Thursday 2.10 Auditorium B Pattern Avoidance and Fiber Bundle Structures on Schubert Varieties Timothy Alland
[email protected] SUNY Stony Brook (This talk is based on joint work with Edward Richmond.) MSC2000: 05E15, 14M15 Permutations are known to index type A Schubert varieties. A question one can ask regarding a specific Schubert variety is whether it is an iterated fiber bundle of Grass- mannian Schubert varieties, that is, if it has a complete parabolic bundle structure. We have found that a Schubert variety has a complete parabolic bundle structure if and only if its associated permutation avoids the patterns 3412, 52341, and 635241. We find this by first identifying when the standard projection from the Schubert variety in the complete flag variety to the Schubert variety in the Grassmannian is a fiber bundle using what we have called \split pattern avoidance". In this talk, I will demonstrate how we were able to move from a characterization of this projection in terms of the support and left descents of the permutation's parabolic decomposition to one that applies split pattern avoidance. I will also give a flavor of the proof of how the three patterns mentioned above determine whether a Schubert variety has a complete parabolic bundle structure. Monday 3.55 Auditorium B A simple proof of Shamir's conjecture Peter Allen
[email protected] LSE (This talk is based on joint work with Julia B¨ottcher, Ewan Davies, Matthew Jenssen, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Barnaby Roberts.) MSC2000: 05C80 It is well known (and easy to show) that the threshold for a perfect matching in the bino- log n mial random graph G(n; p) is p = Θ n , coinciding with the threshold for every vertex to be in an edge (and much more is known).