11, 1999 USPS 402420 35 Cents Neptune Avon's City's ...Lovgs S Ftfsclo
From our House to your House... TViingsToPo .P laces to Go ...at the jersey shore TN >iywci Aynasy Bn¥ isyid OQ'r: a il Diiarid >ii¥d Aynasy IMES at the jersey shor< Asburvj Park, Avon-by-the-Sea, Belmar, Bradley Beach, Neptune, Neptune City, Ocean Grove, Point Pleasant BeacK Spring Lake, Sea Girt, Wall, Sr Surrounding Communities Since 187S Vo}. CXXJV No. 10 Township of Neptune Thursday, March 11, 1999 USPS 402420 35 cents Neptune Avon's City's ...LovGS S ftfSclo... Tax Rate Heinzinger Decreases Retires "ASBURY PARK PUBLIC UBRARY By Lois Ellermann ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY By Bonnie Graham Neptune City - M onday Avon-By-The-Sea - The night's Mayor/Council meet public hearing was held on ing of March 8, 1999 began the 1999 budget during with Borough Clerk Joel Monday’s Mayor/Commis- Popkin reading a letter of retirement from Neptune sioner meeting of March 8, City Police Lieutenant 1999. The new municipal Ronald Heinzinger, a police tax rate, at 1.006 per as officer since 1971, effective sessed $100 of valuation, is April 1,1999, to which Mayor a 6 cent decrease from the Deeves added, “He was an 1998 rate of 1.06. outstanding police officer Borough Clerk/Busi- and we wish him the best in ness Administrator Timothy his retirement." Gallagher explained how Resolutions were the decrease was reached. passed enabling United “Operating expenses were Fire Company #1 to have a cut by $80,000, which de parade to celebrate their creased the tax rate by 4 100th year anniversary to begin 12 noon on July 10, cents.
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