inMHVOf- TORONTO "I MAO 1987 ^SCEiveS- JOURNALS OF THE Legislative Assembly OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. FROM STH FEBRUARY, TO UTH APRIL, 1908, BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE. IN THE EIGHTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF OUR SOVEREIGN LORD, KING EDWARD. BEING THE Fourth Session of the Eleventh Legislature of Ontario SESSION, 19O8. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. VOL. XLII. TORONTO: Printed and Published by L. K. CAMERON, Printer to the King'* Most Excellent Majesty. 1908. Printed by WARWICK BRO'S & RUTTER, Limited. Printers, TORONTO. INDEX TO THE FORTY-SECOND VOLUME 8 EDWARD VII., 1908. A CCOUNTANTS, CHARTERED : Bill (No. 81), introduced to revise and amend the Act, 64. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 210. Reported, 262. House goes into Committee on, 283, 307. Third reading, 320. R. A., 329. (8 Ed. VII. c. 42.) ACCOUNTS : (Dominion and the Provinces.} Arbitration on, presented, 66. (Sessional Papers No. 50.) Printed. ACCOUNTS, PUBLIC: See Public Accounts. ADDRESS :> See Lieutenant-Governor. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: See Law Reform. AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATIONS : Bill (No. 222), introduced to amend the Act, 214. Second reading, 232. House goes into Committee on, 240, 308. Third reading, 320. R. A., 329. (8 Ed. VII. c. 25.) AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE : Report presented, 179. (Sessional Papers No. 14.) Printed. AGRICULTURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL UNION : Report presented, 179. (Sessional Papers, No. 15.) Printed. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES : 1. Bill (No. 225), introduced to amend the Act respecting, 214. Second reading, 241. House goes into Committee on, 248. Third reading, 255. R. A., 329. (8 Ed. VII. c. 26.) 2. Report presented, 182. (Sessional Papers No.
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