No. 98 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA February 23, 1931

WeJ;tfield, Chatauqua Co., 1\. Y. I!E)IJ NJ~CENCE OF ~IllS. GIL\CE LORE Oct. 15, 1660 BEDELL lllLLINGS Hon. A. B. Lincoln. Before Pre!»ident Lincoln'K spednl Bo&.L&1'12'1' •• EtcDOW& D BY Dear Rir: Tu T If. l..orOOLM lrain aa·rh<>d at 'Ve:~UieJd, 1'. Y., 'lr. Lr2'I'OOL• 1\ly father ha1; jw.t come from the l.incoln is ...aid to h:ne asJ..ed Hon. HliTO & I(AL N.t.TIOlU.&. Lln fair and brought home )'Our picture Geo. \V. Patterson whose home was in R ai& A & C11 I M I O &•lf c • und ~Jr. Hamlin's. I l\m a 1;u1e girl Wt'stfi<"ld, if he knew a family there FoUHD.t. Tto• COW J'.I.JIY only <'le,·en )'earA old. but want )·ou should be President of the l 1nitcd named Dcdrll. )lr. Patte~on replie-d in the nfllrmuliYe Y.h<'reupon :\lr. Lin­ IJr. Loul• A. Warren t:dhOJ" States vuy much so 1 hope you won't think me ''ery bold to write to !i"Uch a coln told him that he had received n --- -- !{rent mnn :1s you arc. HaYe you nny Jetter from a little girl IHiffit.:'d Grace ' little- girls about as large as I um if flt":.!ell in which she addsed him to LINCOLN'S BEARD so give them my lo,·c o.nd tell her to \\Car whiskfrt~. thinking it would im· pro' c his looks. He said, '"The chnr­ "rite to me tr }'OU cannot answer this ln the pioneer day the course of letter. I ha,-e got ·I brothers and :t<:trr of I he l<'tter wa~ unique, t-O dif­ least resistance encourngcd most of part of them will \'Ole for you any fcre:tl from th<' many self-seeking the men on the frontier to allow their wa)' and if you will let your whiskers and threatening onE'~ I w~~ receidng b