Public Notices
80 THE BELFAST GAZETTE 27 JANUARY 1995 Public Notices NOTICES UNDER THE NOTICE UNDER THE COMPANIES BANKRUPTCY ACTS (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1986 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN KATERMAN LTD. NORTHERN IRELAND A First and Final dividend of 5.8923 pence in the £ in the Chancery Division liquidation of the above-named company (registered office at 20 Upper Main Street, Larne, Co. Antrim) will be payable on 3rd BANKRUPTCY February, 1995. In the Matter of James Greer, Publican, residing at 47 Denmark J. McKay, Liquidator. Street, Belfast and formerly residing at 12 Rutherglen Street. Belfast and formerly carrying on business at 15 Berlin Street, 159-163 Silvio Street and Bridge End all in Belfast under the trade name of "The Wee House", "The Silver Jubilee" and "The Aero Arms" respectively. Bankrupt. A first and final dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. STATUTORY NOTICES TO CREDITORS The last day for receiving proofs from creditors is 17th AND OTHERS February, 1995. TRUSTEE ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1958 Official Receiver, Lindsay House. In the Estate of Albert Dickson, late of 15 Tamnadeese Road, 8-14Callender Street, Castledawson in the County of Londonderry, Retired Belfast BT1 5DU. Machine Exporter, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 28 of the Trustee Act (Northern Ireland) 1958. that all creditors, beneficiaries and other persons having any claims against or interests in the Estate In the Matter of Ralph Stuart Neilson. late of 31 Knockdene of the above-named Deceased who died on the 17th day of July, Park, Belfast and Wilfred Storr Park, late of Flat 37 1994, are hereby required to send on or before the 3rd day of Brunswick Manor, Abbey Street, Bangor, County Down, April, 1995, particulars of such claims or interests to the practising in partnership as Ralph S Neilson & Park, Solicitors at 109 Victoria Street, Belfast, Joint Estate, Deceased undersigned Solicitors for the Personal Representative of the Insolvents.
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