Made to Measure: Adapting Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy to Partners' Attachment Styles
Made to Measure: Adapting Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy to Partners' Attachment Styles Susan M. Johnson and Valerie E. Whiffen University of Ottawa This article summarizes the theory, practice, and empir- ment (Bartholomew & Perlman, 1994); EFT has been ical findings on emotionally focused couple therapy empirically validated, and a recent meta-analysis found a (Em, now one of the best documented and validated considerable effect size for marital adjustment after 10-12 approaches to repairing close relationships. EFT is sessions (Johnson, Hunsley, Greenberg, & Schlinder, based on an attachment perspective of adult intimacy. 1999); there is research on the change process and pre- The article then considers how individual differences in dictors of success in this approach; finally, EFT has been applied to different kinds of problems and populations, attachment style have an impact on affect regulation, such as the parents of chronically ill children (Walker, information processing, and communication in close re- Johnson, Manion, & Clothier, 1996), depressed women lationships and how the practice of EFT is influenced (Dessaulles, 1991; Whiffen &Johnson, 1998), and couples by these differences. dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder (Johnson & Key words: couple therapy, emotionally focused Williams-Keeler, 1998). This approach is also used with couple therapy, individual dhrences in couple ther- families (Johnson, 1996; Johnson, Maddeaux, & Blouin, apy, adult attachment. [Clin Psycho1 Sci Prac 6:366- 1998). 381, 19991 The psychotherapy literature emphasizes that once general effectiveness has been established, the next chal- Emotionally focused therapy for couples (EFT) is now lenge is to consider individual differences and specify how one of the best delineated and empirically validated inter- a treatment approach can be tailored to individual cou- ventions in the field of couple therapy (Baucom, Shoham, ples.
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