Free Directory Enquiry Service Application Form
Free Directory Enquiry Service Application Form Part 3 – Confirmation Thank you for your application request regarding the Free Directory Enquiry Service from BT. This free of charge service is provided for: Part 3 of this application should be completed by a qualified representative. Suitable people might be: a GP, an optician or a hospital consultant. (N.B. People who cannot use The Phone Book because an illness or disability Some representatives may charge for certifying this form). means they are unable to hold or handle it People who cannot read The Phone Book because of a visual impairment If the applicant is blind or partially sighted, please attach a or because they have dyslexia. photocopy of the “Certificate of Vision Impairment” (CVI) to this People who take their telephone service from: BT, Affiniti,AOL,BE form. This will not be returned. If a certificate is being submitted Broadband,Direct Save,NTL,One2One, Sky, Cable & Wireless UK, Colt, Easynet, Eurobell, Gamma, Invomo, OneTel, Opal, Orange, Smallworld Cable, O2, Talk Talk, then the signature section below need not be completed. Telewest, Telecom Plus, Telephonica, The Phone Co op, Thus, Tiscali, T Mobile, Tweedwind, Utilities UK, Verizon, Virgin Media, Vodafone, Wightcable and Utility Warehouse only. Signature I certify that the person named in Part 1 of this form cannot use The Phone BT Conditions for Telephone Service apply to this Service. To obtain a copy or if Book because of a permanent medical condition, permanent physical disability you have any questions about the 195 service, or the application form, please call or a sight problem our free Helpline on 0800 5870195 (open Mon – Fri.
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