Filinvest Development Corporation 2010 Annual Report COVER STORY
1 Filinvest Development Corporation 2010 Annual Report COVER STORY LIGHT OF PROGRESS. Filinvest Development Corporation (FDC) radiates growth and progress, lighting the way with the same dynamism and commitment to excellence that have sustained the company for over half a century. For 2011, FDC will take advantage of brighter economic conditions by diversifying into high-growth areas such as power generation and making strategic investments while keeping its foothold in its core property business. CONTENTS 1 Financial Highlights 2 Joint Message of the Chairman and the President 7 Operational Highlights 19 Board of Directors & Senior Management 20 Consolidated Financial Statements 1 Filinvest Development Corporation 2010 Annual Report FILINVEST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (Amounts in Thousands of Pesos, Except Per Share Data) 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 OPERATING RESULTS Total Revenues and Other Income 21,919,047 15,979,223 13,513,233 10,045,534 8,591,612 Net Income 4,936,824 2,765,144 2,570,978 3,343,527 2,080,731 Return on Assets (ave.) 2.9% 1.9% 2.1% 3.3% 2.5% Return on Equity (ave.) 7.7% 4.5% 4.4% 7.0% 5.8% FINANCIAL POSITION Total Assets 180,162,427 164,627,536 131,338,400 114,560,720 85,679,486 Total Long-term Debt 26,251,694 25,496,120 18,675,610 9,781,449 11,709,180 Equity 66,479,685 62,367,272 59,681,553 58,431,383 36,702,929 No. of Shares Outstanding (‘000) 7,505,725 7,505,725 7,505,725 7,505,725 5,955,725 Debt to Equity* 39.5% 40.9% 31.3% 16.7% 31.9% Net Debt to Equity** 11.6% 4.9% 8.5% -8.8% 8.3%
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