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FREE SONGBIRD PDF Marcia Willett | 288 pages | 16 Jun 2016 | Transworld Publishers Ltd | 9780593074855 | English | London, United Kingdom Songbirds | Nature | PBS All rights reserved. Thousands of migratory songbirds are caught around Florida each year to supply a thriving illegal market. Even as three armed officers closed in on Songbird small wooden cage, its occupant sang out. The call was that of a young male indigo bunting, high-pitched and simple. The bird was too young to have perfected more complex tunes, but he sang with gusto. Officer Rene Taboas and colleagues with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission pack up confiscated birds, traps, and cages for the night after an undercover sting at a house where a man kept illegal birds, including this painted bunting. In the wild, indigo buntings and many other songbirds traverse huge distances during their spring and fall migrations, taking wing from breeding grounds in southern Canada to wintering areas in South America, often stopping to rest in Florida. Flying mainly at night, Songbird navigate by the stars, and Songbird they go, Songbird young males learn some of their songs from older ones voyaging with them. But this young bunting, its passage cut short by a trapper in Florida, had ended up with Enamorado in his Miami neighborhood. Buntings and other migratory songbirds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Acta century-old United States law Songbird makes it illegal to capture, kill, or possess any of these birds. Violators are subject to fines Songbird possible imprisonment for up to six Songbird, and if they sell or smuggle the birds, to possible felony charges that may result in more extensive jail time. Yet the U. Fish and Wildlife Service reports that 40 protected bird species in Florida are routinely trapped, mostly songbirds but also owls and hawks. But so far, he says, Florida remains a trapping hot spot because Songbird are plentiful and demand is high. Motives vary. People in Florida trap and sell perhaps thousands of birds each year for their colorful plumage and distinctive songs, according to state authorities. To report suspected wildlife crime in Florida you can contact officials here. Many songbird crimes in Florida likely go unnoticed. Were it not Songbird the Songbird eyes of Taboas, Enamorado might Songbird have been caught. Enamorado, who Songbird in Florida from his native Cuba insays that when he was growing Songbird in Havana, songbirds were part of everyday life. Craftsmen made wire and wood traps to catch birds and ornate wooden cages for displaying them. Cuban bullfinches and painted buntings were —and still are—especially popular. People want them as pets and as contenders in singing competitions. Recently, Songbird Trump administration has made such travel more difficult. The Cuban Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment did not respond to a request for comment on its bird protection policies and enforcement of them. More than a hundred of the Songbird seized by Florida state officials during the past Songbird years were male painted buntings, birds known for their distinctive songs and coloring—red chests, blue heads, green wings. Fervor for painted buntings, along with loss of habitat Songbird the U. Then, three years ago, Songbird and his wife decided it was time to stop. History is replete with tales of bird collectors enamored with their songs. According to nature writer Jerry Dennisthe Sumerians—the oldest civilization known to keep written records, some 5, years ago—even had a word for birdcage: subura. Songbird Gonzalez, a novice trapper originally from Cuba, takes down one of his two songbird traps under the watchful eye of undercover investigator Rene Taboas. In one pet shop I visited with Pharo, who was undercover in plainclothes, a Cuban bullfinch was on display. I asked the employee working Songbird front desk about yellow-faced grassquits, a bird protected under the Songbird Bird Treaty Act. In another store nearby, no protected birds were Songbird display, but a patron directed me to a closed Facebook group called Palomeros de Miami where I could allegedly post about Songbird I was looking for or peruse other listings of illegal birds. Taboas, like Gonzalez, is Cuban American, and Songbird apparently assumed they were both members of the underground Cuban bird-trapping community. The men got to talking about trapping songbirds in and around Miami. They exchanged phone numbers and in the weeks that followed texted often to talk about Songbird. Do I feel guilty? Many songbird busts hinge on wildlife officers catching trappers in the act. On weekend mornings, when trappers are most active, Songbird generally can be found scouting the woods and wetlands around Miami. Taboas decided to meet him there and invited photographer Karine Aigner and me to join him. He did: Gonzalez greeted Taboas warmly Songbird Cuban Spanish. Instead of placing the Songbird near the road in a sunlit patch of shrubbery— preferred songbird Songbird, Taboas says—Gonzalez Songbird hidden them Songbird in the woods. We followed Gonzalez over muddy terrain peppered with ankle-turning holes that were hard to see in the shoulder-high grass. After clambering across Songbird small streams using narrow logs as mini-bridges, we came upon the first trap. Gonzalez reached up to a low- hanging tree branch and Songbird the wire holding Songbird wooden contraption. Songbird cage contained a small, pale green bird—either a female painted bunting or a young male whose adult coloring had yet to show. The bird, Gonzalez admitted, was bait to lure another songbird to land on its pitfall door, which would drop the visitor into the trap and spring shut, Songbird its escape. Saying he had another cage not too far from there, Gonzalez took us to Songbird this one was easier to reach. He also told Taboas that he had five songbirds at his house. When it comes to criminal activity involving songbirds in Florida, Gonzalez and Enamorado are Songbird and pop hobbyists, capturing or keeping birds for their own use or to Songbird with friends or local associates. For them, collecting birds was a favorite pastime. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has an entire shed full of Songbird bird cages and traps, underscoring the scale of the illegal trapping business around Miami. Federal officials, by contrast, concentrate on serial, large-scale songbird Songbird, such as Songbird six men charged in Songbird Florida in April as part of an investigation called Operation Ornery Birds. This is a multiyear, ongoing probe conducted by various agencies, including the U. The six defendants were collectively charged in federal court with catching, selling, Songbird, or bartering more than migratory birds. Ornery Birds is the highest profile example to date of songbird trapping enforcement in the U. Seized birds included painted buntings, blue grosbeaks, and yellow-faced grassquits. In one Ornery Birds case, defendant Reynaldo Mederos pleaded guilty to selling and Songbird to sell migratory birds after he told an undercover agent that he captured 50 to 60 Songbird buntings a year and Songbird sold Songbird protected birds to undercover agents. He was given two years of probation. Court documents detail two Songbird cases involving smuggling of migratory birds from Cuba. Federal authorities worry about smuggled birds Songbird unchecked animals Songbird transmit diseases to domestic poultry and wild birds. Alberto Iran Corbo Martinez, a defendant in one case, tried Songbird conceal songbirds in hair curlers taped to his legs beneath baggy pants. Songbird Julyin the federal court in South Florida, Martinez was sentenced Songbird three months in prison and a year of supervised release for smuggling goods into the U. Also that month, defendant Hovary Muniz—who was nabbed for bringing songbirds from Cuba in a fanny pack and then, while on probation for the smuggling, continued selling protected migratory birds—was sentenced to a total of 15 months in prison. When wildlife officers confiscate birds, they must figure out what to do with them. But Songbird wing muscles of birds kept in cages for months or years atrophy, and birds must be rehabilitated before they can be returned to nature. They also may have injuries or infections that could compromise their survival in the wild. Law enforcement rehabilitated and eventually released hundreds of specimens from Operation Ornery Birds. According to court documents, other birds died or were killed before the six men were caught. One Songbird, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, left captured Songbird entangled in netting, which fell victim to feral dogs and cats. To capture his quarry, he would set up netting across a field and use a truck to Songbird the birds toward it. Read more about his case here and his stated motivation here. Operation Songbird Birds underscores that trappers are growing more sophisticated, learning Songbird each other and making use of technology. Defendant Miguel Loureiro had traps Songbird his house that Songbird solar-powered electronic birdcall broadcasting systems. He was sentenced to nine months in prison for conspiracy to take Songbird birds with intent to sell or barter. For details on Songbird more than birds he admitted to trapping, see this document from the court case. Songbird competitions are a global phenomenon, taking place everywhere from Indonesia to Spain. In the U. This makes them more Songbird and receptive to learning songs. Females have shorter call notes and are Songbird trainable, he says. Meanwhile, the recorded Songbird of other birds are played repeatedly on a loop, with the goal of teaching the birds to mimic long, elaborate—and, their owners hope, award-winning—songs. During competitions, the caged male birds are arranged by species, which triggers their territorial instinct, prompting them to sing. The bird Songbird belts out the longest, most complex song wins.