Bay shore Man Injured in PATH Train Crash

SEE STORY BELOW Weather Sunny and quite cold today, high HOME In upper teens. Clear and very cold tonight, low zero to 5 above. THEDAILY Fair, little temperature change Red Bank, Freehold tomorrow, high around 20. Sun- day's outlook, mostly cloudy, not I Long Branch 7 FINAL so cold. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 139 "M- RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1968 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Slaying Probe Goes Slowly Matawan Widow Mourned By NANCY J. KUBINSKI Mrs. Rapolla's husband, Alphonso, died four but what is believed to have been the day's receipts MATAWAN — For the third day, manyo resi- years ago. Since then, she worked alone in the neat was still inside. dents here are saddened over the violent death little grocery and liquor store in front of her home Wednesday of Mrs. Carmella Rapolla. The small market was the first borough building to support herself and three children, one of whom, A widow with three children, the 46-year-old at the Matawan Township line, and while not busy woman was shot five times in the head, chest and Joseph, is a junior at a New England college. that afternoon, it was situated on a main thorough- abdomen as she worked in her market at 2 Mam The two other children are Daniel 6, and Marie, fare in a neighborhood of homes and small fac- St. during what may have been a robbery attempt. 12, who are now staying with relatives in Red tories. Since then, local and county police have worked Bank. The murder occurred just before school children day and night to learn the identity of the killer, began streaming from borough schools and only a but have met with little success. It was Marie who found her mother on the Yesterday, however, an artist's composite floor behind a meat counter at 2:30 p.m. At 3:49 couple of hours before commuters would begin com- sketch was issued to all police departments in the p.m. Mrs. Rapolla died at the Perth Amboy General ing into the train station just a block away. Despite k - state depicting a bushy-haired middle-age man, Hospital of what Middlesex County Medical Exami- all the activity, no one apparently heard the shots, wanted for questioning in the slaying. ner William Wilentz called severe hemorrhaging of police said. DEATH STRIKES IN MARKET— Mrs. Carmella Rapolla, a 46-year-old widow/was According to Mayor Edward E. Hyrne,. resi- the heart and liver. According to Lt. Harvey Morrell, the town's shot five times Wednesday afternoon during an apparent holdup at her market at 2 dents are little concerned'with thoughts that an- Cause of death was determined at an autcpsy grief is "multiplied a 100 times" on the police de- other store owner may be in danger of a similar partment. Main St., Matawan. The first building inside the borough at the Matawan Township attack. performed bVthe doctor at the hospital yesterday. He said all trie" gunshot wounds were caused by a "The force's efforts have been at 110 per cent line, the market is situated on a heavily traveled street, with homes and businesses 'FINE WOMAN' with many men coming in on their own time to nearby. Yet, witnesses to the shooting are scarce, according to police. • "We are grieving for a fine woman and for her .22 caliber pistol. search for clues leading to the apprehension of the family, which has been struck so often with death," Police are still trying to determine if robbery _..•• (Register Staff Photo) ' man responsible," he said. "The Rapolla family he said. -. ' . was a motive. The cash register drawer was open, (See MOURN, Pg. 2, Col. 4) Fort Denies Reports of Big Job Cuts ' By DORIS KULMAN "You hope it doesn't happen, you don't plan for it to FT., MONMOUTH — From the top down, spokesmen for happen, but you have to have some course of action planned the U. S. Army Signal Center and School yesterday denied in case it does," the school commandant said. pervasive rumors that a drastic firing of civilian employes "No' one wants to discharge anyone," Gen. Rienzi said. is in the works. Asked how many persons might have to be let go if But no one denies that the school's $10 million annual CONARC doesn't come to the rescue, Gen. Rienzi said, "It budget is, insufficient for its operation and appears headed $1 depends on how much money we don't have." million Into the red. But a reduction in force doesn't necessarily mean anyone No one admits to anything but optimism about chances is fired,-the general-said. the Signal School's parent, the Continental Army Command Explaining that between 10 and 15 civilians quit each (CONARC), will come up with the additional money, just month he said, "Attrition may take care of it. We just •s it did in similar circumstances last year. wouldn't hire anyone to replace them:" ALTERNATIVE PLANS The school, which operates three shifts around the clock, But no one denies that alternative plans — including fur- issued a formal statement yesterday declaring that while it loughing or firing some civilian employes or shutting down doesn't have enough money to continue operating "at current the school — have been made, just in case CONARC doesn't. stepped-up levels through the fiscal year, there-isn't any truth, Rumors began circulating Wednesday Waff "suBStantial to" ths -statement thaf there is a-firpi plan to furlough-em--.* number of the school's 1,050 civilian employees — 400 to 1,000 ployes in the future. .'; — would be fired today. 'MISINTERPRETATION' A Signal School spokesman yesterday declared flatly, "The statement apparently stems from understandably "There aren't any layoffs at the school, and there aren't any apprehensive misinterpretation of the facts by employes who ! layoffs contemplated." have been advised of the fund situation in the normal course Brig. Gen. Thomas M. Rienzj, the school's commandant, of keeping employes informed,"'theofficial release said. - said the rumors apparently stemmed from the annual budget "All possible economy measures have been imposed." execution review, held Wednesday, as it usually is at midterm. The economy measures include riding herd on use of About a dozen persons attended the meeting, at which the material and close scrutiny of such items as travel assign- apparent lack of sufficient funds to carry the school through ments, "but we do that all the time," Gen. Rienzi said. to the. June 30 end of this fiscal year at its current stepped-.up ... With the lion's shar.e of its budget reportedly allocated to PROPOSED EATONTOWN PROJECT- — This is architects' rendering of four-story building proposed for Eaton- levels was discussed. its payroll, the school will have trouble tightening its belt. ' Gen. Rienzi said' that additional funds' have been request-, The school has a military faculty > of 3,200 in addition to town by Murray Hill Land Corp. If approved, it will be occupied by Fort Monmouth for use as office building. Bot- ed from CONARC. , the 1,050 civilians and approximately -8,000 students, both of- tom inset shows what the structure would look like from the air. David and Earl J. Levy are the architects for the HAPPENED LAST YEAR ficers'and enlisted men. Tinton Ave. and Hope Rd. project. "The same thing happened last year," Gen. Rienzi said, It has expanded rapidly in the past two years to meet the "and we gqt the additional money." Army's worldwide communications needs as well as the armed He likened the alternative plans made in case the funds forces commitments in Vietnam. It processed about 18,000 aren't forthcoming to plans made "in case of fire." enlisted men and more than 2,100 officer students last year. Eatontown Building Plan Train Crash Hurts 200, Is Hailed by Fort's General Including Area Man FT. MONMOUTH — The com- a number of local builders and But it immediately ran into able, the tight federal fiscal situ- manding general of the Electron- real estate people about these some trouble when several New ation is said to make that im- ics Command here today hailed needs during this time. I certainly Shrewsbury residents, whose prop- JERSEY CITY — A New York- in satisfactory condition this the 5:15 p.m. collision which oc- possible. The alternative is to morning at the center, where he curred just west of the Port the plan to construct a huge four- appreciate the enterprising spirit erties are near the proposed site, have a private developer under- bound PATH rapid transit com- story office building in Eaton- of the Murray Hill Co. and would objected. They cited traffic and muter train crashed into the rear was being detained in the emer- Authority Trans Hudson PATH take the project — and have the gency ward. tubes station at Journal Square town which eventually could look on the proposals of any other sewerage problems as well as a federal government lease it. This of another at the height of the house more than 3,000 civilian and, company to improve our facili- possible devaluation of their land. evening rush hour yesterday, in- It was reported that a number here. was the procedure followed for shoreland commuters were held Twenty-eight doctors were military personnel. ties with great favor." There was no Eatontown opposi- the Mallard communications build- juring some 200 persons, including tion. Junius S. Wall, of 3 Shadyside up by the crash and took buses called in to reinforce the two "I am delighted that an enter- An application for construction ing in New Shrewsbury. Place, Port Monmouth, a conduc- home late yesterday afternoon normally assigned to emergency prising builder has undertaken of the building came before the Cost for the project was esti- Advances Project tor on the train. and last night. duty. Dr. Clifford Blasi* director a project of this magnitude with Eatontown Zoning Board Wednes- mated at $6 million — but a It was learned that Rep. James Mr. Wall, who was hospitalized There were no fatalities. The of emergency facilities, said more our needs in mind," Maj. Gen. day night. Murray Hill Land Inc., Washington source said yesterday J. Howard, D-N.J., has been hard with 17 other persons in Jersey injured began jamming the Jersey than 200 victims were brought in William D. Latta stated; adding: New York City, is seeking a it could go as high as $12 million. at work in Washington advancing City Medical Center, was reported City Medical Center shortly after Most were treated and released. "I have been trying since 1 variance to build the structure It is no secret that the growing the new project. on 32 acres of land at the north- "I heard a big sound and then arrived here over two years ago Electronics Command has been The 10-year leasing arrange- east corner of Tinton Ave. and everything went black," said to improve the antiquated and pressed for working space — and, ment needs the approval of the Hope Road, now a residential Gilbert Rodriquez, 46, of the outmoded buildings many of our while military construction on House and Senate Public Works Bronx, N.Y., a passenger in one Maj. Gen. William D. Latta people occupy. I have spoken to fort property is considered desir- Committees — and also must have Hughes Is Seeking of the trains. Rodriquez said he the blessing of the powerful House was in a train which halted be Armed Services Committee. There hind a second of the subway-style were strong indications that no trains, waiting to enter the Jour- •congressional opposition would be Financial Solutions nal Square station. Eatontown Cop Rescues Man, 84 forthcoming. PRINCETON (AP) — Gov. position to proposing a state in- A third train collided with the rear of the one he was on, Rod EATONTOWN - An 84-year-old which froze water on the lad- has been on the local force five pouring from the Catchpole dwell- A spokesman for Congressman Richard J. Hughes says he's come tax or an increase in the Howard said yesterday the Third groping his way for a solution state's three per cent sales tax riquez said. He added the im- man was saved from a fiery ders and underfoot hampered the years, said he was driving on ing. He turned in the alarm from pact knocked him unconscious death early this morning when he firefighting, Chief Guerci said. South St. en route to his Maple a box at Buttonwood Ave. and District Democrat has, for the to the state's fiscal problems and to meet the budget gap. past years, worked closely with plans to have a proposal in about No Comment and when he awoke "many people was pulled, apparently uncon- The 30-year-old patrolman, who Ave. home when he saw smoke South St., then raced back to the were on the floor, all yelling." scious, from the burning living house and "started hollering was Ft. Monmouth officials in helping a month. But he would not comment on to solve their space problems. "I'm twisting and turning very the other alternatives, raising ex- He was taken to the hospital room of his home here by an off- there anyone in there." with back and neck injuries. Jer- duty Eatontown policeman. "This looks like the best possible hard," Hughes said yesterday, in cise taxes on such items as ciga- When a neighbor "hollered plan to give Ft. Monmouth the describing his search for an rettes and gasoline or floating sey City Police Director George Flames engulfed the living Inlet, Beach Protection back there was," Patrol- Whelan declared a state of emer- building room it must have," he answer to New Jersey's financial bond issues. room of the one-story frame bun- man Mazza pushed open the front explained. difficulties. His budget message is due by gency and police, Red Cross, fire galow at 164 South St. moments door and, through the smoke and governor the middle of February, and civil defense units swarmed flames, saw the pajama-clad Mr. Did this mean Ft. Monmouth The Democratic after Patrolman Joseph Mazza Hearing Slated Feb. 5 was going to begin a hiring pro- added that he expected a similar The governor declined to esti- into the area to evacuate injured literally dragged Thomas Catch- Catchpole lying, apparently un- ment of Conservation and Eco- gram for some 3,00.0 workers? effort at soul searching from mate the extent of the budget Rescue operations were ham- pole from it, Fire Chief Charles ASBURY PARK — Public in- conscious, on the living room nomic; Development in 1961 and "It does not," said a spokes- the Republican controlled legisla- deficit in the next fiscal year if pered because of the near-zero Guerci said. terest in the proposed Shrews- floor, about three feet from the revenues were not increased. But weather, and the locations of the bury River inlet at Sandy Hook several projects have resulted. door. man for Gen. Latta. He stated ture. "I hope the majority party Mr. Catchpole was admitted to he said the gap would be "very trains in a open gully, or cut, and beach protection needs in that the fort was going to give will do some twisting and turn- the intensive care unit at Mon- The study for which the Febru- The policeman dragged the el- up the wooden building Coles area ing also," Hughes said. substantial." (See CRASH, Pg. 20, Col. 8) Monmouth and "Ocean Counties ary hearing is being held deals mouth Medical Center, Long will be sounded here at an open derly man by the feet onto the on Newman Springs Road in Mid- The governor told a news con- Branch, with first and second de- with existing and proposed inlets enclosed front porcli, and Patrol- dletown — and about 1,000 work- ference at Morven, the executive hearing Monday, Feb. 5, at 7:30 between Sandy Hook and Island gree burns ot* the head, neck, p.m. man Daniel Lang, the first on the ers would go from there to the mansion here, that he planned Reach State Parks, and ocean scene, helped carry the elderly and arms, symptoms of smoke The Army Corps of Engineers new structure. A renovation proj- to have "a policy decision" by Today's Index inhalation and in a state of semi- jetties, beach fill and dunes. man to the patrol car to await ect would start in the so-called the middle of next month on the announced yesterday that it will shock. He was reported in fair Colonel Watkin said that his the First Aid ambulance, Chief 400 area off Oceanport Ave., administration's proposal to raise Middletown Juniors Install officers Va%e 8 conduct a public session on that condition later this morning. staff wanls to be informed by Guerci said. knocking down some of the World additional revenue to meet a pro- date at the beachfront Asbury Ice boat racing returns to Navcslnk River Page 15 hearing participants about exist- The chief said the entire front War II barracks-type buildings. jected deficit In the budget for the "It was a heroic thing Joe did," Ave. pavilion. ing and potential problems as section of the six-room house was Many''of the civilians there would next fiscal year. Allen-Scott ,.,8 Movie Timetable 10 Chief Guerci said. "He saved a Public officials from federal, 1 well as projected expansion of blazing when firemen reached it. be shifted to the proposed Eaton- It was Hughes' first news con- Obltunrles : 2 & 4 man's life." state, county and municipal Amusements 10,11 the boating industry that might "If Joe hadn't pulled him out," town building. ference since leaving the Univer- nir.hs 2 Sylvia Porter . 6 40 Firemen levels are being invited. But Col. BirtM Z be expected if coastal improve- Mr. Catchpole "would have sity of Pennsylvania where he un- Rcliqious Services Forty firemen from Engine W.W. Walkin Jr., district engi- No Philadelphia Move ments are made. burned to death," the chief said. derwent eye surgery in Decem- Jim Bishop 6 Sports 15 & 21 Hose and Truck Co. No. 1, joined neer at Philadelphia, said that The fort's spokesman was quick ber. He is recuperating at Mor- Bridge II Stock Market 7 by Palrolmnn Mazza, (ought the views of nil interested persons Tlio measure of federal invest- The chief said the fire appar- to stress that no movement of vcn. Classified 16-20 Successful Investing 7 2:43 a.m. blaze for V/2 hours be- will be heard. ments against economic results ently started in the section of the personnel was planned from the The governor amplified on his Comics 21 Teen : 14 fore bringing it under control. An application for a coopera- in the community is decisive in living room where Mr. Catchpole Electronics Command's satellite annual message to the legislature Crossword Puzzle 10,11 Television 10, 11 Back taps sounded at 4:30 a.m. tive study of ocean beaches was decisions of where the govern- was found. The cause of the blaze facilities in Philadelphia to here. TuesAjy by reiterating his op-l Editorials 6 Women's News ... 8 The three degree temperature submitted by the state Depart- will spend, he indicated. (See SAVED, Pg. 20, Col. 6) (See PROJECT. pg. 2, Col. 5) 2—Frid.v, January 12, THF. DAILY REGISTER Mourji Kindergarten g Is well tiiought of here and tfie death saddens us State's 1967 Traffic Toll Up all." Borough police and county detectives admit Is Pondered Again the investigation is proceeding slowly, but yester- day expressed iiope that the sketch now in circula- COLTS NECK - The perennial The board _ was not optimistic about receiving confirmation of By 37; 72 Died in Monmouth tion may yield results. a problem of when a child may accreditation, or the reverse, . LONG BRANCH — Thirly-scv-! Inspector Vidnr Carney nf the .The signal became operative i The man being sought for questioning in the enter kindergarten rose again to . murder is described as white, between 50 and 55 plague the Board of Education from either the New Jersey or en more persons dir-d in traffic'State Safety Council reported that late December after controls Massachusetts state Boards of years of ap.e, bushy, light-colored hair with gray, at its meeting last night. accidents in New Jersey in ]!M>7 the stale's official Driver Manu-! awaited since the installation las! Education. •al. issued to all applicants for Fobruiiry, were connected. five feet, two inches tall, 135 pounds, light com- . It is not the rule which than in IMfi. [driver's licenses, is boinj; Next on the state's list of traf plexion, wearing glasses and a black, shiny jacket. causing trouble, it is the excep- Board member Melvin Wiliett The stale toll as reported by: jby subc-ommittpps of county fie signal Installations in th< The man was reportedly seen in the vicinity of tions. asked if it was fair for longtime c( the store during the time of the murder. residents to be denied admission • the Division of Molnr Vehicles |raffic rommiitrns. statewide. counly will be three-phasing c In order to enter kindergarten, County Detectives Andrew Manning and Robert for their children while new- Monday was I,lfi4. |f|,c rovision is bring done nt the the light at Broad Street, Mapl a Colts Neck child must be five Freeman are working with borough Detective Car- comers would receive the privi- In Monmoulh County, the toll ] request of Miss .June Strelrcki. di Avenue. Newman Springs Roai years old on or before Oct. 1 of 1 men Messina under the direction of Captain Robert lege due to a technicality. also rose. In 1S67, 72 persons rector of motor vehicles. The jam] the railroad in Red Bank McGowan here. that year. died. In 1%G, there were 69 fa-'manual, compiled a number ol Mr. Ney reported in answer to a But — a child transferring from Dr. Unger pointed out that the Born in Johnstown, Pa., Mrs. Rapolla was the welfare of the child should always talitics in the counly. years a^o, omits important infor- query from the floor. The new another school because her family daughter of Mrs. Lucy Campo of Belford and the be the prime consideration and ' Henry Ney, county traffic en- mation on items such as the im controls will relieve traffic mov moves to the township may con- plied consent law, revised traffic ing south on Broad Street from late Philip Campo. She had lived here 22 years and that it is a question of continuity. gineer, reported the totals to the was a communicant of St. Joseph's Catholic tinue in the same grade, provid- •Monmouth County .Traffic Safety signs and signals and the driver encountering vehicles turning A youngster who had already Church, Keyport. ing the previous school is an started kindergarten might suffer Committee yesterday in West re-examination and re-education left from Broad Street onto Ma WANTED—Matawan borough "accredited" one. End Manor without comment, ex- programs. Monmouth County's pie Avenue. Besides her children and mother, she is sur- by having the experience inter- vived by two brothers, Anthony and Philip Campo, police and count/ detectives The "matter turned on the ques- rupted, only to begin again the cept to add that the toll for 1967 subcommittee is headed by Jo- Still in the state mill Is an ap- tions of what constitutes a trans seph C. Berka of Middletown. plication for a blinker light a both of New Monmouth; two sisters, Mrs. Cath- "accredited" next year. may be higher when all the fig- erine Maletto of Red Bank and Mrs. Rose DeChic- have issued this artirr'i con- fer and what Is an ures are in. Recommendations of county Long Branch and Joline Avenues ception of the man they ara school. "There is a point of information subcommittees will be submitted in Long Branch. Patrolman Via cnio of River Plaza, handed the which the board is missing," In the county, 46 of the vie-! The board was to Miss Strelecki In about two cent Maccioli, Long Branch traf- The funeral will be Monday at 8:30 p.m. from seeking for questioning in the . tims were male, 26 were female. dilemma by the parents of little said Mr. Wiliett, adding that he month!, Inspector Carney said. fic coordinator, said there were the Day Funeral Home, Keyport. A High Requiem Thirty - three were drivers, 21 Wednesday slaying of Mrs. Amey Travis, who was five years would like to bring it up in a five- Elmer J. Noll of Fair Haven, 21 accidents at the intersection in Mass will be at 9 a.m. In St. Joseph's Catholic old on Nov. 2, 1967. The family minute executive session. were passengers, 16 were pedes- Church, Keyport. Burial will be in St. Joseph's Carmella Rapolla, in her committee chairman, expressed 1967. has just moved to Colts Neck In answer to a question, he trians and two were bicyclists. Cemetery, Keyport. market at 2 Main St. Twenty-six died on state high- the committee's satisfaction that Mr. Ney could give no estimate and wants * Amey admitted to claimed that it was "absolutely ways, 29 died on county roads the traffic signal at the Sea as to when state approval will be kindergarten. relevant" to the board's decision. and 17 were killed on municipal Bright Bridge is finally operat- forthcoming. In Private School It was decided to table the matter - streets. Most of them died in ing. The next meeting of the com. Had she been living in the town- until the end of the meeting when darkness; 43 at night and 29 in "The burlap finally rotted off mittee will be Thursday, Feb. 8, Colts Neck Teachers ship all along, there would be the public had left. . daylight. the Sea Bright light," he com- in Hod's Shadowbrook, Shrews no problem. She would have mented. bury. missed the cut-off date by about -, County municipal!!iei leading OLIVE J. GOVE Take Part in Program month. But Amey has been the highway sweepstakes arc How POINT PLEASANT - Miss attending a private kindergarten Crime Code ell Township and Middletown live J. Gove, 82, died Wednes- COLTS NECK — Dr. Roy Un elsewhere are paid for at half in Massachusetts. with nine fatalities each. Ocea Marine Strength lay at her home, 859 Arnold Ave. ger, school superintendent, an- rate. Her former school had sent a Township follows with six; Colts She was the sister of Mrs. E nounced last night that three The board approved the ap- letter evaluating Amey's work, Plan Backed Neck, Hazlet and Marlboro are telle Settle of Red Bank. Colts Neck teachers had agreed pointment of Mrs. Paula Sarh and but did this constitute a valid next with five apiece. Freehol The funeral willba tonight to cooperate with the Monmouth Mrs. Alicia Tague as tutors in transfer? Board members were By Police Township had four deaths. Be Increased in North 8 o'clock in the Van Hise and College Practice Teaching Pro- the 1967-68 Title I program at a not sure, although the' school mar, Long Branch, Matawa gram. salary of fS per hour, such sal HIGHLANDS - The passage of SAIGON (AP) - The U.S. Callagan Funeral Home, here. superintendent, Dr. Roy Unger, Township and Wall Township fa] trate on the provinces of .Quang aries not to exceed a total of a criminal registration ordinance, Marine force In South Vietnam's Burial will be tomorrow at 1 He told the Board of Education stated that a letter was all the * low with three each. Spring Lake, Tri, which fronts the DMZ, and a.m. in Fair View Cemetery $1,725. transfer he usually received from being contemplated by Borough two northernmost provinces in. that, beginning Feb. 3, Mrs. Ka- "Neptune Township, Keyport and Thua Thien, just below it, In their Falrview. Under this program, 20 to 25 area schools. Council, has been heartily en- creased to 25,000 men today as expected spring offense in the thyGedrys, Grade 6 teacher at dorsed by local police officials. "Holmdel had two fatalities apiece. the Cedar Drive School, Mrs. Ka- selected students are given extra Nine other municipalities round another regiment was moved north. help. The entire amount of $1,725 The ordinance, introduced this north to meet the threat of North OPFERMAN S. DUNCAN SR. ty Clements, Grade 7 teacher at "out the death toll with one death The shift of the 3,500-man 5th the same place, and Mrs. Hope will be used for Instruction, with Weather week by the council, will be Vietnamese divisions around the LONG BRANCH — Opferman brought before the public at a each: Avon, Deal, Eatontown, Marine Regiment from an oper- Hrysenko, a Grade 1 teacher at nothing being siphoned off for ad- New Jersey: Sunny and quite demilitarized zone. S. Duncan Sr., 80, of 307 Rock- hearing Feb. 6. Millstone, New Shrewsbury, ating area south of Da Nang ministrative or other costs. cold today, high in teens north to Senior Marine officers said well Ave., died yesterday in Mon- the Atlantic Elementary School Rumson, Sea Girt, Spring Lake gives the Marines three more will function as cooperating The resignation of a lunchroom mid 20s south. Clear and very Similar r.6 ordinances in effect there are indications that the mouth Medical Center. Heights and Upper Freehold maneuver battalions — which can teachers for three Monmouth Col- aide at the Atlantic School, Mrs. cold tonight, low 10-15 below zero in Red Bank, Oceanport and Long Township. Communist troops will concen Mr. Duncan was born in High' cover a wide area and aren't lege seniors. Audrey Gelsomine, was accepted northwest, zero to 10 above south. Branch, it would require each The fact that 13 county munlcl tied down in static defensive lands and had resided there unti the board appointed Mrs. Fair tomorrow'with little temper- person with felony convictions to polities reporting deaths in 1966 positions — In Thua Thlen. Only moving-to Long Branch five years It.wa* revealed that the federal Melvin Wiliett, wife of a board ature change, high in upper teens register upon moving into town. had none last ye«r did little, to 2nd Request two Marine battalions had been ago. He was the son of the late government pays the school dis- member, to fill the position tem- to mid-20s. Outlook for Sunday, While the ordinance is consid- "relieve the grimnes* of Mr. Ney's operating in the province gen- Edward and Delia Duncan. A trict for federally connected chil- porarily. Mrs. Wlllett, at her own mostly cloudy and not so cold. ered desirable by the police, the report. The fatalities were mere erally. World War II Navy veteran, he dren attending local schools at insistence, will serve without a MARINE Monmouth County chapter of the ly shuffled around a bit. OKd for New was also a retired harbor in- the rate of $3*4.49. There were American Civil Liberties Union The enlarged Marine force, to- salary. Mr. Wiliett abstained Cape May to Block Island: The committee unanimously ap- spector for New York Harbor. 139 such studente in daily atten- is contesting it as a curtailment gether with about 12,000 South from voting. Northerly winds 10-20 knots to- proved a request to Monmouth Surviving are his widow, Mrs. dance as of Oct. 31. It was announced that all can- day, occasional higher gusts di of personal liberty. At present a County state legislators to intro- Post Office Vietnamese infantrymen, makes case in the county is at Bel mar, • the allied and Communist forces Sarah Duncan; one ion, Qpfer- •However, the full rate only ap- didates for the school board mlnishing to 10 knots or less to- duce a new driver education bill MARLBORO — ThU township man S. Duncan, Jr., of New plies to children who actually where the courts are now decid- needs a new post office. Township in the DMZ theater of war about speak at the Cedar Drive School night. Variable winds 10 knots providing driver education Shrewsbury; two daughters, Mrs live on.federal property. Those ing. Council last night approved a equal In infantry manpower, ac- at the PTA meeting on Wednes- or less Saturday. Fair through courses for all high school stu whose parents are employed on Chief John Mackel said the po- motion authorizing Its postmas- cording to intelligence reports. John Testa of New Shrewsbury day. Their topic will be "Excel- Saturday. Visibility better than dents in the state. Another luch federal property, but who live lice force has long awaited such ter to write to tha postmaster The B52s did not return to the man S. Duncan Jr., of New lence in the School System." five miles through Saturday. - bill died in the last session of Jersey; two step-daughters, the a move here. . the legislature. general requesting a new facility DMZ area today, Instead raiding TIDES suspected enemy staging areas Misses Eugenia and Barbara Sandy Hook "The whole police department is for the ordinance because it is in the central highlands 60 miles Baker, both at home; two broth- TODAY — High 5:42 p.m. and The resolution said that the Project specially helpful in a small town northwest of Saigon near the ers, Harry and Edward Duncan, low 11:36 p.m. resent post office on Rt. 79 both of Highlands; ten grand (Continued) as a deterrent to crime." Mail Going - Is inadequate Cambodian border. TOMORROW - High 6 a.m. and "will be com. children, and one great-grand- There was considerable political ly owned — will be on the tax Police claim that the ordinance- letely unable to handle the nor- The North Vietnamese have controversy generated several rolls and would be another sizable and 6:30 p.m. and low . . . a.m. child. and 12:30 p.m. makes it possible for law enforce- mal volume of business to be tried repeatedly to set up mlssll years ago when it was rumored ratable for Eatontown and the By Airplane SUNDAY — High 6:42 a.m. ment agencies to know who is xpected as a result of new home sites close to the DMZ for Bhot The funeral will be Monday at such a move was under consider- county. WASHINGTON (AP) — The 11 a.m. in the Woolley Funeral and.7:12 p.m. and low 12:24 a.m. coming into the town and pro- Tost Office Department'plant to :or\6truction in the area." at the B52s. Yesterday's barrag ation. But nothing ever came of vides much more effective police Home here. Interment will be in it. There are more than 3,000 em- The application was forwarded and 1:18 p,nv, .. " . eliminate air mail as a separate This will be the second request was the fourth reported attempt to the Planning Board for a de- For Red Bank and Rumson protection. made by Marlboro for a post of- Bayvlew Cemetery, Leonardo. ployes at Philadelphia's Materiel service and send all first class since last September to hit one cision — and, if- that and-Zoning bridge, add hours; Sea They also cited the fact that fice. Council President George E. Management Directorate and .op- g, a letter* by air at tho new six- of the high-flying Stratofortress- Board approval are'favorable, it d municipalities with the ordinance cent rate, Postmaster General reevy said he believed the first es, but the U.S. Command says MISS ANNA KIRCHNER rating elements of the Procure- Bright, deduct' Iff'minutes; Long ment and Production Directorate. will go to Borough Council for Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High consistently report less crime Lawrence F. O'Brien announced me was being held up by a "snag the enemy never has succeeded LEONARDO — Miss Anna the final okay. than those without it. today. n the bureaucracy," and that he Kirchner, 70, of 9 Franklin Ave., The fort's spokesman said per- ands bridge, add 40 minutes. oped the new appeal would died in her home yesterday. onnel in the Evans area in West O'Brien said that for all pur- Belmar would not be affected by poses the Post Office already is tlmulate action on the matter. Born in Newark, she had resid- A change In the dog ordinance ed here for about two years. She the new building, sending nearly all first class mail "Before we could enter into a by air. ncreasing the license fee from had retired from employment BANK STATEMENT GOT YOU ... tl.25 to $2 was adopted. There ontract of this type, we would • "Very, very little of this is with the General Instrument Co., be a public hearing on the Newark. d Defense Department and being handled by the railroad. RIVERVIEW ongressional approval and we :ode Thursday, Jan. 25, at 8 She is survived by three sis- Concerned? We have what closely approxi- .m. In Central School. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Montesar- would be equally hopeful of com- mates total airlift service now," ters, Mrs. William Fleckensteln of Mayor McCue told council that chio (nee Shirley Carlonze), 20 munity support and approval of he told a news conference. rvlngton, Mrs. Josephine Collani Vykoff House, the new municipal Thorne Place, New Monraouth, uch a project to furnish our em- Dismayed? Within the last year the Post of Newark, and Mrs. Evelyn ployees with better facilities," uilding on Rt. 79. will be ready son, yesterday. Herder of Union; two brothers, Office has connected more than for occupancy Monday, Jan. 15. MONMOUTH MEDICAL said Gen. Latta, adding: 500 cities in a nationwide airlift Fred Kirchner of Newark, and "For too long many of our peo- Alarmed? All public records soon will be Long Branch Leonard Kirchner of Leonardo. network. housed thero. le have had to suffer cold, drafty Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wlnkoff A Mass of Requiem will be of- "As a result, 75 per cent of all Council also approved the ap- (nee Sharon Stretch), Centra winters and hot sweltering Depressed? first class mail deposited before pointment of these five special fered Monday at 10 a.m. in St. ummers in barracks buildings Ave,, Union Beach, twin dauglr Agnes Church, Atlantic Highlands. .5 p.m. is now being delivered the police officers for one year: Al- ters, Tuesday. •uilt more than 25 years ago and day after mailing, and 90 per fred C. Boysen, Robert V. Sebcr Burial will be in Mt. Olivet Ceme- designed to last only five to seven Irate? Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ehlers tery, Middletown, under the di- ccnl is being delivered within Jr., Charles J. Van Curen, Joseph (nee Linda Vincent), 27 Rose ears.'" two days," he said. A. Walker, and Edward Chavan. rection of th« Posten Funeral Lane, Union Beach, son, yester- Home. Congressman Howard's spokes- REGAIN YOUR COOL, MA'AM, day. man also emphasized the need Mr. and Mrs. Fred Archer Jr. for more, modern buildings at (nee Linda Halloran), 538 Mac- GEORGE BRITTON AVON — George Britton, 73, or near the fort. "You can't take with a YOUR kay Ave., Belford, son, yester- top-flight scientific, engineer- day. 415 Fifth Ave. died "Wednesday at Jersey Shore Medical Center, Ing and administrative people and Mr. and Mrs Richard Scanlan Neptune. permit them to work under poor lower cost (nee Marilyn Wollman), 4 Tues- Born in Highlands, he had re- conditions," he said. "If Ft. Mon- day Road, Wall Township, daugh sided in the shore area all his mouth is to continue to attract Keansburg- PROJECT CENTER ter, yesterday. life. outstanding people, proper space Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Roma- must be made available." nello (nee Antoinette Finti), 3«-C Surviving is his wife, Cellna; three brothers, Raymond of Ea- David and Earl J. Levy are Middletown U.S. PLYWOOD — WELDWOOD Aberdeen Road, Matawan, daugh- ter, yesterday. ' tontown, John of East ' Orange the project's architects. The 575,- and Howard of New York City. 000 square-foot building was de- Mr. and Mrs. Shane Washing- scribed as a campus-type struc- Checking Account ton (nee Paulette Davis), 258 Funeral services will be to- morrow at 3 p.m. in the Posten ture with roadways and parking Bath Ave^ Long Branch, daugh- for 1,500 cars.. In addition to the ter, yesterday. Funeral Home, Atlantic High- Convenience Cheeking Account Regular Personal Account lands, with the Rev. William Mc- four above-ground stories, there Paneling JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL Cullough, officiating. Burial will also would be an underground Neptune be In Bay View Cemetery, Leo- floor used for offices. 1. No minimum balance required.' 1. No minimum balance required. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey nardo, There would be ample land- jj (nee Rence Vschlegner), 426 Slo- scaping, with trees and shrubs, 2. No limit to the number of ram Ave., Neptune, son, yester- it was brought out at Wednes- HEADQUARTERS day. RAYMOND WESTBROOK 2. No monthly service charge. checks you can write. NAVESINK - Raymond West- day night's meeting, and only 3>/i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris of the 32 acres will be used for (nee Harriet Bennett), 1102 Mun- irook, 74, of 172 Monmouth Ave., who died Tuesday at Allenwood the building. 3. If your balance is under $500 roe Ave, Asbury Park, son, yes- At the same time, the proposed 3. Only .15c per check. terday. Hospital, is also survived by two there Is a service charge of Autumn Pecan brothers, John Westbrook of Red building — since It will be private- 1.50 per month. Mr. arid Mrs. Joseph Focarile Bank and Frank Westbrook. |, (nee MarRaret Macharloli), W«sh- 4. Nama and address printed on Other survivors were listed In 4. If your balance is over $500 ington St., Freehold, son, yes. yesterday's Dally Register. terdav. Funeral services will be tomor- checks FREE OF CHARGE. there is NO SERVICE CHARGE. Reg. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kov- row at 11 a.m. in the Posten Fu- chak Jr., (nee Patricia Sayre), neral Home, Atlantic Highlands. 16.98 Halls Mills Road, Freehold, ntermem will be in Crystal 11 daughter, yesterday. Stream Cemetery, here. IV thick • 4'x8' sheet The Bank That's Strong For You You won't Ixlltvt your tytt when you scf our fantastic wlectlon of panel- . . Hundreds of kindt to choose DOG REGISTRATION KEANSBURG- MIDDLETOWN ALSO IN STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES FOR HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP • Scom Lawn Products • Sokreto NATIONAL BANK • Shultartttts • Pittsburgh Paints KEANSBURG • Black and Decker Tooli JAN. 1-JAN. 31 AUTHORIZED MIDDLETOWN if • Flagstone Church and Carr Ave. Kings Hwy. Chief J. W. Phillips wishes to notify all Holmdel INSURANCE Stop in and Get tho "Red Carpet Treatment" Township dog owners that tho 1968 dog licenisi REPLACEMENTS LINCROFT BELFORD ar» bsing sold in Holmdel Township, Monday thru ATLANTIC GLASS Newman Springs Rd. Leonardville Rd. Friday, 8 A.M. to 12 Noon and I P.M. to 4 P.M. Little Silver RED BANK and all day Saturday. All licenses are subject to 21 Mapl* Avt.—747-2020 PORT MONMOUTH LUMBER renewal by Jan. 31, 1968. Dog owners who have MATAWAN Rt. 36, near Main St. 15 SYCAMORE AVE. LITTLE SILVER — 741-7800 unregistered dogs are in violation of Holmdel's dog 38 Lower Main St.—566-1838 No Charcja for Deliveries — Ath for Dick, Robbit or Tom BELMAR TELEPHONE (ALL OFFICES 787-0100 ordinanco and Am subject to Monday through Friday 7:30-5: Saturday 7:30-3 P.M. a summons. HIS Hwy. 71—4JM200 THE DAILY REGISTER Friday, January 12. 1968—3. MGAP's Goal: Record 2 Mayors' Opinions Differ Over In Trainee Placements West Keansburg Secession Move LONG BRANCH - The Mon- trained applicants to fill the po- ing, shelf - stocking, pricing, By ED WALSH |A. Morales said that he views being shut off from the rest of burg as our patrols are on the to be studied from each and mouth Community Action Pro- sitions necessary to fulfill custo- stamping and displaying. HAZLET — In the wake of the the subject only as a rumor at the township by the retaining road constantly and always in every angle. gram hopes to set a new record mer needs for their products, Mr. There are two air conditioning possible secession of West Keans- the present time, and would not wall that runs down the center of communication with police head- "Every pro and con would in on-the-job trainee placements Dalton said. These 10 trainees mechanic trainees at Engineered burg from Hazlet Township and give it any "serious considera- Rt. 36, and being two and one quarters." have to be weighed carefully, and this year, Joseph E. Taylor, ex- will be trained in all phases of Heating & Cooling, Inc. of 317 the annexing by the borough of tion" until 60 per cent of the res- half miles from the police station Mayor Leonard S. Bellez- the economic feasibility warrant- ecutive director, said yesterday. food preparation and employed Broadway, here, being taught Keansburg, the mayors of both idents present the Township Com- Mr. Morales said:. za said he could give no official ed." Mr. Taylor reported that by the Rokeach firm after com- equipment familiarization, field municipalities took different mittee with petitions for seces- "This section is no different statement as he hasn't discussed If Keansburg were to annex Alphonse J. Dalton, on-the-job pleting the course. installation, blueprint reading, stands last night. lion. from the people who live on the the matter with any member of West Keansburg, an ordinance program director, is making new There are two more trainees at sheet metal work and job layout. Hazlet Township Mayor Joseph The petitions are needed be- south side of Rt. 35 and travel the municipal government or with would have to be passed by the inroads with business and indus- the Admiral's Table, a night dub- 'ore the Township Committee can just as far. residents of Keansburg and West Borough Council after the resolu- trial firms and social agencies. restaurant on Rt. 35, Ocean idopt a resolution granting the "And I have never heard of Keansburg. tion is passed by the Hazlet "There is a more aggressive Township, operated by Jack R. ecession. any complaints from residents "Speaking for myself," he said, Township. Then the debt service approach this year," Mr. Taylor McKenzie. They are cook Quizzed on some of the state- who said the police were slow In "I feel that a project as serious would have to be exchanged be- 3 Witnesses Heard tween the two municipalities. continued. trainees and are receiving in- ments made by residents about answering calls to West Keans- and as large as this would have 16 Trainees Placed struction in the maintenance of Mr. Taylor said that Mr. Dal- the kitchen, food preparation and Man Acquitted ton's last report disclosed that he •cooking, dessert and salad prep- In City Crime Probe placed 16 trainees. aration and baking. Critic Warns Council in City In Auto Death Now 10 are working for I. Ro- There are two grocerymen FREEHOLD — The hold-over keach, Inc. of Farmingdale, a trainees at Foodarama Supermar. September session of the Mon- FREEHOLD — Robert P. En- food preparing firm. This corpo- kets, Inc. of Freehold taking in- mouth County Grand Jury called stice, 488 Broadway, Long ration hasn't been able to find struction in receiving, warehous- witnesses for the first time in a He'd Fight Big Fee for Hearing Branch, yesterday won a directed month yesterday in its investiga- verdict of acquittal from Supe- tion of police tampering charges LONG BRANCH — Milton Councilman Ippolito called for Broadway Cocktail Lounge, 12 in Long Branch. iarr of 298 (Poole Ave. will hold urther discussion of the project Fourth Ave. The corporation rior Court Judge Clarkson S. The first witness called was personally responsible any coun- at a council caucus session. pleaded non vult to a charge of Fisher on charges of causing Trade Schools Ask cilman who approves a bill of Second Assistant Attorney Gen- Council can change its vote and selling liquor to a minor. death by auto. more than $500 submitted by Dan- grant approval at any time. eral Joseph A. Hoffman, who iel J. O'Hern of Red Bank, spe- Postponement of a hearing on Mr. Enstice had been the driver Monday takes over as first assis- Okay School Bonding cial attorney hired by the city to Approved with three affirma- a similar charge against Mrs. of a car involved in a Sept. 15 $98^75 Tax Hike tant. prosecute charges against court Mae M. Miller, proprietor of Mor- accident which resulted in the tive votes and an abstention by Mr. Hoffman refused to shed :lerk Frank L. Palaia in the re- Councilman Ippolito was a reso- tle's Wines and Liquors, 224 death of Joseph Baldanza, Matilda FREEHOLD — Because of two Capital outlay for the day, tech- any light on the progress of the Broadway, was granted. A date Ter. Mr. Baldanza had been a new county vocational schools go- nical and summer programs is cent administrative hearing. ution authorizing the city attor- investigation, saying only: ley to draw up a bonding ordi- for hearing will be set at the next pedestrian. ing up and increased teachers $40,000, a drop of $28,000 com- "I don't think I'm in a position Mr. Garr put City Council on council caucus meeting. salaries, the county Vocational nance in the amount of $561,991 Mr. Enstice was represented by pared with last year. to comment on the case at this notice last night during the pub- School Board of Education is ask- Aid Anticipated lic portion of the council meeting. to finance additions to Lenna H. Stephen J. Megill was ap- Daniel J. O'Hern, Red Bank, with time." Conrow and Elberon Schools as ing the county for $98,275 more in Anticipated in federal aid for "Now that the Roman Circus of pointed a member of the Inde- Assistant Prosecutor John Ap- Also called was Capt. Gerald P. proposed by the Board of Educa- taxes for 1968-69 than for this current expenses is $80,000, same the Palaia hearing is over," he pendent Engine and Truck Co. Dollar, head of the" New Jersey tion and approved by the Board plegate presenting the state's year. as last year. State aid antici- declared, "I will see that the city James A. Vaccaro was named to pated is $70,000, up $20,000 over State Police gambling investiga- of School Estimate. West End Engine Co. case. The tax levy in the budgel tion unit. pays no more than $500 and will which was adopted by the board last year. Mr. Ippolito suggested the Headed Raids Team hold any councilman who okays yesterday is $569,600, compared Both federal and state aid ;his bill personally responsible." Board of Education use the more Capt. Dollar had headed up a than $500,000 It has on hand to PRE-INVENTORY SALE with $471,325 for this yeart This figures are estimates. Federal aid is based on actual expenditures team which made a series of Mr. Garr was referring to an start the project and postpone year's figure had increased $34,- Joseph A. Hoffman offer by Municipal Court Judge 825 over the previous one whidi for salary, supplies and equip- gambling raids in Monmouth bonding until next year, when the ment. State aid is based on en- County in September, 1966. Sev- itanley Cohen to City Council to bond market may be more favor- FLOOR PIECES primarily was for other school to appear before the jury last pay from his own funds any ex- openings and increased enroll- rollment. eral arrests were made in Long fall. Also called have been Chief able. Branch. cess over $500 in Mr. O'Hern's Council voted a net five-day ments. State aid anticipated for the Pesano, Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr., fee if city funds were not avail- BIG REDUCTIONS evening programs remains at the liquor license suspension, effec- The total budget Is $794,600, The third witness, called just the entire city council, members able. Immediate Delivery which is $123,275 higher than this same figure as last year, $10,000. before the jury took a lunch of the local and State Police, and tive Monday, Jan 22; against Bil- No federal aid is anticipated here. break, was Frank A. Anastasia, several private citizens. Amedeo V. Ippolito, council le Jay, Inc., owner of the Off year's. president, said last night the Red Reasons for Increase Administration salaries are esti- an employe of the Long Branch So far, one indictment has been mated at $65,000; instructional department of finance. Bank attorney's bill has not been Huffman & Boyle Donald P. Hoagland, superin- handed up in the investigation, received. In any event, he ex- Undersheriffs tendent, said the increase is at- salaries, $353,600, and operational The jury spent the entire after- when the jury charged Anthony i Rt. 35 Circle* Eatontown, N.J. 542-1010 salaries at $44,700. plained, council has declared no tributed to the construction of new noon continuing its review of tes- "Little Pussy" Russo, West Long intention of taking advantage of Slate Lectures The budget provides $69,800 for timony already taken in the case Branch, with perjury and false vocational schools and teache Judge Cohen's offer. FREEHOLD — The county salaries. The school board tries the Technical Institute In Mid- which was prompted by a com- swearing when he told them he dletown and $4,500 for a summer plaint from the Long Branch City 'A Council Function' sheriffs office will be giving these to keep its salary guide to cor- hadn't made a statement to po- lectures next week. respond to those of the various school program. Wide Civic Association. lice intimating mob control of the "Hiring Mr. O'Hern was pure- ly a council function," "he said. Monday: A film on Attack and municipalities where the vocation- The vocational evening pro- Association Secretary Milton city government. al schools are; he said. Garr had charged that Police Adopted after public hearing Adult Molesting at 8 p.m. for the gram has $22,500 anticipated for Monmouth County Prosecutor was an ordinance granting pay Margaret Vetter School Parent- The budget now goes to the salaries., Chief Thomas M. Pesano was be- Board of School Estimate foi ing "handcuffed" in the perfor- Vincent P. Keuper said the jury raises to police and firemen over Teacher Association, The board also approved salary the next'three years. A $400 raise teelman School PTA in the Vet- final approval and then to the guides for practical . nursing mance of his duties. will continue its probe Thursday, county Board of Freeholders foi will be granted this year, and ter school on Grand Avenue, Ea- teachers and technical institute Mr. Garr was the first witness and will call more witnesses. $300 added in 1969 and tontown. Fuel Oil Inclusion in the county budget. teachers, clerical staff and cus- 1970. An emergency resolution Tuesday: Narcotics Under current expenses foi todians. made the ordinance effective im- 1968-69, the budget appropriates the Asbury Park High School at The total increase for the four mediately, canceling the normal 8 a.m. $714,900 for its day, technical anc categories is $68,875. The teach See Rumson Sewer 20-day waiting period. Wednesday: Attack film at 9 summer schedule. For its eve ing categories are up $300 and Code Defeated ning vocational programs, the ap- the other two, up $100. p.m. for the Communication Work- propriation is $39,700. The grand An ordinance creating a Shade ers of America at the Howard FRED D. VflKOFF CO. total comes to $754,600 which The practical nursing guide sets Plans on Schedule Tree Commission, sponsored by Johnson Motel, Route 35, Middle- $151,275 higher than last year. minimums of $5,975 for teacKers RUMSON — Mayor John O. ity complex will probably cause Councilman Samuel Teicher, was town. with a bachelor of science de- Teeter last night announced that some'modifications of the sys- defeated on a split vote, Counci Thursday: Attack film at Free- 234 MAPLE AVE. gree for hospital training and local sewering.plans are progress- tem'* plans. The nation's law- men Teicher and Ippolito voting hold Soroptomist Club, American $6,775 for classroom "'arid hospital ing on schedule. makers declined to provide the for introduction of the measun RED BANK (W^ 7414)554 training. The maximum, in 13 Councilman John H. Dill, sewer needed funds. and Councilmen Elliot L. Katz The lectures are given by Un we re steps, is $10,475 for hospital and committee chairman, told Bor- He also noted that this bor- and Robert B. Cornell opposing $11,275 for classroom and hospi- it. Councilman Cioffi was absen ough Council that an advanced ough's cost of sewer rental is to proud tal. A non-degree teacher's scale engineering report is expected because of a death in his family. is $6,125 to $9,875 in 10 steps. next month from Havens and be worked out by formula. ' He Councilman Katz urged his col- Technical Guide Emerson, sewer consultants of said there is no reason for any leagues to go slowly in creating The Technical Institute guide New York. member community or paying a commission which would have sets the scale at $6,000 to $9,520 He added that the congressional customer to dispute the author- its own budget and its own paid in 12 steps for non-degree; $6,300 employes. Councilman Cornell action which excludes Fort Mon- ity's cost formula., "It is quite to $10,460 in 14 steps for bachelor mouth from the Northeast Mon- agreed. of science degree; $6,900 to $11,- mouth Regional Sewerage Author- fair," he added. This borough, Councilman Teicher, who has 060 in 14 steps for masters, and not a member, is to be a paying done considerable research into 7,500 to $11,660 for six-year level, customer. the status of the present Advi- also in 14 steps. sory Shade Tree Board, presented said the revised The clerical guide sets a clerk's Primary Set The mayor a letter from Julius J. Golden, salary from $3,450 to $4,770 in tax assessments, brought about by city attorney, stating the board seven steps; bookkeeper and In April This the recent reassessment study by as constituted cannot function or secretary, $3,650 to $5,220 in eight Realty Appraisal Co., West New perform a service for the city, steps; senior secretary, $3,800 to York, will be reflected in next since its powers have never been $5,560 in nine steps and superin- Year: Hughes July's tax bills. defined. Only by creating a Shade tendent's salary, $4,000 to $6,500 in PRINCETON (AP) — Republi- The reevaluation study, he said, Tree Commission under state 10 steps. can and Democratic leaders have brought about more equitable as- statute can an effective body be The custodial guide sets the agreed on an April primary elec- sessments. It estimated the bor- set up, the attorney wrote. scale from $4,200 to $5,950 in eight tion this year, Gov. Richard J. ough's property value at about Mr. Teicher said he was re- steps. Hughes disclosed yesterday. $20 million over its former esti- signing as of last night from the Hughes said he was hopeful "useless" advisory board and mate. The local purpose tax rate that New Jersey Democrats would will continue to offer the ordi- Board May under the new figure, the mayor nance creating the Shade Tree elect a delegation to the party's noted, will decrease proportion- Commission "as long as I am in national convention In ately. office." Pay Twice which would unanimously support Councilman James H. Davis re- Council also voted against President Johnson for re-election. ported that the bortugh now has use variance applied for by Pat- For Transit But the Democratic governor 48 miles of improved streets, 10 rick J. McGann to erect a block We're glad people like COLTS NECK — The Board of said he expected "peace" candi- miles of improved county roads of three stores in the residential R-2A zone at Palmer Ave. and Dolores Briglia work with Education may have to pay twice dates to run against organization and 1,500 feet of unpaved road- as much to transport a local Democrats in some congressional way. That street Is Tennis Court West End Court. Once again, us. "De's" specialty is sta- child to special classes in Eaton- districts in the primary. Sen. Eu- Lane. Councilman Katz voted against approval, saying he believes the tor winding and she's been town as the cost of the actual gene McCarthy, D-Minn., who is Council approved a minor sub- tuition. running for the Democratic presi- traffic conditions on Palmer Ave. doing it for mors than 25 division application by Fulton W. deserve further consideration be- The board voted to transfer a dential nomination to encourage and Doris Hallowell and James fore the project can be approved. years. Natural dexterity pupil to the appropriate educable dissent with Johnson's Vietnam R. and Helen Hensler to join their Councilman Cornell agreed, add- and coordination, a care- class at the Meadowbrook School Policy, is not expected to enter Tuxedo Rd. tracts into a l'^-acre the New Jersey primary. ing that off-street parking in the ful sense of quality, and in Eatontown. plot. rear of the proposed building, School Superintendent Roy Elmer F. Blumel Jr., 73 La- years of experience, all Hughes said that Republican named a condition of approval by Unger speculated that the tuition State Chairman Webster B. Todd fayette St., was approved as a the Zoning Board, is in fact im- add up to someone im- cost for the remainder of the member of Oceanic Hook and and his Democratic counterpart, possible. portant to Bendix and the school year might run $600. This Ladder Fire Company. is a guess, he added, because "I Robert J. Burkhardt, have already Council denied a request by Councilmen Teicher and Ippoli- aircraft industry. have not had a figure from Eaton- agreed on the April primary date. area residents to place a stop to voted for the variance, which town yet." The governor said a later pri- sign on Pompano Street at Bing- had been recommended by the zoners. Councilman Teicher Charles Barth has been en- mary, in June for example, might ham Avenue. gaged to transport the youngster called the project a desirable rat- foster more heated primary bat- lendi at a rate of $12 per day. The dis- Make money! Sell toys you able and reminded his colleagues tance is 8.7 miles each way and tles which both parties frown up- don't need with Classified Ads. there was no opposition to it at the Zoning Board hearing. the tar's the child must be at school at on. Dial 741-6900 today. 8 a.m. with a noon dismissal. The arrangement with Mr. Electric Power Barth is a temporary one until a formal contract can be bid on semi-annual sale! Division and awarded to the lowest bid- der. The local district will be HIGHEST RATES ALLOWED Plants in Eatontown reimbursed by the state for 75 and Red Bank. per cent of the transportation ... a quality event! cost and 50 percent of the tu- BY FEDERAL REGULATIONS ition. for men, women and boys Man Oh Man ..This sure is Walt Disneyt «e is PAID open daily 'til 9, Saturday 'til 6 The On Savings Accounts & Certificates of Deposit the fair university shop pingleBooK THE/ WALT DISNEY'S CENTRAL JERSEY BANK RT. 35, WANAMASSA KE 1-4949 aunitotfteZonmtmeaoufAw tlCHNICOlOgs (ono mllo north of Aibury Circle) A Walter Reade Theatre General Cinema's SERVICE IS OUR BIGGEST ASSET! COMMUNITY MADISON CINEMA CAN WE HELP YOU? EATONTOWN SAYREVILLE Mimbtt hdniil DipOill Iniuiotn C«p. Route 9 & Ernston Road MIDDLETOWN-BAYSHORE EDITION THE DAILY REGISTER Friday, January 12, 196S- M€AFs Goal: Record 2 Mayors' Opinions Differ Over In Trainee Placements West Keansburg Secession Mov4 LONG BRANCH — The Mon- trained applicants to fill the po- ing, shelf - stocking, pricing, By ED WALSH A. Morales said that he views being shut off from the rest of burg as our patrols are on the to be studied from each and mouth Community Action Pro- sitions necessary to fulfill custo- stamping and displaying. HAZLET — In the wake of theI the subject only as a rumor at the township by the retaining road constantly and always in every angle. gram hopes to set a new record mer needs for their products, Mr. There are two air conditioning possible secession of West Keans- the present time, and would not wall that runs down the center of communication with police head- "Every pro and con would in on-the-job trainee placements Dalton said. These 10 trainees mechanic trainees at Engineered burg from Hazlet Township and give it any "serious considera- Rt. 36, and being two and one quarters." have to be weighed carefully, and this year, Joseph E. Taylor, ex- will be trained in all phases of Heating & Cooling, Inc. of 317 the annexing by the borough of tion" until 60 per cent of the res- halt miles from the police station Mayor Leonard S. Bellez- the economic feasibility warrant- ecutive director, said yesterday. food preparatipn and employed Broadway, here, being taught Keansburg, the mayors of both idents present the Township Com- Mr. Morales said: za said he could give no official ed." Mr. Taylor reported that by the Rokeach firm after com- equipment familiarization, field municipalities took different mittee with petitions for seces- "This section is no different statement as he hasn't discussed If Keansburg were to annex Alphonse J. Dalton, on-the-job pleting the course. installation, blueprint reading, stands last night. sion. from the people who live on the the matter with any member of West Keansburg, an ordinance program director, is making new There are two more trainees at iheet metal work and job layout. Hazlet Township Mayor Joseph The petitions are needed be- south side of Rt. 35 and travel the municipal government or with would have to be passed by the inroads with business and indus- the Admiral's Table, a night dub- fore the Township Committee can just as far. residents of Keansburg and West Borough Council after the resolu- trial firms and social agencies. restaurant on Rt. 35, Ocean adopt a resolution granting the "And I have never heard of Keansburg. tion is passed by the Hazfet "There is a more aggressive Township, operated by Jack R. Tall Oaks Subdivision Wins secession. any complaints from residents "Speaking for myself," he said, Township. Then the debt service approach this year," Mr. Taylor McKenzie. They are cook Quizzed on some of the state- who said the police were slow in "I feel that a project as serious would have to be exchanged be- continued. trainees and are receiving in- ments made by residents about answering calls to West Keans- and as large as this would have tween the two municipalities. 16 Trainees Placed struction in the maintenance of Planners' Okay in Hazlet Mr. Taylor said that Mr. Dal- the kitchen, food preparation and HAZLET — After 20 months of bers. The company would have Man Acquitted ton's last report disclosed that he cooking, dessert and salad prep- submission, changes, public hear- to enlarge its operation, develop- placed 16 trainees. aration and baking. ings and discussions, the 47-home ers said, but no definite plans Critic Warns Council in City In Auto Death Now 10 are working for I. Ro- There are two grocerymen have been made. Tall Oaks subdivision at Poole FREEHOLD — Robert P. En- keach, Inc. of Farmingdale, a trainees at Foodarama Supermar- Ave. and Middle Road finally re- The board reorganized for the food preparing firm. This corpo- kets, Inc. of Freehold taking in- ceived the go-ahead from the coming year and elected Robert stice, 488 Broadway, Long ration hasn't been able to find struction in receiving, warehous- Planning Board. C. Burke as chairman. James J. He'd Fight Big Fee for HearingBranch, yesterday won a directed After a public hearing on the McGorty was elected vice-chair- verdict of acquittal from Supe- man and Harry Greene, secre- LONG BRANCH — Milton "Hiring Mr. O'Hern was pure- sory Shade Tree Board, -presented mbdivision last night, the board iarr of 298 Poole Ave, will hold ly a council function," he said. a letter from Julius J. Golden, rior Court Judge Clarkson S. favorably recommended to the tary. Other members include John personally responsible any coun- Adopted after public hearing city attorney, stating the board Fisher on charges of causing Trade Schools Ask Township Committee that tenta- cilman who approves a bill of was an ordinance granting pay as constituted cannot function or tive approval be given to the plat. Gilllgan, Leo Stuchkus, Edward death by auto. Savoie, Mrs. Jean McDonough, more than $500 submitted by Dan- raises to police and firemen over perform a service for the city, The subdivision, to be de- iel J. O'Hern of Red Bank, spe- the next three years. A $400 raise since its powers have never been Mr. Enstice had been the driver veloped by Lincoln Estates, had Mayor Joseph A. Morales and of a car involved in a Sept. 15 Committeeman Nicholas Sette- cial attorney hired by the city to will be granted this year, and defined. Only by creating a Shade $98£75 Tax Hike been the center of a controversy, prosecute charges against court 1300 will be added in 1969 and Tree Commission under state accident which resulted In the especially in the past six months, ducato. death of Joseph Baldanza, Matilda FREEHOLD — Because of two Capital outlay for the day, tech- clerk Frank L. Palaia in the re- 1970. An emergency resolution statute can an effeotive body be when conflicting statements from cent administrative hearing.. made the ordinance effective im- set up, the attorney wrote. Ter. Mr. Baldanza had been a new county vocational schools go nical and summer programs is developers and board members pedestrian. ing up and increased teachers $40,000, a drop of $28,000 com- Mr. Garr put City Council on mediately, canceling the normal Mr. Teicher said he was re- emerged regarding a public hear- Reports Gain 20-day waiting period. Mr. Enstice was represented by salaries, the county Vocationa pared with last year. ing. notice last night during the pub- signing as of last night from the School Board of Education is ask- Aid Anticipated Developers maintained a hear- lie portion of the council meeting; An ordinance creating a Shade "useless" advisory board and Daniel J. O'Hern, Red Bank, with ing the county for $98,275 more in Anticipated in federal aid for ing had been held at an Aug. 10 In Water Fee "Now that the Roman Circus of ree Commission, sponsored by will continue to offer the ordi- Assistant Prosecutor John Ap- taxes for 1968-69 than for this current expenses is $80,000, same the Palaia hearing-is.over," he Councilman Samuel Teicher, was nance creating the Shade Tree year. meeting while Board Chairman defeated on a split vote, Council- plegate presenting the state's as last year. State aid antici- Gilbert Bennett said this was not declared, "I will see that the city Commission "as long as I am in The tax levy in the budge pated is $70,000, up $20,000 over pays no more than $500 And'will men Teicher and Ippolito voting office." the case. Collections for introduction of the measure which was adopted by the board last year. UNION BEACH — Councilman hold any councilman who'okays To resolve the matter, a hear- this bill personally responsible." and Councilmen Elliot L. Katz yesterday is $569,600, compared Both federal, and state aid ing was held before the commit- Thomas Perno last night an- with, $471,325 for this year. This figures are estimates. Federal aid nounced that collections of water Mr. Garr was referring to an and Robert B. Cornell opposing PRE-INVENTORY SALE tee in December to ask that body it. Councilman Cioffi was absent .year's figure had increased $34, is based on actual expenditures to take over jurisdiction. They fees were up $20,000 last year as offer by. Municipal Court judge 925 over the previous one which for salary, supplies and equip- compared with 1966. Stanley Cohen to City Council to because of a death in his family. refused, sending it back to the Councilman Katz urged his col- FLOOR PIECES primarily was for other school ment. State aid is based on en- Planning Board and last night's He said that since he Issued pay from his own funds any ex- openings. and increased enroll rollment. . .. . cess over $500 in Mr. O'Hern's leagues to go slowly in creating final hearing. an ultimat am in November a commission which would have ments. State aid anticipated for the warning that water service fee if city funds were not avail- BIG REDUCTIONS evening programs remains at the The subdivision was questioned able. its own budget and its own paid The total budget is $794,600, by several residents whose homes would be discontinued to con- employes. Councilman Cornell Immediate Delivery which is $123,275 higher than this same figure as last year, $10,000. sumers who were delinquent in Amedeo V. Ippolito, council No federal aid is anticipated here. are adjacent to the development president, said last night the Red agreed. year's. Most were concerned with water the payment of their bills, pay- Administration salaries are esti- ments have started to come in Bank attorney's-bill has not been Councilman Teicher, who has Reasons for Increase runoff and sewers. received. In any event, he ex- done considerable research Into Huffman &; Boyle Donald P. Hoagland, superin mated at $65,000; instructional at a faster pace. salaries, $353,600, and operational The board said its recommenda- plained, council has declared no the status of the present Advi- Rt. 35 Circle • Eatontown, N. J. 542-1010 tendent, said the increase is at- tion was made with the stipula- Mr. Perno, who is chairman tributed to the construction of new salaries at $44,700. intention of taking advantage of tion that adequate water supply of the utilities committee and Judge Cohen's offer. vocational schools and teacher The budget provides $69,800 for building and grounds committee, Undersheriffs salaries. The school board tries the Technical Institute in Mid- and sewage disposal facilities would be available and approved said that his department has not to keep its salary guide to cor- dletown and $4,500 for a summer shut off any water because of Slate Lectures respond to those of the various school program. by the state before any building Cops Say Man permits are issued. the cold weather. FREEHOLD — The county municipalities where the vocation- The vocational evening pro- "I wouldn't want anyone blam- al schools are, he said. The plans presently call for a Tried Suicide sheriff's office will be giving these gram has $22,500 anticipated for tie in with the Bayshore Sewer- ing the town for furnace troubles ectures next week. The budget now goes to the salaries. \ KEYPORT — Robert Johnson, age Company, although it is because their water was shut 43, of 79 Manchester Ave., is be- Monday: A film on Attack and Board of School Estimate for The board also approved salary presently overtaxing their facili- off," he said. final approval and then to the ing held in the Monmouth County Adult Molesting at 8 p.m. for the guides for practical nursing ties according to the board mem- "But when spring gets here and jail after apparently attempting Margaret Vetter School Parent- county Board of Freeholders for teachers and technical institute inclusion in the county budget. these bills are not paid, you can suicide yesterday, police said. Teacher Association, and the Fuel OH teachers, clerical staff and cus- be sure action will be taken Mr. Johnson was found slumped Steelman School PTA in the Vet- Under current expenses for todians. 1968-69, the budget appropriates Bar Permit against these delinquent ac- over the bar at Betty and Eddie's ter school on Grand Avenue, Ea- The total increase for the four counts," he predicted. Tavern on W. Front St: at 4:40 tontown. $714,900 for its day, technical and categories is $68,875. The teach- summer schedule. For its eve- "Another thing that we are p.m. Tuesday: Narcotics lecture in ing categories are up $300 and Suspended pursuing is the overgrowth o He was taken by the First Aid the Asbury Park High School at ning vocational programs, the ap- the other two,- up $100. propriation is $39,700. The grand brush and trees on empty lots,' Squad to Riverview Hospital, Red 8 a.m. FRED D. VflKOFF CO. total comes to $754,600 which i£ The practical nursing guide sets In Keansburg Mr. Perno said. Bank, where doctors said he tool Wednesday: Attack film at $151,275 higher than last year. minimums of $5,975 for teachers He said,an. ordinance on tin a quantity of aspirin and othei p.m. for the Communication Work- with a bachelor of''science de- KEANSBURG — The state Di- books' reqniresi'fiie owaer to pills, which reacted with the alco ers of America at the Howard 234 MAPLE AYE. gree for hospital training and vision of Alcoholic Beverage Con- clean up overgrowth. After the hoi he drank at the tavern, police Johnson Motel, Route 35, Middle, $6,775 for classroom and hospita trol has suspended the license of resident has been warned by let- reported. town. training. The maximum, in 13 one local tavern and has set a ter, and does not comply the A hearing has been set for Thursday: Attack film at Free- RED BANK liii 741-0554 we re steps, is $10,475 for hospital and hearing on alleged violations at town then will go in and clean up Wednesday. $11,275 for classroom and hospi hold Soroptomist Club, American another. the lots and the owner billed by Hotel, Freehold, at 6:30 p.m. proud tal. A non-degree teacher's scale The owners of Frank and John's the borough. Sewerage Feasibility is $6,125 to $9,875,in 10 steps: Marina, 33 Laurel Ave., have Technical Guide In other committee reports Report Due Soon pf been notifed that their plenary re- Councilman Andrew J. O'Bosky The Technical Institute guide tail license will be suspended for reported that the Board of Edu- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — "De" sets the scale at $6,000 to $9,520 60 days beginning Monday. cation has submitted a budget Robert Evans, engineering repre- in 12 steps for non-degree; $6,300 The ABC charged that the li- for $1,061,175. sentative of Ford, Bacon and Da- to $10,460 in 14 steps for bachelor vis, told officials of here and censee permitted acceptance of He said that $564,556 of this of science decree; $6,900 to $11,- numbers bets in the bar on Nov. Highlands, that his firm would 060 in 14 steps for masters, and will have to be raised through prepare a final report on the fea- 21 -and 29,1967. The owners plead- taxes. '"• 7,500 to $11,660 for six-year level, ed non vult to the charges. sibility of a joint sewerage sys- also in 14 steps. The meeting was completed In tem within 10 days. A hearing into a charge that 15 minutes; The clerical guide sets a clerk's alcoholic beverages in bottles did The firm was hired to study salary from $3,450 to $4,770 in not bear labels which truly de- costs and the feasibility of such seven steps; bookkeeper and scribed their contents has been a regional sewerage system be- secretary, $3,650 to $5,220 in eight Primary Set fore the two municipalities decide steps; senior secretary, $3,800 to set for Jan. 24. The charge has been leveled against Patrick J. to move ahead. $5,560 in nine steps and superin If okayed by the two, the sys- tendent's salary; $4,000 to $6,500 in Heaney, owner of-the HHfat Bar, In April This 20 Main St. tem would be subject to approval 10 steps. by the state and county planning The custodial guide sets the The alleged violation, accord- Year: Hughes boards. scale from $4,200 to $5,950 in eight ing to ABC, took place on Sept. steps. 14, 1967. PRINCETON (AP) - Republi- Man Posts $500 Bail can and Democratic leaders have agreed on an April primary elec- After Morals Arrest Embezzlement tion this year, Gov. Richard J. HIGHLANDS—William R. Free- Board May Hughes disclosed yesterday. man, 25, of 217 E. Highlands Ave. Guilt Admitted Hughes said he was hopeful Atlantic Highlands, was released Pay Twice FREEHOLD The former that New Jersey Democrats would yesterday in $500 bail after his manager of Bamberger's Eaton- elect a delegation to the party's arrest for open lewdness. town fur shop yesterday pleaded national convention in Chicago A hearing on the charges has For Transit guilty to embezzling $3,055.50 over which would unanimously support been scheduled for Monday. Ar- We're glad people like COLTS NECK— The Board of a 16 month period. President Johnson for re-election. resting officers Chief John Mack- el and Sgt. Howard Brey said the Dolores Briglia work with Education may have to pay twice Shirley Friedman, 602 Mayfair But the Democratic governor as much to transport a local Lane, Neptune, had been charged said he expected "peace" candi- incident occurred at 12:30 p.m us. "De's" specialty is sta- child to special classes in Eaton- with six counts of embezzlement dates to run against organization Wednesday in the Fifth Street tor winding and she's been town as the cost of the actual between May 10, 1966, and Sept. Democrats in some congressional area. doing it for more Than 25 tuition. 14, 1967. districts in the primary. Sen. Eu- The board voted to transfer a She had obtained the money gene McCarthy, D-Minn., who is PTA Fathers Night years. Natural dexterity running for the Democratic presi- pupil to the appropriate educable by forging personal return ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - and coordination, a care- class at the Meadowbrook School vouchers, then keeping the dential nomination to encourage dissent with Johnson's Vietnam The Parent-Teacher Association ful sense of quality, and in Eatontown. money for herself. of St. Agnes Catholic School will Roy Policy, is not expected to enter School Superintendent Frank Pelliccia, Asbury Park, hold "Fathers Night" Tuesday at years of experience, all Unger speculated that the tuition the New Jersey primary. represented Mrs. Friedman, with 7 p.m. in the church hall. add up to someone im- cost for the remainder of the Assistant Prosecutor John Apple- Hughes said that Republican school year might run $600. This State Chairman Webster B. Todd Guest speaker will be Martin portant to Bendix and the gate for the state. J. O'Toole, communication arts is a guess, he added, because "I The case was heard before Su- and his Democratic counterpart, aircraft Industry. have not had a figure from Eaton- perior Court Judge Clarkson S. Robert J. Burkhardt, have already chairman of the Monmouth Coun- town yet." Fisher, who set sentencing for agreed on the April primary date ty Federation of Holy Name So- Charles Barth has been en- Feb. 2. The governor said a later pri- cieties. Mr. O'Toole will discuss gaged to transport the youngster mary, in June for example, might the influence of motion pictures Bendi a rate of $12 per day. The dis Make money! Sell toys you foster more heated primary bat- on today's youth. tance is 8.7 miles'each way and don't need with Classified Ads. tles which both parties frown up- Teachers will be available for the child must be at school at Dial 741-6900 today. conferences. the fair's 8 a.m. with a noon dismissal. The arrangement with Mr. Electric Power Barth is a temporary one unti a formal contract can be bid on semi-annual sale! Division and awarded to the lowest bid- der. The local district will be HIGHEST RATES ALLOWED Plants in Eatontown reimbursed by tho state for 75 and Red Bank. per cent of the transportation . . . a quality event! cost and E0 percent of the tu- BY FEDERAL REGULATIONS ition. for men, women and boys fan Oh Man ..This sure is as^yiqin1 parhjj Walt PAID open daily 'HI 9, Saturday 'til 6 The On Savings Accounts & Certificates of Deposit THE/ the fair university shop

WALT DISNEt'S CENTRAl JERSEY BANK RT. 35, WANAMASSA KE 1-4949 fatontte,OieZonMame Oat/gar nCHHIC0K)»» , (one mllo north of Aibury Circle) fl Walter Reac/e Theatre General Cinema's SERVICE IS OUR BIGGEST ASSET! COMMUNITY MADISON CINEMA Intvnmc* CAN WE HELP YOU? EATONTOWN SAYREVILLE Route 9 & Ernston Road I JOHN WABISKY JOHN /. SINGER 4—Frirty, Juiuary 12, 1968 THE DAILY REGISTER BESEDA, Cam. - John 3. Sing- AJso surviving ttt Ws MHDENHURST, N. Y, - John ; W. R. Fowler Dies, Wtbisky, 77, <>f 12 Vafetitn Biv4,,er, SO,' ion flf Carl &ngzr uA a/4 two children *t honwe. formerly of MMdleWwn, N. J., brother rt Fraflk L. Singer, both I Jted BwiJc, N.J., dfed Tues- Services are being held here to- died yesterday. ay in a Los Angeles hospital. day. OBITUARIES A landscape gardener, Mr. Wa- Former Councilman blsky had lived in the Red Bank, N. J., area more than 50 years. PAUL R. MACKINNEY WILUAM G. BUTLER CHARLES I. BALL SEA BRIGHT — William R. RUMSON — Paul R. Mac- KEANSBURG—William G. Bui BELFORD — Charles I. Ball Fowler, 71, of 16 Church St., a He is survived by his wife, Kinney of 15 Auldwood Lane ler,, 43, of 22 Park Ave., dlec 7, of 156 Seventh St., died founder of Fowler's Hardware Jesse Wabisky; a daughter, Mrs. died Wednesday in Westwood Tuesday In Perth Amboy Gen Vedneday at his home after Store and a former councilman Caroline Trull, here; two sons, jiali Nureing Home, Long Branch, eral Hospital. >rief illness. here, died Wednesday in River- Stanley Wabisky of Middletown after a long illness. He was born in Williamspor He was born in Orange, son ofview Hospital, Red Bank. and John Wabisky of Red Bank, :he late Noah C. and Ella Serohe and eight grandchildren. Mr. MacKinnpy was born in Pa., son of William and Haze Mr. Fowler was born in Sea Broad S». and ?ueen Anne Dr.. Shrewsbury—747-5555 Providence, R. 1., and had lived Guthrle Butler, and had llvei Ball, and had lived here 13 years. Services will be tomorrow at DAILY 8 A.M.-* P.M.—CLOSED SUNDAYS Mr. Ball was a retired security Bright and had been a lifelong here 15 years, formerly living here most of his life. He was resident. He was the son of the 10:15 a.m. in Our Lady of Per- OPEN WEDMESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 World War II veteran and a mem •guard. in Essex Fells. He was a retired late William R. and Matilda Wool- petual Help Church, here, and COMPLETE FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT Surviving are his widow, Mrs president of the Dyewood r of VFW Post, West Keans ley Fowler. burial will be in St. Charles Ceme- Now York City. Mary Ann Ball; two daughters, tery. The Wellwood Funeral Always active in community af- FLEXSCREENS by BENNETT IRELAND Surviving are his widow, Mrs. In addition to his parents, h Mrs. Mary Ann Morse of At- Home of Lindenhurst is in charge fairs, he was a past president Custom madt en our pwmtte*—48-hour delivery Avis E. Rayner MacKinney, and is survived by his wife, Mr; lanta, Ga. and Mrs. Ella Grimm of arrangements. Agnes Veth Butler; four daug Df Long Branch; two sons, Noah and trustee of the First Method- a son, Francis P. MacKinney of ist Church and a director of the Charlotte, N. C. ters, Mrs. Nancy Glbney . Ball of New York City and Todd Keansburg, and the Missi Ball of Detroit, Mich.; two step- Sea Bright National Bank. Private services will be at the daughters, Mrs. Dolores Miller He had served as president of Worden Funeral Home, Red Cheryl, Pamela and Kim Mari Butler, all at home; a son, Jaim of East Keansburg and Mrs. the Sea Bright Board of Educa- Hank, with the Rev. George J. Butler, at home, and two sisters Gcraldine Werner, both of Eas lon and was past noble grand Willis, assistant rector of St. Mrs. Esther Baiga and Mr: Keansburg; a sister, Mrs. Ann of the Odd Fellows Lodge of Sea George's-by-the-River Episcopal Katherine Hudson, both of Kcani Allen nf Lancaster, Pa.; a broth- Bright. An ex-chief of the Sea Church, officiating. burg. er, Otto Ball of Lake Worth, Bright Fire Department, Mr DEATH NOTICE The funeral will be toda; Fla.; 17 grandchildren, and four Fowler was a charter member of funubR — WilUiLm Tt. of lfl at 2 p.m. In the John J. Rya great-grandchildren. he Sea Bright Hook and Ladder Ohurch Si . Sn Bright, on January JO, Company. His memberships in- 3fWS Fun*rm wrvlce* 10:30 «.m. Home for Funeral*, here, with th Services will be tomorrow a William R. Fowler Fa (unlay, January 13, *U Th» Flock 11 a.m. in the John J. Ryan cluded Abacus Lodge F&AM, KiinpntI Homf, 243 Brotdwqy, Long Rev. Newton Greiner, pastor Pr.inrh. ViniUtion today 2 to 4 atvti the First Methodist Church, ol Home for Funerals, Keansburg, Long Branch. Renshaw, both of .this place; 7 to fl p.m. In ltMi of ftoweri, kindly frii.i nrrerlngd to ftp*. Bright McUiodlrtj ficiatlng. Burial will be in Fa with the Rev. Richard Schwarz He Is survived by his widow, three grandchildren, and eight Cluirrh. View Cemetery, Middletown. of the Bayshore Community Mrs. Louise Jacobsen Fowler; great-grandchildren. Church officiating. Burial will be two daughters, Mrs. Vivian Em- The funeral will be tomorrow In Fair View Cemetery, Middle- mons and Mrs. Ethel Perl, both at 10:30 a.m. in the Flock Fu FOR ANY OCCASION town. of Sea Bright; six brothers, neral Home, Long Branch. Burial Charles Fowler of Dumont, Law- will be In Glenwood Cemetery, MRS. ANNA SCHMOLLINGER rence Fowler of Eatontown, Her- West Long Branch. Save on this fine WHITE ALUMINUM HONEY BEE FLOWERS FREEHOLD — Mrs. Anna bert and Harden Fowler of Rum- RUSSELL T. HODGKISS Schmolllnger, 83, of 22 Mead son, Marvin Fowler of' Sea Ave. died yesterday In her home Bright and Stanley Fowler of MRS. ELLA C. ELY COMBINATION WINDOW 444 IROAD ST. after a lengthy Illness. She was Long Branch; two sisters, Mrs. FREEHOLD — Mrs. Ella G. SHREWSBURY the widow of Charles A. Schmol- Lillian Young and Mrs. Fanny Ely, 87, of Marcy St. died • 15-Yr. Guarantee inger. Wednesday. She was the widow 741-4020 ROSARIO MIRAGLIA • Triple Track Born In Chicago, ijl-*she had of George Ely. RallaM* Slut* 1927 resided in ^Jersey''cfcf for 70 ASBURY -PARK — Rosario • Fully Wearherstrlpped Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. BY WIRE ANYWHERE years -before, moviftg here 10 Miraglia, 89, of 932 Munroe Ave., yean ago. ^ died Wednesday in Jersey Shore Herbert Yetman, here; a grand- • Cleans Easy daughter, Mrs. James A. Moore, From Inside Surviving are a son, Charles Medical Center, Neptune, after a long Illness. Farmingdale; a grandson, Her- O. Schmolllnger, with whom she bert Yetman Jr., here; a sister, • Minimum & resided; a daughter, Mrs. Elsie He was an Instructor of instru- Mrs. Katherine Gravatt, Clarks- A. Bengston of Seaside Park; a mental music and taught from a burg, and two great-grandchil- INSTALLED COMPLETE granddaughter, Mrs. Doris A. studio in his home until shortly dren. Dorkof of Lavallette, and a great- lefore his death. grandchild. Mr. Miraglia was a member Services will be held tomorrow John E. Day at 2 p.m. In the C.H.T. Clayton THREE CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE Services will be Monday at 11 of Our Lady of Mount Carmel a.m. at the Freeman Funeral Roman Catholic Church and an and Son Funeral Home, Howell • Budget ,• Easy Charge • Prawn's Credit Home here, with the Rev. Ken-honorary member of its Holy Township, with the Rev. Richard Dally and Saturday 8 A.M.-5:30 P.M. FUNERAL HOME neth A. Dorkof, pastor of Faith Name Society, and a member of King officiating. Interment will Lutheran Church, Lavallette, of- Council 816, Knights of Columbus, be in Maplewood Cemetery here. Wednesday and Friday'til 9 P.M. ficiating. Interment will be in charter member of the Sons of Crest Haven Memorial Park, [taly lodge and a fourth degree You'll find a wide voice of Free Delivery 741-7500 6*5 Riverside Ave. Red Bank Clifton. (night In Bishop McFaul Assem- apartments at the rent you can 32 BROAD ST. RED BAN'SK )Iy, Long Branch. afford in today's Classified Ads. C. SIDUN, Director 747.0332 MRS. LILLIE CASLER Surviving are three sons, Louis Check now. CLIFFWOOD - Mrs. Llllle Miraglia of Red Bank, John Mi- Casler, 81, of Gulden St., died raglia of Freehold and Russell Wednesday in Garden State Miraglia of Ocean Township; a Manor Nursing Home, Holmdel, laughter, Mrs. Thomas Fitzger- ifter a long illness. Id, here, nine grandchildren and Born in Keansburg, she resided Ight great-grandchildren. most of her life In Newark before A Requiem Mass will be of- moving here 24 years ago. fered Monday at 10 a.m. In Our Worden Funeral Home She was the widow of Otis Cas- Lady of Mount Carmel Church. er. Burial will be In St. Catharine's 60 E. FRONT ST. RID BANK Surviving are a son, Raymond Cemetery, Wall Township, under Casler of Camarlllo, Calif.; two direction of the Buckley Funeral daughters, Mrs. Edna Fosmo of Home, here. The Rosary will be Miami, Fla., and Mrs. Violetta recited at the funeral home Sun- King of this place; a sister, Mrs. day at 8 p.m. Day and Night Phone . . . Emma Seely of Newark; five grandchildren, and 10 great- 747-0557 grandchildren. Services will be held tomorrow at 11 a.m. In John W. Mehlen- HARRY C. F. JAMES A. ROBERT F. beck Funeral Home, Hazlet, with Rev. Theodore C. Muller, pastor of Faith Reformed Church, Haz- let, officiating. Burial will be in Fair View Cemetery, Middle- town. tfouiifu! Monuments Mea eaaMK e*nv * tjUa Mtte> Hoa tt miBMflts mt Mrtwi The Adams Memorial Home haaatlM •avamol uel . Main Office i •jtMtfefurfML Mjnp/tfwt- William J. Conntlly, Mgr. 40-41 Bread St. Bed Bank, N. J. VTW1 Brannh Olfleeai *»** IM »«. 35, Middletown, !». J. -nw M Baul Main !*., Freehold, N. i. 747*0121 fl» Broadway, Long Branch. N. J. . In 1818 hj John H. Oo*k and Henry Clay by The n«d Dank Reflate! infills Incorporated FUNERAL DIRECTORS Member or the Auoclated Pwu — ALUMINUM COMBINATION Ttoe Aaioolated Preis Is entitled ex- olurirely to the use for republlutlon JOHN VAN KIRK & SON of til th» local newi printed In till! ntwipaper at well at all AP ntwi M Cooper Rd.. Middletown of! Rt. J5 dUpatchti. at DOORS and WINDOWS elm poitaga paid at Bid HMdoni Comer 741-Mlf 310 IROAD ST. RIO RANK Bank, N. J. OT701 and it additional mailing onion. Publlihed dally. Mon- Convenient Te-mi KMSU day through Friday. Bubnrlptlon Frlcei In Advance WINDOWS $ BbigU copy at counter, 10 centa: by mall, 111 cents I month -42.2 6 months—«J.5O I 12 months«-*2S 1 NOW ONLY 75 Always the Best at 3 CHANNEL TILT, SIZES UP TO 99 U. I. MEASURE YOUR WINDOWS ^Jersey l\lational NOW AND CALL FOR INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATE OPTIONAL


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B CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES: Aibury Park . . . Deal . . . Long •ranch . . . BLAISDELL LUMBER CO. SERVICE AND QUALITY SINCE 1910 Nvprui* . . . Ocean drove . . • Oceanport . . . Ocean Townihlp . . . Welt Loig Ironed Member Federal Drpoell Insurance Cerp. end Federal Reirrve (lyitera 15 SO. BRIDGE AVE. RED BANK 741-2121 5 O'Brien b Elected Club to Hear THE DAILY BETASTSA Ftti*r, hnutry 12, 196&-S By Hazlet Commission Home Buyer School Set at 2 Shore Sites HAZLET — At the annual re- Howard Critic POINT PLEASANT — So suc- organisation of the Recreation OCEANPORT — Brian Ken- Classes again will probably be John L. Fitzgerald, Builders' ner, George Holmes and cessful have been the seven Commission, Francis J. O'Brien nedy of Spring Lake Heights, an held in Science Hall amphithea- Association president, named the Scott of N.J. Natural Gag Com- home buyers' schools presented was elected chairman for 1968 attorney, will be guest speaker ter at Monmouth College, West following to serve on the school pany, and himself. i by the N.J. Shore Builders As- and Steven Filardi vice chairman. at Tuesday's meeting of the Long Branch. Classes, limited to for home buyers committee: At The school is produced annual- sociation that this year two ly by Jack B. Little, NJSBA ex- New members are Mrs. Ray- Oceanport Republican Club in the 300, start at 7:30 p.m. and con- vin S. Brown, Blaze Ionno, Gene schools will be held in the spring. ecutive vice president. mond Mitchell and Victor Saia. Community Center. tinue until 10 p.m. Carroll, Alfred Sica, Roy Fleid- The first school will again be Classes at Ocean County Col- The commission announced it Ms. Kennedy is a critic of Rep. held at Monmouth College on has an opening for a secretary lege will be held in the 200-person James J. Howard, D-N.J., and five consecutive Mondays, March capacity Lecture Hall on five due to the resignation of Dor- shows an Interest in opposing him 4-April 1. othy Dobbins. This is a salaried Tuesday nights starting at 7:30 for the congressional post The second school will be held position and any one interested in p.m. at Ocean County College, Toms the job has been asked to submit George Jewell, club president, The school will feature experts River, April 16-May 14. a resume to Mr. O'Brien. said the nominating committee covering such phases of buying a will recommend members for N. J. Natural Gas Company The adult basketball program home as financing by the savings club officers for the year. Plans again will co-sponsor the en- and loan, mortgage banking, FHA at the high school gym is held for a fund-raising card party will larged schools. The utility co- Monday evenings. and VA methods, attorney's role C. B. S. also be made. sponsored last year's attendance at closing, how to tell good con- record-breaking school at Mon struction, house design, lot selec- mouth College. tion and heating systems. SUPERMARKET What is the fastest way to get extra 36 Main St. Keansburg money when you need it? Drug Case Is Referred WEEKEND SPECIALS! Loan-a-matic NURSERY HONORED — Fred J. Noble, loft, of Lovett's Nursery, Colts Neck, received the Nurseryman's Award CHECKING To County Grand Jury TURKEYS 25k •from W, Patton Howe, 3rd, retiring president of the FREEHOLD — Charges of giv- Lafayette St., was fined $15 for Fhon. nt New Jersey Association of Nurserymen at the annual tniUnraent Lou ing a 17-year-old borough youth being an unlicensed driver and 'Kepi, fur foil convention of the association last week in Pennsauken. marijuana to use, filed against $15 for driving too fast for road FRANKS 35k conditions. Infonutloa The award was presented to Mr. Noble in recognition Steve Orsulich of White Plains, Umber federal Reserve SyMtem/regend Dtvatlt Insurance Corp. Fined $10 for careless driving SMOKED HAM 39k of the firm's 25 year membership in the association. N. Y., were referred to the coun- were William F. Estenes, English- ty Grand Jury Wednesday night town; Peter Miller, Jackson and by Municipal Court Judge Alex- Raymond T. Johnson, 12 Ave. A. FRESH CALAS 29k ander Levchuk. Fined $15 for similar offenses Tiffany Opens were Allan R. Trott, 40 Jersey- Orsulich is accused of allegedly ville Ave.; Camillo M. Sgroi, Mor- PORK LOINS 49k Custom Home giving the narcotic to the youth ganville, and Tessie Wilder, En- on Jan. 5. glishtown Rd., Freehold. Judge Levchuk sentenced Or- LAMB ROAST . ...39k Display Unit sulich to six months In the county A gypsy who bought a house in FREEHOLD — The opening jail on a charge of being under PIGS FEET . 5k FACTORY the influence of marijuana. New Jersey ran a large pole weekend of January marked the from floor to ceiling in the cen- AUTHORIZED opening of the new Freehold dis- Major Wright here was sen- ter of the living room. He want- EYE ROUND 69k play homes of Tiffany Homes tenced to three months in the ed to give the room the look of a building organization that county jail for taking $250 Dec tent. provides custom built homes for 28 from Wallace Henderson, 87 lot owners. Center St., while both were hi ymm "For more than a year now, Ollwerther's Bar, Throckmorton our sales picture has indicated an ever-increasing market for lot St. owners in the central New Jer- Ronald B. Solkowitz, English sey area," said William Werpe- town, was fined $25 for speeding howski, president of Tiffany." We 55 miles an hour in a 35-mile 68«'67 MODELS! FLOOR SAMPLES selected a location that is just off zone on South St. l Joseph C. Mendoker, Vander- SOME IN ORIGINAL FACTORY-SEALED CARTONS! SHOP EARI Route 9 on Craig Road, about l /2 miles north of the Freehold traf- veer Road, was fined $10 for SALE FIRST CHOICE! NO MONEY DOWN! EASY WEEKLY TERMS! fic circle, because of its proxim- not having his auto registration ity to Route 33, Route 9 and oth- in his possession. er major routes that bisect cen- John Fitzpatrick, Court St., was + tral New Jersey. fined $15 for being an unlicensed driver. COLOR TV "This is an expanding area for Atnorl Vazquez Marrero, 2 the home building industry," said Mr. Werpehowski. The new Freehold office will WHITE TV provide the same basic custom- er services that are offered at the firm's Washington, N. J., and LOWEST Wind Gap, Pa. offices. Two mod- els are on display and the full 60-home line of models is part of the display hall material. PRICE Buyers will be able to select for a washer with homes, adapt them to their indi- RADIOS vidual needs and desires and ar- GENERAL ELECTRICS range for complete financing Exclusive through the new Tiffany location. Harry Goldberg, vice president, TAPE RECORDERS said Tiffany became one of the MINI-BASKET! area's leading home builders dur- ing the past year, and the com- pany has'forcast increased sales for 1968 and feels that the up- Leader in style and quality ward swing in homes sold in New in Monmouth County Jersey will continue through- out the year. * Your choice of the Nation's leading brands Fill that longing for your own business. Read "Business Op- portunities" in Classified today. SUITS, TOPCOATS and OVERCOATS Modal WAMOD Now—Ecffonfoivft Nafioimf Bank offers: 2-Spaed, 3-Cycf* Formerly FI/tor-No® Wathir with 16-lb. Capacity $165 Now $132.00 and MINLBASKtT that does all th* Hand Wathl $H5 ...... Now $116.00 STAND-BY $20995* + $125 Now $100.00 1 with I 2 rinu Tamptiaturasl CoM wiUr $no ...... Now $ 88.00 Wash * Rlnsal Pimlmnt Prm Cotl-Downl AUTOMOBILE FINANCING Bluch Diiptnttrl Varlabla Watar Lml St. Itctot! AND NO MORE HAND WASHING— EVER! "You'n wony-mw whin you buy $ioo ...... Now $ 80.00 GEl'1 Factory Strvlet and parta ara tvailibla SAVE MONEY-SAVE TIME-FINANCE IN ADVANCE Viraufji (II tha ytan you'll own III $89.95 to $95 ..NOW $ 71.95 NO DOWN PAYMENTI EASY TERMS) •Minimum Retail Priea You may ordtr Hit modal Shawn Hirouih in, $79.95 Now $ 67.95* your franchliad GE dultr. St. our cur- rant display, prlcu and term. I' $65to $69.50 ...Now $ 59.95 COMPARE OUR RATES-SAVE UP T0150 + If you are thinking about shopping for a new car, who not get a "STAND-BY" bank loan commitment ahead of time? Your application will cost you nothing. OPT ALL . . . • SPORTCOATS Puts you under no obligation. Our "STAND-BY" credit plan is simply designed • SLACKS to save time in closing a good bargain on a new car or used car when the op- • OUTERWEAR portunity arises. + CLOSING OUT DROP BY OR MAIL THIS HANDY APPLICATION TODAY BOYS' KNIT f and DRESS SHIRTS DsU WE WILL COMPLETELY- .00 IN STALL tr SERVICE. 1 Nam* Wifa'i Nama ...... No. of Dependants WIRING f, PLUMBING FORTHEUFEOP ALSO SPECIAL SALE ON BOYS' and STUDENTS' CLOTHING. Addraii City ..

Employar No, Ytan Position .1 , Neckwear Shirts Formerly 1 -. -_-i ./ Fonrwrly S.liO ..._ $1.80 5.85 (« (1.95 _ I hav* D Owntd • Rtnttd. my tio

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Rd. "Visit Our Now TV- All landing Facilities Storoo Demonstration Eatontown, N. J. • , EfATONTOWN »»*Z^X? -t Mq B 0H|e8 Opsn Room" Monmouth Shopping Center $onirday, 9:30 A.M. to l P.M. PATIONAL 141 First Ave. MONMOimi SHOPPING CENTER, EATONTOWN gANK PHONE M2.46M Atlantic Highlands • 512-0615 • MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. 291-0890 For your convenience we are open dally 'til 9:30 p.m. — Tucs. and Sal. 'til ( p.m. DON'T THEY MEAN ANYTHING? The Cautious Congress Established in 1878 — Published by The Red Bank Register, Incorporated ' M. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher 9 Florence Road., Middletown, N.J. Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor fSS your editoria1 l calling the 90th Congress lack- The State's Fiscal Crisis irs sM^s New Jersey's many problems easily The move apparently will be aimed complefe disregard for both the national economy and the could be on their way to a solution if at strict economy — but not at total there were an abundance of state expense, we' hope, of shortchanging The first session of the 89th, met for 173 days and passed money available. ' the state's pressing educational, institu- 349 public bills, 214 private bills and 357 resolutions Forg,** But the cold, hard fact is that New tional, and highway needs. Education Jersey is in the midst of a fiscal crisis at all levels especially must be im- — and the governor and the legislature 1 proved — and it will be costly. one living to «KC DJ i^^"*" "" . . „« > will be hard at work in the next few cut excife taxes but raised Serial Security taxes/ They weeks wondering how to match the Governor Hughes said he planned suspended literacy tests for any area that did not have reg- many needs with available and pos- to have "a policy decision" by. the istered 50 per cent of their residents of voting age or H 50 per cent had not voted in 1964 (the Johnson landslide) They sibly new funds. middle of next month on the adminis- authorized federal funds for textbooks for public, private and "I'm twisting and turning very tration's proposal to raise additional parochial schools and with federal funds comes federal con- hard," Governor Hughes said yesterday revenue to meet a projected deficit in trols. They forced tobacco companies to print warnings on in describing his search for an answer the budget for the next fiscal year. cigarette packs and didn't touch the distillers. They authorized to the state's financial difficulties. He $11 billion dollars for under-fed, under-housed, under-clothed, He said he is against proposing a and under-educated Appalachia and spent it for roads. added that he expected similar effort state income tax or increasing the The word for the 90th Congress is cautious, not lacking in at soul searching from the Republican- courage and foresight. Webster defines those advocating rapid state's three per cent sales tax to meet controlled legislature. "I hope the ma- change as radicals, a term which fits the 89th. So the cautious the budget gap. But then there are 90th slowed dwn the radical 89th. Bankruptcy is just around jority party will do some twisting and other alternatives — raising excise the corner. Ft. Knox has just enough gold to pay the interest turning also," the governor stated. • taxes on such items as cigarettes and on the national debt for one year, forget the principal. The day of reckoning draws nearer. Whether the Democratic adminis- gasoline or floating bond issues. tration and the GOP-dominated legisla- Sincerely, THE REPORTER Lillian Holbert ture will follow the same path toward Since this is an important election easing the dilemma is a good ques- year, the politicians will want to, think tion. The Republicans are now in the twice before boosting any taxes. But How to Write an Autobiography false Alarm Problem driver's seat — and, after strongly the state's needs will not go away — By JIM BISHOP where SHE sits in silence, hands between Ocean Ave. criticizing Democratic spending, they and some positive bipartisan action Three persons have, over a period of knees. He presses the violets on her, and Long Branch, N.J. will advance some definite plans of undoubtedly will have to be taken to years, asked me how to write an autobiogra- reminisces about a great love, even though their own on how the state should boost revenues. It's not a pleasant phy. This Is remarkable, because I haye she never raises her eyes.' To the Editor: ' never written one. However, the people are: At La Louque, the lover who never had Now that th'e annual reports have come in concerning the be run. thought — but it is a realistic one. Maurice Chevalier, Clare Boothe Luce and a child buys the love of nine youngsters, the work of the Long Branch Fire Department for the year 1967, Frank Sinatra. I fespect offspring of servants. Whenever he returns a very serious and shocking fact has emerged. Out of 139 each of them for a variety from a trip, Chevalier is met at the door by runs, there were 60 false alarms - or better than 43.16 per The Political Season Starts of reasons. Each has a stub- little boys and girls in Sunday best, with cent false alarms. born integrity, and this leads Here it Is January — with the pri- Mr. Howard, whose political strength scrubbed faces, who press their kisses on him Many of the men are becoming increasingly disgusted with to self-condemnation, which as he crouches and the gifts tumble from his this unreasonable drain upon their time, and the many hours is as evil as self-praise. mary election three months away — remains constant in spite of a running arms. of lost sleep they have to endure because of this unfortunate and already the Monmouth County GOP tide. His efforts to bring about Mrs. Luce U a gifted Frank Sinatra said: "I'm going to do it." condition. '•, writer, and one evening we political situation is starting to open the Central Jersey Expressway have I believe Mm. This man with the lean hard To date, there has been little or no positive action taken, had dinner at her home In kisser has a lot to tell. Also, he keeps his — either by the mayor or the City Council under the "new up. It is a good indication of what is improved his fortunes considerably — Scottsdale, Ariz. She had banner high. He won't cheapen the work with image" government — to curtail this outrage. Not only hive In store during the next few weeks. and the Republicans know this. found that sculpting the face lovable lies. His story can make readers the firemen been subjected to these tremendous impositions, aflOtner one flinch. "I have pockets full of paper," he In an exclusive story in yesterday's Whether Mr. Keith conceivably BISHOP °' I* thing; but their lives 43.16 per cent of the time have needlessly been says. "Every time I think of something, I Daily Register, Charles A. Johnston, could change his mind and decide to looking in a mirror and chip- put into jeopardy, responding to false alarms. > ' put It on a scrap-of paper."' our political writer, reported that for- run against Mr. Howard is something ping at the glassy image of one's own face is Certainly this high percentage of useless calls should shock' impossible. A flamboyant egotist might bring *. , •# • the "powers that be" to put an end to this outrageous practice.: mer Assemblyman Irving E. Keith, a that only time will answer. He certainly it off as a cover-to-cover love affair with him- THAT'S AS GOOD a way to start as any A much more militant attitude must be used in catching those Republican, will not seek the nomina- would have been a formidable opponent self. But who would read it? other. The problem Is, what to do with the responsible, and severe penalties should be inflicted upon Her great play was "The Women," Just tion to oppose Rep. James J. Howard for the congressman. scraps of paper when you get home. It just them. ;/;% as her finest diplomatic moment was as am- so happens that, around Christmas 1960, Rich- when the Democrat goes for his third Then there is Assemblyman James Volunteer firemen give unstintingly of their time and'ef- bassador to Italy. She was married to Henry ard Nixon asked me about the mechanics of forts, and even their lives. This is a shameful way to rep»y term this year. M. Coleman, a reluctant potential can- Luce, who founded Time Magazine. In can- rapping out a book and, as he had just lost them. And Mr. Johnston wrote that Re- didate — but certainly an able one. He dlelight, she was bright and serene, but I was an election and was out of work, I sat and Edgar N. Dinkelspiel publican Freeholder Benjamin H. Dan- once was defeated by Mr. Howard — of no help, except in finishing a good dinner. wrote the following, which came to me in a How could I tell her that a good autobiogra- flash after writing several worst sellers: skin is expected to be available as a but that isn't being held against him. phy is a weathered face held up to light and 1. Meditate on your life at least a half hour a candidate for re-election along with He has a record of achievement. shadow? day, alone. 2. Write a single sentence, or Coverage Appreciated ^ Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin. Obviously, Monmouth Republicans She hasn't got one. I was still dwelling "cue line" regarding each event that comes on it, at random moments, when Maurice Chev- to mind. 3. Buy some notebooks," marked 818 Tinton Ave., .':•;. However, there remains a strong have considerable talent in their ranks with "ears" that depict each year of your life. New Shrewsbury, N.J;"" element of uncertainty in Mr. Danskin's — and there should be no real diffi- lier stopped by. He was 77, a French dance hall man with an Ingratiating smile, a straw Once a week, place cue lines in the proper To the Editor: • ••- plans — and this, no doubt, will be culty in coming up with a good slate, hat, and many love affairs. He wanted to years.. . ^..n r^diRt w»;f!',y We at Luther Memorial Church in New Shrewsbury wish tor; • cleared up fairly soon. The freeholder including a candidate "for sheriff. write his life story, he said, and would I please •4. Go to thrpuMrcTTBraTV'ana'research express our sincere appreciation for the excellent coverage" write the rules — see voo play. every year Of your life. Find out the principal you have given to the events and activities of our congregation' has done a fine job in office, approach- With the congressional seat open, during the past year. It is always a pleasure to work with ing his tasks with dedication and in- two freeholder posts to be filled, and I sat with him over hot tea. A ballpoint news events, the fashions, the sports events, pen danced a rigadoon on a sheet of paper theater and scientific progress of each year. craftsmen who practice their skills as well as does your staff.* dependence. We would like to see him the Republicans anxious to get back and I folded it and handed it over. "You File them In the notebooks. Thank you, run again. the sherrif's post — 1968 shapes up to won't do it," I said. "This is a waste of 5. Interview relatives, friends, casual ene- Rev. Donald L. Biggs The big question, of course, will be be an exciting political year in the time." He assured me that he would begin mies, and school chums. Tap their heads for truth, which, you will find, is difficult to de- whom the Republicans select to oppose county. And this is just the beginning. at once, back at his home, La Louque, near Paris. I assured him that he would discuss it tect from abject flattery. Make more notes. TODAY IN HISTORY over wine for months, but that he would never 6. Examine your own weaknesses. File By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS write a line. under the proper year all blunders, selfish- INSIDE WASHINGTON ness, ignorance, misjudgments and wounds. Today is Friday, Jan. 12, the 12th day of 1968. There are * * * To keep from going crazy, on alternate nights 354 days left in the year. "WILL YOU write about your love affairs?" study your past for triumphs, small and large. Today's highlight in history: I said. "Some," he said. I smiled. "You Place them in juxtaposition with the others. Red Agent Advising Sihanouk On this date in 1737, the first signer of the Declaration of see? You're editing already." I was sur- 7. The opening chapter should be you to- Independence, John Hancock, was born. prised to find that he is not an admirer who day. Everything Is great and repetitious. By PAUL SCOTT The Russians have delivered more than On this date: One of the Kremlin's most trusted agents 2,000 artillery pieces and mortars alone to the forgets. He visits old beauties who were dear Write individual scenes within chapters. Never to him a half century ago. And he always fail to note weather, background, and charac- In 1643, a band of colonists led by Samuel Gorton settled is advising the Cambodian chief o( state, Cambodians in recent weeks — or more than Warwick, R.I. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, In his negotiation Sihanouk's 36,000-man army could ever use. brings violets and that sexy smile. One of ters. Respect all words. Never have more his one-time friends has lost her mind, and In 1856, the painter John Singer Sargent was born in Flo- with the U.S. U.S. military intelligence officials are con- than one working for you at a time. Maurice Chevalier visits her in an institution. rence, Italy. Sergei Kudryavtsev, who supervised the vinced that these Soviet arms are being 8. Finish the work. Burn it... In 1911, President William Howard Taft asked Congress tor Installation of Soviet missiles In Cuba in 1962, turned over to regular North Vietnamese funds to fortify the Panama Canal. has been In almost daily troops now using Cambodia as a sanctuary. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH contact with Sihanouk since This supply channel was partly confirmed In 1933, Hattie Caraway of Arkansas became the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate. he became the new Russian by the recent use of many new Soviet-made ambassador to Cambodia artillery pieces and mortars by North Viet- In 1944, during World War II, British Prime Minister last September. namese troops In their attacks on U.S. forces New Ideas to Aid the Aged Winston S. Churchill and French Gen. Charles de Gaulle con- According to U.S. intel- in South Vietnam near the Cambodian border. ferred at Marrakesh in Morocco, By SYLVIA PORTER for those who could be discharged~frbTn"Bren=-——JnJ94j German forces were retreating in disorder in the ligence sources, Ambassador The U.S. military command in Saigon is L At hearings last month before the Senate tal hospitaLs and nursing homes and could get World WarJTBattle of the Bulge. Kudryavtsev receives his in- studying a new report from Thailand that Si- Special Committee on Aging, the desperate, along fine with occasional housekeeping-cook- structiona directly from the hanouk is letting the North Vietnamese pre- Ten years ago: The Soviet Union proposed a zone free of disgraceful economic circumstances of our ing assistance, home health care, and escort Soviet Communist Party's pare new bases in northern Cambodia from nuclear weapons from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean. elderly Americans were once again detailed by service for shopping, doctor's visits, etc. international section in Mos- which to increase guerrilla operations against Five years ago: The East German Communist party said economists, professors, gerontologists and 4—Instead of focusing entirely on new, cow ratner than toe govern- Thailand. Red China was playing a dangerous game in its ideological SCOTT other experts. In sum: costly housing for the elderly, do much more ment's foreign office — the During December an estimated 40,000 struggle against the Soviet Union. Despite our noble pro- at far less cost to repair existing dilapidated usual procedure for Russian diplomats. North Vietnamese troops were spotted mov- One year ago Communist China's army pledged its support nouncements and well- houses. Elderly Americans themselves could Since taking over the strategic diplomatic ing south through Laos, with half of these go- to Mao Tse-tung in the cultural revolution in China. trumpeted efforts, one in be employed on a large scale to do such post in Pnompenh, Kudryavtsev also has made ing into Cambodia and the remainder enter- three of our elderly still repairs. Today's birthdays: University of Michigan! athletic director ing South Vietnam. This b the largest num- several mysterious trips to Hanoi accompanied lives in poverty, one in five Fritz Crisler is 69 years old. Orchestra conductor Walter Hendl ber of North Vietnamese troops to move 5—Integrate nursing home facilities with by several known Soviet secret police (KGB) occupies a dilapidated home. is 51. through Laos In any one month since the Viet- communities of all ages. One proposal is for agents who served with him in Havana and Most exist in isolation and Thought for today: It is indeed a desirable thing to be well nam fighting began. a combined nursing home-nursery school Bonn. loneliness. descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors — Plu- .i Kudryavtsev, who was ordered out of Can- U. S. Air Force and Navy air attacks were where elderly patients could be paid to read No less than a revolution tarch, Greek biographer, about 46-120 a.d. ada on charges of heading the Soviet spy launched against these reinforcements as they to children and assist teachers with other in our thinking about the ring broken up by the defection of cipher traveled through Laos. However, all requests chores. elderly will be required to clerk Igor Gouzenko in 1946. is considered to by the U.S. military to extend the bombing in- 6—Greatly expand today's limited job op- i t elderly Ameri- be one of Russia's four top diplomatic-spies to Cambodia were tunned down by President so ve he portunities for elder Americans. A drive must can's multiple economic-socFal afflictions, au- now operating throughout the world. Johnson. be made to end flagrant discrimination by em- thorities insist. Here is a sampling of new ap- • * ' • ploye rs.on the basis of age. Assistance should I Mast recent of these requests was accom- proaches they suggest: panied by a warning that Sihanouk's policy be given to older Americans in setting up THE SIGNIFICANCE of Kudryavlsevs —Invest far more than we now do in basic in accepting a special American diplomatic small businesses founded on serious hobbies «hlft to Cambodia was first revealed by a cap- research en the aging process, about which, mission was nothing more than part of a with a money-making potential. tured Russian spy named Luri Loginov, now pathetically little is known today.' The cost of Hanoi-Moscow plan to protect this Communist languishing in prison in South Africa. When closing this research gap need not be phenom- * * * buildup from U.S. air and ground attacks. first questioned, he forecast the shift of Kud- enal. According to one- witness, the im- 7-FORCE A RETHINKING about today's ryatsev from Bonn before it was made * * • mediate gap could be closed by an additional traumatic practice of 100 per cent work until $6 million allocated by the National Institutes In exchange for his life, Loginov has fur- THE CHINESE BUILDUP — Peking is some arbitrary retirement age, then suddenly ! of Health. But this biologist also urges the nished South African security officials hereto- continu ng to reinforce its growing army in 100 per cent non-work. Periodic sabbaticals setting up of an "international gerontological fore secret details of a new type of Soviet North Vietnam at the same time that Hanoi might give employes a chance to acquire new quinquennium" (five-year period) in which a super-spy network assigned to "political' ac- is filling the air with negotiation feelers. skills usable in retirement, and might also total of $230 million would be invested in a tion," which reports directly to Soviet Com- In recent weeks Chinese Communist troops serve as a prelude to retirement. Or em- massive research effort. Since every one of munist Party boss Breshnev, who heads the have been reported dramatically increased ployers mifiht experiment with a system of us will be old if we stay alive, this sum hard- party's international section. from 75,000 to "more than 200,000." One of gradual retirement, in which an employe ly seoms out of line. In addition to Kudryavtsev. Loginov re- the most recent Defense Intelligence Agency might work only yt time at age 50, '/2 time ported that Anatoly F. Dobrynin, ambassador estimates fists the number of Chinese troops 2—Make the billions we are Investing In beginning at age 60, and yt time starting at to the U.S., Pavel Medvcdovsky, counselor in in North Vietnam as high as 250,000. Medicare more meaningful by also Investing age 65. Rome, and Georgi Farafonov, counselor in Peking first sent railway tPansporlation in preventive medical measures to detect, and 8—Consider lowering or eliminating com- Helsinki, aro involved in the now super-spy corps troops to help repair railroads nnd in many cases prevent, crippling chronic ill- munity real estate for elderly Americans, since network. bridge* In North Vietnam's northern provinces nesses in their early stapes, We can afford they do not have children in school and since While the over-all mission of this group of in late 1365. neither the skyrocketing costs of iastitution- today's steeply rising property tnx rates have alizing huge numbers because of physical nnd super-spies is still a partial mystery to U.S. Snce September, however, Communist become one of the mast brutal financial bur- mental conditions which enn be easily pre- officials they believe it is closely connected China's reinforcements have turned out to be dens on the. elderly individual trying to live vented today nor the high emotionnl costs to with the Vietnam war nnd the Kremlin's first line combat troop>, inclucfin^ several ar- nn a fixed income. the elderly themselves of being filed away for world-wide campaign to forcr a halt in U.S. tillery battalions. accnrdinR to these reports. 9—Do much more to inform isolated per- life in mental hospitals, nursing homes and bombing of North Vietnam and CommuniM- These troops appear to he moving into posi- sons about tlielr Individual rights and expected homes for the aged. held areas in Laos. tions near the demilitarized zone that divides benefits. Ttie National Council on the Aging * • • South and Noit'i \'iml>m;: NIII'S on a key rail 3—WORK ON ALTERNATIVES to isolated "find the Friendless, Isolated, Needy, and'Dis- there's always Texas, Mississippi, • INCRKASKD SOVIKT HELP - Since Km! 11 ryavlscv's "rival in Cambodia, Soviet mili- bridge within n •••>• miles nf tho China-North housing developments for the elderly, and abled" older Americans, to investigate their Algboma...: tary ad I" that Southeast Asian kingdom has Vietnam IKH IU i .'.'ie pa illy designed li> close "golden age" rctlrenwiit communities. Al- Individual nneds and to refer them to available one of the mam entry points (or these troooii. ternatives should include furnished apartrnentJ sources of assistance. been greatly increased. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1968 3 Man Is 'Fined _ &>0 Friday, January 12, 1%2—7 On Wife's Complaint j Stock Market Bank Names Assistant Tru^t Officer Thomas Butler, of 139 S. Lafc ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Only! ASBURY PARK — Appoint- Drive, charged with asault on Yesterday'* dosing stocks: Trust Company, New York City ind has studied trust department one case was heard before Judge ment of Robert J. Kneeley as anand has taken a course on fed- ;ervices at the American Insti- complaint by his wife, Conway Successful Seymour R. Klelnberg yesterday CF In« I-T-X Ckt Brk 74 eral estate taxes offered by thetute of Banking. ' Aduns II M* Johns Man assistant trust officer of First in Municipal Court, as nine others was given a 30-day suspends Air Prod Jones * L. MH Merchants National Bank has •Practicing Law Institute. He has Mr. Kneeley and his wife are were postponed for one week. Air Reduo MH Joy Mf« 33% sentence and a $50 fine. AUec Cp Kalin Al 46% been announced by John G. Hew- completed a course on estates, the parents of six children. They Alleg Lud 70% Kennecott trusts and life insurance given by live in Trenton but will move to Investing Alleg Fow 23 Roppers 38 itt, president. He is serving in Allied Oh Kreage, S3 00'4 the Chartered Life Underwriters the shore area in June. Allls CtiH 35H Kroger 24« the bank's department of trusts AICO* 7714 Leh Port O 13 % MONMOUTH COUNTY VOCATIONAL Am Alrlin 31V4 Leh Val Ind 12 and estates. Spear By Roger E. Spear Am Can LOF Ola» 52 Mr. Kneeley, who began his ca- AJI) Cya.n Lib McN4L 3514 Q-^My wife will soon inherit would I be fully protected? My Am M Fdy 20K Llgg * My eer in banking in 1955, assumed SCHOOL DISTRICT Am Motors 13 Litton Ind T3Vi $6,000 and she would like to ob-accounts are all insured by the Am Smelt 78 Lukenj 8tl his new post Jan. 8 after having tain some pin money income Federal Savings & Loan Insurant:' Am Std 3334 Magnavox 40H served as assistant treasurer and Am Tel* Tel M Marath Oil, 8 from her inheritance. I am con-Corp. — R.R. Am Tob 33% Martin M assistant secretary of Trenton Increase Your Trade Knowledge sidering equal purchases of the AMP Ino 37V Maaonltt Trust Company, Trenton, where A — The Federal Savings & Anaconda Merck following which appear to be rel- Armco 8tl 10'* MOM he had been associated with the and Skill Loan Insurance Corp. protects all Armour 38 ii Minn MAM 91 trust department since 1962. atively safe with some prospect Armst Ck Mo Pac A 73 of appreciating fast enough to accounts up to $15,000 per indi- AIM Oil 3711 Moblloll <*% Mr. Kneeley is a graduate of counter inflation. My selections vidual account. The corporation Alchlaon 23'i Mont Ward 241% St. John's University where he Evening Trade Extension Courses Atl Rlchfld 106 Nat Blsc are New York State Electric & Avco Corp M N Cash Reg «»; majored in economics and was a is an instrumentality of thi Baboock W 46% Nat Dairy 11914 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration \ Gas; Jersey Standard; Anaconda; Bayuk Cig 13 ti Nat Distill 36 Vi member of Alpha Kappa Psi fra- government and I believe that il Nat Gyps 4014 U.S. Steel; Reynolds Tobacco. Bell * How S3 44 ternity. Take your pick in J. Kridel's front window for ~~"- Auto Body Repair Bendlx 62% Nat Steel you limit your deposits to $15,00t NY Central Automotive Electrical Systems What is your opinion?—J. B. Beth Steel 32% 72% He worked in trust develop- everything you need to go south. Bon voyage! in each account, you have nothing Boeing 83% Nla M Pow 22 H ment at Manufacturers Hanover ' Automotive Power Accessories A—I commend you for picking Borden 36 No Am Rock to worry about. I should like to Borg Warn 3 Hi Nor Pac Automotive Transmission Repairs five strong and safe income Brunswk IS Nwst Alrlin *3a 36% Norwich Ph 76' i Blue Print.Reading add that California is one of the Bucy Ertt 44% stocks. If yield is her major ob- Bulova 28'4 Outb Mar 38% Owens 111 2994 Boiler • Fireman jective, these would be satisfac- best-regulated states and I fore- Burl Ind Pan Am Wld 57 Case, JI 17* Carpentry tory for your wife. I cannot see no difficulties in any of its 11 Penney, Jc Cater Trao 62 Pa Pw * Lt * ' Drafting agree, though, that they offer you Colanes* Fa. RR 3114 savings and loan banks. Chei & Oh Pepsi Co 68 Vi Electrical Repair and Malnr. much inflation protection. New Chrysler Perkln Elm 4314 York State Electric is a good (To order Roger Spear's 48- Cities Sv 60 !4 Pfizer 39H Electronics page Investment Guide, send $ Coca Cola 129% Phil El Hair Styling stock, but like other utilities it is Colg Palm Phill Pet in competition with bonds for theto Roger E. Spear, in care ol Colum Oas 38* Pit Steel s* Industrial Math Coml Solv Pub Sv E&G conservative dollar. If you are pa- The Dally Register, Box 1618Co, n JSdls Pullman Machine Shop 33H tient, this would be my favored Grand Central Station, New York, Cos Can 48 li RCA 8" 1 Medical Dental Aut. Refresher Corn Prod 41* stock In your group for income N. Y. 10017.) Sornlng a Reading Co 34 « Offset Lithography era Zell Rtpub SU 01 * and future long-term growth. Jer- Cruc SU Hevlon 52 Printing sey Standard sells below its best Curtlu Wr 8* Reyn Met s* Deero Reyn Tob SI Registration epen to all who live or work In Monmourh County levels of 1957 and Anaconda, Big Del dc Hud M* Rob Controls 47K Promoted Dent Sup 44 St Jos Lead 44 and •mployed In the above or related occupations. Steel and Reynolds Tobacco have 3« Dow Chem Bt Regis Pap made no real price progress for Dress Ind MS Sears Rob Class she limited — Registration until Feb. I, 19*8 Shell OU Sa- years. I suggest you substitute du Pont 150 Sinclair : Duq Lt Smith, AO il'* Make Yours Free Brochure — Send name and address to: or these last three: Talon, a Bast Kod HI 14 Sou Fao 7514 stock of lower yield which has es- End John 2S Bou Ry 3814 MONMOUTH COUNTY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Erie Lack SU Sparry Rd 28H Flrestons 75 West Main Street, Freehold, N. J. 07728 tablished a fine record and is just Std Brand 49% FMG Cp Std OU Cal a "Daiquiri" beginning to get favorable recog- Ford Mot 2?* Std 011 NJ nition; Skil Corp.; Del Monte; Qen Accept Btudworth s* Oea Gig as Texaco 6814 Stewart-Warner. Qen Dynam Tex Q 8lU by Socialites Qen Eleo A Textron Q—I have read that certain Qert Fds 7214 Transamer Oen Motors 8114 Un Carbide savings and loan associations are Gen Pub ut 301i Un Fae 48 16.00 Q Tel 4 Tel 45* Un Tank O 39H in difficulties. I have half my •en Tire 30 Unlroyal TS money in California S & L. I am Qa Pao Op 61H Unit Alre sou Subfle, swiet and Gillette 68 United Cp now wondering if my money is Glen Aid UUt US Lines 78 smooth . . . that'f safe. If an association failed, Goodrich «0 US Plywood 11 % Qoodyear US Smelt the- essence of this Grace Co US Steel «3H Ot A4.P Wai worth 42% "Daiquiri" by Social- s* Wall Mkti Greyhound Wn Un Tel 16H ite. Smooth fi ten t Gulf Oil Wests III 29 Hamm Pap p Whit* Mot 38 Leather glows" with fash- Hero Inc 2814 Wttco Oh«n 67 ion excitement ... a Dl Cent Ind W Woolwth 49 tag Rand 4345UK 37 bit Bus ties MO Xenx grosgrain bow and new lot Harv 3611 Yngst Sh*T m modern heel add a dash of tat Nick UOS SPEED READING Int 3314 delight. Order yours in shiny M Tel*Tel 110 Black, Brown, Bone, Ntvy, American White, Green or Orange • . < will increase your Joseph Lord Jr. also in Black Calf. Br Am OU Molybdenum NEW YORK — Joseph F. Lord Cdn Mars •H Phoenix BU 37' Creole Pet UK Pran HaU 39 Jr., of Monmouth Ave., Navesink, Equity Cp 6U Rollins Ins 4814 itelnbich'i ihoe salon — til stores Fargo Oils Technlcol 2514 learning and earning power. N.J., has been appointed an as-Qen Plwyd Utah Id I 14H sistant vice president of First Kin Ark OU National City Bank, it was an- nounced today. He Is presently assigned to the bank's 399 Park PTA to Meet Ave. branch. ENGLISHTOWN - The Mana- Mr. Lord Joined Citibank's train- lapan-Englishtown Regional Par- ing program in 1961. ent-Teacher Association wil COMPANY A graduate of Trinity College meet Monday at the Clark Mills with a BA degree, Mr. Lord also School (formerly Gordons Corner attended the Graduate School School) at 8 p.m. of Credit and Financial Manage Robert C. Andrews, director ol ment at Dartmouth College. curriculum, will be in charge of Mr. Lord is a member of the the program "Curriculum Inno- Rumson' Country Club and the vations" The principals of the Sea Bright Beach Club. three schools will be present,' as well as members of the Bills hard to pay? Sell items Board of Education. Their topic you don't need with Classified will be the school and the popu- "1,500 WORDS PER "FINALLY, READING "READING DYNAMICS Ads. Dial 741-6900 today. lation growth in the area. MINUTE MAKES A HASBECOMEA WILL HELP ANY BIG DIFFERENCE. THOROUGHLY BUSINESSMAN. Evelyn Wood's methods have In- ENJOYABLE PASTIME. In my own case, I've eliminated creased my reading-speed from a great deal of the time that I Reading Dynamics has given me about 300 to better than 1,890 used to spend reading routine a new literary awareness and the business material. Yet, 1 still words per minute. I'd recommend time to search out and read many, this course to any student." manage to read everything that many more books." crosses my desk." -Steven Alter< H.S. Senior -Roselyn Burman, Housawifa -Bill Kranr. Executive Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics guarantees to at least triple your reading speed without sacrificing either comprehension or retention

In the 18 years since Evelyn Wood developed With 400,000 Graduates To Date, Our Average her unique techniques, 400,000 people from all Stuotent Reads 4.7 Times Faster Than His walks of life have learned how to apply her Starting Speed, With Equal Or Better Compre- method of reading at dynamic speeds. Reports hension And Retention. of this remarkable educational development have Improvement By Typical Reading Dynamics been featured on countless network TV shows Graduates In Words Per Minute and in almost every major newspaper and Bii'm periodical. henslon B. SeheaUi H.S. Student ...224 92% In 1962 the late President John F. Kennedy 38% 1042 ANNUAL M. Foliar, Coll. Student ....274 51% 2400 93% invited Professor Wood to the White House E. Culp, Clergyman .320 77% 1160 80% where she taught her method to the members of M. Nehllj, Librarian 216 75% 8S4 96% Mr. Kennedy's Cabinet and to the White House R. L. Hlrschfleld, Physician. .749 71% 1190 10% staff. Our 400,000 graduates now include SenaA H. C, Rosenberg, Insurance.275 69% 95S 76% tors, Congressmen, housewives, high school and D.M. Groves, Coll. Student. .353 81% 1297 63% college students, and a great many professionals. G. Nachod, Ophthalmologist. .322 79% 1400 80% One of our most illustrious graduates, Senator C. E.WIIIIami,Tel.Operator.250 75% 2250 83% William Proxmire (Wise), has said of the Read- P. Lu Kallhar, Coll. Student .367 85% 1960 85% WAREHOUSE SALE A, Epstein, H,S. Student ...27S 86% 10SS 86% ing Dynamics course, "I must say that this is one 85% of the most useful educational experiences I've B. Hirtranft, Coll. Prof 289 75% 165S G. Bmckhart,Programmer ..509 94% 1850 05% Save up to a huge 70%! ever had. It certainly compares favorably with D. Lancaster, Coll. Student. .370 82% 3630 89% Arnel* Jersey the experiences I've had at Yale and Harvard." In a recent report, the director of The Reading OUR GUARANTEE Classic Date I Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, Jan. 15, 16 & 17 Study Center of a majtir university in Delaware Reading Dynamics will refund the tuition of Stated, "High school students using the Evelyn any student who fails to at least triple his only 14.00 reading efficiency (reading efficiency com- Time: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. all 3 days ' Wood Reading Dynamics Method achieved sig- A charming half - size nificantly better results than the average high bines speed and comprehension). ichbol readers." coat drots comes in dotted or printed Ar- Place: Steinbach's Warehouse at Rt. 35 and Evergreen Ave., nel® triacetate . . . Neptune City that's the fabric that FREE DEMONSTRATIONS washes and dries to a Save substantially on home furnishings and appliances . . ? come early (with absolutely no obligation, of course) wrinkle-free look with ease. Half sizes. Navy for the best selection. It's strictly first come, first serve ... all sales or Aqua — with white fnall No phone orders, C.O.D.'s or Lay-aways during this annual event. PHONE (201) 678-3595 TO RESERVE A SEAT dots. Rose, Blue or Aqua prints. • rugs • bedding • furniture Demonstrations and Classes at These Locations: tUinbaeh't drassn •II tterti • lamps • dinettes • summer furniture RED BANK NORTH BRUNSWICK • china • luggage • major appliance* Cobblestones Inn, Rt. 35, Middletown Holiday Inn, Route 1 • bikes • television sets • fans Monday, Jan. 15th at 8 P.M. • Wednesday, Jan. 17+fi at 8 P.M. • lawn mowers • many mere items Tuesday, Jan. 16th .at 8. P.M. • Thursday, Jan. 18th at 8 P.M.

stfllnbach's warahoust — Ntptuna Cily EVELYN WOOD RO*rWtG DYNAMICS INSTITUTE COMPANY Represented internationally and in 70 cities in the U.S.A. Shop Stcinbach's Warehouse AH 3 Days 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. 8-FriHsv, January 14, 1968 THE DAILY M/ilSTER It's Girl Scout Bake-Off Time Keeping FARMINGDALE—Taste tempt 15 through 19, to be held at the Warner's, 1717 "F" St., South Ing aromas will soon be wafting Sears, Roebuck and Co. store, 64 Belmar. This contest will be down the aisles of five Monmouth Posted W. Front St., Keyport. Miss judged by»Miss Vieweg and Mrs County stores as annual Girl Vieweg and Mrs. Rose ' Kane, Kane. The dealer representative Scout Bake-Off contests get un- home economists, will get as is John Rosenfeld. MATAWAN - Miss Geraldine derway. There are 242 Brownie judges. James Barrett, dealer The bake-off scheduled for Jan V. Brown, president of the New and Junior Girl Scouts registered representative, will assist with the 29-Feb. 2, at Sears, Roebuck and Jersey State Federation of in the contest. Co-sponsored by contest. Co., Rt. 35, Middletown, will have Women's Clubs, will be guest the Monmnuth Council of Girl On the same dates 45 girls from 32 scouts participating from At- speaker Monday at a meeting Scouts and Ihe Jersey Central the Colts Neck, Englishtown, lantic Highlands, Beacon, Fair- of the Woman's Club here, of Power & Liplit Co., five separate which she Is a member. f Farmingdale-North Howell, Free- view, Harmony, Highlands, Un- bake-o fs in five stores throughout hold-Freehold Township. Marl- croft-River Plaza and Middletown The meeting will start at 1:30 the council area will be held for boro-Morganville, and Southern Neighborhoods. This contest also p.m. In the clubhouse, 199 Jack- four uveks beginning Monday, towell Neirjhborhoods will par- will be judged by Miss Vieweg son St. Jan. 15 and ending Friday, Feb. ticipate in the bake-off to be held and Mrs. Kane, with dealer repre- Miss Brown will describe 8. at Sutphen's Radio Store, 27 E. sentative, Frank LoPresti. "What Is Going On In the Feder- All pirls participating have al- Main St., Freehold. Mrs. Elhe! Final bake-off to be held is ation." Mrs. Harry Clune will ready won their individual troop Clayton, home economist, will scheduled for Feb. 5 through 9 a be hospitality chairman. bake-off competitions. Brownies judge the contest. Dealer repre- Sears, Roebuck and Co., Third Mrs. John R. Smith will hake cookies and Junior Girl sentative, Duncan Keely, will as- and Union Aves., Long Branch, (The former Erin P. Guiney) SHREWSBURY — Mrs. Wil- Scouts cakes. All baked goods sist. with CO scouts scheduled to par- lard T. Somerville, first vice are to be prepared from basic 53 to Participate ticipate from the Fair Haven, Lit- president and publicity chair- ingredients — no mixes are al- From Jan. 22 through 26, a tle Silver, New Shrewsbury, Red Erin Guineyman of the Garden Club of New lowed. lotal of 53 scouts from the Asbury. Bank, Rumson, Shrewsbury, Ea- Jersey, will be the guest speaker Each bake-off will have a Interlnken-AIIenhurst, Neptune, tontown, Fort Monmouth, Oak- at a Shrewsbury Garden Club Brownie and Junior Girl Scout Sandpiper, Shark River Hills, hurst-Deal, Seaside, Wanamassa, meeting Tuesday at 1 p.m. In winner, with each winner to re- Summerfield, Belmar, Brielle, and West Long Branch Neighbor- Is Bride Ofthe Central Jersey Bank & ceive a gift for herself and a gift Glendola, Manasquan, Point hoods. Judges will be Miss Trust Company, Sycamore Ave., for her troop. Awards through Pleasant, Shore and Wall Neigh- Vieweg and Mrs. Kane, assisted Shrewsbury. out the contest will be made borhoods will participate In the by Thomas Dunlap, dealer repre- J.R Smith bake-off to be held at Fielder & "Your Community and Your each Friday at 4 p.m. at the local sentative. HIGHLANDS — Mr. and Mrs. Garden Club" will be Mrs. bake-off center. " Cornelius J. Guiney Jr., Moun- Somerville's subject. Heads Program tain St., announce the marriage Miss Eleanor Vieweg, home Marriage Announced of their daughter, Miss Erin Pa MATAWAN — Members of economist of the Jersey Central trlcla Guiney, to John Russell the 43 clubs of the Fifth Dis- Power & Light Co., Is in charge NORTH PALM BEACH, Fla. - Smith. He is the son of Mr. and trict, N. J. State Federation of of the program. Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Lewis Smith Jr., 126 Main Women's Clubs, have been In- A total of 52 Scouts of the T. Van Note Jr. of this place St., Keyport. vited to the Presidents' Coun- Bayshore, Hazlet, Holmdel .and formerly of Rumson, N. J., an- The ceremony took place Dec. cil and Community Improve- Matawan Neighborhoods will par- nounce the marriage of their 30 here in Our Lady of Perpetual ment Program at the Woman's ticipate in the bake-off from Jan. daughter, Miss Doris Louise Van Help Catholic Church. Club of Matawan, 199 Jackson NEW JUNIOR CLUB, the first to be organized in Middletown Township, holds instal- Note, to Lynn Dewitt Martin of The bride was given in mar- St, Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Tulsa, Okla. He is the son of Mr. riage by her father. She was at- lation of officers in the Community Center. From left to right, Mrs. Barton Hoeg, and Mrs. Murgie D. Martin of tended by Miss Donna Klepp, Mrs. Melvln A. Phllo of Key- Leonardo, installing officer and Fifth District junior adviser; Miss Jean Gregerson, Fund Drive Union, S. C.' Matawan, and her sisters, the port, Fifth District vice presi- dent, will preside at the council Leonardo, president; Mrs. Alfred Bevacqua, vice president, and Mrs. William Jack- The double ring ceremony took Misses Anne Marie and Kathleen Guiney. and guest speakers will be Mrs. son, secretary, both of Middletown. {Register Staff Photo)! place Dec. 21 In the First Bap- Peter A. Read, year book and Launched Lewis Smith 3d, brother of the t ist Church, West Palm Beach, printing chairman, and Mrs. bridegroom, was best man. with the Rev. Daniel Griffin of- William E. Pollard, chairman 9 Ushers were the bride's brothers, By College iciating. of General Federation projects. Middletown Junior Woman s Club LAKEWOOD - Georgian Court The bride, who was given In Cornelius J. Guiney 3d, and Den- College, JL Catholic liberal arts marriage by her father, wore a nis Guiney. college for women here has an- long gown of silk and worsted The bride, a staff nurse at RED BANK — The monthly ppllqued with re-embroidered Rivervlew Hospital, Red Bank, meeting of the Woman's Guild Installs Officers in Candlelight Rites nounced a major capital fund >-* *>•» Is an alumna of Red Bank Catho- of Trinity Episcopal Church raising drive to build a new li- Uencon lace, pearls and irldes- ire interested in community and etit sequins. lic High School and St. Francis will take place in the Parish MIDDLETOWN — The newly- from the Matawan Junior Wom- brary, additional student union organized Junior Woman's Club an's Club of which Miss Greger- :ervice work. Information con- facilities and a new chapel. In Miss Rebecca Spahn, Palm School of Nursing, Trenton. Hall on White St. at 2 p.m., Mr. Smith, who is associated Tuesday, preceded by a meeting of Middletown installed its of- son is immediate past president. :erning membership is available making the announcement, Sister Beach Gardens, was maid of rom Miss Gregerson, 23 Roop honor. Also attending the bride with Goodbody and Co., Newark, of the executive board at 1 p.m. ficers Wednesday at a meeting The new junior club, the first M. Pierre, R.S.M., president, said in the Community Club Center. ive., Leonardo. the college had already received were Mrs. Leonard Forlinza, Lo- is an alumnus of the Wharton A travel film will be presented to be organized in Middletown cust, N. J., a cousin; Miss Sha- Mrs. Lynn D. Martin School of Finance of the Univer- by The Lawlour Travel Agency, Hostesses were members of the Township, is open to women be- $100,000 in advance pledges to- Middletown Woman's Club, which ward the campaign. ron Talcott, West Palm Beach; (The former Doris Van Note) sity of Pennsylvania. Rumson. tween the ages of IS and 35 who Miss Dledra Van Duzee, Riviera sponsors the new group. WANT A The proposed library has been Beach, and Mrs. Allan Horton, Mrs. Barton Hoeg, Leonardo, PLAN CHINESE AUCTION BEAUTIFULLY designed by the architects Egg- Palmetto. Flower gtrl was Carol Fifth District junior adviser, in- ers and Higgins as an informal DeSantis and ring bearer was Ann Landers stalled the officers in a candle- ENGLISHTOWN —The Rosary STYLED place of quiet, relaxed study Ricky Emerson, both of North light ceremony. They are Miss Altar Society of Our Lady of which on occasion may serve 'aim Beach. Jean Gregerson, Leonardo, presi- Mercy Catholic Church held a be- COIFFURE • both college and community as dent; Mrs. Alfred Bevacqua, Mid- lated Christmas party recently in • gathering place for cultural Martin was best man for his brother. Ushers were the Collecting Credentials dletown, vice president; Mrs. Wil-the Knights of Columbus Hall in Call for appointment activities arwj entertainments. bride's brother, Peter F. Van liam Jackson, Middletown, record- Old Bridge. The library building will con Note; William Parks, Tndianapo- Dear Ann Landers: I am a would like to accept some of the Send them to her In care of ing secretary; Mrs. Donald Mac- A Chinese auction will be held sist of two main sections; the lis, Ind.; Charles Kyler of Jupi high school girl who believes in Invitations my friends have so this newspaper, enclosing a Namara, Lincroft, corresponding Jan. 19 at 8:30 p.m. in the Pease JOHN'S Hf 2O3.C0O volume capacity library ter; Jav Bell, Lake Park, and free love. Please print my let- generously extended. My hus- stamped, self-addressed enve- secretary, and Mrs. Anthony Road School. Mrs. Frank Steinitz 139 BROAD ST. RED BANK to the right of the main entrance David Powell, West Palm Beach ter because there are plenty band's sister says it would be lope.- Bevacqua, East Keansburg, trea- will be chairman, assisted by 741-1 SIS lobby, and the 790 seat audito- The bride attended Asbury Col- more like me and our side disrespectful to my husband's surer. Mrs. Edward Huyler. rium to the left. lege, Wilmore, Kv., and the Unl doesn't get very much coverage. memory if I did not honor the Department chairmen appointed versitv of Kentucky at Lexington mourning period of one year. PITTS HAVE SON I am not a tramp. I come by Miss Gregerson are Mrs. Dal- NOW FORMING Mr. Martin, a sales engineer ai Do you agree? — WANT TO ELMIRA, N.V. — Mr. and Mrs.ton Burdge, American home; Mrs. Rabbi to Speak Ingersol-Rand, South Peorla in from a high class family and I DO WHAT'S RIGHT Edward Parker Pitts of Corning make good grades. I see noth- Philip Gauntt, Braille; Mrs. Al- Tulsa, Is an alumnus of Clemson are the parents of a son born ing wrong with sleeping with Dear Want To: No. Life is fred Bevacqua, publicity; Mrs. MODERN DANCE CUSSES On Civil Rights University, Greenville, S. C, for the living. If you feel that Jan. 5 in the Amot Ogden Me- John Bjorkholm, civics; Mrs. RUMSON - Rabbi Sidney D. where he received a BS in me- different boys so long as I like CHILDREN'S — TEENS' — ADULTS' ! them and (hey like me — as a you would like to socialize now, morial Hospital here. The child, Jacob Hostetter, membership, and Shanker of Temple Beth El chanical cng ncering. The couple a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Spen- Mrs. Carl Johnson, hospitality reside in Tulsa. person, I mean. do so. It's how you treat a man Cranford, will be guest speaker when he's alive that counts. cer W. Pitts, Blossom Cove Rd., and scrapbook. CREATIVE DANCE STUDIO at a meeting of the Red Bank Virginity is an old-fashioned Middletown, has been named A program of vocal selections MAUREEN DEAKIN Section, National Council of Jew Idea that makes no sense any Do you feel ill at ease . Barton Scarborough Pitts. His was presented by Miss Denise 17 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK ish Women, at noon Monday in To Marry more. Why should a girl save mother is the former Eugenia PresM, Shrewsbury, accompanied Congregation B'nai Israel. A light herself for a man who Is not out of itl Is everybody having CALL 291-2228 BEFORE 2 P.M. good time but you? Write Ellen Wieschhoff, daughter of by Miss Redea Pearlman, Allen- luncheon will precede the gener- making any great effort to save Mrs. Heinrich Albert Wiesch- hurst. al meeting. Rabbi Shanker's top- Serviceman himself for her? In our social For Ann Landers' booklet, "The EXERCISE CLASS FOR WOMEN Key to Popularity," enclosing a hoff of Bronxville, N.Y., and the A corsage was presented to ic will be "Civil Rights and the group I don't know of a single late Mr. Wieschhoff. Miss Greeerson bv a delegation Jewish Community." guy who has done much of a stamped, self-addressed enve- Mrs. Jess Chernak, Atlantic preservation job. lope. Highlands, contemporary Jewish Ann Landers will be glad to Sex is an important part of help you with your problems. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE affairs chairman, is in charge marriage and I want to be the of the program. perfect wife. I feel that the Rabbi Shanker attended the practice I am getting now will University of Texas and the Jew- be very useful when Mr. Right ish Institute of Religion In New comes along. So you see, there JANUARY York. He received his rabbinical ARE some logical and sensible ordination and degree of master arguments against virginity. of Hebrew letters from New York And if you are fair, as you University. He also has done claim to be, you will print my KITCHEN graduate study at Dropsie Col- letter. — MISS HONEST , JFJLmyJSSm lege in Philadelphia and the Jew- fir/1// ish Technological Seminary in Dear Miss: If you are sleep- New York. Rabbi Shanker has ing around so you will be ex- Occasions BUY DIRECT been actively involved with the perienced for Mr. Right, you MODERNIZING issue of open housing and has can stop now. Mr. Right will For Your Home, participated in several freedom not view your list of bed part- AND SAYE rides. ners as impressive credentials. Here's what you get: Miss Diana M. Fratlcelll In fact, he might get the idea for Gifts, too! MIDDLETOWN — Announce- that you are a bit of an alley • 8 ft. of upper cabinets Bent on a business of your • 8 ft. of base cabinets own? Check today's Classified ment is made by Mr. and Mrs. cat. Ads for the latest offers. Carlos Fraticelli, 2 Kevan Place, I don't deceive myself Into • Built-in oven of the engagement of their believing my advice will cut any • Bult-Jn range daughter, Miss Diana Maria mustard with you, Toots, but for • Center bank of drawers Fraticelli, to Spec. 4.C. David the girls who have not yet lost complete with built-in CULT Michael De Stefano, U.S. Army. The Great Debate, I'd like to bread box "Any man who hates He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. say this: Insofar as sex Is con- • All drawers on nylon children and dogs Rudolph De Stefano of Phoenix, cerned, practice does NOT Ariz. make perfect. It does make rollers can't be all bad!" Custom Built Kitchens! • Formica top Miss Fraticelli is a graduate juicy conversation in locker Thut spoke tlw man who gavt • 21x24 porcelain sink with Hie world hit greatest gift. of Middletown Township High rooms and, of course, it can LAUGHTER! School and is employed by West- also make babies. spray faucets, strainers ern Union, New York, in the • Adjustible shelves W. C. FIELDS credit and collection department. Dear Ann Landers: I read re- • Finest birch cabinets Don't Miss Two of His Spec. 4.C. De Stefano, an cently that a state school for Our colorful cut beautifully finished mentally retarded children in alumnus of Alhambra High flowers, corsages Most Memorable Classics: School, attended Pheonix (Ariz.) Boston has accepted 300 pairs (Installation optional) "THE BANK DICK" College. He is stationed at Ft. of old shoes from someone who and plants express plus Hood, Tex. had been saving them for 30 your feelings most "NEVER GIVE A SUCKER years. The shoe saver received beautifully. AN EVEN BREAK" Although nowadays a cheese wide acclaim for his "thriftl- Illustrated: and cracker course is often ness and generosity." Starting Wednesday at served on a wooden serving dish Is Gelco's "REGAL' The whole thing made me ' A.l.T.'s NEPTUNE CITY or a wooden tray, there's nothing PHONE 747-1832 Red Birch Kitchen THEATRE against using a dish or tray of sick to my stomach. Old, silver, glass or china for the misshapen shoes can ruin a per- 842-0100 ON DISPLAY on Route 35 — 774-6272 and crackers, son's feet for the rest of his life." Many retarded ' children cannot speak well enough to let another person know what THIS KITCHEN FEATURES HARRIS CATERERS is bothering them. I would like to pose a ques- VERNOIS BUILT-IN tion to the fine citizens of Bos- Ion: Is this the best your state of course GAS CATERING ran do for its retarded chil- dren? — PART-NT OF A RF.- OVEN and RANGE FOft EVERY OCCASION TARDFD CHILD OCEANPORT AVENUE LITTLE SILVER • Office Patllel Dear Parent: Thank you for • House Partlci your loiter. If a Boston inn will 26 MONMOUTH ST. MANUFACTUR • Wedding Reception! romp up with nn answer I will • Church Function! print it. RED BANK CUSTOM KITCHEN CABINETS Manufacturer! of TWO DINING ROOMS serving Monmouth County QUALITY KITCHENS Sooting 250 and 100 at Ihe Dear Ann Landers: My lnis- Since 11(97 CABINETS HARBOR RESTAURANT hnnd flind seven months nj;o. 10 STYLES - 20 FINISHES We had n fine mnrri,i|;e and Atl. Highlands Yocht Basin Our Kitchen Planning D.part. 291-2404 liis Mi'Men death was n terrihle m«nt li staffed with specially hlmv lo me. 1121H Wr. 35 (JLTE^Ka.) WAN AMASSA In thl, «.ld. Wo can plan wit"! I'U the first several months In your budget. Even arrangt "1UFJ-ET ' v ry Saturday and Sunday Monday, Wedn.iday, Friday f A.M. to V P.M.; Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 'HI o P.M. •a»y time payments. ALL YOU CAN EAT I couldn't even think of Roinp "ill atul cnjoyini: myself. Now FREE ESTIMATES DIAL 531 • 3800 I nin feeling stronger ami I Church Hall News Roundup — Friday, luxury 12, Three Churches House Seek Man* SHREWSBURY-three and doughnuts will be served to es here, under the auspices of the date of the annual meeting years in East Orange before For Award guests in fellowship hall of the will also be considered. coming to Middletown. RED BANK — The Greater the Council of Churches of the Presbyterian church. Greater Red Bank Area and of All persons interested in the Red Bank Jaycees is seeking a St. James Catholic Church, Red HOLY NAME SPEAKER MEN'S CLUB TRIP movement toward prayer unity MIDDLETOWN — The Rev. man between the ages of 21 and Bank, will hold open house Sun- are invited to attend. HAZLET — The Men's Club 35 on whom to bestow Us annual day. The purpose is to provide William A. Hanson of King of Kings Lutheran Church will be of St. John's Methodist Church Distinguished Service Award. fellowship preceding the Week of CONGREGATION TO MEET recently sponsored a trip to the Prayer for Christian Unity, which guest speaker at a meeting Mon- MATAWAN — The annual con- day of St. Mary's Catholic Church Christmas show at Rockefeller To qualify for the award, the begins throughout the area Jan. gregational meeting of Cross of Center, New York City. One person to be selected mu»t have 18. Holy Name Society. All men of Glory Lutheran Church will be the parish are invited to the hundred and fifty-nine members done or be doing some type of out- Christ Episcopal Church, the held Sunday after the 11:30 a.m. gathering in the church base- attended. Thomas Rathbone is standing community service. The Presbyterian Church and Friends worship service. ment after 8 p.m. Mass. club chairman. winner will be announced at the Meeting (Quakers) will open their Committee reports will be read annual Distinguished Service The Rev. Mr. Hanson is a Award and Bosses Night dinner doors for 10-minute tours from and seven new deacons elected. graduate of Western Lutheran PRESENT PROGRAM 7 to 7:40 p.m. At 8 p.m , coffee A constitutional change to move at the Old Union House Wednes- Seminary and served for two FREEHOLD — "The Tender day, Jan. 24 -~ 1U „ Transplant," a program about mobile society, was presented The name of the area winner at a recent meeting of the Lu- will be submitted for stale level theran Church Women of Grace judging. He may then possibly Services in County Churches Lutheran Church. Mrs. Nancy become the representative for New Jersey in the Jaycee nt- METHODIST Berry, Mrs. Elsie Alff and Mrs. Atlantic Highlands Keansburg Middletown Elsa Vicens made the presenta- tional finals. •AUtANUAL BAPTIST SI. ANN'S CATHOMO Worship Service at 10 a.m. In The tion. iiiiiiKiJiii The Jaycees are asking for Atlantic Highland* Keansburf Nut Swamp School. Rev. William llBPiSillliiilli Morning wonhlp service will be it Sunday Maases will be at T, t, I, Abrama Is minister. nominations of any such young 11 o'clock and the evening service at i0. 11 and noon. IKST SPIRITUAL OP DIVINE BOSK 7:30. Rev. Richard Shaw I* pastor. Belford MEN'S NIGHT men. Names must be submitted, Horning jerman topic: "And Y« ahull BAY SHORE COMMUNITY The Sunday service will be held al together with a description of the Bo My Wltnfw." Evening topic: "The East Keansburg B:15 p.m. with Rev. Phoebe Palley, HAZLET — The Women's So- Gift* ot Ui» Holy Spirit In the 20Ui Sunday oervlces will be held at M a,m. pastor, officiating. service performed, to the Greater Century Church." Itev. Richard Schwartz will pre&oh on ciety of Christian Service of St. ONE IN A THOUSAND — Sliooting for ra goal of 1,000 donors at Tus-sday'i visit "Stewardship." NEW MONMOUTH BAPTIST John's Methodist Church recently Red Bank Jaycees, P.O. Box 326, MBST METHODIST New Monmouth. of the Red Cross Bloodmobile to the Army Signal School — the third within a 13- Red Bank. Atlantic Highland! EFBST METHODIST Sunday worship services will be held held its second annual men's Mornlnx woratilp will be htia at Keansburf at 10:46 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rav. Donald month period, Brig. Gen. Thomas M. Rienzi, commandant, checked in early for his 11 a.jn. R»v. Harvey Van Solver will Sunday services -will be at 9:30 N. Scolleld will speak at both services, night. A record attendance was •peak en "Wbo Sayi Hamea Don't and at u a.m. Rev. Newton W. SAINT CLEMENT'S EPISCOPAL attained. donation. More than 1,100 pints were received from school staff, faculty and stu- HurtT" Discovery Mfht program at 5 Grclner will preach on "The EtlaueUe Belford cm. In Fellow«tiip Hall with Rev. of Bating With Sinners." Sunday schedule: 8 a.m. Holy Eu- dents, breaking an all-time record for donations at any regular visit of the Bloodmo- Paul DeHoft u guest speaker. charist and eernion: 9:30 a.m. ffung Mrs. Kenneth Thompson pre- FIBST PRESBYTERIAN ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL Eucharist and sermon by the Rev. bile anywhere within the New York-New Jersey area. Here the general gets attention Atlantic Highlands Keansburg William A. Powe!. sided at the business meeting. Sunday •ervlces will be held it Sunday services will be Holy Com- COMMUNITY The next meeting of the group from Mrs. Edward Cosgrove of Mt. Arlington, chief nurse for the New York-New Jer- • :30 and 11 a.m. Rev. Richard B. An. munion at 8 a.m. and Parish Biucharlst Port Monmouth will be Feb. 13. derson officiating. and- sermon at 0:30 a.m. Sunday worship at U a.m. Vesper sey blood program just before giving blood, while Mrs. W. J. Mclntyre Jr., coordinator CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY lervloe at 6:30 p.m. The Rev. A. D. COIMTC AUanUo Highlands Keyport Magaw lj pastor. of ARC volunteers for the visit, assists. Major B. C. Buckley, of the School Brigade Sundar lervlce* will be held at 11 METHODIST TO SEE MOVIE Lesson — Sermon: "Sacrament" Belford staff, was chairman. CENTRAL BAPTIST UETIISEMANE LUTHERAN MATAWAN — The Lutheran Keyport The Sunday service will be at 11 Atlantis Highlands Sunday services will be at 8:30. 9:15 a.m. Women of Cross of Glory Lu- Sunday service* will D« at 11 a.m. and at 11 a.m. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN Famous Rev. Harry W. Kraft Is pastor. Wor- Middletown theran Church will meet Tues- ship aervtca at 1:30 p.m. ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC Sunday services will be at 9:15 and day (Jan. 16) at 8 p.m. In the ST. AGNES CATHOLIC Keyport 10:15 a.m. The Rov. Harlan c. Durfee Atlantic! Highlands Masses will be at 6:30 and 7:30 Is pastor. church. Names Sunday Masses are at 8:30, 7:<3, 9, a.m. and 12:15 p.m. In the church: Sixty Army Chaplains Attend UNITED FBE8BYTEMAN The program will be a sound 10, 11 and noon. Rev. Michael J. Lease ":30, 9:45 and 11 a.m. In the school. Llncroft \M pastor. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL The Sunday service win be at 10:30 movie "The Natural Look . . . Keyport a-m. Sunday services will be: 7:45 a.m. And How to Achieve It." Miss ;, Cliff wood Beach Morning Prayer; 8 a.m. Holy Com- OCEAN VIEW COMMUNITY Judy Reede will narrate. Re- munion; 9 a.m. family service and Leonardo Special Ft. Monmouth Course I BAXVIEW .PRESBYTERIAN 11 a.m. Holy Communion. Morning worship service at U a.m. freshments will be served and CUffwood Beach Rev. Kenneth N. Gamble will speak. School faculty members are re- Sunday worship services will be at Evening service at 7:30 p.m. all are welcome. FT. MONMOUTH — Sixty chap- prone to develop mannerisms of 11 a.m. Rev. Donald h. BuccL pastor, Little Silver LEONARDO BAPTIST which he is unaware until he quired to complete the intensive will officiate. Leonardo lains, representing three faiths, EMBURY METHODIST sees himself on the screen." IMD course before attaining CUTFffOOD COMMUNITY Sunday service! will be at 11 a.m. FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM now students In the career course " Little Silver Jamas a Ewln will be guest speaker. The Signal School's Instruc- status as full-fledged instructors. METHODIST Rev. Sanford M. Haney will officiate ils subject will be alcohol problems. FREEHOLD — The Christian ClUtwood at th« morning worship aervlce at 11 Evening worship service at 7:30. at the Army Chaplain School at tional Methods Division is -a Many individuals from other ser- Warship services will be a.m. held at 9 sum. with the pastor, the ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL Family Fellowship of the First Ft. Hamilton, Brooklyn, attended pioneer in the use of the audio- vice schools and government Yes, they make quit* • Rev. W. Wlnfleld West, offlclatlnf. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL Naveslnk Baptist Church had as Its theme Little Sliver. Bunday services are as follows: 8 a two-day special training pro- tape playback In "teaching teach- agencies also attend these cours- pair. Yes, they stand for Services Sunday will be Holy Com- a.nt.. Holy Communion; 9:30 Family for Saturday's meeting "The 12th ers how to teach." All Signal es throughout the year. Colts Neck munlon at 8 and Morning Prayer Service; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer with gram at the Army Signal School's quality. Yes — Pay Lett Sermon: "In the Beginning, God." sermon by the rector, Rev. H. R. Sor* Night of Christmas." They met BBFORMED enson. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Instructional Methods Division for Brand Names with Colts Neck BEIMEL BIBLE CHAPEL John Duckett Jr., Bradley Drive. . Th» Sunday service will be at 8:1 Long Branch Middletown this week. "BIS W" a.ra. and Ilium. Her. Samuel C. La Golf Fundamentals Study GOSPEL HALL Services Sunday will begin with wor- Rev Robert Stein spoke on Fenta, will BMUb on die text: John ship at 9:30 a.m. at Carpenter and Discount Pricesl 6;W8 Long Branch Brig. Gen. Thomas M. Rienzi, Services will be held Bunday at »:S» Applegate Sto. Family Bible hour at the theme and each couple car CHRISTIAN CHUBVH am. A Gospel Service will b» hV lil a.m. An evening'service will begin ried a lighted candle, placed commandant, welcomed the chap- ColU Neck at 7 D.m. at 7 p.m. George Sharp will epeak. lains, all of whom are ordained Is Scheduled in Holmdel Morning worlblp aervlca will be at 11 OLD FIRST CHURCH it in a candelabra and said a • m. ant Evening worship «ervlce at ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL AMERICAN BAPTIST CONVENTION silent prayer at the manger. clergymen and hold military HOLMDEL — The township An eight-week beginners course I pro. Rev. Larry O. Calhoon, minister, Long Branch UNITED CIIUUCH OF CHRIST that of lieutenant in oil painting will be held will officiate. Low Hass at 8 a.m. Sung Mass and Middletown At the next meeting, to be ranks up to Recreation Commission will of- address at 10 a.m. Rev. James Hut- Worship wrvlcos at H a.m. Dr. colonel. The general also pre- Wednesday nights, beginning Feb. chison Duncan, rector. Arthur Dodgson will preach on "How held in the home of Mr. and fer an eight-week course in the Eatontown Can I Be Forgiven?" sented a brief orientation on the .4, in the Village School library. FIRST BAPTIST Mrs. George Cunningham, West fundamentals of golf Thursday According to Mrs. Magna Merca- FIBST PItEHBVTEBlAJ) Long Branch Signal Corps mission. Eatontown The Sunday services will be held at Main St., each couple is to bring nights, beginning Jan. 18, in the danti, instructor, the class will The Sunday.service will be at 11' 11 a.ra. and 7:15 p.m. Morning sermon: New Shrewsbury another couple as guests. As part of their curriculum for Communion will be observed. 'The Church and The World." Showing REFORMED Village School auditorium. In- include color mixing, applying Bev. Robert W. Reed Is pastor. of film, "The Detached Americans' New Shrewsbury the nine-month-long advanced paints and still life. In the evening. The Rev. Homer Tri- Sunday service will be at 9:30 and structor will be Anthony Gaetta, ... High return JESUS CHRIST OF culls Is pastor. NEW MEMBERS course in the Chaplain School LATTEU DAI SAINTS 10:30 a.m. Rev. Harold H. Klein will professional golfer at Tomahawk Mrs. Janet Ens will supervise (Mormon) ST. LUKE'S METHODIST speak on "How Big Is A church?" OAKHURST — Dr. John D. ... Assured safe LUTHER MEMORIAL LUTHERAN the students receive refresher an eight-week physical fitness pro- SaUratown Long Branch Blair, pastor of the First Method- Golf Course, Lincroft. •ervtcn will Be the Priesthood meet- The Sunday service will be at 11 a.m. (Missouri Synod) training in effective writing and gram for women Monday nights \ ...Availability Ing at 9 a.m. and the Bacratnent meet* ftov, J. Oourtney Hayward will preach. New Shrewsbury ist Church, recently welcomed Mrs. Mary Handle will conduct Ing at 5:00 p.m. Blahop Bruce Savage Morning service at 10:30 a.m. Rev. speaking. Highlighting this phase from 8 to 9:30 p.m. in the Village will olfialate. Donald h. Biggs will preach on "Do the following into membership a 10-week beginners and advanced School gymnasium, starting Feb. : METHODIST Marlboro What Ht 8ays.~ of the course, the students, for sewing class Tuesday nights in fiatontown. of the church; Mrs. Janet Apple- 19. The class will feature lectures Sunday Worship Service/ will be at BIBLE PBOTESTAHT k . l*y or Elberoh; Charles Griffitts, the past number of years have the Indian Hill School library, 10.(5 a.m. with Pastor WtUlam Joel Robertsvllle Services at 10:15 a.m. In (tie on anatomy, nutrition, diet and W.lght officiating. The Sunday aervlce will be at 11 Ranney School, Hops Road. Mrs. Richard Pieper and Mr. visted the Signal School for the starting Feb. 6. The beginners circulation, as well as exercises tT. JAMES MEMORIAL EPISCOPAL a.m. Rev. Edwin P. Spencer will speal and Mrs. Bobby Setzer and son, course will include clothing con- JSatontown Sermon: In the Beginning, God." two-day session in IMD. in yoga, statics and isometrics. Holjr Eucharist will be at 8 and THE OLD BBICK Oakhuret Bob, all of Oakhurst. ' struction, interpretation of pat- Jlomlnj Prayer at 10 a.m. Rev H. REFORMED CHURCH During the IMD training, each terns, measurements, layout of Registration deadline for the Marlboro FIRST METHODIST Dr. Blair also baptized these Holly Knight officiating. Oakhurst student makes a presentation to patterns and cutting. The ad- golf class is Monday (Jan. 15). MONMOUTH BAPTIST Sunday morning services will ha held Services at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Dr. John children: Thomas Steven Rogers, (Southern Baptist Convention) at 11 a.m. Rev. John Hart will of- D. Blair, pastor, will speak on "Pro his class. His performance, filmed vanced class will cover tailoring, Registrations for the other cours- JEatontown ficiate. pared for the Uopredlotahle." Carolyn Woolley West and Kurt Worship services will be at 9:45 on audio-tape, is played back im- sewing methods and technique, es will close Thursday, Feb. 1. Dane Labor. a.m., 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. with Matawan mediately and the student re- and clothing design. Further information may be ob- Eev. SL R. Halre, castor, preaching. Oceanport The senior Methodist Youth CALVARY BAPTIST ceives a critique from instructors tained by contacting Mrs. Elaine Matawnn CALVARY BAPTIST Fellowship: will bold a coffee and classmates. In addition, he Fair Haven Morning worship la at 11 a.m. Oceanport Frey, adult education chairman, Evening worship Is at 7:30. Rev. Jack The evening service at 7:30 p.m. Rev. house tomorrow from 8 to 11 has the opportunity to evaluate JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Klnney la pastor. Paul N. Smith will preach at both p.m. The Methodist Men will Union Beach or Mrs. Shirley Lagattuta,. com- Bed Bank Congregation services. his own presentation during the mission secretary. (Kingdom Hall) TRINITY EPISCOPAL hold their first meeting of the playback. Fair Haven T:« a-m.. Matins and Holy Com- Old Bridge "Do Vain Work* or Worthwhile Works munion at the Church 9:15 a.m. Family season Tuesday. YOU GET THEM nil Tour Life?" will be the tJieme of Eucharist at the Ravine Drive School LUTHERAN GOOD SHEPHERD According to Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Head Start Mr. Leanza's talk Sunday at 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer at the Church Old Bridge Robert E. Rockwell, chief of pro- ALL, SAVING HERE! "In All the Natlom the Good News Has The Rev. Carroll B. Hall la rector. Family Bible Hour will be Sunday State to Open to be Preached Tint" will be the CROSS OF GLORY LUTHERAN at 9:15 e_m. Family Worship service fessional subjects at the Chap- W*tchtower etudy at Hi:il5 a.m. Matav/an will be at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Barley E. lain School, who coordinates the Program Set CURRENT DIVIDEND CUBIST CHVRCn METHODIST Worship service at U a.m. Rev Meyer will officiate. Breakfast Set Fair Haven Byron Swanson officiating. Annual con. ST. AMBROSE CATHOLIO training program, the students UNION BEACH — Leo V. Fal Employment Th» Bunday service will be at 11 gregatlonal meeting Immediately follow- Old Bridge consider the playback "a most Ion, superintendent of schools, cm. The Rev. Cnarlei G. Hanklm ing. Sunday Mast will be at «:»>,• 7:30, By Fellowship 4'/2% Is pastor. FIRST BAPTIBT CHURCH t:<5, 10, 11:15 am. and 12:30 p.nx valuable experience.' He points has announced that the Board of HOLY COMMUNION EPISCOPAL Matawan Rev. Bernard A. Coen Is pastor. FAIR HAVEN — The Rev. W. out, "Every public speaker is Education again will sponsor a Office in Gity Fair Haven Morning Worship at 10 a.m. DROSS OF GLORY LUTHERAN Sunday lervtces will be at S and 10 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Old Bridge C. Riedel of the Methodist Church six-week Head Start Program LONG BRANCH - The Division •vm. Rev. Frederick' B. Preuss, rector, Matawan The Sunday service will be at 10:10 of Christiana, Pa., will be the this summer. Will preach at tbe 10 a-m. services. Worship services at 9:15 and 11 a.m a-m. Confirm Class of Employment Security, state Rev. Chester A. Galloway will preach speaker at a fellowship break- According to the superinten- Department of Labor, will open Freehold on "What About Unanswered Prayer?' Raritan Township fast meeting sponsored by the At Matawan dent, this year's program will be an office in this city for one week GRACE LUTHERAN ST. CLEMENT'S CATHOLIO Monmouth County Chapter, Full centered in the Florence Avenue beginning April 1 to interview ap- Worthlp service at S and 11:30 a.m. Mata wan-Marlboro FAITH REFORMED Gospel Business Men's Fellow- I with Holy Communion. Pastor David Sunday Masses and Holy Communion Hazlet MATAWAN — A class of 10 Ju- School, with meals for the young- plicants seeking work. \o. Von will officiate and preach on will be h«ld at 8, 0:30 end 11 a.m. In Sunday services will be held, at »:*> ship Internationalist 9 a.m. Sat- nior high boys and girls com- TjOhbrt In Your Home?" the Matawan Grammar School. Rev and 11 a-m. Rev. Theodore C. Mullei sters prepared on the premises. Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr., who Joseph RuclnskI Is pastor. will preach on "Tbe Love Lire." urday, Jan. 20,l-ai The Willow- pleted several months of study Bed Bank HOPE LUTHERAN "Through the Head Start proj- recently discussed such an office ^ Freehold TTRSP METHODIST CALVARY BAPTIST brook, here. and were confirmed last Sunday Matawan Hulet ect," Mr. Fallon said, "we are with Benedict A. Lee, division tforthlp Mrvtces will be at 9:30 a.m. Divine Worship at 9:30 and 11 a.m. at the second morning worship RovI. Albert W. GMbson will apeak on Sunday services will be held at 11 The Rev. Riedel will speak on attempting to do three things. representative, anounced yester- "Ood'a Gift of DljKtpleohtp." Rev Donald T. Phillips Sr. Is pastor. am. and at 7 p.m. Rev. Gaorfe J. service in First Methodist and will preach on "The OM Ttestamenf ttllott Is pastor, "Supernatural Signs for Unbe- day a survey will be made in the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN — Its Books and Beginnings." Church. They were interrogated One is to have a program bene- AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Freehold ST. JOHN'S METHODIST lievers," in which he will report icial to pre-klndergarten young- city to determine employer needs, Morning worship will be at 9:30 In Hailot on the current revival of the before the congregation concern- followed by the week of office NOW LOCATED AT the new auditorium and at 11 a.m. In Middletown Sunday services will be hold at 9:30 ing their faith and the history, sters and their families. It is our the Sanctuary. Pastor James R. Mem- and 11 a.m. Rev; Norman R. Rlley gifts of the Holy Spirit in de- belief that for this kind of activi- Interview? mott will deliver a sermon. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIO is pastor. HI* theme will be "Open Our doctrine and policy of the Meth- BROAD ST. and Eyes." \ nominational churches. A division counselor will be Freehold Now Monrnouth odist Church. They were con- ty to be effective there must be BERGEN PL., RED BANK Morning worship will be at U a.m. Muses are at 7, 8:15, 9:30, 10:43 a.m the opportunity for parents to be- present to advisp applicants with- and evening service at 7 p.m.. both and noon In the church; at 8:19, 9:30, Reservations may be made by firmed by the pastor, the Rev. in the YMCA. Rov. Frank C. Moras, 10:45 a.m., noon and 4:30 p.m. In the Red Bank come, active partners of the out definite vocational goals, and 741-3700 hall. calling Raymond Rafferzeder, At- Donald T. Phillips Sr., and re- pastor, • will preach on "The Channel FIRST METHODIST lantic Highlands, or George school through program, partici- an interviewer will see those in- of Power." FIRST UNITARIAN CI1URCH Bed Bank ceived from him the Sacrament R terested in training under the OF MONMOUTH COUNTY Service or Holy Communion at 8:30 Stowe, Deal. Clergy and laity of of Holy Communion as their first pation. Highlands Llncroft a.m. In Squire Chapel. Services of Manpower Development Training Sunday services will be held at 10:30 worship at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Rev. all faiths are Invited to attend. act upon becoming full members "The second objective i3 to Act. \ •T. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL a.m. Rov. Harold R. Dean will speak on Edward B. Cheney will talk on "In continue the emphasis on the in- Highlands "To Make a Noticeable Difference." Darkness or In Light." Sacrament of of the church. Baptism. Mayor Nastasio has been try- The Holy Eucharist will be eele- REFORMED Rumson dividuality of each child, through ing for some time to get the De- Brated this Sunday at 8 and 10 a.m. Middletown BAPTIST They were: Daniel Brewer, a comprehensive range of ser- with Matins at 9:30 a.m. and Even- The Sunday service will be hold L Rod Bank ST. oEoaoE's-nY-TnE-nrvER Janice Herriger, Lynn Johnson, partment of Labor to authorize a "Where You Sqve Does eong at 7 p.m. Rev. Wm. D. Lorlng, 11 a.m. Rov. Karl D. Compton will Sunday worship services will lie al EPISCOPAL vices which are critical to the vicar, will preach. preach on "The Compassion of God 11 a.m. Tho Rev. Stanley E3. Mug- Rumson Nancy Longstreet, Robert Makuk, permanent employment office in Make a Difference!" FIK8T METHODIST and the Glory ot Men." ridge will preaoh on "I Bellove." At Sunday services will be Holy Cora, child's development. These ser- the city. Highlands GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN 8 p.m., Rov. F. O. Wllklns wiU speak munlon at 6, and Morning Prayer at Beverly Marley, Kevin Siddons, vices include medical and dental Worship servloo at 11 a.m. Rev. Wil- Holmdel-Mld dletown on "Christ In tho Military." 0:30 and 11 a.m. Diane Tomaselio, Joseph Toma- liam IlcCulfcnigb -will officiate. The Sunday service will be hold HOLT TRINITY FIRST PRESBYTERIAN care, social services, nutritional at 10:45 a.m. at the Thompson School. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Rumson sello and Donald Walsh. support, and a well-designed pro- Rev. George J. Frank Jr. Is pastor. ONE-OF-A-KIND Holmdel Red Bank i On Sunday, the worship services will Three persons were received gram of daily activities designed HOLMIIEL vnuRcn KINO OV KINGS LUTHERAN Sunday services will be held at 0:15 bo held at 9:30 and 1>1 a.m. In the EXCLUSIVE HOME Holmdel Mlddlotown and 3il a.m. Rev. Harold Hornbergor Is aanctuary. The Rev. Harvey C. Doule into full membership by transfer to meet the needs of the individ- All brick Rancher In Coifs Neck, on comer of Mountainside Drlvt and The Bunday service will be at 11 Sunday services will be at 8 and pastor. Jr., pastor, will preaoh a sermon on from other churches. They were: Route 520. One of Tiffany's finest, prestige models. 3 huge bed ooms, 2'A 10:45 a-m. Rev. William A. Hanson ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIO "Tlte Strength That Comes From Quiet ual child. *.m with the pastor, Rev. John W. Moments." Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomaselio, luxury battis, sunken living room/ flagstone foyer, deluxe equipped fomlly Waldron, officiating. will preach at all sorvlces. Red Back "Finally, this year's Head Start slied kitdien wllti doylioM celling, dishwasher and refrloerotor, loundry Sunday Masses will be celebrated a 42 Little St., and Miss Janie Kay oreo odlolnlno kltcnen. 2-cor (jaroge wilt) poneled tamKy room wlffl T, S, 9, 10. 11 a.m. and noon with Sea Bright will be a true community project, fireplace. Hot wcrtcr heat with separata celling olr conditioning. Bonus Msgr. Salvatore Dl Lorenzo, pastor, of- Wooten, 19 Carol Lane. basement Is ncdlanT heated with 3 additional rooms and huge fun room. flclatl. _-. ST. MIKK'S A.M.E. involving cooperation among the Sea Bright ' These now members made 39 professional and non-professional On 2 wooded acres. Complete with wall to wall carpeting and tnlir* A.M.E. ZION The Sunday service will b« at 1 p.m. to have been added to the church decorators styled drapes. An Imiioculote home priced to move In now. Red Bank when Rev. Floyd N. Black will preach. taffs, parents of the children— (49,500. Mortgage orxl tormi to suit your requirements. Con be teen Sunday sorptcei at 11 a.m. Rev. Al rolls so far this conference year ind all citizens who are able and •very day. fred 8. Parker Is pastor. (June 1, 1967 to May 31, 1968). Call Tiffany Homes Corp. iPRESBYTERIAN Shrewsbury illing to volunteer their time Red Bark CHRIST HP1SC0PAL (201) 944-4141 Sunday Worship Sorvlce will be ob. Shrewsbury ind skills." jerved at 9 and 11 a.m. with Rev, Sunday, the Rt. R*v. Alfred I* Charles 8. Webster preaching on "How Banyard, BiBhop of Now Jersey, wll Post to Present You Can Gain flod'n Guidance" pay his annual visitation. The rector. (JIIUBCII OF CIIRINT tile Rov. Ronald a. Albury will conduct Red Bank the 8 a.m. Holy EuchairlBt service. The Flags to Scouts Sunday services will be at 11 am. bishop will preach at 9 and 1/1:15 n.m. The evening service will be at 0:30. and will administer the riles or Con- MATAWAN — The McElvainc- LINCROFT ASSOCIATES - TAX SERVICE Evangelist Donald Wood will preach a firmation at the latter. A reception for YOU both services. ntaliop Banyard will bo at 10:30 a.m. Schanck Post, Veterans for For- In Uve pariah house. 765 HIGHWAY 35 ST. NICHOLAS RUSSIAN EASTERN eign Wars, will present five (opposite Two Guys) MIDDLETOWN, N. J. ARE ALWAYS ORTHODOX FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD American flags to Girl Scout Hod Hank Shrewsbury The Divine Liturgy will be celebrated Worship service will be at 11 a.m. troops of the Matawan Neighbor- WELCOME at I) a.rn. on Sundays and Holy Days and Bvangellstla service at 7 p.m. the of Obligation. Evening services preced- Rov. Patrick o. Me Lane Is pastor. hood Association at the associa- AT OUR SERVICES ing Sundays anil Holy Days of Obliga- Ei tion's meeting Monday at 8 p.m. HAVE PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL tion at 0 p.m. Fattier Emlllan Kajko, Bhrewshury pastor. The morning sorvtcos ot worship In tho cafeteria of Matawan High ST. JAMKB CATHOLIC will bo at D:»0 a.m. and 1.1 a.m. The School. ! Red Rank Itev. JnrnfH R. Bleeln will speak on SUNDAYS 11:00 A.M. flundny Masses will be at «, 7:30, v, "Wliat's Reunion dood Tor AnywayT1 Mrs. Robert Baxter, chairman, PREPARE YOUR TAX RETURN 10:30 a.m. and 12 noon In the Church; KEIJUIOVli HOCIKTY OF FltlENUS said that with the presentation all (Nursery Providod) at S, D;30, ii a.m. and 12:19 In !h Shrewsbury Peters Place aitiUtorlum, and at 5:3( •unday meeting Is held at 11 a.m. troops of the neighborhood will p.m. In tho Church. Msgr. Kmmetl WE MAINTAIN A PERMANENT OFFICE AND A WEDNESDAYS 8:15 P.M. A. Monnhan Is pnnlor. have flags as part of their troop FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Union Beach equipment. COMPLETE TAX FILE FOR OUR CLIENTS HCIKNTIHT ORACH MF.niODINT The meeting will include the Red Hank Union Itanch Hie Sunday services will lie at 1 Worship services will be Sunday showing of a film strip on "How a.m. at 9:15 and 11 e..m. services. to Use Your Troop Committee." TBINITY "File EARLY" FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Ited'llank RED 1ANK, N. J. Holy Eiirhnrlnt on Himilny nt fl g Branch 211 IROAD STREET morninK J>raypr Anil sermon lit 0:lfi, RKFOniVIATION I.IITIIRRAN Dent on a business of your IIIHI M'iriiliiu 1'rnyer Anil nililrcftfl At I West Long Branch i own? Check today's Classified FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 671-5333 MADIN» RO&M 20? IROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. m. Tim Ii) j. cnnmi Cluirlri II. Heel Tlio Itev. Rnl>ort Oswald will i»V«c) la rtMHor. at tin »:19 oim ait a.m. aorvkrj. Ads for the latest offers. 10—FHAMJ, January 12. 1963 THE DAILV REGISTER 1.00 Ml r.m r »-»>r» MeOw-fH tt mil lewi c« 4—Fll«)4-Tfce ir«,HMe Man— rt9fi V* Oouoe Kalns—< Iw., If nto. S-A«S»e Oook-Cokr Jl—Coriwrtanfl At >J*"£ i-Meuluff •tOran•t-Oranejj 7—The Answer—Religion—Color fQonntrtkiJi Report fjpnoramaNewsreel 7 Muppenlng <*t-Var«ety—Coter II—Eltfrti Mon—Corioon—coliy Complete Program Listings 7 Ml *tV 11—Christopher Pronram—Coior 4:15 1-Coli.oe loifUxm-DBYMton ve. •'••%:*• ICM . WeWt* VlrvWo-ColoVlWCl r 47_FIIm-Palo Francesco-. WCBS-TV Ch.4 WNBC-TV Ch, 5 WNEW-TV Ch. 7 . WABC-TV 2-Anound The Corner—Color I-Lamp Unto My Feet—Color Armando Frondoll-« ml* 13 American Hlttory rjf 5-WoniJeramo—Chlldren-Co(or 4-You* Forum-Dtosiresion-Color 7—Palm For Today—Religion-Color 4:30 WOR-TV Ch. 11 WPK-TV Ch. IS __ WNDT-TV J—FINn—Seven Woys from Sun. 7—Linos—Cartoons—Color CVl 11—Evtmoel Hour—ReHglon 4_Rellglous Special-Color •-College Boslretboll—Georgetown down—Audte Murphy—1 hr,, 40 mln. 9—Polret 01 Vlw—Color FRIDAY 1:15 13-Fren* Chef-Cooking II—Llttlt Hasarts—Color 11:0 v>. Setan Hall-Color 1:00 11—Let's Hove Fun—Color AFTERNOON 4—Library Lions—Color 31—Your RlghOTo Say It—Color 1}—Film Short j_News—Tom Dunn—Color 7—RI fkemon—Western 7-News 10:30 lt:« 4—News—Jim Harii—Color 0:10 5:00 31—films) From Frona 1:05 2—Look Up And Live t—LOV» Of Lilt-Color 7_News-BIII Beuret-Color 7—For Thou Art With Me 6:11 S—Film—Above Us the Wove*— 7—Film—Copper Sky- 4—Man In Office—Color 4-Anlmol Secrets—Color •—JeoponJy—color 9_Fiim-wne-e the Hot Wind Blows— 11—Rocky—Cartoon*—Color l&-4=rlendly Giant—Children John Mills—I hrs. Jeff Morrow—1 hr., 35 mln. 7—Bug* Bunny—Cartoon—Color S—Secret Agent— Drama 7—•WftWieO—Comedy 1:45 jidorxello Mostrolonnl—J hrs., 15 7—Professionals—"Sports—Color 1:15 9— New Jersey Rrool— Color 11—Dr. Klldore-Drama f—News—John Wlnflote, Mary 4—Story Time— Religion— Color 47—News mln. 0—Fltm Little Tough Guys In Society— 2—Film—Combat Squod— J—In Depth—Interview MoPhllHps—Color ISO 11:1W 11:10 Wte frta Auer—90 mln. John Ireland—1 hr., 25 mln. 31—Film Features 11—Bom—Cortoon - Color i jo 9—News And Weather 2—Camera Three—Color 4—Weather—Frank Field—Color 1:00 „ 4:40 U-25—Classroom—Education 9—Gltlloon's Islond -Comedy—Color <:I5 4—Searchlight—Color 5:30 7—Weather—Antolne- Color 7-Celebrltv BIIHondv—Color 2—Film—The Gamma People-^- II—Three Stooges—Color l 9—Christopher Program 7—Bullwlnkle—Color 4—Frank McGee Renortr-Color li:JS 31-Report To Dentlsti Poul Douglas—90 mln. 13—MIsTerooers Children •:00 9—New York Report—Color I—News—Joe Benti—Color 4—News—Jim Harti—Color " 1:30 SUNDAY 11—Infinite Morliow—Medldne 4—Sunday School—Color 11:30 17—News— Erberto Landl ,, II» 5-Woody Woodburv—Co:or 7—Pro Bowlers Tour—Color MORNING) 47—To Be Announced 7—Polth For Today— Religion 2—Public Hearing—Color 3—Sconrii For Tomorrow—Serial— 7—Locol New*- Beutel—Color II—True Adventure—Color 4: SO EVENINO 9—Film Feature—Color 4—Dire It Line—Color Color •VENINO 13— Latin America—History 7-News 6:00 11-Unde Waldo—Color 5—Fllnrs+ones—Color <• •— Ey« Gum—Color <:N 4—Sporfj—Kyle Roe-Color 31—Portlollo—D'scuwlon 7:00 2— Wrap-Up-Foottall- 9:15 7—Discovery '68—Children—Color )—Trwsurt lsl»—Color J—News—Jim J»men- Color 11:30 4:00 3—Tom And Jerry—Color 4—Hebrew School-Color 9—Film—Sarmon— •—Joum«Y To Adventure—-color 4—News—Lew wood—Color j—Film—The Nevoaan— 7—Christopher Program—Color 4—G-E College Bowl—Quiz—Color J-CBS Goll Classic—Color Brad Harris—2 hrs.,—Color 11—Pop*y»—Conhwxi- c»'or S—FMntstones—Color Ranookoh ScoN—1 hr.. 35 mln. 4—Outdoorsman—Travel—Color 11—Zorro—Adventure (Continued on Next Page) 1J:« 9—Mike Douglas—Variety—Color «—Tonight—Vorlety—Color 9—4=1 kn—That Forsyte Womon— 10 Not new. 44 Small AFTERNOON I—Guiding Light-Color 11—Superman— Adventure—Color 7—Joey Bishop—Vorlety—Color Errol Flynn—J hrs—Color 12:00 13.15 13—What's New—Children 11:1S 11—Seosprny—Adventure— Color 11 Residence. barrel. 2—NewsmokwKolor 4—News—Newman— Color 31—Film Feature a— N«WJ—Arturo Rodtiguei 31—It't Fun To Rwd—Children 12 Kind of 45 Electrified 4—Speaking. Freely—Interview—Color WALTER READE 1:00 e:N 12:00 4:10 PUZZLE 1 5—Fltm—Anoels Alley- *—Dennis The Men:**—Comedy ll-Code Three—Police support. particle. 5- McHoVl'Novy Comedy 4—Rim—Guodoloonol Diary- Leo Gorcey—60 mln. THEATRES 4—PDO—«ome—Color . . 1I*J By Wlllard Beamon 7—Local New—Color Preston Foster—to mln. 16 Departed. 48 Talk idly. 7—Superintendent Of Schools- t—New Yorkers—Color J—New 11—Munsters—Comeay S—Mister Robert*—Comedy—Color Report J—Furtive—Drama 1:M 21 Dine. 49 Afternoon 13—To Be Announced 11—Hor» Race—Plmllco--Color ACROSS 47. Redactor. 11—Racket Squad-Police f—Humoo Junele- Drama 31—Film Short 4_New»—Jim Collls—Color 13—Human Ft les—Education 23 Esculent. gathering. 12:25 11—CsnNmnM Mlnlalurm 47—Youth Club—Donee 31—Rtmt From Fronre 1 Ale, e.g. 49 Lock of 50 Iterate. 2—News—Color 1:10 4:45 1:01 5:0> 26 Network. 5 Seethe. hair. 12:30 *—As Th» World Turns—Serlol-Color 31 Now* Paul Mancxtier J-New»—Color }—Film—Them— 27 Through. 51 Stain. 9 Rich soil. 51 Male deer. 2—Pace The Notion—Color 4—Lift Moke A Deal-Come—Color 7_Fikn—Woke of the Red Witch- James Whltmore—90 mln. ' t:$s 28 Healing oil. 52 Thin candle. 11—Code Three—Ponce 11—Film—The Living Ghost— John Wayne—2 hrs. J-My Mother. The Cor—Color 7—WeoHier-ArrtoIr,-—Color 13 Wander 54 Operated. 12:55 Jome* Dunn—40 mln. 1:101 7—Wide World 01 Soorts—Color 29 Thought. 53 Sports 7:00 55 Observe. 4—News—Jim Collls-Color 1:00 J-Fltm-Llfe Beolns at 17- • 11—Romor—Adventure about. J—News—Cronklte—color - 30 Personal palace. 1:00 ELIZABETH TAYLOR t—Love Is A Mony Splwidorwf Mark Damon—40 mln. 4—News—Chef Huntley, David 31—Survey Of The Arts 14 Metallic 56 Equal Thlnp—Serial—Color 1:11 equipment 55 Luster. j—Film—Tarzon's Moalc Fountain- . Brlnkley—Color 47—Film Feature status. 4—Days Of Our Lives—Serial—Color 4—Film—Forever Amber- thread. Lex Barker—90 mln, 5—I Love Lucy—Comedy 5:30 31 Female 57 Female • 7—Newtywcd Game—Color Linda Darnelr-l hr., 50 mln. 15 Arm joint. 57 Convened. 4—Meat The Press—Color MARLON BRANDO 7—News—Bob Young-color S-McHale's Novy—Comedy 5—Film—Union Podflc— •—Outrageon Opinions—Color »-Fllm Short 11-Speed Racer-Color deer. equine. 11—F Troop--Comeoy 17 Continent. 58 Occur. Barbara Stanwyck—2 hrs. W HE JOHN KUSf(»l-FUW SKRK PROOUdlOH l:M 1:M Jl—Lee Graham—Interview 13—New Joriey Speaks— Report 32 Energy. 59 Peel. 7—Directions— Rellolon—Color J—How Party-Color •-News And Wearier 47—Urilversrty Forum 18 Gem. 62 Musical 31—Living For. The Sixties 11—Mike Hammer—Mystery 4—Doctors—Serkrt—Color 1:4» EVENINO 34 Depart. 60 Level. REFLECTIONS 7:M 19 Love drama. 1:30 7—Baby Gome—Color 2—Film—Quiet Weddlno— 1:00 61 Tidy. 1—Wild Wild West—Color 36 A nobleman. 4—Catholic Hour—Rellolon—Color t—Loretto Yeuno—Drama AViroortit Lodcwood—1 hr., 35 mln. 4—If s Academic—Quiz—Color greatly. 64 Woody 4—Tarran—Adventure— Colo r 63 Fabulous 7— Issues And Answers—Color INAGOLDENEYE 11—Burnt And Allen—Comedy S-Thunderblrds-Color plant. 37 Gr. goddess. 5—Trulti Or Consequence*—Gome— 20 Bank 9—Flhn—Lone Star— J:JJ »-FIJm—Tormented— 7—Blng Crosby Goll—Color 38 Terminates. bird. Color Clark Gable-90 mln. 7-OilMrwi's Doctor—Dr. London Richard Carlson—90 mln. •—Film—Ttie Devil Commands- employee. 67 Roof edge. 7-Ofl To See The Wlrard-Color 40 Foundation. 65 Free. 11—M Squad—Police Smith—Color o-^Prom The Bllter End-Color SATURDAY Boris Korloff—90 mln. 68 Male voice. 1:00 1:00 II—fatty Duke- Comedy MORNINtt 11—Superman—Adventure—Color 22 Spread, as 41 Go astray. 66 Direction. 69 Contour. 4—Researdi Prelect »—Tell The Truth-Color '3—Power 01 The Dollar «:0* 31—American Prlntmakws hay. 7—Roce To The White House-Color 4-Anotttr WorW-CelOr 31—Brooklyn College 4-iMoaern Former 47—Helen Meyner— m'ervlew 70 Region. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 11—Adventures In Paradise 7—General HospMol—Serkil-Color 47—Stadium 47—Sports i:» 24 Son of 71 Speed 2:30 •—fireside Theoter—Dromo 7:15 2—Sunrise Semetter—Color J-Ntvy«—Tom Dunn—Color Jacob. 3—Super Bowl Pre-Gwne Show— II—Pot Boone—Variety-Color 17—Scorn—Pousrto Miranda e:M 4—News—Frank McGee-Color . contest. Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle Foottall—Color 11—Amerleon Literature 7-New« 11—Peter Martin-Vorlety—Color 25 Child: I: DO 72 Paradise. . 4—Flying Fisherman—Color . ' J:H S—Hozel—Cornedy— Color 7:00 31—Italian Panorama colloq. 73 Portable 7—Page One—Interview—Color • MDDUTOMI t-News—edwprdi-color I—Powword—Gome—Color 2—Have You Read . . .—Color 47—To Be Announced 3:00 1:N I3-Wosttlnoton: Week In Review- 4—Acrost The Fence—Color <:45 shelter. 26 Marry. 2—Super Bowl—Raiders vs. Packers- »—Edge Of Night-Color News Analyst 7-Dovey And Goltoth-Color 31—News—John Corr 27 Animal fur. Color 4—You Don't Say I-Gome-Color 31—Survey 01 The Artl T.M 7:00 v THE SCREEN DOWN 4— international Zone 5—Marino Boy—Cortoon—Color 47—Film—To Bt Announced 2-Shape Up-Exerct»e—Color 3-News— Roger Mudd-Color 28 Angle. 5—'Flton—Gun of Zanoora—< SCREAMS OUT 7—Dork S/wdows—Color ., 4-Col. Bleep—COffoora-Color 4-New York Illusitroled 1:30 31 Deduce. 1 Unruly Robert Stack-2 hrs. AT A HUNDRED t^-Fllm—The Manwdert— 5-f»oul Wlnonell-Color 5-Combaitl— Dnrno }—Gomer Pyle, USMC—Color 7—Youm wants To Know " Don Duryeo—oo mln.—Color 7—Cmtfoona—Children—Color 31—Community Action 33 Fabulist. child. HORRORS! 4-Star Trek—Drama—Color v—Gllllgon's Island—Comedy—Color St—Novy Film Feature I:M 47_Wrmtllng-Wc>shln<-tori, DC. 5-Merv Grlllln—Color 34 Pilfer. 2 Flower. 11—Wackiest Shlp-Comedy-Color 4:00 2—Captain Kangaroo—Color 7:10 7—Operation: Entertainment—Color 3 Wicked. 31—Infinite Horizons-Medicine 1—Secret Stonm—Color •—Film—Armored Attack— 1:15 J-Jodcl» Gleoson—Variety—Color 35 Golf score. 3:30 4-Mottn Gome—Color Tl-Dovey And Gollottf-Color 4—Mavo—Advenrure—Color 4 Riches. Anne Baxter—J hr». 39 Meadow. 4—Survival In The Cffles 5-Sondy Becfcer-CoJor 1:10 7—Dating Gome—Color 1—Honeymoonerf—Comedy 5 Epee, e.g. 7—The Song Is You—Variety—Color 7—Doting Game—Color *-Oodo-«or1oo»i«—Color 9—Film—Sherlock Holmes and the 40 Insect. 13-NET Ployhouse-Dromo • 9—Addams Family—Comedy 11—Around The Clock 5—Wells Faroo—Western Woman In Green—Btnll Rathbone— 6 Gratuity. II—Consultants At Large 41 Shade tree. 31—Sight And Sound—Mu»lc JOAN 4:11 11-Thls Is The Life—Religion 1 hr., 25 mln. 7 Geologic 3:« 4-jjews—Kolber—color CSS 11-Cldgrt—Cometty—Color, 42 Vase. I-Rlm—A Stiftl In fh* Dorit- 47—Film Short—Color CRAWFORD. 4:M Peter Seller*—1 hre—Color •-New* And Weather 31-On The Job—Fine Depf. 43 Emporium. . age. >—Film—Bonn Goes to College— •:M 4:00 1—Perry Moon—Mystery 45 Anger. 8 Roll about. 4—Showcase—Drama A»oure*n O'Sulllvon— 90 mln. II—Slant And Sound—Music i-'Fronkene.teln Jr.—Color S-Flhn—Com* Fill the Cup- 4—Film—It's a Wonderful World— •:J0 4-Super o-Color James Oogney—2 hrs. 46 Young goat. 9 Conduct. Ckiuderre Colbert—W mln. •—Hollywood Squares—Color 5-Fllm-The Canteivllle Ghost— 7— Newlywed Game—Color 7— Film-Mr. Hobtx Takes o Voco- 7—Guns Of Will Sonnett—Color CrnrJes Laughton—90 mln. 11-College BosloettoH—Fordnom vt. UNLIMITED FREE PARKING! TECHNICOLOR® tlon-James Stewort-j hn.-Color II—Film Short 7—Casper—Cartoons—Color Atny •—Film—You Can't aw>t on Homwt IT—Klmba— Cartoon—Color •:4J 31—Film Feature »1-Wlngs To The World II—Now*—Herbert Boiand A/Von—W. C. Fields— M mln. 1:30 1:00 10:0C tl—London Line—Report—Color 2—My Three Sons—Comedy—Color NOW (-Paul Wlndtell-colo' 4-Pro|ectlon 'M-Color 13-Oolculus—Education 4—Get Smart—Comedy—Color 9—Moke Room For Daddy S-News—BUI Jorgensen-Color t:N 7—Lawrence Welk-Muslc—Color PLAYING 7—Judd—Drama—Color 2-Herculotds—Cortoone-COIor 31—Cosper Citron—Interviews THEATRES II—News—Rex Marshall—Color *—Suoer President—Color 47—La Trlbuna Hlsx-na 31-Behlnd The Laws-Dlxuulon 7-Footoetld Four-Color v.u P»e Jungle Is JUMPIN' with JOt! Dance Tonight «—Sfionlstr Dromo-«ertol 11-People in Conflict 9—Sktlno-Erlksen-Color FREE SMOKING SECTIONSI . 10:00 10:U t:00 2—STKuwnl-CWloons—Color Hlghtsrown Country Club 47—Weather—Jose I, Lanza 2—Hogon'j Heroes—Comedy—Color 4—Fllntstone*—Color 4—Film—Saratoga Tfunk— Walt Disney 111:30 T6NIOHT-WALT MELLEN BAND 7-Splder-Man—Color J-Alon Burke—Color IngNd Bergman—2 hrs., 45 mln. Airt/ W«lls-So». NUhh-jot Muchtr 11—It Is Written—Talk—Color ^-Outrageous Opinions-Interview— 9—Pro Hockey—Ron«rs •vtry Wid. For Folks Jj 1 ovir 10:M 31—Big Picture—Army Color THE PIAZA Always Fun Aloni or Coupln J-Spoce Ghost—Color 47—Rim—To Be Announced Il-Fllm-The Hidden Room- «-Somson & Gollbfli—Cartoone-Color 9:30 • Robettt Newton—n mln. S-Hawall Colls—Travel-Color 2—Petticoat Junction—Color 31—Your Right To Soy It-Color I 7—Journey To The Center Of The 7—Hollywood Palace—Color 47—News—Arturo Rodrlguei ..4 Earlti—Cartoon*—Color II—Continental Comment , !0:J3 NEPTUNE OTy 9—Film—Four Desperate Men— 10:00 47—Variety Hour AWo Roy—2 hr>. 2—Momlx—Mystery—Color Shopping Center, Route 35 774-627 SNOW APPEARING 1 10:43 11-Word Of Life—Color 5—News—ScWormen— Color 13-Newtfront—MltcMII Krauss NOW thru TUES.i i) ":•• • II—Rim—The Horrible Dr. Hlchcock— + EVERY WEDNESDAY 2-Moby Dick-Color - Robert Fleming—90 rrHn. 4-Blrdmon—Color II—Him Features + & THURSDAY EVENING S-Oplnlon: Wosnlngton—Color 18:30 7—Kino Kong—Cartoon*—Color 5—Alfred Hitchcock—Drama 11—Star For Today— Droma 7—Grambllng College—Color % SAL BERTOLO ll-«u man Itles— Education 47—Film—To Be Announced 11.30 10:55 TRAVEL 2-SupermanMauomon—Cortoone—Color •—Skllna—Erllcsen- color + AT THE PIANO 4—Ant/Squirrel—Color 11:00 5—Upbeat—Mus(c—Color 2—News—Tom Dunn—Color aft for your dining and (division of) 7—George Of The Jungle—Cartoons- 5-^AIan Burfce—Color Color 9^—Film—The Far Horlions—> dancing pleasure! JOS. M. BYRNE CO. 11—Film-Rose Bowl- Fred MocMurroy—90 mln.—Color 4 —90 mln. 11:30 Every Frl. & Sat. NJft Travel Service IJ-Amerlcon Literature 2—Film—Surprise Package— 4 Since 1886 AFTERNOON Yul Brynner—2 hrs. WALT DISNEY'S SAL BERTOLO 11:00 7—News—Keith AAcBee—Color + 4—Top Cat—Cartoon—Color 1—Champlonslilp Bowling—Color GhtoUe, _ CRUISES 7—Beatles—Color 11:45 Freehold Juniors 4 TRIO 13-Unlverslty Of The Air 4—News—Bob Teogue—Color thelanmme 12:20 7—Local News—Rice—Color Hold Men's Night CULT 1 THIS SUN.. JAN. Mth TOURS 13-Unlverslty Of The Air 11:55 "Any man who hates Cougar T Woteh th» "SUMR IOWL 11:90 •-Weather—Field-Color FREEHOLD — Mrs. Johr =RESORTS 2-Jomy Quest—Color 12:00 children and dogs •ft In color j. 4-Cool MoCool—Color 4—Locol News—Teague—Color Dawes, president, extended th 5—Fllm-Moster Minds- r—Film—Detective Story— welcome at a Men's Night pro can't be all bad!" EatOMtOWN DOUBLE AIR Leo Gorcey—40 mlrh Kirk Douglas—2 hre. gram held by the Junior Worn' Thus tpok* th» man who gave 7-Amenloan Bondstond-Color 11—Continental Miniatures ^nnvB-m— FEATURE RESERVATIONS 9—Film—That Forsyte Womon- 47—News—Arturo Rodrlguei an's Club Monday in the club thi world hit greatest gift. Errol Flynn—2 hrs.—Color 12:10 FREE. LAUGHTER! a Center, Route 9/ 462-0600 "WILD REBELS" 11:45 4—Sports—Mel Allen—Color house. 13-Universlry Of The Air 12:15 A covered dish supper was ar NOW thru TUES.I and Hiw Food and a + 1:00 4—Johnny Carson—Vorlety—Color W. C. FIELDS 2—Lone Ranaer—Color 12:10 ranged by the American hom< "MONDO BOLARDQ" Dtlighrful Atrnotphtr* + EUZABETHTAYU3R 144 Brpad Street 4—Agriculture U.S.A. 9—Film—Dead Man's Eyes— department under the chairman Don't Miss Two of His II—Inslohl—Religion-Color Lon Chaney Jr.—90 mln. Ave., Red Bank* Red Bank ship of Mrs. Robert Blatchley Most Memorable Classics: MARLON BRANDO EARLY BIRD SHOW 741-1500 , 741-5080 A card party will be hel "THE BANK DICK" REFLECTIONS EVERY SUNDAY March 12 in the Battlegrounc plus AT DRIVE-IN Country Club. Mrs. Norman Ap "NEVER GIVE A SUCKER IN A GOLDEN EYE At the Movies BOX OFFICE OPENS 5:30 RED BANK BRICKTOWN plegate is chairman. AN EVEN BREAK" CARLTON- BRICK PLAZA- Starting Wednesday at FIRST SHOW 6:00 RefleoUoni In a Golden Eye 2:10: Berserlc 7:25; 9:30. 7:10: 8:JT. BAT. 4 SUM. — Long John Silver A.l.T.'s NEPTUNE CITY SAT. A SUN. — Kiddle Show: John 2:00; Berserk 6:10: 7:18; 9:50. THEATRE 1968 Silver 2:00: RetlectloM In a. Golden TOMS RIVER BIG KIDDIE SHOW — SAT. - SUN. AT 2:00 Bye 0:20; 8:33; 10:3a STRAN on Route 35 — 774-6272 EATONTOWN COMMUNITY— CARLTON —LYRIC —TOWN Borserk 2:25; T:30; 9:35. NOW PLAYING! COMMUNITY— SAT. ft SDK. — Kiddle Show: Long John Silver 2:00; Berserk 1:30; 6:15; Jungls Book 4:15; 0:55; 9:30; Charlie Hayley MILLS in . , . International the Lonesome Cougar 5:33: 8:U. 8:05; 10:10. Sail with Long John Silver and SAT. ft SUN. — Jungle Book 3:00;' DOVER— THE piAZA 4:33; 7:10: 9:90: Churlle Lonesome Jungle Book 7:00; 8:35; Charlie the THE FAMILY WAY Jim Hawkins for buried treasure Cougiir 3:20; t;S>; 8:33. Ivoneaome Cougar 8:15. Late Show Frl. and Sot. Nlghti DRIVE-IN- SAT. * SUN. — Jungle Book 2:00; 4:30; 7:10; 9:40; Charlie the Lone- FRI. * SAT. — Curtoons 7:00: Wild Kiddle Show Sat. * Sun. st 1:00 Film some Coug&r 3:19; 5:50; 6:23. rtebcli 7:10; 11:00; Mondo BtUordo 9.30. BUN. — WIM Hi*els «:40; 10:00; North of Red Bank Mondo Balordo 8:30. SAT. & SUN. MATINEE FREEHOLD MIDDLETOWN Series TOWN— [ATLANTIC AT 2:00 ONLY! FREEHOLD MAUL— Berserk 7:30; 9:35. AHri HlgM, man Report 8:61. SAT. A SUN. — Kiddle Show: 2:00; INTERNATIONAL FILM 1475 WEST FJIONT ST. Berserk o:40; 7:45; 0:50JI MAJESTIC— MANASQUAW The Bible 2:00; «:30. SERIES. LINCROFT, N.J. 07738 SAT. ft SUN. — Berserk 3:35; 6:53; Jmi south. WDle35S36 KIX OFFICE OPENS 600 ALGONQUIN— 10:13; Lady In a Cage 2:00; 1:15; The Family Way 2:00; 7:03; 9:10 8:33. I SAT. — Kliirtle Show: I^ing John MENLO PARK -— COUP01S Silver Upturns to Tremure Inland 2M-2200 2:llO; Tlio Fsmlly Wny 7:05; 0:10 CINEMA- ai'N. - Klrtdla EUinv: long John KRI.. SAT. * SUN. - Jungle Hook Ticket Silver 2,00; Family Way 4:40; 6:55; A Charlie the lonesome Cougar 1:00 VIW1MGH. Order Number of Series Ticket* deiired—at $6.00 8:(O. 3:15: 6:35; 8:00. i ITHE SHOCKER CALCULATED D Tuesdays at Community Theater, LESLIE HOWARD. OLIWAilcIffllUAND Eetontown DRIVE YOU'BERSERK'! FURNITURE CO. • • A S£IZNICM mreRIMTIONM. PICTURE • McfBflYuHirffi ••£i;SiiV£i3'. H'ETRo'wiiiJ ",TJ », . Please Check Ones- + iHmroWKMmsittronKacsoyiiDMHiiocoiM^,!..''..-^?-!;"'"''"'' • Wednesdays at Town Theater, Kcyport 261-0181 Middletown '' WEST RtSERVED SEAT TICKETS NOW AT BOX-OFFICE OR i Mid-Winter Eielmlv^_...._. e Enj»r"nfn.t EVENINGS: Ticket orders will be filled Mon. thru Frl on a first-come, firs).served basis. Tonight a» 8:00 P.M. Sal. A Ilolldiji" ,<& + M.llnrf. Your Name SALE Weil. A + St. James Theatre Sum. Street Address + Now In Progress jj. Aibarr r«rk, N.J. Phone 775-8883 City, Stale and Zip Code EST. 1869 NOW + Open Mon. and Fri. evenings 'til 9 *Bi6l»00IH + PLAYING Luc Icy Find 1 THF. riMI.V RfCHTf.R Film Festiva 11 Pen points. January 12, J%8—II TV Listings 12 Pivr-f Printed 'Pattern PUZZLE 41 WA model, (Continual) DENNIS THE MENACE <'h Hank Ketctwm 1l:M For Children By M. S. Manning 12 Riding 42 Sailed on « Robert Yow-I Nn. *-t=Hm-Chl<*»n f'vety Sunday— whip. certain 7—Blna Croeby Getf-Celor Don Doiley—1 hr., SO mbi, ACROSS 43 Moslem 14 Umpire's FHm-5kywi*ch course. •-Burkrt LenK-Myttery Ion Cormlchoel-W mln. Starts Jan. 171 French official. call. 44 Moses' spy. 11—Perry Mown—Wly»ttry 11—Encounter—Rellulon girl's name. 13-Stiowooit-rDromo FREEHOLD — The second an 44 Bergen's 19 Makes 45 Order for a 47—News—Arturo Rodrlgutl 8 Projects. 31—Human Rlgftti Forum 1M» nual Children's Film Festiva daughter. suitable. single movie 47—Fltm Dromo—Serial 7—Newt—Kelttl MlBee—Color " )3 Creator of e:M sponsored by the children's de 48 Equal: 22 Fem. name. seat. 1J:U music. comb. form. 24 Guaranteed. 2—Eve On New York 7—4-ocol Newt— R.ce—Color partment of the Monmouth Coun 46 Rattaned. 4—Flipper—Adventure—Color ty Library will be held on fivi 14 Invalid. 50 Emerging. 26 Dust specks. 47 Epochs. 31—London Line—Report 12:30 15 Snappy 47-Sports— Flllppo CrlwhJlH 7—Rkm—Only Two Can Ploy- successive weeks starting Jan 52 Roman god. 27 Rainbow. 48 Atomic Peter Sellers-2 hr«., s mln. comeback, *:« 17. 53 Sanctuary. 28 Permits. weapon: 31—News—John Corr 1:00 16 Du Maurier 55 It's wise to 29 Tatters. abbr. 47— Italian Mlrviatures—Music 4—Fllm-The Judje— Each film program will bi heroine. — problem. 30 Formerly: •:JS Mltourn Stone—«5 mln. shown on Wednesdays at thi 49 Antitoxins. 2—News—Color 5—Newt 17 Pay dirt. 57 Conveys. Lat. 51 West Point. 9—Whlrlyblrdt— Adventure Ocean Township Library, branc! 18 Eurasian 7:00 1:20 of the County Library in Oak 58 Telegrams. 31 "— all. 54 Fr. numeral. 2—Lassie—Adventure—Color J—News—Color area. 59 Chummy: si. 32 Terriers. 4—Wild Kingdom—Nature— Color hurst, and will be repeated o 56 — and Mike. 1:29 20 Adjective 9—Decrtti Valle-y Days—Dromo—Color 2—Fllm-The Sellout— Thursdays, at the Baptist Churcl 60 Aided. 11—12 O'clock High—Dromo Waller Pldseon—' hr., 40 mln. suffix. SATURDAY, JANUARY IJ 31—Biff Picture—Army 1:M Fellowship Hall, Manalapan Ave, 21 Pills. DOWN 47—Film—Muslco Potto Y Loco— e-News And Weaiher Freehold. Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle Tin Ton—2 hrs. 3:W . 23 Iraqi coin. 1 Silk fabric. 7:V> 7—News • • • Among the films will be "Th25 Employ. 2 Drive to. 2—Gentle Bwi—Adventure—Color 1:40 Doughnuts," an episode from 26 Unfurl 3 Non-com: 4 Walt Disney's World—Color 7—Film—The Gay Intruders- 9_Fiim—Those. Redhoods from Soot- John Emory—A5 m!n. Robert McCloskey's popular bool canvas. init. tie—Rhonda Fleming— 2 hr» Co o- J:oS "Homer Price", "The Goldei 29 Military J—Film—The Eddv OuoWn Story— 4 Mme. Mesta. 1J—A-1ors Company— Drama Fish," a Cannes Festival winner groups: init. jl—Focus On Books—Interview Tyrone Power—I hrt., 25 mln.— 5 Holding. Color 1:00 "Niok," a Walt Disney anima: 32 Contend. 6 Knowing J-Ed Sullivan—Variety—Color MONDAY film; "Paddle-to-the Sea," from 33 Stallion. looks. MORNINO 5—David Sutsttlnd— Discussion—Color the book with the same title, anc 34 Et—. 7— 7—FBI—Droma—Color „ •:» - 7 Long ago: 11—Rawhide—Western 7-Newi "The Magic Horse," based 01 35 Famous arch. 31—American Prinlmokeri 4:M J—Sunrlie Semester—Color Russian folklore. singer. 8 Praxiteles' • :M 4—education EKcftwoe—Color 36 Single thing. model. 4—Morners-ln-Low—Color 7-Pro|ect Know-Edueotlon Complete programs of thi IJ—PBL—News ond the Art!—Color 7:00 scheduled films are available ai 37 "Funny —."' 9 Fr. prondlin. 31—Survey Of The Ai+» J—Newt—Color 38 Falsehoods »:00 the two libraries. 10 Where 4—Today—Color 39 Hybridize. many steam- ;—SmoHiers Brothers—Color »-Yo»o For Heallfc-Exerclte Free tickets for each program 4—Bonanza—Western—color 7—Corioon*—Children 40 Fuses ore. shovels are 'ONCE UPON A TWB WSB W6TH0 .PETER 7_Fllnv-Hotorll— 7:01 • will also be available to children 42 Caviar. made. RABBrTAMD HSQOOF 0POTHEP. John Wovne—Color • 2—Newt-Joe Bentl-Color of school age during the week )l_Film—The Boye— TV) Richard Todd—90 mln. 2—Newt—Joteph Bentl-Color preceeding each performance al SI—Man Ane) The Unlvemt • 5-7—Cortoone—Color 47-Tlts Puente—VorlHy the library in Oakhurst, and Mon 7:lf mouth County Library, Freehold. •:M I—News—Color Wagon Wheel Player on TV »—Film Peoture—Color 7-«ew» Because of the heavy demand MIDDLETOWN — When local 31—Film Featuret 1:04 for seats, only children with tio merable plays and musicals tt 1»:M 2—Coptaln Kanooroo—Color television viewers tune in to the }-MlsjIon: Impossible—Color J-Paul Wlncti»ll-Colo£ kets can be admitted. Wagon Wheel Playhouse and else- 4-Mlgh Choporrol—Color 7-Cortoortt-Oilldren-Coler quiz game "Snap Judgment" Jan.where. J— News—Saw rmen—Color II—Klmba—Cartoon—Color 17 they will see a familiar face •—The Scene— Interviews—Color , l:» Next week she will add to her 47—Film—Corlota— among the contestants — Mrs, Ana MarlKwl—«0 mln. 7—Cvt»y Rote Lee—Color Aren't you glad your eye hap-Tony Del Trio Richard Otey of Middletown. list of credits when the portrays 1«:K> , 11—Little RoHott—Children pened on this lively, young shape Dorothy, one of the leading char- l:» "Going on TV began really as S-31—Mayor Undsoy—color now? Front seaming creates a acters in the comedy, "Any 11—Film Feoiure «-New> And Weottter a whim," says Mrs. Otey with a 13-NY Televlilon Th»oter placket look, zips quickly up Wednesday". Wagon Wheel Play- . »:00 At Shanty Pub grin. "I just called the TV sta- 11:» 2—Leave It To Beaver—Comedy back. Send now I house will perform the popular t~ New*—Reowner—Color 4—Bachelor Pother—Comedy POINT PLEASANT BEACH - tion, got connected with the right 4—Newt—Boa Teague—Color 5-FIUn-The Horn Blawt at Mid- Printed Pattern 9054: NEW hit at Matawan Regional High (t-joe Pyne—Dlicuulon—Color night—Jack Benny—S hrt, Three old friends have come department, and the next thing I School this Friday and Saturday. f-FIIrn—Fbntan la Tullpe— 7—Virginia Crahom—Color Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, W, 16bac. k to the Shanty Pub to bring knew I was in New York being Cine Lollobrtjldo-2 hr*. »—CopWn Amerlco—Color Size 12 (bust 34) takes 3 yards 11-Word Of Life-Color ll—Ja-fc La Lonne—Color some new music to the rustic interviewed!" Although she won 11:18 IJ—CloMroom— EduoMlon 35-Inch fabric. night club on the Manasquan In- only $50 on the show, rather than 4MVe«tther—«emon-Color •M0 Sixty-five cento In coins for MIDDLETOWN MEETING 2S—CIrlv»> overlooking tho Mnnoiquan Inlet ASBURY PARK CORNISH $000 872-1351 HEN Diners Club — American Express POINT PLEASANT BEACH, N. J. Telephone 899-670», 0 ,1 \ < \ •f.-'. ! / -h r. V i v I- - Our new shortcut to San Juan.

Just take the JerseyTurnpike to Newark Airport And make your exit to San Juan on a Pan Am* Jet Any day you say. (This service'is in addition to our daily flights from Kennedy.) And our new Newark service means greater convenience for more than just Jerseyites. Manhattanites can take the Lincoln Tunnel. Staten Islanders can take the Goethals Bridge. In fact anyone who lives closer to Newark than to Kennedy can take advantage of our new service. r See a Pan Am Travel Agent. Or call us. You'll know you're flying the very best there is: the world's most experienced airline. It's a good feeling.The best one that ever came down the pike. 'Effective February I. World's most Ran Am makes the going great. experienced airline.

See a Pan Am Travel Agent or call Pan American World Airways. In New York 973-4000. New Jersey Ml 3-0602. Vm Our Want Ma HOME DELIVERY For Quick Results THEDAEY 741-0010 RAIN OR SHINE Dia| 74I-M00 i i DAY OR NIGHT SECOND NEWS SECTION 45c PER WEEK

RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1968 10c PER COPY Matawan Man Will Aid GOP's Crime Probe By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON That officialdom on both sides of the political aisle has those who would prefer that we do nothing about organized ~ Cr!me wm be a bie word inNe w hard thoughts about crime this year was abundant this week. crime and its drain on our economy. wm In his message to the legislature, Gov. Hughes called "They would, likewise, prefer to do nothing about our It was publication of the reports of several incidents in- for laws permitting regional interstate crime prosecution and reputation as a state where the 'mob' sees our farm lands C n0Ver Spencer RPni^f **" ?? ° - executive director of the vestigated by Mr. Neilland for Assemblyman Azzolina that for a state witness immunity law; an antitrust statute as burying grounds or our restaurants for clandestine meet- Republican state committee, and James Neilland of Matawan, brought him to the attention of the state GOP leadership. ings with their obvious attempts at subverting our laws and earcher for barring criminals from using illicit moneys in legitimate fZ I "T > 5" ^e Legislative Services division "We recognize him as a thorough investigator and expect businesses, and a stiffer law against loan sharks. constitution." and for the state GOP committee. to use him in a very important situation," Mr. Spencer com- CITY PROBLEMS 1 ley Wi11 be d0ing le work for In his opening talk to the Assembly, Mr. Smith outlined ™v ? « ^ S whatever investigation mented. some of the GOP plans: Mr. Smith also dealt with violence in the streets, calling S6 ?6 ™,aJ°ri^ Party decides i0 create j" the next Mr. Neilland's salary was not announced and there was on Mr. Hughes to work with the legislature in solving the couple of weeks. By whatever name it takes, it will be an element of vagueness as to how he would share his time "Creation of a crime commission on a statewide basis problems of the cities. But he added: beefed up with more legal powers and money than a former between dictates of the Republican-controlled research agency with the powers of aiding and implementing the apprehension of criminals and the prosecution of unorganized as well as "If the cities are allowed to wither and die, they will drag legislative Law Tnforcement Council (LEC). and the Republican committee. the rest of the state into the grave of political and economic "I expect that there will be legislation creating some Just before the new legislature was seated Tuesday, Demo- organized crime is an absolute essential jf we are to even start on a program of crime control. ruin. Solutions to these problems cannot be found through form of investigation body and giving it powers of subpoena cratic Gov. Richard J. Hughes announced he was acting on pie-in-the sky proposals." and sufficient funds to get a job done," said Mr. Spencer a recommendation by Atty. Gen. Arthur J. Sills—made about "The need for greater vigilance in pursuit, apprehension Mr. Forsythe, facing a press conference, was asked if the WORKED IN NEWARK a year ago—to create a crime study commission. and prosecution of. law violators is clearly evident today. New Democrats and Republicans were headed on a collision course Mr. Spencer went with the state GOP two years ago after The governor offered to appoint Edwin B. Forsythe, R-'' Jersey has been held up to public ridicule and scorn because on crime. He said he hopes a dialogue could be established a long stint as political,.police and investigative reporter with Burlington, Senate president, and Albert S. Smith, R-Atlantic, of the activities of a few against the spirit and letter of the to insure a cooperative effort between the legislature and the Newark Star Ledger. Assembly speaker, as members but both declined. laws. Hughes administration. Mr. Neiland was a reporter for The Daily Register, Red Mr. Spencer said the governor's move was intended to "New Jersey many years ago was the subject of derision He said he had serious questions about the governor's Bank, for several years until 1967 when he opened a public divert attention from the Republican legislative crime in- and scorn by the national press because of gambling elements crime council, observing that it appeared an "anachronism" relations office and became legislative assistant to Assembly- quiry. He said the GOP leadership would not be deterred, that had taken over in certain areas. Today, I don't have to to have the attorney general at the head of a council investi- man Joseph Azzolina, R-Monmouth. however. tell you what everybody knows, but, sad to relate there are gating law enforcement in New Jersey. Technicalities Stall Project For Area in New Shrewsbury By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU discussed between him, me, andboth, without approval of the the borough, including that of thenoted that correspondence had NEW SHREWSBURY — What Milton A. Mausner, borough at- commissioner and the State Municipal Center. een exchanged with state since is the position of the Tinton Falls torney, at the latter's office. House Commission of the State o[ "These are the difficulties over arly September on the question School "Green Acres" project, Members of the board also are New Jersey." law Interpretation which the bor- if a meeting with no results. and what are the legal interpre- conversant with every step taken It appears the state fears that ough is trying to resolve with the A letter addressed to the Tin- tations referred to, in connection by the council. They have had municipal authority could ac- state. We attempted to modify n Falls Schools Board of Edu- with this matter, earlier this access to our files on the matter. quire land with state funds under the clause in question to restric- ;ation by Borough Administrator week? "If the borough acquires this the Green Acres program, and ions only on the property being erome S. Reed, dated Dec. 15, At Tuesday's meeting of the property under Green Acres, our :hen sell other land used by it cquired." ;ave details of council's efforts Tinton Falls Schools Board of Ed- interpretation of the law at this for recreational purposes. This Borough officials feel that the arrange such a meeting—with ucation, Borough Council was ac- time is that no other borough- would result in a double form of itate should impose no restric- no result. This letter was read to cused of "lack of action and redowned property, now being used gain for the municipal authority- tions under the Green Acres the Board of Education at its tape" in its efforts to acquire the for recreation or conservation funds under Green Acres and al-agreement on property owned by ast regular session. property. purposes, could ever be sold with- so profit by the sale of property. the borough which had been pre- Speaking to The Daily Register out state approval. This Jmposes Tie Up Seen viously acquired and toward the last night, Mayor John E. an unreasonable burden on the Mr. Mausner, referring to the purchase of which the state had Board, Union Lemon Jr. emphatically denied borough." question, said: made no contributions. that council was dragging its feet Paragraph 2 of the Green Acres "State officials admit that due "In fact, it was pointed out to RED BANK KIWANIS President Edward A. Shlcoda, second from left, accepts the club on the matter, and pointed out "Agreement and Restrictions," to a lack of definition as to what the state, and the state agrees, Meeting Set gavel from outgoing president Willard F. Browning at the unit's installation session in that the Board of Education was which the state requires the bor- is recreation and what is conser- that the Green Acres Statute does the Molly Pitcher Motor Inn. At left is Matthew Page, new first vice president. Harold fully aware of what was going on. ough to sign, states: vation, this could mean that any not require the commissioner to 'Fully Aware' "All lands now used for recre- vacant land owned by the bor-impose such restrictions on non-For Hazlet Snow of Middletown, fight, Kiwanis lieutenant governor, was installing officer at the "Louis A. Steinmuller, Board ation or conservation purposes ough — which has been hunted Green Acres properties," said HAZLET - The Board of Edu- ceremony. Also installed were Raymond P. Garman Sr., second vice president; Henry of Education secretary," said or both, by the local unit, shal upon, fished upon, or played upon Mr. Mausner. cation has agreed to meet with the Corson, treasurer, and Henry A. Stevenson Jr., secretary. Douglas J. Hollywood Jr., Mayor Lemon, "is fully aware of not be disposed of or diverted to — could come under these re- 'Unfortunately," Mayor Lemon teachers' union next week. the details and legal complica- a use for other than recreational strictions. This would tie u added, "there has been no re- The union, a local unit of the Anthony T. Bruno and John Garruto are three-year directors. tions of the matter which were and conservation purposes, oi every vacant property owned b sponse from state officials." Hi American Federation of Teach- ers AFL-C.I.O., claims over 40 members and has requested a Advises meeting with the school board to discuss its salary and other Set by Strict Formula educational proposals. Vets to Seek Union president, Charles Barn- LITTLE SILVER — T equals tax levy for the current budget. on construction costs and the The Shrewsbury Board of Ed- There were questions but no ob- Both Shrewsbury and Holmdel well, has declined to reveal de- Benefits Now C-M-S plus R. Mr. Bennett explained the tu- costs of additions to the building ucation, also a sending district to jections to the budget at last also a Red Bank High sending tails of the proposals. And that's why there's a "$58,- ition charge is determined in ac-(R) Red Bank High, used a $982 fig- night's hearing, attended by 10 district, have approved plans for LONG BRANCH —Vietnam "I would rather bargain with 850 increase for Red Bank High cordance with a strict formula The Little Silver board can't ure to compute its tuition for thepersons. Most of the questions the board than through the news- veterans must be alert to take beginning modern foreign lan- School tuition in the proposed set by the state Board of Edu-get~*a firm estimate from Red budget it introduced Monday. came from Elliot B. Schneider, guage instruction in September in papers," Mr. Barnwell said. advantage of benefits available to 1963-69 school budget, Board of cation. Bank before Jan. 31, a week af- Mr. Bennett outlined the tuition Point Road, a board candidate in them from the federal govern- what Curtis Bradley, Shrewsbury In response to the union's re- Education member Oliver Ben- That formula decrees tuition ter the scheduled second public formula in response to a query next month's school election. school principal, said is a coop- quest for a meeting, the school ment, Councilman Samuel Teich- nett said last night. (T) equals the total cost (C) ofhearing and budget adoption from Mrs. Robert Kennedy, In response to a question from er warned at last night's City erative program with Red Bank. board indicated it would ask for The tuition hike, based on theoperating the high school minus here, Mr. Bennett said. He said Queens Drive, at last night's pub- Mr. Schneider, board member Salaries Rise the names of the union mem- Council meeting. Red Bank board's estimated maintenance, debt service and a check yesterday with Red Bank lic hearing. Dr. Benjamin S. Sanderson 3rd The appropriation for instruc- bers. The councilman released a time charge of $950 per student, com- capital outlay (M), minus sala- indicates the $950 figure "is the The high school tuition appro- said the board is "in the process tional salaries is $485,260 in the "The purpose of this is to make table issued by the Veterans Ad- pared to. $825 this year, is the ries and expenses of attendance best we can get at the moment." priation for an anticipated 385 of consulting" about adding a proposed budget, up $45,640. That ure that no teacher is repre- ministration for the guidance of officers, transportation and tu- Actual tuition costs won't be de- students totals $365,750 in the pro- modern foreign language to the largest single increase in the pro- includes a 7 per cent salary in- iented by more than one organiza- servicemen returning from Viet- ition costs (for such items as spe- termined until a state audit at posed budget, compared with a curriculum but the proposed bud- posed $1,147,403 budget. The bud- crease for the teaching staff and ion," explained Board President nam service. get will require $970,038 in taxes, cial education students) (S), plus the close of the next school year, $308,900 appropriation for 374 stu-get doesn't provide for the hiring /incent J. Brady. a 5 ,per cent rental charge based dents in the current one. the hiring of a full-time reme- Within 10 days of their return, $160,028 more than the total local Mr. Bennett said. of a teacher The board has been negotiating veterans must advise their local dial reading teacher and a part- time social worker. salaries with the Raritan Town- draft boards of their addresses. ihip Education Association, an af- Within 30 days, they must reg- The budget appropriates $13,- filiate of the New Jersey Educa- ister for Selective Service at their Highlands Will Get $72,900 Urban Renewal Grant 500 for transportation of students tion Association. local draft boards if they were to Red Bank High School and pri- These negotiations are sched- not registered before their Viet- HIGHLANDS - A $72,900 fed- "It is important to think in hired — a relocation officer and 000 federal grant for demolition business and improve the total vate and parochial schools, an in- iled to resume tonight. nam, service. , eral advance grant for survey terms of restoring and replen- a land absorbtion director. and construction. community." crease of $9,500. Mr. Barnwell declines to com- Other to be hired will be an Veterans have 90 days to apply and planning was approved yes- ishing a given section that will "There will be no physical Business leaders, civic spokes- Marshall Thompson, board sec- ment on the board request for be desirable and attractive near, attorney, and a certified public work done during this survey men and city fathers are hopeful to former employers for re-em- terday by the Department of retary, said that $6,400 of the ap,names. Other sources, however, ployment. a growing and thriving business accountant. / and planning period," Mr. Finley urban renewal will receive clear propriation is for transportation iay that the union is prepared Housing and Urban Develop- Servicemen's group life insur- district." If urban renewal is completed, said "Nothing will be torn down sailing from the community be- of borough students to Red Bank to reveal the names of its more ance must be converted to an in-ment's Philadelphia regional of- Mr. Finley said the urban re- as most borough officials expect and nothing will be moved." cause little in progress or out- High School, and $7,100 for trans-than 20 charter members. dividual life policy with any ap-fice, according to Rep. James J. newal agency and housing au- it will be, die $72,900 advance will Mayor John A. Bahrs, when standing construction has begun portation of borough youngsters "Even though the board might proved insurance company with- Howard, D->N. J. thority of the borough would or- be an outright grant to the bor-told of the HUD announcement in the past few years. to private and parochial schools lot act unfavorably, we felt that ganize soon, "and we will ap- The total cost of construction in in 120 days to retain insurance ough. of the grant approval said, "I'm as required by the state's new it was in the best interests of will finance studies praise every parcel in the proj- very, very happy. We are all 1967, including new homes, Im protection. On completion of this phase of busing law. :he nontenure teachers not to re- of an 11.2-acre proposed urban ect." planning, officials may continue very happy. I feel we need this. provements and additions was One year is allowed from date renewal project to clear and re- real their names," one teacher He said two appraisers will be by requesting an additional $523,- It is just the thing to stimulate only $89,000. Plant maintenance, a $5,900 said. of disability rating for disabled develop land between Raritan item in the current budget is ap- veterans to obtain GI life insur- Bay and Bay Ave. The Board of Education ar- propriated $13,860 in the one pro-ranged tonight's meeting with the ance because of service-connect- The director of urban renewal posed. That includes $8,860 for re- ed disabilty. here, Edward A. Finley, said this association late Tuesday night in Hoagland Optimistic on Trade Schools pairs to the 1934 Markham Place the face of sanctions that had Veterans also have one year to stage of the planning is the result School additions and $4,700 for re- of approval of Title I of the bor- been scheduled for Wednesday. apply for dental care from the FREEHOLD — What two Now 75 applicants are accepted Henry Hudson In Highlands. the county provides short courses pairs of teaching and office equip- The sanctions have now been VA or to receive unemployment ough's application for the need words describe the Monmouth each year. Since the course's in- Under the Manpower Develop- that prepare students to enter ment and furnaces. and rejuvenation of the borough. suspended. Negotiations between compensation from a state em- County Vocational School ception, the county has graduat- ment and Training Act programs, employment in semi-skilled occu- The budget appropriates $5,000 the board and the teachers' as- ployment office. The area, which encompasses System? ed 257 practical nurses, many of pations. for library books, up $2,000. C. sociation broke off last week Eight years are allowed for vet- approximately 25 acres, lies be- Growth and progress, says Don- whom are employed in the coun- The county vocational system David Vanderhoof, superinten- when they were deadlocked with erans to complete GI education. tween Waterwitch Ave., adjacent ald P. Hoagland, county superin- ty- Strohmenger also offers tuition free evening dent, said $3,000 will be used to $250 difference in starting Courses must be begun in time to Huddy Park, southeast to Mil-tendent of the vocational school From there, the booklet goes to courses to provide an opportun- purchase a permanent collection :alaries for teachers with a to finish within the eight-year pe- ler St., and from Bay Ave. to thesystem. ity for increasing knowledge and for the Point Road School. That iache!or's degree. natural embankment on the west "What Is New." Cooperative In- riod. "The Monmouth County Voca- Inducted On skill in a particular occupation. school doesn't have a library, but side of the old Central Jersey rail- dustrial Education was the an- Nine years are allowed to com- tional School- District is continu- In Middletown, on a former shelves have been installed in plete vocational rehabilitation. road-track bed, known as "The swer. missile launching site, the sys- the corridor. Bank." ing to grow as the result of a C of C Board Court Clerk Ten years, plus one year for broad program of planned expan- This was established January, tem offers high school graduates Question Shelved each 90 days of active duty, are Second Stage sion," he said, "that has as its 1967. Here eligible 12th grade stu- RED BANK —The Community an opportunity to continue their There was a brief exchange allowed for veterans to apply for "The second stage of study will only goal, quality vocational ed- dents who have completed COO Chamber of Commerce has in- vocational - technical education. between Charles A. O'Malley, the Back; Three GI loans. involve many tests," Mr. Finley ucation for all who need it." hours of instruction are placed in ducted Edward Strohmeriger of The school offers education in board president, and William S. employment for half a day. They the A.S. Miller Shoe Co. as a automotive mechanics, me- There are no time limits for said. "Primarily it will be for With these words, Mr, Hoag- Howard, a member, when Mr. feasibility studies, relocation in- receive regular wages and earn newly - elected member of the chanical drafting technology, and Cases Aired filing compensation claims for in- land introduces readers to the Howard questioned if there is vestigation and possible acquisi- credit toward graduation. board of directors. instrumentation technology. Jury or disease, for filing non- fourth annual report of the voca- shelf room for additional books LONG BRANCH — Yesterday's tion of property prospects." The system's high schboj en- morning session of Municipal eervlce - connected pension tional school system. The green The booklet states that G4 per These four were re-elected to and said the board had "slicked rollment has risen from 94 in Court went smoothly and ef- claims, for obtaining VA hospital Mr. Finley, who has spent years covered 15 - page booklet wns cent of its graduates are em- their posts in a mail poll of mem- over" the lack of adequate li- 19K4-G5 to 640 in 1967-68. And Mr. ficiently as Judge Stanley Cohen care, for requesting assistance in n real estate and the study of printed by students of the county ployed in their fields of prepara- bers: brary space. Hoagland predicts that it will heard three defendants, and finding employment from local land and community growth, vocational school district's Wall tion; 13 per cent further their ed- William Magee, Clayton and Mr. O'Malley said Mr. Howard go over 1,000 next year. rank L. Palaia, court clerk, per- state employment offices, or for added: "It is, of course, the pur-Township building. ucation; 12 per cent are employed Magee; Beverly Anderson, An- should have raised his objection.' converting GI term insurance. pose of urban renewal in High- in related fields; 9.5 per cent en- derson's Music Shop; Richard H. Beginning in July, a vocation- formed his function for the first "Growth and progress are not at the board's budget workshop ;ime since Aug. 14. lands to give freshness and vigor ter the armed forces, and 1.5 perHamill, Monmouth County Na- al summer school will be func- sessions. synonymous," he said, "but they tioning in cooperation with the Joseph O'Dor.nell, 51, of 95 to the town and create a year- cent are unemployed. tional Bank, and Kenneth Walker The budget doesn't ask any tax round residential area." have moved together in this Raritan Township High School Cooper Ave., who pleaded guilty Flu Bug Misses school district. New programs are So far, there are four vocation- Jr., Walker and Walker, Shrews- funds for capital outlay items, ap- Only half of the 25 acres now Courses will include those in to loitering under the influence of being developed to provide great- al schools in operation, four bury. propriating only the $17,2!)1 antic- inder consideration would even- Chairman John V. Crowcll Jr tended for orientation and olh alcohol, was directed to return In Colts Neck er service to the student popula- planned and the vocational school ipated in stntc and federal funds for sentencir FOUND LOST AND FOUND (Mote a***tfl«4 *d» — tltmni pin wfotui ktttra vnrn UM/X VffefeW UiWt - I//»T — Oa The f**xt A.U1W POt SALE pen «AUJ AUTO* FOR SALE |R*4 cod Kixmmti Mi* m, ¥14- Dr., luun. C*H MMWO. / MEET THE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE TWIN-BORO RAMBLER'S "68 OLDS CLASS OF'68 ANNUAL STOCK JANUARY^ SALE

SAVINGS! Now's the time to buy! With a price increase in the '68 models expected, here's your chance to save 1968 RAMBLER AMERICAN money. We have 26 new Oldsmobiles in stock . . . 2-DOOR SEDAN W vwdoft, afr _ tion, many octroi. 1966 BUICK 1965 BUICK EtKtra 7S, 4 door hanltop, black/ Custom Wildcat, air conditioned, air condition, fully equipped. power windows, etc. 1966 BUICK 1965 CHEVROLET Skybrk 2 door coupe, 6 cylinder, Malibu Super Sport conve-t'ble, automatic trammlslm. automatic transmission. COLD WEATHER... 1966 BUICK 1965 CHEVROLET Electra 22S 4 door sedan, air Corvalr 2 door hardtop, ^condition, many extnes. 4 epeed box. 1966 BUICK 1964 BUICK Ciutom LffSobre, 4 door tianflop, Elect. 225, 2 door hardtop, olr. fully equipped, air condition. condition, plus txtras. HOT DEALS!! 1966 BUICK 1964 BUICK Riviera Sport Coupe, bucket be* 4 door hardtop, This is the type of weather that separates the men from the eeati, air condition. fully tqulpped. boys. If that old car of yours is leaving you out in the cold, 1966 BUICK 1964 FORD LeSabre 2 door hardtop, power Falcon Deluxe Station Wa>;on, look over our big selection of winter-proofed DOUBLE- t steering and brakes. automatic transmisilon. '" CHECKED used cars. ' 1966 BUICK 1964 BUICK Electro 225, 4 door hardtop, air . Special, 4 door sedan, auto. • condition, fully equipped. motlc tranemlttlon. 1966 BUICK 1964 BUICK Our Reputation Rides Electro Z25 4 door Mdan, glr Skyjork 2 door convtrtlbd, radio, $ 00 '66 MUSTANG condition, many extras. automatic tron»,, air cond. Sport Coupe, Pale Yellow. 1966 BUICK 1964 CHEVROLET V-8, Automatic Transmission, Elut-a 225, 4 door sedan, olr Oorry All Stottw Wogon, standard Very Clean. ^ condition, dork green, loadtd. . • eiomnrfttlorir radio. With Every Car We Sell 2045 kJae^ae.^BV^efch^aV^Bet^Bk.^fc-^Bk^eaL^Bb^^BL.^BL.^^.^^fe.^Bk..^.^ ^ ^ * * 1966 BUICK 1964 OPEL Electro 22S 4 door hardtop, sllvar Kodtrte station Wagon, equipped. mist, block vinyl top, air cond. 1964 JEEP '67 BUICK $ 00 1966 BUICK Station Wagon, 4 vtwel drive and mow plow. AT CHEVY-TOWN! Special Deluxe Sport Coupe. LeSobre 4 door hordtop, full power. >.••;!> Air-Conditioned. Blue. 1964 BUICK 9,000 Miles. 1966 FORD Skylork convertible, fully equipped. 2395 MutTonq 2 door Sport Coupt, avtormtfc tronMnlwfon. 1964 FORD Poteoo A doo?* evddnv •• IF YOU'RE LOOKING 1966 CHEVROLET 00 '66 CHEVROLET Impota 4 door Mdan, wtilt», v-8/ 1964 BUICK outmatlc Irons.* many extras, Wlklcot convertible, automatic Malibu Sport Coupe. Six- transmission, plus extra*. Cylinder, Auto. Transmission. 9 1966 CHRYSLER FOR A Very Low Mileage. New Yorker. 4 door hordtop, 1964 FORD : 1845 fully equipped. Cuitom 2 door eedan, rotfv automatic tnmsmlitlon. . 1966 PONTIAC Catallna Station Wagon, 9 seat, 1963 BUICK power steering. Riviera Sport Coup*, silver '64 CHEVROLET $ 00 mist, equipped. 1968 CAMARO Malibu Sport Coupe. Six- 1966 OPEL Two door Deluxe Station Wogon. 1963 BUICK Cyl., Au+o. Trans., P.S., Riviera Sport Coupe, bio*, air New Tires. Good Looking. 1966 BUICK conditioned, plus extra*. TO SPORT AROUND 1345 Wildcat 4 door hardtop, dark 'blue, air condition. 1963 MGB Roadster convertible, radio. Blue. IN ... 1966 CHEVROLET 00 '65 MERCURY Impaia 4 door eedan, dark blue, 1963 BUICK V* power tteerlna, Electra 2 door hardtop, $ Colony Park Wagon. fully equipped. Six-Passenger. 1965 CHEVROLET Vi ton pick-up, clean. 1963 BUICK Excellent Condition. Jpedol 2 door Coupe, V-«, 2095 outemotle transmission. 1965 BUICK Riviera, arm. Sport Coupe, air condition and power equipped. 1963 BUICK Wildcat convertible, bucket. '65 BUICK $ 00 1965 BUICK •eats, plus. Eloctra "225" Four-Door Electro 225 4 door hardtop, illvtr & block vinyl top, crir cond.* plus. 1962 OLDSMOBILE Hardtop. Custom Interior. "88" 2 door hardtop, auto- Air-Conditioned. 1965 BUICK matic tratvsmtulon, power steering. 2095 Skylark Sport Woaon, 3 seat, equipped. 1962 BUICK leSobre 2 door hordlop, automatic 1965 BUICK tronsmlselon, power iteerlag. ' 00 '65 BUICK xWlld:ut, 2 door hardtop, $ powtr equipped. 1962 CHEVROLET Le Sabre Sport Coupe. Impoto J door hordtop, automatic 1965 BUICK tronsmlu.on, power storing. Maroon. Black Vinyl Wildcat 2 door hardtop, block AN "OK USED CAR" 1745 Interior. New Tires. Vinyl top, many extras. 1961 CHEVROLET 1965 BUICK Belalr 2 door sedan. Skylark 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission. 1961 BUICK LeSabre 2 door sedon. '63 BUICK $ 00 1965 BUICK FOR FAMILY ENJOYMENT . . . Special. Two-Door. LtSobre 2 door hardtop, 1961 BUICK fully equipped. Invicta Custom 4 door nortKopi V-6. Automatic fully equipped. Transmission. 1965 BUICK 945 Skylark i door udon, 1960 CADILLAC FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO srandaod thin. Two door hordtop. BOB WHITE CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. BUICK-OPEL BUICK-OPEL 325 MAPLE AVE. 741-3130 RED BANK "Tha dealership whefe fha customer is important" SHREWSBURY AVE. NEW SHREWSBURY "WHERE DOING BUSINESS IS A PLEASURE" HWY. 35 264-4000 KEYPORT 741-6200 C/i mila IOUHI Parkway Exit 117) PUBLIC NOTICE TOAVEL - TRANSPORTATION AUTOMOTJYI AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS W)B SALE AUTOS FOB SALE TRUCKS FOB SALE FrMay, January 12, 1%8—]7 CAM T<»WED AWA* J FOB !JALE i V/f — Hi.r4t»f eon-f STATTdTT WAGONS'" /.MEKKAM 444 USED TRUCKS " THK JMH.Y REGISTER sole. AutojEfMic txe-n&w'itiet'jE, disc ISM CHEVROLET iblPALJk. — Two- brakes. Like new. Turquolst». I860 CHRYSLER — » pawenger door hardtop. V-8, automatic tranimls- lack interior. A really clean car. 1 •lon, power steering. Turquoise. A one- DOWNES PONTIAC 19C6 VOLKSWAGEN — Square Back 1965 INTERNATIONAL Metro Walk-In BUSINESS NOTICES AUTOS FOR SALE owner car. 1964 CHEVELLE — 2 door wagon !06S INTERNATIONAL 12' rack AUTOS FOR SALE «2 Lower Main St. 666-2299 Matawan 1983 DODGE DART — 6 paBsenger BILL LANZARO'S 1004 INTERNATIONAI. 1800 Tractor • BILL LANZARO'S 1963 FORD—Falrlane Squire wagon. An 1963 FORD FA1RLANB — Squire, 19*» INTERNATIONAL one ton pickup RENT A CARRIER exceptional second car for shopping, passenger . AUTO SALES 1964 INTERNATIONAL 6-man cab with lng on vacation? Need a luggagi JERRY BARATTA and LOU LERNER AUTO SALES commuting, tripping, etc. It Is equipped 1963 MERCURY — Colony Park, 6 pickup carrier? Made for all carg, eapeclallj !34 Main St. 566-2224 Matawan with automatic transmission, radio, ..passenger 360 FORD CONVERT1I3LK ~ NVw 1963 CIUCVROLET RTEP VAN cf.nvertible«. Larry's Auto Seat Coven, 1962 PLYMOUTH — 6 passenger ?, now tires. Radio, heater J47S 190(1 G.MC Chassis-tor 9' body Matawan. 566-30:6. L961 FORD GALAXIE — Convertible, power steering, power flall&ate, V-8 en- II 787-9B4. 1957 FORD REEFER RESOLVES: YOU CAN DEPEND ON US FOR.THE mtomatic transmission. Radio, heater, trine with naw tires. It Is baby blue MAURICE SCHWARTZ & SONS 1957 FORD PANEL. with that famous Squire exterior and WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S — hltewalla. Excellent condition. .Muflt Chrysler - Plymouth «fi OHEVELLB — Mallhu «tation MAURICE SCHWARTZ * SON'S Drr.iacs, sklrta, slacks, form.ils, etc., ll. Ashing $450. 747-9556 a matching interior. Ready to drive at HI W. Front St. Red Bank 747-0787 aeon. Fully diuipped, fully guaranteed. W. I'rail St. Rtrl Rank 747-O7R7 SERVICE THAT SATISFIES. a price you would like. M. SCHWARTZ Mint" condition. $1,0!)."). m-idfi to order. Also alterations. Call 1965 OA DILI AC CONVERTIBLE — Ma- & SONS, 141 W. Front St., Red Bank. litfiO MGA-Red. Good driving condition. S~fTHEVR'oF.ET~"-~- Cnrry^aii.~V»" Ellen, 812-24)3. roon with white vinyl top and white 717-0787. Wire wheels. MULLER CHEVROLET Factory leather interior. Fully equipped with 741-6J08. INCOME TAX RETURNS — Prepared wy._ 31 Matawnn Mfi-8000 completely. Indt virtual, business, part- Fresh cB'i Sab Prlc* factory air conditioning. "Showroom PLYMOUTH VALIANT CONVERTIBLE 1967 PONTIAC G.T.O. — Console, stick IRD 19fi3 - Pay Down Pay Monthly condition" with full 100% parts and —1963, power steering, automatic trans- JL1CSWAGEN KM —- ncr.tliip. cnrpi>ra.ll'in Cnll for appoint- labor guarantee. $3,2&3. shift, vinyl roof. A "real beauty". DCKI mnrtltlnn. $!ion or l>r it condition. ment, MarKery Trovatn, trading as Valiants $1950 N mission. 5650. B'UICK SPECIAL—1963, r »t otter Call Reliable Tux Service. 671-2289. ^ $46.58 MULLER CHEVROLET .automatic V-6, 1700. 78T-01iS9. DOWNES PONTIAC 1-51X10. or 2?!t.. >173 iL*=k 62 Lower Main St. 666-2:39 Matiwan 9fif) !)A.TRUN — Good ErElVER'S SALE — (2i IMS Chpv. Plymouths $2150 O 1966 SIMCA — Four oft-the-floor. Less 1 condition. Kea ~WE "PI CK U P SCR A PIRON $51.36 EJwy. 31 II a taw an 666-8000 1062 MERCURY — Colony Park was lonalilt . Cnll ilet Panel Trucks. Snle Jammry IT), than 20,000 miles. Leaving country, a.m.. 248 Broiid .St., Re<1 Hank. Call 7S7-9OS.5 Chryslers $2895 N $69.84 WANTED — Parties interested In tak- must sell. J900. Call 842-4965. nn. First class second car. Rack, ispot- 566-75)21 ing over balance on repossessed can. liRht, trailer hitch, all power. J875. :>6 CHEVROLET CAPRICE — IVo- 63 'FORTTEOONOLINE VAN — Ready Wagons $2395 E [ have 30 cars available. For Inlormm- 1966 OHEVELLB — Mallhu sport coupe. oners Invited. 741-8&S8 or &42-14O0 or harrttop. Burguntly with black roof EMPLOYMENT $57.78 tion. Joe PallaBte, Town A Country Fully equipped, power steering. Fully 'ully equipped. Dodge, 5M-61OO. guaranteed. $l,H9o. 1962 RAMBLER — Station wagon with BILL LANZARO'S all power. Good condition. Also ntiw HELP WANTED-FEMALE PLYMOUTH 1965 MUSTANG — Convertible V8, stan- MULLER CHEVROLET , snowtlras. Will sell for dealer'a trade- DOWNES PONTIAC •41 $295 '40 CHRYSLER $195 dard. Call Lower Main St. 568-22)9 Matawan AUTO SALES SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS — Full Station Wagon Hwy. 34 Matawan 666-8OO0 in price. 842-1688^ !4MalnSt^5M-222t MaU New Yorker 8-12-1352. 960 FORD BTATION WAOOK _ Couil- part-tlmi — 3 to 11 shift and week- 1964. FORD—Galaxle convertible. Three- 1966 CAPRICE SPORT COUPE — Ful end work [ vallable. 741-4700. •58 CADILLAC S450 '41 CHRYSLER $295 1966 CHEVROLET — Impala V-8 Hard- ly equipped, power steering. Black ry Squire. Automatic, eight cylinder, top. Power Glide and steering, vinyl speed transmission for the person who ower. clean, no runt. Oarage kept. — With snow plow. F'mr-wheel COUNTER GIRL WANTED — Apply In Llmo Sedan likes to drive. A clean one-owner car vinyl top, yellow original finish. A •tve. 1700 miles. $2400. 291-2000. jpholstery. Excellent condition. Must beauty Fully guaranteed. $2,195. Ires ami paint very good, J325. 787- porson, Top Hat Cleaners, Hwy. 35, '40 RENAULT $175 iell. Call evenings. 2G4-3812. equipped with power windows and a •40 FORD $100 390 eiiRlnc. It is white with a black MULLER CHEVROLET SO. OOL BOjToN ~WrTEELsT^~l9"i8 Hlvra Mlddletown. Carovelle 2 Dr. HdpT. (As I;) 9R7 ALPINE ROADSTER — Fully vinyl Interior and almost new tires. Ml CORVETTE — Must sell. Call ran. JlfHl. M. 80HWARTZ & RONH. SECRETARY — Law orrice. Experi- M. SCHWARTZ & SONS, 141 W. Front Hwy. 3i Matawan 666-8000 fter 5 p.m. 1 W. Front St., Rod Bank. 747-0787. •41 '42 MERCURY $395 equipped. Original 4,000 miles. Can't ence preferred hut not essential. Write FORD $195 .ell from new. Fully guaranteed. $2,005. St., Red Rank. 747-0787. 1965 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL — Four -201-3110. Rox A-155, Tha Daily Register, Ked CounJry Sedan Station Wagon MULLER CHEVROLET JEEP — 1958 CJ-5, ntcel cab, 4-wheel door convertible. All the power equip- 962 CHEVY II NOVA — Wagon. Fully MOTORCYCLES Bank. •41 CHRYSLER drive, lock hubs. Electric hydraulic ment Imaginable plus air condltiong quipped. Economical, clean. $796. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES $985 '41 PLYMOUTH $ 95 Hwy. 31 Matawan'"" 666-8000 A local car. Four brand new Gooilyear New Yorker Wagon Valiant 4 Dr. Sedan plow. New paint. $1350. 741-6281. D66 HONDA 305 — Scrambler. Must WANTED — Apply In person, Shortr 964 DODGE — 44U Hardtop. Eight first line tires. Ivory with nntura" MULLER CHEVROLET ill Immediately. Low mileage, top Point Inn, Hwy. 35, Hallet, N.I. 1.966 PONTIAC STATION WAGON — loather interior. MAURICE SCHWARTZ mditlnn. Mak» offer. 7(7-3909. "5» DODSI $ 95 '41 CHRYSLER $195 :yllnder. Automatic transmission, pow Nine-passenger Catallna, Excellent con- Matawan WAITRESSES WANTED — Over IB. »r steering. 36,000 miles. Excellent & SONS, 141 W. Front St., Red Bank. Experienced. For interview appoint- Sedan Windsor 4 Door condition. Call 747-2678. dition. $2,300. 74,1-8110. 747-0787. :HEVROLET — 1963 Impala (our-door lardtop, automatic, six cylinder, pow MOBILE HOMES merit call 264-9821, Rex Diner, Rt. 35, •40 CHRYSLER $295 '42 FORD $295 1962 CORVETTE — 350 h.p. tour-speed. PAT KEELEN'S AUTO SALES 1964 COMET VILLAGER — Station !r «teerlng, brakes. Good condition.- Keyport. 2 Door Hardtop" Oolaxle 4 Dr. Hardtop Two tops, new tires. $1495 firm. Call wagon. Six cylinder, automatic trans- WW5 far quick sate. Call alter 6 p.ra 291-2949. no Hwy. 36 mission. Burgundy. A real beauty. 229-6161. COMING HOUSEKEEPING IN EXCHANGE for room and board. Call 'iO DtSOTO $175 MANY OTHERS 1965 CHRYSLER 300 convertible. Gold 1966 CHEVELLE — Six cylinder, stan- BILL LANZARO'S 1961 CADILIAC COUPE DE, VILLB — Jan. 15th, watch this ad 542-3030. < 4 Door Hardtop In All Prict Ranges with matching interior. Full power dard shift Radio, heater. $1200. Call Jport coupe. Fully equipped plus fac squipment. Balance of factory warran- 787-2930. AUTO SALES :ory air conditioning. A Rehl Beauty SCHIFFMAN'S HOU8EWORKER — And babysitter, •54 DODGI '43 CHRYSLER ty transferable. MAURICE SCHWARTZ 1962 CITROEN STATION WAGON — 334 Main St. 666-2221 Matawan dally for morilh of February, six dayi Anmy AM Truck ft SONS, 141 W. Front Bt., Red Bank. Excellent condition. 28 mpg. Trailer from 9-6. Call 264-5804. Hazlet. Convertible, stick, V-! CHEVROLET 1967 WAQON — Alr-con- MULLER CHEVROLET LUNCHEONETTE — Experienced foun- 147-0787. hitch. $350. 542-3548. dltloned. Large engine, hydramatlo. Campers, Travel-trailers SMS Iwy. 34 Mataw&n 566-8000 tain and counter girl. Apply Village MAIJE OFFER 1985 MDSTANO — Excellent condition. 1908 FIAT — 600-D. Private party. Power steering, brakes and rear win dotor-Homes, Mobile-Homes Superette, 14 Main St., Batontown. 20,000 miles. Radio. Snow tires. 741- Take over payments, $51 month. 1963 dow. Posi-tractlon. Many other extras HBVROLET — 1963 Impala hardtop. BO52. Call after 5 p.m. Flat- 1100, $200. 872-0682. 462-5563. '-8, power iteering. NO cash needed SHIRT PRESSBR — Reliable. Apply FULL FINANCING — EVEN IF YOU HAVE 2 LOANS sale price J1095 or pay »8.60 per Sales and Rentals person, One Hour Martlnlzlng, 105 1967 FIAT — Four-door. Radio, heater. 1963 TRIUMPH TR4 — Excellent con- 1966 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE — EX' eek. Margol Ford, 721-4600, for ln- Campbells Junction, Belford. Qood tires. Call any time. dition. Radio, heater, wirewheels. cellent condition. Make offer. 264-8989, )rmatlon. Supplies and Equipment —WE WILL PAY OFF OLD BALANCE 264-5206 $1000. Call 671-1010 or 741-6896. ifter 6 p.m. ., COOK WANTED — Five, days a week. HEVROLET STATION WAQON — Apply BEACHVIEW REST HOME, 5 YEARS TO PAY — NO MONEY DOWN AUTOS FOR SALE L062 Impala. Excellent condition. S775 46 Oceanport Ave. Laurel Ave., Keansburg. 787-8100. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Jail 74a-0312. PART-TIME WORK — With full tjm« 1966 TEMPEST — LeMans convertible, W. Long Branch, N. J. pay, demonstrating new traveling lift whlt« with black roof, black interior. shop. 842 4445 or 229-3570. Ill cylinder, automatic. A real "low 229-6660 BAYSHORE lleage" car. HOUSEKEEPER — Woman, or moth- 960 NEW MOON — 10x55. Two bed- er and child, in exchange for room and DOWNES PONTIAC -ooms. No money down. Take over board. Call 229-3549 after 5 weekdayi. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH B Lower Main St. 666-2209 Matawan laymenta. Balance $2,245. Call 787-0508, OPERATORS WANTED — On chll- 1959 OEDSMOBILE 98 — Full power. 1960 MODEL MAGNOLIA trailer, 50' dren's Jackets and sportwear. Steady FIRST AVE. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Electric. Needs little body work. I1B0. [10', good condition, asking $3,000. Ap- work. J&J Co., Aeromarine Building, 787-M7O. >ly at Mlelefille Mobile Court, Palmer Locust St., Keyport. 264-8349. 291-9200 229-4790 GAMBLER — 1062 station wagon Lve. and Maryann Court, W. Keans- ATHLETIC GIRLS AND YOUNO Automatic, Very low mileage. NO WOMEN •— Full or part-time week- BOB WHITE BUICK money down. Bank wail finance $395, end Job opportunities, detailing cars. RAVELO 65x10' — End Expando llv only *3,75 weekly. Call OASIS, 7J1- ng room 16x15'. Awning 35x12' with Country Sudser Oar Wash, UwT. 35, 1100, for credit OK. 20x10' glass and screen enclosure. Mlddletown. Apply In person. 1864 CMEVHOLBT - V8 Impala »upei Three-ton air-conditioner. Aluminum NURSES' AIDES — Modern nursing sport convertible. Red. black vinyl In- iklrtlng and shed. Landscaped lot, home. Good pay and hours. Bmery terior, white top. Fully equipped. Fully Irookslde Court, Hazlet. 264-6797. Manor, Matawan. 566-6400. guaranteed. $1,695. 965 MODEL ELCAR — 67x10. Three BOOKKEEPER AND-OR ASSISTANT— An invitation to see our MULLER CHEVROLET )edrooms with storage shed. No down Maurice Schwartz & Sons. 141 W. Front >ayment. Assume loan. Call after 6 St., Red Bank. 1 TALKS THE BUYERS Hwy. 34 Matawan B66-B00C m. 642-3412. NURSE — LPN by examination. Mod- SACRIFICE — 1965 Bulck Special con. ern nursing home. Good pay and hours. fine selection of ^ertlble. stick, new top, tires. Perfect, 3est offer. (62-5720 after 6. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE Emery Manor, Matawan. 566-6400. LAUNDRY ATTENDANT — Pleasant, 1965 VOLKSWAGEN — Deluxe coupe. JUNK CARS BOUGHT clean working conditions. Full time. Ap- reconditioned late-model Whltcwalls. 34,000 miles. *875 or besl ply in person, Parker's Laundromat, 20 olfer. Call 767-1595. Twinbroolc Auto Wrecking Mechanic St., Red Bank. 1963 FALCON STATION WAGON — Bl> Eatontown 542-2235 COUNTER GIRL WANTED — For dry cylinder, automatic transmission, radio cleaning plant. Must be neat and Will- ; LANGUAGE! White, A perfect second car. Lincoln Continentals JUNK CARS WANTED Ins to work. Apply In person, Morey BILL LANZARO'S SHORE AUTO WRECKERS LaRue, Hwy. 35, Eatontown. 542-5544 222-1924 CREDIT. CLERICAL AND LIGHT AUTO SALES OET CASH FOR YOUR FOREION — TYPING — Part time. Benefits. Write 334 Main St. 566-2224 Matawar AMERICAN — AND SPORTS CARS box V-112, The Dally Register, Red CHEVROLET 1963 Impala convertible AT MONMOUTH MOTORS. INC., Hwy. Bank. i WE'RE OUT TO SAVE 35, Eatontown. 542-2414. Automatic. V-8. Showroom new! N< money down. Bank will finance $795 COUNTER GIRL — Snack bar. Ex- only J7.80 per week. Call OASIS, 72 perienced. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday 7100, for credit OK. AUTO RENTALS through Friday. Holmdel Village Phar- macy, 946-8700^ 1965 CHEVROLET — Impala V8 spo' • OUR CUSTOMER MONEY! coupe. Fully equipped. Power steering TOM'S FORD MOTHERS WITH CARS — Part-time • -• - -*##• New Jersey's Largest Marine Supply • 4 new Firestone Deluxe Whitewall Tires the luxury minded. House. 24 Wharf Ave., Red Bank, AMERICAN CAN CO. DOWNES PONTIAC 741-5780 Cllffwood Ave. Cliffwood, N. 3. of high-grade motor oil I Lower Main St 568-2299 Matav 14' MIRRACRAFT — AH aluminum An Equal Opportunity Employer ! SEE THE ALL NEW 1961 OLDSMOBILB — station wagon boat. Year old. J175. WOMEN new Autolite spark plugs Excellent condition and tires. All pow 872-1173 Show latest Lisa Jewelry Fashions. er. $500. 671-1348. • Earn high commissions. Work with full hit and colored catalog. No investment. • Hew Autolite distributor points 1952 CHEVROLET - V8 station wagon BUSINESS NOTICES Call 892-2923 or 892-0809. Very low mileage. Immaculate cond: • New Autolite air cleaner element Ion, fully equipped, power steQi-lna LIGHT HAULING—CLEAN CELLARS, EXPERIENCED CONSTRUCTION Fully guaranteed. $995. YARDS, GARAGES — Free estimates. BOOKKEEPER — In Mlddletown Twp. Call after 3 p.m. 741-2149. area Send resume slating qualifica- " New Autolite oil filter cartridge MULLER CHEVROLET tions to P.O. Box 6, Mlddletown, N.J. BACKHOE BULLDOZING — Mowing, • plus... important maintenance equipment : '68 BUICKS & OPELS Hwy. 34 Matawan 566-800 plowing, pumping, laterals. All septio WAITRESSES — Excellent positions tank work. BEN BRYAN. 671-0385. and shifts available. Please apply tn SUPERB CONDITION — 1965 Merce person, no phone calls, Howard John* to assure you trouble-free driving SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-6200 NEW SHREWSBURY des Benz, 190 Diesel. $3,000. See an RUBBER STAMPS — Made to order son Restaurant, Rt. 35, Mlddletown. drive. Call 291-1611 for appointment Fast, efficient service. Uso at home or business. Call 741-3227 or 787-2403. CASHIER — General office work, full Stop In today and see how close you are to ov...'. • liXB CHEVROLET - MonM convertible time, Monday through Friday. $1.00 automatic. Turquoise. A car for tJ FURNITURE MOVING — Attics and young at heart. per hour to start. Excellent working America's most distinguished motorcar. cellar! cleaned. Free estimates. Call conditions, hoipltallzatlon, two week! DOWNES PONTIAC 747-3002. paid vacation and other benefits. Ap- ply Llttman's Jewelers, Alonmouth 62 Lower Main St 668-2299 Matawan M & K BASEMENT Shopping Center, Eatontown. rj, Amcrlci'f molt distinguished motorcar. MUST SELL — 1965 Muttang. V-8 Wife cann-i -"riv« standard shin. Make WATERPROOFING CO. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY In I>ong offer. 642-1420. Branch area. Interesting stimulating "Lincoln Continental 10-year guarantee. Free estimate, D25- Job for a-girl with tlrst class Intent- I PONTIAC — Two-door hardtop 6017. gence and top secretarial skills. Heavy Excellent condition. *55O firm. 153 on dictaphone typing. No general of- Ocean Ave., E. Keansburg. 787-2243' fice assignments, purely the secretary Can be seen all day Sunday. SNOW to top executive. Pleasant surround- 1966 CHEVROLET — V8, Impala sport ings. Excellent salary. Position open coupe. Fully equipped, power steering, January 19 or earlier. Present sccre* factory air conditioning. Fully guaran- tary Is aware this .ad Is being H'cd. BIG JANUARY teed. 52,095. PLOWING Pull details first letter. Write box E-151, INGUSH MOTORS Commercial and residential. Call now. The Dally Register, Red Bank. MULLER CHEVROLET 747-1681. 14 MAPLE AVE. 747-4545 RED BANK Hwy. 34 Matawan 566-f PAINTING — Interior, private. Neat- BEAUTICIAN — Experienced. Week- ness my aim. Your satisfaction my ends only. Call CAR CLEARANCE guarantee. Call Jerry for free estl- 671-9889. AUTO RENTALS rnatea and suggestions. 787-3243. WOMAN — To watch children at my home. Afternoons from 3-5:30 p.m. Call CARPENTER evenings, 747-3778. Don't miss these money-saving Additions, alterations, attics, paneling, LEASE A NEW ceilings, aluminum siding. Call after 6 WOMAN FOR GENERAL CliEANINO p.m. 787-0626. —Experienced. References necessary. 741-3396. values at MOUNT ENGLISH FORD MERCURY PAINTING — Interior and exterior. Reasonable rates. Call 842-2162, days. »20 TO ?50 WEEKLY! Exchange your OR CONTINENTAL! 842-3108, alter 6 p.m. spare or full time for excellent earnings selling Avon Cosmetics. ENGLISH MOTORS EXPERT WATCH, Clock and Jewelry A few good territories available. repairing. Year's guarantee work done Write or call J. Birchall P.O. Box i-^^ , Maple Av*. 747-4545 Red Bank on premises. H. Rosin, Jeweler, 18 W. 788, Port Monmoutn. 741-4343 or 1947 GALAXIE 500 1967 GALAXIE 500 Front St, Red Bank. 462-3377 4-door hardtop PANTRY WOMAN — Steady. Call 872- 2-door hardtop AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 1246 or apply BAHR'S RESTAURANT, EXECUTIVE CAR EXECUTIVE CAR 2 Bay Ave., Highlands. LEOAL SECRETARY—For Red Bank JANUARY office. At least 3 years legal experi- ence. Salary $110 per week. Call 747- 3730. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER — 3714- hour week. All company benefits. Ap- ply In person. Shop Rite of Middle- town, 1200 Hwy, 35. RECEPTIONIST, PART-TIME — Pro- With now car warranty. 8 cylin- With n«w car warranty. 8 cylin- fessional office^ Typing essential. SALE! State qualifications. Write Box V-113, der cmisomatic pow- der cruiiomatic pow- $O^QC er steering, radio, etc. •r steering, radio, etc The Daily Register, Red Bank. WOMEN WANTED — Work In store, steady position. Must have knowledge LAST of the '67s! of sewing. All company benefits. Sal* ary plus commission. The Singer Co,, i SAVE HUNDREDS WHILE THEY LAST! 69 Brood St.t Red Bank. No phone LOW BIG SAYINGS calls. WOMAN-DOMESTIC WORK — Mostly cooking. Hours 9 to 5:30. Six days. '67 PLYMOUTHS DOWN ON Cnkliurat area. Transportation neces- sary. Salary J80. Call 531-0876. FURY 4-DOOR SEDANS "68 MUSTANG WILL TRAIN FEEDERS — Folders u and sorters. Paid vacation, tree hos- WlHi 'radio, heotar, V-J enol«i ° ">- PAYMENT LIST $267C EVERY CAR pttaltZiUlon. Apply Star Cleaners and motic, power ireerlno., wtllle wall NOW Launderera, 132 Myrtle Ave., Long, wheel covers, undercooling, 5 do Branch. view, mirror, seat bolls, vinyl In- •MriOft carptllng, tinted glow, 2 speed WAITRESS WANTED — Night shift. t&pH and wafers, backup lights, $ •60 FAIRLANE 2-dr $ 195 •65 CUSTOM 500 •- 4-Door $1350 Apply In person, The Pub, 160 Hwy paddM dash, dual brake system, GALAXIE 4-dr. $ 395 •65 GALAXIE Hardtop $1495 35, Mlddletown. collap>lbl« stnrlng wheel, etc. '61 MEDICAL ASSISTANT — Red Bank "60 JEEP 4-wheol drive pick-up 1$ 450 '65 FAIRLANE 500 Wagon ....$1550 area. Full time. Nn evenings. Profl- •' Mdrdtopj ond Alr-Condltloned elpnt typlriE. Write Bbx V-114, The Dally AAodels Available. 2397 with eloctric mow plow '65 MERCURY Pk. Lane, Conv. $1695 ReKlster, Red Bank. ORIGINAL PRICE $3363 •61 COUNTRY Sedan wgn $ 495 •66 MERCURY Capri, 2-dr. HT $1650 OLEANINO WOMAN—FIvTflay weft full lime position. Mart Furniture Gal. '63 COMET Deluxe 4-dr $ 750 '65 XL Hardtop (2) $1595 lerlefl, Hwy. 35, Mtddletown. OVER 100 USED CARS •63 FAIRLANE Nv'agon $ 795 •65 MONTCLAIR 4-dr. Hdtp. ..$1695 WORKING MOTHER wishes woman to care (or two children In my home, U AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES "63 COUNTRY Squiro $ 995 •66 GALAXIE 500 ii.m. to 9 p.m., four days a week. "64 GALAXIE 4-Door $1150 2-door Hardtop (2) $1850 H42-3505. PRICED FROM $100 UP! n WAITRESS — Two '64 COMET Wagon $1150 •65 THUNDERBIRD - Air Cond. $2295 ilnys a week. 9 to 3:30. Apply In per- COMET Cyclone Hdtp. $1195 son. ISurgcr Bowl, 15 White St., Red T B Tn PAV. •64 '66 COUNTRY Squiro $2350 Runic. ^ F ,r nD MONEY DOWN! "64 FORD Country Sedan, Air $1250 "66 THUNDERBIRD Landau, NO PAYMENTS 'TIL MARCH '64 CHEVROLET Impala Wgn. $1250 HELP WANTED — MALE Stereo tape $2695 '64 COUNTRY SQUIRE $1295 KXPF.RIKNCEI) PUNCH PRESS OP- "65 CONTINENTAL 4-dr ...$2895 ERATOR — Looking for steady work •65 MERCURY Monterey $1295 with ovcrtlmr. Apply In person, Estcy '66 CONTINENTAL 4-Door $3995 Motal Products, 1 Catherlna St., Red "65 MUSTANG Hardtop $1495 Bank. MECHANIC" — Truck equipment Call Mr. Clrny MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST FORD DEALER M2-3220 PARTS MANAOEK —Chrysler and Inter- Soa national experience preferred, but not All the '68 micc-fiary. llojpllnllr.atlon, paid vaca- DATSUNS— tion, holidays. Henetlt-. Apply In per- •mn. M. HCI1WAKTZ * SONS, 141 W. Sedan, front St.. Red Hank. MOUNT-ENGLISH AUTO SERVICE (Marc Classified Ads MONMOUTH and MAPLE AVE^S., RED BANK— /4I-6O00 370 BROAD ST. 264-1323 KEYPORT SINGLE 1904 On The Next Pan*) AJPABTMENTS f, January 12, J%8 HF.IJ> WANTED — MALE KELP WANTED-Mak • Feaul* THE FAMILY CIRCUS •y MERCHANDISE WAOTXD THE DAILY RraSTKR Some, iiAtt GM> FJKVlTmUC — /JBtWttfc eMua, QUALITY CONTROL InefnUrt rates tfur short aiusware, art objects tut bric-a-bra*. traintns. Hospltnltlsllon, paid holidays fanmedlatt cash for anything and every- and oilier benefits. Apply ATCO CER thlnr Ruscll's IS East FroiU"4HM-?«'.- HELP WANTED — MALE ENGINEER AMIC5, Hwy 35, Keyport. jtrA# In •iMtrica! or STOCK HELP — Full time and part ANTIQUES •+• Tiffanr llema, tors, fur- treeV outdoor flrBplacu. •»-";• ^rlwr. phynlcs nvtlh omphuilB <*>n •Uitiallcr clothes* was'ners and dryers. Pj1™" tAtXB Kxrrllrnt growth opportunity. Write time. Liquidators, 4f)0 Broad 81 niture, china, paintings, suuuar?, coins, Shrewsbury. 747BR13. lighting fixtures. Carved oak dining swimmlnK pool, beach, boardwalk and parking. All electricity included. Rentals MANAGEMENT TRAINEE room pieces. Copper Kettle Antiques, r BENDIX CORP. NURPKRY SCHOOL PERSONNEL Ir, Oakhurst 531-1699 or 22B 0892. of 516o-$l'>. >. Superintendent's apartment Executive typp man, ml ><*(;*> cnltbrr. ReptPmticr: dlreflorn, touchers pern 78 or telephone •tarting salary io !W.4iio yrar; tn- SEMICONDUCTOR DIVISION rraunip Ui Hnx ('171, The I>ally Rfs. HnlmrtM, N. J litlir. Red Tinnk • 741-0150 trnslvp Uirpf yrar (mining program. PETS AND LIVESTOCK 0 An l nmwirt unity ?mplny»>r by property. Rent J350. ',T. STOf; WA- Carper pillion with niflnafrvmrnl IKN AND U'IT Bum '1VK FI'RNISIIBD ROOMS — $125. epport unity; rxcr llrnt rfMlmnrni IHSIUVASHK.n k. Apply In tn yji kly hy »f A-l PROIFE3SIONAL T>OO GKOUMirJti Ml utllitli's. Private entrance HOT And (rroup Insurance pmjiranr; nn ?orrh. rhone Ixing Branch, 222-3,, Atlantic Highlands. urniahed. All utilities. Private. 7 La!- able Feb. 15. Call^^ For ppmonnl 1m>rvlrw nni uplllui ov.r.r ls,,Kul|.lhn» position milv • Apply yctte St. 842-3798. , UallnK call Mr. Hurk*\_741 *70n. In prrsnn. Carroll's BUttnners, 2A Urnnd liHIVKI: WANTBK K»!r Maven-Mld- WIREHAIRED VOX TERIUKR8 BELfo£5M p ^; Rl . Red Bank dlotnwn «.rra.. Trtvatc Srlmol. Call .VM AICC male puppies, Inoculated and 2222. COMMERCIAL RENTALS -bedroom unfurnished house, »> i THE^PENN MUTUAL wormed. 787-M;}4. utilities. Security reqlj red B TWO HKN OK WOMEN Wild IK u 'MEN WANTED come, otherwise adults Pf""[' plaj Life Insurance Company ram f'ir IIRht delU'ery. Must know area ST. HKRNARD PUPS — AKC regls- MEDICAL SUITE - Consisting of t Rfd Bank, Nrw Jftmry Call 741-3H9T. tr-rerl, six werks old, $125 and up. Call 756 sq ft. Modern office building next MCDONALD'S DRIVE-IN 446-G837 or 44G-9S61. First Merchants Bank, 25 Reckless t)2S Hwy » MliMMown HAIftilltKRHEH' WA^frkl) —~I!xr>erl \V» nerd full nr part-tlmr workers f'>r U, Red Bank. Call 747-3730, between JUTOMOBJMS MECHANIC — And enre'l, fined pay. Bimlnemi opportunity HASSET ri'I'PIES — AKC reglBtererl, and a. Leonardo. J car pr*p man, HonpitallJiatton, p cvrnlnRn Must he at least IS years Call Mr. Snvlno, T41-UM. eight weeks old, adorable. Call 542- vacation, holidays. Btmpflln. Apply In old a !Ei»ARATE BUILDINO FOR I-EA8E pernon, Rervirc Man-trer M. BKAllTirilA77~^-~Mat«wan. Top r.alT 8 ,500 aq ft. ground floor Including base- niSHWASHKRS — Apply .In perenn to tier ulyllat who would tike lo earn |10fl AKC REGISTERED — Wire fox ter- lent, loading (lock. Ugbt luanulaclur- Call 787-4653. SCHWARTZ A SONS. 141 W. Kront St The Bull and Bear Iteitmirant. 25 W. Red Bank. for20-tioiir weeli.rall MS-M2J. rien and chlhualuia puppies. Wormed Ig. Call 747-1100. U5S0N- Unfurnished '^ River Rd., Rumiwn. Bleady employ- and Inoculated. 671-1862. 1 ment offered and'top earnings avail- DESIRABLE RIVER FRONT sulteon bungalow, two bedrooms, PM* " "QUALITY CONTROL MAN able. part-tlmr. Will train. Call Bennetl first floor In the Tuller Building. Call Urn. . 7B7-33SO. KEMAU3 BEAOLE PUP — Four 747-2440. BackKround In elfctnmim, Apply In months old. AKC registered. Bhota. person. HBOhestnut Bt., Rrrt Hunk. $17,000 COMMISSION PM'B Call 671-0923. 3500 SQ FT. LIGHT manufacturing E£rSiFi?s; CAHH BONUS hir men over 40 In Red" loft lor lease. Call Ired baseboard heat. Couple or smaU CAR WASHERS -~MEN *"oVKR~lil. Hank arm.. Tike nhort AUto Iripn \o SITUATIONS WANTED - Female WILL GIVE AWAY FOUR KITTENS 747-1100 family. No pets. Lease, $115 mo. ra» IMMEDIATE FULL TIME EMPLOY rnniarl customern. Air mall Ltl*. Dlrk- CALL NIS K. BYRNE, Realtor, 8 W. River WENT. Learn technique! of vacuuming, KXPERIENCED I-EOAl, SKORETARY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED — In ersnn, Southweaslprn I'ptroloum Corp., 741-8314 lul.Rd.i, RumsonKUHlSl'll.. 842-1X50842115oi,,,™0. —. •teaming, dtfUHlng, etc. flood water Fort Worth, Tens.. 76101. - Dr-ilrea rutl or part-time work with brand new modern office space, well benefits. Country Sudter Car Waah, Real Entata office. BI3-1823. FRENCH POODLES — AKC, blick. 7 located in the center of Red Bank, con- 5mS5iDRO0M HOME IN WNION Bt 35, Mlddletown. weeks Mini, one male, one female tract use for further Information. THE DRAFTSMAN (-HILI)RENS MAID, 2(1. lonklntt fn BEACH — $120 monthly. EDWIN B. ORII.l, MAJfWANTUn — Ejcpirlon Call 229-1875. DOWSTRA AGENCY. 74H700. t t ( work. One month, atarttng Jan. 15. STARK, Healtor. 264-0333. Excrlletil pay. Call 264-9821. Kci I)ln»r, Kxf*H'' 'ri T l preferred. Apply In Anything eonaldered. Five day week. "I'll help you put it back!" THE BAYSHORE COMPANION DOO PRIVATE OFFICE — Suitable profes- BUNGALOW - Furnished, 314 rooms, Bt. 3\ Kpyporl. 116 ChPrMmit St., Red Bank. Own tranflport&tlon. 747-1314. CLUB now accepting applications for sional, Campbells Junction. All utlll- bath Hot water. Business people pre- QUALITY CONTSMTIVORKES — Tro- beginner classes held In Red Bank, is included, $70 per month. 871-2359. ferred. 787-2136. YOTJNO MAN — To team prlntinir RKLJAULK PERSON — Wlahea te datsrs begin on January ISth. Call cr-sa control and Inspr-ctlnn work. Ex SHREWSBURY — Modern private ofa trudc. Ptenrty employment. Heiil fringe Uke rare of worklnit mnther'a chil- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 787-7086, |>^rlencr mil npressary. Must ba rle hcnetiU. Only Uirne n^eklng a career rice, located *djacent to Red Bank, ppndable nni lilKh school grsilnalc. Ap dren. In my home. 843-0488. WANTED TO RENT In rrlntlng will be connldered, Nlffht POODLE CLIPPINO — $7. $8. and $9. Parkway, Red Bank Airport and Fort Fly ATCO CERAMICS, Hwy 35, Key CHII/I) CARE — In my home. De •hift. Wriie Box A-IB7, The Dally npg- White miniature at stud. Call Monmouth. Heat, sir conditioning, elec- URGENTLY NEEDED - Four bed- V TJ. luler, Jlr<\ Hank, for Interview. pendable and experienced. Reaaonable, T41-0UU. tricity, parking space and - janitorial Oceanpnrt area. R42-3R2O. EXCEPTIONAL INCOME OPPORTUNITY service furnished. $100 a month.- Call room house. Pleaae call Owyn • Wil- TEST CONTROL OPERATOR — f( POODLE — AKC. miniature. Excel- liams, 229-3964 alter 4 p.nv . work >1 a Wfll-eitattllalMii licit firm SERVICE SALESMAN — neneral Mo- WOMAN WILL OAJ1E FOR CHIL- 747-2000, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. SHELL OIL COMPANY hat avall&bla * proven, profitable, established ier- lent health and breeding-. Males $100. WE HAVE an overflow of bona Hdt In Red Bunk. Experience required «nit torn exprrlenra preferred. Ftve-riny DREN In her home. Phone vice itatlon. Lncmtlon: il«Ju:5. 291-2337. 8,000 SQ. FT. — Modern heated cln- rrfrrennt. Liberal bnt'tlu. rleaje weeh. PiM vacation and honpltal In- 747-UJ7, prospects looking for two or four be* »rlt« P.O. Bo« 700. K«t Bank. fniranne. Apply In penon tt RUSSELI, der-block warehouse or mfg. apace. Rt. 36 & First Avenue Atlantic Highlands GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS — Born Tailgate loading, office. $650 a month. S U r C OU>3MOPIW5 - CADIU.AC CO., 100 RELIABLE WOMAN - Wlihea to tik Dec. ISUi. Xlolher, father and 11 pups ,oSThomfr.nt.SABBE New in HI) RprlnRi Rd., Red Rank, Auk eare of chlMren In her home. Will alai Shell Oil Com HAROLD LINDEMANN, Broker, Eaton- CYST, Rt. 35f. Mlddletown'S A''. (ST1-100OMK. * MECHANICS board If deilred. Call 747-5609. offers at CapUIn Charlie's, 103 Hwy 34 Port town. 542-1103. Maintenance and ronitrucllon, mtehin for Hill nrlet, Service Manager. • Earning potential In cicen of $12,000. (Ftrat year) aloomouUk. .787-6363. •ry and bulldlngi. MachlnliU, mill- • Paid train.rut nrogram wrlftiU, auto mpchantci, clectrlclam REflVICE HTATION ATTENnANT — • This location la open and doing business. TOODLE PUPPY FURNISHED ROOMS and other tradn. Verittilltr desirable. Full Unw dHyi., Married and expert* FINANCIAL • Insurance and retirement program — Call HOUSES FOR RENT Interviewing for all tradei. Reliable cnreil Apply In perion, Uncroft E»na, 7110(61 PRIVATE ROOM - With batfi. FlrsJ men who want permanent fear-round Nrwnitin Hprlngi Rd., Lincroft. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KENTALS - SEASONAL — YEARLY floor. Private entrance. Gentleman "re- Job! close to home. ELLA WILTSHIRE, Realtor ferred. 747-1041. After t p.m. 946-8441. BNT1RE USED FURNITURE BUST. ACT NOW!! REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 264-8000 ELECTRONIC TUBE NESS FOR RALE — Very reasonable. 1480 Ocean Ave., 8ea Bright 842-00M Call 741-7469. ATCO CERAMICS CORP. TECHNICIAN APARTMENTS TWO AND THREE-BEDROOM HOMES (More Classified Ads LUNCHEONETTE — Excellent itolng FOP further information call Shell — For rent or sale. $125 to $150 a HWY^35, KEYPORT. N. J, Kxpflrtoncs In production enflnaerlng hualnaia ahowlng good groia. Private. Oil Company at (609) 396-5537 or LONO BRANCH — Modern four rooms month. THE KIRWAN CO., REAL- On The Next Page) or development engineering of receiv- Call 531-4773, IM batlt, furnished. Heat and water TOSS. Belford, 787-5500. W. Keansburg. CAR WASilERS-PART-TlMK.WBEK ing or trajiatnlttlng tubei neccimry, suppixd. 1'atU Jun. 1st. 22S-1533. T87-6600. Hazlet. 264-7100. ENDS ONLY. Minimum age 16. Onlr Mr. Tonn«|ss«n at (201) 542-4914. 1 TochtriquM of flaim to mtrta.1 leallnf, IJKB KNITTINOT men condition** ' hard work nerd ip* caramlo to metal proceiiei and under* Make four hobby pay. I did. Now KFANSBVRO — THREE-ROOM OAR- WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS - ply. Training In detailing, vacuuming, •Uniting nt aR»ooiat«(t equipment' <••- It'a time to retire, no I have a flna PE.V APARTMENT. CLEAN, QUIBT, Furnished and unfurnished. Immediate APARTMENTS sitamlnc etc. Country Budser Car •lrahle. Company growth rate in ex- eilabllitied, well atocked hrrft nhop to FOR SALE FOR SALE AlRCOKtaTtOJOED. SCIENCE KITCH- occupeuer. SAMUEL TEICHER AGEN- Wain, RL S5, Mlddlftown. cos« of 30% per year. Salary open • aell. Prlnctpala only. P.O. Box 115, EN WALK TO BD8BB, SHOPPING. CY, Oceanport Ave., Oceanport 642- OWNER MAINTAINED. $105 MONTH. 3500. 10 WIN write or call I.onf Branch, N.J. ITEMS YOU NO LONGER JANUARY WHITE SALE UaehtBlca.Hr Inclined, to iUrt Im $85 to $250 Per Month SIGNALITE INC. TAVERN — Excellent business. Apart- White combination windows. Minimum I MONMOUTH BEACH mediately. Oood atartlnf par. call TU- ment and meeting room. Owner re' NEED OR USE WILL... WATERFRONT — Apartment motel. THE BKRO AGENCY MI 4. 19,13 Hack Ave. Neptune, N. tix windows, $1188 ea. Completely la* thre« rooms. Wlntsr nnlals. Monthly tt 35 Mlddleto 77BS490 ' Urhur. 170,000. U ouh. EDWIN ~ •tailed. Free measuring service. Price FULL TIME — Pin crinier-mechanlc STAftrC, Realtor. H4-0333. Include* Installation on first or secdnd and wtehJr. Kautllus Apartment Motel. 671-1000 • PRIVATE MARINA! for Rmnswlrk automatic pin setter. PANTRYMAN Full time. All yea floor. Hurry! This Is * limited offer. Ml-0503. 'HREE-ROOM BUNGALOW — Unfur- W> will- train. For details call 747. roum! employment, blunt have trana SELL THRXB ROOMS—AM bath, furnished. ilshed. Inquire at 492 River Rd., Fair • CAIANA ClUII oortatlon. Apply In person, Pleaian INSTRUCTION PROWN'S All utilities Included. Adults only. No flaven. or call 741-2526. am. Valley Inn, Hwy. 34, llolmrlel pela 7I7-53JO. • Individual Tarractil 32 Broad Bt. Red Bank 7417500 JELFORD — Two-story, one family i'Ul.L ANnTfAHTTlMK onenlnis lor LunS MAN — Experience preferre janitors, llojiday throuili Friday. Call FREE CAREER TEST louse. Modern kitchen, m baths, one All Irlngo benefits. Apply Red llanl FAST BLIGH-LOWRY mahogany bookcase. • Privat* Ocaan Clubt Ut-ViT- Auto Iniiniru, 119 E. Newman Spring; II «omputar programming the profii Drexcl mahogany desk. Call evenings, ledrpom. Gas heat Carport. Attrac- LONG BRANCH lve grounds. Near bus stop. Adults TRAILER DniVERB—Experienced In Rd , 741-S8M. •loa (or your Take the free XCPI WITH A QUICK ACTION 741-7735. Juit 10 minutes from down- handling household goodi. Apply In per- Career Teat. Call M1-9M0 or rislt EOPI RED BANK AREA inly. Ideal for retired couple. Avail- •on, Anderaon Bros., Inc.. 61B3 Me-S11OK SALESMAN — Or aalei clerl at m Honmouth Park Hwr., W. Lou GALLON FI8H TANK with fish ible April 1. $125 month. 291-9080. IIMng to learn ihoe trade. Only thoai LOW-COST stand, filter, heater, background NEW GARDEN APARTMENTS town Red Bank. Luxurious chanic Bt., Red Bank. Branch FURNISHED 3V4 ROOMS 1135 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE — Middle- with saloa experience need apply I plants. $110. Call 771-6552. appointment! in tv*ry tpert- AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION RB peraon. FIX gHOBS, Hwy, 33, Hlddl DOUGLAS HART DAILY REGISTER 4M ROOMS S160 iwn. Lota ot (round. Call 747-1647 or UNFURNISHED 314 ROOMS $110 BUILDER and Installer. Experienced »wn. Teacher of Piano CIRCULAR BAW — Electric Crafts 141-3213. ment. I '/> baths. Individually Good pay. (lord working condillona. Include a Worthwhile man, I'i" blade. Heavy duty. Like 4M ROOMS (135 Write Box V-1II. Tha Dally Reglitor, HRTlt AUBOY—Opening! for clt Out-ot-School Activity new. $25. 787-6180. HEAT, HOT WATER, controlled heat and air con- Bed Bank. plannlnp; aaaoclatea, civil englneera, ani PHONB 747-4270 FAMILY AD COOKING GAS SUPPLIED COMMERCIAL RENTALS party chlefa In firm doing municipal FIREPLACE WOOD — Corn fed hogs. CALL 747-1233 or 222-0691 Beginners and Advanced Pupils Hay, straw, mulch hay. sawdust for ditioning. Teenage recreation ACCOUNTANT sanitary, sub-division engineering; u In the Classical Field 3 LINES - 5 DAYS ban renewal and maater planning; land, mulch and bedding. 264-0824. room, plus adult party room. Junior, aeml-aenlor, senior, for eatab. sub-dlvlalon, and construction survey- FOR J THREE-ROOM APARTMENT — 56 MODERN OFFICE SUITES I llihed CPA firm. Stnd resume In owr ENROLL NOW NEW YEAR SPECIALS — At Syca- Chestnut St For Information call at ing. Oood opportunities In growing firm, Modern' office suites — Locoted heort handwrlttlng to Morris Porlner * Co., more Greens, Little Silver. Special dis- 146 Bridge Ave., Red Bank. For details contact and submit resumi JUST 2.00 of Red Bank adiocent to the entire )G MonmouUl St., lted Bank. IBM count on afghan $29.50. Tiffany lamps 4- & 5-ROOM AP7S. to II. Thomas Carr, 90 8mllh gt. • Keypunch AvallabU lor Merchandise For Bait only. $75. Carvod bookcass $89. Cherry FURNISHED — Four rooms. No pels. eledtronlc community, Fort Mortmoulti PART^TIMB 8AI.EB ~~HE~LP — And 15 Third Ave., Atlantic Highlands. $140 KlfcllKN MAN — Btcady. CnTT 872- e <3omputer Programming Article must originate from a househoc uroaktront, Wallace Nutting creation, and newly expanded Rlvervlew Hos- Hock man, evi-nlnga and Saturday*. • Offloe Automation and may not exoeed a sale price ~* J149. Secretary desk $09.50. Sterling per month. Utilities included. pital. Fully air conditioned, private B«lary accnrdtni tn experience. Apply 1245 nr apply BAHR'S RESTAURANT, 3 Day Ave., Highlands. Day or evening classes — Free plaea* 190.00 per article. silver flatware $95. Also special dls< KEANSBURG — Three large rooms. parking — Model Suite on display. In peraon, Plx Shoea, Hwy. 35, Middle- meat service. Price MUST b« advertised. Each addi- count on rare china, cut glassware, Heat and hot-water aupplled. Unfur- Brochures by request. FROM 135 •own. . No phont call! plwse. tional line (1.00, No copjr otianjis mar antique sliver. Etc. Etc, RUSCIL'S nlihed. Near transportation. 566-3137, AUTO MECHANIC NORTHEAST be made and - no discounts or returns Exclusive Rintol Agent Including heat, hot water, iERVICE STATION M ECHANIC SYCAMORE, Little Silver. 741-8506. Atlantic Highlands Chevrolet dealer n BUSINESS MACHINES SCHOOL trill tie made U id Is canceled betoi RED BANK — Four rooms, bath, And attendant Full time. Experience H Broad tt. Red Bank axplratlon. UPRIGHT PIANO — Excellent condi- large covered porch. Ground floor. All PAUL BRAGAR •ir conditioning and and references. Call 741-P305, quires experienced man. Unlimited 1 opportunities. 281-0305. Alk for ! 747-4647 tion. $200. 8720952, utilities furnished. 741-1705. Realtor & Insuror To Place Your Daily Register off-ltreet parking. IHO1- WELDER - EXPK1 While. APPROVED FOR VETERANS after 5 p.m. HOLMDEL — First floor apartment. TH Broad Street, Shrewsbury, N. J. CALL I Phono 747-0221 YOUNG MARRIED UAN~wlshlng t JAN'S CERAMICS — Supplies, tiring, FAMILY AD, CALL .. . Entrance hall. Large living room, bed- 721-01)1)0 Sifts. Claasea. Weil, and Krl. 7 to 0:30 SAWS SHARPENED room, kitchen. Near Bell Labs. Cou- earn extra money, work 4 or B nlKhU ple only. $135 per month. 916-4483. HAMILTONIAN "CAREEFIN" SALES week In sandwich shoa In flei! p.m. Chlln'ren'a classes. Sat. 1 to 3. It's safer and more efflolent to use - flank. Call 741-DS57 for Appointment. 60 Leonard Ave., Leonardo. 201-2399. 741-6900 sharp saw blade or hand saw. Yas, weTWO-ROOM AND BATH EFFCIENCTt Futurs mnnaKPrnpnt opportunity for sharpen both. Or select a new blade —Furnished, utilities supplied, $05. AT MONMOUTH amllflM perion with H1«I or pub- MT0M0B7LB~MicHAmd — Oaiie TWORTNG" 24-Hour Strvic* from our large stock of. wood, metal FINLAY AGENCY, Real Estate, High- DISTINGUISHED lic contact background. Oolloffl g radii al Motors experience preferred. Flv or stoneeuttlng blades. laniis. 872-0100. •tf> nr equivalenivalent In experienceexperiece. Com day week. Paid vacation and noaplti All aubjMU and languagss taught la FOR THB PERFECT WEDDING your home. CAMBRIDGE, 721-74J8. „, OFFICE OFF OCEAN AVI.. p Irnlnlnft pros rani- Top Insurance. Apply In peraon at RUS' DOWN — Bridesmaid dreases tnd, all REP .BANK. LUMBER WBUHBBUlW"" Unfurnished three |iit y henpfltn. SalarSlyy ppul n commcommlsilon.l i SELL OLDSMOBILE — CADILLAC THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF CE- aooessorles with Individual personal ser- Pearl and Wall, Red Bank 74I-55W1 rooms and bath. Heat Included. $90. MONMOUTH BEACH W'IIIP learning, cull flls»-T5S7 «v«nln|i CO., 100 Newman Springs Rd., Reti RAMICS — Starting new daises far vice. Call Virginia Klmball, Freehold. Call before 3:30 p.m. 781-1283. After SPACE t.7-3510 for Appointment. Rank. Ask for Bill Orlef, Service Man beglbeginnerm s and advanced students. 787- ASS-T7T3. FLOOR SAMPLE CHEARANCE — Located In eenter ol R«4 Bank Only used to sit on In showroom. 3:30 p.m. 787-6255. DIRECTIONS. East en Rum- An *»qti*i1 opportunity employer M/F SO47. builnew district. Three-room outfit will bo sacrificed. LONO BRANCH — Four-room apart- son Road (County Rt. 520) ITOUTEMAN ~ "For laundry and 1IEAT1NO 8ALEMMAN — With car, RENT A TV Ten-piece decorator living room with ment. Very large and well furnished. All these features provided: dry cleaning route. Experience not noc* knowledge of heating. Commission, aa • Central air conditioning to Ocean Ave., Sea Bright; MERCHANDISE Color or black and white. Day, week BOfa, chairs, tables. Nine-piece double Immaculate condition. Year 'round • Self service elevator •liiiry. Must he neat and ptn.onr.hle. iiry. Call 787-8578, 26t-4«87. or month. Low rates. BAYSHORE TV dresser boilroom. Seven-piece modern rental, $125; includes all utilities. Call right (south) to Pirk Road, Guaranteed salary. Apply after 4 p.m.., 531-8085. • Private parking ipace MAN TO ASSI8T IN CUTTINa ROOM FOR SALE IS Church Bt., Keansburg. 7OT4400. dlnett* act wlih trade-in refrigerator • Complete janitorial service Monmouth Beach; right to LUlia Silver Cleinin, 601 Branch Ave., Only J2.75 weekly or J385. FIELD J,itlle Silver. —Larllea* sportwear. Oood opportunit RED BANK-Uniurntahed. one-and two- • Individual thermostatically eon- ACCORDION — 130 baas, with case SAI.K — Oil lampa M.50. Glassware, FURNITURE, 7-11 B. Front St., Kay- trolled heat. Hamiltonian at Monmouth steady work. I)evon Knitwear, wE picture frames, etc. Antique Shop, 117 bedroom garden a-partments. Start at Wharburton St., Long Branch. 223- and built In amplifier. Make ofter. 787- port. 264-3020. Open late Mon It Frl $120. Call Mr. Lomazzo 741-9115. • Wall-to-wall carpeting •partments. ""MAINTERANCE MAN 111 bttwaan «•« p.m. Iain St., Fort Monmoulh. Open 12-S. 'til 9, Tues., Wed., Thurs. « Sat. 'til r>'. Call (or appointment to lYrsonable, Industrious, physlqslly fit. (1375. THREE LARGE ROOMS — Unfur- Will he trained. Apply In person at MicflANIC — Dependable, with OM FIREPLACE WOOD — PING PONG ANYONE? USED STOKM SASH AND SCREENS nlahed. Keyport. Some utilities. Call Raildenr Mgr., Apt. 48 experience. Top salary, fringe bene- Call We have just the ping pong top for — 28"x55", Call 264-0260. 747-1100 , MCDONALD'S DRIVE-IN fits. Call 74.1-7643. 531-9714. you. Regulation two piece, slzo 6'x9\ 291-0827 54 Broad St Red Buk Phont: 222.830* or 8!S Hwy. 35 Mlildlelown RED BANK — All new, unfurnished, tainted «oft green and coiti only fS.95 NEW YEAR SPECIALS — Bird cage threo rooms and bath faolng river. Mr. Adl«r: S314UI Trtt'C"K tlHIVjfil FOR GARBAGE TOOUMAKBRS toth pieces. 11.75. Stand to match Jl.75. piano Call 747-3269 between 6-9 p.m. only. T1UIOK — "Bark door plrk-up. Year RED BANK LUMBER lamp S3.75. Pair man's skates J3.5O. APARTMENTS round Joh. I Foster for Inlervlrw, 462-8IKM. white. $50. apartment with all utilities, S90 per thins less than threo months old and 787- 1740 month. Call' 872-1100 or 872-1770. at Shrewsbury PARTY CHIEF MKrirANIC~WANTErr^"To WoftTo factory Authorised SDeolal Offer In excellent condition. Call before 2 N«w Hammond Spinet Organ i.m., 542-5000, TWO-PIECE LIVING ROOM COUCH SEA BRIGHT — Immaculate three' 11 Ki't lTiiltintmii t motors and equli $25. And 10 Wheelhorse tractor. $400 room apartment, furnished. Ready for Off' Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury Twp,, N. J. MONMOUTH COUNTY mt»nt. Kxpe.rlenrft neremary. Apply In $595 Call 916-4181. occupancy Feb. 3. 842-1794. ENGINEERING OFFICE pernnn, 9 a in. tn fi p.m., OH. Roher- GUTTERS son, Sivulh St.. FrftfthoM. Come In for a free demonstration Heavy duty (.032) white aluminum 21" ANDREA. TV - In food workini SMALL two-bedroam ap&rtment. $90, Limited time only. flittering Installed by our own skilled all utilities. 13 Huddy Ave., Highlands. Won experienced In land 'Surveying KXPKlUENt'KrV""" 8!H')RT" 1 condition. Modern, light wood dlnlntt I- and 2-Bedroom Api$. From craftsman. Free floating system, won 1 room set. 123 Harding Rd., Red Bank, Call 872-1831, No dogs. and constluctlon toyoufs—L.S. license (TOOK - Apply In person, lNlftta' 775-9300 pull out. after 5 p.m. desirable but not required, hin.-r. ^^ Hwy. M, Mntawiin. FOUR-ROOMS — Sublet or lndy to SINGER ZIO ZAG PROWN'S HAN'S SKIS — Scars, wood, 69"; share. Furnished, quiet, warm. TV. Vfile stating exprrlence, quollflca- For qimitty mfnmfn''i nn^ Rspoimseil. Maltas buttonholes, mont>- 32 Kroarl St. Red Bank 741-7500 bindings; poll's; Kortlach buckle boots, Near buses,, shops. Parking. 717-13111. $ clolhltiR find (urnlihlng(hl n itnrs grams, horns, twin needle. Needs no lion and icrfory requlrvmenrs Kspprlciioo prefer rrii but not n«pf» MOVING TO FLORIDA size 12; boot trees. New condition. RED BANK—Beautiful 314-room apart' ttachments. Balance *56.TO or 19.50 Reasonable. 291-3(51 after 5. 114MO »nry. Full Mm* nnly Apply In peno mnhthly. Traile-lna ok. . Klvo rooms of furniture ment available In fabulous riverside TO to Mr. MrtKPi*, CLAYTON k MAGRE, CREDIT DEFT. 25(6553 :a:i2 SURFBOARD — oiln tt'S". Excellent apartment residence. Near shopping 19 Hnuid Bl , UM Bank. INCLUDING: — INDIVIDUALLY-CONTROLLED BOX Z-II6 FRimnAlRE ELECTRIC CLOTHES condition. $80. Call and transportation. To Inspect, call TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machine!. 671-3139. Supt., 741-36&1. THE DAILY REGISTER All mikei new or uied. Guaranteed. DllYEll — Call , HEAT & AIR CONDITIONING, HOT WATER HELP WANTED — MALE Low ai 123. Sorplco'i, 101 MonmouUl 232!W DRUMS-Sllngerland, 4 pieces, cham- KEYPORT — Three rooms, bath. St. Neit to theater. T4MMM. pagne pejirl set with cymbals and Heat, hot water. Decorated. Adults JUST STEPS EDUCATIONAL BOOKS-For children, only. Call 264-3592 after 6 p.m. llko ntnv, I^anda A People, 7 volumea, stool. *145.' Price llrm. 264-2148. " FROM EVERYTHING: MPAINTE^FUrlNITURE (12, Tho Hook of Popular Science, 10 "We repair anything and everything THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment. illumes, 120 671-3817. MACHINE SHOP-NO JOB TOO SMALL Inquire at 35 Collins St., Keans- Fine schools .'• . . Shopping on and next fs property ON OUR 2nd X 3rd FLOORS Rainbow, 175 Broad, 741-7008 burg. PLANT SUPERVISOR SEVEN-PIECE DIN1NCI ROOM SET- . . Buses and trains to Newark and N. Y. Largest itock on the New Jeney Shore conlemporary walnut. Table, four NEW TEAR SPECIALS — Mapto THREE-ROOM MODERN APART- and at 2S% off manut&cturer't list for chairs, luir with glassware and break- chest $14.50. Solid maple full size bed MENT — All utilities. Keyport. 261. caih tnd carry. Also chain filora. (ront. Asking (290. Call 711-0256. 5208. Growing industrial corporation offers a promising 11 ue itop In. 119.50. Bedroom suite $69. Three-piece future for man with the ability to manag* mtn, HAMMOND 9R0AN — Excellent con- living room suite, with custom-made H ROOMS — Business couple. Rea* DIRECTIONS: South on Route 35 to Shrewsbury Ave.; turn RED BANK LUMBER dition. Less than 2 years old. (550. slip covers, $89. T.V. set JIB. 11x15 aonabte rent In Leonardo. Call 291- right onto Shrewsbury Ave. to Barker Ave.; left to Hamll. money and material. 671-3107. Oriental mi $125. Cereal set $12.50. 0317 after 8 p.m. Pearl and Wall. Red Bank T4HS3( Soudolr chair $4.75. 6x9' rug $9 50 tonian ... OR ... West on Newman Springs Rd. te DUXI US us TtLLi' Ubles, ohaj. NURSERY STOCK -~ Small sites Tal- Kitchen set $19.50. Etc. RU8C1L'S, 25 RED BANK—Large. Furnished. Heat, Shrewsbury Ave.j left to Barker Ave.; right to Hamiltonian. Must be a college graduate with 5-10 years Indus- addlni machines, typewriters, off! us Capltata (upright yew). Colorado E. Front St., Red Bank. 741-1693: hot-water Included. Two bedrooms, liv- equipment, ate, at barialn prtoas, N< Blue Spruce. Bluo Atlas Cedar. Shade ing room, dining room. Garage. Cen- 542-5160 trial plant management supervision. or used. AAC DESK OUTLIT. RL 1 and ornamental trees. T. J. McMAHON, OLYETHYLENB ' SHEETING — tr:illy located. Wall-to-wall carpet. 717- OaJjhunt. S31^9«a 142 Lexington Ave., Fair Haven, N. J. 2500 oq. ft. 4 mil., $25. 3440. if you feel you oi> a»ot>e ol meeting tt\t rrqulrtmrntl of on Bat. and Sun., 12-6 p,m. 741-1638 ONB BOY'S' BICYCIJO AND TR1 EAST KEANSBURO — Three modern growth position, pleaie lend your resume to 1968 VAN — Luxury Liner camping CYCLE — Call anytlmt, NATIONAL CASH REGISTER — El- 1 rooms unfurnished. 787-73JS cellent rendition. Reasonably prloed. trailer. 201J long, Self contained. Tan- 787-0652 BOX E-150 Call 741-2338 after t p.m. dem wheels. Complete wllh Rei'se USED T1ANOS AND OltOANS Iror hitch and side mirrors. Call 872-0277. KEANSBURO — Modern two-bedroom EATONTOWN The Daily Register, Red Bank (26, rinnos Imughl, sold, repaired AIRLINE CHORD OIUJAN — Jusl apartment. Automatic heat. Security ovvd. By appointment-Freehold Mui purchased, munt sell, $85. Call INFANTS SNOW SUITS — $4.99, reg. roqulred. Inquire 14 Hancock St. enter, 4C2-473O. 642-3664. $6.99. Men's and boys' 4-buckle artics 14.99, reg. W.W. BILBERBLATTS, RED BANK — Furnished two-bed- SNOW FENCE Highlands. room, four-room apartment. Year's 1 Now In stock-W roll, *14.B5; 100 roll, DINING ROOM SET — Pull size, lease and one month's security. $150 JM.50. W hlBli. table, buMet, six chairs, light wood, monthly Includes .all utilities. WEAHT- $200. Call 741-7899. NEMETH AGENCY. Roallnr, 102 W. RED BANK LUMBER Front St., Red Bank. 741-2240. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Pearl and Wall, Red Bank. 741-S9O0 LIVING ROOM CHAIR — Belgn foam APARTMENT FURNISHED - Ona rubber; also one In old rose, $30 each bedroom. Suitable for couple with one 3 BLACK WROUGHT IRON TABLES. Buffet $6. Hocker $1.50, 74H2J1 93 for set. Squash racket S4. Men's child. Utilities Included. Country at- A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! golf chin and baR $10. 8 mm projec- SNOW TIRES — 950x14, good condi- mosphere. $100. Call 747-0581. Gold Medallion Apartments & Club tor ST.50. 10" girl's bike Hi, Green tion. $23. Call ADULTS ONLY — Three-room unfur- floral printed bedspread 139") and 3 261-S7G1. nished apartment, yearly. $83 a month Tha mpst exclusive garden apartments pair matching oafes $15. Refrigerator TV — Oood condition $50. Includes beat and water. SWEENEY (noetls new door h&ndlei |15. 711-TO49. and'club in the Jersey Short area. Adding Machines — Typewriters. General Contractors Painting and Decorating Call AGENCY, Realtors. Phone day or FOUR-PIECE BOYS maple bedroom 787-4343 night, 842-1492. set, corner grouping, $50. 3 year old A.DDINO UACHIKE8 - Typewriter! CARPENTRY—Remodeling, puellng, THOU AS SLATS SPEEDORAPH1C CAMERA — 2'*x3it, RUMSON — Three and four rooms, On* and two-bedroom apartments from Free Eatunstes clarinet, $40. Ho train and car layout, furnished. All utilities. Reasonable, jold, rented, repaired. Serplco's 101 steps, sidewalks, palloa ReasoubU $50. 21!2-1860. wide angle and normal lenses, six film MonmouUl SI Red Rink, 74TMS5 rates M14». 74T-H3». Patallni and Dtcoratfnf holders, ot« film pack and carrying Half block to bus, shopping. 8)2-2058. Fully Insured 741-1396 'AI.K - Floor model on wheels, case. $150. Call 741-4487. RED , BANK — Three rooms, unfur- WORKINO MAN'S CONTHACTOR--»- portable, platform to 600 lbs. $35. 787- opprox. 1.Z5 Asphalt Paving Alterations Repairs. Masonry. Small Pearl and Bead Rcslringlng ROYAL OFFICE TYPEWRITER-Good nished. Adults. No pets. Call 741-6421 61MI or 512-2277. lobs, loo 591-9711 • condition. $45. Including heat and all utilitits. Experlly oa braided nylon. fl-BO a WK5 KOli SALE — 100% human hair, 747-1052 I3EKERAL ABF'MALT PAVI.NO INC CARPENTRY, cabinetry, Forrnica AVAILABLE JAN, 20 —Four nice strand. Rtrrllnc clasps from 73c. nii'illuin brown color, $40. Call T41- Rlacktnp driveways and parkins lots work and odd Jnba. 22t-234« alter 6 furnished rooms. All utilities excp|»t RKUSSILLES'. 39 Broad Bt., Red SECTIONAL COUCHES (two) 5' • En|oy tha many advantage! ot p.m Free estimates, ^reasonable. electric. 32 Barberle Ave., Highlands. BquIpi>ld h :all for free estimates 222-B26S Oank. each, bumper ends, with center table *» INVENTORTCLEARANCir $100. Call 711-7809. Call 872-1280. modern, safe, dean electric heat Diamonds Bought or Restyled Insulation & Siding Plumbing and Heating 5' OIBEFON 1!HOS. BABY ORAND RKD BANK — All new 314 -room, 501, i>ft nil cultured marble vanity • 21 acres planned for your , • Heat thenrraiiols In EACH ROOM PIANO—Excellent condition. Best olter. unfurnished. Color tile balh, frosth'cs PLUMlilNQ~ floating and bathroom top*, tahlo tops, counter tops, ultimata enloyment. L«t us buy Uie diamonds you don't INSULATION * SIDINO CORP - S6S-144I after 4 p.m. refrigerator, sink and range. Individ- •^provk). YOUR M vear or IM us rt-nyle tliem for yo'i Also windows, roofs, cutters, etc rcmoildllnv January 10 thronprl January 13 ual heating tijermoatats for every personally ReusHlIIn'. 36 Broad SL 10-30 year guarantee. Day or nlfM CORRIGAN'S 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. FTSTO I D ATRU RETSjaKRATOTt nn. Bountiful view of the river, Call • The most exquisite and complite 77i-«107. Arlam Unxmarer B1J53M MAIt-HEl.ON' INI"., Vanderburg and IK Oakland 81., Ked Hank 747-1709 FlUiEZEIl — Rocking horse, playpen 747-3269 between 9 p.m. and 0 p.m. pool and Cabana Club, Including • Public ooll couriH naorby. Av.\. Marlboro. Call 462-7191 tor anil other Items. 204-iO74. only. ^ Draperies, InfiirniRtlnn. true Olympic-lire pool, kiddle Odd Jobs Roofing, Siding & Insulation. .. SHOT GUN — 12 gaiiBe~S)"~barrrl, • Front ond r«r mlrontM. KINO JAMES APARTMENTS — Val- pool, tennis, badminton, shuffle- Upliulslf nntt. llraperlei, OLDEN CO, i INC. It.iullng. sidln|~A rooi, TAnijB"^~An"iir«crVasorles~ior auto ejectors, stiiRlo «t'lectlva trigger, ley Drive, Uoute .16. Atlantic Highlands. C r OmSl dtluM sain. Cull vented rib. $1<3. S12(»2(. board, volley ball and lundeck. New l-'urnltuir. Mt'ilsp-i'ada, clfanrd up. Have truck Kro« eitl- Insulation (nstallrd and guaranteed Three miles from Sandy Hook State *^ond'^.l bathrooms° . "** Park. One - and two - bedroom units. •llpcovers, liodn. Fdani Huhtjcr. imi.1 711 2149 alter 3 p.m. for 10 years. 77V070B 291-OMO. MOVING SALE -- S^T(»~tlJ; r Furnished or unfurnished. Bwlmmlna Custom Or lUady Made 58; rin'l'l'irn mirror 3vjxV, $15; 21" BIDINO — Alsco. Hupnnt Tedlar and WAi,Nirr~\ irraiiiAN"tfoFA — EX- pool and recreation area. Patio or bal- Sea and judge these many tuperior features lor yOUfI,|| Painting and Decorating Alcoa. Work cuaranteed colh'tu conilitloii. Inn. liril frnnios, -slo.l, nilafclliineous. cony, each unit. Rent from $132, In- Goldon Touch Decorators 5 Ollkwnod Lallt1, Hlllllson. 177 Broad Bl . lu-ii ll;ink 7I7-IMI,] ; i aS PROWN'S 7)1-4421 cluding heat and hot water. 2910770. NPI_l_ To New p,,sl Olllcc | wallpapiTlni; Fully Injured Tor free COMBINATION R1CKIUOERATOR -- MATAWAN BOROUGH — 3(i anil 4',t PINE BROOK RD., EATONTOWN atljiiilCr-n. rail 747 3OH ^ 32 Hrosd Rt lli'il Hank 741-7500 KltKIOZKIt -- Ilrjnr anil patio furnl- MERCHANDISE WANTED room ulr conditioned Knnlen apart- Entcrtainnicnt Sewer Clonnlng lure fall 6Tl-217t after 6 p.m. ments from $110 mo. met rent) for DIRECTIONS: Take Parkway Spur west frOftl Ea IIIIMKKT B I'AIIWKI.I. February or Mart-h occupancy. 1'rlvnte lonlown n , I' •.,: * |i,-.,:.,nnj KONTOK1A fKYK'l'AL — AliU'Hran —Wants oltfToyTralns, Rood (last rood before Porkwoy «,tronc,r m icktus avmlaijlf [or latest m<,a JAI:K'8 SKWKK i'l.HANi.Nn - with awlm club. MARC HAMPTON AI'TS., F'nt l-r., l:-.:lii]»t.-« c»U dlJlldJ pnttiTii. At half jtcvk price, fall :33- iny condition. Pay cash or wilt trade: Diode to Plna Brook Rood. Turn floht to modtl. *ay shows alul Staler Bj.orti fcvrnt Klfcttlo irwrr K,u»tpr. clfaru all I5.V1, 5 t'> « p.m. MO., im, 0, standard «iuje, 7T4-3T1O. Malnwan Ave., between Havlnn Dr. •j M'Himoiilli SI . JtM ll»nk PAI'.tr.'l A t»K<'O!:ATIN'(*«) 31" ANPIIKA CONSOLS — $5". Call "ANffgUKS -~ rarntlnKi1~N-J- AtlVk, altrr 6 p 111. K-itatei purchau'd ami tppralncd. 747- NBW 8II(lEVVsni;TiY~-*Three rooms Kxfrminiilir-r nnd lorm'lrs nnd l«th. Unfurnished. All ulllltles. Milri.l ^1.' V.f 1 or 711-i;4 o Window Cleaning 711 tills •JiHU. Thfl Ihiriion Shop, Inc., ail Hroa>t St. Shrcwfllmry. Tall bijtween 7 flnit 9 p.m. 542-1821. Ownar: GlnvEoton, inc. ItI-:rJ IIAVI; TK;;MITK (•".•.'TIIMI. I'AINTINf! 1'AI'KH IIANIMNU I'l.Aa AAA WINIIUW I't.KANINO ANTIQ1-1C MIHIKCARK — Iyatl gl»ii!< - :.,•••;. IM,- ,-, .•,.,., Ilii-Mi' : M1DPLKTOWN — 3!vroom apartment. TKK KKI'AII'.B I'-.^nii fu and up COUU£HCUI. AMI INUUaiRlAL ditnr JW Osk hiilfot $to. China t-abl- olfD picture frames, all HTZPB; ylisi- by ». Hakmioo l comoony, ,nt m' ;.if rcsiilrnlUI J4I - t. , ..ii.s.n work -Aim\l 117-5541 f nt«t $15 117 Msln St., l'ort Monmoulh w.O'. oil Itraps, PIC. 7ST-2H3fl or write All utilities Inrliiillng hftat. $110 per 7872SM. 117 Main BL, Port Monmoulh. month. Call BU-4377. HOUSES FOR SALE \ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE THE DAILY REGISTER Friday, January 12, 1'968—I9 BEACH EXCLUSIVES ~ ' HEDGEFIELD HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE OAK HILL THE BERG AGENCY OPEN FOR INSPECTION THE ROLLS ROYCE OF HOUSING REALTORS Model 4 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 1 to 5 p.m IN COLTS NECK $15,300 Saturday and Sunday OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION INSPECT and COMPARE F.H.A. Appraised RIVERFIELDS AT RUMSON SUNDAY, JANUARY 14th - NOON to 4 P.M. INCLUDING ... Quick Occupancy Tuxedo Rd. (Off Rumson Rd.) 'revious deal fell through. Can close within 30 days. Three large Rumson #17 Townsend Drive — 3 Bedroom Ranch „ ; $47900 • KITCHEN AID DISHWASHER jedrooms. Spacious living room and kitchen. Two full baittu. • fi. E. SELF CLEANING OVEN Lconomical oil heat. Full, dry basement. Attached garage. Many #58 Mallard Road — 5 Bedroom 2-Story _.. $41,500 - STERLING THOMPSON • AMERICAN OI.EAN TILE ultras. rETS NO DOWN NON VETS $500 DOWN & ASSOC., INC. #2 Mallard Road — 4 Bedroom Ranch $37,500 • SELECT OAK FLOORS Realtor #60 Mallard Road — 3 Bedroom Ranch $36 900 • AMERICAN STANDARD CLIMATE CONTROL HEAT $20,900 747-0900 • STEEL GIRDERS Gorgeous Split Level After very careful consideration we have arranged for your • 6" INSULATION HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE inspection of these architecturally designsd, truly "Custom Built" Attached Garage St. Leo's Parish — Convenient To Ltncroft-Eatontown Area. Homes that feature 3 to 5 bedwoms. fireplaces, Ml dining rooms, 'ou can look for years, but you will never find a better buy. "FLOWER POWER" HOLM DEL 2 or more baths, appliances including dishwasher, full basement •"our twin size bedrooms, dining area, large living room and thlf-spflng will enhance the setting of New "Four4>edroom Colonial" offering 2-car garage magnificent grounds. Excellent financing and two Directions: Corner Rt. 537 and Swimming River Rd., west to kitchen. 26' recreation room. 1J4 baths. Many, many extras. your well kept four or five-bedroom Immediate occupancy. Two baths. Pow- Lakeside Ave. Colonial split, just waiting for the right der room. Den with fireplace, base* are anmediately^available. Parkway exit #114 left on Red Hill Immediate possession at closingclosing. family to enjoy Its many exceptional ment, porch, two-car garage. Onentcre. Road to Bamm Hollow Road in OAK HILL. Middletown N J "'ETS NO DOWN NON VETS $1200 DOWN feature*, plus Its convenient location Outstanding architectural atylmg. t36,> PHONE P. T. LAHIFF (or everything. Phone for extra. Info -' 900. Daily 9-9 Saturday and Sunday 10-7 917,900. iliddletown "VILLAGE AREA" BEACH AGENCY 671-1000 Four-bedroom raised ranch on nearly 946-4828 PAUL P. BOVA an acre near stores, schools, and BROKER transportation. Only three years old. 194 Route 35 Middletown, N. J. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Realtor - Insuror Taxes under $600. $30,900. Open 7 days 842-2626 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Eves: 531-4768 38 Cherry Tree Farm Rd. " COLTS NECK RUMSON-PRIME RUSTIC RESI- INCROFT — Three bedroom New Monmouth ''Well Built" three-bedroom ranch situ- DENTIAL LOCALE — Spacious ;plit with 12x24 recreation room, ated on over an acre In the center of FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS REDDEN AGENCY FHA HOMES FOR SALE the countryside. Two "bath*. Den, fire- •anchr' Living room;- den, dining leautiful trees and secluded rear 671-2544 place, basement, two-car garage. Hard FHA Properties ara offered for salt •oom, electric kitchen, three bed- to find. Asking $36,500. BED BANK—Furnished ronms, on first SINGLE ROOMS — Clean, comfortable, qualified purchasers without regard t< ard with pool. Offered at $21,900. Leave The Financing To Us and second floors. Private entrance reasonable. Gentleman preferred. 92 741-9100 the prospootlve purchaser's race, colo: •ooms, two baths, full basement. Trade Your House In Sitting room and kitchen privileges. On Wallace St., 741-5392. daraee. creed, or national origin. Hot water baseboard oil heat. Open 7 Daya JOSEPH S. LANG . Maplo Are., Vi block (rom Monmouth Member Multiple Listing Main St Holmdel 940-423T St. Women only. Inquire 43 Peters PI RED BANK — Convenient location. •Realtors - Insurors Large open porch. Attached two- WEART-NEMETH "The Village Realtor" Furnished room In private borne with Following homes are repairs car garage. Plot over l-V. acres. FAIR HAVEN — Top location. Con- COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM kitchen privileges. Woman only. Call Member of Red Bank and bear 6-month FHA struc AGENCY verted barn, perfect for couple. Beamed —Employed refined gentleman only. 747-5397. Multiple Listing $52,000. celling In living room, attractive kitch- TWO-STORY COLONIAL In wooded Convenient location. Reasonable. 787- tural warranty. RUMSON-DESIRABLE SETTLED en with dining area, two bedrooms up 6771. SINGLE CLEAN ROOM — Within _ REALTOR and one bath. All new plumbing. Re- area. Top notch location In Fair Haven. block of Broad St., Red Bank. Call COUNTRY LIVING — New five- AREA — Large ranch. Fireplaces cently renovated. Fenced-In rear yard FOR BUSINESS or retired woman de- 747-2883. bedroom Colonial in historic Colts with extra building, could be studio Living room* dining room, kitchen. •Irlng private room In pleasant home Long as 30 years to pay. in living room and basement. 102 WEST FRONT ST. or office. Taxes *342. Asking JIB,000. surroundings. Kitchen privileges. 17 DESIRABLE ROOM — Nest to bath. Neck. Flagstone foyer, large liv- FHA will pay reasonable am Dining room, kitchen, den, three Screened porch. Den. Three bedrooms, Branch Ave. 741-7354. No other roomers. Business or retired ing room, sunny dining room. bedrooms, one bath, full base- FAIR HAVEN WATERFRONT — Oldei m>an. Good neighborhood. Convenient customary financing a n < 741-2240 home on Naveslnk River. Beaut If u ltt baths. RetJLfgcally priced at «3V RED BANK — Furnished room with to everything. Reference. 741-6931. Large kitchen with brunch bar ment. Hot water gas fired heat. view. High grounds, property 71x316', own private kitchen. Nice section of and eating area. 2'/2 baths. Pan- closing costs. Attached oversized two-car ga Member of Red Bank 49' bulkhead and dock. Deep water. 1500. town and close to shopping and trans- eled den with fireplace, beamed Living room with fireplace, full dining portation. Call after 6 p.m. for ap- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33J-O39518 28 Bralnard Ave., Port Moi rage. Ample grounds. $38,500. Multiple Listing Service room, heated porch overlooking the; pointment, 264-5176. ceiling and pegged floor. One mouth. M00 Down—$8,800. RUMSON — Convenient wooded river. Five bedrooms, 2H baths. Near The Dowstra Agency CLEAN MODERN ROOMS — Maid HOUSES FOR SALE acre plot. $45,300. )&# 205 Cleveland Ave., LfU] vicinity. Compact Cape Cod in transportation and schools. Asking $42,« service, color TV. ?35. per week rence Harbor. 1300 Down— PROFESSIONAL MAN — Excellent lo- 600. HOLLY HILL MOTEL, Rt. 30, West M.350. splendid condition. Living room 91 East Front St., Red Bank- Keansburg. 787-6776. BREEZY POINT NEW LISTING — Three-hedroom 532-068873 5 Gulden St., ClUfwooi has a fireplace. Dining room, at Little Silver home in Little Silver. Living Beach. $300 Down—»10,9O0. :atltm In LltUt Silver. Living room, THE LOW AGENCY, Realtor MVELY ROOM — Nicely furnished 352-040906 70S Shell PI., Neptune. *» Wtdien. Three bedrooms, two 636 River Rd. Filr Hiven 7414700 Private entrance. Close to town 17 E room, dining room, kitchen, den, Down—*15,5OO. baths. Full basement with game- dining room. Kitchen. Recreation room. NEW HOMES 352-021MS Sliadynook SL & Cllltwooi Bergen PI., Red Bank. 842-3756. . . . custom built colonials . . • baths. Space for fourth bed- room. Hot air oil heat. Attached| Two baths. Two bedrooms plus proles- Ave., Matawan Twp. S4J RUMSON LINOROST RANCH — In finest neigh- JtEWLY DECORATED ROOMS — Now "Finely Appointed Detain" room and bath. This won't last. Eown-»13,960. one-car garage. Sufficient plot. borhood. Living room with fireplace, Teady for dccuparicy. Conveniently lo- $26,900. H1J 403 Atkins Ave., Neptuni •tonal office* or lour bedrooms. I3T.900. dining room, kitchen, ttirea bedrooms, cated In Red Bank. Parking. Gentle- from (42,900 $29,500. DUTCH COLONIAL |150 Down—$14,950. A perfect home for the family that 1H baths, paneled famoroom, base- men preferred. 41 Riverside Ave. 332-027023 121 Center Ave., Ulddl ment, double garage, A-l condition. LOCATED AT SILVBRaiDB AVB. TREES, TREES! New Shrews- likes elbow room. This comfortable old- EFFICIENCY ROOM AND BEDROOM town. $350 Down—$10,600. The Dowstra Agency er homo has a- large living room with J31M0 (Near 7 Bridge FU1.) 352-W935T US Sprlngd&le Ave., Ne DENNIS K. BYRNE — Reasonable rates. 291-0599. 14 J5. Little Silver bury Colonial bi level in A-l con- fireplace. Large dining room, den, four Highland Ave., Atlantic Highlands. 711-1200 dition. Four bedrooms; fireplace Shrewsbury. $300 Dowi REALTOR-INSUROR . .1H„ baths-».—...... Front. -..*and. rea.-»..r. MODERN REDD BANANK HOMB — Three . $10,000. 91 East Front St., Red Bank porches and & basementb . RReasonable.P?^™^bddrooms 1118,' lilivini g room, dinini g room, in family room, 2>4 baths, porch. 35-188863 255 Duchess Ave., XMI West River Road Rumson taxes. A new heating system and roof. tchen, den, basement, garage. A-l HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Excellent schools. $34,800. Keansburg. $6,300-A!I Cash Phone 842-1150 City sewers. The kid a can walk to th« ondlUon. 123,000. A« Is. 741-8700 beach and the bus line. Ask Inn $35,600. MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING Call right away. LJVE IN TOWN — Remodeled Complete listings may be obtained fron CHANCK AGENCY older home in Red Bank. Entrance1 Federal Housint Administration, 1 LINCROFT HALL BROS., Realtors Commerce Court, Newark, New Jerse; RUMSON 813 River Rd. 741-76,66 Fair Haven Realfor hall. Pleasant living room, dining 07102. Telephone No. 645-3466. Charmlnjr rancher snuggled beneath HILLTOP ACRES Member Multiple Listing Service Unin PI. .Red Bank room, modern kitchen, den. Three tall treei and surrounded by ever' Exciting new listing offered for your! Open 7 Day« 7(7-0397 Evenings 747-4088 bedrooms,_ 1% baths, basement. BUYERS OPPORTUNITY green oh rubs. Ideal for the young Inspection. St. Leo's parish. Walk to family or retired couple. Living room NYC buses. Five minutes to Bell Labs, PRICED BELOW FHA APPRAISAL BEACH EXCLUSIVE Sewers. Four-car garage. Re- Almost an acre of landscaped land _ with fireplace, dining room, kitchen Living room with firep.aoe. Dining Large landscaped lot completely fenced duced to $23,900. lovely residential area of Middletown with electric range. Two bedrooms, "oom, three bedrooms, 1H baths. Game- In, Three bedrooms. Wall-to-wall carpet- REPOSSESSION Attractive split level home. Center har screened porch. Basement. Attached room In heated basement. Double ga- ing In living room and dining room. living room, dining room, modern kite] garage. May be expanded. Tip top rage. Quality construction throughout Fireplace, Modern kitchen with dish- 3noe In a lifetime opportunity. Five- Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. en. Ihree bedrooms, 2tt batiis, famr area. Asking $27,000. Call now. All hi excellent condition. Asking $31,- washer. Tiled bath. Waaher and dryer. old ranch. Redecorated and avall- room, gameroom, attached garag 900. Call for Inspection. 16x16 swimming pool. Outdoor gas grill. fr. One-car garage. JH.2OO, only $400 Corner Bergen PI. 16x18 porch. Asking $31,000. HALL BROS., Realtors Attached garage. City sewers. Being lown. Vets no money down. HALL BROS., Realtors sacrificed at $17,800. veterans no down, RUSSELL M. BORUS 813 River Rd. 741-7686 Fair Haven WE TAKE PRIDE IN OUR LISTINGS RED BANK Member Multiple Dating Service 813 River Rd. 741-7688 Talr Haven FHA $800 down. Payment* approxi- BEACH AGENCY Open 7 Daya Member Multiple Listing Service mately $140 per month. REALTORS Open 7 Days BROKER CUSTOM BUILT • QUALITY AND VALUE Evenings and Sundays 600 River Rd., Fair Haven THE KIRWAN CO. 74T-45M NEW HOMES ATLANTIC HIQHLANJD3-WATER VIEW Ke<ors .94 Highway 39 Middletown, N. J. ©RACIOUS COLONIAL — Beautiful three-bedroom ranch. 1H Airport Plaza Hazlet 2M-T100 842-262« or 671-2727 741-7480 Finely appointed by custom bulWrt baths. Finished basement with den and "Scn4 lor our Home Buyers Photo Evenlnrs 631-47M Truly a luxury home. Living room, formal din- RED BANK bar. Hot -water baseboard heat. Lot All payments are approximate and auto, with exceptional floor plans and dis- Oulde. Pious Indicate pries range lect to FHA-VA approval. ing room, gourmet kitchen, fir»plac*-d*n, TOWNHOUSE tinctive touches. Pour and five-bed- 100x129. Mint condition. $M,800. and location of interest." roo-m co'.onlal-Btyled homes, In a pic- family room, four bedrooms, 2'/: bathi and LITTLE SILVER Comfortable four-bedroom home. Lar living room with fireplace. Formal d! turesque area of Middletown. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Three bed- LINCROFT two-car garage. $57,500. New colonial. Three bedroom*, standing value at $-11,900. rooma. Fireplace In living room. Large SPACIOUS CAPE COD — Living room, Quality of custom built construction batlu, basement. One-oar garage and Ing room. Kitchen with laundry arei dining room and kitchen. Ideal location family room. Built to order. $29,500, Two baths. Full basement. City sewei featured In this brl0. RED BANK COULDN'T BE NICER terms available. $38,000. THE Mc- Four bedrooms. Large living: room wll Very neat -Mlddletovrn Cape. Four bed- GOWAJ* AGENCT, Bealtors, 258 New- fireplace. Dining room, Ktehen, tw< rooms. Enclosed porch. Full basement man Spring* Rd., Red Bank. 747-3000. baths, full basement, very convenient Newly painted exterior. Move-In condl- 91 Eajf Front St., Red Ban location. $16,900. Call 741-3500 today. tloa Only $23,500. 741-8700 " KEYPORT FABULOUS VIEW! THE CURTIN AGENCY NO DOWN Located on water side of Ocean Blvd., AtUntio Highlands, Realtors A. FRED MAFFEO AGENCY pplebrook Agency S00 Shrewsbury Ave., New Shrewsbury NO CLOSING COSTS this three-bedroom, ont-bath horns. Larg* L thapad porch REALTOR Convenient to everything. Three bed- 112 Ave. of Two Riven RUMSON 741-3500 EDNA M. NETTER rooms, living room, dining room and with vieW. Won't last long. Call to ••»! 569 River Rd. Fair Haven Realtors FARM8—HOMES—INDUSTRIAL flTE kitchen. Basement Quiet street. Full 842-2900 CUSTOM BUILT 741-9333 HOLMDEL-COLTS NICK irica {10,990. Call 066-1381 now. Home ottering featurei hard to duplicate MARLBORO-FREEHOLD ABBA* VAN'S AGENCY, REALTOR today. SO* living room with fields tour Dutch Lan« Rd., RD 1, Marlboro YEAR ROUND RETREAT! RUMSON P. O. Box bs, Freehold Hwy. 34 and Main St, Matiwan fireplace, 15x19 family kitchen. Foui Ranch In quiet residential seotlon, 160* Subject to government approval. Corner lot 43x203x98 'in woodsy lection of Atlantic bedrooms, three full baths, Eecreatloi frontage. Cathedral ceilings, Thermo- 462-4151 room with fireplace, full basement pane window walls overlooking numer- HORSE COUNTRY Highlands on Scenic Blvd. worth the asking price. We'll throw Rot-water heat City sewers. First tlm< oua trees and shrubs, Woodburnlng Evenlnii EM-91M offered. Financing arranged. $26,500. in the house for a bonus. Immaculate condition, heated for fireplace In living room and dining ACREAGE The McQOWAN AGENCY, Realtors, 258 room, spacious three bed rooms. Ask- MEDITERRANEAN n one of the prettiest notion* of year round living. Detached one-ear garage with tool shed. Newman Springs Rd., Red BanK. 747- ing $57,930. PAUL BRAGAR AGENCY, With beautiful view across bay and Oolti Neck. 12 beautiful acres with 3000. Realtor. Shrewsbury. 747-0231. ocean. Three bedrooms and bath. Din. paddock, pasture, 20-stalt bam, care- DO IT YOURSELF Marvelous buy. Call now! In; room and kitchen. This house needs :aker'a cottage and maid's quart>. -i, OAK HILL TlCTORIAN TOWNHOUSE" a few repairs, but 1* In a neighborhood plus » beautiful Colonial bom* with with $38,000 homes around It. A little four bedrooms. In excellent condition. Call our office for financing details en how you can buyl Colonial home with four bedrooms, Four big bedrooms, large living room, Imagination and some elbow grease Very beautiful and unusual offering at may work, but it's usually b^ttia. Living room with fireplace, largi den, large dining room, big country could make a real beauty out of this. MO.000. McAUSTffiR AGEITOY. RMl- country kitchen, dining room and den, style kitchen, full basement. New heat- Only HfcWO. McAMSTER AGENCY, tors, 1O9B. HlverHd., Ilumson. MJ-18W. Full basement and two-car garage. In- Ing. Garage. On lovely tree lined street Realtors, 109 S. River Rd., Rumson. costly, ground xwlmmlng pool. All In lm< $16,600. McALISTER AGENCY,' Real- M2-18M. mfccutato condltioa Immediate occu< tors, 109 a. River Rd., Rumson, M2-1BM. NEW LISTING very time consuming, pancy. Asking $41,500. Call anytime. Immaculate four-bedroom 'home. Liv- ouinev 747-5600. STERLING THOMPSON THREE ACRES LINCROFT ing room, family kitchen, Florida room, and most often, ASSOC, Realtors, Middletown. Three-bedroom ranch on W aore In full basement, attached garage. Excel- forCuidtnce i Science kitchen, den. Fancied family charming area. Living room with fire* lent location. Assume S 14*76 mortgage. disappointing. SAVE fruitless nours of searching b: room. Five bedrooms. 3H baths. place, dining roam, kitchen and pine- St James Parish. First time offered. sending lor our free comprehensive Screened porch. Many extras. Excel- paneled gameroom. Heated baaement. Call now, $23,500. THE M*GOWAN REALTORS 'f catalog; modest homes; palatial Rum- lent condition. $59,900. CROWKLL Also patio and two-car garage. Asking AGENCY, Realtors, 256 Newman Springs son estates, waterfronts, farms. Mut AQEKCY, 741-4030. eves: 741-3666. 531.W0. Call anytime. 747-5600. STER- Rd., Red BanK. 747-3000. WHEN YOU'RE BUYING MEMBER OF TWO MULTIPLE LISTINGS Uple Listings. NEPTUNE — Four-bedroom Colonial. LING THOMPSON ft ASSOC., Realtors, Pining room. Kitchen - family room. Middletown. FAIR HAVEN CAPE COD S00 HWY. 36 872-0001 HIGHLANDS RAY STILLMAN, Realtor Heated playroom in basement Carpet. OR SELLING "Our tSUi Year" Dishwasher. Hot water heat. Near STRATHMORE RESALES Living room with fireplace, eat-In kitch- New open 7 days a week 'til S P.M. MS HwT. U BhraWibtiry 741-8600 Parkway. Outstanding value at $21,S00. en with laundry (wasfiar and dryec in- Principals only.' 776-3480. Ranches. Capes, Colonials it&rting In cluded), four bedrooms, Attached ga* REAL ESTATE ONLY during wlitw months. the low 20*0. Our office located In tha rage. Fenced yard for privacy. Excel- HOUSES FOR SALE WATERFRONT DEEP WATER LIT- heart of Strathmore, on Hwy. 34 Call lent financing for qualified buyer, Ask- TLE 8ILVEB COLONIAL — A home ui whether selling or buying. 7 days, ing $10,500. STERLING THOMPSON A offering pleasant living and enjoyment 21 hr. service. Call 666-7600 anytlmt. ASSOC, Inc., Realtors, i5 W. River select a REALTOR to everyone In the family. Living room APPLEBROOK OP MATAWAN, Real- ton. Rd., Rumson. 747-0900. 17x29. Family room, two fireplaces, TWO-BEDROOM OLDER HOUSE — modern kitchen. Den. Five bedrooms, Non-development. $14,900. and 2(4 bathB. Excellent location $80,000. ACREAGE PLUS _ 671-01*6. LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING 45 partially wooded acres In the heart Realtor 747-4121 of horse and /arm country. Includes HOLMDEL-Telegraph Hill, 2H ye*r INVEST IN THE BEST Willow Dr. & Parker Ave. Little Silver small house and barn, but price Is old bl-level on beautiful treed one*&cr* MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBER only a fraction under $1,600 per acre. lot. Three' bedrooms with future fourth Exceptional at- $63,000. McALISTER or guest room. 2V% baths. Living in experience HUMSON — Spacious brick and frame AGENCY, Kealtora, 109 E. River Rd.r and dining room with cathedral ceil- 11-room Colonial, on natural tree Rum ion. S42-18M. ings. Large kitchen and paneled fam- shaded acre and a half plot. View .of ily room. Two-car garage. $35,900. Call river. Five twin size bedrooms, three PORTAUPECK — Five-room modern- REALTORS - INSURORS — APPRAISERS ized bungalow. Excellent location, well 264-0635. ; and In RED BANK AREA tiled baths. Large eat-In kitchen. Sep- x SHREWSBURY OFFICE arate family dining room. Bay window landscaped h acre lot. Taxes under BIG SQUEEZE? Spread out In thl* in living room with raised hearth flre- £500. Low $20,000. family size split level on 150x200 plot, plaoo, 23' paneled library or den. Sep- JLAWRENCE J. SCHILLING Four bedrooms, three baths. 15x25 pan- arate 22' ctilldron's playroom plus REALTOR 7H7-4121 eled recreation room. Attractive living SURROUNDED BY SYCAMORES maid's room and bath and many other Willow Dr. & Parker Avs. Little "silver room, separate dining room and mod* fine features loft for your surprise. LITTLE SILVER — Immaculate sev- ern kitchen, plus rear screened porch, Attractive 3 bedroom, 2 Vi bath Ranch. Family room, 2 ear garaga, full bailment; excellent Offered at *68,500. E.A. ARMSTRONG basement and two-car garage. Hot wat- en-room brick and frame home on er baseboard heat. B«lieve It or not location. Call ui todayl Asking $39,900. AGENCY, Realtor, 655 Prospect Ave. wide, deep, tree shaded lot. Three Llttlo Sliver. 741-4500. bod rooms, IM baths. Separate dining only $28,900. Dial now for appointment. MULTIPLE room., Space for additional bedroom E.A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY/, Realtor, FOUR ACRES — Restored farmhouse. and bath. Transferred owner asking 055 Prospect LAIVO., Little Silver. 741- LOVELY TREE'D LOT! ', , Ideal for couple. Colts Neck. Beauti- $26,900. Call today, tomorrow may be 4500. ful woods for strolling or hunting. too latr E.A. ARMSTRONG AGEN- Seti off thii 3 bedroom, I Vi bath home. Den, formal dining room, and eat-in kitchen. Quick HAROLD LINDEMAWN, Broker, Eaton- E. ARMSTRONG A E MATAWAN — Three-bedroora homt. CY"CY", RealtorRlt , 555 ProspecP t Ave., occupancy. Owner transferred and atking only $26,900. town. B42-11O3. Little Largo living room with fL Silver. 741-4500. maI room, eat-In kitchen. Full ATTRACTIVE MIDDLETOWN RANCH IIOLMDE.L — Almost new ranch. 25" _ _ Located in — Conveniently located on spacious family kitchen. Four bedrooma. 2Vj section of Mat a wan. Principals "HOLMDEL HONEY! plot, landscaped with trees, flowering mly. Call 666-6911^ shruba, split rail fence. Two bedrooma. baths. Basement. Central air condition- ILLMENSEE Four bedroomi, 2'/i bathi, central air-conditioning, full basement. Kitchen-family room com- Paneled den or third bedroom, l1^ ing. 2-car Barnge. $40,900. CHOWELL ELBERON — Four-bedroom Cape Cod. bination. Sound good? Call ui today and Inspect my other fine features. Asking $40,900. baths. Modern kitchen with dlnl/ljj ,AGENCY, 741-4030. Eves; 741-3656. Large kitchen, knotty pine dining are*, area. Baseboard hot water heat. Car- LONG BRANCH — Just ono left. Capo wall-to-wall carpeting. $ 13,000. Call 222- AGENCY port. J16.90O. THOMPSON AGENCY, Cod. Four bedrooma, two bathn. $24, 2057. 661 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY, N. J. Realtors, 81 E. Front St., Red Bank. 000 Includes central air conditioning., BELFORD—Oldor home. Five rooms "U-0700. fireplace. 387 Atlantic Ave. Phone 222- 0292. and bath, G.I. mortgage may ba as- RT.34 462-3172 COLTS NECK Open 7 Days 741.5212 Trade-Ins AIR HAVEJN. OOOP RETIREMENT turned. Call 842-4176 after 5 p.m. 'o-bedroom home. Modernized kltch- NEW SHREWSBURY. Four-bedroom, two-bath Colonial home on three acreSiJ .IIDDLETOWN — Three-bedroom ranch Two batr(3. Attached garaKe. Low 1 Two-car garage, enclosed patio, full cel- Oldest Real Estate Firm in Coifs Neck s and heating costn. $17,750. Formal dining room. Den. Library/ lar. Situated on large double lot $22 • LAWRENCE J, SCHILLING Powder room. Attached two-car garage. 500 or assume my 5% mortgage with ;EALTOR 747-4121 Woll planned gardens with abundant $7000. By owner. 741-3600 (or appoint- 'Illow Dr. & Parker Ave. Little Silver trees. Asking $63,500. ment. Whan buying or telling in Colts Neck — For quick remits LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING AROE COLONIAL — On knoll. Im- REALTOR 747-4121 NEW MONMOUTH — Mortgage avail- call till Realtor who knows the area. laculate. 2^ baths. City water. Hanrly Willow Dr. A Parker Avo. Little Silver ible. Four - bedroom spilt. 1*4 baths, > station, ocean and Parkway. 4 7/10 living room, dining room, eat-In kitch- cres, (28,500. Alao other unusual prop- SIX YEAR OLD — Custom built Mid- en, recroatlon room. Tree-shaded patio. ties and estates. HAROLD LINDE- dletown four-bedroom split. Two baths, Short walk to shopping; schools, buses. COLTS NECK — Excellent Value ANN, Broker, Eatontown. 5I2-J103. den, living room, dining room, two Asking $22,600. 871-2359. Brick and cedar 2-bedroom ranch, like new, kitchens, garage. Situated on % aero $36,500 treed lot, bord firing woods. Choice INCOME PROPERTY — KEANSBURO I acre lot 'HOUSES FOR SALE neighborhood. $28,000. Principals only. Two modern attached ranch homes. Call 741-3759. Neat and clean. One three-bedroom COLTS NECK —Clover'Hill Area REALTORS - INSURORS — APPRAISERS and one, one-bedroom. Oversized ga- ...$41,500 UKD BANK." TWO FAMILY RESI- •ape. Immediate occupancy in three- 4 bedroomi, 2 Vi baths, fireplace in den DENCE, near High School. Six rooms, MIDDLETOWN OFFICF LITTLE SILVER bath, one Hide; flvo rooms, bath, slrio icilroom ranch. Many extras. $22,900. UPPER FREEHOLD TWP. — Monmouth Count/ now vacant. I£nslly converted to one- 5"nr appointment call 787-3733 between ..$79,500 FIVE BEDROOMS ed t ne 8-12 a.m. 102 aero farm with buildings. Beautiful country . LARGE RANCH Hug* rancfi nomc with sweeping familfl y six-bedroomibd , two-batth comfort- lines on a well planted acre. Easy ahlo home. ~: .. Wall-to-wall car„,..- LONG BRANCH Centrally located COLTS NECK — Ranch Like New Immaculately koptl 3 Bedrooms with full recreation room and basement. Children's delight potlng. You'll appreciatte Its good val- two-story older houae. Five bedrooms, maintenance. Center ball layout. 10 Wt baths, Large kitchen and laundry. 3 bodrooms, 2 Vi bathi. Clovorhill area ...$43,000 for inclement weather. Workshop for Dad. Modern, finger-tip control^ kitchen for Mother. years young.' Living room wllii fire- ue at 122,900. LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING Must bo seen to bo appreciated. By City sowers. Many extrail Asking $17,990. Call Nowl 671-3311. place. Formal dlnlna room. Largo appointment only. 220-4213. COLTS NECK — Small 2-Story oot-ln kllchcn ad joins family room MS ALTO K 747-4121 Willow Dr. & Parker tAve. Little S.Ivor EIGHT-ROOM HPLIT — Brick front. 3 bodroomi, I bath. Completely roitored inside will) beamed cellimjs. 2Vi battis. Al- ....$16,900 ATTRACTIVE SPLIT LEVEL tacihod oarages. Enclosed por;<). oT^lTTwir^nVAYaiDB — "Well Fenced yard, Pool and other extras. and out i Loads of storweje spare. Two polios. maintained split level. Three bPd- Principal!) only. 56 Anapolln Dr., Haz- This homo sits on a lovely landscaped lot. It features 3 bedrooms, den, large living room, A new listing for your Immedfato room.1!, l'/j batha, dlnins room, eat-In let. 204-2.122. CREAM RIDGE — Upper Freehold Twp. kitchon and family room. Walking distance to schools, churches and transportation. Im- ....$75,000 InspecNon. Asking 141,500. Call today. kitchen, recreation room, Jnlou.iifid A~HOME "OF QUALITY '— Not Just 50-acre hone farm. 38 italli, '/i milo frock modiato possessTon. Asking (19,500. Call Now — 671-3311. porch, full basement and attached g.a* an every day "run of the mill" house, rage. Located In a pleasant neighbor- but one with character and appeal.... COLTS NECK — Farm Houio • hood convenient to Parkway, schools seven room ft, two fireplace;), 2Vj baths. ....$20,000' and shopping on a tree shaded land- A wooded hillside ReiU'iR In ono of 5 bedrodmt, I bafh, ovor 4 ocroi JUST LIKE NEW! ucmpi'd lot. Priced for quick iiale and Rumson'fl finest neighborhoods. Ownor Colonial — 2 year old homo situated on a boautiful half-acre lot in one of our most prime occupancy at (27,500. Principals only. transferred, asking SVT.OOO. WILLIAM COLTS NECK — Just Roducod areas. This homey atmosphere consists of 4 bedrooms, 2 'A baths, don, full basement, and 2 Call 774^913 H. JTINTKLMANN I Finn), 23 Ridge Cottage and large 2-itory iholl, interior dudding Rd., Kums'in. Rf2-0"00. Member of the ....$23,500 car garago. All this luxurious living for only $29,0001 Call Now — 671-3311. - High on a knoll, Multiplo LlrttlnR Service. only, 3 %h acres , REALTORS bountifully landscaped sovon-ronm up lit lovel with 2>,i batiis. Near nctmulii. COLTS NECK — New Lilting 2068 HWY. 35 MIDDLETOWN, N. J. 813 Rlvor Rd. 741-7606 Fair Haven ....$40,000 Quiet neighborhood. A.'tklnK $3l,(Hio. (More Classified Ads 3 bedroom farmhouse with 10 acres Member Multiple Listing Service Hurry lo BOB. ROLSTON WATER. Opon 7 Days 671-3311 Trade-ins OPEN 7 DAYS HURY, HenUnr. 16 W. Front St., Red Bank- 747-3500. On The Next Pago) 3B0—Pridav. January 12. \'H»,, NOTICE -E6AL NOTICE Crash THE DA1LV HhGll-rKH | A*ks Utilities xfmem Kennedy Enters GOP's Race ;r.**-f. mfci* f. i-r>« Unyoi •j-.'J />jyr(.;| FiAlr* If bmtrtir ti"t" Uul tr,« ao *v«t of the *tett0B' " LEGAL NOTTCE- ,-,r I),* #• j....*f. of Yjt>.uv\i\u* (/, (.rer,i nu«J mutant of VM ir.m,L»ri of tht last I'Ff If. WIL.XJKB, JW . 77* 6ti J.»jiii!n Hoytp, for premise* lo- twld »i the rioipKrl office, Plus. Of. steep, ice-covered walls ot ,l 6S* ".', f-»rr Avpnue, Keana- l>.# Bulldtn», Airport Shoppln( Center, yumcK bur*. New Jprpcy, the Plenary Ketal! Houte J8, hazl^t, N. j., on Thursday. For Nomination for Congress the gully. .- MOXMOCTH COtNTV Conjiuniplirin Licpnap Nn. :i2 heretofore January 25. 196S at 8:00 P.M. Of Regulation the injured were « RROaVTK'S COIKT li>5Upd to' SMEKHAN'S DUBLIN J DONALD MILLER, Secretary Many of NoUcv lo Creditors to Prnnt HOUSE, INC. T. A Sheelisn'a Dublin BaVBhore Community Hospital BELMAR — Brian T. Kenned dllng of the Vietnam war, taxes, .and tired solutions to our pVob- Claim* ArftlnM KMafr House, rnr - prnnisrn locale) at S9 Jan. 12 | TRENTON (AP) — New Jer- ESTATE OF ELEANOR . I.AWTOX. Cfirr Axpnup, KotinsburR. Now J announced himself yesterday inflation, spending, riots, and lems as usual call for more and ment store built on concrete pil- DECEASED Orilrrtlnm. If «ny, ali'nilrf ho rua sey utility sTiould pay the cost MITICK candidate,, for the Third Di crime in the streets." more federal spending and the ings over the tracks. There em-a Pursuant to tti* orrtfr nf PnNAU"> Smmp'llHlelv In wrlltnK t Har vey M of regulation of their industries J. CUNNINGHAM. Surrngalf .)( tlic M0XMO1TH COUNTY' creation of additional federal Ion. Clerk rl the Rcrni off Kea hi KIKK.Al K'8 COURT trict Republican Congression; The candidate linked incumbent ployees comforted them until they County of Mnnmouth. this d«y mad**, by the state, the legislature and ©n the application nf thp umierslpricrt. Notice It, Creditors lo Present nomination. Democratic Rep. James J. How- agencies." could be rushed to the hospital by RHiVEn- Claims Aitalnst Estate. •xpcutor of tlir rsl^tp of Ihr- pnUI Kl WILLIAM Gov. Richard J. Hughes were told ard to the Johnson leadership and He promised to come up with • armr Lawton circoApr.i. nntlrp ]^ lirrc 1VHH1KN, W KPnnc ESTATE OF MARY M. QOSSELIN Mr. Kennedy, a resident one of the scores of ambulances U'HV, KP ^burR N. J. Prrsldent DECEASED. by given lo thp .Teuton, of mi iir yesterday. Spring Lake Heights who prat declared: fresh proposals that shall "call which almost eliminated other ceased to preppnl lo 111r- paid p\pr POItLS K H1UF.N". !>9 Kpnnpdy W I'lirauant to the orrtpr of DONALD J their clnlnia untirr o»ih KPHtiBhurp N .1 Rrrrptary-Trpaini riiNNINOHAM. .SurroKatp ol thp tices law here, became the sec "The Howard and Johnson old for cooperation between the traffic in the downtown area. THOMAS n '•"•BnlEN, US Illslila County of Monmoulh, this day made William F. Hyland, whose resign months from this .in'*' Hlvn Keansburg, N. J , Vlc« Pn ond announced GOP aspirant am federal government, the com- Dated rw-rrmr-pr H. I!**'" thp application of the undersigned' nation as president of the State A PATH spokesman said only THE MONMlll'TH cnfNTV tdpr,t Itela Mao Thul, Sole Expcitrlx of the one of three whose names a munity and private enterprise." NATIONAL HANK. l>ii Nsilk lUrpctors -Male of the aald Mary M. Goaaelln Public Utility Commission took two trains were involved in the By: ROnF.R J. KITZS1MMONS .Ian. S. 12 ipcc'H«ed, notice la hereby given to the being supported by different R He said the nation is demanding Trust Ofrtcpr TiMllnrH of aald rtpceaand to preapnt effect Wednesday, said the state leadership that commands respect collision. o the naif! Sole Executrix tlielr claims publican groups. 303 Broad Plrept, NOTICK must ^expand investigative proce- However, some of the passen- Red Bank, N J. under oath within six months from The others are Collingwood rather than creating a "credi- Beekman * Portpr Mn\Moriii roiiNTV thla date. dures and staff to keep up with bility gap." gers -including Rodriquez - 10 Broad Strepl M'HRniiATK'H TO! HT Uateil: January 5th, 19ft8 Harris, of Wall Township, an un Notice In (reillliir* In l-r.-.nn technological advances. claimed they were in a train that Red Bank, N. J. KETA MAE THUL successful candidate in 1966, wh An aspirant for a Republican Attorneys Claims Ataln.t Katale 1*8 Branch Avenue had been sideswiped by a second Jan. 5, 12, 18. U - BSTATF. OF NELLIE 8. I'AI.ME: Her) Bank, New Jersey Hyland suggested that the price was the first to announce, ani assembly nomination last fall, Mr DErKAREO train and rammed by a third. Sole Exe.cutrlx tag would amount to a million Kennedy has been active in poli- Pursuant to 1 tip order of DONAI. Klataky, Hlmelman A Blegfrled H. William Mullaney, of Ocea: HOUSES FOR SALE 1. fUNNINilHAM. Surrogate of tl 320 Broad Street dollars a year, about double the tics several years. At 34, he is The PATH spokesman could ot- County nr.Mnnmnuth. .this, day marti Township, in whose behalf an 01 Red Bank, New Jersey a former president of the South fer no immediate reason for the NEW CONSTRUCTION — Mldclletoi the application of Itip undrrsignei Attorneys commission's current budget. anization of workers has beei Lillian FtnnpKan, Hip Solp Executrl Jan. 12, 10, 26, Feb. 1 Monmouth Young Republicans collision. ranch. 1200 «q. «t "' Hvlni «P» ot thp ejtutp of thp iinld Nellie (27.60 "I respectfully recommend that formed. 100x100' lot Attached «ara«c. »1B,W Palmpr dPCPHapd, notice la hpre and is a member of the county The motorman of the standing riven to thp rrpdllora of ssld decpasi the legislature adopt a formula "Americans everywhere," sai( NEW CONSTRUCTION — Har.l«t. Tv to preapnt to HIP inld Sole E»e.rulr! NOTICE Republicans Speakers Bureau. train, William Wolff, 51, was or four fcpdrooms, one or two hat MONMOI Til COUNTY for the assessment of the costs Mr. Kennedy, "are dissatisfiec their clalma iindrr oath within I He is vice president of the Bel- awaiting clearance to enter the living room, dining mom. kllch month* from thin (late. Ml ItltOliATK'S COURT of utility regulation against pri- and disillusioned with the Joh utility room unit «tt»rnprt garajt. 75m Dated: DpremliiT 20th. 11)117 —.- Notice to (redlliirs lo Present mar Chamber of Commerce and station. Thomas J. McCauley, lot. City •«wer». n 8,000. Claims Against Kslate vately owned utilities which come son administration and its han I.II,I.IAN FINNEC.AN 34 was motorman of the train 2.V1 Kaat End Avpnue ESTATE F HEWITT P. WILSON, under the jurisdiction of the com- Belmar Kiwanis Club, attorney Takln» orders lor ww ranrji or r« Hplford, NPW Jprspy iu? for the Spring Lake Heights Zon- which rammed Wolff's and he was Coa hornM at prlc" an.l terms Rule ExPrulrix Punuant to "tlie order of DONALD mission, preferably on the basis of J. CUNNINOHAM, Surrogate ol the •ult your nf«l«, on Tsmoo or local Messrs. nppkman anil Porler a percentage of growth revenues, Four Motorists ing Board and a former member among those hospitalized over- Jots, from J.18,000. 10 Broad Btrpet County of Monraouth, thla day made, on the application of the undersigned, and that the legislature also au- of that board. night. Red Bank. New Jersey Lillian K. Shea, Sole Executrix of the EOWtN'S: STARK Attorneys estate of the aald Hewitt P. Wilson, thorize the commission to make Are Penalized He has been an outspoken critic McCauley said he got. a warn- nee, 2», Jan. IS, 12, lt «j7 deceased, notlca Is hereby given to tlie of Congressman Howard, having to slow down as he ap- Realtor - Inturor creditors of said deceased to present additional assessments against RED BANK — Patricia M attacked him on the seating of 1356 Hwy. 36. HailH NOTICE to trie said Bole Bxecutrlx their claims utilities in particular cases where proached the station. As he BllM Kid White Biif Terminal Bids;. under oath within six months from this Guire, 150 River St., last nighi MONMOUTH COI7NTT special investigations or studies Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, D- started to slow, his train rounded M4M4O33O 3 BIUIROOATK'N COURT was fined $205 and had her li- Evenlnss «71-«rM Nollre, to Creditors lo Present Dated: January 4th, 1968 are required," he asserted. N. Y., and his disclosure of U. S. a southeast bend in the tracks and chllm> cense suspended for two years "». Against Estate! LILLIAN K. SHEA servicemen complaints about the he saw the other train standing. RUMSON KHTATB OF LAWRENCE A. BAOI- P. O. Box 64t He recommended no specific as- for driving while intoxicated on To lettlt entflle. On nnp or nurrison' OALUPI, DECEASED. Red Bank, New Jerssy Brian T. Kennedy M-16 rifle in Vietnam. 'It was too late," he said. prettiest tree-llnPrt avenues. Two he Pursuant lo the order or DONALD Bole BxecutrU sessment formulai but said it Oct. 29. Toomi anil hnlli. e<>™1 HIIMI Uvli CUNNINOHAM, Surrogate ot th« Cou Nicholas H. Flore, Esq. room, kllchen »!lli dlnlne area, fill y of Mnnnioulh, this day made, < TU Rloomfleld Avenue should probably be in the range Municipal Court Judge Fran dry bs.fincnt r.«r»K0 »ai.l)0«. OJrt tie application nf the undersigned Ba Verona, New Jersey cis X. Kennelly fined three driv connlderecl. McAI.ISTBH .. AOUNC >ara M. Baclfaliipl, Administratrix o \ Attorney of l-10th of one per cent of gross Realtors, 109 E. lilvpr I!d.. Humsor he palate of tlie mid Lawrenco A J«n. 12, IS, X, Feb. 2 I37.«O ers $30 for careless driving. The} evenues. M2-1NM. . nnclgalupl tlceenaed, notice Is herein Ocean Vouchers' Suit Delayed given to the creditors of said decease* were Albert Maynard, 16' Jm1if-ROOM~BtJNoAl,ow . - com to present lo tho said Admlnlstralr NOTICE Hyland, who has been on the Branch Ave.; Frederick A. Kaeli rlctcly remodeled, oil lu'at. Very m- :hPlr c.lalma under oath wlthtn six MONMOUTH COIINTV •onalile. Call 363-7IMl>. mnlha from tills datp. MUIlROOATE'g COURT commission for seven years, re- 97 Maple Ave.; and Mildred San Dated: December Hth, 1H87 iKVEN^RfToM" SI'IJT — , 1M. halhu. Notice, (a Creditor! to Present . signed to devote more time to his chez, 1 Russell Place, Hazlet. Many extras. Near srhonls and Iran- BARBARA M. BACIOALUPI Claims Against Estate For Argument Examination 27» Willow Drive ESTATE OF "ROBERT ZIEOElf family and expand his law prac- Paul Billick, 609 Oakhill Road, pit. JID.SOO. Call owner, MTIMB.T Llttli Silver, New Jersey HORN, DBCBASBD OCKANPORT — Must »ell lov«l; Administratrix Pursuant trTtheTorder or DONALD J Middletown, was found innocenl FREEHOLD — A suit chal John Beekman and former Coun improperly. He added that some Owner Iranaferred. Call 5*2 tice. He was succeeded as presi- home. Uiramoff. Any * o'Hern 3UNNINQHAM, Surrogate of the Cotm- of careless driving. lenging expense vouchers from cilmen Harry Tumen and Forest of the plaintiffs didn't know about 0815. J8.1 Broad Street jr of-Monmouth, this day made, on dent in the $22,000-a-year job by Hed Bank, New Jersey he application of the undersigned, Har- former Ocean Township commit Gillespie, to submit depositions the alleged irregularities but that Attorneys old F, aumbert, Sole Executor of the Brendan T. Byrne, former Essex LOTS AND ACREAGE :>ec. V2, M, Jan, B, U $2_.J_ •state ot the said Robert Zleienhorn teeman in 1963 and 1964 was and answers to interrogatories. others did. feccased, notice; Is hereby given to the County prosecutor. Inspectors Set continued indefinitely yesterday The plaintiffs , are demanding Judge Simmill said he didn't FROM ONE LOT TO 100 ACRES - creditors of said deceased to present Either commercial or reildentlal. Call NOTICE o the said Sole Executor their claims by Superior Court Judge Elvin that, the officials involved either think the plaintiffs had any right MULI.ANKY REALTY 6714151. MONMOHTII inder oath within six months, from this Evening Hours SlllHOI.m/N COllltT LEGAL NOTICE R. Simmill so that he can exam itemize expenses for 1963 and to ask the courts to have the de- BEAUTIFUL W acre Fair Haven plot li- I-} Cmdlinra lo Present FAIR HAVEN — Building In ine the arguments presented by Walking distance to rlvpr tully land- DATED: December 26th, 1967 1964 or return a total of $8,975 fendants repay the money. He, Claims Agalnat Kslate HAROLD F. QUMBERT •caped. Trice just reduced lo 110,500. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING spector Thomas W. Carlock and the attorneys. t in expense money. however, did not rule this offi- ROI.STON WATERBHRY, Realtor, 16 62 New Monmouth Rood The annual meeting of the memberi W. Front B(., Red Bank. 747.J8OO. Mlddletown, New Jersey Plumbing Inspector Julian Tuzik The judge made his decision William R. Blair Jr., Red Bank, cially. ttiln "" "rr1" "' n°NALD J. Bole Executor of the Twin Boro Federal Savings an< Loan Association of Ea-tontown, Nev will keep office hours at boroug! after Edward F. Juska of Long The suit alleges that in 1963 HOLMI1KL, LOT - Live high on a hill HAM, Surrogate of the Coun bward A. Roberts, mta. Jersey, will be held at the office ol Ui representing the United Citizens' c.ontwus view. Aaklns: J12.500. Other of Mnnmouth, this day made, on 821 Highway No. 35 association, 84 Broad street, Entontown, hall Tuesday evenings from 7 to Branch, representing Alfred M. group, maintained that the issue and 1964 Mayor Reilly and Coun- lots from H0.B00. «71-23.1H application of the undersigned, Mlddletown, New Jersey New Jersey, on Wednesday, January 17, tonald Kenneth Klogiar, Sola Executor Attorney o'clock, Mr. Carlock said yes. Woolley, a former township of' was not simply the recovery of cilmen Beekman, Crosta and Gil- r tho estate of the said Mary L. Zleg- lec. 29, Jan. B, 12, U ' 127,00 1968, for the election of Directors and the transaction of any business tint terday. . ficial, presented an Appellate funds but also to force the mu- lespie illegally received $1,855 LOTS TOR SALR r, deceased, notice In liereby given may properly come before the meeting. i Iho creditors of aald deceased to The two officials had been sit- Division decision that states that nicipality to comply with the each and Councilman Tumen, $1,- RED BANK — HOltMO, »tl«d two fam esent to the said Bole Executor tholr NOTICE The poll for the election will be open liy- lalma under onth within six monUie Nolle* to Creditor! to Present from 8:00 to 9:00 o'clock, P.M., andting Monday nights while Mr. taxpayers have a right to institute rules. 555, as reimbursement of out-of- om this date. Claims Atalnst Estate the hour for transaction of all othe LITTI.E SILVER—Two lot«, nn» Idea Dated: January 9. 1I)M business will be 9:00 o'clock, P.M. Carlock was taking a course in suit even if there is no Iaw~on Mr. Halleran, however, main- pocket expenses in relation to mu- T? F 1LLUM M r ANNA C. SHAW corner lor professional office and home. DONALT) KENNETH ZIEOLAIl, CEASES the books which specifically ap- tained that the vouchers in ques- nicipal business. 438 Little, Sliver Point Road. ° S Secretary-Treasurer building inspection at Rutgers Pursuant lo the order of DONALD J plies. MARLBORO—On« acr» Little Sliver, N. J. UNN1NOHAM, Surrogate of the Coun- Jan, B. 12 w.28 University. tion were itemized to an extent. It maintains that Township Bole Executor r of Monmouth, thl« day made, on NOTICE There was no copy of this case He suggested that a legal inter- Manager Jack P. Sweitzer; who DOUBLE O LAND OORP. ;obert O. Ncff, Esq. le application of the undersigned, Mar- MONMOUTH COUNT* 741-1200 11 Commerce Strept, iret M Fordham, the Sole Executrix SURROGATE'S CODRT in the courthouse here. One is pretation could solve the issue. also with Township Treasurer Newark, New Jersey. : the estate of the said William M. Notice lo Creditor! to Present being sent from Trenton for Maintaining that there were no Frederick W. Miller are named Altornev irdham deceased, notice Is hereby Claims Aralnst Estate Board Appoints RUMION Hi ACRE WOODBD LOT an. 12, 19, 2J, Feb. J 127.60 en to the creditors of said de- ESTATE OF ALICE M. VAUQHAN, Tudge Simmill. improper payments, he said that as defendants, was required by iased to present to the said Sole Ex- Choice locaUon on hllh f«>«Ji N«« DECEASED law to approve the vouchers but excellent ichooli. Prlo» IH.HO. Call utrlx their claims under oath within Pursuant to the order of DONALD J. Johnson, Price The suit was filed last May, if the vouchees were improperly NOTICR or BKTTI,F!MTNT x months from this date. •O-117I or 80-2070. OF ACCOUNT. AND DIRECTIONS CUNNINOHAM, Surrogate of the Coun just before the Ocean Township' prepared that they should be re- some were paid without his sig- Dated: December 26th, 1M7 ty of Manmouth, this day made, on FREEHOLD — County Voca- LOTS OF LOTS KOR DISTRIBUTION. municipal election by the United made to comply with the rules. nature. The suit states that Mr. All areas, all »l»es, lom« wooded. ESTATE OP CORAL M. I3KE0LE. MARGARET M. FORDHAM the application of the underslg ' — tional School Board members IECRASED «5 John Street Ham N. Vaughan and Robert Citizens slate of election candi- He questioned why the plaintiffs Miller made payments without week's »pecla]! Hiverlront 100 I 100 Red Bank, New Jersey lor, Executors, of the estate of the Sidney B. Johnson and F. Bliss Oceanpo". t6«00. Call KDWIN H. Notice Is hereby given that tha ao Sole Executrix said Alice M. Vaughan, deceased, no- Price yesterday were appointed dates. They were Frank F. Citro, didn't bring this to light in 1965 prorjer authorization. MARTIN. Broker, Eatont/iwn, M2-5800 mnls o[ thn subacrlber, Admlnlitra- [eairs. Parsons, Canzona, Blair tice is hereby given to the creditors i with Wtll Annexed of the estate George Harvey, Joseph Palaia, or 1966. The suit wants the five coun- flatd Deceased will be audited and & Warren of said deceased to present to the said by the board as its representa- 8 Wallace Street Executors their claims under oath with' Alan C. Sugarman and William COMMERCIAL PROPERTY :ated by the Surrogate of the County tives on the Board of School Obligation Cited cilmen either to reimburse the [ Monmouth and reported for settle- Red Bank. New Jersey In six months from this date. Attorneys Dated: January 9th, 1968 Estimate. 'an Middlesworth. Only Mr. Mr. Blair countered that the money with interest or submit an MIIiril.ETOWN TWP. — CommMclal ient to The Monmoulh County court, 'robalp Itlvlslon, on Friday, the Oth lac. 29, Jan. 5, 12, 10 IJJ.J8 WILLIAM N. VAUOHAN 'alaia was elected. defendants had no right to the itemization, and that Mr. Sweitzer property aloni Hwy. S5 or 38. From lay of FKniUIAItY A. D., 1968, at B:30 49 Mldwood Road, Deer Park Representing the county Boan 17 V lo 10 acres MULLANBY REAL. Greenwich, Connecticut Depositions Taken payment except on itemized and Mr. Miller demand repay- TY 671-5151. •clock am., at the County Court if Freeholders on this board an louse, Monument and Court streets, NOTICE ROBERT W. TAYLOR The court also permitted John ment or itemizaticn. . 'reehold, New Jersey, at which time MOMirotlTH COUNTT 32S Bloomfleld Street Director Joseph C. Irwin am vouchers. Municipal officials, he .pplicallon will bo made for the al- SURKOOATK'S COURT Hoboken, N. J., ' R. Halleran of-Middletown, repre- said^jhave an obligation to re- Mr. Sweitzer and Mr. Mi'Ier are BUSINESS PROPERTY iwance of Commissions and Counsel Notice lo Creditor! to Freient Executors Freeholders BehjatmuT H. DansKln !es, and Directions for Distribution, Claims Against Estate, Robert W. Taylor, Esq. and Harry Larrison Jr. senting Mayor John J. Reilly, cover the money or to pay it heoresented bv townshio Mtf'ci- INVESTORS Dated December 27th, A. D. 1967. ESTATE OF ATTO N. HANNA, DE- 328 Bloomfleld Street Councilmen Donald Crosta and back because it was obtained pal Attorney David Resnikoff. THELMA OLIVE MOUNT, EASED Hoboken, N. J., Ooeanfronl lot loned ror buslnsu. 1<9 West Main Stroel, •"urauant to the order of DONALD J. Attorney -LEGAL NOTICE usuaJ opportunity. Action priced at Freehold, New Jersey INNINOHAM, Surrogate ot the Coun- fan. 12, 1», 26, Fet^J tyi.OOO. Phone now, M2-U82. SWEENEY of Monmouth this day made, on AGENCY, Realtors. Kicluilve Asenlr Administratrix With Will Annexed, larles L.. Morgan, Esq., i application of the undersigned, Ed- NOTICE Counsellor at Law, ard Hanna, the Sole Executor of the S92 Broadway, itate of the said Alto N. Hanna de- Oceaii Zoners Reserve Action REAL ESTATE WANTED >ased, notice Is hereby given to the West Long Branch, N. J. 'editors of said deceased to present tp HELP - ACTION I l. 89, Jan. J, 12, 19 130.36 e said Sole Executor their claim! HELP us: our 11 salespeople need a idor oath within six months from this on the following budget for the ichool year 1968-89. Ilitlns on your home. NOT1CK ate. The comjletebudget will ba available for examination by U» OTbH_ ACTION Is our motto—nrofmlonal isr- MONMOUTH COUNTY Dated: December 6th, 1967 at the school house between th» hours ol » t.m. »Jd 4 Tun. (excluding Tlces are Just a phone call away. HURROOATF.'S COURT BatuVdays and Bundays) from Jaouary^UUiJo Jamary^Knd. 1998. On Garden Apartment Plan EDWARD HANNA Trade-ins—Exchanges Notice, to Creditors to Valley Drive fiftcroi&rv Commercial and Investment properties Claims Against Estates Naveslnk, New Jersey OCEAN TOWNSHIP — The other application back to the application by Temple Beth Tor- Member Two Multiple Llitlnr Services 18TATE OF WILLIS A. CLAYTON, Sole Executor Shrewsbury Borough Board ot Education WALKER A WALKER IECKABED verre Borenaon, Eaq. SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET STATEMENT Zoning Board last night reservec Planning Board during the course ah of 1200 Roseld Ave. to erect a Realtors ursuant to the order of DONALD J. 98 First Avenue FOR SCHOOL YEAB decision until Thursday, Feb. ( of the 4-hour, Shrewsbury Mlddletown-Holmdel NNINQHAM. Surrogate ot the Conn. Atlantic Highlands, N. J. 1M*4» 15-mimite-ldng three-class room addition, but also «61 Broad St. 205 Hwy. JS of Monmouth, this day made, on Attorney Board ol EdocaUon ot Shrewsbury Boro, Connbr ol Hbnmiith on an application by Deal 0a meeting. ruled that the applicant must first 741-5215 871-33U i application of the undersigned, The ic. 22, 29, Jan. S. 12 $23.68 1968-67 . 1B*I^8 Estates, Inc. of Asbury Park, t inmouth County National Bank, Red Angelo and Ann Houlis of Lo- receive site plan approval for the ,nk, ActlnR Executor ot the estate (Actual) (BiUmated) (IiUmated erect a 396-unit garden apart- NOTICE gan Road received a variance to addition from the Planning Board MIDDLETOWN the said Willis A. Clayton deceased, ENROLLMBNTB 780 •tire la hereby given to the, creditors MONMOUTH COUNTY Total Average Dally Bnroll. ,,w^.« 771.S ment complex on the east side ol before the^ zoners can take ac- NIIKKOOATE'N COURT SOURCES OF KEVENUB erect a single family dwelling on said deceased lo present to the (2) (S) Roller Road near Deal Road. AND d Acting Executor their claims un- Notice to Creditor! to 1'resent a 100 by 100-foot lot at Maple tion. The zoners took this step Claims Against Estate < 1866-57 19m19m««S 106S-69 oath within six months from this (Anticipated) (Anticipated Board Chairman Jack Weser ex- Ave, and Park Blvd., located in on the advice of their attorney e. ESTATE OF WALTER BOEHMLER, (Actual) BAYSHORE Dnted: llecember 1.1th, 1967 ^CEASED. CURRENT EXPENSE plained the zoners want to study a R-4 Zone. A variance is re- David Weinstein who cited the TUB MONMOUTH COUNTY Pursuant to the order of DONALD Appropriation Balance ....•* «,885.53 CUNNINGHAM, Burrogate ot the Balance Appropriated . 2S.9OO.00 t 0.00 this application more. The gar- quired because the lot is under- township zoning ordinance. NATIONAL BANK, RED BANK S63.4O8.O0 PROPERTY By: DOUOLAS J, HOLLYWOOD, iunty of Monmouth, this day made, Local Tax Levy »28,sn.00 443,303.00 den apartment complex is a part sized. Assistant Trust Officer n the application of the undersigned, State Aid 67,371.00 63,417.00 61.3S2.O0 Temple Beth Torah plans to [plen Boehmler, Sole Executrix of the 32.7S5.05 21,000.00 24,000.00 of a Deal Oak Estates develop- 303 Broad at., Federal Aid ... Charles Weikofsky of 32 ereat a 2,232 square foot addition Listings Wanted Red Bank, N. J. atate of the said Walter Boehmler de- Miscellaneous Revenue _ 4,185.55 1,600 00 2,000.00 ment which will include 47 single- Acting Executor used, notice Is hereby given to the | Special Federal and/or Branch Rd., Oakhurst, received a to its existing building, located In ssrs, Rcusallle, Cornwell, 'editors of said deceased to preaent State sponsored Programs B.OM.OO 0.00 0.0C family dwellings and will cover Mausnpr. farotenuto * McQann, tho snld Sole executrix, their claims (Al) Total Current Exp. — t 584,832.63 561,420.00 «50,790.[IC variance to erect a single-family a R-4 zone. A variance is re- BOWTELL REAL ESTATE nder oath within six months from an.area of 63 acres in all. This S Broad St., dwelling on Maple St., located in quired because the addition would Red Bank, N. J., its date. t Unanticipated Federal and/or Btate Suonsored Programt development is located in R-5 anc non-Multipl» constitute the extension of a non- Attorneys Dated: December 27th. 1967 CAPITAL OUTLAY C-3 zones. a R-3 zone. A variance is re- State Hwy. 36 Leonardo >eo. 12, 23. Jan. 5, 1J $33.12 HELEN BOBHMLER 62 Naveslnk Avenue quired because the lot's area conforming use. 291-2100 S. Keannburg, New Jeraey Albert C. Rochlin of Newark, front and rear yards are all un- NOTICE Sole Executrix iz^z^.-===* 'was i*»H The zoners held the hearing to NEED VACANT LAND ( ) AL rr Deal Oak Estates, Inc. official, M0NM0UT1I COUNTY liomas Dcakln, Esq. % T_S _°^ .^ » U,»T3.Si, 1,500.00 dersized. The lot is basically take testimony, although holding Small lot or large tracts. Call MUL- SIKltOtiATK.S rOIWT 999 Palmer Avenue said the garden apartment proj- LANEY REALTY. 871-5I5L Notice lo i'reilltnrs lo Present Mlddletown, New Jersey •Reflects Actual Appropriations Balance July 1. 1B66 trapezoid-shaped, with a 158-foot back any decision. Mr. Weser Claims Ainlnsl Kslule, Attorney ect will cost about $4,500,000. This WE jiEED^VivTorVlirs-S bedroom DEBT SERVICK front yard width, a 73-foot rear didn't participate as he cited "a ESTATE OF LOUISE BOYI1 HALE. 'an. 9, 12, 19, 26 127.60 •mount, he continued, doesn't in- tncomes, furnished or unfurnished, from ECEASEO Appropriation Balanc» . •• 450.00 228.00 0.0C yard width and a 100-foot depth conflict of interest", being a Tem- »8^ to J17S per month for Incomlni Pursuant to HIP order of DONALD Balance Appropriated « ... •» " 30,707.50 31,162.00 clude the cost of the land nor thi peraonnrl. THE BEItO AOENCY, Rt rt-NNINniiAM, aurroitate of tlie NOTICE OK SETTLEMENT Local Tax Levy S5.31I.00 Approval Needed ple Beth Torah. congregation »\ Mlldletown 671-1000. 12,445.00 10,423.00 iinty of Monmouth, thta .lay made, OF ACCOUNT, AND DIRECTIONS State Aid -. ..- —- B.8S7.O0 43,377.50 42,283.00 17 single family dwelling com- The zoners not only tabled ac n (he application of the undersigned, OR DISTRIBUTION AS TO ESCHEAT. (C-l) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE .—» 44,825.00 I member. ^ HELP nne Hnyd linle I.eflerts, Harry Bayd ESTATE OF ANNA PROCHAL, DE- Jlex. tion to Thursday, Feb^ 22, on an Several persons who reside Listing! wanted. Strathmore. Lakerldii tarahall, Ktliel llurppr and Rnsapnipr :KASED TOTAL REVENUE—ALL ACCOUNTS ...» M1.131.4T $ 606,2*7,50 S 693,975.00 - Variance Required Holmdel, Colls Nrck. surroundlni com- 'mat Company, Exi'i-utorfl of the patntp Notice ts hereby given that the ac- •Reflects Actual Appropriation Balance July 1, 1986 near the temple questioned the it- salil Loulap Hoyd Dale de- APPROPRIATIONS A variance is required becaus munltlrs. Members of two area llattnsr •ascd, notice is hereby Riven to the nunta of the subscriber, Administrator temple addition's location and its at'rvlo.os and two natlonwldft home find- •pdltnrs of salil ilecfiiisert to present the estate ot said Deceased will be (1) (2) (3) file township zoning code require: tnB reirrral services Rpmember, In idllcd and stated by thB surrogate of 1968-67 1937-68 1968-69 No Ruling parking facilities, rear lanrJscap- buying and selling. Ar-plcr-rook of Mata- the said Kxccutora their claims ui County of Monmouth and reported Expenditure! Approprla- Approprla' any garden apartment comple: wan. Rpallors, Hwy. 3). Matawan. r nath within ntx months from this ir settlement to The Monmouth Coun- tlona turns mg and garbage disposal facili- tp. must receive a special'use per- riionp 566-7fiO0. ' Court, Probate Division, on Friday, CURRENT EXPENSE ties. The acting chairman, Philip Duted: January Mil, 198S II Blh dny of FEBRUARY A.D.,,1868, ADMINISTRATION mit even if its plans conform to On Welfare OPEN LISTINGS ANNE HOVP DALE l.EFFERTS t 6:JO o'clock a.m., at the County Salaries —.* ... ™i..-...... s) T.375.00 7,750,00 S 8,250.00 Wetzel, said the Planning Board Independent broker desires open list. Wlill'pnorwlll, Valley Road, '.lourt House, Monument and Court Contracted Services 3.337.50 450.00 750.00 the code's requirements, formei Ings on residential properties, Middle- He.I Hunk. N. J streets. Freehold, New Jersey, at which 1,560.00 1,550.00 would have to determine the tern- All Other Expanses 2,1*7.28 Councilman Harry B. Tumen, town. Holmdel, Colls Ncok. HARRY HOYD MARSHALL, time AppllcHtlon will be made tor the INSTRUCTION pie's parking facilities and review .» LINCROFT ASSOCIATES Inc. . ]ler-rlillt 1M . allowance of Commissions and Counsel Salaries 4 276,490.80 ( 310,785.00 1 U7.875.00 who is representing Deal Oak Evidence T65 Hwy. 35 Mlddletown rnnnv;i]l-on-lluIIIPJ Mlddlptown, Hu- lly AKTIH'R S. HARRISON, West Hempstead, Balarles — Attendance 4 100.00 1 100.00 Judge M. Raymond McGowan Planning Board an application by lei vicinity We tiavp liuyrra waiting Anal Sccty. Salaries — Health 3,100.00 3,900.00 10.000.00 18 two-bedroom units, parking fa- Long Island, Nassau County, Jacqueline C. Woolley of 1003 THE KIKWAN CO. 7S7-6600 10 Hank Slrcct. New York, N. Y. All Other Expenses — Health 3,405.82 4,500.00 1,500.00 :ilities for 672 cars, a recreation from ruling on the admissability Ni-wnrk, New Jersey Administrator. TRANSPORTATION of confidential welfare informa- Bloomfield Ave. to subdivide a WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST Executors John A. Spliitrl, Sr., Esq., Contracted Services and area and access routes to Rolle or. him/In, flcliercr A Brown Counsellor at Law, Public Canters _L 4,369.53 •$ 4,100.00 •« 4.S50.0C tion in a criminal case. lot into two lots of different size YOUR HOME 711 llroa.l Slreel OPERATION Road and Rt. 35. t()[ HI1 1 vt 63! Wyckoft Avenue, at 1001 Bloomfield Ave., located l»>' ' B' dctnlls and cash cMark. Now Jprapy wyckoff, New Jersey. gaiarlsa 4 27,543.38 8 28,600.00 30.000.00 Mr. Petillo withdrew his star STEELING THOMPSON * The zoners questioned the feasi- »«.ffl Jan. n, 12, 19, 26 131.M Heat 3.672.02 4,000.00 4,000.00 witness, Mrs. Louise Hughes, As- in a R-3 zone. * J4T-.MSO0 I Jan. 12. ll>. 2Inhf Model Serial Number FIXED OTAROES Llncrnft. • Krcmi sis.noo to $100,000: 4KDOOM4D After the withdrawal of Mrs. 1 1!)(M Rulok 4 Door H. T. Employee Retirement Oontrt, 4 3.684.30 3,000.00 5,300.00 sting or planned single family approval to Mrs. Woolley's subdi- 6,'-\ ;ce anl txptTt knowledge it my B22LO3463 8.87S. 79 1 ifi'W OUlmnnliile BA8 Station Wagon Insurance A Judgments .— 4,000.00 9,000.09 iwellings. Hughes yesterday, the refusal of vision application. The matter he calling raid Cull Adam Kretowlez. lfti>4 Chrvnilet Orecnbrlar 4R126S104233 EXPENDITURES TO Owner. AIIAMS AfiENCY. 31 Howard! Delta SS OTHER DISTRICTS The Planning Board on Nov. 13 the alleged father of Miss Kelly's said, must go back to the plan- A"- . NP» Sl.n wsl'iry. 7.1-MWS or 7(1- Sedan neVllls 64B1O22O1 ...4 136,730.53 * 156,725.00 > 321,040.00 M!m "•'.'* liciir SiTVICP " Member Red rt i Tuition •' children to testify Wednesday, ners since the zoners have no le JO/,', I'onllai-. OTI Convertible 23767Blft^69fl FOOD SERVICES ranted site plan approval to the Bank Area Multiple Llstlnc Service 4 Door Ciallx. 600 3E60X125167 and the testimony yesterday of aI vV:. 1'cHil Other Expenses 60.00 I 100.00 I roposed apartment complex and " Power to subdivide any lot. I1' 'Tit lac Coupe Rnraevllle :62375E2Ol900 SPECIAL PROJECTS Asbury Park Municipal Court Ki inl .T-Bfrd CijQps 1Y71Z144824 (Federal and/or State Sponsored) •reliminary approval to the sin T-BIrd Coups 1Y71Z27515 ESEA Projects 6,044.00 000 « 0.00 Judge Eugene Capibianco, Judge 1MI Knrd T-Blnl Coupe ;le family dwelling complex sub- 1 !Hi 1 Ki 1Y717.137444 (A-ll TOTAL CURRENT Monday Hearing Set >rii 3U367119M4 McGowan granted a directed ver- 1IM"»;I rt ipvrolet II EXPENSES 513,479.29 8 581,420.00 I 650,790.00 livision. g t !!>•):! nlitamoblle 4 Door ' • ' K18L079O7 dict of acquittal in the case. 2T118157900 2 Permits Granted iwi-j Vilrd 2 Door Falcon On Possession Count i(Hi:[ 2 Door Falcon 3TO1S165O75 OAPITAI. OUTLAY The original complaint had been i\ >:.i 1,392.98 1,500.00 900.00 The zoners also granted two lw ('(irvslcr 4 Door II. T. Newport Equipment filed by Mrs. Hughes after Miss FREEHOLD _ Edwarrl ..'l Couple Bkyl&rk 311M850I lB-1) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY . 1,392.98 1,50000 ,000.00 ariances, tabled action'on a nmoufh t Si i!w':i Krinl T-BIrd 3YS321O78S1 Kelly had sought information Grory. C0A Monmoufh At Si Catnllna 4 Door 252096E1.VVVIM bird application and referred an- J a Preliminary hearing Mbn !!*'><> p, UlllRf. from her concerning her two IM:I Ki ml Convertible DEBT SERVICE! daJ»yw befor e liMunicipal Court Judge Convert. Starflrs Principal —...... 4 35,000.00 35.000.00 t 3S.nOO.fK1 children. 2 Poor T. T. (I.11M1S217 Interest - - 9,400.00 8,377.60 Alexander Levchuk on charges of 1 !t ':i Ol iNinolilie Defense in < Ei-nnnllne EHTIIM2I>!>> ic'l) TOTAL DEBIT attorney Thomns F. allegedly possessing 1 T-RirVl Conv. ':VR521BI453 SERVICE ...4 44,400.00 < 43,377.50 8 41,283.00 Saved irty li'.-. Ki Mil Shcbell Jr., Asbury Park, had ar- stoletl n th 1 lliMr It. T fatal, .1I13I.204M from the Land o Pines 1 i *'»". Bl m-it ("list, filn Wpn 4I4UJIIIIIO.173 (Continued) gued Wednesday that using con- Country Squire 4T26TI3104S 'Itu-liidfl purchase of New buses and/or small transporting vehicles School, Howell Township IH.4 K' I'd Kak-nn lasn't been determined yet, he fidential welfare information vio- l'1'i.l Mi ^rcury 2 Il.ior II. T. TOTA1-3 (Sum of A to C Inc.I ...J 559,272.23 S 00;!,297.50 $ 603.97J.00 He ,s accused of buying a Polar- M. •n' irv Meipur H T. CURRENT OPERATING ArntOPItlATIOV BALANCES JUNE 30, 1907 aid. ated federal statute and was not (Al CURRENT EXPENSES - J 71.353.38 3 2 I>i.)r stftnet 11. T. '^"f ^ a transistor radio '1 li™.r Chicle 054 M74 Regular Operating .- - - - ~-. 71,147.68 Mr. Catchpole lives alone in the in the best public interest. J Door II. T. 7147151005 Speclnl (Reserved) 205.70 ouse, which he owns, the chief Judge McGowan was to have We. 27 which previously had Sin Wen N Y. (Mi CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,280.88 e ( Iioor II T. 3.MU95K14S17T (C) DEBT SERVICE 225.00 id. made a ruling on Mr. Shcbell's n "Wen from the school. lS2 complaint was filed by State Po dvo you a iacl< — I'd liU lrhr t to hid. TOTAL BALANCES The Interior and exterior of the motion to supress the testimony fate Ihil dome to fhe garbago TIIK PliAlNFlKLD TIU'ST STATE NATIONAL BANK JUNE 30, 1067 B1.SMI4 c iv 2"'.' Park Avpnup TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND use were extensively damaged, of Mrs. Hughes before continuing «• disposal wo got n Th, Doily J'lainHrld, N, .!. 0">:t BALANCES JUNE 30, 1997 ( 611,131. «T t Tr ^ chief said. he trial. P liCe bar Regilfer wanf ddi!" /Jan 10. lt. 12 we.oo Jan. 12 •96.24 mcks! ° " PEANUTS By CHARLES W. SUWLZ Bowling Roundup

I 0JI5H \ 60INS POR A NO-KITTER.' REALIZE THAT YOU HAVEN'T MISSEP A SINGLE DAY? Mrs. Allen Rolls Record 771 By BILL PURDEY Mrs. Martin (Jean) Allen, 48 Stephenvilie Blvd., Middle- town Township, shattered two records last Monday night in the Monmouth County Women's Classic League at Strath- more Lanes, Matawan Township. Rolling a whopping 771 set, Jean posted the highest series ever for a woman in Monmouth County, and the highest for BLONDIE By C/iic Youngr cither man or woman in the league. The previous county ji:l.,..,.,,.,. . s best was a 708 tally by Barbara Tillyer, rolled in December, 1966. I CAN MXJ SET OUT CAN YOU GET OUT TO , LET'S NOT PLAY CARDS J Jean, who has a 186 league average, > TO PLAY CARDS had games of 247, 258 and 266 to lead her (TONIGHT. PLAY CARDS TONIGHT? TONIGHT Belford Roofing team to a three-game vic- tory over host Strathmore Lanes. The Roofers turned, in a sparkling 1,003— 965-1,029-2,997 series. Also compiling lofty scores were Eleanor Smith (500), Cora Wolverton (553), Mary Stout (594) and Edna Morson (579). Strathmore Lanes turned in a 953-934- Purdey 886—2,753 series with individual scores of Ann Fabishak (550), Delia Webb (575), Lois Federlck (540), Eleanor Catrone (494) and Pat Magala (594).

Dot Stavola did not have a bad night either in the Women's Major League at Harmony Bowl as she rolled a 245-189-180— 614 series to help her team, Team No. 7, set a new team MARYlVORTFT By ALLEN SAUNDERS and KEN ERNST series high of 2,046. Teammates Maureen Walling and Midge Coleman checked In with a 520 and a 519, respectively. » THANK51 ITS MV 5OME.GARMENT5 60 CHANGE, CORAL! I'LL FAVORITE! A GIFT Marie McDonald rolled a 550 set with games of 23(1, 172 ARE UKE PEOPLE! MEET YOU AT THE LJFU 61A.D YOU O&CIDED 10 STAV, PROM MY WIFE! and 148. Other 500s were compiled by Madeline Siano (517), CORAL! 1HtY HAD A FALL OF PARDON, ME, MR. AND EVERY•TIME .- ACCIDENT PR0NE ! X HN/E Cathy Crosbee (517) and Tex Hartley (508). DEEP POWDER IA5TNISHT IOWELL! I WEAA P IT THIS / - «JUT'*HuRR.VANu... DROPPED MUSTARD ON'THAT tOVELV Ralph Marchetti had the high game (253) in the Bayshore TIE1. Tavern League at Atlantic Highlands Recreation, while Al HERti Folsom had the best series (210-204-203—©17). UE.TME. Other 600 series were turned in by Wilson Fanner (198- Mrs. Martin (Jean) Allen 245-168—611), Bud Weisenborn (213-231-159-603) and Ray Winning three games from Airport Inn, Circle Chevrolet Shugard (237-163-202-C02). has widened its first place lead to three games with a 30-18 Cavello Builders holds down first place, in the team record over Love Lane Tuxedo (27-21). standings with a 39^-20^ record. Oak Lounge is next in line with a 36-24 mark, while host Atlantic Highlands Rec. is Barbara Anderson hed the top game (213) In the Uncroft third at 34i/ -25'/ . 2 2 Lasses League, Harmony Lanes. Grace Ruzikt had • W while Jane Hendricks and Mary Noelte both had 491a. Stan Obuchowic^ dominated the individual scoring in the Airport Plata Commercial League ai he had the top game Joe Martin Clothes owns a two-point lead over Top H»t By REG SMYTHE (244) and best series (631), He added other scores of 185 ANDY CAPP and 202 as he was the lone kegler to»crack the 600 circle. Cleaners In the "A" Division of the "Y" League at Monmouth Turning in good single game tallies were Tony Straniero Lanes, 223-221, while Altberg Printers (228'A) i» in fittt pl»ce THAT'S WHAT' (232), Al Folsom (229), Frank Swartz (228), Tony Florek (226); in the "B" Division. t>W J UKE "A Dan Bill (225) and Orlando Tiberi (223). Gene Sigel led the "A" scorers with a 220, while Jerry WELL,I SPENT Colts Neck Inn has widened its lead in the team stand- Engelhart topped the action in "B" with a 213. GET THROUGH MORE THAN T STRAIGHT ings with a 38-16 mark. Harlet Bottle Shop is in iecond place ANSWER with a 35-19 log. Marie's Beauty Salon (36i/i-17»/4) ha* a three and a hilf LESS THAN I game lead over Mama Lu's Restaurant (33-21) in the Union Plenty of good scores were turned in at Red Bank Recre- Beach Mixed League at Airport Plata Lanes, EXPECTED ation in the Businessmen's League. Phil Mancini paced the individual scorers with a 250 game. Pat Ambrosia had a 235, Fifteen-year-old Bill Marasco rolled a sparkling 603 series while three bowlers—Mike Toscano, Don Holdridge and Oscar in the Youth Bowling League at Harmony Bowl with games Newman-all had 232s. Bob Woixlen had a 228. of 225,169 and 209. In the three-game series department, Ray Pearce led the Richard Granito hit a 223 and a 558 series. Other good way with a 33-193-201—627. Bob Wood followed with a 190-233- scores were turned in by Tom Hunt (202—528), Joe Lanzi Jr. 192—615. Other 600 series were rolled by Paul Martel (168-207- (524), Bob Stimson (565), Gary Randolph (212—551), Richard 235-610) and Al Clark (194-205-202-601). Buonomo (550) and Art Verpent (225-548). THE WIZARD OF-ID By PARKER and HART Lombardi Looks to Future FORT LAUDERDALE. Fla. favorites over the American Foot- College player will receive a pro- Asked if the Packers had (AP) — Vince* Lombardi, winner ball League champions in the rata share of one-seventh. It missed Jim Taylor, who played of three straight National Foot- Super Bowl game that will be could be either $2,142.86 or $1,071.- out his option and went to New watched by a sellout crowd of 44, depending on the result. Each Orleans, Lombardi said, "Ye«, we ball League titles, said yesterday 75,546 fans. full winning share is worth $15, definitely missed Taylor. I the history of his Green Bay Lombardi said he had two first- 000 and each losing share $7,500. wouldn't have played some of the Packers is in the future, not the round choices in the college draft Brown, of course, will receive a others so much if he were here past. to be held Jan. 30 in New York. full Packer share as well as Jim and they might not have been He said he also had one second, Grabowski, the running back who injured. When you lose men like "This Is going to be a great two thirds, two fourths and two underwent knee surgery Taylor, Grabowski and Elijah football team in the next four fifth-round picks. week. Pitts you have suffered quite a years," said the Packer coach To fill a roster gap brought Lombardi 6aid he might use loss," after * one-hour workout for Sun-abo|lt by the kidney injury to both and Travis The Packer Coach said he did day's Super Bowl game with the tight end in the last Williams in the same backfield. not,think his team would be ;ame of the regular season, Lom- Both normally are halfbacks. An troubled by complacency. SNUFFY SMITH By FRED LASSWELL Oakland Raiders at Miami's bardi has activated Dick Capp, a derson and Chuck Mercein, the "I think all this talk about how Orange Bowl. rookie linebacker and tight end. former New York Giant castoff, many champiomhips you have Under the rules of the game, won is overdone," Mid Lombardi. DON'T VOL) I CAN ALWAVS FIDDLE "I'm sure we will have some will be the starting backs with either team can make as many at quarter and Carroll "If you don't have desire and WORRV NONE SO ROOST \W1F QBE PEE" retirements after this game, win, IP I HADKNOWED TH'CHICKENS lose or draw," said Lombardi. as two roster changes. Oakland Dale at flanker. pride you're In trouble. If a man ABOUT VWHAR I WOULDN'T plans none. AHEAD OF TIME I 60T TO (SNIF-SNIF) ' DREAM OFVE= 'But we 'have more talent on , who has been makes $1 million that doesn't VE WUI. CO/VUN' SLEEP. STAVIN'OUT this squad than ever. If we can Capp was on the Packers' re- bothered by an ankle injury, ran mean he doesn't want to make TO VISIT, MIZSMIF, LOWEEZV INTH' fill in a few areas, bolster a few serve squad, but had been on without a limp yesterday, accord- $2 million. This -game Is plenty I COULD A-BORRIED .HENHOUSE spots, we are going to be • great th* active Hit for two regular ins to Lombardi's account of the big enough. Nobody fhould have AN'EXTRV team. We lost some of our young teaion gamei. The former Boston closed workout. any trouble getting ready for it." 8EDSTID people in stocking the new teams." Two TD Favorites The Packers already are great Monmouth College Cagers enough to rate two touchdown Reds, Cardinals Return to Action Tomorrow By LEE FALK Deal Outfielders WEST LONG BRANCH — With the first 18 per game. Others on the club are Steve THE PHANTOM CINCINNATI SOMEHOW- M -6OAHEA - ^y ^ I Coach Bill Boylan's cagers will host average. YOU STOPPEP- E D l i N Simpson, 24, hit .259 for the Messiah College of Grantiion, Pa., tomorrow, WHV, UNCLE PAINFUL— Coach Dick Steadman's aqu»tk team will WALKER?; MAPE HIN\ Reds last season in 24 games. Pratt Institute on Jan. 20, and New Haven College on Sunday, Jan. 21, at 3 p.m. return to aotion on Wednesday against the MEAN — Johnson, 25, broke into\he ma- strong Adelphi University. The Hawk swim- or leagues in 1964 with the The Hawks are currently 9-1 on die mers are 6-2 this season, losing to, Princeton Philadelphia Phils and hit .304 in season, the only loss being handed down by and Ohio University, In the Ohio meet, Mon- 43 games. He batted ,294 in 97 Montojair State in an overtime session in mouth lost a chance for a major upset lead- games in 1965 and then was the Northern New Jersey Kiwanls Classic ing going down to the wire before losing the traded to the Cardinals. Last tourney finals over the holidays. last event. year, with the Cards, he hit .223 Messiah comes to Monmouth with a 3-5 in SI games. record, and was the winner over the Hawks The wrestling team has two matches com- last year, 75-74. The visitors are led by John ing up. The Hawk' grapplers will travel to I..THOUGHT I Reds' Manager Dave Bristol SAW WHAT WAS AWKIMG said, "He (Johnson) could be Spurrier, a 6-5 junior who average* 22 points Western Maryland for a quadrangular meet, HIM SO VICIOUS- fighting for a starting job with us a game, plus a rebound average of 12 a and on Jan. 27, they will take on South- game. Ed Murray, a 6-2 sophomore, averages By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW his year." ampton University. NUBBIN BEETLE BAILEY By MORT WALKER


By WORT WALKER and DIK BROWNE HI and LOIS POGO By WALT KELLY WE EVEN UKE IT BETTR? THAN / < SUMMER.' I PW QUART, AW. W^MMB Man Fs Jailed For Shoplifting EATONTOWN — Wiymon Web- fBoefclc-r, 13 Jackson St., also ster, 37 DeWiu Avt., Asfoury 'here, J15. Richard N. Berry, 66, of West Park, was Jailed yesterday when Park Ave., Wayside, was fined he was unable to pay a $10 shop- $200 for driving while on the re- lifting Tine. voked list. Municipal Court Judge William Joseph Torsiello, Pine Brook, "JOIN US" . . . S. Throckmortoa sentenced th« paid a $10 careless driving fine. man t§ 4 days in lieu of the fine. William G. Oswald Jr., 25 Chest- call Steinbach'c at 775- He was charged with taking nine nut St., Farmingdale, was fined shirts from Bamberger's, Mon- $10 for passing a red light. 4000. ext. 225 for In- Improper turns cost Mary Spat- mouth Shopping Center, Tuesday. formation on the 1968 Disorderly persons fines wens aro, Shrewsbury, $10 and Fran to Andreas" Titland, 320-B South cis R Devoe. 52 Patten Lane, "Join Us" Program for St., here, $20, and Woodrow de Long Branch, $5. the Monmouth Council COMPANY To Double of Boy Scours. ) AAoNTCOMERvl WARD! Outpatient Facilities LONG BRANCH - Monmouth Medical Center will double out- Semi-Anmial patient facilities during this, its 80th anniversary year. It must ex- pand because outpatient visits to Clearance the 35 clinics have tripled in five years, Administrator George J. of Men's Bartel said. They acquired a one-story, brick buildln, across the street Clothing from their main complex on Third Avenue from Brokow Real- ty Co. The 10-year-old 200x100- foot structure, which housed a bowling "alley, will provide 17,000 LIT WARDS INSTALL square feet of service area for A NEW TV ANTENNA all their outpatient clinics, in< As Low As eluding psychiatric. Three stores and a pharmacy frill stay on in this building un 95 til their lease expires in 1973. It will cost $13 a square foot for 29 purchase, renovation and instal- Wards carries a complete lation of heating and air-condi- line of Antennas. Designed tioning. SATURDAY, JAN. 13 / SATURDAY, JAN. 20 Mr. Bartel said all patients will Specifically for your area. continue to receive the best med- Call for FREE ESTIMATE ical care here, regardless of their Reg. 3 pr. Reg. I pr. 3 or. financial means. Their clinics provide a vast range of medical Sheer Heel, D»mi-Toe 1.65 1.35 4.05 ' Agilon® Stretch 1.65 1.35 4.05 Dial 542-1590 services. They are directed and staffed by physicians who volun- Reinforced Heel & Toe 1.50 1.25 3.75 Walking Sheer 1.35 1.15 3.45 Montgomery Ward teer their skills. Micro-Mesh Heel & To. 1.50 1.25 3.75 Agilon® Panty Hose 3.00 2.50 7.50 Monmouth Shopping Ctr. Lose a valuable? Lost ads are Cantrece* Heel & Toe 1.65 1.35 4.05 Alive, Sheer Support 3.95 3.25 9.75 Eotontown Circle famous finders. Dial 741-8900 for an ail writer nnw colors: south pacific8 ball rose® barely there® shell Terrific savings on such names as Hart, Scliaffner & Marx, H. Freeman and many more! town taupe barely black® driftwood Broken Sizes — Shop today for best selection. SIZES 8/2 to II — proportioned short, medium or long SEARCHING? SALE Are the supernatural gifts of the Spirit — prophecy,. heal- ing, miracles, and others for us, today? Or, were they Topcoats Asbury Park Brick Town given only to the first century apostolic Church? Can we PHONE YOUR ORDER: Red Bank originally $60 to $65 50.00 still expect miraculous healings ... if so, where are they? 775-4000 477-4000 741-4000 And how can we put these gifts from God into operation now? The pastor of Emmanuel BapHst Church in Atlantic Outerwear Highlands, Rev. Richard L. Shaw, wi.. 39.00 originally $70 ..." ,..-. . 49.00 Trousers ... originally $16 •...... „„._.... 11.00 originally $17 to $18 ..... 12.00 originally $20 to $22 .,..>...,...... 15.00

Ur ui help you plan Hit kltehtn Dress Shirts and Sport Shirts' or bathroom of your choice. Tho beau- tiful detail and hondiomt workmanship of that* fine SPORTSWEAR cabinet! will enhance the beauty and value of any home. % to M Off! FREE ESTIMATES—CALL 842-4137 Dress thirts, sport shirts, reduced to save you up to 50%. Stock up CUSTOM BY nniA|#i r now at these special prices! iNC KITCHENS DKIVULL - Famous Maker Sweaters 432 BROAD ST. 842-4137 SHREWSBURY CLEARANCE 10.00 originally $15 to $20 GOING TO NEW YORK? Dozens of styles, patterns and. colors in wools, and blends. You'll recognize the famous namo >\ . come' in and scoop up an armful! Popular sizes. OUR FAST FREQUENT stainbach's man's shop — all stores BUSES RUN ALL DAY AND LATE AT NIGHT! SAVE SUBSTANTIALLY ON ONE WAY FARES MISSES' CASUAL SUITS, Round RED BANK - 741-0285 y3 off! Boys' and Girls' Trip Middletown <| 60 DRESSES, SKIRTS, SLACKS, Tidykins Fares 671-2100 1 Are SWEATERS AND BLOUSES! Snowsuits Even Keyport 12.00 to 18.00 THIS IS THE IDEAL TIME TO EXPAND Less! 264-2222 *g 40 originally $18 to $27 Hazlet Famous Tidykins washable I and i YOUR WARDROBE FOR NOW 2-pc. snowsuits in nylons and poplins, with quilt or pile lin- ings. Chooso pastel or dark colors . . . some have hoods; AND FOR NEXT YEAR! Some hatsl Sizes 0 to 24 ASBURY PARK-NEW YORK months, 2 to 4, 3 to 6X, 7. it.inbach'i youth ihop — all storas TRANSIT stainbach's iportiwear ihop — all llorei 774-2727 • LAKE AVENUE A53URY PARK SHOP Wednesday and Friday NightB 'til 9