PLYOMETRICS A fun alternative to regular , plyometrics focus on development of strength, power, agility, and flexibility. Intensity: High Workout created by Downtown YMCA Personal Trainer Caro Shull THE WORKOUT WARM UP: 10 minute jog/run or jump rope (5 sets of 50 reps) On level surface designate start and stop landmarks for a distance of approx. 20-25 yards. Each will travel the length of the area. Turn around and execute the next exercise in the opposite direction to stay between landmarks.

1. WALKING LUNGES: Alternate swinging feet forward into a 6. RIGHT LEG HOP (HEEL TO RUMP): Hop on right leg only with the front knee bent but staying above or behind the to start landmark while kicking your rump each hop with the right front toes and the back leg straight. Push off back foot by foot. To build up to this, hop 2-3 times regularly, then add one activating the glute, keeping leg straight and lifting back leg up. that kicks your rump. Try to weed out extra hops to eventually Swing the back leg through, plant and bend into the new front make the kicking hops consecutive. Use upper body/arms as leg. Continue to the far landmark. necessary to coordinate timing.

2. SKIPPING KNEE DRIVE: Turn around to skip back to starting 7. LEFT LEG HOP (HEEL TO RUMP): Hop on left leg only to landmark. Height is the objective so use a coordinated arm swing far landmark while kicking your rump each hop with the left foot. between both arms and lifting knee for each skip to maximize lift. To build up to this, hop 2-3 times regularly, then add one that Try to bring together from elbow to wrist and drive kicks your rump. Try to weed out extra hops to eventually make upward while driving knee up. the kicking hops consecutive. Use upper body/arms as necessary to coordinate timing.

8. LOW, SLOW BACK HOPS: Face far landmark and jump backwards to start landmark in a deep crouch, hands by ears and by 3. BACK PEDDLE RUN: Movement is toward far landmark while rocking onto your heels then jumping to land on your toes, before facing start. Crouch with hands to each side and run falling over, and rocking from toes to your heels and repeating. Try to backwards with light, quick steps. stay low and avoid oompa loompa up and down movement. THIS WILL BURN YOUR QUADS while allowing heart rate to recover a little.

9. SUPER- FROG JUMPS: Face far landmark and alternately jump 4. HIGH KNEES: Return to start landmark by running with into a crouched straddle and a legs together crouch with a full arm swing arms held so forearms are parallel to the ground and between each. Super: in the air you try to extend body from arms above head, hips pushed forward and legs outstretched to imitate Superman in alternately lifting each knee to touch a hand. Avoid lowering flight. Frog: landing in the crouch with legs apart, arms swing in between hand to knee! legs in crouched position, or legs together, arms swing to the outside of

5. TOUCH & GO BACK HOPS: Return to far landmark by facing 10. FULL SPEED SPRINT: Sprint back to start landmark at full start landmark and jumping backwards to with light, quick speed. There's not much distance so expect to hit full speed hops, crouching with hands up by ears and thinking "hot coals!" and then have to slow down.

REPEAT SET 2- 3 TIMES. For advanced version, perform each exercise up a slight incline and recover by jogging back to start landmark. COOL DOWN: Jog 10 minutes STRETCH: Stand in a straddle. Lunge to one side while reaching opposite toward floor. Alternate sides. Lay on back with legs up a wall with shoes or boots on. Straddle and let gravity stretch inner thighs for 2-3 minutes. Exit by pulling feet away from wall and bringing feet together using muscles and no hands. Roll to one side.