Marquette University e-Publications@Marquette Theology Faculty Research and Publications Theology, Department of 9-1-2008 Catholic-Methodist-Pentecostal: A Trialogue? Ralph Del Colle Marquette University,
[email protected] Published version. Ecumenical Trends, Vol. 37, No. 8 (September 2008): 7-9, 15. Publisher Link. © 2008 Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute. Used with permission. ... Catholic-Methodist- Pentecostal: A Trialogue? By RALPH DEL COLLE he report of the eighth round of the prayer of our Lord for the unity of his dis that has served it well for its not infrequent TInternational Dialogue between the ciples (In 17:21). This has not been the • leadership in the ecumenical movement. Catholic Church and the World Methodist case for the international Catholic-Pente Chapter One of GGC entitled, "Mutual Council in 2006, entitled The Grace Given costal Dialogue. As was stated in the Fourth Reassessment," gives a good account of You in Christ: Catholics and Methodists Phase's Report (1990-1997), Evangeliza the progress made in the respective views Reflect Further on the Church (henceforth, tion, Proselytism and Common Witness, "The of each communion vis-a-vis the other GGC), represents the culmination of a series goal is not structural unity, but rather the concluding with the new hermeneutical of dialogues in which the goal of "the fostering of this respect and mutual under perspectives that are the fruit of an engaged restoration of Christian unity" is under standing between the Catholic Church and ecumenism. stood as "full communion in faith, mission classical Pentecostal groups" (n. 2). The If I may sumrriarize the genius of and sacramental life" (GGC, n.