The economics of spaceship

Rob Hart

c Draft date October 26, 2016

[email protected]


Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Economic growth on 1 1.2. Questions regarding economic growth on spaceship Earth 5 1.3. Economic methodology 6 1.4. Thisbook 7

Part 1. The driving forces of economic growth 11

Chapter 2. Growth fundamentals 13 2.1. Production, GDP, and growth 13 2.2. Whatdrivesgrowth?Reasoningfromfirstprinciples 14 2.3. Growth drivers in the real economy 16

Chapter 3. Labour, capital, and neoclassical growth: The SolowandRamseymodels 17 3.1. The Solow model with constant technology 17 3.2. Solowwithexogenoustechnologicalprogress 21 3.3. The Ramsey model 21

Chapter 4. Endogenous growth theory 23 4.1. Ideas and long-run growth 23 4.2. A simple model of endogenousgrowth 23 4.3. Theeffect of endogenizing growth 27

Part 2. Natural resources and neoclassical growth 29

Chapter 5. Neoclassical growth and nonrenewable resources 31 5.1. Land 31 5.2. An abundant resource, costly to extract 32 5.3. A limited resource, costless to extract (Hotelling/DHSS) 33

Chapter 6. Pre-industrial human development 41 6.1. Population dynamics 41 6.2. A simple model of Malthusian growth 42

Chapter 7. Resource stocks 45 7.1. The elephant in Hotelling’s room 45 7.2. Anextractionmodelwithinhomogeneousstocks 48 7.3. Concluding discussion on resource stocks in the very longrun 56

Chapter 8. Renewable natural resources and pollution as inputs 57 8.1. Renewables 57 8.2. Pollution 59

Part 3. Demand for natural resources and energy 61

Chapter 9. Directed technological change and resource efficiency 63 9.1. Resource efficiencyintheproductionfunction 63 9.2. Asimplemodelofdirectedtechnologicalchange 65 9.3. Evidence regarding the DTC model 69 9.4. Links between knowledge stocks 71

Chapter 10. Structural change and energy demand 73 10.1. Introduction to structural change 73 10.2. Preliminary analysis 75

iii 10.3. Structural change without income effects 78 10.4. Amodelofendogenouslyexpandingvariety 84 10.5. Evidence for income effectsinenergydemand 88

Part 4. Substitution between resource inputs, and pollution 91 Chapter 11. Substitution between alternative resource inputs 93 11.1. Asimplemodelwithalternativeresourceinputs 93 11.2. Technological change 96 11.3. An alternative to lock-in: The Fundamentalist economy 98 Chapter 12. The EKC and substitution between alternative inputs 101 12.1. Introduction 101 12.2. Themodel 104 12.3. The elements of the model 107 12.4. Case studies of pollution reduction 112 12.5. Conclusions 115 Chapter 13. Production, pollution and land 117

Part 5. Policy for 119 Chapter 14. Is unsustainability sustainable? 121 14.1. Lessons from historical adaptation 121 14.2. Financial and other crises 121 14.3. Uncertainty and future crises 121 Chapter 15. Growth and environment 123 15.1. Taxation contra Command and Control 123 15.2. Precaution 123 15.3. Lessonsfromobservationsofstructuralchange 123 Chapter 16. The no-growth paradigm 125 16.1. Consumerism 125 16.2. ‘Green’ consumerism 125 16.3. Conspicuousconsumption,labour,andleisure 125 Chapter 17. Mathematical appendix 129 17.1. Growth rates 129 17.2. Continuous and discrete time 130 17.3. A continuumof firms 131 Bibliography 133



1.1. Economic growth on spaceship Earth The metaphorof Earth as a spaceship—made famousby Kenneth Boulding (1966)—helps to bring home the obvious truth that we live together on a planet with finite resources. Furthermore, inputs from beyond the Earth—such as the flow of energy from the sun—are limited, and there are enormous obstacles to resource extraction from other planets, let alone their colonization. The necessity of living together on the finite surface of the Earth suggests the need for cooperation and fairness, as emphasized by Orwell in ‘The road to Wigan Pier’.1 On the other hand, Boulding focuses on the necessity of the careful use of the finite natural resources available to us, and the avoidance of fouling our own nest with pollution. In this book we follow Boulding by focusing on resource use and pollution rather than cooperation and fairness. Boulding describes the transition in the human imagination from the idea of the frontier economy in which scarcity is only ever local, to the idea of global limits. We aim to understand both the ‘frontier’ and ‘spaceship’ phases of developmentas part of a single long-runprocess; even when we have the mindset of the frontier, we are already on the spaceship. This book thus concerns the development of the global—spaceship—economy in the very long run. How can we make sense of the changes in the human economy that we have seen of the last couple of centuries, and even the last 20000 years? In the light of our explanation of the past, what future scenarios are possible, or indeed likely, regarding long-run global production of goods and services, given the finite nature of the Earth, its natural resources, and the inflow of energy from the sun? Furthermore, what policies are called for in order to achieve desirable long-run outcomes with regard to (sustainable) long-run production and the quality of the living environment? Over the last 100 years and more the world has witnessed economic growth which is not only uniquely rapid, but also astonishingly steady, by which I mean that the increase in production of goods and services per capita in the richest countries has occurred at a remarkably constant rate. Can this increase be maintained, and if it is maintained, will that be at the expense of the quality of the Earth’s environment or other species? To get some perspective on these questions we need data, observations. We begin by pre- senting data regarding long-run growth in GDP per capita, and also growth in population. We do this for two periods: pre-industrial (up to 1700) and industrial (after 1800). Regarding the pre-industrial period, Figure 1.1 shows that production per capita was remarkably constant from prehistoric times through to around 1700.2 Global population, on the other hand, increased very slowly up to around 5000 BCE, from which point it grew at a rather constant exponential rate (note the logarithmic scale) up to 1700 CE. Because we have used a (natural) log scale, the slopes of the line tell us growth rates directly: thus we can read off that the growth rate of population between 5000 BC and 1700 was approximately 4.5/6700, i.e. less than 0.1 percent per year. (For more on the mathematics behind growth rates and the use of the logarithmic scale see the Mathe- matical appendix, Chapter 17.1.) The explanation of these two trends is straightforward and was first put forward by Thomas Malthus (1798); we return to it in Chapter 6. After 1800 things look very, very, different, as we see in Figure 1.2. During the 19th century both global product and population grow at around 0.5 percent per year, whereas in the 20th century they grow faster: almost 2 percent per year for average global product per capita, and 1.5 percent per year for population. Note that the growth rate in total global product is the sum of the growth rates in population and global product per capita, and was therefore slightly over 3 percent per year during the 20th century.

1‘The world is a raft sailing through space with, potentially, plenty of provisions for everybody; the idea that we must all co-operate and see to it that everyone does his fair share of the work and gets his fair share of the provisions seems so bla- tantly obvious that one would say that no one could possibly fail to accept it unless he had some corrupt motive for clinging to the present system.’ Orwell (1958), p.203. Available at 2Note however that the data on which the figure is based could be called into question.

1 2 1.1. Economic growth on spaceship Earth





Log scale, normalized 1 Global population

0 Average yearly production per capita

−20000 −10000 0 1700 year

Figure 1.1. Global product and population, historical (data from Brad DeLong). Both variables are normalized to start at zero. Population grows by a factor of approximately exp[5], i.e. about 150. Average yearly production per capita is close to 100 USD throughout.



Average global product per capita, normalized 1.5

Log scale 1

Global population, normalized


0 1800 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

Figure 1.2. Global product and population, modern (data from Maddison (2010) and US Census Bureau).

We now turn to resource consumption rates, and prices, as illustrated in Figure 1.3.3 In Figure 1.3(a) we show data for an aggregate of the 17 most important metals measured by factor expen- diture (not including uranium). The results are striking: over a period of more than 100 years, growth in global consumption of metals almost exactly tracks growth in global product, whereas the real price is almost exactly constant. The result is that the share of metals in global product is also constant, since expenditures (the product of price and quantity) track global product. In Figure 1.3(b) we see the same result for global primary energy supply through combustion. Again, quantity tracks global product while the weighted energy price is almost constant. After a slight

3Note: Global product data from Maddison (2010). Metals: Al, Cr, Cu, Au, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn, Hg, Ni, Pt, Rare , Ag, Sn, W, Zn. All metals data from Kelly and Matos (2012). Energy: Coal, oil, natural gas, and biofuel. Fossil quantity data from Boden et al. (2012). Oil price data from BP (2012). Coal and gas price data from Fouquet (2011); note that these data are only for average prices in England; we make the (heroic) assumption that weighted average global prices are similar. Biofuel quantity data from Maddison (2003). Biofuel price data from Fouquet (2011); again, we assume that the data are representative for global prices, and we extrapolate from the end of Fouquet’s series to the present assuming constant prices. The older price data is gathered from historical records and is not constructed based on assumptions about elasticities of demand or similar. Sensitivity analysis shows that the assumptions are not critical in driving the results. Chapter 1. Introduction 3 decline in the early 19th century, the factor share of energy remains almost constant, although in the short run it is tightly linked to price changes.4

4 5 Global product Global product 3.5 Expenditure Expenditure Price 4 Price 3 Quantity Quantity 2.5 3 2

1.5 2


Natural log scale 1 0.5

0 0 −0.5

−1 −1 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1850 1900 1950 2000

Figure 1.3. Long-run growth in total consumption and prices, compared to growth in total global product, for (a) Metals, and (b) Primary energy from combustion.

Finally we look at data from two specific pollutants, sulphur emissions in the United King- dom, and global CFCs: Figure 1.4. Sulphur has regional effects, therefore we look at emissions from a specific country; CFCs have global effects, hence we look at global emissions. In both cases the figures show very rapidly rising emissions up to the point at which regulatory action is taken against the pollutant. For clarity we show the date on which the first major regulation was introduced; further (stricter) regulations followed thereafter. The natural interpretation of the data is that the increasing trend for emissions was rapidly turned around through regulation. The data in Figures 1.1–1.3 suggest two questions regarding the long-run development of the human population and its economy. Firstly, how and when will the exponential growth in popula- tion be stopped? Secondly, how and when will the exponential growth in resource and energy use be stopped? These questions arise since, on a finite planet, it is clear that such exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely. (Note that there is no physical necessity for economic growth per se to slow down or stop in the long run, since global product is ultimately measured in monetary, not physical, units; there is no logically necessary connection between (a) the value of goods and services produced per year and (b) any physical quantity.) Figure 1.4 leads to many more ques- tions: what causes the rise and then fall of polluting emissions in these cases; is this a general pattern, and if so are we heading for a cleaner future or will new pollutants constantly appear? More generally, when will the disruption of ecosystems through pollution and overexploitation stop? Will it stop at all? Regarding the first question, about population growth, opinions differ but the broad outlines of the answer are clear: population growth will slow down and stop over the next few decades, as long as economic security, health care, education, and women’s rights continue to spread across all people of the world; we thus pay relatively little attention to this question in the book. The analysis we do present is to be found in Chapter 6 on Malthus, population growth, and economic growth. Regarding the second question, it is one of the key questions tackled in this book. It bears repeating: how and when will the exponential growth in resource and energy use be stopped? To get a handle on the time frame within which the observed growth must slow down or stop we look first at resource extraction, and then at fossil energy. Regarding resource extraction, consider the following calculation. The current physical extraction rate of minerals is of the order of 1010 tonnes per year globally (this can be calculated using data from Kelly and Matos, 2012).

4Note that in Figure 1.3 we show log-normalized data to emphasize relative growth rates, but what is the level of the factor share of resources compared to labour and capital? Based on the above data sources, the factor share of resources is significant but not large. For instance, the factor share of crude oil in the global economy in 2008 was 3.6 percent, whereas the factor share of the 17 major metals was just 0.7 percent. Note also that what we present as factor costs do not all go to the factor in a general equilibrium sense: payments to capital and labour make up a large part of the costs of mineral and energy resources. 4 1.1. Economic growth on spaceship Earth

1 0 0.5 GDP −0.5

−1 0 −1.5

−0.5 −2

Sulphur −2.5 CFC Natural log scale −1 −3

Clean air act −3.5 −1.5 Montreal protocol −4

−2 −4.5 1850 1900 1950 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Figure 1.4. UK Sulphur emissions compared to total UK GDP, and global CFC production (CFC11+CFC12) compared to total global product. Sulphur: both normalized to zero in 1956, the date of introduction of the first of a long se- ries of regulations restricting emissions. CFCs: both normalized to zero in 1987, the date of signing of the Montreal protocol. Data: Maddison (2010) (GDP), Stern (2005) (Sulphur), AFEAS (CFCs). AFEAS data downloaded from, 9 Nov. 2014. Two anomalous points in the sul- phur data have been altered.

Assume that this rate continues to grow at the same rate as it has done over the past 100 years, i.e. approximately 3 percent per year. Then extraction would be multiplied by a factor 20 each century, and in 700 years we would be mining and using minerals roughly equal to the entire earth’s crust every year, based on a figure of 2 × 1019 tonnes for the Earth’s crust.5 Regarding fossil energy, Rogner (1997) estimates the total resource base of (extractable) fossil fuels at 5000 Gtoe, that is 5 × 1012 tons of oil equivalent. The current 2012 consumption rate of fossil fuels is 1.09 × 1010 toe, according to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy. So given a 3 percent per year rate of increase in consumption, total stocks would be exhausted in just 90 years from now. At which point the global climate would of course be in meltdown. If we instead assume that the rate of consumption remains constant at today’s level then stocks last for almost 500 years. The mention of climate suggests a third question: when will the disruption of ecosystems through pollution and overexploitation stop? Will it stop at all? It is not obvious that this phe- nomenon—ecosystem disruption—must stop. Consider CFCs. The large-scale emission of these chemicals into the environment was a disastrous mistake with terrible consequences, and it has now all-but ceased. Yet the economy continues to grow, and welfare continues to increase. There is no guarantee that such mistakes will not be made again; indeed, it is almost certain that such mistakes will be made again. Similarly, the ‘mistake’ of CO2 emissions leading to climate change will probablynot bring down the global economy either, althoughit maylead to theloss of asignif- icant percentage of extant species globally. In a nutshell, might ‘unsustainability’ be sustainable? The control of pollution is also an important theme in the book. So, what (if anything) will stop galloping resource extraction and environmental damage? Here we list some possibilities which will be discussed at variouspointin the book. Note thatthese possibilities are not logical alternatives, rather they are interlinked. For instance, environmental policy may work by stimulating the development and adoption of clean or efficient technology. • Resource scarcity; • Resource efficiency; • Clean technology; • Satiation; • Enlightenment; • Deindustrialization; • Green consumerism; • Environmental policy; • Economic collapse.

5Extraction data from Kelly and Matos (2012). Chapter 1. Introduction 5

1.2. Questions regarding economic growth on spaceship Earth In the previous section we raised a number of questions regarding the economics of spaceship Earth. For instance, how and when will the exponential growth in resource and energy use be stopped? And when will the disruption of ecosystems through pollution and over-exploitation stop? Will it stop at all? However, there are many other relevant questions that could be raised based on the overview of the current situation that we presented. In this section we very briefly consider different types of question, and link these questions to different analytical or scientific approaches. The aim is to clarify the approach taken in this book, and also to give some context, to show that many other approaches may also give valuable lessons regarding economic growth and . This is particularly important given that the questions posed in this book are rather tightly defined or narrow, as is the methodology used to answer them. Consider first the following three questions. (1) (a) What is desirable? (b) What is feasible? (c) What is optimal? The first question might be asked by a philosopher. What characterizes a good life? What characterizes a good society? What characterizes a good society taking into account not only the people (and animals, plants, etc.) of today, but also those of the future? There are many different ideas about a good society. A couple of famous ones are those of utilitarianism and Rawls. Ac- cording to utilitarianism we should strive to maximize utility, which is typically considered as the sum of individual utilities. Utility may be a function of various factors; in economics we typically focus in consumption as the key to utility. However, all utilitarian measures are typically conse- quentialist, that is they measure the rightness of actions and more general moral rules according to their outcomes, with the best actions leading to the greatest sum of utility. A fascinating and deep analysis of issues regarding morality and choices affecting the future is Derek Parfit’s Reasons and persons.6 He subjects standard utilitarian reasoning to a searching examination from which it emerges severely battered. If for instance we should maximize happiness, is it better to have 100 billion people scratching out a living but enjoying a tiny bit of happiness each, or 5 billion genuinely happy people? And what responsibilities do we have to future generations since our specific choices lead to their creation? (If we had done things differently, different people would have been born.) According to Rawls (1971), good moral rules (or indeed rules for how society is run) are rules which would be chosen by the citizens of that society if they had to make their choices from behind a ‘veil of ignorance’,a veil which preventedeach player from knowing anythingabout their own position in that society (i.e. whether they would be rich or poor, or have high or low status). Rawls claims that—when faced with a choice from behind the veil—we would choose moral and social principles based on liberty, equality of opportunity, and help for the least advantaged. In an intergenerational context—where the veil prevents us from knowing into which generation we would be born—these principles translate into equality of opportunity across generations (so future generations should not be denied opportunities that we have, and vice versa), and also help for the least advantaged generations, so we should work hard to help the poorest generations rather than the richest. If we assume that global growth will carry on indefinitely this implies that we should look after ourselves, at least in a material sense, since future generations will be richer! The second question from our list—what is feasible—might be asked by an engineer. Once a feasible solution to a problem has been found, the engineer might be satisfied. Or, if there is a limit on the budget, the problem might be to find a feasible solution within budget. This brings us to the third question, what is optimal. This is of course the classic question asked in economics, where we seek not just general rules of morality, but also specific ways of organizing society (including production and trade of goods and services) in order to find the ‘optimal’ allocation of resources. How do we know whether an allocation is optimal? Clearly we need a criterion, and the criterion typically used in economics is utilitarian: we want to maximize the sum of utility or (more generally) expected utility. But how to measure utility? Economists typically assume that it is an increasing function of consumption. Furthermore, we assume that the utility of consuming a given quantity goes down the further into the future that consumption takes places; exponential

6Parfit (1984). 6 1.3. Economic methodology discounting. Therefore we have max Uh, Xh h h t where U = u (ct)β . Xt h h Here U is the net present value of the utility of household h, u (ct) is the instantaneous flow of utility at time t, and β is the discount factor (which is less than 1). The reduction of utility to consumption is of course highly controversial outside economics, but most economists take it for granted. Furthermore, we also tend to take for granted the assumption that all households at a given time are identical (or can be treated as such), which is typically made in order to increase the tractability of macroeconomic models.7 A utility function can help us to rank alternative options, but how do we know what options are available? In order to know this, we must understand how the economy works, and how it can be controlled or managed. To build up such an understanding, we use highly simplified models which describe the agents in the economy (such as the government or regulator, firms, and households), their endowments (what they own), and the technology (what possibilities there are to produce outputs using available inputs). Given such a model we can tackle questions such as the following. (2) (a) What would happen given laissez-faire? (b) What would happen given business-as-usual (b.a.u.)? (c) What would be theeffect of regulations such as high taxes on fossil fuels, or strong support for research into renewable energy? (d) What would a social planner do? (e) What should a regulator do? The first three questions relate to what happens in the economy under different circumstances. Question 2(a): what will happen in the absence of regulation by government? That is, what will happen if the government allows all agents to do what they like without imposing rules or taxes, except the rule of law (implying for instance the protection of private property or the right of individuals to own things). Question 2(b) is about the future in case the government continues to apply the policies which it currently applies, no more and no less, and the 2(c) is about the effect of specific policies. Questions 2(d) and (e) are more subtle, since to answer them we need to be able to predict the future and then choose between alternative options. Question 2(d) presupposes the existence of an agent who has the power to fully control the allocation of resources in the economy without the need for regulatory instruments; all other agents simply do as the social planner instructs them. The planner is (fortunately) benevolent, i.e. she wants the best for everyone, she wants to maximize the sum of utility U. What would such a social planner do, how would she allocate resources? Would she, for instance, instantly cut fossil-fuel extraction? Or would she invest massively in research into alternative energy sources? If we can work out what our imaginary benevolent dictator would do, this gives us a yardstick against which to measure the results of our efforts to manage the economy through regulation (emissions taxes, technology standards, etc.), i.e. a yardstick which helps us to answer the question 2(e). How close can we get to the allocation in the planned economy?

1.3. Economic methodology Having discussed the types of questions normally tackled in economics, we now briefly dis- cuss neoclassical economic methodology in general, and macroeconomic methodology in particu- lar. In neoclassical economics we build precisely defined model economies in which it is possible to calculate outcomes exactly, both given laissez faire (i.e. no regulatory intervention), and given interventions such as the application of taxes or command-and-control regulations. We then use these models to draw conclusions about how real economies work and are likely to develop or react to regulatory interventions. In macroeconomics our focus is on the economy as a whole rather than a specific set of firms or markets.

7Note that we could (and sometimes do) use a Rawlsian criterion in which the aim is to maximize the utility of the least well off, the maximin criterion:

max{min{u1,u2,...,un}}. This states that we should maximize the smallest member of the set of utilities, i.e. we should concentrate our efforts on ensuring that the least well-off individual increases their utility. Chapter 1. Introduction 7

The precisely defined models of neoclassical economics consist of sets of equations. The models are generally very drastic simplifications of real economies: it is common for instance to assume that only one type of good ever gets produced in a model economy, and furthermore that there is only one type of labour. Some of the single good is consumed, while a proportion is kept back by firms in the form of capital to help in further production. It is then natural to ask whether we can ever use such models to learn anything of importance about real economies? If a highly simplified model is to teach us about the real economy, it seems reasonable to suppose that it should be through a similar mechanism to that by which a parable teaches us about life. A good model helps us to organize our analysis of the economy, and allows us an insight into how the real, complex economy works, and how it is likely to react to changed circumstances (such as shortages of raw materials, or the introduction of a tax on fossil fuels). The point can be made more explicitly through a caricature of how not to do macroeconomics. Consider the aggregate data shown in Figure 1.3. The data are consistent with a model in which long-run expenditure is a constant fraction of global product. Furthermore, the following aggre- gate production function is also consistent with this result:

1−β β (1.1) Y = (AlL) (ArR) , where Al is labour productivity, L is labour, Ar is resource productivity, R is the quantity of re- source input (price wr), and β is a parameter less than 1. It is straightforward to show that given perfect markets (so price = marginal revenue product) wrR/Y = β, i.e. expenditure on the resource is a constant fraction of total product. Having noticed this property of the function, the wrong thing to do is to draw the conclusion that the production function (1.1) is an appropriate descrip- tion of production in the economy, and to use this to (for instance) predict the effect of policy interventions. A prediction which would follow from this is that there is no point in boosting energy-efficiency Ar to try to reduce R, because rises in Ar cause effective energy inputs ArR to become cheaper, causing producers to use more energy, negating the effect. Why should we not draw the conclusion that the production function (1.1) is an appropriate description of production in the economy, and use this to predict the effect of policy interventions? There are many different ways to answer this question. Perhaps the simplest is that we have no evidence that (1.1) is the correct description of the economy, or even close to being correct. All we know is that it can match one subset of aggregate data. There are likely to be many other functions or models which also match the data, but which may give completely different predictions concerning the effect of boosting Ar. In order to have any confidence in our model we need much more evidence regarding its suitability as a description of the economy. In particular as economists we want our model to include a microeconomic mechanism or microfoundations: this is a mechanism through which the behaviour of individual agents—behaviour which can be explained as a result of the incentives faced by these agents—leads to the observed aggregate quantities and trends. Furthermore, we need to see evidence that this microeconomicmechanism is in fact relevantto the case in hand. For a famous statement of the case for microfoundations—or perhaps the case against policy models without microfoundations—see Lucas (1976). According to Lucas, we cannot expect to predict the effects of a policy experiment based only on patterns in aggregate historical observations, because the policy experiment will change the rules of the game and therefore the old patterns may no longer apply. We must instead understand the rules of the game and how it is played— in economic terms we must know agents’ preferences, the technologies available to them, what resources they are endowed with, etc.—in order to understand and predict the effect of a policy intervention. This book is largely concerned with this endeavour, i.e. understanding the rules of the game and how it is played in order to understand and predicttheeffects of policy interventions.

1.4. This book This book is based on economic analysis. However, this does not mean that we accept the economist’s habit of equating utility and income. Instead, we focus primarily on questions 2(b) and (c) above—what will happen under various scenarios—thus conveniently obviating the need to explore the more difficult questions 1(a), (b), and (c). It turns out that predicting the future is quite hard enough as it is. We will also consider 2(e), policy, but based on goals which are exogenously determined (such as reducing CO2 emissions) rather than calculated within the model. For instance, when considering climate policy we simply assume that society has decided (in its wisdom) on a goal of drastically reducing CO2 emissions, and investigate how best that goal can be achieved. Thus, 8 1.4. This book again, we avoid difficult questions about optimal overall choices, and focus on more limited ques- tions. Our avoidance of questions such as 1(a), (b), and (c) implies in practice that we avoid some huge and important debates within the fields of economics and sustainability. One such debate is that about the appropriate discount rate to use when assessing public policy, a debate made famous by the report of Sir NicholasStern (2006) for the UK Treasury on the economics of climate change. More generally, in the main part of the book we ignore the issue of intergenerational equity and justice completely. However, in the concluding part (Part 5) we broaden the discussion somewhat. We almost completely ignore problems linked to the fact that there is no one global gov- ernment, but rather a collection of states which are very different from one another: they have different economies, different values, and also different endowments of natural resources such as fossil fuels. This leaves individual states that wish to pursue a cleaner, greener global development path with a much more complex problem than that which would face a global government; they must either seek international agreement, or—if they act unilaterally—they must weigh up both the direct effects of their actions on the global environment, and also the indirect effects via the effect on other countries actions. These effects may be in the opposite direction to that desired, a form of rebound effect. In Part 1, The driving forces of economic growth we try to understand what drives the growth process; is it for instance driven by increasing resource exploitation, or changing preferences? We find that economic growth is driven by technological change, while phenomena such as increasing resource exploitation are consequences of this growth rather than causes. In the last chapter of this part we investigate what drives technological change, testing the idea that it is driven by deliberate investment by households or firms in innovation, i.e. the discovery and development of new technology. An understanding of these processes will be important later on when we consider how economic policy can change the trajectory of the economy. In Part 2, Natural resources and neoclassical growth, we set up and solve some very simple models in which natural resource inputs are essential to the production of a single final good. We are interested in finding out what effect scarcity of nonrenewable resources has on the rate of eco- nomic growth, and also the consumption rates and prices of the resource stocks. We continue to work within the single-sector neoclassical framework. That is, we assume an economy with a sin- gle product, which may either be consumed or retained within firms as capital, to help with future production. Furthermore, we assume that the final-good production function is Cobb–Douglas, as in the baseline neoclassical model. In Part 3, Demand for natural resources and energy, we turn from a focus on the supply of nonrenewable resources to demand. We begin by testing whether the forces of directed techno- logical change are the cause of the increase in resource consumption rates observed in the global economy; that is, has the cheapness of resources led to a failure to develop resource-efficient tech- nologies? And then, turning to prediction of the future, we ask whether increasing resource prices would be likely to trigger a massive increase in resource efficiency, thus helping to reduce the need for resources. We conclude that the answer is likely to be ‘no’, on both counts. The failure of the DTC model to account for the historical data puts the spotlight on the alternative, substitu- tion on the consumption side. Has resource and energy consumption risen so rapidly because of substitution towards resource- and energy-intensive consumption categories, a form of structural change? If we accept the clear evidence from the energy sector that the energy-efficiency of indi- vidual products has indeed increased dramatically, the answer to the above question must be ‘Yes’, since these two alternatives exhaust all the possibilities for explaining why aggregate efficiency has failed to increase. Is this backed up by the evidence, and if so, what are the implications? In Part 4, Substitution between resource inputs, and pollution, we turn from the analysis of overall demand for nonrenewable resources and energy, to the analysis of demand for alternative —substitutable—resource inputs. Such inputs may be alternatives such as iron and aluminium, or coal and gas. But they could also be coal and wind, or coal and solar. Clearly, such substitution has major implications for the analysis of polluting emissions, and after an initial (more general) analysis, we turn our focus to the prediction and regulation of polluting emissions. We show that rising income drives substitution from dirty inputs, such as coal, to cleaner inputs such as gas or renewables. This helps us to understand the observed tendency of polluting emissions to first rise over time, and then decline: the rises are driven by the increase in overall resource demand, driven by growth; and the declines are driven by switches to cleaner inputs. In Part 5, Policy for sustainable development, we take a step back and consider the impli- cations of the analysis presented earlier in the book, and also put it into a broader context. We examine the role of green consumerism, and also consider arguments for government policies Chapter 1. Introduction 9 to encourage shorter working hours and thus less production and consumption in the economy. Section under construction!

Part 1

The driving forces of economic growth The history of the human economy over the last 20000 years is one of growth, first growth in population (and hence also the total value of production) and later on growth in the value of production per capita as well. Economic growth is thus central to the analysis of this book, and in this (first) part of the book we investigate the driving forces of this growth. Is for instance economic growth driven by increasing resource exploitation, or changing preferences? We find that economic growth is driven by technological change, while phenomena such as increasing resource exploitation are consequences of this growth rather than causes. In the last chapter of this part we investigate what drives technological change, testing the idea that it is driven by deliberate investment by households or firms in innovation, i.e. the discovery and development of new technology. An understanding of these processes will be important later on when we consider how economic policy can change the trajectory of the economy. CHAPTER 2

Growth fundamentals

In this chapter we define what we mean by economic growth, and narrow down the list of candidates with which to explain long-run growth. We show that in the long run increases in the productivity of labour are essential to drive economic growth; such productivity increases are inextricably linked to the concept of technological change. A further consequence of increasing labour productivity may be increasing use of non-renewable natural resources, and also increasing use of renewable natural resources, and increasing polluting emissions.

2.1. Production, GDP, and growth Economic growth is growth in GDP, gross domestic product, i.e. the value of all the goods and services produced within an economy during a given year. Consider an economy with only one final product. Then GDP is simply the quantity of that good produced multiplied by its price. Real GDP is quantity × price in constant dollars. Growth in real GDP (in percent per year) is then simply the growth rate of production of the good.1 In an economy with many products the problem of measuring GDP growth is more complex. Nominal GDP is simply quantity × price for each product, summed over all products, and growth in nominalGDP is the growth rate of this sum. But what about real GDP? If prices are all constant and the range of goods available is also constant then there is no problem: nominal and real GDP (and their growth rates) are the same. But if the prices of different goods change at different rates, and completely new goods also appear, then the problem is much more complex. We do not go deeply into this problem here: suffice it to say that growth accountants try to measure the change in consumer’s (and firms’) willingness-to-pay for the set of goods produced, in constant dollars. If consumers are willing to pay 3 percent more (in constant dollars) for the ‘basket’ of goods produced in the economy in 2014 than for the goods produced in 2013 then GDP growth must have been 3 percent. In economic models we describe production using production functions, which describe the quantity of a good (or potentially several goods) produced as a function of the quantities of the inputs used. We now investigate the nature of production functions, focusing on one case and discussing it by comparison to descriptions from chemistry and physics. The function on which we focus is forthe productionof ironfromiron ore. Assume we have an economy with households who supply labour L, a stock of iron (III) oxide Fe2O3, and a stock of coal in the form of pure carbon, C. The workers L take the iron ore and coal and—using furnaces—reducethe ore to pure iron, with a by-product of carbon dioxide. A simple chemical description of this process is

2Fe2O3 + 3C −−−→ 4Fe + 3CO2. Note that—as in all meaningful equations—there is a form of balance or equality between the two sides. In this case, the number of atoms of each type (iron, oxygen, and carbon) is identical on each side, and the equation shows how these atoms are rearranged through a chemical reaction. Another way of describing the process is to track the energy released during the chemical reaction. Assume that 2 moles of iron (III) oxide and three moles of carbon react (as above) within a reaction chamber at constant temperature and pressure, where the chamber is part of an isolated system. Then we know that

∆G = ∆H − T∆S int, where ∆G is the change in Gibbs free energy, ∆H is the enthalpy change of reaction, T is the temperature, and ∆S int is the entropy change within the reaction chamber. This equation is mathe- matical (rather than chemical) hence each side of the equation must be equal to the same number, and furthermorethese numbersmust be in the same units. In this case, the units are units of energy, so we choose the standard SI unit of joules. Since T has units of kelvin (the temperature scale used in physics and chemistry), S must have units of joules per kelvin; otherwise, the units would not be equal!

1Note that we always work with real, not nominal, quantities in this book, unless otherwise stated.

13 14 2.2. Whatdrivesgrowth?Reasoningfromfirstprinciples

The above equation is an accounting relationship, tracking the flow of energy in the reaction. An economic production function describing the same process is an accounting relationship track- ing costly inputs and outputs. Assume that a firm employs labour to run the process, and that vast piles of iron ore and coal are freely available; furthermore, they are so large that they are thought to be inexhaustible. Assume also that facilities such as furnaces are also abundant and freely available. So the only costly input for the firm is labour. How then do we write the firm’s production function? Very generally, we can write

Yi = F(li), where Yi is the quantityin tonsof the final product(iron) madeby the firm per year, F is a function, and li is the number of workers employed (on an annual basis). Much more specifically we could write

Yi = Alli. Now we have assumed that there are constant returns in labour, so if the firm doubles its labour inputs, the quantity of final product Yi produced will double. Note that we can assign units to Al, −1 since the units on each side of the equation must balance: the units of Al must be tons worker −1 year . Thus Al is a measure of the firm’s productivity. Note that the firm is also using iron ore, coal, and capital in the production process, but we do not include them in the production function because they are assumed to be free and abundant. Furthermore, the firm also produces carbon dioxide (see the chemical equation) but again since this has no value we leave it out of the production function. However, as soon as one of the other inputs or outputs becomes valuable (or as soon as we realize that it is valuable) then we can include it in the production function. For instance, assume that the pile of coal starts to run out, and firms start competing on a market to buy coal inputs. Then we should include coal in the production function. If we assume that the firm has no flexibility whatsoever about its production process, and that a fixed quantity of coal is required for each ton or iron produced, then we should use a Leontief production function:

Yi = min(Alli, Arri).

This reads as follows: production Yi is equal to the smallest of the following two quantities; effective labour inputs Alli and effective coal inputs Arri. The units of ri are tons of coal per year, hence the units of Ar must be tons of iron per ton of coal. Alternatively, the firm may find that it can trade off more labour for less coal (because with more labour inputs the workers can ensure that the coal is used more effectively) in which case some more complex function F is called for where

Yi = F(Alli, Arri). In a similar way we can add capital and carbon dioxide to the production function, with each addition making the function more complex, and therefore these additions are only undertaken when they are relevant, i.e. when they add to the explanatory power of the models. In economic analysis focusing on issues other than natural resources and environment it is common to leave out resource inputs and polluting outputs from the analysis, since although they are not free they do not typically make up a large proportion of firm’s costs. This does not make these analyses wrong, or in contradiction with the laws of physics; it simply means that they are focused on the question at hand. Of course, in this book the questions are all about resource inputs and polluting outputs, hence it is essential to include these quantities in our production functions.

2.2. What drives growth? Reasoning from first principles We saw in the introduction that average global growth has been remarkably constant and sustained over a period of more than 200 years. What has driven this process, and if such growth is to continue into the future, what will drive it? We now turn to these questions. First we consider an economy where there is only one scarce input—labour—then we add capital and physical resource flows. 2.2.1. Labour. We begin with a model in which production involves the application of lim- ited labour—together with abundant machines and raw materials—to make a single final product. The final product is measured by Y, units widgets year−1. Labour is homogeneous(all workers are the same) so we can measure its quantity in a single dimension, L, units workers.2 The production

2One worker is then one person who works full-time throughout the year, or (for instance) two people who each work half-time throughout the year. Chapter 2. Growth fundamentals 15 function is then as follows:

Y = ALL,

−1 −1 where AL is labour productivity and has units widgets year worker . It is essential to include AL in the function, otherwise the units on either side of the equation cannot be the same. The properties of this function are intuitively reasonable. For instance, if we double the input of labour L while holding its productivity AL constant then production doubles. Similarly, if we double labour productivity and hold labour inputs constant then production also doubles. Now consider growth. Assume first that L (labour) is the same as population. Then we can of course increase total production Y if population increases. However, production per capita Y/L would not then change; in the literature Y/L is frequently denoted y (as opposed to Y for total production). Another way to generate growth would be if everyone worked longer hours, or if a greater proportion of the population joined the labour force. However, the long-run possibilities using this method are clearly very limited, given the high level of labour-force participation we already see, and the limited hours in the day. The conclusion from this discussion is therefore that the only way to raise production per capita in this economy in the long run is to raise AL, labour productivity.3

2.2.2. Labour and capital. Now assume that machines (or more generally capital) are not abundant, i.e. they are no longer free but rather they are costly and their use must be accounted for. Might an increase in the quantity of capital be the driving force for growth? Since there is still only one product, widgets, then capital K is simply the number of widgets kept back within firms to help in the production process: it therefore has units of widgets. Our general production function becomes

Y = F(ALL, AK K),

−1 −1 where K has units widgets, and AK has units widgets year widget . So widgets—the final product—may either be consumed or kept back within firms, where they can be used as tools or machines. Workers need these machines in order to produce, and the more machines each worker has access to, the more she can produce. Therefore the function F must be increasing in its two arguments, effective inputs of capital and labour. Consider now doubling both capital and labour while holding their respective productivities constant. Then we have the same number of workers per machine, hence production per worker must also be the same, and total production Y must double. This implies that there are constant returns to scale in K and L together, implying in turn that there must be decreasing returns to scale in either of K or L separately: for instance, doubling K while holding L constant will not lead to Y doubling. Finally, the more capital we have (for a fixed number of workers) the less the benefit ′′ of adding even more capital should be: formally, FK < 0. To understand this, assume that the ‘machines’ are actually hammers: once workers have one hammer each there is little or no benefit to saving up additional hammers. These arguments tell us straight away that simply accumulating capital cannot give long-run growth. Consider again an economy in which workers use hammers to make final goods. If there is initially less than one hammer each then accumulation of capital (hammers) can boost production. But when every worker has a hammer then accumulation of additional capital will scarcely boost production at all, and when there is a mountain of hammers for each worker then additional hammers will definitely not boost production. Since neither increases in labour nor capital can drive long-run growth in this model, it must follow that technological progress—growth in AL and AK —lies behind long-run growth in Y. In fact we can go further, if we rewrite the production function as follows:

y = f (AL, AK K/L).

The function f should have the same properties as F, implying that AL (labour productivity) must rise to deliver long-run growth, whereas AK (capital productivity) does not necessarily need to rise, since capital per worker may rise instead.

3We typically ignore the distinction between labour and population, implying that we assume that the ratio of labour supply to population is constant. However, in Chapter 16 we study labour supply explicitly. 16 2.3. Growth drivers in the real economy

2.2.3. Labour, capital, and resources. Assume now that we also need to account for flows of natural resources R (which might for instance have units tons/year if we have a single homo- −1 geneous resource). We then also need resource productivity AR, units widgets ton , and the production function (per capita) is

y = f (AL, AK K/L, ARR/L).

Again, f must have the property that there are diminishing returns to ARR/L, so long-run growth cannot be driven purely by increases in R (nor by increases in AR); all three of the ‘augmented’ 4 inputs—AL, AK K/L, and ARR/L—must grow together to give long-run growth. Summing up, a precondition for long-run growth is increasing labour-productivity AL. On the other hand, the productivity of capital AK does not necessarily need to increase, as it may be possible instead to increase the quantity of capital K.5 Furthermore, if stocks of nonrenewable resources are very large, then growth may be sustainable over a very long period (hundreds or even thousands of years) without increases in AR; we can simply increase the rate of extraction R instead. Nevertheless, in the very long run AR must increase, at least if we are restricted to ‘space- ship Earth’ as our source of material inputs, since resource flows must be bounded by physical limits.

2.3. Growth drivers in the real economy In the above analysis we assumed a single unchanging product, widgets, and a single type of labour. This is an approach frequently taken in macroeconomic models in general, and in particular in the neoclassical growth model which is the subject of the next chapter. Do the conclusions about the centrality of technological change boosting labour productivity carry over to more realistic economies with many different products, and many different types of worker? It turns out that they do, with some minor qualifications. Consider first an economy with a single product, but a variety of labour types, where some workers are more productive than others. Clearly then we can increase GDP if the number of highly productive workers increases while the number of less productive workers decreases. How- ever, this is effectively an increase in labour productivity, even though the productivity of the most productive workers in the economy is unchanged. Furthermore, growth driven by this process will eventually peter out once the entire labour force is of the productive type; to sustain growth, new technologies must be introduced which allow further increases in labour productivity. When there are multiple products the fundamental conclusion from above still applies: in order to increase production, increasing labour-productivity AL is essential. However, many other questions are raised. For instance, given a range of products growth may be achieved through increases in the quality, not just the quantity, of what is produced. Thus there may be different types of technological progress: process innovations which allow more of the same product to be made from given input, and product innovations which allow the production of new goods. The new goods may be more valuable per se, or they may just be different. If there is a love of variety then an increase in the variety of products with a fixed total quantity boosts the value of production and hence GDP.6 Furthermore, a greater variety of products may translate into a greater variety of capital goods, and also potentially intermediate goods, i.e. products that are not bought by consumers, but are bought by production firms and used as inputs for final goods. When a greater variety of capital and intermediate goods is available, final-good producers may be able to raise their productivity. Another possibility is that goods may be intensive in different inputs. That is, different goods may require inputs in different proportions. Thus artificial light requires a lot of energy and little labour to produce, whereas education services require a lot of labour and little energy. So artificial light is energy-intensive, whereas education is labour-intensive. Given this observation is should be clear that shifts in the patterns of production and consumption—between goods of different quality, and between goods intensive in different inputs—may have important implications for demand for resource and energy inputs, and also polluting emissions and environmental quality. These implications are lost when we restrict ourselves to single-sector models, i.e. models with just a single product. We return to this type of analysis in Chapter 10.

4The quantity of an augmented input is the quantity of the physical input multiplied by the level of the relevant input-augmenting (or factor-augmenting) technology or productivity. 5In fact in real economies the distinction between the quantity of quality (or productivity) of capital is meaningless, and we can only talk about effective capital inputs AK K. 6Note however that this type of growth may be almost impossible for statistical agencies to detect let alone measure. CHAPTER 3

Labour, capital, and neoclassical growth: The Solow and Ramsey models

In this chapter we turn to the basic neoclassical growth model without including natural re- sources in the analysis. The key differences compared to the simple analysis of the previous chapter are that we specify the production function, and we specify the process through which capital is accumulated. The key conclusion confirms that which we drew above: capital accumu- lation cannot drive growth, increases in labour productivity drive growth. We focus on the model of Solow (1956), in which household behaviour is highly simplified. We also briefly mention the more sophisticated Ramsey–Cass–Koopman’s model which puts household choices into an intertemporal optimization framework.1

3.1. The Solow model with constant technology In this section we set up the most basic Solow model in discrete time, rather than continuous time. This choice is essentially arbitrary; we choose discrete time because it is slightly easier to explain aspects of the intuition behind the model in such a context. For more on discrete and continuous time see Chapter 17, Section 17.2. 3.1.1. The production function. Solow focuses on labour and capital; implicitly, he as- sumes that resources are so cheap that they can be treated as being available to the firm for free, and therefore do not need to be included in the (economic) production function. He assumes that there is just one product, Y, which is thus used for both consumption and capital. Furthermore, labour L is supplied inelastically, so if we know the population then we know L. So in general we can write Y = F(K, L). What determines how much of the product Y we can make from given inputs of labour and capital? By definition it is the productivity of our inputs. If production is measured in widgets/day, capital is measured in widgets, and labour is measured in workers, then in general there must be two productivity indices—we denote them AK and AL — with units widgets day−1 widget−1 and widgets day−1 worker−1 respectively. It must be possible to write the production function in this form since the left and right hand sides of any meaningful equation must have the same units. So now we have

Y = F(AK K, ALL). These productivities may in general change over time as (for instance) our knowledge and skills improve. Now we wish to constrain the properties of the function. Firstly, we assume that having more capital and labour available is never a bad thing for production, in other words ′ ′ FK, FL ≥ 0. Second, we assume that the more we increase one input—while holding the other constant—the smaller is the marginal increase in production, i.e.2 ′′ ′′ FK, FL ≤ 0. Third, we assume that each input is essential, hence there is no production when K or L are ′ ′ zero, and furthermore the marginal products FK and FL approach zero when the quantity of the respective input approaches infinity. Fourth, and finally, we assume constant returns to scale in the physical inputs K and L: that is, if we double K and double L but hold the productivities AK and AL constant, output doubles. In a sense this assumption is already implied by the way we have defined the productivity indices; given this definition, the new assumption is that changing the quantities K and L alone does not affect the productivity indices.

1Also called the Ramsey model. See Ramsey (1928), Cass (1965), Koopmans (1963). 2Note that we also allow for the possibility that the marginal productivity of an input may be constant in the quantity of that input, at least over some interval.

17 18 3.1. The Solow model with constant technology

Figure 3.1. A Solovian economy in which hammers are the final good.

This production function tells us immediately that accumulation of capital will boost produc- tion, but only up to a point; as the amount of capital in the economy increases, returns to further ′′ increases in capital diminish (FK < 0). Think of the economy with workers and tools. Increasing the number of tools available may boost production if tools are short, but once there are plenty of tools available then no further benefits will be felt.

3.1.2. Technology. Solow thoughtof technologyas knowledge,a non-rivaland non-excludable good which can therefore be used simultaneously throughout the global economy. In the baseline model we therefore assume that AL and AK are the same in all economies. Furthermore, since we have no mechanism which causes them to grow, we assume in our baseline model that they are constant. In the next section—based on the failure of the baseline model—we allow AL to grow exogenously, i.e. for reasons not explained in the model.

3.1.3. Savings and capital according to Solow. Solow makes crucial assumptions about savings and capital. Regarding saving, he assumes that a fixed proportion s of final-good produc- tion is saved as capital, while the remainder is consumed. Furthermore, he assumes that the stock of capital depreciates at a constant rate δ. That is, in discrete time, if we have 10 units of capital in period t then (in the absence of saving) there will only be (1 − δ) × 10 units left in period t + 1. Note that this depreciation is entirely independent of whether the capital goods are actually used in production or not. The equation governing the evolution of the capital stock can therefore be written

Kt+1 = (1 − δ)Kt + sYt. Recalling the production function, we can write

Kt+1 = (1 − δ)Kt + sF(Kt, Lt). To get an intuitive grip on the model economy, consider Figure 3.1. What are the values of K, L, Y, and s? Assume that the economy is in a steady state, i.e. nothing changes over time. What must be the value of δ?

3.1.4. Firm optimization. In the model we assume that there are very many small firms in perfect competition. Mathematically we can think of a unit mass of firms, the result of which is that the economy behaves as if there is just one firm, but that the single firm is nevertheless a price-taker. Saying that the firm is a price taker is the same as saying that the price it pays for inputs is equal to the marginal product of those inputs, and the price it takes for its product is equal to marginal cost. This one firm is known as the representative firm. For more on this see the mathematical appendix, Chapter 17.3. Chapter 3. Labour, capital, and neoclassical growth 19

The representative firm hires capital and labour on the market. The firm’s problem is as follows: (3.1) max F(K, L) − w K − w L. K≥0,L≥0 K L

The prices paid by the firm—wK for renting capital and wL for labour—are equal to the marginal ′ ′ ′ ′ products of the inputs, that is wK = FK, and wL = FL. Note that total costs are then KFK + LFL. If profits are to be zero these must be equal to total income which is just Y, since we normalize the price of the final good to 1.

3.1.5. Cobb–Douglas production function. The standard functional form for the produc- tion function in the Solow model is the Cobb–Douglas. Furthermore, technological progress is assumed to increase the productivity of labour, not capital. That is, 1−α α (3.2) Y = (ALL) K , where α is between 0 and 1. Compare this to the simple economy above in which Y = ALL. Now, because both labour and capital are needed for production, a doubling in labour productivity increases production, but does not give a doubling in production. You should verify that the function has all of the properties described above. A special property of the Cobb–Douglas function is that the elasticity of substitution between the inputs is 1. Assume that the relative prices of the inputs change, and that we have a repre- sentative firm which is a price taker. Then the elasticity of substitution is the percentage change in relative input quantities chosen by a firm divided by the relative price change, times −1. To calculate it, note first that quantities are simply K and L. Relative prices are given by the relative marginal products, and ∂Y/∂L = (1 − α)Y/L, whereas ∂Y/∂K = αY/K. Hence w K α K = ; wL L 1 − α K w α = L ; L wK 1 − α ∂K/L K/L = − . ∂wK /wL wK /wL This confirms the unit elasticity of substitution, and highlights another feature of the production function: the relative returns to the factors are fixed. Capital takes a proportion α of total returns, and labour takes a proportion 1 − α. To get the intuition, assume that the quantity of capital available increases; one result of this increase is that the price of capital decreases relative to the wage (the price of labour). Given Cobb–Douglas, the decrease in price exactly compensatesfor the increase in quantity such that returns to capital remain unchangedrelative to returns to labour. This is an attractive feature of the model, since in reality we observe a remarkably constant division of returns between labour (70 percent) and capital (30 percent), across different economies and different times. 3.1.6. Dynamics. Consider the Solowian economy of Figure 3.1 in which the production function is Cobb–Douglas and AL is fixed. Assume that α = 1/3 and δ = 0.1. What is AL? What is s? Is the economy in long-run equilibrium? In Figure 3.1 there are 10 workers, each with a hammer. Thus L = 10 and K = 10. Production Y is 5 hammers per period, so Y = 5. So 1−α 1−α α Y = AL · 10 · 10 . 2/3 So we know that AL = 0.5. Furthermore, we see that 20 percent of production is saved, so s = 0.2. Finally, the economy is in long-run equilibrium because the quantity of capital remains constant over time: savings (which are equal to investment) are 1 hammer per period, which exactly compensates for depreciation (10 percent of 10 hammers per period). Imagine instead the same economy, but that in the initial period there is only one hammer saved as capital. Work out production and saving, and depreciation, and hence the number of hammers available in the next period. Describe how the economy develops over time. Your description should match Figure 3.2. Three things are notable from the figure. Firstly, even at the desperately low initial level of capital, initial production is at almost 50 percent of its long-run level. Secondly, the transition to the long-run equilibrium is rather rapid. Each dot represents one year, so we see that in just 15 years the initially very capital-poor economy is close to 90 percent of the production of the rich economy. Finally, and most fundamentally, there is zero growth in the long run. 20 3.1. The Solow model with constant technology





3.5 Production





1 Investment production and investment, hammers 0.5 Necessary investments 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 capital, hammers

Figure 3.2. The transition path in the Solowian economy of Figure 3.1, starting with one hammer.

Mathematically, we can easily work out the long-run steady state of the model. It is when sY = δK, i.e. when investment matches depreciation. Using the production function we have

1−α α s(ALL) K = δK, 1−α 1−α hence K = s(ALL) /δ 1/(1−α) and K = ALL(s/δ) , α/(1−α) Y/L = AL(s/δ) . So GDP per capita is a linear function of labour productivity, and weakly increasing in the savings rate s.

Now assume instead that capital is available for hire on a global market at price wK per year, and that we have many separate economies. If we index the economies by i then we have (for economy i)

1−α α (3.3) Yi = (ALLi) Ki .

Economy i has exogenously given levels of labour Li; all economies have access to the same knowledge and therefore have the same technology AL. What is economy i’s level of capital Ki and production Yi in long-run equilibrium, i.e. when the quantity of capital Ki is optimal? When Ki is optimal then marginal returns to capital must be equal to the price, i.e.

αYi/Ki = wK . Thus we see straight away that the ratio of GDP to capital is constant across countries! Further- more, after substituting in the expression for Yi and rearranging we have = −1/(1−α) Ki ALLiwK . This tells us the optimal quantity of capital. Substitute it back into the expression for Y to yield

/ = −α/(1−α). (3.4) Yi Li ALwK

So—again—GDP per capita rises linearly with labour productivity AL. Now it declines slowly in the rental price of capital, rather than increasing in s, the savings rate.

3.1.7. Conclusions on Solow with constant technology. The above results show that the Solow model with constant technology is incapable of explaining any of the key empirical obser- vations about long-run growth and differences in GDP between countries. GDP does not grow in the long run in the model, and differences in GDP between countries should be modest, even if savings rates differ drastically between the countries. Chapter 3. Labour, capital, and neoclassical growth 21

The model is nevertheless useful, because it shows us what cannot drive long-run growth. Capital accumulation! This is a remarkable conclusion given that the long-run aggregate produc- tion function appears to have the form Y/L = K/L. So even though long-run production per capita is linearly correlated with the long-run capital per capita, simply accumulating capital will not give growth!

3.2. Solow with exogenous technological progress Given that capital accumulation alone cannot drive growth, we turn back to labour productiv- ity AL. Even though we cannot explain why it grows, it is clear that it must grow in the long run— at least in the model economy—to explain the growth process. Note that in this section we switch to continuous time which is convenient when there is positive long-run growth.

So let’s assume that AL grows exogenously at a constant rate gAL . For good measure let L grow too, at rate n. Now assume that there exists a balanced growth path (b.g.p.) along which all variables grow at constant rates (note that these rates may differ from one another, and may be zero or negative). What are the characteristics of such a path, if it exists? We have 1−α α Y = (ALL) K ˙ AL/AL = gAL L˙/L = n K˙ = sY − δK. Now, since we know that we are on a b.g.p. we know that K˙ /K must be constant, hence sY/K − δ must also be constant, in turn implying that Y/K must be constant. Returning to the production function we therefore know that 1−α (ALL/K) must be constant on a b.g.p., implying that

K˙ /K = A˙L/AL + L˙/L. In words, the capital stock grows as the same rate as augmented labour inputs, keeping the ratio of effective labour to capital constant. But, from the production function, we know that α Y/L = AL[K/(ALL)] , implying that on such a b.g.p. Y/L grows at the same rate as AL! That is, per-capita GDP grows at the same rate as labour productivity. Is such a b.g.p. stable, and (if so) how quickly does the economy approach such a b.g.p. if it has been knocked off course by a shock? It is stable, for the same reasons as the economy without technological progress: when there is ‘too little’ capital savings outstrip depreciation and capital (per effective unit of labour) accumulates rapidly; when there is too much capital depreciation gets the upper hand and capital (per ...) declines. Furthermore, simulations show that this process is rather rapid. Together these facts tell us very clearly that differences in the quantities of the factors of production (in particular capital) available in different countries cannot explain the very large and very persistent differences in the productivity of labour (or GDP per capita) between countries. Instead the difference must lie in the different ability to make productive use of the factors (labour, capital, resources) available. This analysis is supported by empirical evidence; for instance, we know that economies re- cover rapidly from a sudden loss of physical capital. This is well illustrated by the case of German recovery after WW2, as shown in Figure 3.3. We see that after just 15 years the economy has al- most regained its old trend line, despite the very drastic loss of capital and hence also productivity in 1945. This matches well to a model economywith standard parameters, starting on its balanced growth path.

3.3. The Ramsey model The Solow model is good for explaining the medium-run evolution of the capital stock, and phenomena which are tightly linked to that. For instance, if a country’s capital stock is largely destroyed due to a calamity such as war or an earthquake,the Solow model predicts that the capital 22 3.3. The Ramsey model

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 GDP / 68 GDP / 1988

0.2 0.2

0 0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 3.3. Testing the Solow model. Upper panel: German real GDP, com- pared to an estimated constant-growth trend (growth rate 2.3 percent per year). Data: Maddison (2010). Lower panel: Model simulation assuming the same growth trend in labour productivity and parameters α = 0.3, δ = 0.1, s = 0.2, with a massive shock to capital (the stock is divided by a factor of 30 at the end of year 24). stock and GDP will recover rather rapidly; the evidence bears this out (consider for instance the growth of West Germany’s economy after the end of WW2). A better model for doing the above—and many other things—is the Ramsey model, which takes the Solow model and endogenizes the saving rate s; that is, in the Ramsey model households choose the balance between consumption and saving in order to maximize their utility, rather than simply by following a rule of thumb.3 The result is that (for instance) a catastrophic loss of capital may lead to a rise in the saving rate because of the greater effect of saving on growth, but a countervailing decline in the saving rate due to the desire to smooth consumption over time. What actually happens depends on the balance between these effects. We do not go into the solution of the Ramsey model, since this is beyond the scope of this book. However, you should know that the key to endogenizing the savings rate is the household utility function. Recall from the Introduction that we typically write a household utility maximiza- tion problem as follows: max Uh, Xh h h t where U = u (ct)β . Xt h h Here U is the net present value of the utility of household h, u (ct) is the instantaneous flow of utility at time t, and β is the discount factor (which is less than 1). But what is the form of the h instantaneous utility function u (ct)? The standard utility function used in the Ramsey model is the CIES, as follows: c1−σ − 1 u = . 1 − σ As long as σ> 0 this implies that marginal utility is declining in consumption, which means that households have a preference for consumption smoothing. Furthermore, since β< 1 they also have a preference for consuming now rather than later. In an economy in which technological progress drives consumption growth, both of these factors militate against investment and towards consumption today. Note that in an open economy we should also allow for international capital flows, which will unambiguously favour rapid recovery from a negative shock to capital.

3Also called the Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans model. See Ramsey (1928), Cass (1965), Koopmans (1963). CHAPTER 4

Endogenous growth theory

This chapter has three main aims. Firstly, to introduce the modelling of endogenous techno- logical change (and hence endogenous growth) in general. Secondly, to introduce the particular model that we will then develop and use through this part of the book. Thirdly, to show that endogenizing technological change as such makes little or no difference to the conclusions we drew earlier from the neoclassical model; among other things this shows that we can safely ignore capital in our models in many circumstances.

4.1. Ideas and long-run growth Much of the ‘new’ literature on growth has been preoccupied with the incentives agents have to perform research or generate new knowledge or ideas. A key insight is that ideas possess a very special property—when compared to other goods such as pizza or cars—a property which may reduce incentives to produce ideas. This is that they are non-rival in consumption, meaning that one agent’s use of the good does not hinder another person from using it, either consecutively or even simultaneously. This is clearly not true of cars, and even less so of pizza. Return to the Solow model, and assume that someone founds a research firm and (after much work) finds a better way to make hammers such that A increases. What happens: (a) if there are patent laws; (b) if there are not? If there are patent laws, the owner of the new knowledgewill have an advantage in production, and can take overproductionin the entire economyand become fabulously rich. On the other hand, if there are no patent laws then the discoverer of the new knowledge will gain no benefit from it whatsoever, since all firms will use the knowledge and the owner’s firm will still make zero profits. In total the owner’s firm will make a loss, because the firm will be unable to cover the costs of the research. Neither of these extreme results seems to make much sense. What is the way forward? In general, we can say that a more sophisticated model is clearly required, a model in which there is a variety of products with their own production functions, and where researchers can protect their intellectual property in some way, for instance through taking out patents. Agents then have an incentive to perform research (the incentive being the expected flow of profit in the future). Furthermore, the resultant discoveries may form the basis for further advances by later researchers, thus potentially leading to a sustainable growth process. In the literature there are two main traditions concerning how to model growth. In both research traditions an intermediate sector is introduced, where there are patents and market power, and the intermediate goods produced in this sector are inputs—together with labour—into the final-good sector where there is perfect competition. These traditions are the Romer tradition (see for instance Romer (1990)), and the Aghion–Howitt or Schumpeterian tradition (see for instance Aghion and Howitt (1992)). However, in this book we use a different basic model in which there are no intermediate goods, just a range of final goods which are imperfect substitutes for one another. This model is simpler, and in some respects it has more explanatory power as well. For the purposes of this chapter it is the best choice, partly due to its simplicity, and partly due to the fact that we later build on it in our model of directed technological change (Chapter 9).

4.2. A simple model of endogenous growth A key part of all models of endogenous growth is the relaxation of the restriction in Solowian models that knowledge is completely non-excludable. The non-rivality of knowledge is indis- putable; any number of agents can use the same piece of knowledge at the same time. However, knowledge is definitely not always non-excludable: it is often possible for an inventor to keep new knowledge secret; alternatively, it may be possible to prevent others from using new knowledge in production through systems of intellectual property rights such as patents. If onefirm has apatentand anotherdoesnotthen it is clearly important to distinguish between the firms, and it turns out that in general we need to distinguish between analysis at the firm level and at the aggregatelevel in endogenousgrowth models. In this book individual firms are typically

23 24 4.2. A simple model of endogenous growth indexed using a subscript i, and the quantities of inputs used by such firms, and outputs produced, are denoted using lower case (small) letters. So for instance aggregate labour is L and labour 1 used by firm i is li. Furthermore, we typically assume that there exists a unit continuum of firms. This is a highly convenient way of handling the idea that there are many firms such that each firm is ‘small’ and the demand of each firm for inputs has no effect on the input price. Given a continuum of firms then each one is ‘infinitely small’ and therefore a price taker with regard to inputs. Furthermore, if firms are symmetric (using the same quantities of inputs to produce the same quantities of outputs) then we have for instance 1 L = lidi = l, Z0 where l is labour demanded by the representative firm. So aggregate quantities are equal to firm- level quantities. For more on this see the mathematical appendix, Chapter 17.3.

4.2.1. The model environment. Now we turn to the model. Assume that a unit continuum of infinitely lived households, where the representative household has Lt members, maximizes the utility U of the household, which is given by ∞ t U = β Ct. Xt=0 So time is discrete, and utility is linear in consumption, discounted by a factor β per period. The mass of products that can be made is variable, with each product made by a single firm. Denote the mass of products made by N, and assume for now that N = 1. Index the products by i, and focus on product i, quantity yi. The production function for product i is as follows: 1−α α (4.1) yi = (Alili) ki .

Here li is the number of workers hired by the firm at price wL , and ki is the amount of capital hired by the firm at price wK . The price of labour is determined endogenously (within the economy), and the price of capital depends on depreciation and the interest rate, as we see below. In period t − 1 a firm which plans to make good i in period t must decide how much to invest in development of the production technology which in turn determines Ali, labour productivity. The production function for Alit is as follows: φ Alit = ALt−1(ζzit−1) , where δA is depreciation, ALt−1 is general knowledge in the previous period, ζ is a productivity parameter, zit−1 is the quantity of research inputs bought by the firm, and φ is a positive parameter. So the more research inputs are bought by the firm, the more productive it will be. The price of research inputs is wZt−1. Capital is foregone consumption, and depreciates completely from one period to the next. So

Kt = Yt−1 −Ct−1, where Ct is consumption. So total capital in period t is equal to the total production kept back from the previous period. The price of capital is simply 1/β, which is of course greater than one: to buy capital in period t the firm must compensate the seller for delaying their consumption by one period, and thus pay the price 1/β per unit of capital instead of 1, where 1 is the price of final goods. General knowledge A is made up of the knowledgeof each of the individual firms. In general we have ALt = F(ALt), where ALt is the set of all knowledge levels Alit. However, for simplicity we specify the function F from the start:

1 1/ψ = ψ ALt Alitdi . "Z0 # The parameter ψ is greater than or equal to one. If ψ = 1 then we simply add up firm knowledge levels to get general knowledge. If ψ> 1 this implies that if one firm has more knowledge than the others then that firm makes an especially large contribution to general knowledge. On the other hand, if firm knowledge levels are all the same (which they are in the model equilibrium) then

ALt = Alit, where Alit is the knowledge level of any particular firm i.

1In the literature this may also be denoted a unit mass of firms, or a continuum of firms measure one. Chapter 4. Endogenous growth theory 25

Finally, aggregate production Y is a function of the individual production levels yi which are all equal to y in symmetric equilibrium:

1 1/η η Yt = yitdi = yt. "Z0 # The parameter η is between 0 and 1, implying that the goods are not perfect substitutes, and each producer has a degree of market power. The price of the aggregate good is normalized to 1.

4.2.2. A single firm’s problem. Based on this information we can set up the optimization problem facing a firm which has decided to produce good i in period t. (Note that in Nash equi- librium no two firms will produce the same product in the same period.) The Lagrangian for the problem is as follows:

φ Lit = pyityit − wltlit − wktkit − wzt−1zit−1/β − λit Alit − ALt−1(ζzit) . h i So L is equal to revenue minus costs, minus the Lagrange multiplier λ times the restriction on labour productivity. To solve the problem we need to know how the price of good i, pi, is determined. For now we assume that good i is produced by a single monopolistic firm with productivity Ali. Then we have

1−η pi = (y/yi)

∂pi hence MR = yi + pi = ηpi, ∂yi where MR is marginal revenue. So when firm i raises its production of good i by one unit, its revenue goes up not by pi (the price of that unit at the start) but by ηpi where η is less than 1. Hence firms have market power and can raise the price they receive for their goods by restricting production. Now take the first-order condition or f.o.c. on labour (using the above result) to yield

∂piyi ∂yi 1−η η (4.2) wL li = li = η(1 − α)y yi . ∂yi ∂li

Analogously we have (from the f.o.c.s for capital and productivity Ali)

1−η η (4.3) wK ki = ηαy yi 1−η η (4.4) and λiAli = η(1 − α)y yi . Finally, take the f.o.c. in research labour to show that

wzt−1zit−1/β = φλitAlit, and substitute in the f.o.c. for labour productivity to obtain

1−η η (4.5) wzt−1zit−1/β = ηφ(1 − α)yt yit. Now use these results to derive an expression for the profits made by firm i, i.e. revenue minus costs:

πi = pityit − (wltlit + wktkit + wzt−1zit−1/β) 1−η η = 1 − η 1 + φ(1 − α) yt yit. n  o This tells us that if 1−η 1 + φ(1 − α) > 0 then firm i will make positive profits, hence there should be an incentive for further firms to enter, raising the total mass of firms above1. On the other hand, if 1−η 1 + φ(1 − α) < 0 then firm profits are negative,and firms should exit thus pushing down the total mass of firms. To make sense of this we simply need to assume that N = 1 is an endogenous outcome because η is an increasing function of N; when more firms enter, competition between firms intensifies, the elasticity of substitution between products increases (approaching 1), and profits go down. So when N is low, η is low, 1 − η 1 + φ(1 − α) > 0, profits are positive and N increases. When N is high the reverse is the case.   26 4.2. A simple model of endogenous growth

4.2.3. Aggregate allocation. We are now in a position to work out the aggregate allocation in the economy, assuming exogenous supply of labour L. From equation 4.1 and given ki = K and Ali = AL we have 1−α α Y = (ALL) K . Furthermore, the f.o.c.s in labour and capital imply that w K α K = . wL L 1 − α So the relative shares of capital and labour are fixed at α/(1 − α), just as in the neoclassical model. What is the quantity of capital, K? This is straightforward to calculate since (equation 4.3) in symmetric equilibrium

wkK = ηαY, and we know that wk = 1/β. Hence 1−α α K = ηαβ(AlL) K 1/(1−α) = (ηαβ) AlL, α/(1−α) (4.6) and Y = AlL(ηαβ) . φ But what is Al? We know that Al = Al−(ζz−) , where the subscript minus-sign indicates the previ- ous period. And from (4.2) and (4.5) we know that w z z− − = βφ, wlL hence z− = βφL(wl/wz−). Substitute this in to the growth equation for knowledge to obtain φ Al/Al− = [βφζL(wl/wz−)] . This result effectively gives us the (endogenous) rate of research investment, and hence also growth.2 To close the model and find the growth rate of AL we need to know more about the supply of the research input Z. One option is to fix the quantity of research labour exogenously, but then growth is hardly endogenous. Another would be to assume that it comes from the overall pool of labour, so for instance we might have L = LY + LZ , where LY is labour devoted to production and LZ is labour devoted to research, and both a paid the same wage. This option is slightly more complex, and we compromise by assuming that research labour is supplied elastically at price wL , implying that individuals are prepared to work overtime as researchers from the normal wage. Given the results above we have

wL L + wK K = ηY, and hence

(wl−/β)Z− = (1 − η)Y. But we also know that in the aggregate

wl− = η(1 − α)Y−/L−, so Z β(1 − η) Y − = . L− η(1 − α) Y− If we set φ = 0.1 and other parameters to standard values (capital share 1/3, growth rate 2 percent per year, interest rate 5 percent per year), and set the period length to 10 years, then we find that research labour is around 7 percent of production labour. Note that if we raised the wage to research labour then the quantity would diminish in proportion. The rather high rate of research reflects the assumption that all sectors are characterized by research, technological progress, and creative destruction. In a more sophisticated model we could mix stagnant and growing sectors, leading to lower overall research investment.3

2 Note that there is a little more work to do since we should work out wl/wz−. 3Note the possibility that good i could be produced by competitive firms using old technology. The production function would then be 1−α α yi = (Alit−1lit) kit . Chapter 4. Endogenous growth theory 27

4.3. The effect of endogenizing growth The big difference from the neoclassical model is that we now have an endogenous mecha- φ nism through which AL rises. Furthermore,the growth rate increases in proportion to L , wherewe set φ = 0.1. So if the population doubles, we expect the growth rate to be multiplied by 20.1 = 1.07. In the next chapter we will see whether such a result makes any sense in a very long run context. Here we look at other effects that arise from the endogenization of the growth rate.

4.3.1. Aggregate production. The aggregate production function in the above model is, as previously noted, 1−α α Y = (ALL) K . This is exactly as in the neoclassical model! And if we added the need for a natural resource R in the production function, the endogenization of the growth process still has no effect on the long-run aggregate production function. The above conclusion does not only apply to our particular endogenous growth model, it applies to those of Romer and Aghion–Howitt too. See for instance Chapter 16 of Aghion and Howitt’s recent book,4 and compare their analysis to ours, in Chapter 5. Both derive a condition for positive long-run growth. In the neoclassical model the condition is (1 − α − β)gA > βθ: the growth rate of AL multiplied by the labour share must be greater than the resource share multiplied by the rate of decline in resource extraction. In the Aghion–Howitt model the condition is that the growth rate of AL must be greater than the resource share multiplied by the rate of decline in resource extraction: the slight difference arises from two factors which are not directly linked to endogenous growth (firstly, there is no capital in their model, and secondly there are constant returns to labour and the intermediate input, and increasing returns to labour, the intermediate, and the resource flow.) What then do we need to add to these models in order to start getting a real understanding of links between growth and environment? Below we will see that we need to add at least two char- acteristics to the models: different types of technological progress (augmenting different inputs); and different types of consumption (intensive in different inputs). In the remainder of this part of the book we focus on the former.

4.3.2. Capital. Another aspect of the neoclassical model scarcely affected by the endoge- nization of growth is the role of capital: capital accumulation plays a small role in long-run growth in the neoclassical model, and it also plays a small role in long-run growth in endogenous growth models.

Since these firms are competitive then we know from the first-order conditions that w k α k i = , wlli 1 − α and since wk = 1/β we can solve for ki in terms of wl and li, and substitute into the production function to obtain α 1−α αβ yi = Alit−1lit wl .  1 − α  Production costs are wlli + wkki, so profits are as follows: α 1−α αβ 1 πi = piAlit−1lit wl − wlli.  1 − α  1 − α This equation gives us a condition for the competitive firms using old technology to be unable to compete with the monop- olist using new technology: profits of the competitive firms must be zero at most when the monopolist sets her preferred price, pi = 1. When this is the case we call the innovations made each period drastic, otherwise they are non-drastic. The condition for drastic innovations is α 1−α α αβ 1 0 ≥ Alit−1wlt − wlt,  1 − α  1 − α α/(1−α) hence wlt ≥ Alit−1(1 − α)(αβ) . In symmetric equilibrium we know that

wlL = η(1 − α)Y, α/(1−α) where Y = AlL(ηαβ) . Insert this into the condition to obtain −1/(1−α) Al/Alit−1 ≥ η .

When this condition is not fulfilled then pit is determined by the competitive firms using old technology, but production will be from the monopolistic firms using new technology, as long as they do not make negative profits at this price. We focus on the drastic case. 4The economics of growth, Aghion and Howitt. (2009). 28 4.3. Theeffect of endogenizing growth

The role of capital is small in the sense that capital accumulation does not drive the growth process, capital accumulation is a consequence of technological progress, which is the fundamen- tal driver of growth. Capital accumulation is thus a link in the chain connecting investment in new technology to growth in production. Capital can therefore safely be ignored in many situations. To see this, return to the model and in particular equation 4.6, α/(1−α) Y = AlL(ηαβ) .

Incorporating the constant into AL we have ′ Y = ALL in the long run. This shows that there are likely to be many circumstances in which we can safely ignore capital and treat production as if it were based purely on labour inputs. We take this approach in most of the remainder of this book. Part 2

Natural resources and neoclassical growth In thispartof thebookwe setup andsolvesomeverysimple models in which natural resource inputs are essential to the production of a single final good. We are interested in finding out what effect scarcity of nonrenewable resources has on the rate of economic growth, and also the consumption rates and prices of the resource stocks. We continue to work within the single-sector neoclassical framework. That is, we assume an economy with a single product, which may either be consumed or retained within firms as capital, to help with future production. Furthermore, we assume that the final-good production function is Cobb–Douglas, as in the baseline neoclassical model. We begin, in Chapter 5, by returning to the neoclassical model of Chapter 3, and adding a homogeneous nonrenewable resource to the production function. We consider three types of resource: firstly, one available in a fixed quantity, i.e. land; secondly, one with a very large homo- geneous stock, costly to extract (consider iron ore, or coal); and thirdly we consider a Hotelling resource which is free to extract but available in a strictly limited quantity. In Chapter 6 we apply this framework to explain the broad outlines of economic and population development over the last 20000 years or more. To do so we build and analyse a model economy in which a fixed quantity of land (the surface of the Earth) is an essential input to production, and both labour productivity and population evolve endogenously over time. In Chapter 7 we return to resource stocks and consider the more realistic but also much more complex case of a large inhomogeneous resource stock. Finally, in Chapter 8 we consider very briefly the situation when renewable resources are essential to production, and when polluting emissions diminish or damage productive capacity (or utility). We find that the neoclassical growthmodel can be set up in a way that is consistent with much of the aggregate data that we presented in Figures 1.1–1.4, but that it provides insufficient detail for policy analysis. In particular we show that to say more about optimal policy we need models with multiple products, and to have some understanding about the nature of consumer preferences over those products. Furthermore, we need an understanding about how technological change can affect the relative productivities of alternative inputs. CHAPTER 5

Neoclassical growth and nonrenewable resources

We now return to the neoclassical growth model of Chapter 3, and add a nonrenewable re- source to the production function. We begin with the simple case of land; it is simple because the quantity of land is fixed. We then turn to the case in which the flow of resources R comes from a non-renewable stock which is very large and homogeneous, in which case increasing demand— driven by the increasing productivity of labour—drives increases in resource extraction while not affecting the resource price. Finally, we consider the case made famous by Hotelling (1931), in which a homogeneous resource is available in a fixed total quantity, and costs nothing to extract. In this case, if the resource is essential to production then—if production is to be sustainable—it must be extracted and consumed at a decreasing rate over time, at least in the long run.

5.1. Land We begin this chapter with a neoclassical growth model with zero population growth, and add the need for land in the production function. The quantity of land is simply fixed at R, and there is exogenous labour-augmenting technological progress. 1−α−β α β Y = (ALL) K R ˙ AL/AL = gAL K˙ = sY − δK. To characterize the development of the economy, assume that there exists a balanced growth path on which all variables grow at constant rates. This implies that K˙ /K is constant, which implies (from the capital-accumulation equation) that sY/K − δ is constant, implying in turn that the ratio of production Y to capital K is constant. This implies that Y˙/Y = K˙ /K, and hence (differentiating the production function with respect to time and substituting) ˙ ˙ Y/Y = (1 − α − β)gAL + αY/Y. Rearrange to obtain 1 − α − β g = g = g . Y y 1 − α AL This confirms the reasonableness of the original assumption, i.e. that there exists a balanced growth path on which all variables grow at constant rates. So given labour-augmenting technological progress, when β> 0 (i.e. land is a non-negligible factor of production) the growth rate of production is slowed. The underlying reason why land in the production function slows growth whereas capital does not is that land is non-reproducible(by contrast to capital).

The price or land wR can be obtained by considering the representative producer’s profit- maximization problem, 1−α−β α β maxπ = pY (ALL) K R − (wL L + wK K + wR R).

Normalize the price of the final good, pY , to one. Then take the first-order condition in R to show that wR = βY/R, and hence that ˙ w˙R /wR = Y/Y. So the price of land tracks growth in GDP.

Finally, if we set β = 0 (implying that land is not important) then we obtain gY = gy = gAL , just 1−α α as we did in the basic neoclassical model with the production function Y = (ALL) K . Note that we also obtained the same result in the even simpler model in which Y = ALL. How relevant is this model to reality? Clearly, the total supply of land is fixed. The only testable prediction of the model (apart from results that more-or-less follow by assumption) is that the price of land should grow at the overall growth rate. Long-run data on land prices is hard to come by, but the prediction seems to be broadly correct.

31 32 5.2. An abundant resource, costly to extract

5.2. An abundant resource, costly to extract Now we consider a mineral resource input instead of land. We assume that there is a very large homogeneous stock of this mineral (consider for instance iron ore). The input is costly to extract, since extraction requires the use of labour, capital, and the resource input, inputs which could otherwise have been used to produce the final good. There is exogenous labour-augmenting technological progress. Denoting final-good production by YY we have 1−α−β α β YY = (ALLY ) KY RY ; ˙ AL/AL = gAL ;

K˙ = sYY − δK; 1−α−β α β R = φ(ALLR) KR RR. Here φ is a parameter determining the relative productivity of the inputs in extraction compared to final-good production, and total labour L is the sum of LY and LR, and similarly for capital and the resource. Because of the symmetry between the two production functions (for Y and R), and the fact that we have constant returns to scale, it follows the inputs (L, K, and R) will be used in equal proportions in each case, it follows that we can reformulate the model with all inputs being devoted to production of the final good, some of which is consumed, some of which goes to capital, and some of which goes to resource extraction. Denoting total final-good production by Y (thus returning to standard notation), and denoting final goods devoted to extraction as X we have 1−α−β α β Y = (ALL) K R ; ˙ AL/AL = gAL; K˙ = s(Y − X) − δK; R = φX. Finally, note that total extraction costs are simply X, since the price of the final good is normalized to 1. And since we assume perfect markets, the resource price wR is equal to unit extraction costs X/R, hence

wR = 1/φ. Now, as previously, assume a b.g.p. and then characterize it. On a b.g.p. K˙ /K is constant, which implies (from the capital-accumulation equation) that s(Y − X)/K − δ is constant, implying in turn that Y, X, and K all grow at equal rates, and hence (from the extraction function) R also grows at this rate. Differentiate the production function with respect to time, and substitute for K˙ /K and R˙/R to yield ˙ ˙ ˙ Y/Y = (1 − α − β)gAL + αY/Y + βY/Y. Rearrange to yield ˙ Y/Y = gAL . So the need for the resource imposes no brake at all on the growth rate of production, since resource use tracks production (by contrast to land, which is fixed). Note that the predictions of this model do a pretty good job of matching the data in Figure 1.3, especially the left panel (metals): the resource price is constant, and resource extraction tracks overall growth. The broad outline of the story told by the model is simple and almost certainly correct: on the demand side, technological progress drives increasing demand for the resource; on the supply side, it implies that when a fixed proportion of labour and capital is devoted to resource extraction, the flow of extraction increases exponentially while price remains constant. The success of this simple model in accounting for historical data is striking, but so is its unsuitability for predicting the future. The model predicts that resource extraction will continue to increase exponentially, indefinitely. As mentioned in the introduction, the current physical extraction rate of minerals is of the order of 1010 tonnes per year globally. Assume that this rate continues to grow at the same rate as it has done over the past 100 years, i.e. approximately 3 percent per year. Then extraction would be multiplied by a factor 20 each century, and in 700 years we would be mining and using minerals roughly equal to the entire earth’s crust every year, based on a figure of 2 × 1019 tonnes for the Earth’s crust. To predict the future we clearly need a model with limited, inhomogeneous resource stocks. The rest of this part of the book is devoted to such models. Chapter 5. Neoclassical growth and nonrenewable resources 33

5.3. A limited resource, costless to extract (Hotelling/DHSS) In the previous section we had a resource that was costly to extract but available in unlimited quantity. Now we go the other way and assume a homogeneous resource available in a known, fi- nite quantity. This takes us into the heart of the literature from the 20th century, with the Hotelling rule from 1931 and the DHSS model from 1974.

5.3.1. General set-up. Recall that the Solow model concerns how production of a single final good may increase over time through: (i) investment of the final good as capital to be used in the production process in the future; and (ii) exogenous technological change. What if we add (limited, free) resources as inputs to production? We then have the Dasgupta–Heal–Solow–Stiglitz model, developed in the 1970s.1 α β 1−α−β Y = K R (ALL) ˙ AL/AL = gAL L˙/L = n K˙ = Y −C − δK ∞ S ≥ Rtdt. Z0 Note that we have added a constant rate of population growth, n, and we have not fixed the saving rate, instead we simply say that investment is the difference between production Y and consumption C. The flow of resource inputs is R, and the sum (integral) of resource inputs over infinite time cannot exceed the initial stock of the resource (‘in the ground’) which we denote S . Note that we can keep producing final goods Y even as R approaches zero; so if the final good is hammers, and the resource input is iron, we can make an unlimited number of hammers from a fixed stock of iron (without recycling). The model is thus set up from the start to favour feasibility of sustainable growth. Note that with a different choice of production function—such as Leon- tief—we can rule out the above property directly; given Leontief (and no resource-augmenting technological progress), you need x grams of iron per hammer, full stop.

5.3.2. Exogenous technological progress. What if we have the general set-up above, with gAL > 0, a fixed saving rate s, and n = δ = 0? That is, α β 1−α−β Y = K R (ALL) , ˙ AL/AL = gAL , K˙ = sY, ∞ S ≥ Rtdt. Z0 Under these circumstances it is easy to show that we can maintain constant consumption if we set its initial level low enough. (1) First assume balanced growth, i.e. all growth rates are constant. (2) Second, note that for any initial level of resource use R0 we can always find a rate of decay in resource consumption θ such that the resource is asymptotically exhausted: ∞ −θt −θt ∞ S = R0e dt = [−(R0/θ)e ]0 = R0/θ. Z0

The lower is R0/S , the lower is the rate of decline θ.

(3) Third, note that if Y grows at some constant rate gY , while a constant proportion s is invested, and K˙ /K is constant, then Y/K must also be constant. Thus Y and K must ˙ grow at the same rate, gY = gK . This follows since K/K = sY/K.

(4) Fourth, differentiate the production function w.r.t. time and use gY = gK to find an ex- pression for gY in balanced growth: β βθ gY = 1 − gAL − .  1 − α 1 − α So by choosing initial resource consumption, and hence θ, we can choose the long-run growth rate gY up to a maximum of gAL[1 − β/(1 − α)].

1The original papers are Dasgupta and Heal (1974), Solow (1974), Stiglitz (1974). 34 5.3. Alimitedresource,costlesstoextract(Hotelling/DHSS)

Recall that when the flow of resource input was fixed (the case with land), we had β gY = 1 − gAL .  1 − α This is identical to the expression above when θ approaches zero, as we would expect, since when θ = 0 the resource flow is constant. Put differently, the need for resource flows to decline puts a penalty on to the growth rate.

5.3.3. Hotelling. What will the solution be in a market economy? To answer this question we need to know the resource price. The resource is free to extract, but because it is available in finite quantity it is scarce and hence it will have a non-zero price on the market due to scarcity rent (also known as Hotelling rent, resource rent, etc.). Imagine you own a stock of some resource, which you keep in a large pressurized under- ground tank. To extract the resource, you simply turn the tap. You have no alternative uses for the tank once the resource is exhausted, and there are no environmental considerations.

In order to decide when to extract the resource you consider the price path. Is the resource price wR increasing over time? If so, then all else equal you will keep the resource and sell it later. On the other hand, if you extract and sell the resource then you can put the moneyin the bank, and it will grow at rate wm, where wm is the interest rate (we express it this way to emphasize that the interest rate is the rental price of money). So your rule is to extract if the resource price is rising at a rate slower than wm, and not extract if the price is rising at a rate faster than wm.Ifw ˙ R/wR = wm then you are indifferent. Now imagine you are one of a vast number of such resource holders, so the market for selling the resource is competitive (as are all other markets in the economy). How do the others plan their extraction? Presumably, they think the same way as you do. Assume that the current price is high, and thus all resource owners expect slowly-rising prices in the future; then everyone wants to sell. Now assume instead that the current price is low, and thus all resource owners expect rapidly-rising prices; then no-one wants to sell. In the former case—when everyone wants to sell —the price must drop in a discrete step down until it reaches a point at which it is no longer the case that everyone wants to sell. In the latter case it must rise in a discrete step up until it reaches a point at which it is no longer the case that no-one wants to sell. The equilibrium price is the same in both cases; it is the point from which the price is expected to rise at exactly the rate of interest. At this point resource owners are indifferent between holding on to their resources and selling their resources: we have an equilibrium. We have thus intuited the equilibrium price path for the resource:

w˙ R = wm, wR where wR is the price of the resource and wm is the price of (borrowing) money, i.e. the interest rate. Now return to the overall model. Given perfect markets we know that the Hotelling rule must be obeyed, i.e.

w˙ R/wR = wm. But the resource price is just the marginal product of the resource for the representative producer, i.e.

wR = βY/R. Chapter 5. Neoclassical growth and nonrenewable resources 35

Differentiate this expression and use the Hotelling result, and our result regarding the b.g.p., to show that on a b.g.p. we have

wm = w˙ R/wR = (gAL + θ)[1 − β/(1 − α)].

If the interest rate wm is simply equal to the pure rate of time preference ρ—based on the simplest ∞ = −ρt possible model of preferences over time, U 0 cte dt—then we have Rρ θ = − g , 1 − β/(1 − α) AL so the optimal rate of decline of resource use is increasing in the degree of impatience of agents (ρ) and in the weight of resources in the production function (β), but decreasing in the rate of technological progress gAL . We can now put this back into the equation for gY to yield β/(1 − α) g = g − ρ , Y AL 1 − β/(1 − α)

and hence θ = ρ − gY . So the growth penalty due to the need to gradually cut resource consumption depends on the rate of time preference ρ and the weight of the resource in the production function compared to the weight of labour. Note that for a meaningful solution we require that ρ> gY . As an exercise, you should redo the above assuming capital depreciation at rate δ. You should find that it makes no difference, since when capital depreciates we have K˙ /K = sY/K − δ. Ona b.g.p. (with K˙ /K constant) this again implies that Y/K is constant, hence Y˙/Y = K˙ /K, just as when δ was zero. Since capital still grows at the same rate as overall production in this economy, we obtain the same result for the growth rate. Note however that the level of production at a given time will be lower given depreciation, since the stock of capital will be lower. More precisely, assume an economy in which δ = 0 is on its b.g.p. Now assume that, suddenly, the capital stock starts to depreciate at rate δ> 0; then the economy will shift gradually towards a new b.g.p. on which (a) the level of Y at a given time is lower than on the previousb.g.p., and (b) the growth rate of Y is the same. This shift is illustrated in Figure 5.1.




3 log Y



0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 years

Figure 5.1. The transition from one b.g.p. to another (lower) b.g.p., after δ in- creases from 0 to 0.1. Note that the figure is for a discrete-time economy with the following parameters: α = 0.33; β = 0.05; θ = 0.1 (assumed exogenous and

constant); s = 0.2; gAL = 0.03. The economy starts with a capital stock such that it is on the initial b.g.p.

5.3.4. Hotelling with a resource supply monopoly. Imagine you have a monopoly over the resource; you are the only supplier. This makes your problem more complex, since you must account for the effect of your own extraction on the price. To see what’s going on, we need to set up a dynamic optimization problem. The simplest way to do this is to use discrete time, in 36 5.3. Alimitedresource,costlesstoextract(Hotelling/DHSS) which case we need to set up a Lagrangian. We want to maximize discounted profits, subject to the resource restriction. The profit function and the restriction can be written as follows. ∞ π = wrtRt; Rt ≤ S. Xt=0

Here wrt is the resource price, and Rt is the quantity extracted and sold in period t. We can use these two equations to set up the Lagrangian, which is ∞ ∞ 1 t (5.1) L = wrtRt + λ(S − Rt) 1 + w ! Xt=0 m Xt=0 Here λ is the resource rent or (expressed in a more standard way) the shadow price of the resource 2 stock. Now take the f.o.c. in Rt to obtain L t ∂ ∂wrt t (5.2) (1 + wm) = wrt + Rt − λ(1 + wm) = 0. ∂Rt ∂Rt Now the first two terms together represent the change in revenue given a change in quantity: marginal revenue, MR. To find the Hotelling rule, consider the first-order condition in successive periods to derive

MRt+1 = 1 + wm. MRt Now let’s close the model by adding a demand function. For reasons that will become clear, we assume an inverse demand function of the form −ǫ wrt = A + BRt . Then

∂wrt MRt = wrt + Rt = wrt(1 − ǫ) + ǫA, ∂Rt and the rule is

wrt+1 + ǫA/(1 − ǫ) = 1 + wm. wrt + ǫA/(1 − ǫ) To get a handle on the above result assume that our monopolist is actually a representative resource owner with no market power. Then marginal revenue is simply price, and

wrt+1 = 1 + wm. wrt To link with our results above (in continuous time) note that the expression corresponding to w˙ R/wR is (wrt+1 − wrt)/wrt. But we can rearrange the above result to yield

wrt+1 − wrt = wm, wrt which is thus equivalent to the continuous time result we obtained earlier (see the mathematical appendix, Chapter 17.2). So when A = 0 the growth rate of prices is identical to the growth rate given perfect markets; when A < 0 prices grow more slowly given market power; and when A > 0 prices grow faster given market power. The intuition comes from the elasticities: when A = 0 we have constant elasticity demand, so as the price rises over time the elasticity of demand is unchanged. But when A < 0 the elasticity of demand increases as price increases, making the monopolist more reluctant to increase prices, and when A > 0 the elasticity of demand decreases as price increases, encouraging the monopolist to raise prices further. Note that we also require a transversality condition to solve the model fully. It is not enough to know the rate of changeof prices, we must also knowthe levelof the priceas somepointin time. There are two particularly simple possibilities: one is that the resource should only be exhausted asymptotically, the other is that the price should be equal to some backstop price at the time of exhaustion. For the case of exhaustion with a backstop, a slower rate of price increase implies (for a given transversality condition) that the initial price must be higher, and hence the initial price path will be higher and the date of exhaustion will be put back. We return to such questions later in the book (in Chapter 7).

2This quantity has many names in the literature; two other common ones are the Hotelling rent and the scarcity rent. Chapter 5. Neoclassical growth and nonrenewable resources 37

5.3.5. Hotelling with extractioncosts. Now we introduce extraction costs into the Hotelling model, simultaneously returning to continuous time. The simplest thing to do is to assume that marginal extraction costs are constant, c. Continue to write the price as wr, and the resource rent as λ. Then (in the case with perfect competition) the price is the sum of the resource rent and the extraction cost, wR = λ + c, and since c is constantw ˙ R = λ˙. The resource rent rises at the interest rate (λ/λ˙ = wm) and the modified Hotelling rule is

w˙ R wR − c = wm · . wR wR

So when c = 0 this reduces to the original rule, but when c approaches wR (implying that the re- source rent is only a small proportionof the total price), thenw ˙ R/wR approaches zero, i.e. constant price. Unfortunatelythe model with constant extraction costs is still all-too naive compared to reality in which a variety of factors affect extraction costs. Consider the picture below, and with its help try to identifyas manysuch factorsas youcan. Furthermore, categorize them according to whether they should make extraction costs rise or fall over time.

Wage Rise Productivity Decline Depth Rise

The three key factors are the wages paid to workers, their productivity, and the depth of the re- source (where the latter should be interpreted broadly as the physical quality of resource deposits). Both wages and productivity should rise over time, and these trends may be expected to cancel each other out. (Why?) Depth should also rise over time, hence overall it seems that we should ex- pect resource prices to rise over time. Note also that if the ‘width’ of the resource stock increases, then the rate of increase in depth for a given extraction rate will be lower. We return to resource extraction in Chapter 7.

5.3.6. Hartwick. The majority of the older literature focused on the case with no technolog- ical progress, i.e. gAL = 0. Then we know straight away (from the Solow model) that long-run growth is not possible, since there are diminishing returns to capital accumulation. This conclu- sion is strengthened when there are also resource constraints. An even stronger result—which also follows directly—is that long-run sustainability (non- negative growth) is also impossible in the baseline case with a fixed resource stock free to extract. Given such a stock, the extraction rate must approach zero in the long run, and the only way to compensate is if the capital stock (and hence also K/Y) approaches infinity. But this is impossible to sustain in the presence of depreciation. The response to these results was not to reject the model with zero technological progress, but instead to do further violence to the original Solow set-up: having taken away technological progress, the next step was to take away capital depreciation as well. In this set-up long-run growth remains impossible (due to diminishing returns to capital) but sustaining production and consumption is possible: all that is required is a sufficiently high rate of capital investment. How high is sufficiently high? This question is tied up with the famous Hartwick rule. 38 5.3. Alimitedresource,costlesstoextract(Hotelling/DHSS)

The Hartwick rule—Hartwick (1977), following Solow (1974)—has generateda hugeamount of confusion, and many incorrect claims have been made.3 Here we state some of the correct re- sults in a simple way. The key result is that—in an economy with perfect markets, constant pop- ulation and constant technology—if the value of capital stocks is kept constant then production will also be constant. What does the above result imply about sustainability? How difficult is it to maintain a constant capital stock? If capital doesn’t depreciate then all we need to do to keep the total stock constant is to invest the proceeds of using up one stock of capital into boosting some other stock of capital. On the other hand, if capital does depreciate over time then we have a much harder task holding the total stock of capital constant, indeed it will typically be impossible to do so. Consider a DHSS economy such as those we have analysed above, and assume that invest- ment in capital equipment K is determined by the Hartwick rule, implying that it is not determined by market. In such an economy there are two capital stocks, K and R, and the rule is ˙ ˙ (5.3) wK K + wRR = 0. So we assume that a regulator lets the market determine resource extraction and price, and then invests according to the rule. The production function is 1−α−β α β Y = (ALL) K R and the capital accumulation equation is K˙ = sY − δK, where we now treat s as an unknown variable. Furthermore, wK and wR are the (respective) marginal revenue products of K and R, hence

wK K = αY and wRR = βY.

The first equation tells us that the marginal product of capital wK = αY/K. Consider now a capital owner hiring out a single unit capital, value 1 (recall that capital and the final good are the same, and that the price of the final good is normalized to 1). The gross return (income flow per unit of capital hired out, value 1) is just wK , but the net return is wK − δ, because the capital depreciates (disappears!) at a constant rate of δ. In equilibrium capital owners must be indifferent between hiring and selling capital, which implies that the interest rate—here we call it ρ rather than wm —must be equal to wK − δ. So we have

(5.4) ρ = wK − δ = αY/K − δ.

Now return to wK K = αY and use the capital accumulation equation to write ˙ (5.5) wK K = αY/K(sY − δK).

Now turn to R. Since wRR = βY and the Hotelling rule applies we know that R˙/R = Y˙/Y − ρ, where ρ (the discount rate) is determined by (5.4). Furthermore, from the production function we know that Y˙/Y = αK˙ /K + βR˙/R, hence R˙/R = αK˙ /K + βR˙/R − ρ. 1 Rearrange to yield R˙/R = αK˙ /K − ρ , 1 − β h i 1 hence R˙/R = αsY/K − αδ − ρ , 1 − β β   (5.6) and (since w R = βY) w R˙ = αsY/K − αδ − ρ Y. R R 1 − β   Now combine (5.5) and (5.6) with (5.3) to yield sY = [ρ(β/α) + δ]K, and (substituting for ρ) sY = βY + δ(1 − β/α)K. When δ = 0 a Hartwick path is feasible: investment is a constant fraction of production, the interest rate approaches zero from above, and total resource extraction is bounded. However,

3For rigourous support for this statement see Asheim et al. (2003). Chapter 5. Neoclassical growth and nonrenewable resources 39

(a) Global Metals (b) Global Energy 1.6

1.4 Global product 1.5 1.2 Global product Metal quantity 1

0.8 1 Metal 0.6 expenditure Energy quantity Energy 0.4 0.5 expenditure

log10, normalized 0.2 log10, normalized

0 0 Metal price −0.2 Energy −0.4 price −0.5 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1850 1900 1950 2000 Year Year

Figure 5.2. Long-run growth in consumption and prices, compared to growth in global product, for (a) Metals, and (b) Primary energy from combustion. when δ> 0 then there is no feasible Hartwick path: on a feasible path, R must approach zero while K approaches infinity, but if K →∞ then s must be greater than 1 (which is impossible), and furthermore Y/K will approach zero implying that ρ must be negative hence R must grow, not decline. Finally, note that even if we observe in the present (a) that resource rents are reinvested in physical capital, and (b) that physical capital does not depreciate, and (c) that all markets are perfect, this still does not guarantee sustainability, because we do not know the preferences based on which the market interest rate is determined. One thing we can say for sure is that if the investment rate is determined by the market and if the pure rate of time preference is non-zero then the rule will not be followed in the long run, because this implies that the interest rate is bounded below at a strictly positive level even when the growth rate is zero, implying that there is a limit to capital accumulation. Summing up, it remains to be demonstrated that the Hartwick rule is of anything other than purely academic interest.

5.3.7. DHSS and historical data. Recall that the key results of the DHSS model are that on a balanced growth path the following relationships should hold: β/(1 − α) g = g − ρ Y AL 1 − β/(1 − α)

and θ = ρ − gY ,

whilew ˙R /wR = ρ. Here θ is the rate of decline of resource use over time, ρ is the pure rate of time preference, and wR is the resource price. Furthermore, α and β are the respective factor shares of capital and the resource in final-good production. The results show how the need for resource inputs (β> 0) puts a penalty on the growth rate that can be sustained in the economy. The size of the penalty is increasing in the rate of time preference, ρ, and the weight of the resource in the production function, β. Furthermore, we see that resource use declines at a constant rate, and that the resource price increases rapidly (recall that ρ> gY ). How do these results match up to the data for real economies? The answer to this question is to be found in Figure 1.3, reproduced here as Figure 5.2. Here we see that—far from declin- ing exponentially—resource and energy use have risen exponentially, tracking global product. Furthermore, the prices of resources and energy have been remarkably constant in the long run, whereas according to the model they should grow faster than global product (the discount rate is always faster than the growth rate in optimal growth models). So the model predictions seem to be completely, hopelessly wrong. Things are perhaps not as bad as they seem for the DHSS model. The reason is that the problems can all be traced to the same root, which is the wildly incorrect model of the resource extraction sector. Resources are not in reality available in a fixed known quantity, free to extract. Instead they are expensive to extract, and furthermore the costs of extraction vary in a complex 40 5.3. Alimitedresource,costlesstoextract(Hotelling/DHSS) way due to factors such as technological change and cumulative extraction (as more is extracted we must dig deeper, raising costs). Recall our previous model in which resource stocks were unlimited and extraction costs con- stant. This model did a much better job of fitting the data, but at the expense of ignoring resource scarcity, making it useless for very long run analyses. In the next chapter we explore models in which we allow for both extraction costs and scarcity, 5.3.8. DHSS, prediction, and policy for sustainability. The majority of modelling within the DHSS paradigm has been based on the ability of capital to substitute for resource flows, with zero technological progress. If the model is interpreted literally—with capital interpreted as re- cycled final product, and final product being unchanging—it makes no sense as a description of the economy. If it is interpreted flexibly—as suggested by Groth (2007), p.10–11—and capital accumulation is interpreted as a move towards clean technology, recycling, substitution between inputs, and changes in the composition of final output, then the interpretation of the model is so far removed from its actual assumptions as to make the model meaningless and impossible to test. Put differently, if we really think that moves towards clean technology, recycling, substitution between inputs, and changes in the composition of final output are the key to sustainability, then we should build a model in which these processes are explicitly accounted for, and find ways of testing the strengths of these different processes and hence their ability to deliver sustainable growth. This point is effectively conceded by the authors of the DHSS model themselves. Prior to the development of the DHSS model, Solow (1973)—in an essay where he is unconstrained by the need for mathematical formalism—argued for the ability of the economy to adapt to resource scarcity. In this context he sets out a series of mechanisms as key, without ranking them in impor- tance; ironically, the DHSS mechanism—Solow’s focus in subsequent quantitative modelling— is not mentioned at all. Regarding demand for resource inputs Solow sets out three mechanisms: (1) Increase—through technological change—resource efficiency in production of one or more product categories; (2) Substitute on the consumption side away from product categories in which the produc- tion process is resource-intensive. (3) Increase—through technological change—the efficiency of an alternative (substitute) resource in production of one or more product categories. Solow pays less attention to the supply of resources, but there we have improving technology of extraction and—working in the other direction—the impoverishment of deposits. He could also have mentioned recycling. In the same vein, Dasgupta (1993) also discusses our ability to substitute for physical re- sources in the production process. Dasgupta argues that there are nine ways in producers can sub- stitute for non-renewable resource inputs, of which 7 are different forms of technological progress, number 8 is switching to lower-grade inputs, and number 9 is the mechanism of the DHSS model, i.e. the substitution of capital for resources. Dasgupta admits (p.1115) that this last mechanism is ‘limited’, indeed ‘beyond a point fixed capital in production is complementary to resources’. Thus the critique of ecological economists such as Hermann Daly is correct. Consider Daly’s critique of Solow–Stiglitz [i.e. DHSS], Daly (1997) p. 263: In the Solow–Stiglitz variant, to make a cake we need not only the cook and his kitchen, but also some non-zero amount of flour, sugar, eggs, etc. This seems a great step forward until we realize that we could make our cake a thousand times bigger with no extra ingredients, if we simply would stir faster and use bigger bowls and ovens. This is essentially the same as our critique, that the literal interpretation of capital accumulation as being able to compensate for declining resource flows makes no sense. We argue—following Solow—that the three mechanisms above are key to understanding how the economy adapts in the long-run to changes in resource or energy availability, or to policy measures regarding resources or energy. How important are they relative to one another, and how does their existence affect optimal policy? CHAPTER 6

Pre-industrial human development

We now applysome of what we learnt in the Chapter 5 to help us build a very simple model to analyse pre-industrial human (economic) development. The aim is to gain a primitive understand- ing of the trends shown in Figure 1.1 from the introduction, in which we observe accelerating (although slow) population growth and almost constant GDP per capita. A key element of the model is that there is a fixed quantity of land—the surface of the globe—which is the habitat of pre-industrial people.

6.1. Population dynamics We begin by approaching the problem of long-run population and economic growth from a non-economic angle, focusing on population alone. Consider the population dynamics of any wild animal, prior to the era of human domination of the planet. Populations will of course fluctuate due to random variations (for instance in climate) and interactions between species, but it is nevertheless reasonable to suppose that over timescales of thousands of years the populations of many species will vary around some long-run ‘equilibrium’ level: when the population is above this level it will tend to decrease, and when it is below this level it will tend to decrease. There is certainly no reason to suppose that a randomly chosen species should—on average—have an increasing population. What then determines the equilibrium population level? By definition, it is the population level at which births (assuming an animal species) equal deaths, on average. When the population is above this level births tend to exceed deaths, whereas when the population is below this level the reverse tends to be true. The reason for this pattern is likely to be competition within the species for some resource the quantity of which is exogenous; this resource could be food, but it could also be something else, such as nesting sites.1 Applying the above reasoning to prehistoric humans, the obvious question to ask is, why do we see a slow increase in the human population in prehistoric times, even prior to 5000 BCE? The reason must be either that exogenous changes are making the global environment more hos- pitable for the species, or that the species itself is developing in some way (possibly managing its environment) such that a higher population is sustainable. Put this way, it should be obvious why human population has risen over time since 20000 BCE: over time we have learnt more and more about how to control and utilize our environment (the globe), and this has allowed us to increase in number, partly by populatingour existing (20000 BCE) range more densely, and partly by extending our range to habitats that were previously inhospitable for us. Put another way, technological progress has allowed our population to grow. Consider the following quote from Sagoff (1995, p617). [F]or almost all individuals of any species, nature is quite predictable. It guar- antees a usually quick but always painful and horrible death. Starvation, para- sitism, predation, thirst, cold, and disease are the cards nature deals to virtually every creature, and for any animal to avoid destruction long enough to reach sexual maturity is the rare exception rather than the rule (Williams, 1988). Accordingly, mainstream economists reject the idea [...] that undisturbed ecosystems, such as wilderness areas, offer better life-support systems than do the farms, suburbs, and cities that sometimes replace them. Without tech- nology, human beings are less suited to survive in nature than virtually any other creature. At conferences, we meet in climate-controlled rooms, depend on waiters for our meals, and sleep indoors rather than al-fresco. Nature is not always a cornucopia catering to our needs; it can be a place where you cannot get good service.

1There are other possible reasons for the pattern, including the number of predators, which may rise when the species is abundant, hence pushing numbers down again.

41 42 6.2. A simple model of Malthusian growth





Log scale, normalized 1 Global population

0 Average yearly production per capita

−20000 −10000 0 1700 year

Figure 6.1. Global product and population, historical (data from Brad DeLong). Both variables are normalized to start at zero. Population grows by a factor of approximately exp[5], i.e. about 150. Average yearly production per capita is close to 100 USD throughout.

If technological progress has allowed population growth, has it also allowed us to become richer? In recent times the answer is a resounding yes, but what about 20000 years ago? Accord- ing to Figure 1.1 in the introduction (reproduced here as Figure 6.1), income per person was in fact almost unchanged between 20000 BCE and 1700 CE. Why might this be? To understand this, return to the example of the population of a wild animal. Assume that something happens which shifts the equilibrium population of the animal upwards. This could be a change in the climate, the extinction of a predator, or the discovery by the species of a new technology.2 In the short run, the result of the change will be an increase in production and consumption per capita in the wild population. However, in the long run the result will be an increase in equilibrium population, and consumption per capita will be back to its original (equilibrium) level. Turning to the human population, it is evidently not reasonable to apply the above reasoning to the analysis of population trends in modern economies, however, if we go back in time far enough it seems likely that the same mechanisms should apply: that is, technological progress results—in the long run—not in increased income per capita, but rather in increased population per square kilometre.

6.2. A simple model of Malthusian growth Now we consider how to use the above insights in an economic model to explain the data more fully. 6.2.1. Aggregate production. Recall the basic Solowian insight that accumulating a single factor—such as capital—cannot give long-run growth when the accumulated factor must be com- bined with other factors in a constant-returns-to-scale (CRS) production function. In an economy in which land is an important input this means that accumulation of both labour and capital to- gether will not yield a corresponding increase in production; that is, if for instance both labour and capital are doubled, production will not double. The reason is that the greater number of people implies that each person has to make do with less land. This is captured in a simple way using the aggregate production function familiar from Section 5.1: 1−α−γ α γ Y = (ALL) K R . Here γ is a parameter which determines the factor share (and hence relative importance) of land R, which is fixed. In modern industrialized economies it is not obvious whether or not this production function is applicable. On the one hand, land is of course essential for the production of food, and for living space, recreation, and nature among other things. But it is possible that if the same population were crowded onto half the land the total value of production might go up rather than down,

2The latter idea may sound ridiculous to you. If it does, consider the broad definition of ‘technology’ in economics, and then look at, for instance, Nature News, 14 December 2007, “Unique orca hunting technique documented”. Chapter 6. Pre-industrial human development 43 as denser living might encourage cooperation or the spread of knowledge. However, in older economies in which agricultural production makes up a large proportion of total GDP it seems clear that the relationship described in the above equation should hold. Recall also that in a growingeconomythe quantity of capital tends to track overall production; that is, on the equilibrium growth path we have K = φAL, where φ is a parameter. Assuming K tracks Y we have K = K0Y where K0 is a parameter. Substitute this in to yield 1−α−γ α γ Y = (ALL) (K0Y) R ; 1−α 1−α−γ α γ Y = (ALL) K0 R ; (1−α−γ)/(1−α) ′ γ/(1−α) Y = (ALL) K0R . With suitable definitions we can write the latter equation as Y = (AL)1−βRβ. So, technological progress drives growth, whereas increases in population reduce production per capita: Y/L = A1−β(R/L)β. This is what we expect, since higher population dilutes the land available. 6.2.2. Population dynamics. For our model of the global economy we must add equations determining the growth in population and the technology factor A. Regarding population, a stan- dard growth function from biology is the logistic: ∗ Lt+1 − Lt = θLt(1 − Lt/Lt ). ∗ Here θ is a parameter, and Lt is equilibrium population, often called the carrying capacity. This is normally thought of as a constant, but in our model it will of course be a variable: as humans’ ability to control the environment increases, the same environmentcan support a larger population. Note that θ determines how quickly actual population will react to changes in L∗. We choose a value of θ such that changes in technology are slow compared to changes in population; the evidence from Figure 6.2 suggests extremely low rates of technological change up to 1700 CE, implying that population will always be close to its equilibrium level. ∗ To find Lt we simply assume a level of income per capita Y/L at which the population is stable. Denoting this level asy ¯, rearrange the aggregate production function Y/L = A1−β(R/L)β to yield ∗ 1/β Lt = (At/y¯) R/At. ∗ So as At rises, so does Lt . 6.2.3. Technological progress. Finally, and crucially, the rate of technological change. Here we simply take the result for aggregatetechnologicalprogressderived in Chapter 4, i.e. that growth is proportional to the size of the labour force raised to the power of φ, where we chose φ = 0.1 in our parameterization. Thus we have =Ω φ At/At−1 Lt−1, where Ω is a parameter. 6.2.4. Results and discussion. This model is straightforward to simulate using software such as Excel or Matlab. Figure 6.2 shows the simulated global economy—compared to the data presented previously—using the following parameters:y ¯ = 1, R = 1, β = 0.3, θ = 1.4, φ = 0.1, and Ω= 1.00014, with the starting point A = 1, L = 1. (We have subsequently normalized to match the levels in the data.) Note that the model produces an excellent match to the data. Two points must however be raised at this point: firstly, the data are very uncertain; secondly, the model is extremely simple and is only intended to show one way in which population, production, and technology can be linked in a dynamic model. Note that we called the model Malthusian. The name is derived from Thomas Malthus, and in particular his book An essay on the principles of population, first published in 1798. He ar- gued for the existence of precisely the mechanism captured in population model: that increasing productivity from a fixed quantity of land leads to increased population and not increased income per capita. Hence humanity is permanently on the borderline of survival, and the natural tendency for population to increase must be checked by death caused by disease, starvation, or (perhaps) self-control. Ironically, Malthus’ essay was written at almost precisely the time at which the link between productivity and population was broken, i.e. the time at which increased productivity actually 44 6.2. A simple model of Malthusian growth

100 Average yearly production per capita, 1990 USD

10 Logarithmic scale

1 Global population (baseline 1700)

−20000 −10000 0 1700 Year

Figure 6.2. Global product and population. Continuous lines, model simula- tion; dashed lines, historical data from Brad DeLong. led to permanent increases in welfare rather than increases in population alone: the demographic transition. That is, the transition from a situation with high birth and death rates, to one with low birth and death rates. The transition typically occurs at the same time as a country’s economy industrializes, although that does not mean the industrialization as such is the direct cause; likely direct factors driving the transition include the strengtheningof women’s rights and education, and a reduced probability that newborn children will die before reaching adulthood. We do not discuss it further here, but simply note that global population growth is not on an inherently unsustainable path; indeed, global population is likely to level off at around 10 billion people (current population 7 billion), i.e. an increase of less than 50 percent over today’s level. By contrast, average global product per capita is likely to grow by around 50 percent every 20 years for the next 100 years or more. (50 percent every twenty years corresponds to 2 percent per year.) We therefore leave out population growth completely from our forward-looking models. CHAPTER 7

Resource stocks

In this chapter we analyse past and future paths of price and extraction rate of exhaustible (non-renewable) resources, and link this to long-run economic growth and sustainability. First we establish the fact that existing and historical price trends demonstrate that—according to market agents—exhaustion of critical non-renewable resources is definitely not imminent. It is of course possible that market agents have got it wrong, but this would be surprising if so, since the differ- ence between right and wrong predictions is worth billions of dollars, and the key variables and processes are rather predictable and observable, unlike (for instance) the driving forces of business cycles. We go on to examine long-run scenarios based on economic modelling and assessment of stocks and likely technological changes. To help us we develop a simple model of resources as inputs to production, resources which are extracted from inhomogeneous stocks. We skate over some major aspects of the maths, focusing instead on the key results in simplified form.

7.1. The elephant in Hotelling’s room In this section we show that—according to market agents—exhaustionof critical non-renewable resources is definitely not imminent. We borrow heavily from Hart and Spiro (2011): large sec- tions of the text are taken directly from that paper. 7.1.1. Theory. Market agents value resources in the groundas assets, as shown by Hotelling. If those resources are valuable, and their price is failing to rise, then agents will realize those assets, i.e. sell them. This will cause the price to fall to a lower level, from which it will (in equilibrium) rise. In terms of Hotelling’s analysis, there are two possible reasons for the failure of prices to rise: either (i) resource markets systematically fail to value resources in the ground according to the theory; or (ii) the scarcity rent is well-behaved, but masked by other factors. In both cases, the implication is that factors other than the scarcity rent are important in shaping the resource price. Failure to value resources correctly could for instance be due to a failure to foresee (stochastic) discoveries, leading to a fall in the rent each time a discovery is made; this is illustrated in Figure 7.1(b). However, as was shown as early as 1982 by Arrow and Chang, rational actors will take account of the probability of new discoveries being made, and the effect of allowing for stochasticity will be for the rent to fluctuate around the original trend. Only in the case of a constant series of surprises, all in the same direction, could new discoveries hold back the long- run growth in the rent. Imputing such a series of surprises boils down to assuming that actors on the resource market are not rational, hence the analysis is hoist by its own petard; that is, if market actors are not rational then other fundamental elements of the market analysis also break down. Another reason for markets not to value resources according to the theory could be that politico-economic factors play an important role, as argued by many authors in the resource curse literature.1 Resources are frequently state-owned, and in such cases it is a reasonable conjecture that there are other, non-market, mechanisms shaping extraction and price paths. Turning to the possible masking of the scarcity rent, note first that other components of the price may be a combination of extraction costs and rents due to market power, which we denote as ‘resource costs’. Resource costs could mask a rising scarcity rent in two different ways, illustrated in Figure 7.1(c) and (d). In the first, which we denote ‘declining costs’, the rent is a significant component of the price, but the fall in resource costs compensates for its rise. In the second, ‘low scarcity’, the rent is only a tiny component of the overall price, and hence its rise has an insignificant effect on the overall price. It is straightforward to demonstrate both cases in theory. For instance, a popular explanation for declining costs is that technological progress in extraction pushes down unit extraction costs; see for instance Lin and Wagner (2007). However, as Hart (2009) points out, this should only occur if technological progress in extraction outstrips progress in other sectors, since otherwise the prices of inputs (such as labour) should rise in line with increasing productivity.

1For a survey of this literature see Van der Ploeg (2011).

45 46 7.1. The elephant in Hotelling’s room

(a) Hotelling resource (b) Non-rational agents

p p

t t (c) Declining costs (d) Low scarcity

p p

t t

Figure 7.1. Resource price as a function of time. The lightly shaded area repre- sents the scarcity rent, the heavily shaded area represents other factors, i.e. the sum of extraction costs and rents due to market power.

Note that low scarcity rents can arise in a number of ways despite finite stocks, for example if there is a renewable substitute. For brevity, we follow Nordhaus (1973a) in the following argument by assuming a backstop technology, i.e. a technology capable of substituting for the resource at a price which is independent of demand. Then if extraction costs are equal to the cost of a backstop technology, it is obvious that the scarcity rent will be zero up to the point of exhaustion.2 More subtly, this will also be the case if extraction costs are expected to be equal to the backstop cost at the time of resource exhaustion. Furthermore, it has long been known that given a sufficient degree of market power prices will go straight to the backstop price and stay there, even in the absence of extraction costs; see for instance Teece et al. (1993) or Dasgupta and Heal (1979).

7.1.2. Simulation. We report the results of some simple simulations for crude oil. The aim is not to prove the level of the scarcity rent, but instead to illustrate the necessary implications of a high scarcity rent. We assume that resource costs change at a constant rate, while the scarcity rent rises at a constant rate (implying that the rate of return on holding the resource is constant). Under these circumstances, if prices are known at three points in time—such as past, present, and at the time of exhaustion—thenif any one of the rate of return on the asset, the rate of cost decline, and the current scarcity rent are known, then the other two are fixed by the model. Furthermore, the lower the rate of return, the higher the current scarcity rent, and the steeper the rate of cost decline. We illustrate this in Figure 7.2, in which we take the average prices for 1980–1989 and 2000– 2009,3 and assume that oil reserves will run out in 2050 at a backstop price of 150 dollars/barrel,4 and illustrate two of the possible combinations which are consistent with the model. Figure 7.2 shows how a higher level of the current scarcity rent with a given backstop price and time of exhaustion implies, ceteris paribus, that resource holders demanda lower rate of return for holding the resource in the ground, and that extraction costs are falling more steeply. However, we wish to focus on the relationship between R (the current percentage of the price made up by the scarcity rent), the time of exhaustion, the backstop price, and the rate of return demanded by resource holders. To do so we plot level curves for R as a function of the backstop price and rate of return, for two different exhaustion dates (Figure 7.3). In Figure 7.3 we see that the rate of return demandedon in situ resources is crucial to the level of the scarcity rent obtained from the model. If resource holders are happy with a rate of return similar to the average returns on bonds, around 3 percent,5 then in the baseline scenario (backstop price 150, oil runs out 2050), the Figure shows that the scarcity rent makes up between 50 and 90 percent of the current price. On the other hand, if resource holders demand returns similar to

2See Tahvonen and Salo (2001) for a model in which a renewable substitute plays the role of backstop, putting a cap on resource prices. 355.4 dollars/barrel and 53.5 dollars/barrel, in constant 2009 dollars. For data see BP (2010). 4The current reserve to production ratio is 46 implying 2055 to be the expected time of exhaustion if current produc- tion continues. See BP (2010) for the data. 5Average returns on 3-month UK treasury bonds are approximately 3 percent per annum. Chapter 7. Resource stocks 47

(a) Low scarcity rent, high returns (b) High scarcity rent, low returns 150 150

100 100 barrel barrel / / price, $

price, $ 50 50 Scarcity rent R Scarcity rent R

1985 2005 2050 1985 2005 2050

Figure 7.2. Graphs of price (dollars per barrel) against time for crude oil, show- ing alternative paths between the same observed prices for 1980–1989, 2000– 2009,and in 2050when thebackstopis assumed to takeover. The lightly shaded area represents the scarcity rent, which grows at rate r, and the darker area rep- resents resource costs, which shrink at rate γ. In(a) R2005 = 5 percent, implying a high rate of return r = 8.5 percent/yr, and a slow decline in costs, γ = 0.4 percent/yr; in (b) R2005 = 50 percent, implying a lower rate of return r = 3.8 percent/yr, and a more rapid decline in costs, γ = 2.4 percent/yr.

(a) Cheap oil runs out 2050 (b) Cheap oil runs out 2040

14 R = 1% 14 R = 1% 4%

12 12 4% 10% year year / 10 / 10 10% 25%

8 8 25% 50%

6 50% 6 90% Rate of return, percent 90% Rate of return, percent 4 4

2 2

0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 Backstop price at exhaustion, $/barrel Backstop price at exhaustion, $/barrel

Figure 7.3. Simulated level curves for the current scarcity rent as a percentage of current price of oil, where the variables are the final (backstop) oil price, and the rate of return (in percent per year) demanded by resource holders. average returns on shares, around 7 percent, then the scarcity rent accounts for just 10 percent of the current price. The question of what rate of return demanded by resource holders has received little attention in the literature. Note however that Stollery (1983) finds by estimation of a CAPM model that the best fit comes from a rate of return of 14 percent for Canadian Nickel. We do not go deeply into the question here, but only note that commodity markets in general, and the oil market in particular, is considered volatile; see for instance Pindyck (2004). Thus it seems reasonable prima facie to assume that crude oil holders demand expected returns of at least 7 percent on in situ oil, probably significantly higher. This in turn suggests a scarcity rent of up to 25 percent. From Figure 7.3 we can see that the backstop price and time of exhaustion also have sig- nificant effects. There is of course a lot of uncertainty about both numbers. However, Lindholt (2005) use a current backstop price of $105/barrel (based on Manne et al., 1995), and assume a steady decline over time; it is common to assume declining backstop prices due to technological 48 7.2.Anextractionmodelwithinhomogeneousstocks progress. Note that a reasonable first guess might be to assume that the backstop price falls at the same rate as the resource cost. If we impose this further restriction, then we can instead plot level curves for Hotelling rent as a function of current backstop price and rate of return. The result (not shown graphically) is that the level curves shift down significantly, because a high current scarcity rent implies rapidly falling resource costs, implying that the backstop price is also likely to fall. Specifically, a current backstop price of over $500/barrel is required to yield a 25 percent Hotelling rent assuming 7 percent rate of return, while if the backstop price is limited to a more reasonable $200/barrel then the current Hotelling rent is limited to 10 percent of the price. The point of the above is that the sum of something increasing exponentially (and at a rather high rate) and something else decreasing must also start to increase within a rather short time unless the increasing part start off very very low. Since resource prices generally are not showing a clear upward trend this suggests strongly that the resource rent remains a small part of the price.

7.2. An extraction model with inhomogeneous stocks In this section we develop a general equilibrium model of the global economy with very sim- ple models of final-good production and biased technological change—models which are broadly in line with historical data and our understanding of the key processes—and focus our attention on extraction. We assume a representative resource owner with extraction rights to a contiguous mass of the resource underground. The resource owner hires labour inputs in order to extract the resource, and the rate of extraction per unit of labour depends on the productivity of the input, plus the depth of the marginal resource (an increasing function of cumulative extraction). The alternative employment for labour is in final-good production; there is thus an arbitrage condition between the sectors. Labour productivity in the two sectors grows exogenously at rates that may differ. We focus on three situations in which we can demonstrate the existence of a balanced growth path, and argue that the economy is likely to move through these situations in turn. The analysis is based on the paper of Hart (2016), Non-renewable resources in the long run. 7.2.1. The need for an extractionmodel with inhomogeneous stock. The optimal exploita- tion of an exhaustible resource is a classic problem in economics. However, the solution is well- characterized only for a narrow subclass of problems, i.e. those in which the resource stock is homogeneous. Recall that in the baseline version of the DHSS model the production function is Cobb–Douglas, and the resource is extracted from a known non-renewable stock at zero cost. An immediate consequence of the Cobb–Douglas is that the resource factor share is constant, which fits with very long-run observations for aggregate resources such as ‘metals’ and ‘energy’, as shown in Figure 1.3. On the other hand, the assumption of zero extraction costs leads directly to the prediction that resource price should rise at the interest rate while the consumption rate declines exponentially. This is totally contrary to the evidence, which is that prices show no long-run trend while consumption rates tend to track long-run GDP (see Figure 1.3 again). Stocks of exhaustible resources are in reality inhomogeneous and costly to extract, hence an obvious extension to the model is to include these characteristics. However, this area is rela- tively unexplored, despite the early contributions from Heal (1976) and Solow and Wan (1976). The resource stocks assumed by Heal and Solow and Wan are both special cases: in the former, long-run extraction is from an infinite homogeneous stock, hence the scarcity rent is zero; in the latter it is from a finite homogeneous stock, hence the scarcity rent grows at the interest rate (the simple Hotelling result). Questions remain regarding the transition paths to these long-run states, but also (more generally) the long-run solution to the case in which remaining stocks are always inhomogeneous. Hence there is a need for a more general model of resource stocks to be incorpo- rated into a general equilibrium model of long-run economic development. The need for such a general equilibrium model is indirectly supported by the analysis of Livernois and Martin (2001), who review related work in partial equilibrium frameworks; Livernois and Martin [p.840] state that their findings can easily be reconciled with ‘any kind of behaviour for scarcity rent and price over time’, simply by introducing exogenous trends or shocks in variables such as extraction pro- ductivity (they could also have mentioned resource demand, or the prices of extraction inputs). In general equilibrium, trends in such variables can be endogenized.6

6Examples of partial-equilibrium models can be found in Levhari and Liviatan (1977), Hanson (1980), Krulce (1993), and Farzin (1992). Levhari and Liviatan (1977) and Hanson (1980) show that the scarcity rent declines over time, Krulce (1993) derives sufficient conditions for increasing rent, and Farzin (1992) argues that rent may also follow a non-monotonic path. Livernois and Martin (2001) show that the results depend crucially on the nature of the instantaneous net benefit function π(xt,nt) where x is the extraction rate and n is cumulative extraction. (Note that Livernois and Martin actually express the model in terms of remaining stock, but concavity of π is not affected by the switch.) For ‘clean’ results —in which the scarcity rent is always increasing, and approaches the interest rate—they show that the function should be Chapter 7. Resource stocks 49

7.2.2. The basic environment. There is a constant population7 and utility is a linear function of consumption of the aggregate good Y: ∞ −ρt U = e Ytdt. Z0 The interest rate is thus constant and equal to ρ. There is a unit continuum of resource owners, each of whom owns identical stocks of the resource; we can thus consider the representative resource owner and her stock.8 We define the extraction rate of the representative owner as xt and cumulative extraction as nt. We thus have

(7.1) n˙t = xt.

There is a technology parameter an associated with each unit of resource, reflecting the phys- ical difficulty of extracting that particular unit. We denote this parameter economic depth. The representative owner hires extraction labour lx as the sole input to extraction. The productivity of extraction labour is ax, and the resultant flow of extraction x is given by the following equation:

(7.2) xt = lxtaxt/ant, where ant is the economic depth of the unit of resource extracted at time t. Due to discounting, resources are always extracted in order of increasing an, hence we can write

(7.3) ant = F(nt), where F is an increasing function. The function F depends on the nature of the resource stocks, which we discuss further below. Resources are sold to price-taking firms producing the final good, total quantity Y. Thereis a unit continuum of such firms, hence (i) we can consider a representative price-taking firm, and (ii) the flow of resource inputs to the representative production firm is equal to the flow of resource output x from the representative extraction firm. The representative firm’s production, denoted y, is a Cobb–Douglas function of labour and resource inputs, as follows: 1−α α (7.4) y = ayly x .

Here α is a parameterbetween 0 and 1, ay is total factor productivity, and ly and x are the respective quantities of labour and resources used by the representative firm in production. We thus abstract from capital, which simplifies the model at little cost in terms of explanatory power since there is perfect foresight and the interest rate is constant; if capital were included its growth rate would be equal to the growth rate in Y, the capital share would be constant, and the model results would not change in essence. The productivity indices ay and ax grow exogenously at strictly positive rates, and total labour L is fixed:

a˙y/ay = θay;a ˙ x/ax = θax;

(7.5) L = lx + ly.

We now return to equation7.4 in order to find the market-clearing conditions. Define px as the price of extracted resource, and pl as the wage, and normalize the price of the final good to unity. Perfect competition in the final goods sector then implies the following equilibrium conditions (after eliminating ly using equation 7.5):

(7.6) pl = (1 − α)y/(L − lx)

(7.7) and px = αy/x, α 1−α (7.8) where y = ay x (L − lx) .

7.2.3. Balanced growth paths in three cases. We now characterize three growth paths, one in the case with abundant resources, one in the case with increasing depth, and one in the case with imminent exhaustion. jointly concave in x and n. But in practice the shape of the function will depend on the nature of stocks, and there exist highly plausible stock characteristics—such as lower-grade resources being more abundant than higher-grade resources —which imply that the function will not be concave. 7This assumption can easily be relaxed, and we do so in the empirical application. 8We make this assumption for conceptual simplicity. All the results follow if we instead assume the same overall characteristics of the stock, but with heterogeneous ownership, as long as there are many owners at all possible resource depths. 50 7.2.Anextractionmodelwithinhomogeneousstocks

Abundant resources. Consider now a situation with a small, primitive economy (low ay and ax), and vast resource stocks. In this situation ant (resource depth) is constant, and hence the scarcity rent of the resource stock is effectively zero. Given this assumption it is straightforward to show that the following equations describe a balanced growth path of the economy.

(7.9) x˙/x = θax

(7.10) y˙/y = θay + αx˙/x

(7.11) p˙ x/px = θay − (1 − α)˙x/x.

To confirm that this is a b.g.p. assume a constant allocation of labour between extraction and pro- duction. Then the rate of increase of extraction will be equal to the rate of increase of productivity of extraction labour, hence the first equation. The rate of increase of production follows directly from (7.4). And the rate of increase of the resource price follows from (7.7). Finally, we need to check that wages grow at equal rates in the two sectors. From 7.4, the wage to final-good pro- duction labour grows at the rate θay + αθax on our b.g.p. (with fixed labour allocation), whereas the wage to extraction labour grows atp ˙ x/px + θax. Confirm that these growth rates are equal to confirm the existence of the b.g.p. Now assume that θax is slightly higher than θay, so productivity grows slightly faster in the ex- traction sector than in the final-good production sector. This reflects the presence of (for instance) service industries in the production sector where productivity growth tends to be slower. Since α (the resource share) is small, this suggests that when resources are abundant the resource price should be constant or decline slowly, and the extraction rate should track the overall growth rate, or even grow slightly faster. The resource price is constant because the increasing productivity of the extraction input is cancelled out by its increasing price, and extraction increases as more resource inputs are sucked in to the growing economy. Increasing depth. Now assume that, over time, the economy and the extraction rate grow so much that the initially superabundant resource stock starts to diminish. More specifically, extrac- tion workers must dig deeper to extract the resource, reducing their productivity. In terms of the equations above, an rises. In order to solve for a b.g.p. under these circumstances we need to specify the relationship between depth and the marginal stock of resources. We assume the following relationship:

m a ψ−1 (7.12) = n . m0 an0 !

Here an is depth underground, m is the cross-sectional area of the resource, an0 and m0 are the depth and cross-sectional area at t = 0, and ψ is a parameter which may take any (real) value. Although we denote an as depth, the model can encompass a situation in which the difficulty of extraction is a function of several variables, which may include depth but also grade (i.e. the percentage of the resource by weight in the rock), and the size of the deposit (larger deposits will typically have lower unit extraction costs). Later on we give an example of how an can be related to depth and grade in a specific case, extraction of copper. The function is flexible, as shown in Figure 7.4, where four different cases are illustrated. In the first three cases we simply choose different values of ψ, allowing the cross-sectional area of the resource to either be constant, increase, or decrease with depth. In the fourth case we show how a more complex stock may be approximated by building up the total stock piecewise from substocks, and by putting a lower bound on depth. Since extraction will always be performed in order of increasing depth, cumulative extraction n is as follows:

ant (7.13) nt = m dan. Zan0 Substitute for m from equation 7.12 to obtain

ψ m0an0 ant (7.14) nt = − 1 . ψ  an0 !      Note that when ψ ≥ 0 then n →∞ when an →∞, so if we want the stock n to be boundedwe must impose a limit on an beyond which there are no further stocks; on the other hand, when ψ< 0 then an →∞ when n →−(m0an0)/ψ, hence the total available stock at t = 0 is −(m0an0)/ψ. Note also the special case when ψ = 0, in which case an/an0 = exp(n/(m0an0)). To obtain the function Chapter 7. Resource stocks 51

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 0

r 1 x0 ψ = 2 rxt n 2 a

3 Depth, ψ = 0 4

5 ψ = 1 ψ = 0 ψ = 2

6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Cross-sectional area, m

Figure 7.4. The relationship between depth an and cross-sectional area m for four alternative resource stocks. In each case an0 = 1, ant = 2, and m0 = 1; forthe second part of stock (iv) we have an0 = m0 = 2.5. The dark shading represents cumulative extraction at time t, nt, and the lighter shading represents remaining resources at time t. Resource stocks in the first three cases are infinite, but in (iv) there is an upper bound on an and the stock is finite.

F (recall equation 7.3, ant = F(nt)) we use equation 7.14 to obtain 1/ψ ψnt (7.15) F(nt) = ant = an0 1 + . F0 !

Given this relationship between cumulative extraction n and depth an it is straightforward to show that the following equations describe a balanced growth path.

(7.16) x˙/x = ψ/(1 + ψ)θax;

(7.17) y˙/y = p˙l/pl = θay + αx˙/x;

(7.18) p˙ x/px = λ/λ˙ = θay − (1 − α)˙x/x. 1 λ + = 1 ψ (7.19) ρ−θ px 1+(1−α)ψ + ay 1+ψ θax We now discuss each of these equations in turn. (31) If ψ is positive (implying an infinite stock) this implies increasing rates of resource extraction over time, whereas if ψ is negative the stock is finite and resource extraction decreases exponentially on the b.g.p., and when ψ = 0 resource extraction is constant on the b.g.p. (32) Production and the wage both grow at the rate of TFP growth plus the resource factor share × resource input growth. (33) The resource price and the scarcity rent both grow at the rate of TFP growth minus the labour share × resource input growth. (34) We have now introduced the scarcity rent λ. As ψ →∞ the scarcity rent on the b.g.p. ap- proaches zero, whereas as (ρ − θay)/θax + (1 − α)ψ/(1 + ψ) → 0 the rent approaches 100 percent of the price, also implying (equation 7.18) that λ/λ˙ = ρ; these results are eas- ily understood in terms of the nature of the resource stocks implied by the value of ψ. The scarcity rent is decreasing in the effective discount rate (ρ − θay)/θax, because the scarcity rent arises from the fact that today’s extraction raises future extraction costs, and the weight of this effect is small when the discount rate is high. These results might seem complex, but they are highly intuitive. When ψ is very large, im- plying that marginal resource stocks increase rapidly with increasing depth, then the b.g.p. is ef- fectively identical to the b.g.p. with superabundant resources: the resource price remains constant or declining, and resource extraction continues to track growth. However, the more the marginal stock tends to narrow with depth, the lower the rate of increase of extraction on the b.g.p. When ψ is negative, extraction must actually decline on the b.g.p., which is of course reasonable given that the stock is then finite. 52 7.2.Anextractionmodelwithinhomogeneousstocks

It may be argued that the idea of an infinite stock makes no sense and hence that ψ must be negative. However, as shown in Figure 7.4 there are other alternatives: we can divide the resource stock into layers with different values of ψ, and we can also set a limit on depth beyond which there are no further stocks available. Imminent exhaustion. We now consider the growth path when exhaustion of the resource is imminent, i.e. when a limit on depth such as that shown in Figure 7.4(iv) is approaching. In this case we have a simple Hotelling economy in which extraction costs are zero (since depth is effectively constant, the rising extraction productivity pushes extraction costs towards zero) and the resource price rises at the interest rate ρ. We leave it to the reader to derive the equations for the rates of change of the other variables in the model on this growth path. Note however that the path differs from the others in that labour allocation changes over time: as the resource price rises and extraction declines, extraction labour also declines, approaching zero. Resource extraction also approaches zero.

7.2.4. Economic development in theory and practice. We nowturn to the use ofthe model to understand real economies. First we discuss transition paths in general, then we look at the spe- cific cases of copper and petroleum. The parameterizations are illustrative rather than strictly predictive, the main reason being the great uncertainty concerning many of the assumptions. Nev- ertheless, the model succeeds in explaining observations from the last 100 years, and makes ap- parently reasonable predictions for the next several hundred in the cases of oil and copper. Transition paths. The overall picture emerging from the model is straightforward. In the case of a strictly limited resource which is essential for production then we expect the economy to pass throughthree phases. In the initial or frontier phase resource depth is constant, extraction increases rapidly, and the resource price is roughly constant. In the mature phase resource depth increase, the rate of increase of extraction is moderated, and the resource price rises. In the exhaustion phase the depth is again constant, the extraction rate approaches zero, and the price rises at the interest rate. The case of a strictly limited and essential resource is however not very realistic. The only truly non-renewable and essential resource is energy, but energy is not limited since we have the option of harvesting the inflow of energy from the sun. On the other hand, although minerals such as metals are of course in strictly limited supply they are not consumed in the production process, hence we have the option of recycling. Furthermore, if we focus on each metal separately then none of them are essential to the production process: if one metal runs out (including options for recycling) then we will of course do without it, substituting it with other materials. Since there are—very generally—substitutes for non-renewable resources it is important to include this fact in the model. The simplest way to do so is to assume a backstop resource, i.e. a substitute available in unlimited quantity at an exogenous price. When the resource price hits the backstop price extraction stops. Clearly at this point the value of remaining resource stocks is zero, implying that the the scarcity rent λ is zero. We can solve the model in this case, and the behaviour of the economy as the backstop price is approached depends very strongly on that price: if the backstop price is very high then the behaviour of the economy will be similar to the exhaustion phase as the backstop price is approached, with rapidly increasing price and declining extraction. On the other hand, if the backstop price is ‘moderate’then the mature b.g.p. may evolve seamlessly into the backstop economy, and if the backstop price is very low then the mature b.g.p. may never be approached: instead, the frontier economy may evolve directly into the backstop economy. Copper. The parameterization of the model for copper is complex, since there are two key dimensions along which the quality of copper deposits varies. The first of these is grade (the fraction of copper in the rock, by mass), and the second is depth. Combining grade and depth into one measure of ‘depth–grade’ rx we obtain the relationship described in Figure 7.5. Here we see that extraction so far is only scratching the surface of total stocks, and furthermore that marginal stocks are (for now) rapidly increasing in depth. Furthermore, our calculations suggest 0.42 that depth–grade rx is only relatively weakly linked to ‘economic depth’ an: an = rx . This leads to the result that the upward pressure on copper prices due to increasing depth is weak and will remain so for a long time into the future. Feeding all this into the overall general-equilibrium model we obtain the results shown in Figure 7.6. The economy starts close to the first b.g.p. which applies for the initial stock, and price declines by around 0.4 percent per year. Once the initial stock is used up in 2054, the rate of increase in depth an increases, and the economy starts moving towards the second b.g.p. on which price rises by 0.8 percent per year. Finally, from around 2200 the scarcity rent starts to rise as exhaustion approaches, at least in the case with a high backstop price. With a low backstop price Chapter 7. Resource stocks 53

0 0

100 2000

200 4000

x 300 x r r 6000

400 Depth, Depth,

8000 500

10000 600

700 12000 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Cross-section, m Cross-section, m

Figure 7.5. The relationship between the combined measure of depth and grade, rx, and cross-sectional area m for copper, based on our interpretation of the literature (continuous line), and the parameterization of our economic model (dashed line). Notice the difference in scale on the two panels. The shaded area shows extraction from 1900–2011, 5.75 × 108 tons, and the dotted lines show the relationship between depth and cross-section layer-by-layer. the scarcity rent hardly rises, and exhaustion occurs a few years earlier. Note the close agreement between the model and observed trends in prices and extraction rates.

60 Backstop 1 ton / 40 USD 3

20 Backstop 2

Price, 10 Price, 1 and 2 0 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300


2 Extraction rate, 1 and 2

0 lognormal −2

1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300

Figure 7.6. Observed price and extraction rate of copper, and the paths of price and extraction rate—up to the time of exhaustion—predicted by the model. Two model scenarios are shown, which differ in the assumed backstop price. Note that the extraction rate is plotted on a (natural) logarithmic scale, normal- ized by the rate in 2000. Prices are in 1998 USD.

Petroleum. If the copper simulation is an advertisement for the power of the model, the pe- troleum simulation highlights its weaknesses. There are two key aspects of the petroleum market which the model cannot handle as it stands: firstly, the significance of market power in the petro- leum market, and secondly the inextricable links between petroleum and its substitutes, including natural gas, coal, and other energy sources such as nuclear power. Of course, market power and 54 7.2.Anextractionmodelwithinhomogeneousstocks substitutes also exist in the market for copper, but their scale and influence is greater in the oil market. Concerning market power, consider for instance the fact that petroleum extraction occurs simultaneously from deposits for which marginal extraction costs differ by a factor of 5 or more (compare for instance the Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia to the Athabasca oil sands of Alberta). Concerning substitutes, petroleum demand is linked tightly to markets for coal and other energy sources, and strongly affected by technological change. Consider for instance the substitution from coal to oil driven by the development and refinement of the internal combustion engine. Given these problems—which are evident in Figure 7.8—the model calibration is at best illustra- tive, showing possible future scenarios and highlighting the effect of backstop energy sources. The data regarding petroleum resources in the ground are uncertain. Furthermore, the data regarding the cost of extraction of these resources are even more uncertain. The most frequently cited paper on the subject is probably Rogner (1997). However, Rogner’s curve relating cumula- tive extraction to extraction cost (see for instance his Figure 6) shows estimated extraction cost at the time of extraction. Its calculation must therefore involve (implicit or explicit) calculations of (i) current extraction costs, (ii) expected decline in extraction costs, and (iii) expected rate of extraction. Since we model the latter two, we need data on the first factor alone, i.e. unit extraction costs for each type of deposit making up the reserves, if full-scale extraction were to be carried out today. This is estimated by the International Energy Agency in their World Energy Outlook 2008 (p.218). The data are very approximate, but can be broadly summarized as follows: considering initial resource stocks, there was a large rather homogeneous stock of easily accessible stocks, approximately 2000 billion barrels at an economic depth of around 18 USD/barrel. Regarding the remaining stocks—about 7000 billion barrels—economic depth an rises approximately linearly with cumulative extraction, reaching approximately 115 USD/barrel for the deepest stocks. We capture this in the model by assuming an initial stock with low ψ (ψ = −2.2), so that the entire near-homogeneous stock is at a depth of 10–20, switching to the deeper stock with ψ = 1 from 20–115. The cross-section of the second stock is determined by its size (assumed to be 6.7 × 109 barrels), and the parameters for the first stock are then fixed by the limits on depth (10–20), the size (2.3×109 barrels), and the need for m to be continuous over the boundary between the stocks. The result is shown in Figure 7.7. Note that the curve shows unit extraction costs, in 2008 USD with today’s technology, for all petroleum resources including the (hypothetical) current extrac- tion cost of resources already extracted. (Note that we ignore the fact that a significant proportion of cumulative extraction has been from deeper stocks.)


20 n a 40


80 Economic depth,


120 −400 −300 −200 −100 0 100 200 300 400 Cross-section, m

Figure 7.7. The relationship between economic depth, an, and cross-sectional area m for oil, based on our interpretation of the International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook 2008. Depth is measured in 2008 USD, and cross- sectional area in billion barrels per USD. The shaded area shows extraction from 1900–2008, 1100 billion barrels.

Having parameterized the model, and given the assumption about the total stock of resources, the future development of prices and quantities predicted by the model depends on what we as- sume about the price of the backstop (i.e. the substitutes for oil that will take over when oil is exhausted or too expensive). Here we make two alternative assumptions to demonstrate the role played by the backstop resource. In the first case we assume that a backstop is available at a fixed price of 150 US dollars (2011); in the second case we assume that a backstop is available today at Chapter 7. Resource stocks 55 that price, and that this price will decline at the rate θax −θay; that is, the backstop price declines as long as manufacturing productivity growth outstrips TFP growth. The result is that the backstop price is around 65 USD at the time of exhaustion, rather than 150.

150 Backstop 1 Backstop 2 barrel / 100

50 Price, 1 and 2 Price, USD

0 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150



−2 Extraction rate, 1 and 2 −4 lognormal


1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150

Figure 7.8. Observed price and extraction rate of petroleum, and the paths of price and extraction rate—up to the time of exhaustion—predicted by the model. Two model scenarios are shown, which differ in the assumed backstop price. Note that the extraction rate is plotted on a logarithmic scale, normal- ized by the rate in 2000. Prices are in 2012 USD. Scenarios: continuous lines, backstop price 150 USD (year 2012); dashed lines, current backstop price 150 USD, declining at a rate θax −θay per year. Price data from BP (2012), consump- tion data from Boden et al. (2012), assuming a linear relationship between CO2 emissions and petroleum consumption.

The results are as follows. Note first that there is no market power in the model economy, hence the results are what the model predicts in an economy similar to the actual global economy but without the exercise of market power by oil producers. Turning now to the results, up to the exhaustion of the upper stock, depth is almost constant, the scarcity rent is close to zero, and price declines at a rate equal to the difference between the growth rates of extraction productivity and labour productivity in final-good production, i.e. 0.6 percent per year. However, as the upper stock nears exhaustion depth starts to rise at a significant rate, and the economy heads back towards the b.g.p. for the stock, for which ψ = 1; the mature extraction phase. On this b.g.p. we have—from equations 7.16–7.19—that the growth rate of extraction is halved, the resource price rises by 0.6 percent per year, and the scarcity rent makes up 21 percent of the price.9 In the latter half of the 21st century the price paths of the alternative backstop scenarios di- verge significantly: the upper path (high backstop price) is slightly above the b.g.p. price path, while the lower path is below it. Hence when the backstop price is fixed at 150 USD the scarcity rent rises above 21 percent of the total price as exhaustion approaches, whereas given the lower backstop price the rate of price increase slows down as exhaustion approaches, and the rent actu- ally declines as a proportion of the price.

7.2.5. Sensitivity of the model to assumptions. The above simulations are sensitive to the assumptions made, the most uncertain of which are those regarding future demand, and future development of extraction productivity. On the one hand, our assumption about future demand is essentially at the upper bound of what is realistic, i.e. that demand per capita continues to grow indefinitely at a similar rate to the rate observed over the last 100 years. At least two factors might be expected to lead to lower future demand: firstly, if global growth slows in the long run, and secondly if there is a transition from ‘early’ growth based on manufacturing and hence resources,

9Note that after the transition to the deeper stock with ψ = 1 the economy approaches the mature b.g.p. for that stock from above, i.e. the state variable a is above its level in the steady state. As the economy approaches the new b.g.p. x1 falls back, which is why prices rise quite steeply throughout the 21st century. 56 7.3. Concludingdiscussiononresourcestocksinthevery long run and ‘post-industrial’ growth based on services and hence labour.10 The effect of lower demand would be to reduce extractionrates and hence also reduce the growth rate of prices predicted by the model. On the other hand, our assumption regarding future development of extraction productivity is also an upper bound; again, we assume that it continuesto increase indefinitely. This is unlikely, not least because in reality resource extraction requires energy, and there are physical limits to the efficiency with which this energy can be used. Since these limits are already coming close in some cases, this implies that even if labour productivity continues to increase, energy productivity will not do so and hence the proportion of the energy cost in the unit cost will rise, and the rise of overall extraction productivity will slow. This assumption therefore biases the results towards lower prices and higher extraction rates than are likely to be observed. The effect of assuming both lower future demand and lower productivity growth rates in ex- traction is therefore that the price path is likely to be relatively unchanged, whereas the extraction path will be lower. Furthermore, the proportion of the price accounted for by the scarcity rent will be lower. Given a finite stock, the lower extraction path will lead to later exhaustion, and hence any price spike as exhaustion approaches is also likely to be delayed.

7.3. Concluding discussion on resource stocks in the very long run Regarding the very long run, we study the paper of Goeller and Weinberg (1976). They argue that reserves of the majority of minerals—including staples such as iron and aluminium—are so vast that they can never realistically be consumed. With the clear exception of phosphorus they argue that society can exist on these superabundant resources indefinitely. Of course, fossil fuels are certain to run out in the not-too-distant future, but here there are obvious substitutes including the abundant inflow of energy from the sun. Goeller and Weinberg are well aware that resource stocks are inhomogeneous. However, they show that extraction costs are relatively insensitive to grade and depth of the resource deposits, since the physical extraction and sorting of the mineral-rich material is only part of the process, and generally not the most expensive. Instead, the energy-intensive reduction of the metal ores to the pure form is typically a major part of the costs. This shows that we should—ideally— include energy in the extraction function for minerals, and hence that future energy prices will be important determinants of mineral prices. This applies particularly since the energy-efficiency of the reduction process is already close to the physical limit of what is possible. When studying the very long run, the limiting effect of the surface area of the globe is crucial. This limit obviously puts a brake on indefinite (exponential) population growth, and also resource extraction. Thus it is clear that the current trend of constant growth in global resource extraction —tracking global product—cannot continue indefinitely. What then will make extraction flatten out or even turn downwards, and when? Before considering the above questions, we think about the likely nature of a (very) long-run growth path. Given the constant flow of energy inputs (from the sun) and the fixed resources on Earth, it seems reasonable to suppose that use of energy will be approximately constant in the very long run. This implies that some fixed proportion of land will be devoted to energy harvesting. The remainder of the land will presumably be devoted—in fixed proportions—to other uses such as agriculture, living space, production, recreation, and (hopefully) nature. Given a fixed energy flow, what about minerals? Since we are already close to the limits of the (energy) efficiency of mineral extraction—and the energy costs of this extraction are large—it is clear that a long-run growth path must involve non-increasing mineral extraction. So in the very long run we should expect an economy with roughly constant use of minerals, energy, and land. Furthermore, the productivity of energy in making goods such as motive power and light will be constant, as will the productivity of land in making (or harvesting) energy. On the other hand, the productivity of labour may still be able to increase even in the very long run, as it is hard to envisage a limit on human ingenuity and hence our ability to generate more value from given inputs. The key resource for energy production will be land, indeed land will be the ultimate scarce resource, strictly limited and needed for harvesting energy, production (including food), recreation, and (hopefully) nature.

10To get a feel for the sizes of demand changes in the model, we consider each simulation in turn. For copper, the extraction rate peaks at around 50 times the observed rate in year 2000. Compare this to the arbitrary assumption that the entire future global population consumes copper at the same rate as the average U.S. citizen in year 2000; this would lead to a global extraction rate approximately 6.3 times greater than that observed in 2000. If demand levels off in this way then the copper stocks will last for many centuries rather than just two or three. For petroleum, the extraction rate in the model peaks at around 3 times the year 2000 rate, which is less than the rate which would arise if all countries matched the U.S. per-capita rate from year 2000. CHAPTER 8

Renewable natural resources and pollution as inputs

In this chapter we briefly consider the analysis of growth in a neoclassical framework when re- newable natural resources and pollution are treated as essential inputs. What are the consequences for growth, and for the environment? We conclude that for a more meaningful analysis we need to consider substitution between different inputs (e.g. renewable and non-renewable), and we need to consider pollution as a biproduct of production rather than as an input.

8.1. Renewables Note firstly that there are two very different types of renewable resource, which we denote ‘stock renewables’ and ‘flow renewables’. A stock renewable is a resource with a stock S (rather than just a flow) and where the growth of the stock S˙ is a function of the current stock among other factors. On the other hand, a pure flow renewable has no stock. The intermediate case is a renewable which can be stored (so a stock may exist) but where S˙ is not a function of the size of the stock. Examples of stock renewables include forests, fish populations, etc. An example of a pure flow renewable is sunshine, whereas an intermediate case is rainfall. The economic problem when faced by limited stock renewables is very different from the problem when faced by limited flow renewables, hence we deal with them separately.

8.1.1. Flow renewables. In the case of flow renewables the problem is simply to allocate the flow between different uses (including leaving it for the benefit of nature). If the flow is exogenous and fixed in the long run—which is a good approximation for resources such as sunshine, wind, geothermal energy, etc—then the appropriate analysis is very similar to that for land in Chapter 5, Section 5.1: the exogenous,constant flow of the renewableresource is equivalentto the exogenous, constant quantity of land available. So if the flow of the essential renewable resource is R, and there is exogenouslabour-augmenting technological progress, we have 1−α−β α β Y = (ALL) K R ˙ AL/AL = gAL K˙ = sY − δK. To characterize the development of the economy, assume that there exists a balanced growth path on which all variables grow at constant rates. This implies that K˙ /K is constant, which implies (from the capital-accumulation equation) that sY/K − δ is constant, implying in turn that the ratio of production Y to capital K is constant. This implies that Y˙/Y = K˙ /K, and hence (differentiating the production function with respect to time and substituting) ˙ ˙ Y/Y = (1 − α − β)gAL + αY/Y. Rearrange to obtain 1 − α − β g = g = g . Y y 1 − α AL This confirms the reasonableness of the original assumption, i.e. that there exists a balanced growth path on which all variables grow at constant rates. So given labour-augmenting technological progress, when β> 0 (i.e. land is a non-negligible factor of production) the growth rate of production is slowed. The underlying reason why land in the production function slows growth whereas capital does not is that land is non-reproducible(by contrast to capital).

The price or the resource wR can be obtained by considering the representative producer’s profit-maximization problem, 1−α−β α β maxπ = pY (ALL) K R − (wL L + wK K + wR R).

57 58 8.1. Renewables

Normalize the price of the final good, pY , to one. Then take the first-order condition in R to show that wR = βY/R, and hence that ˙ w˙R /wR = Y/Y. So the price of the resource tracks growth in GDP. Now assume that there is some cost to harvesting the flow of the renewable resource. If this cost is such that we choose to harvest all of the resource—implying that wR = βY/R > xr, where xr is the unit extraction cost—then little changes. On the other hand,if the cost is such that not all of the resource flow is utilized then the analysis is similar to the case of an abundant nonrenewable resource which can be extracted at a fixed cost, Chapter 5.2. As in 5.2 we denote final goods devoted to extraction as X, and we have 1−α−β α β Y = (ALL) K R ; ˙ AL/AL = gAL; K˙ = s(Y − X) − δK; R = φX. Finally, note that total extraction costs are simply X, since the price of the final good is normalized to 1. And since we assume perfect markets, the resource price wR is equal to unit extraction costs X/R, hence

wR = 1/φ. Now, as previously, assume a b.g.p. and then characterize it. On a b.g.p. K˙ /K is constant, which implies (from the capital-accumulation equation) that s(Y − X)/K − δ is constant, implying in turn that Y, X, and K all grow at equal rates, and hence (from the extraction function) R also grows at this rate. Differentiate the production function with respect to time, and substitute for K˙ /K and R˙/R to yield ˙ ˙ ˙ Y/Y = (1 − α − β)gAL + αY/Y + βY/Y. Rearrange to yield ˙ Y/Y = gAL . So the need for the resource imposes no brake at all on the growth rate of production, since resource use tracks production (by contrast to land, which is fixed). Of course, this only applies up to the point at which all of the resource flow is used, at which time the analysis switches to the previous case. 8.1.2. Stock renewables. In the case of stock renewables we have a much more complex dynamic management problem including both the allocation between uses and the allocation of use across time, where a patient manager can harvest much larger cumulative quantities of the re- source than an impatient one. And where global economic growth must be added to the equation. However, the relevant question is perhaps more about whether long-run economic growth is com- patible with sustainable harvests of stock renewables, rather than whether unsustainable harvests of stock renewables may lead to derailment of the growth process. Consider for instance fish stocks. The complete destruction of global fish stocks would be unlikely to have much direct effect on global economic growth, since there are many substitute sources of nutrition. However, global economic growth clearly has implications for global fish stocks. As global population and global product increases, demand for fish also increases, as does our ability to catch fish. We can build a very simple model based on the models above, but abstracting from capital for simplicity. Assume that agricultural products g are available at price pg, which is constant over time. Meanwhile, fish f are close substitutes for agricultural products. They are harvested using final goods x f , and the rate of harvest is f = [x f − s(F) · f ]/p f , where s(F) is a unit search cost which is declining in F, the fish stock. So the unit cost of fish harvesting—and hence also the price of fish given that fishers are price takers—is

p f = x f / f = p f + s(F). Now assume that global production function is 1−α α Y = (ALL) R , where R is food production. Furthermore, R is a CES function of fish and agricultural products: R = (σ f ǫ + (1 − σ)gǫ)1/ǫ , Chapter 8. Renewable natural resources and pollution as inputs 59 where ǫ> 0. Take first-order conditions in f and g to show that the price of fish is 1−ǫ p f = pg(σ/(1 − σ))(g/ f ) . More to come here. Use data from,, .

8.2. Pollution The standard way to model pollution is as an input to production; the more pollution a firm emits, the more final-product it can produce while holding its other inputs (such as labour and capital) constant. Thus there are strong parallels between the analysis of an economy which suffers damage from polluting emissions and an economy in which resource inputs are scarce. Indeed, we can easily set up two limiting cases of the ‘pollution economy’ which are analytically equivalent to the resource economy. We begin by doing so. The first limiting case of pollution is an economy in which flows of pollution up to some limit cause no damage, whereas flows above that limit cause the total collapse of the economy. This is equivalent to the economy with a homogeneous stock of land as an input; as long as not all of the land is being used, then we can freely increase the amount of land R used; but when all land is being used, we cannot increase R at all. Thus the analysis from the ‘land’ example applies, and the need to hold pollution flows under a fixed bound puts a brake on the growth rate which can be maintained, and the strength of the braking effect depends on the size of β, the factor share of pollution in the production function: 1 − α − β g = g = g . Y y 1 − α AL The second limiting case is an economy in which (i) there is an absolute limit on the total stock of pollution which can be accommodated, (ii) pollution once emitted never decays, and (iii) emissions up to the limit cause no damage. This case is of course equivalent to the case of a fixed and finite stock of resources, free to extract, and we have β βθ gY = 1 − gAL − ,  1 − α 1 − α where θ is the rate of decline of polluting emissions. When θ is low polluting emissions are low and decline only slowly, allowing relatively rapid growth in GDP. When θ is high then polluting emissions are initially high and must therefore decline rapidly, putting a powerful additional brake on the growth rate. These two cases are obviously highly stylized, or (in plain English) not relevant in practice. However, it is not obvious that the common assumption of a fixed stock free to extract is more relevant when applied to non-renewable resources. Continuing the analogy, to generalize the resource case we need to allow for extraction costs which vary with cumulative extraction and also with extraction technology. To generalize the pollution case we need to allow for damage costs which should vary depending both on the state of the economy and the state of the environment (i.e. previous emissions in a simple model). However, more importantly we need to recognize that pollution flows typically originate from the use of non-renewable (or sometimes renewable) natural resources, and therefore that the pollution problem is actually inextricably linked to the problem of supply and demand of non-renewable resources. We return to this issue in Chapter 12.

Part 3

Demand for natural resources and energy In this part of the book we turn from a focus on the supply of nonrenewable resources to demand. In Part 2 we assumed a Cobb–Douglas final-good production function for a single final good, with exogenous labour-augmentingtechnological change, which gave us the properties of (i) a constant resource factor share, and (ii) a constant growth rate of demand for the resource, more- or-less by assumption. This approach allowed us to achieve a good fit to historical aggregate data, but is clearly not adequate if we want to predict future demand for resources, and the effect of (for instance) policy measures restricting resource use, or scarcity driving up market prices. For prediction we need a much deeper understanding of the driving forces behind the aggregate data. Recall Solow’s three mechanisms for adaptation to resource scarcity, page 40: (i) to increase —through technological change—resource efficiency in production of one or more product cat- egories; (ii) to substitute on the consumption side away from product categories in which the production process is resource-intensive; and (iii) to raise the efficiency of an alternative (sub- stitute) resource in production of one or more product categories. Looking at the historical price data, where the price of resourceshas tended to decline relative to labour, the first two mechanisms should work in reverse, thus we should see a decline in resource efficiency relative to labour ef- ficiency, and substitution towards consumption categories that are resource-intensive rather than labour intensive. The first two mechanisms are therefore candidates for explaining the constant factor share of resources. In Chapter 9 we test whether the forces of directed technological change—and hence the falling relative price of resources leading to a fall in resource-efficiency relative to labour efficiency in the production of individual products—are the cause of the increase in resource consumption rates observedin the globaleconomy. And then, turningto prediction of the future, we ask whether increasing resource prices would be likely to trigger a massive increase in resource efficiency, thus helping—`ala Solow—to reduce the need for resources. We conclude that the answer is likely to be ‘no’, on both counts. The failure of the DTC model to account for the historical data puts the spotlight on the al- ternative, substitution on the consumption side. Has resource and energy consumption risen so rapidly because of substitution towards resource- and energy-intensive consumption categories, a form of structural change? If we accept the clear evidence from the energy sector that the energy- efficiency of individual products has indeed increased dramatically, the answer to the above ques- tion must be ‘Yes’, since these two alternatives exhaust all the possibilities for explaining why aggregate efficiency has failed to increase. Is this backed up by the evidence, and if so, what are the implications? We tackle these questions in Chapter 10. Solow’s third adaptation mechanism was to increase—through technological change—the efficiency of an alternative (substitute) resource in production of one or more product categories. In the final chapter of this part of the book we build a model allowing for such substitution, a model that we develop further when investigating pollution in Part 4. CHAPTER 9

Directed technological change and resource efficiency

Recall Solow’s three mechanisms determining demand for resource inputs, page 40. In this chapter we focus on Solow’s first mechanism, i.e. that firms may adapt to resource scarcity by increasing—through investment in technological change—the efficiency with which they use resources in the production of their goods, i.e. by increasing the level of resource-augmenting knowledge. We begin by showing how resource-efficiency can be represented in firms’ production functions (and the aggregate production function of the economy if there is one). We go on to set up a model of economic growth and endogenous directed technological change, and use it to test the idea that DTC can explain the long-run data on energy and natural-resource demand.

9.1. Resource efficiency in the production function In this section we take a more detailed look at alternative ways of representing production as a function of two inputs. This is important groundwork before beginning our analysis of DTC (directed technological change). We focus on a simple case in which widgets are produced using flows of resources and labour. As discussed abovewe abstract from (i.e. ignore) capital. In essence this implies that we assume that the capital stock grows at the same rate as the stock of effective labour ALL, hence including capital would not affect the analysis. 9.1.1. Familiar cases: the general production function, and Cobb–Douglas. Assume an economy with one product, widgets, and two production inputs. For now we call them labour and resources. Denote flows of labour and resources as L and R respectively, units workers and tons/year. In general we can write

(9.1) y = F(ALL, ARR). Recall then that the units of L and R are widgets per worker per year and widgets per ton per year. So far in the book we have used the Cobb–Douglas function almost exclusively. That is, we write the production function as α 1−α α 1−α y = (ALL) (ARR) = AL R . Thus the two separate factor-augmenting technology levels have been subsumed into a single technology index and there is no role for directed technological change. For instance, if we raise resource-efficiency AR this serves to raise A and hence raise production, but it does not reduce the demand for resource inputs. This paradoxical result follows from the high degree of substitutability between the inputs: when resource efficiency rises the cost of resource inputs falls, causing producers to use more resources. The Cobb–Douglas model fails when confronted by further evidence. For instance, we know that it is in fact very hard for producersto substitute for resource inputs using labour, at least in the short run. This is clear from the very small short-run effect of increases in the resource price on resource demand: when resource prices rise dramatically, demand fails to fall because firms and consumers are locked in to their demand for resources by the technology and capital they possess. To go deeper we therefore need a model in which there is low short-run elasticity of substitution between labour and resources, but where there is also some mechanism through which they can be substituted in the long run. In this chapter that mechanism is DTC. 9.1.2. The Leontief production function. The simplest way to specify a production func- tion with low substitutability between the inputs is through the Leontief production function, in which there is no substitutability whatsoever between the inputs. The function looks like this:

(9.2) y = min{ALL, ARR}. This equation reads as follows: production y is equal to the smallest of the following set of quan- tities: effective labour inputs ALL, andeffective resource inputs ARR. To interpret the equation, consider for instance production of hammers from steel. Given the design of the hammers (which determines AR), and assuming no steel is wasted, the production rate of hammers will be limited by the flow of steel inputs R. If the design is such that each

63 64 9.1. Resource efficiency in the production function hammer requires 1 kilo of steel, and the flow of steel inputs is 103 tons per year, then no more than 106 hammers can be produced by the firm per year. However, there is no guarantee that the firm will produce that many hammers; to do so, they must have enough (productive) labour employed, where AL is the productivity of the workers and L is their number. Note that we have —following Solow (1973)—left out capital; effectively, we assume that each worker has enough capital (machines) in order to work productively. A profit-maximizing firm will of course make sure that it hires just enough workers, and buys just enough resources, such that ALL = ARR. The alternative is that workers stand idle waiting for resource inputs, or that resources stand idle waiting for workers to use them. Now assume that AL —worker productivity—rises exponentially, while AR remains unchanged. Furthermore, assume that equation (9.2) is the aggregate production function of the economy. Then assuming that resources are available, resource flows into production will also increase ex- ponentially, tracking the growth in labour productivity and global product. If the resource price remains constant then the share of resources in global product will also remain constant. However, such exponential growth in physical inputs cannot continue indefinitely, and the model strongly suggests that a crash is imminent when resources ‘run out’. Superficially this example matches the evidence regarding the global economy (see for in- stance Figure 1.3). However, it should be clear that this model is far too simple to use as a basis for drawing conclusions and designing policy. The model is obviously grossly simplified in assuming that it is impossible to increase resource efficiency. If labour efficiency can increase exponentially, why should resource efficiency be unable to increase likewise? Furthermore, as in the neoclassical model, there is no allowance for shifts in consumption patterns. Finally, there is no model of the price of the resource input, which we expect to be linked to scarcity of the input and to affect demand for the input. The model above shares crucial features with the famous—but nevertheless obscure—‘Lim- its to Growth’ model. The ‘Limits’ model dates to 1972 when the Club of Rome published a book, the Limits to Growth, which caused a sensation at the time. The analysis used a “system dynamics computer model to simulate the interactions of five global economic subsystems, namely: popula- tion, food production, industrial production, pollution, and consumption of non-renewable natural resources”.1 The ‘Limits’ team programmed various scenarios, and all ended in disaster, typically by around 2050. This was either due to resource exhaustion or excessive pollution. The reasons for this are not easy to elucidate as the model is not open to examination, however, the behaviour of the model can be approximated by a very simple economic model, as follows:

(9.3) Y = min{ALL, ARR};

(9.4) A˙L/AL = g; ∞ (9.5) S 0 ≥ Rtdt. Z0

Furthermore, we have that AL0L < ARS 0. Thus we have a Leontief production function with exogenous growth in AL. If AR is constant then we get exponential growth in both Y and R, 2 whereas if AR is allowed to grow then the growth in R will be slower. But why does AL grow? And what determines the growth rate of AR? And what about the resource price, does that have no effect whatsoever on the allocation? The model raises many questions, some of which we try to answer in this part of the book.

9.1.3. The CES production function. An alternative functional form—much more flexible than both Cobb–Douglas and Leontief—is the CES production function: ǫ ǫ 1/ǫ y = [γ(ALL) + (1 − γ)(ARR) ] . Here ǫ ∈ (−∞,1). The Cobb–Douglas emerges from the CES as a special case when ǫ = 0, and Leontief when ǫ → −∞. Finally, when ǫ = 1 then the inputs are perfect substitutes, like 5 and 10-dollar bills. However, typically we assume that labour and capital, or labour and resources, are poorly substitutable for one another, that is they are complements, implying that ǫ< 0. When they

1According to the website, 3 Oct. 2012. 2Note that we have simplified slightly here. The Limits model is actually built on an outdated growth model known as the AK model in which labour productivity AL grows due to capital accumulation, which is possible due to a highly contrived mechanism where the greater the quantity of capital possessed by other firms, the more productive is any par- ticular firm (irrespective of how much capital that firm has). However, the overall effect is consistent with the equations presented here. Chapter 9. Directed technological change and resource efficiency 65 are complements, an increase in the quantity of one of the inputs available on the market leads to a large reduction in its price such that relative returns to that input factor decline. To get a handle on the production function, consider the following example. Assume an economy with 10 people on an island, and 10 trees/week wash up on the beach. Furthermore, the islanders have a technology called ‘knives’ which allows them to cut the trees into planks, which can rapidly be made into houses (final product). They manage to make 0.01 houses per week. What do they need more of to boost their rate of housebuilding? Suggest values for the elasticity of substitution between the inputs, and knowledge levels. Explain briefly. Now assume that the islanders invent a technology called ‘sawmills’ (and are somehow able to obtain the necessary capital goods). What do they need more of now in order to boost their rate of housebuilding? Suggest new values for the knowledge levels. Explain briefly. Some possible answers to the questions above follow. We have L = 10 and R = 10, and y = 0.01. Presumably it is rather hard to substitute workers for trees, although not impossible. For instance, if there are a lot of trees the (fixed numberof) workers could select the best trees to make planks out of, rejecting less suitable ones. This would allow them to produce planks faster. So ρ should definitely be negative, but we have to guess its value. For simplicity we choose ρ = −1. We drop the distribution parameter γ, incorporating it into the productivity factors. So we have 1 1 −1 y = + . 10AL 10AR !

Since y = 0.01 we can rearrange the equation to obtain 1000 = 1/AL +1/AR. Finally, and crucially, note that it is clearly workers who are in short supply in this economy, not trees; only a small fraction of the 10 trees per week can be used considering that the 10 workers only have knives with which to work. Since the supply of workers is limiting, this implies that AL should be small compared to AR. More precisely, imagine that there is an abundance of trees such that ARR is very large. Then we can approximate 1/(ARR) = 0, and the production function becomes y = ALL. Then AL = 0.001 (since y = 0.01 and L = 10). If we instead imagine that labour is abundant, then AR becomes the minimum number of houses that can be made per tree, given that infinite care is taken to avoid waste in making the planks. If this is 0.5 then the production function is 1 1 −1 y = + . 0.001L 0.5R! When L and R are both equal to 10, this gives 0.01 houses produced per week.3 When sawmills are invented, the productivity of trees in housemaking is presumably more- or-less unchanged; it still takes 2 trees to make a house. (Although we could imagine AR chang- ing: for instance, if the sawmills produced more waste such as sawdust then AR would go down, whereas if they could cut thinner planks thus using the timber more efficiently then it would go up.) The productivity of labour on the other hand will go up enormously. Now we might imag- ine 10 people running a sawmill being able to cut up hundreds of trees each week. (Recall that the planks can ‘quickly’ be made into houses, implying that the time spent on this step can be ignored.) If we assume a relatively rudimentary sawmill then we can set AL = 10, and the new production function is 1 1 −1 y = + . 10L 0.5R! Now trees are the limiting factor, and 4.8 houses can be made each week given that there are 10 trees available per week and 10 workers.

9.2. A simple model of directed technological change The CES production function gives us the ability to capture the effects of factor-specific (directed) technological change on production in a flexible way. This is an essential ingredient in our models of growth and sustainability. However, this is not enough on its own; we must also be able to model changes in the relative productivities of the factors as an endogenous result of other changes in the economy, such as changes in the availability of the factors. That is, we need a model of endogenous directed technological change, henceforth DTC. To build such a model, we return to our model of endogenous technological change from Chapter 4 and add the need for a resource input, with an associated level of resource-augmenting knowledge. Furthermore, we simplify the model in some other respects. Because we are primarily

3More exactly, 0.00998 houses per week. 66 9.2.Asimplemodelofdirectedtechnologicalchange interested in the direction of technological change rather than overall growth we simply fix the total quantity of research labour in the economy. And because we are primarily interested in the long run, we remove capital from the model, and focus solely on labour and the resource. And, for simplicity, we assume that research investment occurs in the same period as its results are felt by the firm. 9.2.1. Utility and demand. First, let’s assume that consumers have the very simple utility function ∞ t U = β yt, Xt=0 where β is a parameter less than 1, and y is the aggregate good. So we have a constant, exogenous discount rate. Next we assume that there is a fixed labour force L, and fixed unit continua of possible products and also firms, such that one firm produces each product. Resources R arrive in some exogenous flow, and are bought by firms on perfect markets. (We can relax this assumption later on, when necessary.) The quantity of the aggregate good y is as follows: 1 1/η η y = yi di , Z0 ! where η is a parameter less than 1. Thus there is monopolistic competition between the producers of the different goods. Normalize the price of the aggregate to 1. Then (by differentiating) we can obtain ∂y y 1−η pyi = = . ∂yi yi !

Given symmetry y = yi so all the goods have price 1. But crucially, we can differentiate the above with respect to quantity to obtain the following expression for marginal revenue:

∂pyi pyi + yi = ηpyi. ∂yi So when η = 1 we have perfect competition, because the goods of the different firms are perfect substitutes. But as η falls below 1, marginal revenue falls as a proportion of the price due to the negative effect of quantity on price. 9.2.2. A single firm’s knowledge production function. To begin the process of modelling DTC, we focus on the knowledge production function of an individual firm. Assume that the firm producing product i has the production function ǫ ǫ 1/ǫ yi = [(Alili) + (Ariri) ] .

The productivities Ali and Ari are specific to the firm, and arise as a result of investments by the firm, zli and zri. Furthermore, we assume all knowledge in period t builds in some way on the existing set of all knowledge in the economy, At−1, and that the elasticity of knowledge production with respect to investment is a positive constant (less than 1), φ. Thus we have: = φ Alit Fli(At−1)zlit; φ Arit = Fri(At−1)zrit.

Note that At−1 is a vector of all the different knowledge stocks of all firms (and potentially oth- ers) in the economy. An important feature of the production function is that firms do not build their period-t knowledge on their existing private knowledge, rather they build on all existing knowledge in the entire economy. This simplifies the dynamics of the model immensely. 9.2.3. A single firm’s optimization problem. Now assume that the firm is small, thus it is a price-taker with regard to buying or hiring inputs. However, its product is unique, hence it is not necessarily a price-taker with regard to selling its product. Defining input prices as wz, wl and wr, and the price of the product as pyi, and dropping the t subscripts for clarity, we can write down the firm’s problem as a Lagrangian: ǫ ǫ 1/ǫ L = pi(yi)[(Alili) + (Ariri) ] − wz(zli + zri) − (wlli + wrri) φ φ − λli(Ali − Fl · zli) − λri(Ari − Fr · zri). Here λli and λri are the shadow prices of firm knowledge. Chapter 9. Directed technological change and resource efficiency 67

To solve the problem we take first-order conditions in li and ri to yield an expression for wL l/(wR r): ǫ w li A l L = li i . wR ri Ariri ! This equation relates relative factor expenditures by the firm to the relative augmented quantities of the factors. (The augmented quantity is the physical quantity multiplied by the productivity.) Since ǫ is negative, the expression shows that the firm spends more on the factor which is relatively scarce. Now we take first-order conditions in Ali and Ari to yield an expression for λliAli/(λriAri): λ A A l ǫ li li = li i . λriAri Ariri ! We can actually write down this expression without the need for working through the first-order conditions, using the symmetry implicit in the Lagrangian, where the λs play the role of the ws, and the ks play the role of the qs. Finally, we take first-order conditions in zli and zri to yield a second expression for λliAli/(λriAri): z λ A li = li li . zri λriAri This simply states that firms invest in proportion to the value of the knowledge produced, which is the shadow price of that knowledge times its quantity. Now we can eliminate the shadow prices from the two expressions above to yield an expres- sion for relative investments as a function of prices and quantities of the inputs: ǫ z A l w li (9.6) li = li i = L . zri Ariri ! wR ri So firms invest in proportion to the resultant relative factor expenditures. If a firm spends twice as much on labour as it does on resources, it will invest twice as much in increasing the productivity of labour compared to resources!

9.2.4. General equilibrium. Having solved for a single firm, the big question is what hap- pens at the level of the overall economy, in the long run. To answer this question we need to add some more elements to the model. First we must specify the relationship between the economy-wide knowledge A and the firm- specific knowledge stocks Ali and Ari. Here we divide the economy-wide knowledge stocks into two sets, AL and AR, which are the sum of the individual firms’ knowledge stocks: 1 AL = Alidi; Z0 1 AR = Aridi. Z0 So in symmetric equilibrium with a representative firm (for which we drop the subscript is) we have AL = Al, and AR = Ar. Thus—recalling the knowledge production functions above—we can write = φ Alit Fl(Alt−1, Art−1)zlit; φ Arit = Fr(Alt−1, Art−1)zrit.

Then we must specify the functions Fl and Fr. We begin with the simplest possible specifica- tion, an extreme case, as explained below. Definition 1. Independent knowledge stocks. Knowledge stocks develop independently when

Fl = Alt−1/ζL and

Fr = Art−1/ζR, where ζL and ζR are positive parameters. Thus labour-augmenting knowledge builds exclusively on existing labour-augmentingknowledge, and resource-augmenting knowledge builds exclusively on existing resource-augmenting knowledge. Then (using the knowledge production functions above) we have φ (9.7) Alit/Arit = (Alt−1/Art−1)(ζR/ζL)(zlit/zrit) . 68 9.2.Asimplemodelofdirectedtechnologicalchange

9.2.5. Solution to the model. Now to finalize the solution. To solve, recall equation 9.6, and assume symmetric equilibrium to show that z A L ǫ w L (9.8) l = L = l . zr ARR! wrR Now substitute for relative investments using equation 9.7 to obtain A /A ζ 1/φ w L A L ǫ lt lt−1 R = lt t = lt t . Art/Art−1 ζL ! wrtRt ArtRt ! We can then use this equation to obtain a single equation for the development of relative knowl- edge stocks either as a function of the relative quantities of the inputs, or the relative prices. For concreteness we assume that the relative prices of the inputs are exogenously given, i.e. wl/wr is given in each period, although it may vary. Then (after a bit of algebra) we have A /A A w ǫφ/(1−ǫ(1+φ)) ζ (1−ǫ)/(1−ǫ(1+φ)) (9.9) lt lt−1 = lt−1 · rt L . Art/Art−1 Art−1 wlt ! ζR ! For balanced growth, the growth rates of each of the variables must be constant. This implies that the LHS of the equation is constant, since it is one constant divided by another. Which implies in turn that the RHS is constant, so if wl/wr is increasing at some fixed rate then AL/AR must be increasing at the same rate: θa = θw. So if the relative price of the resource is declining at some fixed rate, the relative productivity of the resource must decline at the same rate. This implies in turn that relative quantities will increase at the same rate, hence relative investments are constant on the b.g.p. 9.2.6. Stability of the b.g.p. Whatever the values of parameters, a bgp will exist. But will it be stable? In other words, will the economy approach the bgp over time, or will it head off somewhere else? It turns out that the elasticity of substitution between the inputs is key. The key is the result that relative investments are equal to relative factor shares. Assume that we are on a b.g.p. such that constant relative investments lead to constant factor shares. Then assume that there is some perturbation to the system such that the ratio of AL to AR moves off the balanced growth path. Does this trigger the economy to move away from the path, or does it return to the path? For concreteness, assume that AR falls. Then we know from equation 9.6 that the factor share of the resource will rise (since ǫ is negative) causing investment in AR to rise, thus boosting the growth of AR. This shows that the b.g.p. of the economy is stable, as long as ǫ is negative; when ǫ> 0 the analysis and results change completely, as we see in Chapter 11. The situation is illustrated in Figure 9.1

Market forces

Augmenting State of technology Augmenting labour energy

Figure 9.1. Illustration of how relative prices (the shape of the economic land- scape) determine the relative levels of technology augmenting labour and en- ergy.

9.2.7. The long-run aggregate production function. We have established that if the ratio of the price of labour to the price of the resource displays a constant trend, then the economy will approach a b.g.p. on which the ratio of the factor-augmenting knowledge stocks has exactly the same trend. But from the first-order conditions in quantities we know that w L A L ǫ l = L , wrR ARR! L A ǫ/(1−ǫ) w −1/(1−ǫ) hence = L l , R AR ! wr ! Chapter 9. Directed technological change and resource efficiency 69 which implies that L/R has exactly the opposite trend to AL/AR and wl/wr, implying that both augmented inputs and the factor share are constant. So the long-run factor shares are constant despite changes in the relative quantities of the inputs. This implies that the long-run aggregate production function is, in reduced form, Cobb–Douglas: y = AL1−αRα. So we are back to the production function of the DHSS model! (Although without capital.) The value of α will be determined by the relative values of ζL and ζR, and the relative growth rates of input quantities (or prices). If it is easier (cheaper) to develop technologies augmenting resources than it is to develop technologies augmenting labour then α will be small and the factor share of resources will also be small. Just as in the DHSS model, sustainability should be no problem as long as we manage resource stocks sensibly: thus we should gradually reduce R if there is a finite stock of the resource. The key difference compared to the ‘Limits’ model is that AR, resource-augmenting knowl- edge, is allowed to grow exponentially and without bound. This allows sustainable use of a finite resource stock even when the resource and other inputs (in this case labour) are highly comple- mentary in the short run. Given such complementarity, and without DTC, we are very close to the limits model, and there is no way to achieve sustainability (if defined as any consumption level that can be maintained into the indefinite future). The model is not really vulnerable to Daly’s criticisms of DHSS—that we are making more cake just by getting a bigger oven (page 40)—because the model is about technological change, not capital accumulation. Technological change does, demonstrably, allow us to get more product (value) out of given inputs, and there is no obviouslimit to this process.4 But does the model stand up to more detailed examination? We find out in the next section.

9.3. Evidence regarding the DTC model 9.3.1. Simulating the economy. We can easily simulate the economy in (for instance) excel. If we assume that prices (rather than quantities) are exogenous then the key equation is 9.9. Put into simulation-friendly form, the equation is ǫφ/(1−ǫ(1+φ)) (1−ǫ)/(1−ǫ(1+φ)) Alt/Art = Alt−1/Art−1 ((Alt−1/Art−1)(wrt/wlt)) (ζL/ζR) . In simpler notation we can write ǫφ/(1−ǫ(1+φ)) (1−ǫ)/(1−ǫ(1+φ)) At = At−1(At−1/Wt) ζ , where ζ = ζL/ζR. To write the program, we must choose parameter values and assume a trend for the relative prices wl/wr. Assume for instance that wl/wr rises by a factor θ each period. Choose a value less than 1 for φ, and a negative value for ǫ. Set ζL and ζR equal to one another initially, for simplicity. Choose an initial value for the relative knowledge stocks, and see what happens over time! Note that once you know how K and W evolve over time, we can (and should) also find out how the other variables evolve. Assume (for instance) that labour is constant and that AL grows at by the factor θ per period. You can find the program for the case of complementary inputs on the webpage. Plot some curves (remember to take logarithms!) to get a better picture of what is going on.

9.3.2. Simulation based on real data. The above conclusions (based on the theoretical re- sults) are reflected in simulations based on real data, as shown in Figure 9.2. Here we see that we can parameterize the model outlined above such that when we feed in data on global energy prices the model predicts rates of energy use which match observations. The bottom panel shows what lies behind the model results: global energy use has tracked global product because the level of energy-augmenting knowledge AR has failed to rise. The reason AR has not risen is in turn that energy prices have not risen. In order to test the model the simplest strategy is to look at the growth of energy-augmenting knowledge. More specifically, has production of specific products become more or less energy- efficient over time? Estimation of productivity changes is typically performed indirectly: a pro- ductivity increase is imputed as the residual to explain changes in the value of output per unit of time from given inputs. This approach leads to the conclusion that the growth rate of labour- augmenting knowledge should be approximately equal to the growth rate of per capita GDP; this

4Note however that in some cases there are obvious limits, as with the efficiency of the production of artificial light. We return to this in Chapter 13 below. 70 9.3. Evidence regarding the DTC model

2 1.5 GDP/cap, model GDP/cap, data 1 0.5 0 −0.5 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

R/L, model 2 R/L, data wr 1


1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

2 AL, model 1.5 AR, model 1 0.5 0

1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

Figure 9.2. The model parameterized to fit global data. The top row shows GDP (model and data); the middle row shows energy consumption (model and data) and energy price; the bottom row shows the growth of the knowledge stocks. All axes are log-normalized.

result is in agreement with the simulation, where we see (bottom panel) that AL rises at the same rate as Y (upper panel). However, in the case of energy we can use a more direct approach to measurement of factor- augmenting knowledge, since there is plenty of direct evidence about changes in our ability to extract specific physical outputs from measurable energy inputs. To illustrate we consider two products, artificial light and motive power. Light is a convenient product category for analysis since light is a consumption good which is rather homogeneous and unchanging over very long timescales, and the energy efficiency of its production is easily measured. Fouquet and Pearson (2006) study light production and consumption in the U.K. over seven centuries. They conclude that the efficiency of light production in the U.K. (measured by lumen produced per watt of energy used) increased 1000-fold from 1800 to 2000; the productivityof labour in the U.K. over the same period rose by a factor of 12–15 (estimates vary). Light production is a convenient sector within which to measure efficiency, but it is not very large. Now we turn to the production of motive power from fossil fuels, a very large sector. Motive power is typically an intermediate good rather than a final good, nevertheless increases in the efficiency with which energy inputs are used to generate motive power are very likely to be reflected in the overall efficiency with which energy is used to generate final goods, as long as the final goods are homogeneous and do not change over time. In the 19th century motive power was largely generated by steam engines, while over the last 100 years we must consider electric power generation and the internal combustion engine. Regarding steam engines, sources such as Hills (1993) suggest that their efficiency in generating power from coal inputs increased steadily from their invention in the early 1700s up to 1900, and by a factor of around 20 over the entire period; this growth in efficiency is again more rapid than the growth in labour productivity over the same period. Subsequently, the efficiency of coal-fired power stations has continued to increase but at a declining rate; see for instance Yeh and Rubin (2007) for detailed evidence. The above evidence suggests that energy productivity over this period, far from being con- stant, actually increased faster than labour productivity. So the modelwith independentknowledge stocks matches energy demand at the expense of wildly incorrect predictions about the growth of energy-augmenting knowledge. On the other hand, if we lock knowledge stocks together this comes closer to the truth in its predictions about knowledge growth, but at the expense of no longer being able to predict energy demand correctly. And whatever we assume about knowledge Chapter 9. Directed technological change and resource efficiency 71 stocks, the model cannot match the data. For an analysis of what is reasonable to assume about links between knowledge stocks, see the next chapter on technology transitions.

9.4. Links between knowledge stocks 9.4.1. Why we should include links in our model. Recall that we assumed that knowledge stocks grow independentlyof one another. That is, a higher level of labour-augmenting knowledge (or overall productivity in the economy) does not help at all when it comes to performing research to raise resource-augmenting knowledge. Is this reasonable? Arguments that it is not date at least to Nordhaus (1973b), however Norhaus’s arguments appeal only to intuition, and it would be reassuring if we had more direct microeconomic evidence. The evidence based on intuition is nevertheless powerful. Consider the following thought experiment. Assume there was no generation of power from wind between 1900 (when the last windmills were decommissioned) and 1990 (when electricity generation from wind started). On what knowledge stock would the new wind power generators build? More broadly, is the idea of independent knowledge stocks defensible? It implies that technologies which allow us to make better use of raw energyinputs(the steam engine, the steam turbine for the generation of electricity, the internal combustion engine) are developed completely independently of other technological advances in the economy. This seems to be an indefensible idea: such technologies are developed hand-in-hand with advances in mathematics, physics, engineering etc., advances which are also relevant to augmenting inputs of labour–capital. Thus stocks of knowledgeaugmentingenergyand stocks of knowledge augmenting labour–capital are intimately linked, overlapping and feeding off one another. So, summing up, it is hardly surprising that the model fails when confronted by evidence. There is also direct evidence that (for instance) both resource-augmentingand labour-augmenting knowledge draw on a common pool of general or fundamental knowledge, and that advances in this general knowledge thus drive advances both in al and ar? Such evidence can be found in stud- ies of patent data. Very direct evidence can be found in Trajtenberg et al. (1992), who study patent citations and show that patenting firms cite patents both within their own three-digit industry, but also outside it.5 Popp (2002) provides more indirect—but no less convincing—evidence, in that he finds evidence for diminishing returns to investment in specific technologies over time; a rise in energy- prices induces a surge in patenting activity within energy sectors such as wind or solar, but the effect peters out rather rapidly. Within our framework we can interpret this result as follows: Discoveries of potential relevance to energy-augmentation are made frequently in other (much larger) research sectors; For instance, think of the invention of the computer. It takes time and research effort for the benefits of these discoveries to be incorporated in the energy sector. If there is a surge of research in the energy sector then initially there will be many potentially useful technologies available which have not yet been applied in that sector, but over time these ‘low- hanging fruits’ will be picked and the productivity of energy-augmenting research will fall.

9.4.2. The effect of including links. Developing and solving a model with links between knowledge stocks is beyond the scope of this book. We simply note that it would be more rea- sonable to assume that knowledge stocks are linked, such that if (for instance) there is a lot of labour-augmenting knowledge this makes it easier to accumulate resource-augmenting knowl- edge. Given a model with links we expect the knowledge stocks to grow together (although not necessarily at exactly the same rate). What would be the results of such a change in the model? The result of linking knowledge stocks would be to yield a better fit to the data on input productivity, at the expense of the model’s ability to match the data on factor shares: if knowledge stocks grow together while the price of resources falls relative to the price of labour, then we expect the resource share to fall over time. Consider the simple case when knowledge stocks are locked together: Ar = γAl. Then the aggregate production function is ǫ ǫ 1/ǫ y = Al[L + (γR) ] . If the inputs are strongly complementary (ǫ is large and negative) this implies that the inputs will be bought by firms in almost fixed proportions, irrespective of their relative prices. Thus resource use will track the size of the labour force rather than overall growth. This is directly contradicted by the evidence, for instance the data shown in Figure 1.3.

5They score patents as follows: within 3-digit scores zero, within 2-digit scores 0.33, within 1-digit scores 0.67 and outside 1-digit scores 1. The average score is 0.31. A three-digit industry is a relatively narrowly defined industrial sector, according to the Standard Industrial Classification. Two- and one-digit industries are successively more broadly defined. 72 9.4. Links between knowledge stocks

To be more precise, assume perfect markets and take first-order conditions in L and R to show that w L L ǫ l = wrR R w −ǫ/(1−ǫ) = l . wr ! Since ǫ is large and negative this shows that when resource inputs rise relative to labour inputs the resource share should decline steeply, and that when the resource price falls relative to the wage the resource share should decline steeply. CHAPTER 10

Structural change and energy demand

In the single-sector model developed in the previous chapter, if resource use tracks growth it must be because resource-augmenting knowledge has not risen. In order to add alternative explanations we must include multiple final goods, the production of which differs in resource intensity. Given multiple goods resource consumption may track growth even when resource efficiency increases, if consumers switch towards resource-intensive products. This switch may be an endogenous result of increase in resource efficiency, in which case it is called rebound. Alternatively, the switch may be caused by other factors, such as income growth. In this chapter we look first at some of the broad evidence which demonstrates that structural change must be central to the analysis of long-run demand for energy and resources, before turning to the key questions of what drives structural change and what the policy implications are.

10.1. Introduction to structural change







1 logGDP/capita 0.8



0.2 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year

Figure 10.1. Long-run growth in real GDP per capita: U.S. (upper line) and China.

10.1.1. Growth and structural change. Thegrowth rate of GDP per capita in the leading in- dustrial economy has been astonishingly constant in the industrial era. On the other hand, growth rates of other economies have varied enormously; Figure 10.1.1 The reason is that growth in per capita production is primarily driven by new technology: leading-edge technology seems to grow at a remarkably constant rate, whereas the distance of an economy from the leading edge may vary dramatically over time. The U.S. has remained at or close to the leading edge for well over 100 years, hence its constant growth rate. China on the other hand moved further and further away from the leading edge for many decade, before this trend was turned upside down starting in the 1970s. Note that growth—driven by new technology—is primarily about production of different, more valuable, final goods over time. Only a small proportion of our expenditure today goes on goods that were available in the same form 50 years ago. And the proportion becomes very small if we go back 100 or 150 years. Consider food. One hundred years ago food made up a large part

1Jones (2005) pointed this out. Data from Angus Maddison website, Statistics on World Population.

73 74 10.1. Introduction to structural change of household budgets, everywhere. However, as we have become richer and richer our expenditure on food has changed relatively little, whereas our expenditure on other goods has risen. Figure 10.1 shows that GDP/capita is more than 10 times higher today than in 1870; is that growth due to U.S. citizens today consuming 10 times more of the same products today that they consumed in 1870? Consider car ownership. In 1870 there were no cars. Car ownership subsequently grew rapidly, but between 1970 and 2008 it was constant at 0.44 per capita; in the meantime, GDP per capita had more than doubled.2 Meanwhile, ownership of home computers and mobile phones was effectively zero in 1970, whereas today it is more-or-less universal. Now, do we consume cars and smartphonestoday because we work longer hours, or have saved up more capital, but with the same skills and the same machines as we had in 1870? Obviously not: it is the arrival of new products, and increases in the quality of existing products, which is the major and fundamental driver of long-run growth. Finally, note that the transformation of the economy is not simply about the addition of new products, made in new ways, i.e. increasing variety. It is better characterized as a process in which new ideas—new technologies—transform existing processes and products, as well as adding completely new ones. The most important of these new technologies are sometimes denoted general purpose technologies, or GPTs; see David (1990) and Bresnahan and Trajtenberg (1995) for classic discussions of such technologies. Examples include the steam engine, the electric motor, semiconductors, and the internet. Such inventions lead, over time, to fundamental changes throughout many areas of the economy, or indeed throughout the entire economy, transforming the way many existing goods or services are produced, and opening up previously unimaginable possibilities for new goods and services. 10.1.2. Resources. Global resource and energy use has shown an astonishing tendency to track global product in the long run. At the same time, prices have been constant. This is shown in Figure 10.2 for metals and energy, reproduced from Figure 1.3. Note that the result of constant prices and consumption tracking global product is that the share of metals in global product is also constant.3

(a) Global Metals (b) Global Energy 1.6

1.4 Global product 1.5 1.2 Global product Metal quantity 1

0.8 1 Metal 0.6 expenditure Energy quantity Energy 0.4 0.5 expenditure

log10, normalized 0.2 log10, normalized

0 0 Metal price −0.2 Energy −0.4 price −0.5 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1850 1900 1950 2000 Year Year

Figure 10.2. Long-run growth in consumption and prices, compared to growth in global product, for (a) Metals, and (b) Primary energy from combustion.

How do we explainthedata ofFigure10.2? The easy partis to rule out the one-sector neoclas- sical model, based on the analysis of the previous chapter (see for instance Section 9.3). Recall that, for the model to be capable of explaining the data, there should have been no significant increase—since 1900—in the resource efficiency with which individual goods are produced in the economy. In reality efficiency has increased across the board, so the explanation for the failure of resource use to fall relative to global product must be sectoral shifts towards resource-intensive sectors.

2Sources: Popn. data from US census, and car-ownership data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. 3The figures show normalized prices, quantities, etc., so they show how the factor shares of resources change over time, but nothing about the absolute levels of the factor costs compared to the value of global product. The absolute share of resources is significant but not large. For instance, the factor share of crude oil in the global economy in 2008 was 3.6 percent, whereas the factor share of the 17 major metals was just 0.7 percent. Chapter 10. Structural change and energy demand 75

Recall Daly’s critique of the neoclassical model (page 40): can we bake more and more cake with the same quantity of ingredients? Can we, for example, produce more and more light using the same energy inputs? Can we travel further and further using the same energy inputs? Can we keep our houses warm...? Etc. It turns out that we can! Consider for instance Fouquet and Pearson (2006) on the history of light production. They conclude that the efficiency of lighting in the U.K. (measured by lumen produced per watt of energy used) increased 1000- fold from 1800 to 2000. That’s a lot more cake! Regarding the production of motive power from fossil fuels, historically this concerns the efficiency of steam engines, while over the last century we must consider electric power generation and the internal combustion engine. Regarding steam engines, sources such as Hills (1993) suggest that their efficiency in generating power from coal inputs increased steadily from their invention in the early 1700s up to 1900, and by a factor of around 20 over the entire period; this growth in efficiency is at least equal to the growth in labour productivity over the same period. Subsequently, the efficiency of coal-fired power stations has continued to increase but at a declining rate; see for instance Yeh and Rubin (2007) for detailed evidence. Does the above discussion mean Daly was wrong in using his cake analogy to criticize DHSS? In fact it does not, since in the DHSS model it is capital accumulation which allows us to bake more cake from the same ingredients, but in the above examples it is technological progress that has allowed us to do so. We consume a vast range of products. But the limits and one-sector DTC models lump them all together into one aggregate, Y, and never try to deconstruct that aggregate. (DHSS does the same; it is based on the one-sector neoclassical growth model.) Is that OK? It would be OK if our consumption of all the different products increased at the same rate, or (less restrictively) if we could collect products into groups which were similar in a relevant sense (for instance, labour- intensive and resource-intensive products) and show that aggregate consumption of the groups of products increased at the same rate. It turns out that we cannot do so. Return to light. We alreadyknow fromFouquet and Pearson (2006) thatthe efficiency of light- ing in the U.K. increased 1000-fold from 1800 to 2000. In the same period, GDP per capita rose by a factor of 15. Meanwhile, consumption of artificial light per capita rose by a factor of 7000. So we have a massive substitution towards (energy-intensive) light production and consumption. Regarding transport, the situation is complicated by the fact that the cost of personal transport is not just financial, it is also measured in time. Furthermore, transport varies in quality as well as quantity; faster is, ceteris paribus, better. The result is that rising income is correlated with more rapid forms of transport, and a greater distance travelled per person–year, but not with more time spent travelling. Sch¨afer (2006) shows that world travel (in terms of person-kilometres travelled per year) has grown more rapidly than global product per capita. Furthermore, rising income is correlated with a successive shift from non-motorized transport → public transport → light-duty vehicles → high-speed transport modes (such as flying). See also Knittel (2011), who analyses technological change and consumption patterns in the U.S. automobile industry, and shows that for a vehicle of fixed characteristics in terms of weight and engine power, then fuel economy would have increased by 60 percent over the period 1980– 2006 due to technological change, but that actual average fuel economy increased by just 15 percent; the difference is due to countervailing increases in the weight and power of vehicles. Rebound?

10.2. Preliminary analysis 10.2.1. Why we need structural change to explain the data. Before analysing structural change, we revisit why we need it to explain the data in Figure 1.3. Throughout this chapter, we consider an economy with two inputs, labour and energy, and treat the quantity and productivity of labour inputs as exogenous, and the price of primary energy inputs as exogenous. We can think of primary energy—in the form of fossil fuels such as coal, or renewables such as wind—being extracted or harvested at an exogenous cost per unit of energy.4 The analysis when there is a single product in the economy (a widget) is familiar from previous chapters. Since there are only two inputs (L and R) and one product (Y), we must be able to write the production function as

Y = F(ALL, ARR).

4More specifically, each unit of final goods devoted to extraction/harvest yields an exogenously determined quantity of primary energy. 76 10.2. Preliminary analysis

Recall that AL and L are treated as exogenous here. Furthermore, we treat AR as exogenous, and model the evolution of R over time. To simplify the analysis we go further and assume a CES production function with low elasticity of substitution (labour and energy are strongly complementary), thus we have ǫ ǫ 1/ǫ Y = [(ALL) + (ARR) ] , where ǫ< 0. Assuming perfect markets we can model the choices of a representative final-good producer whose profit-maximization problem is ǫ ǫ 1/ǫ maxπ = [(ALL) + (ARR) ] − wLL − wRR. L,R Take the first-order condition in R to show that R A 1/(1−ǫ) 1 = R . Y wR ! AR Now differentiate with respect to time to show that R˙ Y˙ −ǫ A˙ 1 w˙ = − R − R . R Y 1 − ǫ AR 1 − ǫ wR

Now the historical data shows that wR is approximately constant in the long run, while resource use tracks global product. Since ǫ is large and negative (the inputs are strongly complementary) this implies that A˙R/AR = 0, i.e. there has been no resource-augmenting technologicalchange. But this is strongly contradicted by the evidence of the Chapter 9, especially in the case of energy. Since the resource efficiency of individual products has increased, the only way to explain the failure of overall resource efficiency to increase is through a shift in consumption patterns over time, from products of low intrinsic resource intensity towards products of higher intrinsic resource intensity. Such a shift is known as structural change in macroeconomics, and in order to understand it and predict the future we must build and test models of structural change.

10.2.2. Driving forces of structural change. We know from the aggregate data that there must have been a shift in consumption patterns over the last 100 years or more, from labour- intensive to energy-intensive goods. What might have driven this shift? There are essentially two possible economic explanations: a substitution effect and an income effect. When there is a substitution effect, consumers switch to energy-intensive goods because they got cheaper relative to labour-intensive; when there is an income effect, they switch because they got richer, and rich people prefer energy-intensive goods. To get a better handle on these two effects, we now set up a simple consumption model with just two goods, one labour-intensive and the other energy- intensive. Consider an economy with two final goods, X and Y. We do not study the production side, but simply assume that X is energy-intensive and Y is labour-intensive. The prices of the goods are px and py respectively, and total income (to be divided between the goods) is m. Markets are perfect. Now consider the following two (alternative) utility functions. Our first utility function is a simple CES: U = [αXǫ + (1 − α)Yǫ]1/ǫ, where α ∈ (0,1) and ǫ ∈ (−∞,1). This implies that ǫ 1/(1−ǫ) p X α X X α py x = , and = . pyY 1 − α  Y  Y 1 − α px ! So there are no income effects: the ratio of X to Y (energy-intensive to labour-intensive consump- tion) is unaffected by income m. What about the substitution effect? This depends on ǫ, and in particular the elasticity of substitution between the goods, 1/(1 − ǫ). The higher is the elasticity of substitution (implying ǫ close to 1), the greater the effect on relative consumption of a change in relative prices, i.e. the stronger the substitution effect. Both substitution and income effects are illustrated in Figure 10.3, where we show three indifference curves and three budget restrictions, given parameter values ǫ = 0.6 and α = 0.5. In the baseline restriction b1 we have m = 2 and px = py = 1. In b2 we have doubled income without changing relative prices, and in b3 we again have m = 4 but px = 0.7 while py = 1.3. When income increases but relative prices are unchanged we see that relative consumption remains unchanged. However, when px falls relative to py there is substantial substitution towards good X and away from good Y. This is a result of the high degree of substitutability between the goods (ǫ = 0.6). Chapter 10. Structural change and energy demand 77

So if this model is a reflection of the real economy, then the shift towards energy-intensive consumption goods has occurred due to a fall in the price of these goods relative to less energy- intensive alternatives. In the next section (10.3) we will look at whether such a fall has occurred, and whether the consequent substitution effect might be large enough to account for the data.




b2 3

b3 2 (x2,y2) b1 1 (x1,y1) (x3,y3)

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 10.3. Substitution and income effects in the first model



b2p 4

b2 3

b3 2 b1 1 (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3)

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 10.4. Substitution and income effects in the second model

We now set up a second utility function which allows for both substitution and income effects as drivers of structural change. We do so in the simplest way possible by assuming a form of lexi- cographic preferences: consumers demand a certain quantity Z¯ of one good as a precondition for starting consumption of the second good. Furthermore, once they have Z¯, they switch additional consumption entirely to the second good. We assume that the first good Z is a composite of goods X and Y, while the second good is simply X, the energy-intensive good. The utility maximization problem is maxU = X − X∗, subjectto (X∗)αY1−α ≥ Z¯. So X is still total productionof the first final good, of which X∗ goes to making good Z, and X − X∗ remains. We are only interested in the case when income is sufficient to allow the restriction to be satisfied. Assume that the restriction is satisfied and all income is used up, so U = 0. Furthermore, we know that ∗ ∗ α 1−α pxX α ∗ (X ) Y = Z¯, = , and pxX + pyY = m. pyY 1 − α 78 10.3. Structural change without income effects

We set α = 0.5, m = 2, 4, and 4 (as above), px = 1,1,and 0.7 (as above), and py = 1,1, and1.3 (as above). Finally, Z¯ = 1 so the restriction can be satisfied when m = 2, with nothing left for further consumption. We then obtain Figure 10.4. Now we see that an increase in income leads to a very large change in relative consumption, as all of the additional income is spent on good X, and none on good Y. Furthermore, the change in prices leads to both an income and a substitution effect, where the income effect is much larger; the income effect is the shift from (x2,y2) to the empty circle, and the substitution effect is the further shift from the empty circle to (x3,y3). 10.2.3. Why is it important? If we know that structural change is happening, it is very important for policy to know what is causing it. There are several reasons for this, of which we discuss two. The first reason we need to know the causes of structural change is in order to predict future energy demand: if we want to predict future energy demand, then we need to understand the drivers of energy demand. Furthermore, prediction may also be important for optimal environmental policy: if demand is likely to rise steeply in the future, this will imply higher carbon emissions and this may in turn lead to higher marginal damage costs of carbon emissions today, and hence higher optimal taxes. The second reason we need to know the causes of structural change is that it may be directly relevant to the choice of policy instruments in second best. When the only market imperfection is the failure to price carbon emissions then we know from Pigou (1920) that the optimal allocation can be achieved by applying a Pigovian tax on those emissions, i.e. a tax set at the level of mar- ginal damages caused by the emissions.5 But when there are multiple market imperfections, the situation is unlikely to be so simple, since some of these imperfections may be difficult or impossi- ble to correct, and this may affect the efficacy of emissions taxes. For instance, in an international context it may be difficult for countries to agree on a uniform tax rate (or a global trading system). Under these circumstances, if one country applies emissions taxes unilaterally, this may lead to leakage, i.e. the tax may cause emissions to shift out of that country and into other countries. This may be caused by energy-intensive industries relocating away from the taxing country. If a tax is counterproductive in this way, an attractive alternative may be to subsidize invest- ment in energy-augmenting technology, thus making energy-intensive industries more efficient and (hopefully) reducing emissions. But if the elasticity of substitution between energy-intensive and labour-intensive goods is high, the policy may not give the desired result: an increase in en- ergy efficiency will reduce the price of energy-intensive goods, causing consumers to substitute towards such goods. This effect is known as rebound and will be discussed at length below. On the other hand, if the elasticity of substitution is low—implying that demand for energy-intensive goods is inelastic—then a Pigovian tax will have little direct effect on consumption, and its main effect is likely to be on technology. Under these circumstances, technology subsidies (either to energy-efficiency, or to reducing the costs of clean energy production) may be a good option.6

10.3. Structural change without income effects 10.3.1. Rebound and consumption patterns. Rebound is frequently ignored in theoretical literature, perhaps because of the common assumption that the economy consists of just a single sector. However, the idea has a long history, starting with Jevons (1865), who argued that future scarcity of coal would be exacerbated, not alleviated, by innovations increasing the efficiency of technologies based on coal use, the reason being that such innovations would lead to a large increase in the use of coal-based technologies. The idea has been picked up more recently by energy and ecological economists (see for instance Binswanger, 2001, and citations), where it has been named the rebound effect. To define rebound, assume an economy in which total energy use is R, and focus on produc- tion of good i using (among other inputs) augmented energy flow AriRi. Rebound is present when an increase in energy-efficiency Ari by a factor x leads to a reduction of R by less than Ri(1 − 1/x). Note that according to this definition rebound may occur within the production process itself: if the producer of the good has access to a more energy-efficient technology, the producer may choose to use more augmented energy and less augmented labour or capital in the production process. However, we generally think of rebound as occurring on the consumption side of the economy. Given the definition above, we can then think of the producer as having a Leontief production function with no substitutability between augmented energy and other inputs.

5The same result can of course be achieved through tradable permits as well. 6Note that if the elasticity of substitution is low, this implies that structural change must have been driven by income effects, i.e. consumers choosing more energy-intensive goods as they got richer. Chapter 10. Structural change and energy demand 79

Both income and substitution effects may contribute to rebound: an increase in Ari leads (ce- teris paribus) to a fall in the price of good i, which raises the purchasing power of consumers (income effect) and induces them to substitute towards consumption of good i (substitution ef- fect). Given the small factor share of energy, the income effect of increases in energy-augmenting technology is likely to be small; on the other hand, given the much higher energy share of some products, the substitution effect of increases of the energy-efficiency of such products may be substantial. The evidence for rebound effects is reviewed by Sorrell (2007), who finds that they are sig- nificant but generally much less than 100 percent, implying that increases in energy efficiency of specific products do lead to large reductions in energy use associated with consumption of those products. A key reason for this is that the substitutability between energy-intensive and other prod- ucts is far from perfect, just as intuition would suggest.7 This evidence suggests that rebound alone cannot explain the shift towards consumption of energy-intensive goods, implying that income ef- fects (driven by rising labour productivity) must also have a part to play. Although microeconomic studies of rebound abound, there have only been a few attempts to build macroeconomic models in the literature: see for instance Saunders (1992, 2000). 10.3.2. A general rebound model. To analyse rebound we must have a general equilibrium model. Since we want to focus on the substitution between products on the consumption side in the simplest possible context we assume two products y1 and y2, both of which are produced competitively by a representative firm using a Leontief technology and inputs of labour and a resource. The key equations describing the production side of the economy are as follows:

(10.1) y1 = min(All1, Ar1r1);

(10.2) y2 = min(All2, Ar2r2);

(10.3) l1 + l2 = L;

(10.4) r1 + r2 = R.

The first two equations are the production functions for y1 and y2, and the second two equations show total labour and resource inputs. We assume that the labour force L is fixed, whereas re- sources R are provided at a price wr which is fixed relative to the wage wl, i.e. wr/wl = ψ where ψ is fixed. Both labour and the resource are traded on competitive markets. Define p1 as the price of good y1, and p2 as the price of y2. Furthermore, let the wage be the num´eraire, normalized to be equal to labour productivity Al: wl = Al. Since markets are competitive then price must be equal to marginal cost. Since we have Leontief then marginal cost is the same as average cost, and

r1 = l1(Al/Ar1); r2 = l2(Al/Ar2). So total costs for good 1 are

c1 = All1 + ψAll1(Al/Ar1), and similarly for good 2. Furthermore, production of the goods is

y1 = All1 and y2 = All2, hence average costs, and hence prices, are given by

p1 = 1 + ψ(Al/Ar1);

p2 = 1 + ψ(Al/Ar2).

Finally, use L = l1 + l2 and the expressions for r1 and r2 above to show that

R = r1 + r2 = Al[l1/Ar1 + (L − l1)/Ar2].

To investigate the rebound effect we assume that Ar1 increases. What happens? From the information we have, we know that r1/l1 will decline, and p1 (the price of good y1) will also decline. In general we expect this to lead to an increase in the quantity y1 demanded, and hence also an increase in l1, labour employed on the production of good 1. Mathematically we want to find the elasticity of total resource demand R to an increase in Ar1: we denote this elasticity ηr. Furthermore, for convenience—since we do not yet wish to specify the demand side of the model—we define the elasticity of l1 w.r.t. the change in Ar1 as ηl. Given these definitions, differentiate the above expression for R with respect to Ar1 to show that

r1 Ar1 (10.5) ηr = − 1 − 1 − ηl . r1 + r2 " Ar2 ! #

7For the first analysis of rebound see Jevons (1865), and for another useful presentation see Binswanger (2001). 80 10.3. Structural change without income effects

To understand equation (10.5), assume first that ηl = 0, implying that the elasticity of substi- tution between the products on the consumption side is zero. Then the elasticity of total energy demand with respect to an increase in Ar1 is simply equal to the share of product 1 in total energy demand. That is, there is zero rebound. Now assume instead that ηl > 0, implying that the price reduction in product 1 causes some reallocation of consumption (and hence also production) towards that product. Thus the term in square brackets may differ from 1. However, as a baseline case note that when Ar1 = Ar2 then this term is still 1, and ηr is still equal to the share of product 1 in total energy demand. The reason is that when the products (1 and 2) are of equal energy intensity then a reallocation of consumption between them does not affect total energy demand. Thus the rebound effect is zero. Now assume that ηl > 0 and Ar1 > Ar2, implying that product 1 is less energy-intensive that product 2. Now the term in square brackets is greater than one, implying that the rebound effect is negative, i.e. the increase in Ar1 causes a greater reduction in total energy demand than would be expected on the basis of a naive analysis. The reason is that the reallocation of consumption towards product 1 occurs at the expense of product 2, and product 2 is—by assumption—more energy-intensivethan product 1. Therefore this reallocation leads to a reduction in energy demand over and above that which is caused directly by the efficiency increase in production of good 1. Finally assume that ηl > 0 and Ar1 < Ar2, implying that product 1 is more energy-intensive that product 2. Now the term in square brackets is less than one, implying that the rebound effect is positive, i.e. the increase in Ar1 causes a smaller reduction in total energy demand than would be expected on the basis of a naive analysis. The reason is that the reallocation of consumption towards product 1 causes a net increase in energy demand because product 2 is—by assumption —less energy-intensive than product 1. Therefore this reallocation leads to an increase in energy demand, partly or even completely cancelling out the reduction which is caused directly by the efficiency increase in production of good 1. So we can conclude that rebound is caused by the reallocation of labour (and other inputs other than the resource) between sectors, triggered by an increase in resource efficiency in one sector. When that sector is of low initial resource-intensity then this reallocation is a further benefit, increasing the reduction in resource demand. In other words, the reboundeffect is negative. When that sector is energy intensive then the reallocation diminishes—or may even reverse—the direct effect of the efficiency increase.

10.3.3. A very simple specified model. We nowset out to specify ourreboundmodel (above) and try to calibrate it to match data. One property we would like our specified model to possess is that it should yield the constant resource share we observed in Figure 1.3. We begin by testing a model that mirrors the simple assumption of a Cobb–Douglas production function of a single good with two inputs (labour and the resource), but where we now have two goods each produced with one input, and the substitutability is on the consumption side. Having checked the model against data we go on to develop a slightly more sophisticated variant. In our simplest model the production functions for y1 and y2 are as follows:

(10.6) y1 = γlkll;

(10.7) y2 = γrkrr.

Thus labour is the only input to y1, and energy is the only input to y2. In equilibrium, l = L and r = R. To complete the overall picture we assume that aggregate consumption Y is a CES function of the two aggregate products y1 and y2, hence (at the level of the representative firm) we define a parameter ǫ ∈ (−1,∞), and

−ǫ −ǫ −1/ǫ (10.8) y = (αy1 + (1 − α)y2 ) .

Thus when ǫ is positive the two aggregate products are complements in the sense that if a product becomes increasingly scarce then its factor share rises. As above, the energy price is wr and the wage wl, and wr/wl = ψ. We want to test the ability of the model economy here to reproduce the data seen in Figure 1.3. To do so we let labour L and the ratio of the input prices, wr/wl, evolve exogenously, and derive total energy use R from the model. The solution is straightforward. Briefly, derive two different expressions for the ratio of the prices of the aggregate goods: firstly by comparing their marginal contribution to y, and secondly by comparing their unit production costs. Use these two expressions to eliminate the price ratio, Chapter 10. Structural change and energy demand 81 and rearrange to show that 1/(1+ǫ) R 1 − α γ k −ǫ w −1 = r r r . L  α γ k ! w !   l l l    Hence the aggregate elasticity of substitution between energy and labour is 1/(1 + ǫ). Now set ǫ = 0. This implies that equation 10.8 is Cobb–Douglas, and the aggregate elasticity of substitution between energy and labour is 1. Thus we have the constant-share result and 100 percent rebound (energy demand is not affected by the direction of technological change)! The result is intuitive: we have two products, one made entirely using labour, the other using only energy. When the products are combined in a Cobb–Douglas function on the consumption side the products take constant shares, and therefore labour and energy must also take constant shares. This model tackles two of the weaknesses of the Cobb–Douglas model: the unrealistically high substitutability between the inputs on the production side, and assumption that all products have equal energy intensity and are perfect substitutes on the consumption side. However, it replaces them with an equally troubling characteristic, i.e. the assumption that final goods are produced either using pure labour or pure energy. To see how problematic this is, consider Figure 10.5, where we illustrate how energy intensity varies across sectors. In Figure 10.5(a) we see that if we divide consumption into two equal parts, one energy-intensive the other not, then the low-energy-intensity consumption accounts for just under 20 percent of energy consumption. In 10.5(b) we see the energy intensity and expenditure share of different consumption categories: different types of services—of low energy-intensity—account for more than half of expenditure, while the two major energy-intensive categories are habitation and motor transport, and the final category (with highest intensity but only a small expenditure share) is air transport. The figure shows that dividing consumption into two input-specific products does not follow naturally from the data, which suggests a continuum of products of gradually increasing intensity. Furthermore, the energy share of the most energy-intensive product (air transport) is only around 14 percent, nothing like to 100 percent intensity assumed in the model.8

1 14

12 0.8 10 0.6 8

0.4 6

Cumulative energy 4

0.2 Energy intensity, percent 2

0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Cumulative expenditure Cumulative expenditure Figure 10.5. Cumulative energy use and energy intensity plotted against cumu- lative expenditure when consumption products are sorted in order of increasing energy intensity. All the axes are normalized. Regarding energy intensity, we only have data on relative intensities, and we normalize to give an average in- tensity of 4 percent.

10.3.4. A slightly more general model. Now assume two aggregate products Y1 and Y2, where the former is labour-intensive in production and the latter is energy-intensive. Each are produced in a constant-returnsproductionfunction in which technologyis exogenous. We can thus assume that they are produced by perfectly competitive firms and hence there are no aggregation problems within the two production sectors. We therefore focus on production y1 and y2 from the representative firm in each sector.

8The data for Figure 10.5 are from Mayer and Flachmann (2011). The products—in order of increasing energy intensity—are Education services; Health services; Health services and social work; Other services; Cultural and sport services; Retail and wholesale trade; Hotel and restaurant services; Office and electrical machinery; Paper and publish- ing; Water transport; Auxiliary transport services; Other land transport; Furniture, jewellery, musical instruments etc.; Other products; Textiles and furs; Food and tobacco; Agricultural products; Transport via railways; Habitation; Chemical products, rubber, and plastic; Motor transport; Air transport. 82 10.3. Structural change without income effects

Because we want to build a simple model, and because labour takes more than 95 percent of returns (energy less than 5 percent), we assume that y1 is produced using only labour, whereas y2 uses both. The production function for y2 is Leontief: as discussed above, the short-run elasticity of substitution between labour and energy is very low, and in the context of this model it can be ignored. Finally, we assume that technological change is completely unbiased, so we have a single knowledge stock k that grows exogenously and boosts the productivity of all inputs equally. We therefore have

(10.9) y1 = γl1kl1;

(10.10) y2 = k min(γl2l2,γr2r2);

(10.11) l1 + l2 = L;

(10.12) r2 = R. The remaining parameters are analogous to those of the DTC model: L and R are total labour and total resource use respectively. To complete the overall picture we assume that aggregate consumption Y is a CES function of the two aggregate products Yl and Yr, hence (at the level of the representative firm) we define a parameter ǫ ∈ (−1,∞), and −ǫ −ǫ −1/ǫ (10.13) y = (αy1 + (1 − α)y2 ) . Thus when ǫ is positive the two aggregate products are complements in the sense that if a product becomes increasingly scarce then its factor share rises. As above, the energy price is wr and the wage wl. We want to test the ability of the model economy here to reproduce the data seen in Figure 1.3. To do so we let labour L and the ratio of the input prices, wr/wl, evolve exogenously, and derive total energy use R from the model. To solve, first note that (from the Leontief production function) γl2l2 = γr2r2. Then derive two different expressions for the ratio of the prices of the aggregate goods: firstly by comparing their marginal contribution to y, and secondly by comparing their unit production costs. Use these two expressions to show that 1/(1+ǫ) l α γ −ǫ 1 = l1 (1 + ω) , l2 "1 − α γl2 ! # where w γ ω = r l2 , wl γr2 and represents the ratio of the energy price to the wage (in efficiency units). Use the expression for l1/l2 and the restriction on total labour to find l2, and hence R using γl2l2 = γr2r2: 1/(1+ǫ) −1 R γ α γ −ǫ = l2 1 + l1 (1 + ω) . L γr2  "1 − α γl2 ! #    Finally show that the elasticity of substitution between energy and labour is as follows: −ǫ 1/(1+ǫ) α γl1 (1 + ω) W ∂Q ω 1 1−α γl2 ηs = =     . Q ∂W 1 + ω 1 + ǫ −ǫ 1/(1+ǫ) α γl1 (1 + ω) + 1 1−α γl2     So when the price of energy declines relative to labour (as it has done historically), what happens to the energy share in the model economy? Start with the case of ǫ = 0, in which case equation 10.13 reduces to the Cobb–Douglas. Then we have α ω 1−α (1 + ω) ηs = α 1 + ω 1−α (1 + ω) + 1 So ηs is less than 1, i.e. when the price of energy relative to labour declines by 1 percent, energy use R (relative to labour) should rise by less than 1 percent, hence the energy share declines. However, there is a special case in which the above result does not hold, and that is when ω →∞, implying (in the limit) that the production function for y2 is simply

y2 = γr2kr2.

Then we have ηs = 1, i.e. the factor share of energy is constant. This is to be expected, as this case amounts to reducing the model to our previous model with input-specific products. The special case sheds light on the general cases. When both labour and energy are used in producing the energy-intensive good then—if we hold ǫ at zero—the effect of declining energy price on the relative price of that good is not so great, hence the shift in consumption patterns Chapter 10. Structural change and energy demand 83 caused by the price shift is not so great, hence the energy share declines as the relative price of energy declines (ηs < 1). Furthermore, as the energy share of the energy-intensive good declines the elasticity ηs declines, approaching zero in the very long run as ω approaches zero, at which point the energy share is zero. When ǫ< 0—indicating a very high degree of substitutability between the labour-intensive and the energy-intensive goods—then for ω sufficiently high the model can deliver ηs = 1 and hence a constant energy share. However, again, the decline in the relative price of energy causes ω to decline, and as ω declines then ηs will decline. That is, the constancy of the energy share is only temporary, and in the long run the energy share will—far from being constant—approach zero. We do not parameterize the model formally, rather we look for evidence suggesting reason- able values for the parameters. Consider first Figure 10.5. Firstly, the figure shows that dividing consumption into just two products of differing energy intensity does not follow naturally from the data, which suggests a continuum of products of gradually increasing intensity. Secondly, the spread of energy intensities in the data is not very great: half of consumption expenditure goes on products with energy intensity between 25 and 50 percent of the average level, 49 percent of expenditure goes on products with energy intensity between 63 and 250 percent of the average level, and even the most energy-intensive good (air transport) at 1 percent of expenditure is just 3.5 times more energy-intensive than the average good. The data suggests that if we must lump consumption into two goods, and assuming that aver- age energy intensity is 5 percent, then we could choose one good with intensity 2 percent which accounts for 50 percent of consumption, and the other with intensity 8 percent accounting for the other 50 percent. Given the even more restrictive set-up of the model—with one good having zero energy intensity—then we could think of the second good as accounting for 50 percent of consumption at 10 percent intensity. If this represents the situation today, could we have got there (in the model economy) via a long-run path with constant energy share? It is straightforward to show that the above parameterization implies that ω = 0.12.9 The only way to achieve a sufficiently high elasticity of substitution between labour and energy would then be to assume that ǫ were close to −1, i.e. labour-intensive goods such as services, and energy- intensive goods such as transport and housing should be almost perfect substitutes. The data does not support such a parameterization. 10.3.5. The failure of models without income effects. Consider for instance microeco- nomic studies of rebound effects. Rebound is present when an increase in the energy efficiency of some process in the economy by a factor x (where x > 1) leads to a reduction of total rate of energy use in the economy by less than Q(1 − 1/x), where Q was the original rate of energy use in that process. There are potentially several reasons for rebound in a real economy, but in the model above there is just one: that an increase in the efficiency with which the energy-intensive product is produced leads to a reallocation of production labour towards that product, thus reduc- ing the potential saving on energy use. The evidence for rebound effects is reviewed by Sorrell (2007), who finds that they are significant but generally much less than 100 percent: increases in energy efficiency of specific products do lead to large reductions in energy use associated with consumption of those products. In terms of the model, this indicates that the substitutability be- tween energy-intensive and other products is relatively far from perfect, just as intuition would suggest.10 The rebound evidence shows that the price-elasticity of demand for specific products is insuf- ficient to account for the historically observed aggregate elasticity of substitution between energy and labour. But the evidence over the period 1870–1970—rapidly increasing energy-efficiency in the production of specific goods (such as artificial light and motive power), combined with the rise in energy use tracking the rise in global product—nevertheless demonstrates that there must have been a shift in consumption patterns towards energy-intensivegoods. Direct evidence on con- sumption patterns confirms that such shifts have occurred. Regarding consumption of light, for instance, Fouquet and Pearson find that per capita consumption of artificial light in the U.K. rose by a factor of 7000 between 1800 and 2000. This factor should be compared to the approximately 15-fold increase in per-capita GDP over the same period; without shifts in consumption patterns, consumption of all products should have risen by this factor over the period. Regarding transport,

9If the energy share of the second good is 10 percent while its expenditure share is 50 percent then 44 percent of labour must be employed in making the second good, i.e. l2/l1 = 0.8. Furthermore, if the overall energy share is 5 percent then wl(l1 + l2) = 19wr r2. Eliminate l1 to show that wll2 = 8.4wrr2. But we know that γl2l2 = γr2r2, hence wl/γl = 8.4wr/γr2, hence we have ωr = 0.12. 10For the first analysis of rebound see Jevons (1865), and for another useful presentation see (Binswanger, 2001). 84 10.4. A model of endogenously expanding variety

Knittel (2011) analyses technological change and consumption patterns in the U.S. automobile in- dustry, and shows that—for a vehicle of fixed characteristics in terms of weight and engine power —fuel economy would have increased by 60 percent over the period 1980–2006 due to technolog- ical change; this is approximately on a par with increases in labour productivity. Furthermore, he also shows that actual average fuel economy increased by just 15 percent, the difference being due to countervailing increases in the weight and power of vehicles. Thus we have efficiency improve- ment leading to a fall in unit costs of energy services, combined with a countervailing increase in consumption of these services. We can thus summarize the rebound model as follows. The above evidence supports the idea that substitution between products of differing energy intensity is important to take into account when determining energy policy, and demonstrates how such substitution has the potential to undermineefforts to reduce energy demand through increases in energy efficiency. However, the failure of our simple model above shows that we need a less restrictive model in order to capture the key mechanisms: two mechanisms which might be rele- vant are (i) substitution due to income effects as well as substitution effects, and (ii) substitution towards new products rather than between existing products. These two mechanisms are related to one another, as we can see by considering the historical data. Consider for instance transport: during the 20th century technological progress drove both rising incomes and the appearance of new energy-intensive consumption goods such as automobile and air transport. Such goods are luxuries to low-income households (and hence also to any household if we go back in time suf- ficiently) hence their income-elasticity of demand was initially high, and rising incomes caused a substitution towards such goods from less energy-intensive alternatives. In the next chapter we present a model which envisions this process of technological change and substitution towards new, more energy-intensive goods as a continuous process which will only be broken by changes in the relative price trend of energy to labour.

10.4. A model of endogenously expanding variety We now build a model which includes both substitution and income effects, and furthermore allows for the possibility of an endogenously expanding variety of goods.

10.4.1. The model. In the model there is an infinite continuum of goods which can poten- tially be made, indexed by i. The goods are made by perfectly competitive firms using labour and energy, so price is equal to marginal cost. There are constant returns to scale in labour and energy, so returns to labour and energy are equal to revenue. The production function is Leontief, thus we have—for firm i—

yi = min{γliklili,γrikriri}. For tractability we restrict the production function further, with regard to labour and energy pro- ductivity: we assume that labour productivity γlikli is equal across all the goods, and denote it Al; and we assume that energy productivity γrikri is a declining function of i, Ar/i. Productivity indices Al and Ar evolve exogenously. Thus we have the following equations:

yi = min{Alli,(Ar/i)ri}; ∞ R = ridi; Z0 ∞ L = lidi. Z0 The representative consumer’s utility is a CES function of the quantities of the goods consumed by that agent—where each good has the same weight—but adjusted by a constant factory ¯ which ensures that no good is essential even though the goods are complements (ǫ> 0): ∞ −1/ǫ −ǫ −ǫ u = [(yi/L + y¯) − y¯ ]di . (Z0 ) It follows from the Leontief production function that when firms optimize

yi = Alli,

and ri = (Al/Ar)ili.

Since pi (the price of yi) is equal to marginal cost we have

(10.14) pi = wl/Al + wri/Ar = wl/Al(1 + ωi),

where ω = wr/Ar/(wl/Al). Chapter 10. Structural change and energy demand 85

As previously, wl and wr are the wage and the energy price, and ω is the ratio of the energy price to the wage, in efficiency units. We continue to assume that the ratio of the energy price to the wage, wr/wl, evolves exogenously. Since productivities are also exogenous this implies that ω is exogenous. 10.4.2. Solution to the expanding-variety model. The solution of the model is straightfor- ward but somewhat long-winded. For the full working the reader is referred to Hart (2014). Note however that for tractability we assume ǫ = 1. The results are as follows: 1 2 1 (10.15) N = 1 + Aˆ − ; ω ω h i (10.16) y0 = Ly¯Aˆ; y0 + Ly¯ (10.17) yi = − Ly¯; (1 + ωi)1/2 (10.18) ri = yii/Ar; w R 2 Aˆ2 (10.19) and r = Aˆ 1 + , wlL 3 4 ! A ω 1/2 (10.20) where Aˆ = l . y¯ !

So the factor share of energy is increasing in Aˆ, and Aˆ is increasing in Al (labour productivity) and ω (the relative energy price in efficiency units). Furthermore, since we know that the factor share of energy is small—less than 5 percent—this tells us that Aˆ is small (around 0.05) and hence Aˆ2/4 ≪ 1, so we can approximate w R 2 (10.21) r ≈ (A ω)1/2 . 1/2 l wlL 3¯y So if the price of energy (in efficiency units) declines at the same rate as labour productivity increases then the energy share is constant. This implies that if the energy price wr is constant, and the productivities Al and Ar grow at equal rates, then the factor share of energy is constant. On the other hand, since the elasticity of the energy share to the energy price is 0.5, an increasing energy price leads to a slow increase in the energy share. Finally, if energy efficiency Ar grows faster then labour efficiency Al this reduces the energy share. 10.4.3. Parameterization. We parameterizethe model to fit the data of Figures 1.3 and 10.5. However, it turns out that there is almost nothing to parameterize. We normalize (without loss of generality) the initial levels of the productivities Al and Ar, and the energy price wr, then set y¯ to match the energy factor share; y0 is then determined by (10.16). We set the energy share at 4 percent and normalize Ar = Al = L = wr = 1, implying thaty ¯ = 278 and y0 = 16.7. Putting these numbers into the model we obtain the pattern of expenditure and energy intensity shown in Figure 10.6, where we compare the pattern derived from the model to the pattern found in the data previously shown (Figure 10.5). Note that the model does a reasonable job of matching the observed spread of expenditure across goods of differing energy intensity, despite its lack of flexibility. Turning to the time-series data, we now have a little more flexibility because we can test different assumptions about the growth of Ar. In Figure 10.7 we set the growth rate of Ar at 10 percent higher than the growth rate of Al, where the latter is imputed from growth in GDP. We make no attempt to adapt the model to match the short-run data. Againwe see that the model does a reasonable job in matching the data, although given the very simple pattern in the data this is perhaps not a very startling achievement. The main failure of the model (apart from not matching short-run fluctuations) is that it predicts a steep increase in energy consumption following the price declines after 1980, an increase not found in the data. We discuss possible reasons for this divergence in the next section. 10.4.4. Implications of the expanding variety model. The key result of the expanding va- riety model is (10.21), implying that 1/2 1/2 R 1 Al (10.22) ≈ C · Al , L wr ! Ar ! where C is a constant. The model matches the long-run data fairly well. Furthermore, it is consis- tent with the data of Figure 10.5, showing the spread of production across energy intensities; the parameterization is broadly consistent with evidence regarding the bias of technological change, 86 10.4. A model of endogenously expanding variety

1 14

12 0.8 10 0.6 8

0.4 6

Cumulative energy 4

0.2 Energy intensity, percent 2

0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Cumulative expenditure Cumulative expenditure Figure 10.6. Cumulative energy use and energy intensity plotted against cumu- lative expenditure when consumption products are sorted in order of increasing energy intensity: the model economy (dashed lines) and data compared. Data as in Figure 10.5

3 Energy Price 3 Energy Price ... Quantity, observed ... Quantity, observed 2.5 ... Quantity, modelled 2.5 ... Quantity, modelled 2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

ln, normalized 0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5 1850 1900 1950 2000 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

Figure 10.7. Long-run growth in observed energy consumption compared to modelled energy consumption: (a) U.K.; (b) Globally. Data as in Figure 1.3 i.e. that there has been some bias towards the growth of energy-augmenting technology; and the model includes both income and substitution effects in its explanation for the long-run failure of the energy share to decline. Finally, the expansion of consumption into energy-intensive sectors is clearly relevant: the two most energy-intensive sectors in Figure 10.5 are motor transport and air transport. These sectors rose from scratch during the 20th century as a result of a combination of income growth and progress in energy-augmenting technology, exactly as described by the model economy. We therefore focus the remainder of the discussion on this model. In order to better understand the implications of the expanding variety model we need a clearer picture of the structure of the economy and the nature of structural change, which is given by Figure 10.8. In Figure 10.8 we have i—i.e. the index of different goods—on the x-axis, and on the y-axis we show energy use ri (upper panel) and three different elasticities (lower panel). The first thing to note from the figure is that most energy use comes from products in the middle of the energy-intensity range, which is to be expected since production of the most energy-intensive goods approaches zero. Assume now that a regulator has policy tools (such as technology subsidies) with which to selectively boost specific productivity levels Ari and Ali, or the overall productivity levels Ar and Al. This could be through a mechanism similar to that which applies in the DTC model. First assume that the regulator induces a general increase in productivity (Al and Ar both increase by the same factor, while relative prices wr/wl are constant), and define the elasticity of ri w.r.t. the productivity increase as ηriA. From (10.22) we know that the elasticity of total energy use to the TFP increase is 0.5, but now we want to study individual products. The top panel of Figure 10.8 shows that the ri curve is flattened and shifted to the right as the variety of goods produced increases. This leads to a fall in the total energy use from low-intensity goods, and steep rises in energy use from high-intensity goods. The lower panel of Figure 10.8 shows that ηriA is −1 when i = 0, and approaches infinity when i → N. The reason for the latter result is that when i is close to N the goodsare on the cusp of affordability, hence their price elasticity of demand is extremely high. Chapter 10. Structural change and energy demand 87

r baseline 0.6 i ri raised A 0.5 ri raised Ar





0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12

6 ηriA ηriAr η 4 RAri




0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 i

Figure 10.8. Energy consumption for individual products ri as a function of i. The top panel shows the baseline curve and the effect of 10 percent increases in A and Ar respectively. The lower panel shows the elasticity of energy consump- tion with respect to overall technological progress, ηriA, energy-augmenting technological progress, ηriAr, and product-specific energy-augmenting techno- logical progress, ηRAri.

Secondly, assume instead a general increase in Ar alone, holding prices constant, and define the elasticity of ri w.r.t. the increase in Ar alone as ηriAr. Again we can use (10.22) to find the elasticity of total energy use to such a change, which is −0.5, and again we see from Figure 10.8 that the ri curve is flattened and shifted to the right. The difference is that ηriAr is now negative for the majority of the products, because the rise in Ar has a strong direct downward effect on energy use. However, it also causes a relatively strong substitution effect towards energy-intensive products, hence the rise in total energy use for highly high-intensity products. Thirdly we investigate the effect on total energy consumption of an increase in Ari, the energy- efficiency of a specific product. The elasticity of R w.r.t. Ari is zero since product i is one of an infinite number and any change in just one product will have a negligible effect on total energy consumption. Therefore we define the ‘elasticity’ ηRAri as dR/ri/(dAri/Ari), hence it shows the total change in energy consumption as a percentage of ri, divided by the percentage change in Ari. The curve is broadly similar to the curve for ηriAr. A rise in the energy-efficiency of a medium- intensity product yields a reduction in energy use per unit of that product made, and also causes substitution towards that product. But because the product is of medium energy-intensity this substitution has little effect on total energy, hence the total effect of the rise in Ari is negative. For a high-intensity product, on the other hand, the model indicates backfire: an increase in Ari leads to an increase in total energy consumption R. Finally, the effect of a rise in wr (not illustrated) is almost a mirror-image of the effect of the rise in A: consumption is pushed back towards low-intensity products, leading to increases in total energy use associated with these products, at the same time as energy use in producing high-intensity products declines dramatically. Note that the results for ηRAri are most relevant to the discussion of the rebound effect, as they relate to the effect on total energy consumption of product-specific improvements in energy effi- ciency. They show that the effect is very strongly dependent on the energy-intensity of the product in question: for products of low energy-intensity the rebound effect is negative, that is (recalling the discussion in the introduction), an increase in Ari by a factor x leads to a reduction of R by more than Ri(1 − 1/x). The reason is that substitution by consumers towards products of lower- than-average energy intensity makes a positive contribution towards reducing total energy demand. However, for products of the highest energy intensity we have instead backfire, i.e. increases in Ari lead to increases in total energy consumption. 88 10.5. Evidence for income effects in energy demand

10.4.5. Relevance of the model to real economies. The expanding variety model captures two mechanisms which are not captured by our previous, simpler models: (i) substitution due to income effects as well as price effects; and (ii) substitution towards new products rather than between existing products. These two mechanisms are related to one another, as we can see by considering the historical data. Consider for instance transport: during the 20th century technolog- ical progress drove both rising incomes and the appearance of new energy-intensive consumption goods such as automobile and air transport. Such goods are luxuries to low-income households (and hence also to any household if we go back in time sufficiently) hence their income-elasticity of demand was initially high, and rising incomes caused a substitution towards such goods from less energy-intensive alternatives. The model has a number of weaknesses that limit our ability to use it to draw conclusions about real economies. Here we discuss the following: the failure of the model to match recent data; the high price-elasticity of demand for goods and hence the unrealistically powerful rebound effects for energy-intensive goods; the lack of flexibility in treating income effects. The model does a poor job in predicting the rather constant global energy consumption after 1980. Can we then trust its long-run predictions? There are several possible explanations for the apparent failure of the model after 1980, of which we mention two. The first possible explanation is that the price shocks of the 1970s had a profound and long-lived effect on investment decisions, due in turn to a change in long-run price expectations: pre-1974 the dominant expectation may have been the prices would continue their slow decline, whereas post-1974 it seems reasonable that expectations about future prices may have been revised dramatically upwards. Such a change could lead to an increase in the growth rate of Ar relative to Al, thus holding energy consumption down. The second possible explanation is that the energy crisis of 1974 led to a series of energy- related policies—not fully captured by the energy price—which amount to implicit rises in the price of energy paid by firms and consumers, even though these increases have not been captured in our data. There are also several possible reasons why the model could be more fundamentally wrong. The key reason is that the model works because demand for individual goods is highly price- elastic, which allows consumers to substitute quite freely between goods of low and high energy- intensity, depending on their relative prices. The other side of the coin is that income effects— while present in the model—are limited in power. Due to the need for tractability we cannot cal- ibrate the model to raise the strength of income effects on demand for energy-intensive products; neither can we calibrate consumers’ willingness to pay for expanding variety. If we could lessen the substitutability between goods and strengthen income effects we could potentially continue to fit the historical data, while weakening the rebound effects predicted by the model. More gener- ally, the balance between income and substitution effects is crucial to the predictions and policy conclusions of the model. In the model this balance is stable, by construction. However, it is possible that the income-elasticity of demand for energy-intensive products declines with rising income, and is very low or even negative when incomes are very high (i.e. in rich industrialized nations). This is a very optimistic scenario as it suggests that energy demand will tail off endoge- nously without the need for price rises or technology policy. This vision of a clean, post-industrial global economy is tempting, but little convincing evidence has been presented that it will material- ize without powerful policy interventions. It is contradicted by the evidence presented by Knittel (2011). A further weakness of the model is the need to assume a representative consumer, implying that a product on the cusp of affordability for one consumer is on the cusp of affordability for all consumers. This causes the demand elasticities for such products to be seriously overestimated: in reality the good may be inferior for richest consumers, and completely out of reach for the poorest. A useful extension to the model would therefore be to disaggregate consumers into groups at different income levels and treat their demand for goods separately, as is done in much of the literature on rebound effects for individual products. In such a model it is possible that income effects would dominate, and (in the most optimistic scenario) that in the very long run energy consumption will level off or decline as the richest consumers substitute away from energy- intensive goods. The approach developed by Boppart (2014) could be applied to this problem.

10.5. Evidence for income effects in energy demand In this section we look for evidence for income effects in cross-country data. The work so far is highly preliminary. We know that energy prices differ greatly between countries, mainly due to differences in tax- ation; in some countries energy taxes may be rather high, whereas in others energy consumption Chapter 10. Structural change and energy demand 89

45 UZB −6 UKRTKM TTO 40 QAT MNGBIH KAZ TTO −6.5 KGZVNM CHNIRN 35 ZWE IND EAPMKDSRBZAF SAS SYR BLRCSSPLWRUS EGYMNATHABGR ESTBHROMNABW KWT −7 PAKMDALMC LMYMICIRQAZEUMCECAMYS SAU BEN BOLGUYDZA JORARBMEA NOC KWT 30 YEM SSTEASSYCPOL BRN LBR MRTSSASSF IDNMHL MNE −7.5 LICBGDSEN GEOMARTUNJAMSURLBN CZEKORARE QAT TGOAFGGMBTJKSTPNICHND ECUMDVROUARGWLDVEN 25 KIR ARMTON MUSMEXATG ABWBRN KEN PHLPSSFJIDOMBWATURHUNSVK GNQ LDCKHMNGA FSMALBAGOOSSPERPANLTUHRVKNABRB NACUSA LUX −8 MOZHTICMRPNG VCTLCAGRDLACLCNLVACHL MLTBHS ECSSVNISRHICCANAUS 20 BHROMN ARE TZAGNBHPCSLBGHABTNWSMSWZSLVBLZNAMDMA GRCOEDOEC NERERIGINSLE COMLAOCIV LKAGTMPRY COL CYPFIN USA lnCO2/GDP COD MDGNPL PRTEUUBELNLD SAU NACAUS ETHMWIUGATLS SDN CPV CRI NZLGBRDEUJPN LUX CO2 emissions KAZ −8.5 BRA ESPITAEMUIRL 15 CAN BFA VUT GABURY AUT ESTNOC COG HKGISL RUS NOR BDI ZMB FRADNKNOR TKMPLWCZEKOR HICOECFINNLD −9 CAF 10 CSS ISROEDBEL SWE ZAFPOL DEUJPNIRL DNK RWA BIHIRNMYSSYC ECSSVNGRCCYPNZLEUUGBREMUAUT BMU UKRCHNSRBBLRBGRMEAATGVENSVKGNQMLTBHSESPITAISL BMU 5 EAPMKDAZEUMCARBECAEASSURLBNWLDHUNHRVKNABRBPRT HKGFRASWE CHE −9.5 CHE UZBMNGMICMNAJORIRQTHASSTMNEROUMEXARGTURLVALTUCHL SYREGYLMYTUNDZAJAMMDVLCABWAPANGRDMUSLACLCN SGP MLI SGP KGZVNMSASINDMDALMCBOLGEOMARGUYPSSIDNMHLARMTONFJIALBAGOOSSECUBLZNAMDOMPERCOLVCTDMACRIGABBRAURY MAC TCD 0 BDICODLBRMWINERETHERIMDGMOZCAFSLEGINRWALICTGOGNBUGATZAGMBAFGZWEBFANPLMLIBGDHTITCDBENLDCHPCTJKKHMKENTLSCOMSENMRTPAKLSOCMRSTPLAOCIVZMBSLBSSFSSAGHAYEMPNGSDNNGAKIRNICHNDPHLBTNLKAFSMGTMVUTCOGSWZWSMPRYCPVSLV −10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11MAC GDP 4 lnGDP x 10 Figure 10.9. Data on GDP and emissions from 2010. Source: World Bank, World development indicators. is actually subsidized by the government either directly or indirectly. A way for a government to subsidize indirectly could be to extract the resources itself and then sell them domestically at a price below the world-market price. Given this variation in prices we have a way of investi- gating substitution and income effects: if substitution effects are insignificant (energy demand is price-inelastic but rises with income) then we should see a strong correlation between income and emissions, and a weak correlation between prices and emissions. Unfortunately we don’t have easy access to price data, but we can plot emissions as a function of income (GDP), and also emissions per unit of GDP as a function of GDP: Figure 10.9. In Figure 10.9 we see that the emissions-intensity of GDP varies greatly between countries, and that any relationship between emissions intensity and GDP is unclear; there may however be a tendency for emissions intensity to rise as GDP rises from a very low level, and then fall again at very high levels. So there is some evidence for incomeeffects of the type described in the model, where energy is initially a luxury good but becomes an inferior good at high income levels. However, the ‘inverted U’ appearance may be driven by outliers; the four countries in the bottom-right corner are Bermuda, Switzerland, Singapore, and Macau. In all four countries GDP is inflated by a very high level of trade and financial services, which (it could be argued) pulls down the CO2/GDP ratio artificially. On the other hand, the data is suggestive of a relationship between emissions intensity and energy price: the seven countries with the highest emissions intensity are (in reverse order) Kaza- khstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mongolia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uzbekistan. These are energy-rich low-income countries with low energy prices. Note also Atkeson and Kehoe (1999), who find—based on a cross–country study—that the price-elasticity of demand for energy is around 1. So price effects seem to be important in explaining emissions intensity across countries.

Part 4

Substitution between resource inputs, and pollution In this part of the book we turn from the analysis of overall demand for nonrenewable re- sources and energy, to the analysis of demand for alternative—substitutable—resource inputs. Such inputs may be alternatives such as iron and aluminium, or coal and gas. But they could also be coal and wind, or coal and solar. Clearly, such substitution has major implications for the analysis of polluting emissions, and after an initial (more general) analysis, we turn our focus to the prediction and regulation of polluting emissions. We show that rising income drives substitu- tion from dirty inputs, such as coal, to cleaner inputs such as gas or renewables. This helps us to understand the observed tendency of polluting emissions to first rise over time, and then decline: the rises are driven by the increase in overall resource demand, driven by growth; and the declines are driven by switches to cleaner inputs. CHAPTER 11

Substitution between alternative resource inputs

Return now to Goeller and Weinberg (1976), which we discussed at the end of Chapter 7. Re- call that they argue that reserves of the majority of minerals—including staples such as iron and aluminium—are so vast that they can never realistically be consumed. With the clear exception of phosphorus they argue that society can exist on these superabundant resources indefinitely. How- ever, even though the total supply of minerals is unimaginably vast, it is still of course possible that the supplies some particular minerals may be exhausted, or at least that they may increase very steeply in price. Under these circumstances we need to consider not just the possibility of adaptations which help us to do without mineral inputs in general—as above—but we should also consider the substitution of abundant or cheap minerals for those that are becoming scarce or expensive. We investigate such substitution in this chapter. We begin by building and testing a very simple model of resource substitution, in which two alternative resources are available which are substitutable for one another, and technological change in the resource sector is unbiased. We show that the model can do a reasonable job of accounting for aggregate data in two cases. We then go on to consider Solow’s third adaptation mechanism to resource scarcity (page 40), which was to increase—through technological change —the efficiency of an alternative (substitute) resource in production of one or more product cat- egories. The idea here is that when there is a need to switch to an alternative resource, directed investments lead to an increase in the efficiency with which we can use the alternative resource. This idea is related to the concepts of path dependence and lock-in discussed by Arthur (1989) among others, and the idea that we are ‘locked in’ to fossil-fuel use by history dates at least to Unruh (2000). More recently, Acemoglu et al. (2012) have proposed a model in which a regulator can transform lock-in to break-out: through a massive but short-run effort the regulator can set in train a technology transition from dirty to clean energy, a transition which will then continue without the need for further regulation. We analyse—and question—the relevance of this model in the next part of the book, on pollution.

11.1. A simple model with alternative resource inputs 11.1.1. The basic model. Recall from Part 2 that the simple Cobb–Douglas production func- tion with labour, capital, and resources does a decent job of matching the aggregate long-run data, with constant factor shares for labour, capital, and resources.1 Furthermore, in a long-run context with perfect information and relatively constant growth we can abstract from capital without any major loss of relevance for the model. We then have the following aggregate production function: 1−α α Y = (ALL) (ARR) .

−1 The units of Y are widgets year , the units of L are simply workers, hence the units of AL are widgets worker−1 year−1. The units of R, the resource input, are now res year−1, where res is a measure of resource services, the meaning of which will become clearer below. The production function implies (as we saw above) that returns to the resource relative to labour are constant, irrespective of relative prices, directed technological change, etc. To see this set up the representative producer’s problem— 1−α α maxπ = py(ALL) (ARR) − wlL − wrR

—and differentiate w.r.t. R to find wr:

wr = αY/R

and wrR/Y = α.

1Note that we know from the previous chapter that the diversity of products made in real economies is important for understanding resource demand. However, here we make the assumption that it can be ignored—at least for the time being—when modelling demand for alternative resources.

93 94 11.1.Asimplemodelwithalternativeresourceinputs

Now we return to R, resource services. We have two physical resource inputs (units tons −1 year ), Xc and Xd, and the production function for resource services is ǫ ǫ 1/ǫ (11.1) Rt = (γcActXct) + (γdAdtXdt) , where the elasticity of substitution between the two is 1/(1 − ǫ), and ǫ ∈ (0,1). So the two inputs are highly substitutable in the production of resource services R. Consider for example iron and aluminium, or coal and oil. The units are shown in Table 11.1, where (for instance) ideasC means ideas augmenting resource input C.

Table 11.1. Units in the production function for resource services

Quantity Unit Quantity Unit −1 −1 −1 −1 γc res tonC ideaC γd res tonD ideaD AC ideasD AD ideasD C tons of C year−1 R tons of D year−1

Note that the production function for resource services implies that if we have only one re- source input (perhaps only iron and no aluminium) then the function is very simple. For instance, if we have only input C then

Rt = γcAct Xct, and likewise for input D. Now assume that γcAct Xct and γdAdtXdt are both equal to R¯/2. Then when they are combined in the production function we have R = 2(1−ǫ)/ǫ R¯, which is greater than R¯. Because the inputs are imperfect substitutes they therefore complement each other to some extent, implying that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Now we turn to technological change. In this section we simply assume that technological change in the resource production function is unbiased and exogenous, implying that AC and AD grow at equal rates. Furthermore, we assume that AR is constant, since resource services are already augmented by technologies AC and AD. Finally, AL grows exogenously at a constant rate g, which is also the growth rate of AC and AD, and population grows at rate n. Without loss of generality we normalize AR = 1, and AC = AD = AL = A. The two resources are extracted using final goods, and unit extraction costs are wct and wdt respectively. So we have 1−α α Yt = (AtLt) Rt , ǫ ǫ 1/ǫ Rt = At (γcXct) + (γdXdt) ,

and Ct = Yt − (wctXct + wdtXdt), where C is aggregate consumption. If the resources are scarce then resource price will be extrac- tion cost plus scarcity rent; however, for now we simplify by assuming that price equals extraction cost, and account for scarcity informally by allowing price to rise. When testing the model empir- ically we only have data on price (and hence no data on extraction cost and scarcity rent).

11.1.2. The solution. The solution to the model is straightforward. We already have that

wrR = αY. Consider now production of R. Set up the producer’s profit-maximization problem as follows, ǫ ǫ 1/ǫ π = wrt At (γcXct) + (γdXdt) − wctXct − wdtXdt, and take first-order conditions to show that  1−ǫ ǫ wcXc = wr(R/A) (γcXc) 1−ǫ ǫ and wd Xd = wr(R/A) (γdXd) , and hence 1/(1−ǫ) ǫ/(1−ǫ) wcXc = wr (R/A)(γc/wc) 1/(1−ǫ) ǫ/(1−ǫ) and wd Xd = wr (R/A)(γd/wd) . Chapter 11. Substitution between alternative resource inputs 95

Because we have perfect markets, price equals unit cost so

wr = (wcXc + wdXd)/R ǫ/(1−ǫ) ǫ/(1−ǫ) ǫ/(1−ǫ) = A/[(γc/wc) + (γd/wd) ] . n o And since wrR = αY we have 1−α wr = α(AL/R) , and we can eliminate wr to yield ǫ/(1−ǫ) ǫ/(1−ǫ) 1/(1−α) R = AL α[(γc/wc) + (γd/wd) ] . n o So if wc and wd are both constant then R grows at the same rate as Y, i.e. g + n, the sum of the growth rates of labour productivity and population. And the relative factor shares of the resources are w X γ /w ǫ/(1−ǫ) c c = c c . wdXd γd/wd ! This implies that the resource that is cheaper per efficiency unit takes the larger factor share, and the advantage is bigger the higher is the substitutability between the resources (i.e. when ǫ → 1). 11.1.3. Empirical tests. To test the explanatory power of this very simple model we take two pairs of resources, oil–coal and iron–aluminium. In each case we first present data on prices and factor expenditure, and compare the expenditure to GGP (gross global product). We then plot total expenditure on the two factors together against GGP, and check whether the ratio of the two is approximately constant. (Recall from the model that this ratio should be constant, α.) Finally we plot the ratio of expenditures on the two factors, and compare this to the same ratio obtained using the price data and the parameterized model. In the model economy (immediately above) the ratio is w X γ /w ǫ/(1−ǫ) c c = c c . wdXd γd/wd ! We take the price data (i.e. wc and wd), then find parameters ǫ and γc/γd to fit the factor-share data as well as possible.2

0 3 GGP shares, OBS −2 GGP 0 C+O exp, OBS shares, MOD 2 C+O exp, MOD −4 −2 1 −6 Coal exp 0 −8 −4 log −10 −1 Oil exp −12 −6 −2 −14 Coal price −8 −3 −16 Oil price −18 −10 −4 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000

Figure 11.1. Long-run growth in prices and factor expenditure, compared to growth in global product, for crude oil and coal, and a test of the model. In the left-hand figure we see observed prices and expenditures, with expenditures compared to global product. In the middle figure we see observed total expen- diture on coal and oil, compared to the model prediction (based on the prices). And in the right-hand figure we see the observed relative factor shares of coal and oil, compared to the model prediction. In the calibrated model we have α = 0.02, γc/γd = 0.55, and ǫ = 0.76.

In Figure 11.1 we see that the Cobb–Douglas does a reasonable job of approximating the ag- gregate global production function in this case, although the factor share of oil and coal combined has (according to the data) actually risen during the 140 years for which we have data, rather than

2Note that at this stage we simply eyeball the graphs, Figures 11.1 and 11.2 to determine the goodness of fit. 96 11.2. Technological change oil being constant. This can be seen most clearly in the middle panel. In the left panel we see that the price trend of oil relative to coal was a very slow decline up to 1973, after which prices became much more volatile, and the gap decreased. The model (smoothed) can easily match the increase in the oil share as the oil price declines (right-hand panel), but it doesn’t do quite such a good job of accounting for what happens after the oil crisis, where the oil share continues to grow despite the increasing price of oil relative to coal. Nevertheless, considering the simplicity of the model it does a remarkably good job of matching the data.

0 4 1.5 GGP shares, OBS −2 GGP 2 C+O exp, OBS 1 shares, MOD C+O exp, MOD −4 0 0.5 −6 0 −2 −8 −0.5 Fe exp log −4 −10 −1 Al exp −12 −6 −1.5 Fe price −2 −14 −8 −2.5 −16 −10 Al price −3 −18 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000

Figure 11.2. Long-run growth in prices and factor expenditure, compared to growth in global product, for iron and aluminium, and a test of the model. In the left-hand figure we see observed prices and expenditures, with expenditures compared to global product. In the middle figure we see observed total expen- diture on iron and aluminium, compared to the model prediction (based on the prices). And in the right-hand figure we see the observed relative factor shares of iron and aluminium, compared to the model prediction. In the calibrated model we have α = 0.002, γc/γd = 50, and ǫ = 0.55.

In Figure 11.2 we see that the Cobb–Douglas does an excellent job of approximating the ag- gregate global production function when we assume that the inputs are labour (or labour–capital), iron, and aluminium (middle panel). In the left panel we see that the price trend was for a steady decline in the price of aluminium relative to iron, while the trend in factor share was a correspond- ing increase in the share of aluminium. The model (smoothed) also does a remarkably good job of matching the increase in factor share triggered by the decline in relative price of aluminium, although it could be argued that this is due to a lack of variability in the data (if the long-run trend of relative prices were more complex this would be a more discriminating test of the model).

11.2. Technological change In the above model we assumed unbiased technological change in the resource sector. We thus rule out by construction the mechanism discussed by Solow (1973) andmodelledby Acemoglu et al. (2012) whereby a resource which increases in importance (factor share) attracts more investment, and therefore increases in efficiency also. The success of our model without DTC suggests that this mechanism may be of limited importance, but it is intuitively appealing and potentially im- portant for prediction and policy, hence we investigate further here, and again in the next part of the book.

11.2.1. The basic DTC model. Now to our model of DTC. We could specify and solve the same DTC model that we developed in the previous chapter. However, for convenience we simply borrow the results of that model and apply them here. Recall that we showed there (equation 9.8) that relative investments are equal to relative factor shares, z w L A L ǫ lt = lt t = lt t . zrt wrtRt ArtRt ! This shows relative investments in labour-augmenting and resource-augmenting technologies. A corresponding equation applies within the resource-intensive sector when there are two competing Chapter 11. Substitution between alternative resource inputs 97 resource inputs, C and D: z w C A C ǫ (11.2) ct = ct t = ct t . zdt wdtDt AdtDt ! The resource and labour inputs are complements, implying that ǫ< 0 and hence an abundant factor earns a low share. However, the alternative resource inputs in equation 11.2 are substitutes, hence ǫ is positive and an abundant factor earns a big share. Think of spruce and pine trees in the latter case; if there is a lot of spruce and little pine the price of pine might be a little bit higher than otherwise, but the share of expenditure on spruce will be high compared to pine (spruce won’t be that cheap). If we add the assumption that knowledge stocks grow independently then we have (corre- sponding to equation 9.7)

A /A z φ ζ ct ct−1 = ct d . Adt/Adt−1 zdt ! ζc ! Putting it all together we have

A /A w C φ ζ (11.3) ct ct−1 = ct t d . Adt/Adt−1 wdtDt ! ζc ! In order to say more about the development of the economy we must specify how the inputs C and D are supplied. For instance, we could assume that they are supplied in fixed (exogenous) quantities, and that the price is then determined by the market. Alternatively, we could assume that they are supplied at fixed prices, with the quantity then determined by the market. Or we could assume supply functions (linking price and quantity). If we assume that quantities are exogenous, then all we need to do is to find an expression for relative factor costs as a function of quantities and the state of knowledge. But we already have such an expression, equation 11.2. Substitute this into 11.3 to obtain

A /A A C ǫφ ζ ct ct−1 = ct t d . Adt/Adt−1 AdtDt ! ζc ! −ǫφ Finally, multiply both sides by Act/Act−1 to obtain Adt/Adt−1   1/(1−ǫφ) A /A A C ǫφ ζ ct ct−1 = ct−1 t d . Adt/Adt−1  Adt−1Dt ! ζc !   Since ǫ> 0 this implies that the factor which starts off more abundant earns a greater share, hence its abundance (after allowing for factor-augmenting knowledge) tends to increase! This process accelerates over time, so the economy heads for a corner in which the initially abundant factor dominates completely. (Note that we have ignored the role of the relative productivities of re- search. There is no obvious reason to suppose that these should differ, and if they do not differ then the term ζd/ζc disappears.) Now assume instead that prices are exogenous. Thinking about non-renewable resources, this assumption makes more sense than the assumption of exogenous quantities; recall that it implies that the alternative resources are available to the final-good sector (in any quantity) at some exogenousprice level. Of course, in the short-runwe know that a sudden increase in demand will lead to a steep rise in price, but in the long run it is reasonable to suppose that prices are close to unit extraction costs in most cases, and that unit extraction costs do not vary greatly in total quantity.3 When prices are exogenous we have, from 11.2, that

w C A ǫ/(1−ǫ) w −ǫ/(1−ǫ) ct t = ct ct . wdtDt Adt ! wdt ! Substitute this into 11.3—and assume that the research productivities are equal—to obtain

A /A A /w ǫφ/(1−ǫ) ct ct−1 = ct ct . Adt/Adt−1 Adt/wdt !

3For instance, the cost of extracting a ton of coal from the Blackwater mine in Queensland, Australia is not affected by the global extraction rate of coal. 98 11.3. Analternativetolock-in:TheFundamentalisteconomy

−ǫφ/(1−ǫ) Finally, multiply both sides by Act/Act−1 to obtain Adt/Adt−1   A /A A /w ǫφ/(1−ǫ(1+φ)) ct ct−1 = ct−1 ct . Adt/Adt−1 Adt−1/wdt ! Now the input with the higher ratio of productivity to price (effectively, the cheaper input) takes the higher factor share, and thus attracts more investment, and thus dominates more and more over time, and the economy heads to a corner in which only one of the inputs is used. In terms of the balanced growth path determined in the previous chapter (for ǫ< 0), such a path also exists in the case of ǫ> 0, but it is not stable. On a b.g.p. we have A C ǫφ ζ ct t d = 1, AdtDt ! ζc implyingthat the more abundantinput is harder to augment. However, the situation is as illustrated in the picture below when the ball is balanced at the top of the hill; the slightest disturbance and it will start rolling one way or the other. See Figure 11.3


Market forces

Dirty State of technology Clean Dirty Environmental friendliness of technology Clean Dirty Environmental friendliness of technology Clean

Figure 11.3. Illustration of how relative prices (the shape of the economic land- scape) determine the relative levels of technology augmenting clean and dirty inputs in the model, and the role of a regulator.

Recall the simulation of the economy with ǫ < 0. You should now redo the simulation for ǫ> 0 (but less than 1). Plot some curves (remember to take logarithms!) to get a better picture of what is going on. 11.2.2. Implications of the DTC model. The basic DTC model with independent knowl- edge stocks and fixed exogenous prices implies that the economy should head to a corner in which one or the other input dominates completely. Furthermore, even if prices vary (exogenously) the economy is still likely to head for a corner. Once the economy is close to a corner—such that one input is very dominant technologically—then even a radical fall in price of the other input will not shift the economy towards the other corner, as long as the technological advantage of the first input is larger. Now assume that the first input—which has dominatedfor 100 years—is found to be running out. This causes its price to rise steeply, and potentially without bound. The second input must be used. However, it will take 100 years of investment to bring the second input’s productivity up to the level of the first input, if we assume that the total quantity of research investment is constant over time. So the switch from one input to the other will be enormously costly in terms of lost production. Finally, if a completely new resource appears on the market, there will be no market for it, since there will be no technology complementing that resource initially, implying that its price in efficiency units (the price of a unit of AcC for instance) will be infinite, there will be zero demand for the resource, and hence also zero investment in technology augmenting that resource. Fortunately, and clearly, the simple model with independent knowledge stocks is not applica- ble to empirical cases. This is demonstrated by the data presented in Section 11.1, where we see that substitute resources coexist rather than outcompeting one another. Furthermore, when a new resource appears (oil, aluminium) it rapidly takes market share rather than being ‘locked out’ by the incumbent resource. Thus we must refine the DTC model if we are still convinced that the DTC approach is potentially relevant.

11.3. An alternative to lock-in: The Fundamentalist economy The above aggregate evidence is consistent with a model in which knowledge stocks are linked: new knowledge boosting the productivity of alternative energy inputs is produced not simply using existing knowledge regarding that input, but also using overall general knowledge, and also knowledge which is specific to the use of other energy inputs. Recall the discussion of the previous chapter (Section 9.4) regarding links between knowledge stocks and wind power. Chapter 11. Substitution between alternative resource inputs 99

When the interest in wind power rose during the late 20th century, researchers did not turn to windmill designs from the 19th century. Neither did they perform their research into new designs using 19th-century techniques. They harnessed the power of the technological progress made between 1900 and 1990 in order to make very rapid progress regarding the productivity of power generation from wind. Much of the knowledge they used was general to the whole economy—for instance computers—whereas some would have been rather specific to other alternative power sectors, such as electric turbines. A simple alternative to the lock-in/break-outeconomy is an economy in which relative knowl- edge stocks grow at equal rates, based on growth in overall general knowledge. This alternative has an obvious drawback, however, which is that is seems to rule out the technology transitions which we do actually observe, such as towards the use of oil and aluminium in the 20th century. The following model—the Fundamentalist economy—captures such transitions in a simple way. In the Fundamentalist economy we introduce a new distinction between knowledge stocks kc and kd and productivities Ac and Ad, and the dynamics are driven by the difference between resource-specific parameters k¯c and k¯d, which represent the degree of technological sophistication required to make use of each resource. Production of yc is a function of input productivity Ac,

yc = γcAcqc, and input productivity is a function of input-related knowledge kc and k¯c, 1/ωc Ac = kc(1 − k¯c/kc) for kc > k¯c, otherwise kc = 0.

The parameter ωc > 0. Symmetric expressions apply for input D. For simplicity we completely short-circuit the process of DTC by assuming that there is only one type of investment zr, and it boosts both types of knowledge equally. Since kc and kd are equal we define kct = kdt = krt, and in equilibrium = φ (11.4) krt+1 krtzrt+1/ζr. In this economy there will therefore be no path-dependence or lock-in. The dynamics of resource productivity are as follows. If kc < k¯c the productivity of input C is zero; technology is too primitive to make any use of the input. However, since kc rises at a constant rate θ then at some point we have kc = k¯c, and the productivity of the input rises above zero beyondthis point. The initial rate of increase will be very large, approaching θ asymptotically from above. The rate of approach will depend on ωc; in the limit as ωc approaches infinity, Ac jumps straight to kc as soon as kc > k¯c, whereas when ωc → 0 the rate of approach becomes slow. The productivity of resource D will follow a similar pattern, but the timing will be different if k¯c , k¯d. The model based on technological fundamentals does a much better job of explaining the data than the lock-in / break-out model. According to this model, oil and aluminium demand a higher level of technology in order to be used productively, and once the overall economy has reached this level then they rapidly take their place alongside the other inputs (including coal and iron). The role for directed investments is limited. If the relative productivities are governed by a process such as that in the Fundamentalist economy then policies to encourage directed research efforts are likely to be a waste of time. Assume for instance that solar PV is a technology with a high technology threshold k¯ pv, but that this threshold has now been passed and hence that apv is approaching kpv, and productivity growth in the sector is high. Now, if kpv is high enough then solar power will soon take over from fossil power; on the other hand, if kpv is not high enough then solar power will remain small relative to fossil power as long as the price of fossil power is not raised relative to solar, through for instance taxation of CO2 emissions. So in the fundamentalist economy emissions taxes are the key instrument to yield a technology transition, not research subsidies. Finally, note that we have in no way proved the suitability of the fundamentalist model as a description of the economy and basis for policy. We have simply presented evidence suggesting that it is a much more promising alternative than the DTC model with independent knowledge stocks.


The EKC and substitution between alternative inputs

We now return to the simple model of substitution between inputs from the previous chapter, and apply it to the analysis of polluting flows, which are linked to use of natural-resource inputs. Growth in pollution flows is driven by increasing demand for such inputs (the prices of which have no long-run trend), while dramatic falls in pollution occur when firms switch to cleaner inputs or production processes. These switches are triggered by increasing marginal pollution damages, linked to increasing income. We investigate the relevance of the model and explore possible extensions using evidence regarding emissions of SO2 and CO2.

12.1. Introduction Global and local environmental quality are dramatically affected by flows of pollutants gen- erated by human activity. Country-level data on pollution and GDP show that there is often a ten- dency for flows of individual pollutants to grow initially and then decline as GDP grows over time, a phenomenonwhich Panayotou (1993) described as the environmental Kuznets curve (henceforth EKC). In this paper we present a simple explanation for the observed pattern, which—by contrast to existing explanations—is based on a model in which polluting emissions are linked to use of natural-resource inputs, and demand for these inputs is a function of their prices and the price of emissions (assumed equal to the social cost). We show that the curve emerges as a general result when we make empirically grounded assumptions about input and emissions prices, and we demonstrate the applicability of the model to specific empirical cases. The mechanisms behind the EKC observations are of great relevance to environmental policy. For instance, if it is found that growth causes a demand for environmental quality, which is then satisfied through stricter policy, then this would support the idea that environmental policies are effective and justified; but if instead it is found that growth itself leads to better environmental quality in the long run then environmental regulations might be bad for the environment, if they slow growth.1 Our model is consistent with the former explanation. Emissions are driven up by a scale effect; a bigger economy involves more resource use and more emissions. But given rising income, the damage cost of a unit of emissions tends to rise, while the abatement cost of a unit of emissions remains constant. When the damage cost exceeds the abatement cost, regulations or economic instruments are introduced which cause emissions to fall rapidly. We now very briefly review the EKC literature, making three claims. The first claim is that thereis generalagreementthat the invertedU is a commonif not ubiquitous feature when pollution flows are plotted against time at country level, but that the idea that different countries all have turning points at the same level of GDP is not supported. The second claim is that flows of polluting emissions are inextricably linked to flows of natural-resource inputs. And the third claim is that it follows that models aiming to shed light on the mechanism should link pollution flows to natural-resource inputs, but existing models fail to do so. Regarding our first claim—about the inverted U—the most cited work on the empirics of the EKC is by Grossman and Krueger (1995), who find that the idea of an inverted U is supported by the historical data, but are careful to point out that they say nothing about the mechanism behind the observations, and that without knowledge of this mechanism conclusions about policy cannot be drawn. Many other authors find the inverted U pattern; for instance, Selden et al. (1999) (discussed further below) analyse emissions of six pollutants in the US, all of which show some form of inverted U. For Stern (2004) and many others (see references therein) the key question is not whether emissions have tended to rise and then fall in growing economies, but rather the question is whether it is the passage of time or increasing GDP which is responsible for the fall. He concludes

1Growth might lead directly to higher environmental quality due to structural change away from polluting manu- factured goods and towards non-polluting services, or because the technological change that drives growth in advanced economies is intrinsically pollution-saving. For a famous statement of the case see Beckerman (1992).

101 102 12.1. Introduction

[p1435] that ‘[t]here is little evidence for a common inverted U-shaped pathway that countries fol- low as their income rises’, arguing that the time trend of emissions per unit of GDP is downwards (across countries), while the link between GDP and emissions is typically increasing at country level. Regarding our second claim, the inextricable link between polluting emissions and use of natural-resource inputs is demonstrated by much research both within and outside the EKC litera- ture. Within the EKC literature, studies in which the main aim is to identify the direct causes of changes in emissions over time invariably put the use of natural resource inputs at the centre of their analysis. For instance Selden et al. (1999)—mentioned above—study emissions in the US of PM, SOx, NOx, VOC, CO, and Pb, and find that each is closely linked to the use of natural- resource inputs in the production process, especially (but not only) the combustion of fossil fuels.2 Outside the EKC literature, the link between natural-resource inputs and pollution is frequently obvious and indisputable. There are countless examples, the most important of which is perhaps that CO2 emissions are primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels, with other sources being the clearing of forest land for agriculture and the heating of calcium carbonate in making cement. In order to predict the future path of polluting emissions, and howthis path can be affected by policy, we must use the historical data to help us construct and calibrate a microfounded model.3 It follows that analysis of emissions should involve analysis of demand for natural-resource inputs. But the most well-known theoretical models of the EKC do not include natural resources; instead, pollution itself is typically treated as an input. This approach has recently been criticized by Murty et al. (2012) in the analysis of efficiency and productivity; they demonstrate that polluting emissions should be treated as a byproduct of the use of ‘pollution-causing inputs’—i.e. natural resources—rather than as inputs in their own right. Of the theoretical models, our main interest is in those based on a general equilibrium frame- work in which there is underlying growth in production in the economy—driven by increases in TFP—which is the driver of increasing pollution flows, and we focus on three of the most well- known models of this type: Stokey (1998), Andreoni and Levinson (2001), and Brock and Taylor (2010).4 In all three models there is—implicitly—a Leontief production function of effective inputs of labour–capital and gross (pre-abatement) polluting emissions. Using an adapted neoclas- sical framework we can write Y = min{F(ALL, K), D}, where AL is labour productivity, L is labour, K is capital, and D is gross polluting emissions. So as F rises—due to population growth, labour- augmenting technological progress, and capital accumulation—pollution D rises at the same rate. The possibility for emissions to turn down while Y continues to grow is generated by adding the possibility of abating polluting flows, where abatement A is the difference between gross pollution D and net pollution reaching the environment P: A = D − P. Brock and Taylor (2010) take abatement effort, population growth, rates of technological change, and capital investment as exogenous, and assume that abatement efficiency grows faster than effective labour, so in balanced growth emissions decline. They then assume that the econ- omy starts far from a b.g.p., with very little capital in relation to labour productivity, and the rising portion of the curve is driven by super-rapid capital accumulation. By contrast, Stokey (1998) and Andreoni and Levinson (2001) both seek to explain the EKC as the result of (optimally) increas- ing abatement effort over time: Stokey (1998) shows that if the marginal utility of consumption declines sufficiently strongly with growth then an EKC is observed, and Andreoni and Levinson (2001) show that if the marginal abatement cost (MAC) curve shifts down sufficiently rapidly with growth then an EKC is observed.5 Andreoni and Levinson argue persuasively that the MAC- curve is likely to shift downwards in growing economies, by reference to a series of examples in

2Particulate matter, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and lead. 3For a general statement of the case see Lucas (1976). According to Lucas, we cannot expect to predict the effects of a policy experiment based only on patterns in aggregate historical observations, because the policy experiment will change the rules of the game and therefore the old patterns may no longer apply. We must instead understand the rules of the game and how it is played—in economic terms we must know agents’ preferences, the technologies available to them, what resources they are endowed with, etc.—in order to understand and predict the effect of a policy intervention. 4An example of a class of models not of this type is models in which the pollution path is directly linked to time rather than growth in GDP; for instance, the rise in pollution may be due to the introduction of new technology, and the subsequent decline due to a lagged introduction of regulations or technology to control it. See Smulders et al. (2011) for an example of such a model. These models help us to see a potential cause of the time trend, but for a full understanding the model of the time trend should be incorporated into a general equilibrium model with growth. 5In both Stokey, and Andreoni and Levinson’s worked example, utility is a separable function of consumption and pollution; Lopez (1994) demonstrates that the key to the EKC in this class of model is the combined strength of the two effects, declining marginal utility of consumption and declining marginal cost of abatement. See Figueroa and Pasten (2013) for further discussion. Chapter 12. The EKC and substitution between alternative inputs 103 all of which the link between pollution and use of natural-resource inputs is obvious. (Recall that natural-resource demand is not included in their model.) We now move on from the EKC literature to other literature on the economics (and dynamics) of polluting emissions. We start with a brief look at two of the many papers on optimal environ- mental policy in which pollution is linked to natural-resource use, limiting the discussion to papers where there is an explicit cost to using the resource (e.g. extraction cost or scarcity rent).6 There are many papers in which there is a nonrenewable resource available in finite quantity which is an input to production, but the contribution of which is attenuated by concomitant polluting emis- sions. Typically in these papers the problem is when rather than whether to extract the resource, and in the simplest of them—when there are no extraction costs, as in Schou (2000)—the pol- lution has no effect on the optimal extraction path and there is no need for environmental policy. The price of the resource rises at the interest rate in these papers—i.e. steeply and exponentially —and the path of emissions is monotonically declining.7 Since these resource price and extraction trends are completely at odds with empirical observations, the empirical relevance of papers of this type is limited. In more sophisticated papers—such as Grimaud and Rouge (2008)—features such as extraction costs and directed technological change are added. In these papers extraction is typically too high initially in laissez faire, which can be corrected through a declining ad valorem tax on the resource. Again, these papers typically predict monotonically declining extraction rates and steeply rising resource prices in laissez faire, and hence are of limited direct relevance to the understanding of empirical observations. The papers most relevant to this one are integrated assessment models built to determine the optimal rate of taxation of fossil fuels, such as Golosov et al. (2014) and Traeger (2016). Golosov et al. (2014) are closest to this paper in their approach to modelling emissions, and we follow them in the following three respects: they assume that polluting emissions arise as a direct consequence of the use of natural-resource inputs; they model demand for these inputs using a nested function in which the elasticity of substitution between labour–capital and the energy in- termediate is 1 (Cobb–Douglas) whereas the elasticity of substitution between alternative primary energy sources may be higher; and they assume that the primary energy sources differ both in price and pollution intensity. However, the focus of Golosov et al. (2014) is not the EKC and the time-path of polluting emissions, but rather the current level of the optimal carbon price. Here we show that models of the type developed by Golosov et al. (2014) yield an EKC when optimal policy is applied over time, and that an EKC arises under a wide range of empirically relevant circumstances (i.e. not just in the case of carbon). Furthermore, we do not need to appeal to poorly understood processes of directed technological change, although adding such processes to our model—if they can be empirically supported—may make it even more powerful, explaining the EKC as driven by GDP growth in leading countries, but with a time dimension in followers. We build a simple, Ricardian model in which an increase in effective labour inputs—quantity × productivity—drives growth in production, and also growth in demand for a natural-resource input the use of which leads to polluting emissions. We do not model directed technological change, but treat technological change as exogenousand unbiased. Furthermore, our main focus is on the first-best optimal path in the regulated economy, so we do not allow for any lag between the emission of pollutants, the realization that these emissions are damaging, and the implementation of regulatory policy. Finally, we assume that there are no pollution stocks, only flows. All of the above—directed technological change, policy lags, and stock pollution—could be added as extensions to the model which would enrich it without changing the fundamental properties. We show that an EKC is likely to arise under a wide range of circumstances, and that the pat- tern may be repeated more than once for the same pollutant. There are two keys to the mechanism. The first is that the social cost of polluting is the sum of (i) the cost of the polluting input, and (ii) the damage cost of the concomitant emissions. At low income, input costs dominate; since the input price is constant, the price of pollution is approximately constant and hence pollution tracks growth. As income grows, the input price shows no trend, while unit damage cost (WTP to avoid a unit of pollution) rises. When income is high, pollution costs dominate the input cost, the social cost of polluting tracks the growth rate, and polluting emissions level off. The second key to the mechanism—which delivers the observed decline in pollution—is that alternative, cleaner inputs or production processes are available, at a cost. For clarity assume two inputs which are perfect substitutes, the second of which is more expensive but clean. When income is low, the cheaper (dirty) input is preferred. But as income rises, at some point the sum of unit extraction and damage costs for the dirty input exceeds the unit cost of the clean input.

6See Grimaud and Rouge (2008) for a more thorough review of this literature. 7Note that these results are typically not mentioned explicitly in these papers. 104 12.2. The model

At this point the clean input takes over, leading to a precipitous decline in pollution. In practice the clean input may be a completely different input (wind instead of fossil fuel, for instance), but it may also be the addition of end-of-pipe abatement such as FGD equipment to remove sulphur emissions from coal-fired power stations; the important thing is that the switch from dirty to clean comes at a cost that is approximately constant per unit of production. Based on the model there should be no expectation that the downward portions of the EKC should occur at the same income level for different pollutants, unless these pollutants are all linked to the same resource input. And—given a set of heterogeneous countries and a single local pollu- tant—there should be no expectation that each country should enter a downward phase simultane- ously irrespective of relative income (which we might expect if the discovery of clean technology were key), nor even that each country should enter a downward phase at the same income level (which we might expect if increasing returns in the abatement function were key); differences in pollution damages due to differences in population density (among other possible factors) should lead to differences between countries, and furthermore the relative prices of alternative resource inputs or production processes may differ significantly between countries and over time.

12.2. The model 12.2.1. The environment. Consider a closed economy on an area of land H with population L spread uniformly over this area. There is a unit mass of competitive firms—also uniformly spread—producing a single aggregate final good the price of which is normalized to 1. The production function of the representative firm i hiring labour Li and resource input Ri is

1−α α −[P(t)/H]φ (12.1) Yi(t) = [AL(t)Li(t)] Ri(t) e , where α is the resource share, which is small, P is the aggregate flow of pollution, and φ is a parameter greater than 1. So pollution damages destroy a proportion of what would otherwise be produced, and this proportion is an increasing function of the concentration of pollutant; further- more, the second derivative is strictly positive, so a doubling in concentration more-than doubles the proportion of production lost.8 In equilibrium Li = L and Ri = R, where L is aggregate labour and R is the aggregate flow of resource inputs. Both AL and L are exogenously given. Note that, for clarity, we abstract from capital in the production function. Furthermore, we assume that ALL, effective labour, grows exogenously over time at a constant rate g:

A˙L(t)/AL(t) + L˙(t)/L(t) = g.

From now on we omit the time index whenever possible. Aggregate resource inputs R are the sum of inputs from 2 different sources, C and D, which are perfect substitutes in production, so

R = C + D.

The use of resource quantity D leads to emission of pollution ψDD, where ψD > 0, and similarly for input C. Each resource is extracted competitively from a large homogeneous stock, and each unit extracted requires w j units of final good as input (where j is either C or D). The price of resource j in laissez faire is thus w j. Note that we can interpret alternative resources C and D literally as described, for instance low- and high-sulphur coal for electricity generation. However, a third resource E could be scrubbed high-sulphur coal; then the price wE would be wD plus the unit cost of scrubbing, and unit emissions ψE would be ψD× the fraction remaining after scrubbing. We denote aggregate production net of extraction costs as X, so

φ 1−α α −[(ψDC+ψD D)/H] (12.2) X = (ALL) (C + D) e − (wCC + wDD).

This expression highlights the fact that we treat pollution as affecting gross aggregate production Y, rather than net production or utility.

8Note that this formulation is consistent with damages that directly affect humans or the economy, for instance through damage to human health or man-made capital. If on the other hand damages are to nature (so there is a willingness to pay to avoid damages to the natural environment, and this WTP is increasing in income) then we would expect WTP to avoid damage to be increasing in the land area, linked to the quantity of nature. Assuming that there is also a direct effect, the damage term could be exp{−[P(t)/H]φ(1 + θH)}. Chapter 12. The EKC and substitution between alternative inputs 105

12.2.2. The solution. In solving the model we focus throughout on the social planner’s so- lution, and mostly state results regarding optimal taxation without proof, since they are straight- forward to derive given the planner’s allocation. The planner chooses C and D to maximize X (equation 12.2). For expositional clarity we begin by assuming that only a single input, D, is available, so n = 1. Take the first-order condition in D to show that φ φ−1 (12.3) αY/D = wD + φ(ψD/H) D Y.

This equates the marginal benefits of D to its costs, which are extraction costs wD and marginal φ φ−1 damages φ(ψD/H) D Y. It follows directly that the optimal (Pigovian) emissions tax τ in a regulated economy is given by φ φ−1 τ = φ(ψD/H) D Y. Furthermore, we can derive the following proposition about the optimal path. Proposition 1. Assume there is only one input, D. Then from any given initial state (defined by AL(0)L(0), effective labour at t = 0), P increases monotonically and approaches a limit of 1/φ P¯ = (α/φ) H. Ifwe let AL(0)L(0) approach zero then the initial growth rate of P approaches g 1/(1−α) from below, and P(0) approaches (α/wd) AL(0)L(0). Proof. Proposition 1 can be proved in many ways. Here we show a proof based on graphical reasoning. Rewrite (12.3) as

1−α ψDD 1−α α (12.4) α/D = wDe /(ALL) + ψDD , and denote LHS = α/D1−α

ψD D 1−α α and RHS = wDe /(ALL) + ψDD . 1−α Plot LHS and RHS against D. LHS declines monotonically and is independent of (ALL) , approaching infinity when D → 0, and approaching0 when D →∞. RHS increases monotonically 1−α in D, starting at wD/(ALL) when D = 0 and approaching infinity when D →∞. And the 1−α curve shifts down to the right when (ALL) increases, and in the limit at ALL →∞ the curve α approaches RHS = ψDD . It follows directly that there is a unique solution for D, which is increasing in ALL; furthermore, D → 0 when ALL → 0, and D → α/ψD when ALL →∞. Finally, the solution for D˙ /D when ALL is small. Since when ALL → 0 we know that D → 0 we can rewrite (12.4) as (in the limit) 1−α 1−α α/D = wD/(ALL) . 1/(1−α) Hence, if we let AL(0)L(0) approach zero then D(0) approaches (α/wD) AL(0)L(0). It fol- lows directly that the growth rates of D and ALL are equal in the limit.  The intuition is as follows. The shadow price of the polluting input to the social planner is the sum of extraction cost and marginal damages. The extraction cost is constant, whereas marginal damages increase linearly in Y. So when Y is small the shadow price is approximately equal to the constant extraction cost, hence both resource use and polluting emissions track growth. As Y increases, marginal damages increase and hence the shadow price of using the polluting input increases, braking the growth in its use. When Y is large marginal damages dominate the extraction cost, the shadow price of using the input grows at the overall growth rate, and emissions (and input use) are constant. So we have a transition from emissions tracking growth towards (in the limit) constant emissions. Now assume two inputs, C and D, and that wC > wD, while ψC < ψD; so the second input is more expensive but cleaner. Furthermore, to keep the expressions concise, we normalize H = 1. To reintroduce H explicitly—as we must in a multicountry setting—we can simply rewrite ψ j as ψ j/H. Given n = 2 the first-order condition in input j—a necessary condition for an internal opti- mum—yields φ−1 (12.5) αY/(C + D) = w j + φ(ψCC + ψDD) ψ jY. So when the use of input j is greater than 0, the marginal revenue product of an increase in input j should be equal to the marginal social cost, which is the sum of the extraction cost w j and the φ−1 damage cost φ(ψCC + ψDD) ψ jY. Recall that the inputs are perfect substitutes, so we might expect that only one of them will be used (the one with lower marginal social costs), but if the marginal social costs of the two inputs are equal then they may be used simultaneously. When Y is low, the damage cost is small, and input D will be used alone. But as Y and D rise, damages 106 12.2. The model rise until the marginal social costs are equal. At this point input C enters, and then gradually takes over from input 1. If ψC > 0 then input D is eventually abandoned completely. So as ALL grows (driving growth in Y) there is a transition from input D to input C, as described in Proposition 2.

Proposition 2. Assume inputsC and D, wD < wC , and ψD > ψC > 0, while (φ − 1)(1 + α)/α> 2 ψD(wC − wD)/(wCψD − wDψC ). Furthermore, assume an initial state AL(0)L(0) such that only input 1 is used. Then D increases monotonically up to time T1a, while C = 0. Between T1a and T1b (where T1b > T1a), D decreases monotonically while C increases monotonically. For t ≥ T1b, D = 0 and C increases monotonically. Furthermore,

φ 1/(1−α) 1 D(T ) w e(ψD D(T1a)) = 1a D (12.6) T1a log φ , g " AL(0)L(0) α − φ(ψDD(T1a))  #   (12.7)   φ 1/(1−α) 1 C(T ) w e(ψCC(T1b)) = 1b C and T1b log φ , g " AL(0)L(0) α − φ(ψCC(T1b))  #   (12.8)   1/φ 1/φ 1 αψD wC − wD 1 αψC wC − wD where D(T1a) = and C(T1b) = . ψD φ wC ψD − wDψC ! ψC φ wCψD − wDψC !

If ψC = 0 then equation 12.6 still applies, but T1b is not defined; instead, as t →∞,D → 0. Proof. The proofis beyondthe scope of this book. See Hart (forthcoming), ‘The rise and fall of polluting emissions’ for details. 

Finally, we present the results of an extended model with n inputs, D1, D2, D3,..., Dn.

Definition 2. Assume alternative inputs j = 1,...n, with associated parameters w j and ψ j. Define the cheapest input as input 1, and the cleanest input as input m. And define input k + 1— where k ∈ (1,...m − 1)—as the input such that w − w w − w (12.9) k+1 k < k+m k wk+1ψk − wkψk+1 wk+mψk − wkψk+m for all m ∈ (2,...,n − k). Since w j and ψ j are continuous variables, we rule out the possibility that equation 12.9 may be satisfied with equality. To understand Definition 2, consider k = 1. Then input 2 must satisfy w − w w − w 2 1 < 1+m 1 w2ψ1 − w1ψ2 w1+mψ1 − w1ψ1+m for all m ∈ (2,...,n−k). From equation 12.8, this implies that no other input is adopted prior to the adoption of input 2. And the corresponding equation for k = 2 implies that input 3 is adopted after input 2, and so on. Once input m (the cleanest input) has been adopted there will be no further transitions, and the remaining n − m inputs are never used. Then we have Proposition 3. Proposition 3. Assume that we have n inputs ordered as in Definition 2, and that (φ − 1)(1 + 2 α)/α>ψ j (w j+1 − w j)/(w j+1ψ j − w jψ j+1) for j = 1,...,m − 1. Then—given sufficiently low initial productivity ALL—there is a series of transitions from input j to input j + 1, starting from input 1 and ending with input m. Each of these transitions proceeds analogously to the transition from 1 to 2 described in Proposition 2. The remaining n − m inputs are never used. Proof. During a transition from k to k + 1, equation 12.5 shows that φ−1 φ−1 wk + φψkP Y = wk+1 + φψk+1P Y, 1 w − w and hence Pφ−1Y = k+1 k . φ ψk − ψk+1 So during the transition, Pφ−1Y is constant. Now assume that the transition to k + 2 starts during the transition from k to k + 1. Then (analogously to equation 12.5) we have φ−1 φ−1 φ−1 wk + φψkP Y = wk+1 + φψk+1P Y = wk+2 + φψk+2P Y But since Pφ−1Y is constant during the transition to inputs k + 1 and k + 2 should have started simultaneously, which is ruled out by our earlier assumption that equation 12.9 is never satisfied with equality. So the transition to k+2 can only start after the transition to k+1 is complete, which completes the proof.  Chapter 12. The EKC and substitution between alternative inputs 107

The implication of Proposition 3 is that polluting emissions P tend to rise over time due to a scale effect (i.e. the direct effect of economic growth on demand for the resource input), but that periods of gradual increase are punctuated by rapid falls when increasing marginal damages justify switches to cleaner technologies or inputs. In the long run the economy will switch to a zero-emissions technology if one is available.


P¯ = (α/φ)1/φ 0.08

0.06 ∗ (ALL)


0.02 P

0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Figure 12.1. Pollution flow P compared to the limit, P = α, and normalized ∗ ∗ effective labour (ALL) , where (ALL) = ALL/[AL(0)L(0)] · P(0). Parameters: g = 0.02; AL(0)L(0) = 1; φ = 1.3; ψ1 = 0.0072, ψ2 = ψ1/6, ψ3 = 0; α = 0.05; w1 = α, w2 = 2α, w3 = 2.5α. The dotted lines show pollution paths in case only one of the inputs is available.

In Figure 12.1 we illustrate the development of the economy in a specific case in which m = n = 3, so there are three inputs all of which are used, implying that there are two transitions. Since the third input is perfectly clean, the third transition is completed asymptotically, since the use of the second input approaches zero in infinite time. In Figure 12.1 we show the paths of effective labour ALL, and pollution P, and the pollution limit P¯. We also show—using dotted lines—the paths of P which would be followed if (respectively) only input 1 and input 2 were available.

12.3. The elements of the model In this section we seek to establish the following three points: firstly, that the individual elements of the model are good approximations in a wide range of cases; secondly that the model helps us to understand cross-country observations in the case of sulphur emissions to air; and thirdly that we can (and should) adapt and extend the model to analyse specific cases (where a ‘case’ means a specific pollutant and country or region).

12.3.1. Empirical relevance of the elements of the model. We divide the model into five elements; these elements could be seen as five key assumptions which together make the pattern of rise and fall at country level inevitable. They are that pollution is directly linked to the use of natural resources; that resource use tends to increase linearly with GDP; that there are perfect substitutes available to resource inputs that differ in price and polluting emissions; that these substitute inputs are available at constant relative prices; and that marginal damagesfrom pollution rise linearly in GDP. The link between pollution and resource use. Is pollution directly linked to the use of natural resources? We argue that it is. Start with the six pollutants analysed by Selden et al. (1999): PM, SOx, NOx, VOC, CO, and Pb. All of these pollutants originate in the use of natural resources as inputs: PM (particulate matter) emissions come from combustion of fossil fuels (especially in industry), plus cement, mining, and mineral-processing sectors; SOx and NOx come fromcombus- tion of fossil fuels; VOC (volatile organic compounds) come from petroleum refining, industrial chemicals, plastics, and paper; CO comes from combustion; and Pb also comes from combus- tion. Moving beyond Selden et al. (1999), other major pollutants include CO2 which comes from combustion, and nitrogen and phosphorous leaching (from fertilization in agriculture). 108 12.3. The elements of the model

The link between resource use and economic growth. We now turn to the link between re- source use and economic growth. In the simple model we assume that the resource price is con- stant, and given the Cobb–Douglas production function (implying constant factor shares) resource use tracks overall production. Are these assumptions broadly consistent with the data? We argue that at the global level they are, whereas at the national level the picture is often significantly more complex, and trade and structural change may be important to include in an explanatory model.

Global product 4 4 Expenditure Price Quantity 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1 Natural log scale

0 0 0

−1 −1 −1 1850 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Figure 12.2. Long-run growth in total consumption and prices, compared to growth in total global product, for (a) primary energy from combustion, (b) metals, and (c) cement.

7 US GDP 3.5 Quantity 6 3

5 2.5 1.5

4 2 1 3 1.5 1 0.5 2 Natural log scale 0.5 1 0 0 0 −0.5 −0.5

1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Figure 12.3. Long-run growth in US consumption compared to growth in US GDP, for (a) primary energy from combustion, (b) metals, and (c) cement.

At the global level there is a clear pattern to the data on consumption rates and prices of primary inputs—see Figure 12.2—and this pattern is consistent with the model; there is no clear trend in resource prices, while resource consumption tracks gross global product.9 At country level things are more complex—see Figure 12.3 for US data—and the pattern is not always consistent with the model.10 In Figure 12.3 we see that US primary energy consumption—by far the most important natural resource input in terms of factor share—has almost matched GDP growth over a very long period. We only have price data since 1970, and when we include these data we find a substantial rise in factor share since 1970; on the other hand, if we have accurate

9Note: Global product data from Maddison (2010). Metals: Al, Cr, Cu, Au, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn, Hg, Ni, Pt, Rare earths, Ag, Sn, W, Zn. All metals and cement data from Kelly and Matos (2012). Energy: Coal, oil, natural gas, and biofuel. Fossil quantity data from Boden et al. (2012). Oil price data from BP (2012). Coal and gas price data from Fouquet (2011); note that these data are only for average prices in England; we make the (heroic) assumption that weighted average global prices are similar. Biofuel quantity data from Maddison (2003). Biofuel price data from Fouquet (2011); again, we assume that the data are representative for global prices, and we extrapolate from the end of Fouquet’s series to the present assuming constant prices. The older price data is gathered from historical records and is not constructed based on assumptions about elasticities of demand or similar. Sensitivity analysis shows that the assumptions are not critical in driving the results. 10GDP data from Maddison (2010). All metals and cement data from Kelly and Matos (2012) (same metals as above). Primary energy data from the EIA, History of energy consumption in the United States, 1775–2009, Chapter 12. The EKC and substitution between alternative inputs 109 data prior to 1970 it would likely show a very slow decline, delivering no clear trend in the share over the entire period.11 Summing up, in the crucial primary energy sector we find broad support for the model from US data. Turning to metals and cement, however, we see a weakly rising consumption trend in the case of cement, and a declining trend for metals since 1974. Price trends —which are omitted for clarity—do not explain these shifts. Based on the analysis of Selden et al. (1999), the reason for these trends is likely to be structural change (their ‘composition effect’). In the case of cement we could speculate that it is due to the rise of the consumption of services rather than manufactured goods, whereas in the case of metals an important contributory factor may be the rise of imported manufactured goods such as automobiles, and hence the decline of domestic manufacturing.12 The availability of perfect substitutes. A crucial element of the model—which determines the shape of the abatement cost function—is the availability of close substitutes for polluting resources (in the basic model developed above, perfect substitutes). We take three examples to show that this is frequently a good approximation, although in each case there are complicating factors. The examples are lead emissions to air, sulphur emissions to air, and carbon dioxide emissions to air. The vast majority of emissions of lead to air have come—historically—from lead added to motor fuel (gasoline) which allows improvements in the efficiency of engines.13 Lead-free fuel is effectively a perfect substitute for leaded fuel, since there is a fixed cost to switching to unleaded per unit of output (which in this case is motive power from the engine, or the extra cost of the alternative additives which replace lead). However, note that there are complicating factors: firstly, there are fixed costs of adapting engines, therefore phase-out may be preferred to an instant ban; there are synergies with reductions in other pollutants, because catalytic converters to remove unburnt or partially burnt fuel are choked by lead in the fuel; and finally, knowledge about the damage caused by lead emissions may improve over time. The latter two of these factors may cause low-income countries to adopt lead-free fuel at lower incomes than high-income countries, since they face lower costs and are more aware of the benefits. Turning to sulphur, the major source of sulphur emissions to air historically has been the burning of coal and fuel oil (for heating, electricity generation, power generation, and in indus- trial process such as smelting iron). In each case, alternatives are available which lead to much lower emissions. For each individual case the assumption of perfect substitutability is generally reasonable, but the unit cost of the transition to the cleaner input or technology varies between the cases, so at the aggregate level the inputs should be treated as perfect substitutes. And if the price of emissions rises gradually (with GDP) then we should see a series of steps down in emissions as the switch to clean technology is made in different sectors. On the other hand, if one sector— such as electricity generation from coal—is dominant in a given country then the assumption of perfect substitutability will fit well in that country. Focusing on coal burning, there are several alternative technologies which can reduce sulphur emissions at an approximatelyfixed unit cost (thus implying perfect substitutability). The simplest of these is to switch to low-sulphur coal. A closely related alternative is to switch to an alternative fuel—typically natural gas—which leads to sulphur emissions very close to zero. The third alternative is to continue to use high-sulphur coal, but to clean up the emissions, most commonly through flue-gas desulphurization (FGD). This technology typically removes the large majority of sulphur emissions—between 80 and 90 percent—at a rather constant cost per ton.14 Finally, the analysis of carbon dioxide emissions to air is similar to that for sulphur: sector-by- sector the assumption is reasonable, but the switch from dirty to clean inputs is optimal at different relative prices in different sectors (power generation, domestic heating, rail transport, road trans- port, air transport, sea transport, etc.), so in the aggregate we do not observe a discrete switch at a particular relative price, but switches will occur at different times in different sectors. Further- more, in some cases the assumption of perfect substitutability may not be justified, for instance in

11We know that energy prices tended to decline over the period 1870–1970, as illustrated by the well-known price trend for crude oil. On the other hand, there was a countervailing switch from cheaper energy sources (coal) to more expensive (oil and gas) over the same period. 12A feature of the cement data is the extraordinary sensitivity of demand to the business cycle, with small downturns in GDP associated with very large downturns in cement consumption. This is presumably linked to the well known sensitivity of the construction sector to the business cycle. 13See for instance for background information on lead pollution. 14Evidence for constant marginal costs can be found in many places in the literature. One example is the RAINS model, in which abatement of SO2 is based on FGD, and the model yields marginal costs that are almost constant up to abatement of 85 percent of total emissions. See for instance Figure 4.6 in Amann et al. (2004). Furthermore, the US EPA (2003) quotes cost estimates for FGD from large power plants which are constant per ton of pollutant removed. 110 12.3. The elements of the model the case of wind substituting for fossil in electricity generation; the more wind generation capac- ity there is available, the lower the value of the marginal unit of capacity, because the difficulties associated with the variability and unpredictability of supply increase as supply increases. The relative prices of substitutes. Given the existence of perfect substitutes, are their relative prices constant? Here we distinguish two classes of case: firstly, where the substitute technologies are both mature (typically implying that the clean technology is a substitute input), and secondly where the substitute technology is not mature. Typically, when the substitutes are alternative inputs and both technologies are mature (coal and gas, high-sulphurand low-sulphur coal, etc) a better general assumption than constant relative prices might be that the prices of each follow a random walk. For instance... coal transport costs down in US ... gas prices down relative to coal in UK ... but then back up again! In the second case, when the clean technology is not mature, there is obviously a likelihood that the costs of the substitute will be higher for early adopters than for later adopters. Thus, according to the model, if we have a global economy consisting of two countries, one of which is the leader in terms of GDP per capita, then the leader will adopt the clean input first (because of its higher valuation of damages), but the follower will—ceteris paribus—adopt at a lower level of GDP than the leader, because of the learning in the leader country reducing that unit cost of the switch. Willingness to pay. In the model we assume that marginal damages are linear in gross in- come, so the higher is income the higher is willingness to pay to avoid pollution damage. Thus we assume that environmental quality is a normal good. An alternative assumption with essen- tially equivalent results is that a given level of pollution leads to a loss of a fixed proportion of production. Remarkably little research has been performed on this question, but the assumption is standard in (for instance) climate models such as Nordhaus (2008) and Golosov et al. (2014), and it is also made by Finus and Tjotta (2003) in their study of SO2 policy. See Jacobsen and Hanley (2009) for one study on this question. A second assumption about the damage function is that marginal damages are at least weakly increasing in the rate of polluting emissions (or if we had a stock pollutant, the stock of pollu- tion).15 Here also there is remarkably little concrete evidence in the literature for most pollutants —but note papers such as Levy et al. (2009). The exception is again with regard to CO2, where a lotof effort has been put into estimating damages as a function of concentration. Nordhaus (2008) arrives at a rather flat function, implying that our φ should be close to 1, whereas others—such as Acemoglu et al. (2012)—argue for greater curvature, translating into a higher value of φ in our model.

12.3.2. Extensions suggested by the existing literature. In this section we consider the fol- lowing extensions or adaptations to the model: increasing returns to scale in abatement; directed technological change; weaker substitutability between inputs; and structural change. In each case we conclude that these features could be added to our model and thus contribute to its ability to explain and predict trends in particular sectors. Increasing returns to abatement. The most influential explanationin the literature for the EKC- type observations is that of Andreoni and Levinson (2001), i.e. that there are increasing returns to scale in abatement, so as the economy grows pollution first increases due to the scale effect of economic growth, and then decreases due to declining abatement costs. In the present paper there are no such increasing returns. Here we argue that increasing returns may be relevant for some pollutants, in which case our model can easily be extended to incorporate this feature. We set up a comparison between the models, by deriving equations for marginal abatement costs and benefits both in Andreoni and Levinson (2001) and in our model. First we clarify def- initions. By marginal abatement benefits, MAB, we mean the decrease in consumption—at the margin—which would leave the representative household indifferent given a reduction in pol- lution. And by marginal abatement costs, MAC, we mean the rate—at the margin—at which consumption must be reduced in order to reduce pollution. In an empirical application both MAB and MAC might have units of USD/ton. Here we calculate expressions for MAC and MAB in the respectivemodels, and plot the curves with pollution P on the x-axis and MAC and MAB on the y-axis. We start with our own model. For this purpose we assume an economy for which m = 2, and ψ2 = 0. So we have a single transition from the dirty to the clean input. We denote ALL = M throughout this section. First rewrite

15Recall that this is necessary to ensure a tractable solution, Proposition 2: (φ − 1)(1 + α)/α > 2 ψ1(w2 − w1)/(w2ψ1 − w1ψ2). Chapter 12. The EKC and substitution between alternative inputs 111 equation 12.2 in terms of P and D2, 1−α α −Pφ X = M (P/ψ1 + D2) e − (w1P/ψ1 + w2D2), and take the first-order condition in P to show that up to the transition to input 2 we have

MAC = αY/P − w1/ψ1, and MAB = φPφ−1Y.

During the transition, the expression for MAB still applies, but MAC= (w2 −w1)/ψ1, since the cost per unit of input switched is w2 − w1, and the reduction in emissions is ψ1. Now we turn to Andreoni and Levinson (2001). In their ‘simple example’ (Section 2) they assume separable utility. However, in Section 3 they consider a more general utility function. To aid the comparisonto our paper, we choose a utility function as close as possibleto ourown, so any differences between the abatement cost and benefit curves is due to factors other than the choice of utility function. We therefore have (adapting the Andreoni and Levinson notation slightly to be consistent with our own) φ Y = Me−P φ and X = Me−P − E, where P = ψ[M − E − (M − E)αEβ] and E ≥ 0. So MAC= (∂X/∂E)/(∂P/∂E), while MAB= −∂X/∂P. So we have 1 β α −1 MAC = 1 + Eβ(M − E)α − , ψ   E M − E  and MAB = φPφ−1Y. We now simulate, using the same parameter for the utility function in each case: φ = 1.3. And in each case we plot five pairs of curves for increasing values of M.16

10 20

8 15

MAB 6 10 and 4 MAC 5 2

0 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 Pollution P Pollution P Figure 12.4. Marginal costs and benefits of abatement plotted against polluting emissions in our model compared to Andreoni and Levinson.

We plot the results in Figure 12.4. The figure illustrates the different mechanisms at work in the two models. In our model, there is an upper limit on the marginal abatement cost, which is the cost of switching to the clean input. As marginal abatement benefits increase with increasing in- come, they eventually reach this limit and then emissions decline steeply. In Andreoni and Levinson (2001), the MAC curve moves outwards for low levels of abatement, just as in our model. How- ever, it also changes shape, rotating downwards at higher levels of abatement, because of the assumption of increasing returns. Declining marginal abatement costs lead to steeply declining emissions after the turning point, a decline that is accentuated by increasing marginal benefits of abatement. As ALL approaches infinity marginal abatement costs approach zero at all levels of abatement (right back to zero emissions). The interplay between changes in the MAB and MAC curves is essential to the pattern of emissions in our model, whereas this is not the case in Andreoni and Levinson (2001). To see this clearly, eliminate this interplay by assuming a simple separable utility function such that the MAB curve is a horizontal line at a fixed benefit level. Then our model delivers polluting emissions which track growth in the long run—so no EKC—whereas the Andreoni and Levinson

16The values of M are as follows: M = M(0), 2M(0), 4M(0), 8M(0), and 16M(0), where M(0) = 1.76. Other parameters: our model, α = 0.05, w1 = α, w2 = 2α, ψ1 = 0.0072; Andreoni and Levinson, α = 0.8, β = 0.6, ψ = 0.01. 112 12.4. Case studies of pollution reduction

(2001) model still delivers an EKC because the marginal abatement cost curve approaches the y- axis when ALL approaches infinity, implying that the total cost of abating all polluting emissions approaches zero.17 Andreoni and Levinson (2001) argue persuasively that in some industries there are signifi- cant increasing returns to scale in abatement; loosely, when the industry becomes larger, plants become larger, and larger plants have lower average abatement costs. (Incidentally, their analysis of this question supports our model, since they discuss changes in technology in order to reduce emissions which follow from the use of natural-resource inputs.) However, we argue that it is equally possible to find industries in which abatement yields decreasing returns to scale, the obvi- ous example being power generation. At small scales clean power sources—such as hydropower —may be available in sufficient quantity to meet demand. However, as the scale of the economy increases these clean options become more expensive relative to fossil, because of (in the case of hydro) the limited flow of precipitation in a given geographical area. Endogenous learning. In the model as it stands, overall productivity increases exogenously, and there is no other learning in the model. Based on the literature (such as Smulders et al. (2011) and Acemoglu et al. (2012)) we know that a switch to a new, clean technology in one country may lead to a reduction in costs for that technology, thus making adoption more attractive for other countries. Consider a global economy consisting of two countries, one of which is the leader in terms of GDP per capita, where a clean technologyis available at a price premium. If the countries are identical in other respects then the leader will adopt the clean input first (because of its higher valuation of damages), but the follower will—ceteris paribus—adopt at a lower level of GDP than the leader, because of the learning in the leader country reducing that unit cost of the switch. It may be relevant to include processes of directed technological change in the model. Such processes may help to explain the time dimension in the EKC observations, but again the DTC mechanism strengthens our model rather than challenging it. In the second case, when the clean technology is not mature, there is obviously a likelihood that the costs of the substitute will be higher for early adopters than for later adopters. Thus, according to the model, if we have a global economy consisting of two countries, one of which is the leader in terms of GDP per capita, then the leader will adopt the clean input first (because of its higher valuation of damages), but the follower will—ceteris paribus—adopt at a lower level of GDP than the leader, because of the learning in the leader country reducing that unit cost of the switch. Weaker substitutability between alternative inputs. Structural change.

12.4. Case studies of pollution reduction In this section we consider 6 cases of polluting emissions. In each case we begin with a brief look at empirical data, before discussing the role of technology. The evidence shows that when a high price is put on pollution, drastic reductionsin emissions are generally achieved. Is this done throughefficiency (generating less pollution through better technology) or substitution (using another input to substitute for pollution)? Or is it simply a question of investment, i.e. increasing the quantity of capital in order to reduce polluting emissions, in line with the neoclassical (DHSS) model. The answer seems to vary from case to case. 12.4.1. Sulphur emissions from power generation. Coal contains sulphur, and coal-fired power stations emit sulphur oxides to the atmosphere. These cause respiratory problems locally, and acid rain regionally. Sulphur emissions in Europe and the U.S. rose rapidly during industri- alization, and have fallen even more rapidly since the early 1970s. See Figure 12.5. One of the major reasons for the fall was the installation of so-called ‘scrubbers’ in the chimneys of coal-fired power stations. These scrubbers remove sulphur oxides from the exhaust flow of the power station, i.e. from the smoke. To the extent that the technology has always existed (and according to Biondo and Marten (1977) the first systems were installed in the 1930s) then their inclusion in power stations is a sim- ple case of capital (the cost of the scrubber) substituting for pollution (the emissions). However, to the extent that the use of scrubbers stimulates increases in their efficiency and hence decreases in cost then we can talk of directed technological change playing a role. Thus if we imagine a constant price being put on the polluting emissions, when scrubber technology becomes cheaper due to DTC then adoption of the technology will increase. In reality however emissions rose in cost from zero to a high level, causing the universal adoption of scrubbers. Or in some cases the

17We assume that the MAB curve is not so high that emissions are always zero in our model. Chapter 12. The EKC and substitution between alternative inputs 113




−0.5 GDP

Natural log scale −1

Clean air act −1.5 Sulphur

−2 1850 1900 1950 2000

Figure 12.5. UK Sulphur emissions compared to GDP. Both curves normalized to zero in 1956,thedate of introductionof the first of a long series of regulations restricting emissions. Data: Maddison (GDP), David I. Stern (Sulphur). Two anomalous points in the sulphur data have been altered. adoption of scrubbers was simply mandated by the national or international authorities. Substitu- tion between inputs has also played an important role in reducing sulphur emissions from power generation generally, in that power generators switch to cleaner types of coal, or from coal to gas or renewables. In all cases, the key driver of sulphur emissions reduction has been a dramatic increase in the price of emissions either explicitly (emissions actually were priced, as they are in an emissions trading program) or implicity, i.e. when regulations are imposed which mandate the use of certain emissions-reducing technologies or banning the use of other technologies. 12.4.2. Smokeless fuel in urban areas. The first Clean Air Act was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed in 1956, following the so-called ‘Great Smog’ of 1952.18 Through the act it effectively became illegal to emit significant quantities of smoke in and around London. This necessitated, in the short run, a switch of inputs to smokeless fuels for many agents, including households which heated their homes by burning coal. The drastic nature of the price increase (implicitly, the price of emissions rose to infinity) necessitated an input switch rather than simply efficiency improvements. Again, it is not clear to what extent the initial input switch was followed by (directed) technological change to make the new inputs (such as smokeless fuel) cheaper over time. 12.4.3. Chlorofluorocarbons. Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) are highly stable, relatively non- toxic organic compounds which were widely used as refrigerants. However, once discharged to the atmosphere they migrate to the upper atmosphere (the stratosphere) where they remain for decades, catalysing the destruction of ozone. In 1987 the Montreal protocol was signed, effectively ensuring a rapid phase-out in CFC production and use. It was subsequently strengthened, making the phase-out more rapid than first planned. Thus, again, we have a dramatic rise in the cost of emitting pollution, from zero to infinity (or close to infinity). Not surprisingly, pollution emissions fall very rapidly following such a change. Again, the main mechanism for the fall is substitution. Such a dramatic cost increase means it is not feasible to increase the efficiency with which CFCs are used in order to comply with regulations, they must be replaced by a substitute. Again, it is not clear the extent to which the forced substitution led to DTC making the new (substitute) input cheaper over time. 12.4.4. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). DDT is a chemical first synthesized in 1874, but not used as an insecticide before WW2. It was—initially—extraordinarily effective at wiping out insects, and it was soon noted that this could cause ecological imbalances; because DDT eliminated predatory insects as well as pests, application could trigger population explosions of fast-breeding species.

18For the act itself, see 114 12.4. Case studies of pollution reduction






−2.5 CFC −3

−3.5 Montreal protocol −4

−4.5 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Figure 12.6. Global productionof CFCs, (CFC11+CFC12) compared to global product, both curves normalized to zero in 1987, the date of signing of the Montreal protocol. Data: Maddison (GDP), AFEAS (CFCs).

Over time, other problems emerged. Apart from resistance evolving among target species, it was also found the DDT accumulated in the bodies of species higher up in the food chain— such as the bald eagle and peregrine falcon—causing death or inability to reproduce. This was highlighted by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, (Carson, 1962). Following publication of the book use of DDT in the United States declined rapidly, and it was banned in 1972. The graph of use against time—Figure 12.7—does not follow the usual pattern. Use grows very rapidly from 1939, but then quickly reaches a plateau before falling gradually. The ban in 1972 is the final death knell, although use does not cease completely until 1975. There are various reasons for the difference from the usual pattern. One is that DDT was used primarily in agriculture, which is not a growing sector, hence we do not expect a rising trend for inputs. Another is the growth in resistance. And a third is the gradual realization of the harmful effects.19

80 year / 60


DDT use, million lb 20

0 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975

Figure 12.7. Consumption of DDT in the U.S.

Again, the disappearance of DDT seems to be mainly due to substitution of other inputs rather than a price increase causing greater efficiency in its use. The substitutes used depend on the circumstances. They include alternative pesticides (agriculture) and alternative methods of mosquito control (malaria). 12.4.5. Toxins in car exhaust. Car exhausts emit a cocktail of dangerous pollutants, includ- ing nitrogen oxides (often known as NOx), volatile organic compounds, ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulates. Furthermore, between around 1920 and 1980 large quantities of lead were emit- ted. Finally, of course, large quantities of carbon dioxide, but we consider that in the next section. Emissions per kilometre driven have fallen drastically. Why? In the case of lead, the answer is simple: adding lead to petrol was banned during the 1980s and 1990s. This led to cars running

19For more information, and data, see ‘NIOSH special occupational hazard review:DDT’, 78-200. Chapter 12. The EKC and substitution between alternative inputs 115 on lower-octane fuel, or alternative technologies were used to boost the octane rating of fuel. However, the role of technological change in the process seems to be limited. Regarding the other pollutants, the reasons for their decline are more complex. On the one hand, when engines become more efficient (giving an economic benefit regardless of the cost of pollution) polluting emissions per kilometre tend to fall. On the other hand, catalytic converters— mandatory in most countries—drastically reduce these emissions. As with lead, the only reason for a firm to introduce such technology is regulation, or pressure from altruistic consumers. The basic technology existed for 15 years or more before it was first introduced into mass-produced cars in the US during the 1970s. So again, regulation has driven the adoption and refinement of existing technology. A fascinating and topical case is that of emissions from diesel-engined cars. Diesel engines produce more power output per unit of CO2 emitted than petrol engines (all else equal) because of the higher heat content of the fuel, higher burning temperature, and higher compression ratio. However, the high temperature also causes oxidation of nitrogen in the air to nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide (NO and NO2) commonly known as NOx. NOx, once formed, is hard to get rid of. It can be converted catalytically in a process known as SCR. However, this requires (in addition to the catalyst) a flow of a chemical such as urea into the reaction chamber, and this chemical needs a tank and regular refills. This is already applied to many heavy goods vehicles and buses, but has not (yet) spread to the automobile market. An alternative to SCR is to prevent the creation of NOx in the first place, through EGR. EGR lowers the combustion temperature of the fuel, thus reducing NOx formation. However, this also reduces power output per unit of fuel burnt. What then is the solution of the unscrupulous car maker? Program the car’s computer (engine management system) to (a) detect when the car is in a test environment rather than on the road, and (b) react by putting the EGR system into overdrive. On the other hand, when the car is on the road the system is shut down and the engine delivers high power—and high emissions.20

12.4.6. Carbon dioxide in car exhaust. Carbon dioxide emissions from car exhausts con- tinue to rise, despite increases in efficiency. Income and price effects have led to increased travel, and the choice of more powerful, heavier vehicles, which haveoffset the efficiency increases. See for instance Knittel (2011). Furthermore, internal combustion engines are approaching the theo- retical limits of efficiency; not much improvement remains technically possible. Given these facts, it is clear that there are only two ways of drastically reducing such emissions: either a change of fuel, or a drastic reduction in car use. Regarding a change of fuel, the potential for DTC to play a role is clear. It is possible that investment in (for instance) the technology necessary for electric vehicles may lead to such a great improvement in that technology that it actually becomes preferable to fossil-based technology without the need for subsidies. Our previous analysis gives some pointers to how likely such a scenario really is.

12.5. Conclusions Return to Selden et al. (1999). They sorted changes in polluting emissions in the US into categories scale, composition, energy intensity, energy mix, and other technology. The scale effect is simply the increase in emissions which is to be expected if emissions track GDP; so if GDP doubles, the scale effect indicates a doubling in emissions. To the extent that emissions did not track GDP during the period of study, the other effects must be present. The composition effect is Solow’s shifting between consumption categories. If this effect is driving down emissions, it is because we are shifting the balance of our consumption towards categories which have low pollution-intensity. The energy-intensity effect is the effect of energy- efficient technology reducing energy requirements per unit of production, whereas the energy mix effect is about switching from one (polluting) energy source to another (clean) one. So the first of these effects is related to our discussion of DTC and rebound, and the second is related to lock-in and break-out. The ‘other technology’ effect typically refers to technology changes which reduce emissions per unit of fuel burned; typical examples are catalytic converters on car exhausters, or scrubbers on smoke stacks (chimneys). Selden et al. find that the key effect is ‘other technology’: emissions have not been reduced by changes in the composition of consumption, nor by changes in the energy mix, nor by energy- efficiency. Instead, they have been driven by technologies specifically introduced to cut those very

20For more on this case see ‘The VW scandal exposes the high tech control of engine emissions’ on 116 12.5. Conclusions emissions. Crucially, such technologies are introduced due to the introduction of regulations (or, in some cases, pollution pricing). The result fits naturally with the observation that CO2 emissions have continued to rise: such emissions can only be reduced by composition changes, changes in the energy mix, or increased efficiency. They cannot be reduced by end-of-pipe solutions, barring the successful introduction of carbon capture and storage. We have presented a simple explanation for the rise and fall of polluting emissions based on a model in which such emissions are linked to use of natural-resource inputs, and alternative inputs differ in pollution intensity. We conclude by making three claims based on the analysis in the paper. Our first claim is that the mechanism through which polluting emissions rise and fall may be applicable to a large number of relevant empirical cases. We have discussed the cases of SO2 and CO2, but could equally well have taken dioxins, lead, NOx, or many other cases in which the key criteria for our mechanism seem to be fulfilled: that marginal damages increase in income, that emissions are linked to the use of natural resources in production, that the prices of the relevant natural resources display little or no long-run trend, and that alternative inputs or production processes are available—at a cost—resulting in lower emissions. Our second claim is that phenomenanot in the model—such as directed technological change —may add important dimensions to the analysis and require specific policy instruments if an optimal allocation is to be achieved; however, the relevance of such phenomena does not render the basic model irrelevant, on the contrary DTC should be incorporated in a framework in which emissions are linked to input use, and the costs of alternative inputs (such as clean and dirty) are anchored by reality rather than simply being functions of cumulative research effort in the respective sectors. Thirdly, our analysis is congruent with the analysis of Stern (2004) and many others: we should not expect the exact pattern for one pollutant and location to be repeated for another pollutant or location; key factors in the model which may be expected to vary—both between pollutants, and over time and space for the same pollutant—include the relative prices of alterna- tive resource inputs or production processes, and the valuations of environmental quality at given income and pollution levels. For instance, both natural gas and coal are relatively expensive to transport, hence in some locations coal may have a price advantage over gas, whereas in other locations the reverse may be true. Regarding the time dimension, clean production processes (e.g. solar PV technology) may fall in price over time due to research effort; in such cases, coun- tries which are lower on the growth ladder may adopt these processes at lower levels of GDP than the richest countries. Finally, a word about future research. As it stands, the model implies that the more success- ful we are at finding clean technologies, the greater will be the long-run rate of resource use. A promising extension not discussed above would be to add resource constraints (most fundamen- tally a finite area of land) to the model, and investigate the very long run development of the global economy. See Goeller and Weinberg (1976) for an early analysis focused only on resource scarcity. CHAPTER 13

Production, pollution and land

In the previous chapter we assumed a simple trade-off between pollution and production, and that zero pollution could be achieved per unit of production at a fixed unit cost. We then foundthat —given continued income growth—households would increasingly find this cost worth paying (at the aggregate level), and therefore their elected representatives would enact legislation to ensure that zero-emission technologies were used. A problem with this analysis is that the trade-off is not simply between pollution and final- good production. There is also a third factor, which is land. And in many cases there is also a trade-off between land and pollution: polluting technologies—such as fossil-fuel burning and intensive agriculture—often use less land than their cleaner substitutes, such as wind and solar power, or low-input agriculture. But the total quantity of land is limited, and furthermore there are many other competing uses for land, such as recreation and leisure, and not least as the substrate on which the natural (non-human) world can thrive. Given increasing income, willingness to pay for these goods (leisure and thriving nature) will also increase, just as WTP to avoid pollution increases. But we may not be able to find technologies which use zero (or close to zero) land and emit zero pollution. Consider for instance energy generation. We therefore expect a trade-off in the long run between land, pollution, and production. In this chapter we analyse this tradeoff. In doing so we also take a deeper look at the nature of pollution, in particular analysing stock pollution rather than just flows. Limits to productivity of energy production for instance, and of production of some goods such as motive power. More to come ...


Part 5

Policy for sustainable development Here we consider policy for sustainable development. We take a step back and consider the implications of the analysis presented earlier in the book, and also put it into a broader context. We examine the role of green consumerism, and also consider arguments for government policies to encourage shorter working hours and thus less production and consumption in the economy. Section under construction! CHAPTER 14

Is unsustainability sustainable?

Assume that the following statement is true. • We are getting richer and healthier, but trashing the planet. Given the above, consider the following two hypotheses. (1) • We rely on services provided by the planet, and by trashing the planet we are de- stroying the planet’s ability to provide these services in the future. • Therefore, if we carry on trashing the planet the loss of these services will lead to us getting poorer and sicker. (2) • We are adaptable and ingenious. • Therefore we can carry on both trashing the planet and getting richer and healthier, indefinitely. Now assume that you care about the planet, and would like to help redress the balance be- tween the pursuit of material wealth and care of the planet. What to do? Consider the following two strategies. (1) Find evidence for hypothesis 1, or try to convince others of its veracity. (2) Persuade others to care too: either more about the planet, or less about material wealth! There are of course other strategies. For instance: (3) Demonstrate that the system (e.g. ‘global capitalism’) is going to crash anyway, irre- spective of the state of the planet. And argue that since it’s going to crash we might as well slow it down gently and save the planet at the same time. The first strategy is fine as long as hypothesis1 holds. But what if it doesn’t? If you’vepinned all your arguments onto it, and it turns out not to be true, you’re in trouble. Maybe following the second strategy would be a better idea? In this chapter I will suggest that hypothesis 2 is probably true, and therefore that strategy 2 is much preferable to strategies 1 and 3, which are both very risky.

14.1. Lessons from historical adaptation The idea here is to argue that the regulated market economy has shown a remarkable ability to adapt and react to crises when they arise, including environmental crises. On the other hand, we know that environmental crises may often have far-reaching conse- quences for nature, and sometimes for human welfare. And when the consequences are only for nature, not a lot tends to get done. Consider for instance the Baltic Sea, or bird populations in Europe. Finally, there are examples of civilizations that have collapsed, apparently due to environmen- tal collapse. E.g. Easter Island. What lessons are there here? E.g. Brander and Taylor (1998).

14.2. Financial and other crises We know that financial crises—especially large-scale ones across many countries—typically have severe and long-lasting effects. However, such a crisis does not signal the death-throes of capitalism, the collapse of the system under the weight of contradictions. We know why the recent global financial crisis occurred, and we know why recovery from it is so slow. The reason is the lack of confidence in the future which is widespread among agents, a lack of confidence which is rational for each individual in the knowledge that everyone else lacks confidence. It is a gigantic coordination problem, the solution to which is either some massive shock (such as WW2 in 1939) or gradual, inch-by-inch progress.

14.3. Uncertainty and future crises So the global economy will very likely be able to keep going as it has up to now, for decades or even centuries to come. Growing, triggering environmental problems and even catastrophes, and then solving them. All the while, the space for the non-human or ‘natural’ world is likely to

121 122 14.3. Uncertainty and future crises be circumscribed ever-more by our thirst for consumption, consumption of everything from food to wilderness experiences. CHAPTER 15

Growth and environment

In this chapter we discuss policies which may help to combine continued rapid growth in per-capita production with improving environmental quality and respect for the natural world.

15.1. Taxation contra Command and Control The idea here is to show that there is an important role for command and control.

15.2. Precaution The precautionary principle is open to varying interpretations. But it is clear that if we are more careful this will slow long-run growth while potentially avoiding future crises.

15.3. Lessons from observations of structural change Maybe we (consumers) are very flexible about what we consume. And maybe there is a herd instinct which leads us to choose similar options. Consider fashion. Maybe the shift towards energy- and resource-intensive goods can be turned around at minimal cost in utility?



The no-growth paradigm

16.1. Consumerism Firms want to sell more stuff, employ more people, etc. The market economy has its own dynamic. Or something.

16.2. ‘Green’ consumerism Green consumerism is a tricky business. The key problem is rebound. If you don’t consume one thing, but your income is unchanged, you will consume something else instead, or invest in capital which may be just as bad. It is an impossible task for individual consumers to weigh up the environmental effects of their actions. We need consumers to elect politicians who enact laws which (a) lead to external effects being internalized in the prices of goods (in borderline cases), and (b) lead to highly damaging or unnecessary practices being banned (in black-and-white cases). A recent example of the latter is the ban on incandescent light bulbs in both the US and the EU.

16.3. Conspicuous consumption, labour, and leisure 16.3.1. Background chat, very preliminary. Are we prioritizing consumption of goods too highly, and preservation of nature too low? But we elect governmentsin a democratic process, and they choose policies which determine these priorities. But what about the Easterlin paradox, the claim that increasing average income in a country is only weakly correlated with increasing happiness and well-being? Does this not suggest that the all-out effort to work harder and produce more is a rat-race with no winner? This idea links with the ideas of Thorstein Veblen (see for instance Veblen, 1899), who coined the term ‘conspicuous consumption’ to capture the idea that we consume in order to be seen to consume, and by being seen to consume we raise our status which is gives us utility. However, in order to consume we must earn income, and in order to earn income we must work, and in order to work we must sacrifice leisure, and the sacrifice of leisure reduces our utility. Putting Veblen’s ideas into a modern economic context, if we consume to gain status, then there is a consumption externality: one person’s higher status is her neighbours’ lower status, driving down their utility. Therefore each individual’s choice to work long hours to earn more money and consume more has a negative external effect on that individual’s neighbours. And, in the global village, that might mean everyone else in the global population. Consider climate negotiations. Is it possible that a major stumbling block in these negotiations is not the desire of China and India to get richer, but rather the desire of China and India to catch up with the OECD countries in terms of wealth and income per capita? And, by the same token, the desire of the richest countries that China and India should not catch up with them in terms of wealth and income per capita, implyingthat China and India (by virtue of their higher populations) would wield much more economic power than USA and the EU? Why do politicians constantly exhort their citizens to adopt growth-friendly policies so that they do not lose out in the ‘global race’? There is no global race: countries which adopt new technology less aggressively—and countries whose populations work less and take more leisure time—have lower GDP per capita than other countries, but they have neither higher unemploy- ment nor lower welfare. Why then the political obsession with growth and productivity? Could it be that citizens compare their consumption rates across borders, and furthermore that politicians gain utility from observing that ‘their’ economies are larger and more powerful than those of their neighbours? If the above is true (or partly true) then it is highly likely that we work too hard and take too little leisure time for our own good. More precisely, if everyone worked less and took more leisure time, everyone would be better off! And this applies irrespective of spin-off benefits for the environmentand nature. In the next section we build and solve a simple model to demonstrate the mechanism.

125 126 16.3. Conspicuous consumption, labour, and leisure

16.3.2. A very simple model. Assume a population of identical households indexed by i where the utility of a given household is described by the following function:

α1 1−α1−α2 α2 ui = ci ri (ci/c¯) .

Here ci is consumption, ri is leisure, andc ¯ is average consumption across all households. Further- more, α1 and α2 are parameters the sum of which is less than 1. For convenience define

α = α1 + α2.

Production is a linear function of labour, but consumption is reducedbyanincometax at a flat rate τ, and boosted by a lump-sum transfer of public goods which is equal to average production l¯ multiplied by the tax rate. Thus we have

ci = li(1 − τ) + l¯τ.

Leisure r (for recreation) is equal to total time R minus labour time, i.e.

ri = R − li.

Now take the tax as exogenous and work out how much each household chooses to work. To do so, substitute into the utility function to yield

α 1−α α u = li(1 − τ) + l¯τ (R − li) /c¯ 2 . h i Take the first-order condition in li and solve to show that

li = αR − (1 − α)l¯τ/(1 − τ).

So when income tax is zero li = αR: as labour income dominates the utility function (α high) households devote more of their time to labour and less to leisure. Now assume a symmetric equilibrium such that average labour l¯ is equal to the labour sup- plied by household i, li. Inserting this into the above result we have αR l = l¯= . i 1 + (1 − α)τ/(1 − τ) Now the question for a regulator is, what level of tax τ maximizes utility for households? Economic theory tells us that if markets are perfect then the optimal tax should be zero, hence li = αR. But if there is a consumption externality—i.e. if α2 > 0—then this no longer holds. To solve the problem, we insert the expression for li as a function of τ into the utility function —noting that in symmetric equilibrium ci = c¯ and (as already stated) li = l¯—to obtain

αR α1 αR 1−α u = R − . "1 + (1 − α)τ/(1 − τ)# " 1 + (1 − α)τ/(1 − τ)#

Simplify to obtain

u = R1−α2 αα1 ω−(1−α2)(ω − α)1−α, where ω = 1 + (1 − α)τ/(1 − τ).

Take the first-order condition in ω to solve for the optimal ω, and then use the definition of ω to solve for the optimal tax: α τ = 2 . α1 + α2 So, the stronger the weight of ‘conspicuousconsumption’in utility, the more labour income should be taxed. How big is the effect? Assuming conspicuous consumption has equal weight to consumption in utility then labour income should be taxed at 50 percent. Theeffect of the tax is to reduce labour supply by a factor ω. And if leisure has 50 percent weight in utility (implying that α = 0.5 so in laissez-faire the individuals would work 8 hours and have 8 hours of leisure time, assuming that 8 hours are needed for sleep) then ω = 1.5, so labour supply is reduced by one third. Chapter 16. The no-growth paradigm 127

16.3.3. Conclusions on conspicuous consumption. The above model should not be taken too seriously: it is based on assumptions which are plucked more-or-less out of thin air rather than backed by careful argument and empirical evidence. Nevertheless, it demonstrates that there may exist sound economic arguments for governmentsto discourage labour and encourage leisure even in the absence of environmental damage from production. However, if international consumption externalities are important then it is only rational for national governments to impose such policies if their neighbours do the same. Perhaps this is why European economies have (collectively) been able to hold down or even reduce working hours over recent decades, whereas the US has lurched dramatically in the opposite direction.1

1For a reference to give an introduction to the field, see Aronsson and Johansson-Stenman (2008). On international comparison of working hours see Prescott (2004).


Mathematical appendix

17.1. Growth rates What is meant by a growth rate? What is a constant rate of growth? And how is growth best represented graphically? Assume we are interested in GDP, denoted Y. A constant rate of growth in Y implies that Y grows exponentially, such that (for instance) the time it takes for global product gt to double is constant. Mathematically we have Y = Y0e , where Y0 is global product at time zero, g is the growth rate, and t indicates time. Consider for instance an economy growing by 3 percent per year, and with initial GDP of 9 gt 1 × 10 USD/year. We then have y = y0e where t is time measured in years, g = 0.03, and y0 is initial GDP. If we plot y against time we get the familiar exponential form; Figure 17.1(a). However, this is a poor way to organize data as it is hard for the eye to interpret: given a curve of increasing slope it is not generally possible to determine by eye whether it represents a constant, increasing, or decreasing growth rate. For instance, compare the curve to Figure 17.1(b), which 2.5 plots the function y = y0(1+t /5300). This is not exponentialgrowth, but this is far from obvious from the figure.

20 20 year 15 year 15 / / USD 10 USD 10 9 9

5 5 GDP, 10 GDP, 10

0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 years years

3 3

2.5 2.5 year year / / 2 2 USD USD 9 9 1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5 ln GDP, 10 ln GDP, 10 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 years years Figure 17.1. Two different growth patterns, illustrated using a linear scale ((a) and (b)) and a logarithmic scale ((c) and (d)).

In order to see the true growth trend, take the (natural) logarithm of the equations. In the case of exponential growth we have

(17.1) ln(y/y0) = gt. So we have a straight line through the origin, the slope of which is g; Figure 17.1(c). The second equation results in the curve shown in Figure 17.1(d), where we can see that the growth rate is initially zero, subsequently increases, and then declines. Another advantage to plotting the logarithm of a growing variable is that the relative sizes of fluctuations are also shown in proportion. Consider for instance the data showing USA’s GDP from 1870 to 2008, Figure 17.2. Consider the size of the fluctuations in GDP before and after the great depression and WW2. Have the fluctuations increased over time, decreased, or remained

129 130 17.2. Continuous and discrete time the same? From 17.2(a) it is very hard to tell; a naive interpretation of the curve would be that the fluctuations have increased. However, when we plot the logarithm (17.2(b)) we see that the fluctuations in GDP in the second period were smaller than in the first, as a proportion of GDP at the time.

0 10 GDP / 5 GDP

0 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 years 3

0 2 GDP / 1 ln GDP 0

1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 years

Figure 17.2. Two different representations of U.S. growth. The logarithmic scale helps us to see both that the trend growth rate is very constant, and that the fluctuations are smaller in the latter period (after WW2).

Finally, note that another way to illustrate growth data is through plotting the growth rate Y˙/Y against time. Given a constant growth rate g we have Y˙/Y = g hence this yields a horizontal line at height g.

17.2. Continuous and discrete time Dynamic economic models may be set up either in continuous or discrete time. In continuous time we can think of time flowing, and also physical goods (such as natural resources or machines) should flow in the sense that their quantities change gradually rather than suddenly jumping from one level to another. In discrete time we divide time up into discrete periods, and the state of the system jumps between one period and the next. Models in continuous time are often more mathematically elegant, whereas models in discrete time may be more practical in some circum- stances. Empirical (economic) data is typically collected at discrete intervals, so we measure for instance total production and natural resource use in a quarter (three months), rather than the flow of production and resource use at each instant. In some economic models the assumption of dis- crete time is crucial because it is assumed, for instance, that firms all invest simultaneously and periodically. Mathematically the appearance of models in discrete and continuous time is typically very different, but the results are typically essentially the same (as long as it is practically possible to model the system using both). Assume a process of exponential growth in continuous time. Following the examples of the previous section we assume

Y˙/Y = g. Chapter 17. Mathematical appendix 131

Now consider measuring Y at discrete intervals of one year, indexed by t, starting at t = 0 when we assume that Y = 1. What is Y at t = 1? dY = gY, dt Yt 1 (1/Y)dY = gdt, ZY0 Z0 log(Yt/Y0) = gt, gt Yt/Y0 = e . So at t = 1 we have Y = eg, at t = 2 we have Y = e2g, and so on. Furthermore, we can write Y − Y t+1 t = eg Yt Y + and t 1 = 1 + eg. Yt So if we take measurements in discrete time we find a growth factor 1 + eg, or 1 + θ, whereas in continuous time we have a growth rate g. Note that when g is small then θ ≈ g, whereas when g becomes large θ becomes significantly greater than g because compound growth during each period becomes significant. Finally, if we let the period length approach zero then g also approaches zero, and θ approaches g.

17.3. A continuum of firms In macroeconomic modelling it is very common to assume a continuum of firms (and indeed households). Why do we do this, and what does it mean? To understand this, assume instead that we have just one firm. This is nice and simple in one sense, because aggregate production and aggregate demand for inputs is the same as the production and demand of the single firm. However, there is a big problem in that this single firm must then have market power, both on the market for inputs (e.g. the labour market) and on the market for the final good. Of course, we know that market power does exist in the real economy, but to start off with a model of only one firm is unsatisfactory: typically we want to start our models assuming the simplest possible case, i.e. competitive markets, and then introduce market power later when it is relevant; furthermore, even when market power is relevant we are unlikely to have pure monopsony or monopoly (only one buyer or seller). In order to generate competitive markets in our models we need to add more firms. But how many? In a competitive market the actions of any one firm have no effect on prices, firms are price takers. But this implies that each firm must be infinitesimally small, its production must be negligible compare to the total. Thus we need an infinite number of very small firms. So firms are no longer countable, but we can measure their mass; and in some circumstances we may want to claim that the mass of firms has grown (e.g. doubled), even though the number of firms is not a meaningful concept. However, in most circumstances we simply assume that there is a unit mass of firms, or a continuum of firms measure 1. This has the advantage that, in symmetric equilibrium, production per firm is the same as aggregate production from all the firms (and the same holds for input demand). To see this mathematically, index firms by i and assume that i ∈ (0,1). Production from firm i is denoted Yi, and total production from all firms is Y. All firms produce the same good. Then total production is simply the integral across all the firms, 1 Y = yidi. Z0 Now, if the equilibrium is symmetric so all firms produce the same amount then yi is simply constant (it does not vary as i runs from 0 to 1), and Y = y, where y is production by any one representative firm. Note that in more complex models the goods produced by the firms may differ, and the math- ematics is slightly more complicated. These cases are analysed in detail in the main text when they arise.


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