w &es4 Cbpq VOL. 9 NELSON B. C. SUNDAY MORNINO, AUGUST 28, 1910 NO 113 CROWDS GREET I THE PREMIER OF KOREA ENDS Sir Wilfrid Laurier Has Great When Touched Fingers, Ears Kingdom Will Be Annexed by Reception and Arms Drop Off Japan on Monday STREETS ARE TOWN OF ST. JOE EMPEROR CONSENTS WELL DECORATED IN GRAVE DANGER LTO ANNEXATION Triumphant Progress Through Idaho Militia to Fight Flames Will Retain Title of King- Illuminated Streets to Mr, -Freewater Now on Fire No Degredation for de Veber's Residence j —Dense Smoke Koreans Nelson received Sir Wilfrid .Laurler (Special to The Dally Newt.) SEOUL, Korea, Aug. 27—Lieut Gen­ last night with flags flying, banners SPOKANE, Aug. 27—Two hundred eral Terauchi Is the probable first waving, upward surging rockets, a thou­ Idaho, mllltla were dispatched today to governor general of Korea which will sand red, white and blue lights merrily St. Joe, forestjjflres there threatening be annexed by Japan on Monday. twinkling and to the exhIterating sounds the destruction of the town. The tim­ of exploding firecrackers, cheering ber comes close to the outskirts und Korean Sovereignty Ceases. crowds and the patriotic strains of the the town is irfJgrave peril. On the Bo* SEOUL, Aug. 27—The Associated city band. vllle branch lit the Milwaukee railway Press, it is said, states that Korean Huge Crowd 200 men are fighting the conflagration, sovereignty has ceased and that the Fully two thousand people crowded which Is moving north and is likely to Emperor of Japan, will become abso­ (the platform of the union depot from do enormous damage to timber. The lute ruler of Korea, next Monday, when end to end and even extended far up forest service ls unable to say how the agreement between the Emperor on Baker Btreet, and'as the premier many are dead and missing. The fires Yisyek of Korea and the Emperor of which have swept over settlers' homes Japan which waB signed August 22, will stepped from the train and was greet­ seem to have converted the bodies of ed hy the mayor and president of the the victims into charcoal, and when be officially promulgated. board of trade, broke Into hearty and touched, the fingers, ears and even the unanimous cheers of welcome which arms drop off/ Fifty Injured are in the Benefit of Japanese Rule. •were repeated a8 he stepped into the hospital at Wallace, Ida. HON. W. TEMPLEMAN, M. P., MINISTER OF MINES. SEOUL, Aug. 27—Lieut. General Ter­ carriage with L. B. DeVeber, Senator auchi, Japanese resident general ln Gibson and W. C. Wells, which convey­ Korea and negotiator of the convention ed him to Mr. DeVeber's residence at Clouds of Smoke of annexation which will be officially the corner of Carbonate and Hendryx PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Aug. 27— district, and by this means render the promulgated next Monday said today streets. Dense clouds of smoke from the burning INDIANS TEAR UP advertisement which the exhibition of regarding the annexation: "No stone Welcome Is Warm fires of Washington and Oregon have fruit will provide of the greatest bene­ will be left unturned to make the Kor­ The train was fully an hour late but overspread the waters of the Pacific fit to the whole community. eans and the world feel that Japanese the long watt in the cold night elr did from 100 to 300 miles off the coast of It.is expected that the official prize rule in Korea is a beneflclent thing for Sir Wilfrid made an early entry Into, SURVEY STAKES the Koreans. It will and must imply not seem to damp the ardor of the as­ politics and was elected a member of lists will be available for distribution sembled crowd who were determined to QUEENSlOWN NOW! tn a few days. Anyone wishing for a no degradation for tbe Koreans, who. the provincial legislature In Quebec in Order Surveyors off Ground—Difficulty under the annexation, will enjoy ex­ assist In the welcome to Canada's first 1871 and to the Dominion house of com­ Is Quickly Adjusted—Exhibition copy should send his name to Mr. citizen. The first Intimation that the Cockle at once. actly the same rights in Korea aB the train was nearing the city was the send- mons three years later. His gift of [IN OLD COUNTRY of Peaches Japanese." jl ing up of dozens of rockets and colored oratory gave him an immediate position SAID THAT~CRIPPEN In federal politics and in 1877 he was (Special to The Daily News.) Roman candles from the C.P.R. flats. Welcomed by Civic and Military Offi­ CRESTON, Aug. 27—An exhibit of IS GOING IN8ANE These were pointed out to Sir Wilfrid made minister of Inland revenue under cials—Irish Rifles Is Guard Customs Tariff Continued, the Mackenzie regime. At the ensuing peaches grown by C. Rykert on his fine SEOUL, Aug. 27^-It may be stated in the train by the: special reception of Honor x; I,. well cultivated farm at Rykerts, along LIVERPOOL, Aug. 27—Amid the oommittee which -went out to Castlegar general election the next-year, however, bustle incident to the arrival of the with authority that although the trea­ he was defeated but was returned at the K.V. track, is creating considerable ties of Korea with foreign powers lapse to meet him. A few -minutes after thla UVBRPOOL, Aug. 27—The steamship attention here just now. One of these Queen's Own Rifles on the Megantic display the train pulled into the station. the next bye-election for the constit­ Megantic, with the Queen's Own Rifles with the annexation, the present cus­ 'peaches a veritable king of fruit weigh­ today, Dr. Crlppen and Ethel Leneve toms tariff of Korea which Is much enveloped ln the red light thrown out uency of Quebec East which has been band playing the "Maple Leaf Forever" ed 9 1-4 ounces, and another tipped the were quickly escorted off the steamer by hundreds of torches In the hands of a faithful to htm ever since. On the and variations, drew alongside the land­ lower than that of Japan, will be con­ scales at. 8 3-4 ounces, and there were. and safely placed ia a compartment of tinued for an Indefinite period under number of boys and men under Sergt. resignation of Sir Charles Tupper in ing stage here at 1:45 this afternoon. several other peaches 7 ounces each. the Bpecial boat train for London. Markham. who was also In charge of 1896 he was called upon by Lord Aber­ The deputy lord -mayor, the officer com­ One of our enterprising real estate men Crippen was well muffled up and Miss Japanese rule.- This is the point by the rest of the fireworks. The effect deen to form a cabinet and from that manding the district and staff with Gen. has had photos taken of this fruit from Leneve had a heavy blue veil entwined which foreign interests might chiefly waa Remorandtesque In Its warmth of time onwards haB retained the position Murray and Capt Clive, representing which a cut will be made for advertis­ be affected if the Japanese tariffs were color and soft shadow effects. the war office, were present to welcome ing purposes, Introduced. Economic conditions in the Queens Own. First to come ashore the kingdom will also remain unchang­ After acknowledging the cheering Indian Agent Galbraith of Fort Steele ed and foreigners will enjoy the same with smiles and iby waving his hat Sir :* "•:_ > • j|*» • .. was the pioneer squad, followed by Sir Henry Pellatt and his officers. The is an expert in handling the Indians as rights In Korea as In the rest of Japan. Wilfrid was taken up Baker street, fol* was shown on at least two occasions Assent Given Willingly. lowed by four other carriages in which deputy lord mayor in welcoming Pellatt dwelt on tbe importance pf trade be­ at Creston during the last few weeks Interesting details of the negotiations were Senator Bostock, Hon. William when he fixed things up satisfactorily leading to the annexation are also made Templeman, Hon. George P. Graham, tween Liverpool and Canada. He point­ ed out the great benefit derived from to all concerned. The last occasion public. Tbe assent of Emperor Yisyek F. F. Pardee M.P., E. M. Macdonald, that Mr. Galbraith was called in to act and of his predecessor Yiheui to the M.P., Ralph Smith, M.P., the mayor and •yajjBfe^. ." : cultivating good friendship aa the pres­ as arbitrator was only a few days ago president of the board of trade, together ent visit of the Queen's Own would do. annexation, was given willingly it is when the Indians tore up the survey stated, the only hesitation shown when with B. Ferguson and a number of other Sir Henry Pellatt replied briefly after stakes which are 'being planted by the cttltens. which the regiment disembarked. The the terms were being discussed being ' government surveyor, Charles Moore, in regard to the titles which will here­ Major Lome Stewart acted as marshal soldiers lined up on the landing stage from where they marched through the and ordered the foreman and his help­ after be borne by the former emperors. of tbe procession riding on horseback '•'* ' ii' *jpiflK ers off the work, threatening them with The original Japanese proposal was <"T- cheering multitudes to the London & at the head. , •-M*Sm\LA^SSmw violence if they refused to accept the the title of Grand Duke, but the em­ Triumphant Progress Northwestern railway station.
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