District 2041 PRESS KIT DISTRICT 2041 District 2041 Stories, pictures, emotions and achievements Rotary Clubs of Milan. FOCUSON District 2041 the DISTRICT introduction The District 2041 brings together the Clubs of the metropolitan area of Milan. 50 Clubs are part of it, for a total of about 2,300 members. The 2020-2021 Governor is Roberto Bosia, member of the RC Milano Giardini. Roberto Bosia The constitution of the first Milanese Club, 1923. The District 2041 includes the Rotary Club Milano, the first in history Italian Rotary, founded in 1923. It dates back to 1925, in Italy, the constitution of the first District of continental Europe, originated from the extraordinary Club flowering in the two years 1923/25. The heirs of the first Milanese Rotarians are today strongly occupied in promoting the ideals of service to society through partner projects and associations. District Facebook page PressOfficer Giulia Piazzalunga 3490829393
[email protected] District 2041 Stories, pictures, emotions and achievements Rotary Clubs of Milan. 2 FOCUSON District 2041 resources the DISTRICT numbers and information Distretto 2041 RI Comune di Milano Area metropolitana Members Administrative office Rotary: 2,300 Via Canova 19/A - 20145 Milano tel: +39 02 36580221tel Rotaract: 15 clubs email:
[email protected] Interact: 2 club web: www.rotary2041.it District clubs Assago Milanofiera Milano Milano Madonnina Buccinasco San Biagio Centenario Milano Manzoni Studium Cinisello Sesto San Giovanni Milano Metropolis Passport Della Martesana