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Hormones Steroids Antibodies Fitzgerald Industries International is the premier provider of over 45,000 highly purified Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies, purified Proteins, ELISA Kits and Specialty Research Products. For more than 20 years our customers have known that they can depend on Fitzgerald Industries to supply them with high quality products for research and further manufacture. Hormones and their receptors play a central role in the regulation of gene expression. These soluble receptors, when bound to their corresponding hormone, regulate gene expression through direct interaction with promoter response elements. Fitzgerald Industries offers a wide selection of tools that can be used to investigate the function of hormones and their receptors, and our current brochure encompasses over 800 antibodies and purified hormones and steroids spanning a vast range of targets including steroid hormones such as Glucocorticoids, Estrogens, Androgens; small peptide hormones such as TRH and vasopressin; protein hormones such as insulin and growth hormones; and glycoprotein hormones such as LH, TSH, and FSH. In addition, we offer comprehensive listings in other research areas including Cancer, Cell Biology, Immunology, Infectious Disease, Signal Transduction, Neuroscience, Cytokines & Growth Factors, Cardiac Markers, Protein Modification, Cell Death & Stress, and many more. Visit our website at www.fitzgerald-fii.com to view our complete offerings and full technical data. www.fitzgerald-fii.com/Hormones & Steroids Hormones & Steroids 1 Fitzgerald Industries International HeaderMonoclonal Antibodies Catalog No. Product Name Host Clone Size 10C-CR1045M1 17 beta Estradiol antibody Mouse 53114 1 mg 10R-3148 ACD antibody Mouse 1C8 100 ul 10R-6784 ACD antibody Mouse 1A2 100 ul 10-A31A ACTH antibody Mouse M31241 1 mg 10-A31A ACTH antibody Mouse M31241 100 ug 10-A32A ACTH antibody Mouse M31263 1 mg 10C-CR1096M1 ACTH antibody Mouse 363121 100 ug 10C-CR1096M2 ACTH antibody Mouse 753600 100 ug 10R-A125a Amylin antibody Mouse R10/99 1 ml 10R-A129a Androgen Receptor antibody Mouse AR 441 200 ug 10R-A129a Androgen Receptor antibody Mouse AR 441 100 ug 10R-2328 AR antibody Mouse F39.4 1 ml 10R-2114 BNP antibody Mouse 8D5B4C11 100 ul 10R-2115 BNP antibody Mouse 9H6B4,9H6H4A7 100 ul 10R-2116 BNP antibody Mouse 3A6F7C7 100 ul 10-G06A Bovine Growth Hormone antibody Mouse M510257 1 mg 10-C65B C Peptide antibody Mouse M8120921 1 mg 10-C65C C Peptide antibody Mouse M8120922 1 mg 10R-6732 C Peptide antibody Mouse HCP-B2 100 ug 10-C65A C Peptide antibody Mouse M607239 1 mg 10R-3561 C2orf40 antibody Mouse 3B10 100 ul 10R-3562 C2orf40 antibody Mouse 1A10 100 ul 10R-3563 C2orf40 antibody Mouse 1F6 100 ul 10-C08A Calcitonin antibody Mouse M904291 200 ug 10-C08B Calcitonin antibody Mouse M904292 200 ug 10-C08C Calcitonin antibody Mouse M904293 200 ug 10-7891 Calcitonin antibody Mouse M18612CT1 500 ug 10-7892 Calcitonin antibody Mouse M18612CT2 500 ug 10R-2291 CgA antibody Mouse LK2H10 1 ml 10R-C126a Chromogranin A antibody Mouse LK2H10 100 ug 10R-C126ax Chromogranin A antibody Mouse PHE5 200 ug 10R-C127a Chromogranin A antibody Mouse PHE5 100 ug 10R-C128a Chromogranin A antibody Mouse LK2H10 & PHE5 200 ug 10R-C125a Chromogranin A antibody Rabbit SP12 500 ul 10R-6770 Chromogranin A antibody Mouse LK2H10 500 ul 10R-6770 Chromogranin A antibody Mouse LK2H10 1 ml 10R-7450 Chromogranin A antibody Mouse 23A1 100 ug 10R-C143a Corticoliberin antibody Mouse 5D5 1 mg 10-C30B Cortisol 3 antibody Mouse M49128 1 mg 10C-CR2107M2 Cortisol 3 antibody Mouse 2127485 1 mg 10-C30D Cortisol antibody Mouse M021509 1 mg 10R-C145a Cortisol antibody Mouse XM210 1 mg 10R-E115b EPO antibody Mouse Epo1 1 mg www.fitzgerald-fii.com/Hormones & Steroids T 978.371.6446 • F 978.371.2266 • Email: [email protected] 2 Hormones & Steroids Fitzgerald Industries International Monoclonal AntibodiesHeader Catalog No. Product Name Host Clone Size 10R-E115a EPO antibody Mouse Epo2 1 mg 10C-CR1196M2 EPO antibody Mouse 813600 100 ug 10C-CR1196M1 EPO antibody Mouse 5710200 100 ug 10R-2778 EPO antibody Mouse 4F11 100 ul 10R-7779 EPO antibody Mouse Epo2 150 ug 10R-7781 EPO antibody Mouse NYRhEPO 500 ug 61R-E115bBT EPO antibody (biotin) Mouse Epo1 1 mg 61R-E115bHRP EPO antibody (HRP) Mouse Epo1 1 mg 10-7901 Erythropoetin antibody Mouse M18612EP1 1 mg 10-7902 Erythropoetin antibody Mouse M18612EP2 1 mg 10-E115b Erythropoetin antibody Mouse M12619EP1 1 mg 10-E115a Erythropoetin antibody Mouse M12619EP2 1 mg 10R-E122a Estradiol 17b antibody Mouse ESTR-1 1 mg 10-E14A Estradiol 6 antibody Mouse M40557 1 mg 10-E15A Estradiol 6 antibody Mouse M405233 1 mg 10-E15B Estradiol 6,17b antibody Mouse M94150 1 mg 10-E37E Estriol 3 antibody Mouse M612039 1 mg 10-E37C Estriol 3 antibody Mouse M612035 1 mg 10-E37D Estriol 3 antibody Mouse M612034 1 mg 10-E37B Estriol 3 antibody Mouse M612033 1 mg 10-E37A Estriol 3 antibody Mouse M612030 1 mg 10R-E117a Estrogen Receptor antibody Mouse AER314 100 ug 10R-E118a Estrogen Receptor antibody Mouse TE111.5D11 100 ug 10R-E124a Estrogen Receptor antibody Rat H222 200 ug 10R-E124a Estrogen Receptor antibody Rat H222 100 ug 10R-2329 Estrogen Receptor antibody Mouse 6F11 1 ml 10-F20A FSH alpha antibody Mouse M94136 1 mg 10-F15A FSH antibody Mouse M210201 1 mg 10C-CR2109M3 FSH antibody Mouse 2127475 1 mg 10C-CR2109M4 FSH antibody Mouse 227475 1 mg 10C-CR2109M2 FSH antibody Mouse 4611820 1 mg 10-F15B FSH antibody Mouse M27301 1 mg 10-F15D FSH antibody Mouse M607109 1 mg 10-F15C FSH antibody Mouse M94166 1 mg 10R-2320 FSH antibody Mouse 1038 1 ml 10-7978 FSH antibody Mouse M18612FSH1 1 mg 10-7979 FSH antibody Mouse M18612FSH2 1 mg 61R-F119bHRP FSH antibody (HRP) Mouse FSH182 1 mg 61-F26B FSH antibody (HRP) Mouse M607109-HRP 500 ug 10R-F119a FSH beta antibody Mouse FSH909 1 mg 10-F25A FSH beta antibody Mouse M94167 1 mg 10-F25B FSH beta antibody Mouse M606241 1 mg T 978.371.6446 • F 978.371.2266 • Email: [email protected] www.fitzgerald-fii.com/Hormones & Steroids Hormones & Steroids 3 Fitzgerald Industries International Monoclonal Antibodies Catalog No. Product Name Host Clone Size 10-F25C FSH beta antibody Mouse M94170 1 mg 10R-7518 FSH beta antibody Mouse 7D10 1 mg 61-F26A FSH beta antibody (HRP) Mouse M605113-HRP 500 ug 10R-4146 FSHB antibody Mouse 4 E10 100 ul 10R-4147 FSHB antibody Mouse 4 E8 100 ul 10R-4148 FSHB antibody Mouse 1B2 100 ul 10R-4149 FSHB antibody Mouse 3A9 100 ul 10R-4150 FSHB antibody Mouse 2 E5 100 ul 10R-4151 FSHB antibody Mouse 4B9 100 ul 10R-4152 FSHB antibody Mouse 4D12 100 ul 10R-4153 FSHB antibody Mouse 2A6 100 ul 10R-4154 FSHB antibody Mouse 2G9 100 ul 10-7910 GCSF antibody Mouse M18612GC1 500 ug 10-7911 GCSF antibody Mouse M18612GC2 500 ug 10-7912 GCSF antibody Mouse M18612GC3 500 ug 10-7913 GCSF antibody Mouse M18612GC4 500 ug 10R-7801 GH antibody Mouse PG3H5AT 50 ug 10R-1934 GLP1 antibody Mouse 1B7B4 100 ug 10R-G113a GnRHR antibody Mouse A9E4 1 ml 10-G43A GnRHR antibody Mouse M0201127 1 mg 10-G43B GnRHR antibody Mouse M0201128 1 mg 10R-1006 Growth Hormone antibody Mouse g3H5 100 ul 10R-7291 Growth hormone antibody Mouse GH-15 100 ug 10-C20B hCG alpha antibody Mouse M7051921 1 mg 10-C20A hCG alpha antibody Mouse M94136 1 mg 10R-L106a hCG alpha antibody Mouse FSH410 1 mg 10C-CR2108M3 hCG alpha antibody Mouse M1206HCG 1 mg 10R-7514 hCG alpha antibody Mouse 23E11 1 mg 61-L05A hCG alpha antibody (HRP) Mouse M94136-HRP 500 ug 61R-L111aHRP hCG alpha antibody (HRP) Mouse 176-HRP 1 mg 10R-7293 hCG beta antibody Mouse HCG-8 100 ug 10-C15A hCG antibody Mouse M94213 1 mg 10R-C175a hCG antibody Mouse 27E8 1 mg 10-3126 hCG antibody Mouse MH-95 1 mg 10-3127 hCG antibody Mouse M1202082 1 mg 10R-6762 hCG antibody Mouse HCG 205 500 ul 10R-6762 hCG antibody Mouse HCG 205 1 ml 10-7980 hCG antibody Mouse M18612HC1 1 mg 10-7981 hCG antibody Mouse M18612HC2 1 mg 61-H10C hCG antibody (HRP) Mouse M94140-HRP 500 ug 10-C25C hCG beta antibody Mouse M705159 1 mg 10-C25G hCG beta antibody Mouse M901021 1 mg www.fitzgerald-fii.com/Hormones & Steroids T 978.371.6446 • F 978.371.2266 • Email: [email protected] 4 Hormones & Steroids Fitzgerald Industries International Monoclonal Antibodies Catalog No. Product Name Host Clone Size 10-C25D hCG beta antibody Mouse M94138 1 mg 10R-C182b hCG beta antibody Mouse 151 1 mg 10R-C182a hCG beta antibody Mouse HCG03 1 mg 10-C25B hCG beta antibody Mouse M94140 1 mg 10C-CR1047M6 hCG beta antibody Mouse M48257 1 mg 10-C25E hCG beta antibody Mouse M94139.7 1 mg 10-C25A hCG beta antibody Mouse M48257 1 mg 10-C25FS hCG beta antibody Mouse M15294 1 mg 10-C25H hCG beta antibody Mouse M94141 1 mg 10R-7515 hCG beta antibody Mouse 8F7 1 mg 10R-7751 hCG beta antibody (core) Mouse NYRhCG 500 ug 61-H10B hCG beta antibody (HRP) Mouse M94138-HRP 500 ug 61R-C182cHRP hCG beta antibody (HRP) Mouse 152 1 mg 61-H10A hCG beta antibody (HRP) Mouse M94139-HRP 500 ug 10R-6985 HSD17B2 antibody Mouse 4F10 100 ul 10R-7782 Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse NYRhHGH 500 ug 10C-CR2147M3 Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse 2127495 1 mg 10-G05D Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse M0410181 1 mg 10-G05C Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse M0410182 1 mg 10R-2980 Human Growth Hormone antibody Rat KT19 100 ug 10-G119b Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse M12619GH1 1 mg 10-G119a Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse M12619GH2 1 mg 10R-G119c Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse Gh29 1 mg 10R-G119b Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse GhB9 1 mg 10R-G119a Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse GhG2 1 mg 10-G05B Human Growth Hormone antibody Mouse M94169 1 mg 61-G05A Human Growth Hormone
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