" Mo rxism- Len in ism-Mqois m" New Document from RCP,USA

The Second Centrol Committee o{ is not possible to defeat revisionism, confuse the notion of new era wilh the Revolutionory Communist Pori-y, imperialism and reaction in new stoge in the development of the USA, o porticipoiing porty in the general."l science. While there is no new era Revolutionory I nternotinolist Move- At the time of the formation of we are not in a new historical ment, held its Eighth Plenum meet- the Revolutionary Internationalist epoch- there have been qualitative ing eorlier in 1988. This meetinq Movement, our party changed our developments- in the science made firiolised ond opproved the followl formulation of the science from by Mao Tsetung of such importance ing document, first drofied by the -Leninism, Mao Tsetung that we can say there is a new and RCP,USA leodership in the outumn Thought to Marxism-Leninism- higher stage in the science. Thus we of 1987 ond subsequently circulot- Mao Tsetung Thought. We did this call our science Marxism-Leninism- ed throughoui ihe porty for o peri- to be in conformity with the Decla- . od of internol discussion ond ration, but more importantly be- By this formulation we mean the debote. lt olso possed the occom- cause we thought this more same thing as Marxism- Leninism- ponying resolution. They oppeored correctly described the science. Mao Tsetung Thought. Why, then, in the Revolutionory Worker, While this may have seemed a mere make the change? Because, N August 29 1988 - AWTW. technical punctuation point (putting whatever the intentions, to use Mao a hyphen instead of a comma), it Tsetung Thought does not give a\a was in fact making certain that the proper weight to the contributions o\ Introduction contributions of Mao Tsetung were of Mao; it can suggest that these not being relegated to a lesser role, contributions are less important e The science of revolution of our as an appendage to Leninism. At than the contributions of Marx and class, the international proletariat, the time we discussed the reasons Lenin. We want to make clear that o= has been strengthened and deve- for this change within our party. the contributions of Mao are on the h loped as it has been wielded as a Today we feel it is even more cor- level, of the same magnitude, as a{ weapon in the class struggle. Specif- rect to name the science Marxism- those of the other great revolution- c ically we have pointed to the neces- Leninism-Maoism. ary leaders and theoreticians, Marx o sity of upholding Mao's qualitative In making this change we believe and Lenin. Secondarily, and as an contributions to that science as a we are bringing the name in correct expression of the principal reason, = basic touchstone and dividing line relationship to the science as it has it is easier and better to popularise in the international communist been developed by its practitioners the science as Marxism-Leninism- movement, in opposition to revi- and theoreticians since the time of Maoism. It is important, however, sionists of various kinds who have Marx. The theoretical basis for this to stress that in making this change betrayed Marxism and revised its change is the fact that there have we do not have differences with the basic tenets. In the Decloration of been three milestones in the de- characterisation of the meaning of the Revolutionary Internationslist velopment of this theory. Marx the revolutionary science and its de- Movement it is stated: "The prin- founded the science and laid out the velopment by Marx, Lenin, and ciple involved is nothing less than basic precepts; Lenin developed it to Mao which is found in the Decla- whether or not to uphold and build another level; and Mao took it again ration. upon the decisive contributions to to another level. Previously, in op- the proletarian revolution and the position to a Lin Piaoist conception Marxism-Leninism-Maoism science of Marxism-Leninism made that we had entered a new era, by Mao Tsetung. It is therefore which Mao Tsetung Thought was In For a Harvest of Dragons nothing less than a question of equated with, we were careful to Chairman Avakian explains the whether or not to uphold Marxism- point out that there is not a new era. process of the development of this Leninism itself.... Without uphold- It remains the case that this is the science: ing and building on Marxism- era of imperialism and proletarian "This does not mean, however, Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought it revolution. However, we tended to that Mao Tsetung Thought is some 7t

RCP, USA greetings and firm political sup- port to the Committee of the Resolution Hoiling Revolutionary Internationalist Movement for its important on- going work and for the fund- the Revolutionory amentally correct direction it has persevered in, on the basis of the Declorotion. lnternotionolist The Central Committee resolves anew that the Revolu- tionary Communist Party, USA, Movement will carry out our own revolu- tionary tasks in the U.S., guid- ed by the spirit of doing our part for the world revolution. On the occasion of our 8th ranks. We express our firm sup- Long Live Proletarian Inter- Plenum meeting, the Central port for the RIM, its Declora- nationalism! Committee of the Revolutionary tion, and for the advances Strengthen the Ranks of the Communist Party, USA, warmly achieved by its parties and or- Revolutionary Internationalist hails the Revolutionary Interna- ganisations in our common Movement! tionalist Movement and the par- cause. In this same spirit, our Workers and Oppressed Peo- ties and organisations in its Central Committee sends its ple of the World Unite!

addition to Marxism-Leninism that a synthesis of the development, and tween opposites is ceaseless and ab- is relevant (only) to the 'third especially the qualitative break- solute, and this gives rise to radical world,'nor still less that it is throughs, that communist theory ruptures and revolutionary leaps. Marxism-Leninism' 'Chinese as at has achieved since its founding by All ideas of permanent equilibrium, E least some of the Chinese revi- Marx up to the present time. It is for permanent stability, and permanent o sionists have been known to allege. this reason and sense as preordained in this that, order, of or everlasting F- As pointed out earlier, the greatest Lenin said about Marxism, it is om- things all such ideas are wrong tr of all Mao's contributions is the the- nipotent because it is true."2 and ultimately- reactionary. This ap- ory of continuing the revolution un- Understanding our revolutionary plies to human society and its de- o der the dictatorship of the science as a synthesis, and using velopment as well as to the rest of s proletariat, whose basic analysis of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to give material reality. Dialectical materi- z the transition to , as the most correct expression to this alism also recognises that practice is \o well as the basic methodology guid- synthesis, we can identify the fol- both the ultimate source and the fi 6 ing this analysis, has universal ap- lowing as its main, essential nal criterion of truth, and it places q plication, despite the reversal ofthe features. most emphasis on revolutionary N revolution in China - and indeed practice. As Marx so powerfully ex- in order to understand and act upon 1. pressed this, "The philosophers the profound lessons of this set- have only interpreted the world in back. And overall Mao Tsetung The philosophical foundation of various ways; the point is to chonge Thought represents a qualitative de- Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is di- it. "3 velopment of Marxism-Leninism. alectical materialism. Dialectical As applied specifically to human Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tsetung materialism recognises that all real- society and its development, dialec- Thought, then, is an integral ity is material reality, that all reali- tical materialism stresses both the philosophy and political theory at ty consists of matter in motion, and fundamental role of production and the same time as it is a living, criti- ideas have their origin in this the contradictory and dynamic cal and continuously developing material reality. Further, all reality character of production itself and of science. It is not the quantitative ad- exists as the unity of opposites: The its interrelationship with the politi- dition of the ideas of Marx, Lenin basic law of nature, society, and cal and ideological superstructure of and Mao (nor is it the case that ev- thought and their development is society. Social life begins with and ery particular idea or policy or tac- the law of contradiction, of the uni- is sustained by the process of social tic adopted or advocated by them ty and struggle of opposites. The production. And, as Marx put it, has been without error); Marxism- unity and identity of all things is "The mode of production of Leninism, Mao Tsetung Thought is temporary and relative; struggle be- material life conditions the social, 72

political and intellectual life process struggle necessarily leads to lhe dic- conditions within particular coun- in general."a But the productive tatorship of the proletoriat; (3) that tries, but it means that even in ap- forces of society can only be deve- this dictatorship itself only consti- proaching that you proceed from loped by people entering into cer- tutes the transition to the abolition the point of view of the world are- tain production relations. Within of all classes and to a classless na as most decisive and the overall these production relations new society."s interests of the world proletariat as productive forces develop. At a cer- This is a basic principle and foun- paramount. And that is not merely tain stage of their development, the dation of the analysis of the con- a good idea. It has a very material productive forces of society come tradictions in present day society foundation, which has been laid by into conflict with the existing rela- and the road of resolving them in the system of imperialism."T tions of production. A radical rup- the interests of humanity, moving "Proletarian internationalism ture, a revolutionary trans- human society to a new and qualita- really is founded on a concrete formation, must take place in tively more advanced stage: com- material reality. There really is a society. This revolutionary transfor- munism. world imperialist system that is the mation is carried out in the politi- Marx gave concentrated expres- common enemy of people whether cal and ideological superstructure, sion to what is involved in the they reside in the citadels, the and it centres on the struggle for po- achievement of communism: homelands, where the imperialist litical power. Politics and ideology "This is the declarution monster is centred and has its foun- cannot create a revolution in the ab- of the permanence of the revolu- dations so to speak, or whether they sence of the necessary material con- tion, the closs dictatorship of the live in the vast areas of what's ditions, but once the necessary proletariat as the necessary transit referred to commonly as the Third material conditions have developed point to the abolition of class dis- World, the colonial and dependent out of the basic contradictions of tinctions generally, to the abolition countries. "s society- the superstructure be- of all the relations of production on comes the- decisive arena in which which they rest, to the abolition of 4. the future direction of society is bat- all the social relations that cor- tled out between the major contend- respond to these relations of In the world today we can speak ing forces, or classes. production, to the revolutionising in general terms of two types of of all the ideas that result from these countries: on the one hand the im- 2. social relations."6 perialist countries, which control and dominate the major levers of N Every revolution of the past, 3. the world economy, means of b since the emergence of class socie- production, and products of the a ty, has seen the replacement one we era labour proletariat op- o\ of Today live in the of im- of the and system of exploitation by another perialism and proletarian revolu- pressed classes all around the world; and the rule of one exploiting class tion. Lenin analysed this as an era and on the other the oppressed = by another. But the proletarian in which all the contradictions of countries which are overall domi- = revolution is different. The very capitalism are intensified. By its nated by and subordinate to the im- o process of capitalist production has very nature, imperialism, the perialists of different countries. It o created the material conditions such highest and final stage of capital- is from the proletariat and the op- q that society can be organised on a ism, engenders violent upheavals pressed in all of these countries that o whole new nonexploitative founda- and war. Imperialism is the eco- revolution has and will burst for- tion, and this mode of production nomic and political system that is ward. However, there are two main = has forged a class, the proletariat, dominant in the world, which sets streams of the proletarian revolu- in whose interests it is to carry out the basic framework for society on tion: In the different kinds of coun- this historic task. Herein lies the a world scale. And proletarian revo- tries, the objective conditions the greatest significance of the motion lution is the only means of eradicat- actual contradictions pose differ-- of capitalism's fundamental con- ing imperialism and all systems of ent basic roads for the- accomplish- tradiction, the contradiction be- exploitation from the face of the ment of the seizure of political tween socialised production and earth. This is a process which is, power. In the imperialist countries, private appropriation, and of its despite twists and turns, and very the road is what is generally called resolution by means of proletarian real setbacks, already underway. the October Road political work revolution. The proletarian movement is an and struggle leading- to armed insur- In summing up some of his deci- international movement. "The rection in the cities, launching a sive contributions to the materialist proletariat in advancing the strug- generalised civil war. In the op- conception of history, Marx point- gle can only advance it by ap- pressed countries, the road is gener- ed out: proaching it, and seeking to ally that forged by Mao Tsetung in "What I did that was new was to advance it, on a world level first of China, that of a protracted war prove: (l) that the existence ofclass- all. This doesn't mean of course based in the countryside, and ac- es is only bound up with particular that you try to make revolution ir- cumulating strength to encircle and historical phases in the development respective of the conditions in eventually seize the cities. of production; (2) that the class different parts of the world or the As Mao Tsetung has stressed, 73

these two different roads to the sei- Revolution that the revolution must "socialism" and "communism," zure of power correspond to the two continue under the dictatorship of become the main target of the con- general types of countries, but in the proletariat. In other words, the tinuing revolution under the dic- both types of countries the armed struggle to transform all of society tatorship of the proletariat. In the struggle for political power is the has proven to be a protracted and process of identifying and strug- highest and most decisive form of complicated process that is not "set- gling to defeat these capitalist- struggle. It is the duty of com- tled" once the proletariat has over- roaders, the party itself, on all lev- munists everywhere to prepare for thrown the bourgeoisie and els, must be further revolutionised and wage a people's war - a war established the proletarian dictator- and thus strengthened in its role as that actively involves and fun- ship, nor even once the decisive me- the revolutionary vanguard as a cru- damentally relies on the masses of ans of production have been cial part of deepening and carrying the oppressed in accordance with socialised. Classes, class contradic- forward the revolutionisation of so- the particular -situation and the cor- tion, and class struggle most ciety overall toward the goal of rect strategic road for revolution. decisively the contradiction- and communism. In the two different types of struggle between the proletariat and countries the proletarian revolution the bourgeoisie continue all Conclusion takes place through different throughout the transition- to com- processes and class alliances munism. The Great Proletarian Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is though the leadership of the- in China, led our outlook and methodology; it is proletariat and the ultimate goal is by Mao Tsetung, represents the our weapon for understanding and common to both. In the imperialist highest pinnacle yet achieved by the changing the world, in visualising countries, the revolution is of a international proletariat in the ad- the goal, and in forging the path to directly proletarian socialist charac- vance toward communism: This achieve it. ter. In the oppressed countries the Cultural Revolution indicates a In today's world especially, with revolution takes place through two powerful means and method for the heightening of all the basic con- stages, with a new-democratic stage mobilising and relying on the mass- tradictions, the fundamental prin- (targeting imperialism, feudalism, es to fight against capitalist resto- ciples of Marxism-Leninism- and bureaucrat,/comprador capital- ration in socialist society and for Maoism have great importance and ism) clearing the path for the so- making new breakthroughs in car- power in bringing about revolution- cialist stage. In both cases, rying forward the revolution under ary victories. depending on the character and the dictatorship of the proletariat stage of the revolutionary struggle, and advancing toward communism. Footnotes it is crucial to correctly analyse who E are friends and who are enemies 6. l. Decloration oJ the Revolutionar) Interno- o which aie the main and leading- tionalist Movement, pp. 14-15. - forces of the revolutionary struggle, The party of the revolutionary 2. Bob Avakian, For a Harvest of Dragons U (Chicago: RCP Publications, 1983), p. l14. which social forces must be won as proletariat plays a crucial role in the 3. Karl Marx, "Theses on Feuerbach," origi- o allies (or politically neutralised), struggle to seize power and wield it. nal version, in Marx and Frederick Engels, and which must be overthrown. The party leads the masses in Feuerbach. Opposition of the Materialist and E revolutionary struggle through the Idealist Outlooks (Moscow: Progress Pub- z lishers, 1976), p.98 (also cttedin For a Har- 5. application of the in ac- vest of Dragons, p. 25). \o cordance with the fundamental 4. Marx, "Preface to A Contribulion to the o The means of achieving the goal principle that the masses are the Critique of Politicol Economy" in Marx and E of communism is proletarian revo- makers of history and must liberate Engels, Selected Works (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1973) Vol. I, p. 503. N lution. The basic features of this themselves. The party must play the 5. Marx, "Marx to J. Weydemeyer" (March were developed by Marx, together vanguard role before, during, 5 1852), in Marx and Engels, Selected Lel- with Engels, including the decisive and after the seizure- of power in /ers (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1977) p. I (also oJ lesson they drew from the ex- leading the proletariat in the historic- 8 cited in For a Harvest Dragons, p. 30). perience the of Paris Commune and struggle for communism. But at the 6. Marx, The Class Struggles in France, 1848 its defeat, in 1871: "the working same time, once power has been to 1850, in Marx and Engels, Selected Works, class cannot simply lay hold of the seized by the proletariat and the Vol. 1, p. 282 (also cited in For a Harvest p. 40). ready- made State machinery, and party has become the leading force of Drogons, 7. Bob Avakian, "Advancing the World wield its own purposes."e within new proletarian state, it for the the Revolutionary Movement: Questions of Stra- The October Revolution in Russia, contradiction between the party and tegic Orientation," Revolutiort, No. 51, which was led by Lenin and Stalin the masses becomes a concentrated Spring 1984, p. 4 (also citedin Bullets, p. 44). and was the first successful proletar- expression the contradictions 8. Bob Avakian, "The Imperialist System of and Proletarian Internationalism," fronr ian revolution, further established marking socialist society as a tran- 1982 interview on WFRG Atlanta, Rly No. in practice the need for the dictator- sition between capitalism and com- 187, January 7 1983, p. 4 (also cited in ship of the proletariat. But it has munism. Those in the party, Bullets, pp. 44-45). been clearly demonstrated and particularly its leading ranks, who 9. Marx and Engels, ManiJesto of the Conr- munist Porty, Prefqce to the Germon Edition summed up through the experience take the capitalist road and try to of 1872, in Marx and Engels, Selected Works, of the Soviet Union and the Chinese restore capitalism in the name of Vol. 1, p. 99.