November 12, 2014 Archbishop Myers Refl Ects on Synod by Archbishop John J

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November 12, 2014 Archbishop Myers Refl Ects on Synod by Archbishop John J Vol. 63 No. 11 The community newspaper of the Archdiocese of Newark November 12, 2014 Archbishop Myers refl ects on Synod By Archbishop John J. Myers The discussions about the discov- ery of potential pastoral approaches he Extraordinary Synod to these issues and challenges will of Bishops on the Pastoral continue in the coming year as we Challenges of the Family prepare for the General Synod in in the Context of the New October 2015. At the same time, the Evangelization is over, for Church and her people will take time Tnow. It was a very earnest attempt to focus on such joyous moments to look into the issues at the heart as the World Meeting of Families in of both immediate family life and Philadelphia in September. the life of this much larger family But echoes of false and mislead- of ours that we call Church. It was ing statements, suppositions, prop- not simply an exercise to be logged ositions and perceptions about the and forgotten. It is a reality we must synod remain. Unfortunately, some face directly and honestly. Unlike of them have led to a belief that the the more sheltered environment of Synod was not successful, that the the Second Vatican Council, which I Church does not care about people Photos courtesy of Father Zachary Swantek witnessed as a seminarian in Rome, who are not cut from an “Ozzie Father Zachary Swantek, a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, took the 24-hour news cycle environment and Harriet” mold, and that she has these photos at the synod, where he served as an aide. “I witnessed a we live in today created too many closed off any way of welcome or true spirit of fraternity as the Synod Fathers shared their experiences, expectations and disappointments invitation to walk together in faith as learned from each other, and truly sought to better share God’s plan from this synod. Continued on page 4 for marriage and the family,” he said. Inclusive Family Masses welcome all of God’s children By Melissa McNally life. Inclusive Family Masses were Editor established to ensure that individuals and families with special needs feel AREA—For individuals and welcome to celebrate the Eucharist. families living with developmen- Masses are held at Saint John the tal, intellectual or other disabilities, Evangelist Parish, Bergenfi eld; Saint attending Mass at their local parish Augustine Parish, Union City(in can be a stressful situation. Parents Spanish); Nativity Parish, Midland may feel their child is a “distraction” Park; and Our Lady of The Lake to fellow parishioners during the lit- Parish, Verona. urgy. Families may feel unwelcomed Saint Therese of Lisieux Parish by the congregation and community, in Cresskill recently established an depriving them of the opportunity to Inclusive Family Mass in Septem- grow in faith. ber. Father Samuel Citero, O.Carm., The department of Pastoral Min- was inspired to host the Mass after a istry with Persons with Disabilities journey to Lourdes with the Amer- Submitted photo of the Archdiocese of Newark is ican Special Children’s Pilgrimage Father Samuel Citero, O.Carm., celebrates Inclusive Family Mass dedicated to the participation of in- Group. Each Easter, the Bergen- at Saint Therese of Lisieux Parish, Cresskill. The next Mass will be dividuals with disabilities in parish Continued on page 4 held Nov. 16 at 1:30 p.m. FUND FOR RELIGIOUS Page 3 CLASSIFIEDS Page 6 APPOINTMENTS Page 7 AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Page 7 BLUE MASS Page 9 2 Our Archdiocese November 12, 2014 Honohan named president of Immaculate Conception High School MONTCLAIR—Archbishop Conception, along with six of her maintain and grow these programs John J. Myers has appointed Celia siblings, Honohan has experience in to assure their longevity and effec- Triggs Honohan as president of Im- business, educational management, tiveness to students well into the maculate Conception High School. curriculum development and im- future. She was instrumental in cre- Most recently, she served as plementation, and fund-raising and ating school advisory boards and a director of development coordinat- institutional development. Financial Board for Saint Joseph’s ing efforts to keep the open. The Her marketing and promotion- School. monumental effort by students, al skills were honed as an account She holds a bachelor’s degree in parents, teachers, administration, executive for Bauer & Rosner Public business administration from Ma- board of trustees, alumni and friends Relations, New York, where she rymount Manhattan College, and a put the school on a path to fi nancial developed and executed marketing master’s degree in educational the- stability. opportunities in major media outlets atre from the Steinhardt School of As president of the Catholic for assigned clients. Her educational Education of New York University. co-educational high school, Honohan background includes experience as “The return of Celia Honohan will be responsible for designing and both a volunteer and staff member at to Immaculate Conception High implementing a range of fund-rais- schools in California and New York. School is truly providential,” Board Celia Triggs Honohan ing, development and admissions She has served as founder and of Trustees Chair William C. Slat- supporters —will surely benefi t programs to increase enrollment and program director of both the school tery said. “She is the person primar- from the strength, wit, determina- ensure long-term viability for the chorus and drama programs of Saint ily responsible for raising the nearly tion, initiative and innovation that school. She also will be responsi- Joseph’s School, Yorkville, NY, de- $500,000 needed to bring a fresh Celia will bring to the helm of Im- ble for daily personnel and fi nancial veloping the curricula and providing start to the school and a beginning maculate Conception in this year of matters at the high school, and will educational leadership for students. of a new chapter in our history. All transition. For all of these reasons, report to the Board of Trustees. Honohan also sought and obtained members of the school family—stu- the board unanimously chose her to An alumna of Immaculate consistent sources of funding to dents, faculty, alumni, friends and serve as president.” mortality. Although the country is Sister refl ects on her mission in Sudan rich in natural resources, including DEMAREST—On Nov. 4, The oil and gold, many of its citizens Academy of the Holy Angels wel- struggle for survival on a daily basis. comed Sister Cathy Arata, S.S.N.D., Solidarity with South Sudan seeks to who shared her experiences working confront these injustices through ed- for Solidarity with South Sudan. The ucation, advocacy and prayer. organization is a consortium of more Sister Cathy urged Holy Angels than 200 religious congregations students and staff to seek justice and dedicated to training teachers, health work for the common good and to care workers and pastoral personnel stand in solidarity with South Sudan, to improve the lives of the people in through prayer, service and action. the North African nation. “We are all called to be brothers Holy Angels President Melinda and sisters to one another. And this Hanlon commended Sr. Cathy for is not an option but rather a voca- refl ecting the ideals of the School tion: a vocation that calls on all of Sisters of Notre Dame, whose us,” she explained. mission is to transform the world Submitted photo In addition to holding their through education and to live in soli- From left to right are Academy of Holy Angel’s Dean of Students Jean Sudanese brothers and sisters in darity with all creation. Mullooly, Principal Jennifer Moran, Sister Cathy Arata, S.S.N.D., and prayer, the Holy Angels community Sr. Cathy, who worked with the President Melinda Hanlon. will direct this year’s Thanksgiving organization for six years, offered try’s independence in 2011, its people those that do are typically boys. fund-raising efforts to the organiza- an overview of South Sudan’s geog- have been struggling with the effects With only one medical doctor tion. The campaign’s goal is to raise raphy and recent history, as well as of civil war. Many are displaced and per 100,000 people, its healthcare enough money to cover a year’s some if its most pressing humanitari- lacking basic necessities and very system is severely lacking and the tuition for at least twenty Sudanese an challenges. Even before the coun- few Sudanese receive an education; country leads the world in infant students. Most Reverend John J. Myers President and Publisher ADVERTISING: Deacon Alfred Frank Associate Publisher [email protected] The Catholic Advocate does not endorse the services Melissa McNally Editor [email protected] and goods advertised in its pages. Acceptance of ad- Marilyn Smith Production Supervisor [email protected] vertisers and advertising copy is subject to the pub- Marge Pearson-McCue Director of Advertising [email protected] lisher’s approval. Neither the publication nor publisher & Operations shall be liable for damages if an advertisement fails to Very Rev. Michael M. Walters, JCL, V.F. Copy Editor [email protected] be published or for any error in an advertisement. FREQUENCY FOR 2014: ONLINE: December 17 NJPANew Jersey Press Association PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT: The Catholic Advocate Online is published by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese FREQUENCY FOR 2015: ONLINE: February 11, of Newark at 171 Clifton Ave., Newark NJ 07104-9500. 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