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Reliance” by English 11

Read the handout “Self Reliance”. While you read: summarize Emerson’s main ideas in a few sentences on the back of this packet. To summarize is to the main ideas briefly in your own words, leaving out less important details. Here’s some steps to follow to help you write your summary:  In each paragraph, identify the one or two most important phrases or statements.  Write a sentence of your own to express the main idea of each statement you identified.  Pull your sentences together into a single summary.

After you read: answer the questions below and complete the analysis chart on the last page. 1. What do you think? What kind of impact did this essay have on you?

2. Which does Emerson value more – original or traditional wisdom? How do you know?

3. According to Emerson, which virtue does society demand most – truth, , creativity, or self-reliance? How do you know?

4. What is the only that Emerson says can be sacred to him?

5. How did you summarize Emerson’s main ideas in this essay? (there’s more space on the next page for you to write your summary)

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6. Describe situations or aspects of your own life in which Emerson’s ideas about the importance of the individual might apply:  his idea that all people should be nonconformists  his disregard for consistency in thought and deed  peer pressures to conform to certain standards of appearance or behavior 7. If you had heard this essay as a public lecture, what questions would you have liked to ask Emerson directly about his (must write at least two)? 8. “Self-Reliance” contains a number of memorable sayings or aphorisms – brief statements, usually one sentence long, that express a general principle or truth about life. An example is “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” Identify at least two other aphorisms from this essay.

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English 11 Transcendentalist Literature Analysis Chart

“Self Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Transcendentalist Element Evidence in this Work Self-reliance/intuition • Understanding comes from within individual, rather than being learned. • Individual capable of making own decisions without the help/guidance of society.

Importance of nature • “Nature” means both the earth and… • nature (inherently good) • In both aspects, nature is the ultimate guide and sustainer. • found the divine in nature. • viewed the earth/nature as a spiritual place.

Free thought and expression • society should not silence the individual • each should be free to express him/herself without fear.

The individual is important/nonconformity • individual conscience more important as guide than the law, government and community. • Society corrupts people, who are good to begin with

Confidence • individual should rely on his/her own knowledge rather than living by society’s norms • Americans could form their own identity and didn’t need to imitate Europeans