Extensions of Remarks E2295 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E2295 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS November 10, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2295 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE 41ST PRESIDENT NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS, ers today. Local leaders, residents, and teach- OF THE UNITED STATES Silver Spring, MD, October 30, 1997. ers and students from the Goose Creek Inde- DEAR SENATOR: The National Council of pendent School District recently gathered in Senior Citizens strongly opposes any legisla- HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN tion which would reopen the Balanced Budg- nearby David G. Burnet Park to celebrate 175 OF FLORIDA et Act (BBA) for the purpose of limiting or years of the ferry and share stories about the area as it was in days gone by. The event IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES repealing the two-year bar to any Medicare billings after a doctor enters a private pay- was organized to thank the people who have Sunday, November 9, 1997 ment contract with Medicare-eligible person. operated the ferry for so many years. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I want to Passage of H.R. 2497, the Medicare Bene- The Lynchburg Ferry is one of the Nation's take this opportunity to honor a man of cour- ficiary Freedom to Contract Act of 1997, oldest continually running, free-of-charge fer- would decimate the Medicare program by re- ries, carrying thousands of cars each week age, of dignity, of character. A man who dedi- moving cost protections while reducing the cated his life to God, family, and country. A supply of doctors serving the needs of the near the confluence of the San Jacinto River man whose service to the country began in his overwhelming majority of Medicare users. and the Houston Ship Channel. Free service teenage years as a pilot in World War II, con- NCOA opposed, and continues to oppose, was begun by Harris County in 1890, and the tinued during his tenure as CIA Director and the inclusion of the original Kyl Amendment Lynchburg Ferry remains Texas' only free, Vice President, and climaxed with his election to the Medicare program. Such a provision, county-operated ferry. as the 41st President of the United States. I allowing a doctor to contract privately for The ferry operates in an area stepped in medical care payments outside of the Medi- am speaking about George Herbert Walker Texas history. Burnet Park, near the ferry care program, promises to shred three dec- landing, contains the remaining five acres of Bush. ades of essential quality, consumer, and fi- Yesterday, the library chronicling his life was nancial protections which have been incor- the original 279-acre homestead of David G. dedicated. It stands as a tribute to his unwav- porated into Medicare. Burnet, the first provisional president of the ering belief in the greatness of this country As enacted, the Kyl Amendment did in- Republic of Texas, who lived there from 1836± and his admiration of the American people. It clude the provision barring for two years 58. Burnet once competed with Sam Houston is a monument to his compassion and human- other Medicare billings subsequent to an for prestige and power within the Republic of ity in difficult times, as well as his firmness agreement for privately-paid Medicare-cov- Texas and was a leader in the battle for inde- ered services. Clearly, this could inhibit pendence. Also nearby was the home of Na- and determination to do what is right even if widespread utilization of the private con- it came at a personal cost. He is a gentleman tract option by many doctors who have not thaniel Lynch, one of Stephen F. Austin's Old in every sense of the world who put the inter- heretofore, in large numbers, declined Medi- Three Hundred settlers. Lynch settled where ests of the country before his own. care payments. Removal of this bar would Buffalo Bayou runs into the San Jacinto. In On a personal note, I wish to thank him for open the Medicare program to opportunities 1822 Lynch started a hand-pulled ferry that he the support and encouragement he gave me for many doctors to coerce patients into giv- thought would make his fortune and still bears since the beginning of my career in Congress. ing up their Medicare protection in the name his name today. I thank him for his defense of democratic of ``freedom to contact.'' The Lynchburg Ferry played a role in one of Fewer than 5% of all doctors decline to the key events of Texas' drive for independ- ideals and his commitment to freedom for the treat Medicare patients, and only 1% of Med- people of Cuba. icare beneficiaries have trouble finding doc- ence. It was here that settlers fled from the The American people and the world were tors. The current doctor-patient Medicare advancing Mexican Army under the command well served by George BushÐa decent and market works well, with no shortage of phy- of General Santa Anna as he crossed the honest man; a public servant; a husband, fa- sicians willing to accept Medicare payments. Brazos River in 1836. Tired after walking for ther, and grandfather. H.R. 2497 will allow doctors to legally pick days through heavy rains and battling a mea- I join the praises of all those who partici- and choose patient-by-patient, service-by- sles epidemic, these settlers took the ferry to service, and dictate payment levels to vul- pated or attended the dedication ceremony, safety and headed for Liberty and Beaumont. nerable persons needing professional serv- Shortly following the boatlift, the forces of Sam and extend my best wishes for the future. I ices. Instead of freedom, this would cripple hope that he will remain involved in the public Medicare's ability to hold down health care Houston defeated Santa Anna and the Mexi- arena and share his insight and experience costs and would put elderly and disabled citi- can troops at the Battle of San Jacinto. with future generations. zens at serious financial and medical risk. In 1936, a Houston school teacher bought Again, thank you, President Bush. We pledge every effort to defeat H.R. 2497 the land surrounding the ferry in order to cre- or any similar bill and to restore Medicare to ate a park in Burnet's honor. World War II put f its responsibility to cover the costs of an es- those plans on hold, and in the 1950's the sential set of quality medical services pro- land was given to Harris County, which cre- NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SENIOR vided by competent doctors and institutions on a uniform and universal basis. ated the park. CITIZENS: KYL AMENDMENT Mr. Speaker, I recognize the Lynchburg WOULD PUT ELDERLY AND DIS- Sincerely, STEVE PROTULIS, Ferry for 175 of service and for the important ABLED CITIZENS AT SERIOUS FI- Executive Director. role it has played in Texas history. NANCIAL AND MEDICAL RISK f f HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK HONORING THE LYNCHBURG RESOLVING THE CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP CONTROVERSY OF CALIFORNIA FERRY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sunday, November 9, 1997 HON. KEN BENTSEN HON. JOHN J. LaFALCE OF TEXAS OF NEW YORK Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, following is a let- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ter from the National Council of Senior Citi- zens spelling out why the Kyl-Archer amend- Sunday, November 9, 1997 Sunday, November 9, 1997 ment is bad for seniors and the disabled and Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. LAFALCE. Mr. Speaker, a year has for the Medicare Program. honor the historic Lynchburg Ferry for 175 passed since the U.S. District Court for the I urge Members to oppose this amendment. years of service to the residents of Harris District of Columbia issued its order, on Octo- As the public begins to understand what this County, TX. ber 25, 1996, barring occupation-based credit amendment would do, they will overwhelm- The Lynchburg Ferry links East Harris unions from adding any new members from ingly reject this proposal and the Members County's bustling present with its historic past employer or trade groups that are not part of who vote for it. and continues to ease transportation for travel- the core common-bond group in their original · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E2296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks November 10, 1997 charter. The ruling placed a cloud of uncer- it for the consideration of my colleagues as a largest family enterprises in the U.S. pasta tainty over the operations of nearly 3,600 beginning point for future discussion. business today. Under Luke's direction, the credit unions that continues to this day. f company recently broke ground for a new The credit union case, National Credit Union durum flour mill in North Dakota. Indicative of Administration versus First National Bank & TRIBUTE TO THE SERVICE OF NEW his success in the industry, in 1992 Luke was Trust, et. al., is now before the Supreme Court JERSEY STATE SENATOR JOHN named Pasta Man of the Year by the National with a decision expected sometime early next EWING Pasta Association. year. At issue in the case are conflicting inter- But aside from his business successes and pretations of the definition of credit union HON. MICHAEL PAPPAS contributions to the Philadelphia business membership in the 1934 Federal Credit Union OF NEW JERSEY community, Luke Marano is compassionate Act. Since 1982 the credit unions have inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and generous in his public life.
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