The London Gazette, November 26, 1901. 8263
THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1901. 8263 •or distribute electricity within the area of Glengall - mews, Goodyear - place, Green- supply, and to confer all such other powers upon lane, Grove The., Grove-crescent, Grove- the Undertakers as may be necessary for cottages Camberwell-grove, and Grove- effecting the objects of the proposed under- cottages Coburg-road, Grove-lane-mews taking. (rear of Grove), Harders - road - mews, 4. To authorise the Undertakers to manu- Harlescott-road, Hawkslade-road, Hear- facture, purchase, hire, sell, and let all necessary sey's-plaee, Hereford-retreat, Herne-hill, lamps, accumulators, meters, fittings, plant, Holmdene - avenue, Hollingbourne - road, •engines, dynamos, machinery, and other matters Homestall - road, Holmby - street, Honor or things required .for the purposes of the Oak - park, Honor Oak - rise, Hopewell- Order, and to acquire, work and use patent place, Humphrey-street, Hyndman-place, rights for the producing, storing, controlling, Ildersly - grove, Inverton - road, James- •distributing and -measuring, or otherwise re- cottages, Jasper--passage, Jasper-road lating to the supply of electricity. (footway only), Joiner's Arms - yard, 5. To authorise the Undertakers to take, Juniper-place, Kitchener's - alley (footway ^collect and recover rates, rents and charges only), Kitto-road, Lanbury-voad, Lans- for the supply of electricity, and the use of any downe-place, Lausanne-road, Little Marl- machines, lamps, meters, fittings or apparatus borough - place, JJlovd's-yard, Londship- •connected therewith. lane (part of), London-road, Lytcott,grQve^ ° 6. To prescribe or limit the area within Marmora-road (part of), May-place, Mayd- which electricity shall at first be supplied, and >well-street, Mayor's-building, Melon--plaoe, to provide for the ultimate extension over the Mews (Artichoke-row end of), Milkvaell- whole of the area, and for the revocation of the yard, Millais-street, Moody's-cottages, -Order by the Board of Trade on failure to Mount Adon-park, Muscatel-place, Nor- supply as specified in the Order.
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