Shade 7 Publishing,Hajera Memon,Anisa Nachett | 26 pages | 01 Jul 2014 | Shade 7 Publishing Limited | 9780957636408 | English | London, United Kingdom ﺑِ ۡﺴ ِﻢ Stories of the Sahabah • Surah Al Fil and the Elephant incident Surah Al-Fil was revealed in Makkah. You can read the story of The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel People of the Elephant in the books of Tafseer and Islamic history. In this article, we will focus only on some key points that define the terms and purpose of this surah. Prophet peace and blessings be upon him was sent to the and the whole world to guide them to the right path. Many people believed in him back then and many others have believed in him since then. However, many others have chosen not to believe in him or his divine message. When sent Prophet Muhammad the divine message, He revealed to him the story of the elephants, which is said to have taken place the same year the Prophet was born. The story reminds the Qurayshites of one of the favors Allah had granted them as He protected them from the attack The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel the Abyssinians. Because of this, the Qurayshites remained safe in Makkah while others were being snatched away from their homes from all around them. Then in falsehood do they believe, and in the favor of Allah they disbelieve? So, let those who are present inform those who are absent. Birds Ababil were the birds Allah sent to destroy the approaching army led by . The word The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel tells us the birds were in groups or crowds. It was said that they were tiny green birds that came from the seaside and they had heads like the heads of predatory animals. Sijjil is defined as stones that were hard and solid. Some scholars say these stones were of sand and clay. Some scholars say it also means the leaves of vegetation and produce when eaten by cattle and defecated out as dung. An army which was led by a massive elephant. This was an act of aggression, they had to be stopped. However, because the Qurayshites back then were pagans, Allah did not want His Sacred House to be saved or defended by them. So He sent some of His soldiers, the flocks of The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel, to defend His House and rebel against the aggressors. You see, Prophet Muhammad was not born or had just been born when the incident took place, he could not have seen any of this. Believe it as if you have seen it with your eyes! The Birds Ababil or, flocks of birds The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel were sent by Allah to destroy the army and its leader exerted their effort and did their best. Narrations state that each tiny bird carried three stones, one in its beak and two in its two claws. To me, this is all they could do. However, since Prophet Muhammad was sent with the final message, the issue of protecting the sanctuaries has transferred from the unknown soldiers of Allah to . As Allah the Almighty honored us with His faith, we should maintain this honor through doing our best to defend the faith of Allah. Finally, the Surah should be understood as a reminder for us, as well. As Allah made us Muslims and granted us with safetywe should believe in Him and never turn our backs to Him or His way of life, Islam! The Story of the Owners of the Elephant (From Surah Al-Fil) – By Ibn Kathir |

The incident is supposed to have taken place just before the birth of Prophet Muhammad S. Before Prophet Muhammad S. S was born, the governor of Abyssinia, Abraha Al-Ashram, had built a place of worship and asked all Arabs to worship there. This site was richly decorated with treasures from the collection of Bilquis, Queen of . But the Arabs refused to bow down. The Abyssnians had tame elephants that they used in wars. Abraha gathered his army of men and elephants and marched towards Makkah. The tribes of Quraish, Kinanah and Hudhail decided to fight against Abraha, but they realized that they could not afford such a war and gave up the plan. To get more valuable Islamic content on a regular basis, please subscribe to our newsletter here. We do not intend to fight. Really we cannot afford it. He Alone can protect it if He wills to. The messenger then took him to Abraha. Abdul Muttalib was a dignified looking, handsome man. His noble appearance impressed Abraha. He did not want to insult him, nor did he want to give a potential enemy an equal status, so Abraha sat down on the rich carpet beside Abdul Muttalib. Through an interpreter, Abraha asked what the chief of the Quraish wanted. Abdul Muttalib went home and told the Quraish about his conversation with Abraha and ordered them to evacuate and move to the mountains. Click here to download the book: The Amazing . Abdul Muttalib set out with all the Quraish to the mountains seeking shelter and waiting to see what would happen next. The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel next morning, Abraha prepared himself, his troops and his elephant, Mahmoud, to enter Mecca. Nufail Ibn Habib then went away and climbed up the mount till he was far and safe. The Abyssinians tried everything to make the elephant stand again but in vain. They beat him, hurt him with The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel but still the elephant refused to get up and march towards Makkah. While trying The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel get The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel to stand they turned his direction to Yemen and he immediately got ready to move. Allah the Almighty then sent birds from the seaside that resembled hawks. Each bird held three stones: one in its beak and one in its each leg. The birds dropped these stones on the Abyssinians killing them. Some Abyssinians fled while death pursued them every way they went. They tried to go back the way they had come and asked Nufail Ibn Habib to guide them back to Yemen. Allah the Almighty also sent a severe wind that added to the speed and strength of the stones and caused the majority of the army to perish. Abraha was hit with a stone as well. After a short while, his chest cracked and he died. Ibn Ishaq said some of the Abyssinians managed to return to Yemen and related to their people what had happened to them and to the whole army. In his Tafsir, An-Naqqash mentioned The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel the flood carried away their dead bodies and threw them into the sea. Then, Ibn Ishaq cited the poetry the Arabs composed pertaining to that great incident in which Allah the Almighty made His Sacred House victorious for He wanted to grant it honor, dignity, purification and respect through sending His Messenger Muhammad S. S and the Legislation He sent with him. The destruction of the owners of the elephant was not for the sake of the Quraishites themselves but victory was granted to the Sacred House in preparation for the advent of Prophet Muhammad S. Following the death of Abraha and his succeeding two sons, the Abyssinian rule over Yemen came to an end; the church built by Abraha was deserted. The two idols were made of wood, their height was about sixty cubits and they were touched with the . Hence no one could take the risk of coming near the church or taking anything of its building or ornaments fearing the evils of the jinn. It stayed deserted till the time of the first Abbaside Caliph, As-Saffah who heard about the riches found inside the church. For others who want to help thousands learn about Islam from IqraSense. Over these years, millions of readers have benefited from our content The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel ongoing communications. If you would like to join the many people who support this work with a monthly contribution, please click on the link below. Thank you and JazakAllah for your support! Jazakalahu hairan for this article. It has enriched my knowledge of the subject matter of Suratul fil. Thank you very much. May Allah brings wisdom and knowledge to mankind for the benefits of the life hereafter…for the will bow low to the seekers of knowledge in accordance to his will…. Of course, it is believed that you actually contribute immensely towards the spread The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel Islam and inspiring in to our hearts to to be film in worshipping Allah alone. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Note: Click here to read more Islamic stories from the Quran and get access to best books in these publications. SubhanAllah, the power of Allah is so very great and never ceases to amaze! SubhanAllah Allah almighty is always powerful and great. Allah is Greatest of All. Allah is the greatest, he can do anything is always powerful. Jazakullahu khAyrun. Who Wrote the Quran? Proving that the Quran is the word of Allah. About IqraSense. Support IqraSense Today! Click Here to get Islamic Books. Watch Islamic Videos. Buy Islamic and Clothing. Get the Quranic Healing Book. Stories of the Quran. Pages About IqraSense. Support IqraSense. Surah Al-Feel, Pop-up & Play Book - Shade 7 Publishing

In A. The pop-ups and interactive flaps add an element of surprise, making children curious and excited to flip through the pages and keep on reading again and again! These pop-ups and interactive flaps have also been designed to fit into the storyline and express each scene of the book, bringing the story of Surah Al-Feel to life. Young children are curious and excited to absorb information and learn about the world around them. This precious window of learning and development is the optimal time to introduce the Quran through powerful stories. As an interactive book with pop-ups, colouring map, and press- out elephant activity cards, it also provides a multi-sensory experience proven by numerous research to be more effective for learning, comprehension and retention. A study by The Henry J. This is a scary thought! In addition to The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel lessons and character-building values from the Quran, it also instills the love of reading in children so that they are not always seeking entertainment from screen media. Also a perfect way to keep children entertained while learning at the same time during daily commutes and car rides. Nothing can replace quality time spent with your child. Best of all, it opens a platform for children to ask more about the Quran, and becomes a doorway for the whole family to bond over various concepts of Islam such as solah, dua, patience and more. Aminul Hoque — February 20, Alhamdulillah we have had this epic book since it ever first came out. All my children love it mashaAllah but my son it particular who is now 1. Is it all the amazing pop-ups and vibrant colours or might it be all my ever-changing special sound effects? Dr Ghaffar verified owner — December 26, Just wanted to congratulate you on your first publication — Story Of The Elephant and Wudu bath toy book. My 11 year daughter was reading the pop up book to her 8 year old brother and 3 year old sister when it arrived today. The younger two listened intently and they all loved the pop up illustrations. Wonderful and my family and I wish you all the best success for the future in other projects. God bless you all. Hajera — October 10, SubhanAllah Hajera!!! Random Bytes From Life — November 14, I think this book is just perfect and I will give it a rating of five full stars. Highly recommended for readers of all ages, especially youngsters aged between 6 to 12 years. Allah u Akber! Another feature that my older Beta really enjoyed was the narration The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel historical events in a brief but complete The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel, making him exactly understand the event The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel it had occurred. Along with the book, comes a The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel pack that includes a full sized map of Arabia and two cardboard pieces out of which kids could actually cut the elephants and create a model army. I really liked this teaching material as it has come in handy to teach my younger Beta something about the location of Arabia as well! Nour The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel — October 29, Hi there Thanks a to established the story of the elephant, it was greatful and very easy to let my child understand itso please if you will do a new story for the old islamic onelike this please let me know so i can order it. Thanks again to your efforts Kind regards Nour. So far it has survived some serious love from my little ones! It is not just The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel picture book, or a pop-up books, its a whole educational experience. It encourages learning and love for the Quran in a variety of ways and at a variety of levels. We even used it to teach Geography, History, Character building and Islamic history. I highly recommend this book. We absolutely love it! Tahura Khanom — August 26, Love,love love this book Absolutely stunning-we adore the popups! His favourite bit-has to be the popup in the end of course!! Marzana Ahmed — August 26, I have this book. My children and I really enjoyed this and I learnt a lot from it Alhamdulillah. For all The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel who are looking for good quality Islanic books for children and Alhamdulillah there are many now this is a must have. I hope they make more soon in sha allah. Mas-oodah — August 16, It has been over a month that I have received my dazzling copy of the most amazing Islamic pop-up book the first of its kind, Alhamdulillah. The Story of the Elephant by Hajera Memon. Mind you, I was more excited than my 5 year old daughter for whom I decided to buy the book for. I was literally bouncing up and down in the post office and excitedly ripped open the box when I just received it0 However I had promised only to unwrap this treasure on Eid morning with my princess so I had to painfully The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel — fighting the urge to unwrap it every day. It was a long 7 days. If I should be honest this treasure has been our bed time and day time story for this entire month. We are yet to tire from the many beautiful lessons. Her reaction to the entire book and story left me in tears. She absolutely loves every pop-up. She even knows all the words to the story and makes me use different voices for every character. I extend my congratulations to my dear friend Hajera Memon on such an amazing accolade in having to author this extraordinary book. Jazakallahu khair for bringing this story to life in such a unique way and please let this be the first of many books, Insha Allah. Even the extra-long wait that we went through to receive the work was way worth it. I blame that on the postal service in South Africa. Book depository were amazing in trying to assist me in receiving a replacement copy of the book as I had assumed it got lost in the mail somehow after 6 weeks. If ordering from South Africa allow for 8 weeks due to the postal service. My little princess is very thrilled to have this treasure in her small yet growing library. And I guess I am as well. Aleeza S — August 7, To tell you the truth its work like yours that takes a burden off from shoulders of parents like us who are on the lookout for quality Islamic resources for their children. Haajra Fareen — July 29, Every time I bring it out, I see their little faces light up with joy. That excitement to learn something new everyday is remarkable. And this book is definitely going to stay with us for years to come. And I really hope Shade 7 comes with loads of other such fun, interesting and educational books for young minds. Henna-Sahar Hashmi — July 27, Salaam Hajera! Just wanted to say, every time I have no idea what to give to kids as gifts, I end up buying your book! They love it every time! Saima Zakir — July 17, Thank you I received my copy of The story of the elephant book in time for eid. My daughter and twelve year old son love it. Thanks once again. Nusheen verified owner — July 16, I received my order today, packaged so carefully and I just had to write to say jazakallahu khairan!!!! We love it. It came so quickly, even faster than many things shipped within the US. I was amazed by this beautifully crafted book. I truly appreciate the care and effort you put in to communicating with me and ensuring that the books arrived on time for Eid. May Allah swt grant you extra blessings as you did this during . I cannot wait for more books from your group. May Allah swt count this as a source of sadaqah jariya for everyone involved. Rajeh The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel verified owner — July 16, Assalem aleikum Shade 7 team! I wanted to say a HUGE thank you for making this book. may Allah reward you in what you do! You really have change his perspective of the Quran Al hamdulillah. May The Story of the Elephant: Surah Al-Feel reward you and accept you efforts! Are you planning to release more stories? Also have you translated the book in other languages like Arabic or Bahasa?