ACTa MYCOLoGica Dedicated to Professor Barbara Gumińska Vol. 45 (2): 133–144 on the occasion of her eighty-fifth birthday 2010 Octaviania asterosperma (hypogeous Basidiomycota) Recent data to ecology and distribution PIOTR MLECZKO1, MACIEJ KOZAK1 Maria Ławrynowicz2 and GRZEGORZ DUBIEL3 1Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Lubicz 46, PL-31-512, Kraków,
[email protected] 2Department of Mycology, Łódź University, Banacha 12/16, PL-90-237 Łódź,
[email protected] 3Fałata 2 D/2, PL-43-360 Bystra,
[email protected] Mleczko P., Kozak M., Ławrynowicz M., Dubiel G.: Octaviania asterosperma (hypogeous Basidiomycota). Recent data to ecology and distribution. acta Mycol. 45 (2): 133–144, 2010. Phylogenetic analyses place Octaviania asterosperma in the Boletales, with Leccinum being the closest relative. results of the structural investigation of O. asterosperma ectomycorrhiza with Fagus confirm this systematic position. in Europe the species is an ectomycorrhizal partner of broad-leaved trees, such as Carpinus, Corylus, Fagus, Quercus and Tilia. This paper aims at presenting the new data to the distribution of O. asterosperma in central Europe. The description of the basidiocarps discovered in Poland in the recent years is also given, together with evidence for the parasitic relationship of Sepedonium laevigatum with O. asterosperma. we also present the information concerning all known localities of the species in Poland and its distribution map. Data on the ecology, distribution and status of O. asterosperma in Europe, and some structural aspects of basidiocarps and spores, are also summarized. Key words: hypogeous fungi, ectomycorrhizal fungi, Boletales, Sepedonium laevigatum inTroDUcTion Taxonomical position of Octaviania asterosperma Vittad.