Light, Architectureand Health a Method
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Light, Architecture and Health a Method Carlo Volf, MAA Ph.D.-thesis Light, Architecture and Health – a Method Ph.D.-thesis by Carlo Volf © 2013 Carlo Volf, Aarhus School of Architecture Printed by: Linde Tryk Paper: Maxi offset 120 g. Aarhus, Denmark 2013 Light, Architecture and Health a Method Carlo Volf, MAA Ph.D.-thesis FOREWORD This thesis is a contribution to the overall social and health debate of today. A health debate which is often characterized by the medical sciences and the me- dical profession, but which however, historically, has been an important part of the architectural profession as well. Close collaboration between medical and architectural disciplines have crea- ted several good examples of healthy architecture over the years. Hippocrates, the father of medical art, giving name to the Hippocratic Oath, was actually both a doctor and an architect, healing diseases as well as preventing them. In the eyes of Hippocrates, preventing diseases first of all meant a healthy life- style in a healthy physical environment, putting a special emphasis on healthy architecture. The goal of this thesis is to restore the importance of architecture and light to our general health. By studying the effect of light on the health, the thesis makes suggestions as to how the architecture may provide a better framework for health in the future. Through this thesis, it has been amazing to see how clearly the faith in light as a preventive and curative agent manifests itself in the architecture, such as in the sanatoriums, e.g. in Alvar Aaltos Paimio Sanatorium. And equally ama- zing to see how the lack of faith in the restorative aspects of light – and a belief exclusively based on medical and technological treatment – manifests itself, e.g. at The State Hospital in Copenhagen, where the faith is put entirely into the hands of medical and technological treatment, in an era, here described as the antibiotic era, in which better vaccines and better medical responses to various diseases are gaining ground. However, new knowledge about the effects of light in maintaining a good health, and preventing diseases, is increasingly challenging this point of view. The architecture may, in this respect, help and support the recovery, thus re- ducing the overall health care costs, and a purely medical treatment may be supplemented with knowledge of architecture and light, and their shared im- portance to the health and to the general well-being. In Denmark the health care annually amounts to 8.8 % of a total GDP of approx. 1,384 billion DKK, corresponding to approx. 122 billion DKK. Today these costs mainly pass to curative medical care. However, in this context, the preventive role of architecture should not be underestimated, a role, which is interesting to investigate further. Light and architecture may complement the treatment and the prevention of diseases, in this way reducing the overall costs of health care. Carlo Volf, Aarhus, June 2013 CREDITS I would like to thank Aarhus School of Architecture for funding this PhD the- sis. I would also like to thank everyone who has contributed to the thesis, and who have supported me through this research project. A special thanks to my family, my wife, Grethe and my children, Freja Louise and Villads who have allowed me to work undisturbed at the right times – and also disturbed me at the right times. On the other hand I apologize for having disturbed at less appropriate times – such as in the middle of the night when I had to set up the light experiments on the rooftop of The State Hospital. I would like to thank my supervisors; Torben Nielsen, Jørgen Dehs and Niels Albertsen. The latter arrived relatively late in the process, however he has been an important and indispensable part of my academic advisory team. Thanks to Rob Marsh. I would like to thank Jennifer Veitch and Guy Newsham at NRC, the National Research Center in Canada, thank you for your hospitality and for your professional contributions to the thesis. Also thanks to Erhan Dikel at NRC. Thanks to the Danish equivalent of NRC, SBI, and to DTU Photonics, it is always inspiring and rewarding to meet deeply professional and engaged lighting people. Thanks to The State Hospital, to Mogens Thrane and to the many people helping me, providing access to the roof top of the hospital during the un- forgettable days and nights, winter and summer with helicopters flying over the light station. Thanks to Jacob Valling and Morten Thing for their contri- butions to the practical light experiments. Thanks to Keramikbutikken, for making the workshop available to me. Also thanks for several insightful con- versations with interested medical people, Hans Christian Wulf, Henrik A. Kolstad, Per Nelleman and Carsten Geisler. I would also like to thank the ar- chitects, Henning Larsen Architects and Friis & Moltke Architects for a good cooperation in the application of the method at The New Herlev Hospital, as I would like to thank other interested architects, C. F. Møller, Aarhus Architects and BIG. Thanks to The Danish Library of Natural and Health Sciences in Copenha- gen. Finally, a warm thank you to all my colleagues and fellow PhD students at the Aarhus School of Architecture, thanks for the personal and academic discussions about architecture, joys and sorrows during the course of my work with this thesis. ǡ ȃ TABLE OF CONTENT Summary 8 ͬǤ I ͭͮ From heliotherapy to heliophobia 12 Larger context of the thesis 13 Research questions 14 Definition of the problem area 15 Methodology 16 ͭǤ L ͮͮ An end to light and health 26 The missing geographical orientation 30 And a new beginning 32 ͮǤ L ͯͲ Vitamin D3 – the sunshine vitamin 36 The skin – and skin cancer 39 Sunscreen 42 A missing piece in the lighting puzzle 44 Light and depression 48 Darkness and health 49 ͯǤ A ͱ͜ Cholera 54 Rickets 55 Tuberculosis 56 Failed strategies 60 The Peckham Health Centre 60 The Finsbury Health Centre 62 Skolen ved Sundet 64 Paimio Sanatorium – an exception which proves the rule 66 The asymmetrical daylight – a showdown with the legacy of PH 75 6 ͰǤ ͘͠ A showdown with glass as an immaterial building block 80 Glass and light 83 The unhealthiness factor 84 The UVb-factor 86 What comes first – the glass or the building? 87 ͱǤ A ͵͚ Introduction 92 A showdown with the cloudy sky 92 The Danish weather 93 The circadian rhythm and the geographical orientation 97 6Ǥ T ͭͬ͜ The practical light experiments – method 104 Representation of light 105 Simultaneous-time-lapse-photography 106 The ward as a light laboratory 108 The practical light experiments – results 116 The morning light – the first light 118 The morning light – winter east 126 The noon light – the last morning light 132 The afternoon light – the first evening light 138 The evening light – the last light 144 The night – the first darkness 150 Summary – the measurable light 156 ͳǤ A ͭ6ͬ The New Herlev Hospital 160 Colors, geographical orientation and time 168 Other types of shielding 168 ͠Ǥ C ͭͳ͜ Concluding remarks 178 Perspectives 179 ͵Ǥ R ͙ͭ͠ Bibliography 182 Illustrations 189 Annex – the unhealthiness factor 192 SUMMARY This thesis focuses on the relationship between light, health and architecture. Light and health is an area which has in recent years undergone major chan- ges and gained increasing attention in the architectural planning. However, it is still a relatively new area, which is why a lot of effort and work is put into defining the different health aspects of light in order to better utilize them in architecture. Much recent research reveals new beneficial aspects of the light, while other research merely seems to confirm the ideas of a healthy architecture in the early 20th century. The point of departure of this thesis is based on historical sources. Through a literature study, the thesis unfolds what can be described as forgotten knowled- ge. Subsequently, the thesis reviews recent and evidence-based knowledge on light and health. Here, the influence of light on health is conceptualized, also relating the role of architecture to various diseases. This is followed by field studies of modernist buildings, all based on health aspects. The original intentions are described and subsequently evaluated with contemporary eyes based on the knowledge obtained through the lite- rature study. The overall lesson to be learned, is that a strategy of unilateral exposure to sunlight often fails, simply because it over-emphasizes the sunlight. Instead a balance between exposure to sunlight and protection from sunlight is suggested. This balance is investigated through two practical light experiments. In the first experiment glass is examined, seen from a health perspective. Here the thesis presents a new concept, the unhealthiness factor of glass. The second experiment seeks to find a balance between exposure to and protection from the sun, based on studies of the geographical orientation, the weather and the circadian rhythm during the day and year. This is done through a setup of eight scale models in controlled test and control trials comparing and repre- senting differences in light over time and place. For this purpose the thesis develops a new method of representation, simul- taneous-time-lapse-photography, depicting differences in light over time and space, according to E, S, W and N, also depicting the differences in the light respectively at summer solstice, equinox and winter solstice. Based on the light experiments, the thesis introduces an overall architectural strategy for healthier light in buildings, a strategy which responds to the asymmetrical light of the sun. It does this by, in itself, being asymmetrical. ͠ ǡ ȃ Thereby the thesis restores the importance of the geographical orientation, that is, the aspect of morning sun, evening sun, summer sun and winter sun and the fundamental importance of light for temporality, place and body.