
Self led walk 4 Shepperton Towpath and Start Point: TW17 9LJ Distance: 3.3 miles

1. Start the walk at the car park on towpath next to Thames Court Public House. 2. Turn right out of car park. Walk on grass if possible to avoid road. Continue straight on. 3. Take towpath beside river, bearing away from 2. Towpath to Dumsey Meadow road. 4. Go through kissing gate. Follow the river (on immediate left) and walk around Dumsey Meadow which is a site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Look out for information boards. 5. Immediately before kissing gate near bridge, turn right and continue within meadow, keeping the main road on left. 6. Loop back to gate where you first entered the Meadow. Re-join the towpath () back towards the Thames Court Public House. 7. Continue straight on. Beware when you re-join the road as traffic approaches from the left (30mph 4. Dumsey Meadow road). Return to car park.

4. Dumsey Meadow

If you are interested in finding out about history in Spelthorne visit www.spelthornemuseum.org.uk � Please note that we recommend you always walk with a friend as there are isolated areas on most of the walks. You should always carry a mobile phone in case you need help and make sure you stay well hydrated. Always check with your GP before undertaking a new exercise programme. 4 6


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1 2 Start/finish

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence Number: 100024284.