Voices in Real Time Interactive and Transmedia Testimonies of the Arab Spring, Instant Archive and New Social Movements Discourses
International PHD Programme in Audiovisual Studies University of Udine, DAMS Gorizia a.a.20 !"20 # Voices in real time Interactive and transmedia testimonies of the Arab Spring, instant archive and new social movements discourses $andidate% &udovica Fales Su)ervisors% *oy Menarini, University of Bologna Ian C,ristie, Bir-.e'- College London 1 /The wor- of our time is to clarify to itself t,e meaning of its o1n desires' 2. Mar3, 'For a Rut,less Criticism of Everyt,ing E3isting' (16!!7 1 2. Mar3, /(or a *ut,less $riticism of 4veryt,ing 43isting,/ in Te Marx- ngles !eader, ed *obert $. 8u'-er, 2nd edition, Ne1 Yor-, W.;. Norton, p. <=6, 12> # 2 I9D4? Introduction "e#ning the research field : transmedia or interactive documentaries% &owards a de#nition of interactive documentaries as '(living( entities )h* is this useful in relation to Tahrir S+uare? xploring the research field. What actions and whose voices% Than-s $,a)ter I – "ocumenting events in the ma-ing toda* 1.1. Documenting collective events in their actuality. A Pre-,istory .,.,., Te formation of the modern public sphere$ actualit* and participation -Te philosophical concept of actualit* - nlightenment as re/ective consciousness on the present -0lashes and fragments of the present time -Actualit* as gathering the present .,.,2 "Te whole world is watching3, Witnessing and showing d*namic in narrating dissent -A new consciousness of news media in the Chicago.567 revolt -"ocumenting and producing media protests (.59:-2::.; - September 1., 2::.. “Te death of detachment( in the news 1.2 Glo.al imagination, actuality, present>tense, real>time .,2,., =lobal imagination, >ocal imagining, A 4ultural Studies &oolbox for Media !epresentation in the =lobal World -=lobal Imagination, Local Imagining -?e*ond '@rientalism'% - Self-narratives, testimonies, micro narratives .,2,2, Te Space of Tahrir S+uare- Within and Without -A Space-in-process -A Space Extended to Tose Watching It -Aerformativit* of Tahrir S+uare - Social Media, Social Change and CitiBen Witnessing – A Faceboo- revolution% .,2,D, Can Tahrir S+uare 2:.
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