KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23 (1): 168-171, 2020 KSU J. Agric Nat 23 (1): 168-171, 2020 DOI:10.18016/ksutarimdoga.vi.593676 Wakefieldia, A New Hypogeous Basidiomycete Genus Record for Turkey Yasin UZUN1, Abdullah KAYA2 1Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Science Faculty, Dept. of Biology, Karaman, 2Gazi University, Science Faculty, Dept. of Biology, Ankara 1https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6423-6085, 2 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4654-1406 : [email protected] ABSTRACT Research Article The hypogeous basidiomycete genus, Wakefieldia is given as new record for Turkish mycobiota based on the collection and identification Article History of Wakefieldia macrospora from İstanbul. Brief description, Received : 07.07.2019 photographic images related to its micro and macromorphologies and Accepted : 13.10.2019 the collection locality of the species were provided. Keywords Biodiversity Hypogeous fungi New record Boletaceae Turkey Wakefieldia, Türkiye İçin Yeni Bir Toprakaltı Bazidiyomiset Cins Kaydı ÖZET Araştırma Makalesi Toprak altı bazidiyomiset cinsi olan Wakefieldia, Wakefieldia macrospora’nın İstanbul’dan toplanıp teşhis edilmesine bağlı olarak Makale Tarihçesi Türkiye mikobiyotası için yeni kayıt olarak verilmiştir. Türün kısa Geliş Tarihi : 07.07.2019 betimlemesi, makro ve mikromorfolojisine ilişkin fotoğrafları ve Kabul Tarihi : 13.10.2019 toplanma lokalitesi verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler Biyoçeşitlilik Toprak altı mantarlar Yeni kayıt Boletaceae Türkiye To Cite: Uzun Y, Kaya A 2020. Wakefieldia, A New Hypogeous Basidiomycete Genus Record for Turkey. KSU J. Agric Nat 23 (1): 168-171, DOI:10.18016/ksutarimdoga.vi.593676. INTRODUCTION Though the systematic position of the genus still Wakefieldia Corner & Hawker is a hypogeous remains in dispute, here we follow Kirk et al. (2008) basidiomycete genus in the family Boletaceae (Kirk et and Index fungorum (accessed on 20 May 2019) and al., 2008). The genus contains two species and regard it in Boletaceae. characterized by globose to irregular gasterocarp, thin, Only one hypogeous member of Boletaceae within the whitish and smooth peridium; minute and crowded genus Octaviania Vittad. has been reported from chambered loculate gleba, statismosporic, orthotropic, Turkey (Türkoğlu et al., 2015; Kaygusuz et al., 2018). globular spores ornamented with broad verrucae or Current checklists on Turkish macromycota (Solak et irregular ridges (Pegler et al., 1993). al. 2015; Sesli and Denchev 2014) and the Genus Wakefieldia was erected by Corner and Hawker contributions published after the checklists (1953) based on the description of Wakefieldia (Sadullahoğlu and Demirel, 2018; Uzun et al., 2018; striaespora Corner and Hawker, and Hawker (1954) Acar et al., 2019; Keleş, 2019; Uzun and Kaya, 2019a,b; assigned the genus to Hydnangiaceae. Later on Pegler Yakar et al., 2019) indicate that Wakefieldia & Young (1979) proposed to move it to Octavianinaceae macrospora (Hawker) Hawker hasn’t so far been (Krakhmalnyi et al., 2014). Kirk et al. (2008) lists this reported from Turkey. The study aims to contribute to genus in Boletaceae. The ITS and nuc-LSU sequence the Turkish mycobiota. based data gathered by Kaounas et al. (2011) from Greek collections of hypogeous fungi bear a close MATERIALS and METHODS relation of Wakefieldia Corner & Howker to the Wakefieldia samples were collected during a field trip Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. in Hymenogastraceae. in Şile district of İstanbul province on 26th December KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23 (1): 168-171, 2020 Araştırma Makalesi KSU J. Agric Nat 23 (1): 168-171, 2020 Research Article 2018. Photographs of fruit bodies were taken in their Macroscopic and microscopic features: Basidiomata natural habitats and characteristics related (0.8-)10-20 mm in diam, gasterocarpic, hypogeous, morphology and ecology were noted. Further studies globose, subglobose to irregular or lobate, smooth, with were carried out on dry specimens. Microscopic slides a thin mycelial strands at the base, initially white to were prepared in water and Melzer’s reagent. dingy white with ochraceous yellow tones, later Microscopic study was performed under Nikon Eclipse ochraceous to pale sulphur yellow. Peridium 0.2-0.3 Ci-S trinocular light microscope, coupled with a Nikon mm thick, white when cut, not easily seperable from DS-Fi2 camera. A Hitachi SU5000 scanning electron gleba. Gleba whitish gray to pale greyish when young, microscope were used for SEM images. Identification greyish brown, brown to cacao-brown at maturity was conducted with the help of Hawker (1951, 1954), (Figure 1), with blackish spots when dry. Odor not Hintz and Winterhoff (1984), Pegler et al. (1993), distinctive. Basidiospores 12-16 µm in diam, globose to Montecchi and Sarasini (2000), Calonge et al. (2003), fig, pear or whipping top shaped, with a distinct hilar Kaounas et al. (2011) and Krakhmalnyi et al. (2014). appendage of 1-4 µm, yellowish brown, covered with The sample was kept in Biology Department of Science rough and rugged and irregularly ridged Faculty of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University. ornamentation of squat and flat, nearly circular verrucae (Figure 2). RESULTS Ecology: Wakefieldia macrospora was reported to grow Basidiomycota R.T. Moore in soil in broadleaf forest (mostly oak and beech) on Boletales E.-J. Gilbert calcareous soils during winter and spring (Montecchi and Sarasini, 2000; Kaounas et al., 2011; Krakhmalnyi Boletaceae Chevall. et al., 2014). Wakefieldia macrospora (Hawker) Hawker Specimen examined: İstanbul, Şile, Sofular Village, in Syn: [Sclerogaster macrosporus Hawker] soil under Quercus sp., 41°08′N-29°28′E, 140 m, 26.12.2018, Yuzun 7122. Figure 1. Basidiocarps of Wakefieldia macrospora Şekil 1. Wakefieldia macrospora’nın bazidiyokarpları 169 KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23 (1): 168-171, 2020 Araştırma Makalesi KSU J. Agric Nat 23 (1): 168-171, 2020 Research Article Figure 2. Light microscope (a,b) and scanning electron microscope (c) images of basidiospores of Wakefieldia macrospora (bars: 10 µm) (a: in water, b: in Melzer) Şekil 2. Wakefieldia macrospora’nın bazidiyosporlarının ışık mikroskobu (a,b) ve taramalı elektron mikroskobu (c) görüntüleri (barlar: 10 µm) (a: su, b: Melzer) DISCUSSION genus Wakefieldia is known to exist, and differs from Wakefieldia macrospora is a rare species (Montecchi W. macrospora with smaller (10-11 µm), striately and Sarasini, 2000; Kaounas et al., 2011). It has been ornamented spores without a distinct hilar appendage. reported from Czech Republic, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, United Kingdom, Switzerland, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Israel (Krakhmalnyi et al., 2014). This was the first The authors would like to thank Ömer UZUN for his finding of this noteworthy species in Turkey, and the kind help during field study. second in Asia. Though it was first collected under beech (Hawker, 1954), and Watling (2008) proposed Statement of Conflict of Interest that it could be mycorrhizal with beech, Kaounas et al. Authors have declared no conflict of interest. (2011) mentions about the probable association with oaks, based on four Greek collections. Turkish Author’s Contributions specimens of W. macrospora were also collected under Quercus L. sp. The contribution of the authors is equal. The macro and micromorphological features of Turkish specimens of W. macrospora are in agreement with REFERENCES those given in literature (Hawker, 1954; Montecchi Acar İ, Uzun Y, Keleş A, Dizkırıcı Tekpınar A. 2019. and Sarasini, 2000; Pegler et al., 1993; Calonge et al., Suillellus amygdalinus, a new species record for 2003; Kaounas et al., 2011; Krakhmalnyi et al., 2014). Turkey from Hakkari Province. Anatolian Journal Montecchi and Sarasini (2000) reports a potato like of Botany, 3(1): 25-27. odour at maturity, but we couldn’t notice a distinct Calonge FD, García A, Sanz M, Bastardo J. 2003. Some odor. Gasterocarps of W. macrospora may be confused interesting fungi found in Spain, with special by some species of the genus Hymenogaster Vittad., reference to the province of Valladolid. Micologia but the spore shape and ornamentation, especially the Italiana, 32(2): 45-52. prominent conical hilar appendages on basidiospores Corner EJH, Hawker LE. 1953. Hypogeous fungi from distinguishes it from such Hymenogaster species. Malaya. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 36: 125-137. Other than W. macrospora, only one conformed member, W. striaespora Corner & Hawker, of the 170 KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23 (1): 168-171, 2020 Araştırma Makalesi KSU J. Agric Nat 23 (1): 168-171, 2020 Research Article Hawker LE. 1951. Hypogaeous fungi. I: A hypogaeous Pegler DN, Young TWK. 1979. The gasteroid gasteromycete, Sclerogaster macrosporus n.sp. Russulales. Transactions of the British Mycological Transactions of the British Mycological Society, Society, 72: 353-388. 34(2): 216-219. Sadullahoğlu C, Demirel K. 2018. Flammulina fennae Hawker LE. 1954. British hypogeous fungi. Phil. Bas, a new record from Karz Mountain (Bitlis). Trans. Roy. Soc. London. ser. B, 237: 429-546. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 2(1): 19-21. Hintz RA, Winterhoff W. 1984. Hypogeous fungi in Sesli E, Denchev CM. 2014. Checklists of the Mainfranken (FRG). Zeitschrift für Mykologie, myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger 50(1): 105- 116. basidiomycetes in Turkey. 6th ed. Mycotaxon Kaounas V, Assyov B, Alvarado P. 2011. New data on Checklists Online. 136 p. (http://www.mycotaxon. hypogeous fungi from Greece with special reference com/resources/checklists/sesli-v106-checklist.pdf) to Wakefieldia macrospora (Hymenogastraceae, Solak
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