Cereal Crimes: How “Natural” Claims Deceive Consumers and Undermine the Organic Label—A Look Down the Cereal and Granola Aisl e ? October 2011 e following staff members helped research, write, edit, and support this report and scorecard: Charlotte Vallaeys, Director of Farm and Food Policy, principal author Mark Kastel, Senior Farm Policy Analyst Will Fantle, Research Director Lynn Buske, Research Assistant e following provided professional assistance: Michana Buchman, copyediting Jeremy Vossman, Papertree Design, www.papertreedesign.com, scorecard layout and web design e Cornucopia Institute is dedicated to the fight for economic justice for the family-scale farming community. rough research, advocacy, and economic development, our goal is to empower farmers both politically and through marketplace initiatives. e Cornucopia Institute P.O. Box 126 Cornucopia, WI 54827 608-625-2042 voice 866-861-2214 fax
[email protected] www.cornucopia.org Cover photo: iStockphoto.com 2 Contents Acknowledgments . 4 Executive Summary . 5 Section I: Legal Difference between Organic and “Natural” Labels . 8 Section II: Company Definitions of “Natural” . 9 Section III: Polls Show Consumer Confusion . 10 Chart: Meaning of “natural” and organic . 10 Chart: Most desirable eco-friendly product label claim . 10 Chart: Consumers value the term “natural” over organic . 10 Section IV: Companies’ Marketing Techniques Intentionally Blur Line Between Natural and Organic . 11 Box: Rapid growth of natural foods industry . 13 Box: Beware the granola in the green boxes . 13 Section V: Company Profiles — Who Is Behind the Brands? . 14 Chart: From organic to “natural” . 17 Section VI: Price Comparisons . 18 Chart: Multigrain flakes price comparison . 19 Chart: Raisin bran price comparison .