Symmetries and Stabilization for Sheaves of Vanishing Cycles
Symmetries and stabilization for sheaves of vanishing cycles Christopher Brav, Vittoria Bussi, Delphine Dupont, Dominic Joyce, and Bal´azs Szendr˝oi, with an Appendix by J¨org Sch¨urmann Abstract We study symmetries and stabilization properties of perverse sheaves • of vanishing cycles PVU,f of a regular function f : U → C on a smooth C-scheme U, with critical locus X = Crit(f). We prove four main results: (a) If Φ : U → U is an isomorphism fixing X and compatible with f, then • the action of Φ∗ on PVU,f is multiplication by detdΦ|Xred = ±1. • (3) (3) (b) PVU,f depends up to canonical isomorphism only on (X , f ), for (3) (3) (3) X the third-order thickening of X in U, and f = f|X(3) : X → C. (c) If U, V are smooth C-schemes, f : U → C, g : V → C are regular, X = Crit(f), Y = Crit(g), and Φ : U → V is an embedding with f = g ◦ Φ and Φ|X : X → Y an isomorphism, there is a natural isomorphism • ∗ • ΘΦ :PVU,f →Φ|X (PVV,g )⊗Z/2ZPΦ, for PΦ a principal Z/2Z-bundle on X. (d) If (X,s) is an oriented d-critical locus in the sense of Joyce [23], there is • a natural perverse sheaf PX,s on X, such that if (X,s) is locally modelled • • on Crit(f : U → C) then PX,s is locally modelled on PVU,f . We also generalize our results to replace U, X by complex analytic • D spaces, and PV U,f by -modules or mixed Hodge modules.
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