KOMUCCIDI POCCHHCKOH <I>E)lEPAUHU flO ,IlEJIAM IOHECKO COMMISSION DE lA FEDERATION DE RUSSIE POUR L'UNESCO COMMISSION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR UNESCO Ce~Q~eTapnaT KoMHccnn : Secretariat de Ia Commission: Secretariat of tbe Commission: 119200, \1ocKBa, f-200 32/ 34 Smolenskaya-Sennaya pl., 32/ 34 Smolens.kaya-Sennaya Sq., CMOJiencKaJI-CeHHaJI MOmaJJ.b, Entree 1 Entrance 1 AOM 32/ 34, no.zo,e:JJJ, 1 Moscou, 119200, G-200 Moscow, 119200, G-200 Te.IJ./tel: +7 499 244 2456, ctJaKc/ fax: +7 499 244 2475, e-mail:
[email protected] Moscow," 3o .. January 2014 Dear Mr.Rao, In compliance with the decision of the 3ih sessions of the World Heritage Committee it is my pleasure to transmit herewith report on the state of conservation of the world heritage site "Kizhi Pogost". The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation authorizes the World Heritage Centre to upload, in public access, the report mentioned above on the web-site ofthe WHC. Please accept, dear Mr.Rao, the assurances of my highest consideration. Grigory Ordzhonikidze Secretary-General MR. KISHOR RAO DIRECTOR WORLD HERITAGE CENTRE UNESCO Paris cc. Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation to UNESCO The object included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List Petrozavodsk • Kizhi museum publishing centre • 2013 Under the general editorship of D. Lugovoy, Deputy-Director of the Kizhi Museum Compiled by Olga Bukchina, Leading Specialist of the World Heritage Site Management Unit of the Kizhi Open Air Museum Dmitriy Diugai, Head of the Information and Marketing Department of the Kizhi Open Air Museum The Report is made on materials prepared by the Kizhi Museum staff members (L.