his readers, that they may feel their genuine influence in this life, and‘ ultimately' enjoy that blessedness to which they lead, in the presence of God' for ever, in the life to come! Amen.
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