Bay shore Man Injured in PATH Train Crash SEE STORY BELOW Weather Sunny and quite cold today, high HOME In upper teens. Clear and very cold tonight, low zero to 5 above. THEDAILY Fair, little temperature change Red Bank, Freehold tomorrow, high around 20. Sun- day's outlook, mostly cloudy, not I Long Branch 7 FINAL so cold. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 139 "M- RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1968 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Slaying Probe Goes Slowly Matawan Widow Mourned By NANCY J. KUBINSKI Mrs. Rapolla's husband, Alphonso, died four but what is believed to have been the day's receipts MATAWAN — For the third day, manyo resi- years ago. Since then, she worked alone in the neat was still inside. dents here are saddened over the violent death little grocery and liquor store in front of her home Wednesday of Mrs. Carmella Rapolla. The small market was the first borough building to support herself and three children, one of whom, A widow with three children, the 46-year-old at the Matawan Township line, and while not busy woman was shot five times in the head, chest and Joseph, is a junior at a New England college. that afternoon, it was situated on a main thorough- abdomen as she worked in her market at 2 Mam The two other children are Daniel 6, and Marie, fare in a neighborhood of homes and small fac- St. during what may have been a robbery attempt. 12, who are now staying with relatives in Red tories. Since then, local and county police have worked Bank. The murder occurred just before school children day and night to learn the identity of the killer, began streaming from borough schools and only a but have met with little success. It was Marie who found her mother on the Yesterday, however, an artist's composite floor behind a meat counter at 2:30 p.m. At 3:49 couple of hours before commuters would begin com- sketch was issued to all police departments in the p.m. Mrs. Rapolla died at the Perth Amboy General ing into the train station just a block away. Despite k - state depicting a bushy-haired middle-age man, Hospital of what Middlesex County Medical Exami- all the activity, no one apparently heard the shots, wanted for questioning in the slaying. ner William Wilentz called severe hemorrhaging of police said. DEATH STRIKES IN MARKET— Mrs. Carmella Rapolla, a 46-year-old widow/was According to Mayor Edward E. Hyrne,. resi- the heart and liver. According to Lt. Harvey Morrell, the town's shot five times Wednesday afternoon during an apparent holdup at her market at 2 dents are little concerned'with thoughts that an- Cause of death was determined at an autcpsy grief is "multiplied a 100 times" on the police de- other store owner may be in danger of a similar partment. Main St., Matawan. The first building inside the borough at the Matawan Township attack. performed bVthe doctor at the hospital yesterday. He said all trie" gunshot wounds were caused by a "The force's efforts have been at 110 per cent line, the market is situated on a heavily traveled street, with homes and businesses 'FINE WOMAN' with many men coming in on their own time to nearby. Yet, witnesses to the shooting are scarce, according to police. • "We are grieving for a fine woman and for her .22 caliber pistol. search for clues leading to the apprehension of the family, which has been struck so often with death," Police are still trying to determine if robbery _..•• (Register Staff Photo) ' man responsible," he said. "The Rapolla family he said. -. ' . was a motive. The cash register drawer was open, (See MOURN, Pg. 2, Col. 4) Fort Denies Reports of Big Job Cuts ' By DORIS KULMAN "You hope it doesn't happen, you don't plan for it to FT., MONMOUTH — From the top down, spokesmen for happen, but you have to have some course of action planned the U. S. Army Signal Center and School yesterday denied in case it does," the school commandant said. pervasive rumors that a drastic firing of civilian employes "No' one wants to discharge anyone," Gen. Rienzi said. is in the works. Asked how many persons might have to be let go if But no one denies that the school's $10 million annual CONARC doesn't come to the rescue, Gen. Rienzi said, "It budget is, insufficient for its operation and appears headed $1 depends on how much money we don't have." million Into the red. But a reduction in force doesn't necessarily mean anyone No one admits to anything but optimism about chances is goingVto.be fired,-the general-said. the Signal School's parent, the Continental Army Command Explaining that between 10 and 15 civilians quit each (CONARC), will come up with the additional money, just month he said, "Attrition may take care of it. We just •s it did in similar circumstances last year. wouldn't hire anyone to replace them:" ALTERNATIVE PLANS The school, which operates three shifts around the clock, But no one denies that alternative plans — including fur- issued a formal statement yesterday declaring that while it loughing or firing some civilian employes or shutting down doesn't have enough money to continue operating "at current the school — have been made, just in case CONARC doesn't. stepped-up levels through the fiscal year, there-isn't any truth, Rumors began circulating Wednesday Waff "suBStantial to" ths -statement thaf there is a-firpi plan to furlough-em--.* number of the school's 1,050 civilian employees — 400 to 1,000 ployes in the future. .'; — would be fired today. 'MISINTERPRETATION' A Signal School spokesman yesterday declared flatly, "The statement apparently stems from understandably "There aren't any layoffs at the school, and there aren't any apprehensive misinterpretation of the facts by employes who ! layoffs contemplated." have been advised of the fund situation in the normal course Brig. Gen. Thomas M. Rienzj, the school's commandant, of keeping employes informed,"'theofficial release said. - said the rumors apparently stemmed from the annual budget "All possible economy measures have been imposed." execution review, held Wednesday, as it usually is at midterm. The economy measures include riding herd on use of About a dozen persons attended the meeting, at which the material and close scrutiny of such items as travel assign- apparent lack of sufficient funds to carry the school through ments, "but we do that all the time," Gen. Rienzi said. to the. June 30 end of this fiscal year at its current stepped-.up ... With the lion's shar.e of its budget reportedly allocated to PROPOSED EATONTOWN PROJECT- — This is architects' rendering of four-story building proposed for Eaton- levels was discussed. its payroll, the school will have trouble tightening its belt. ' Gen. Rienzi said' that additional funds' have been request-, The school has a military faculty > of 3,200 in addition to town by Murray Hill Land Corp. If approved, it will be occupied by Fort Monmouth for use as office building. Bot- ed from CONARC. , the 1,050 civilians and approximately -8,000 students, both of- tom inset shows what the structure would look like from the air. David and Earl J. Levy are the architects for the HAPPENED LAST YEAR ficers'and enlisted men. Tinton Ave. and Hope Rd. project. "The same thing happened last year," Gen. Rienzi said, It has expanded rapidly in the past two years to meet the "and we gqt the additional money." Army's worldwide communications needs as well as the armed He likened the alternative plans made in case the funds forces commitments in Vietnam. It processed about 18,000 aren't forthcoming to plans made "in case of fire." enlisted men and more than 2,100 officer students last year. Eatontown Building Plan Train Crash Hurts 200, Is Hailed by Fort's General Including Area Man FT. MONMOUTH — The com- a number of local builders and But it immediately ran into able, the tight federal fiscal situ- manding general of the Electron- real estate people about these some trouble when several New ation is said to make that im- ics Command here today hailed needs during this time. I certainly Shrewsbury residents, whose prop- JERSEY CITY — A New York- in satisfactory condition this the 5:15 p.m. collision which oc- possible. The alternative is to morning at the center, where he curred just west of the Port the plan to construct a huge four- appreciate the enterprising spirit erties are near the proposed site, have a private developer under- bound PATH rapid transit com- story office building in Eaton- of the Murray Hill Co. and would objected. They cited traffic and muter train crashed into the rear was being detained in the emer- Authority Trans Hudson PATH take the project — and have the gency ward. tubes station at Journal Square town which eventually could look on the proposals of any other sewerage problems as well as a federal government lease it. This of another at the height of the house more than 3,000 civilian and, company to improve our facili- possible devaluation of their land. evening rush hour yesterday, in- It was reported that a number here. was the procedure followed for shoreland commuters were held Twenty-eight doctors were military personnel. ties with great favor." There was no Eatontown opposi- the Mallard communications build- juring some 200 persons, including tion.
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