Astrology Dhana Yoga- the Combination for Prosperity ABSTRACT

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Astrology Dhana Yoga- the Combination for Prosperity ABSTRACT Research Paper Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179 Astrology Dhana Yoga- The Combination For KEYWORDS : Wealth, dhanayoga, pov- ery, purusharthas, jyotish, classics Prosperity S.Shantha Reserch Scholar-Astrology, Dept.Sanskrit & Astrovedic Studies, PRIST University,Thanjavur,Tamilnadu 613403. ABSTRACT Introduction:-Every person in this earth barring a few saints In the above chart of Ameer Khan the 11th lord Sun in in 10th all want wealth. This is because wealth brings social security, house and 9th lord Sani is in its own house forms Dhana Yoga. enjoyments and all comforts of this world. It is seen that maxi- Well this is basic principle rest in horoscope trine houses 1, 5, 9 are known as Lakshmi sthana means house of wealth and pros- a decent living. In fact the rich of the world are listed. This fact perity 1st house is weak trine 5th house is stronger trine than 1st alonemum numberis enough of to people show are how poor few or people earn justare reallysufficient rich. to Money make and 9th house is strongest out of the three. 9th house is also has always had its importance in human life since ages un- known as Bhaagya sthana. Relationship between these 3 houses known to the historians. Though it is a materialistic entity, are also donate wealth. So in horoscope 5 houses are concerned a reality and a necessity for everyone on this Earth. The impor- with wealth in one’s life different types of combination can arise tance of wealth is so much that even in Vedic astrology, it takes between these 5 houses to indicate wealth. the second place, next to the health. While Vedic texts speak of 4 purushArthas( human aspirations), the second place goes to ar- tha, the wealth. It is natural for anybody to inquire about one’s wealth through astrology. Main page :-Wealth is very important for everyone these days practically people follow different ways to become rich but one can be rich as it is written in its destiny an astrologer can easily judge that how much one can get by judging his/her horoscope. as in horoscope there are 12 houses out of which 2nd house governs or tells about one’s wealth and 11th house which is house of income and earnings in a horoscope so ba- sic principle which states wealth in one’s life is combination between these 2 houses combination can be of different types (1) conjunction between lord of 11th and 2nd house. In the above horoscope the Lagnadhipathi and Sukhadhipati (2) aspect between lord of 11th and 2nd house situated in 9th and 5th lord in 10th and its higher house, The pow- (3) mutual exchange between lord of 2nd and 11th house. erful Guru aspects Dhanadhipathi and Labhadhipathi, Hence a good Bhagya Dhana Yoga prevails. Wealth can be assumed by the strength of these two planets. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra - cally the houses of happiness and the Trikonas are the houses of Wealth and Prosperity. This says is because that the Kendras Kendras are are ruled specifi by Vishnu, the sustainer and Trikonas are governed by Lakshmi, the giver of prosperity. Thus, these houses shall appear promi- nently in the combinations of wealth. Along with it, 2nd house is the house of accumulated wealth and 11th house is the house of gains or income and thus, these houses are equally important in the matters of wealth. 12th signify the house of loss and its involvement in the combinations show loss of wealth. Some of In the above chart of Rahul Gandhi the lord of 2nd Sun is in 11th the verses from chapter 41 of the above classics is appended from 2nd house. herewith:- and beoccupied by sukra himself, while Mangala is in Labha Yogas for Great Affluence Should a Rasi of Sukra be Putra Bhava 12 IJSR - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Research Paper Bhava, the native will obtain great riches. Bhavartha RatnakaraVolume : 3 | Issueexplains : 4 | April as :2014 If the • ISSN there’s No 2277 a parivar - 8179 - tana between either the 2nd and 5th lords or the 2nd and Should a Rasi of Budha be Putra Bhava and be occupied by Bud- 11th lords, the native earns a lot. This is also true for the ha himself, as Labha Bhava is occupied by Candra, Mangala and placement of the 5th and 9th lords in their own houses. If the lords of 2nd and 11th are associated with lords of the 5th and 9th, Dhana yoga results. If the said planets (2nd and Guru, the native will be very affluent. 11th)are associated with lords other than the 5th and 9th, no Dhana yoga results; however, the native does enjoy mod- erate wealth. There’ll be loss of wealth if the 12th lord as- Should Simha be Putra Bhava and be occupied by Surya himself, sociates with the 2nd and 11th lords. It’s always fortunate as Sani, Chandra and Guru are in Labha Bhava, the native will be for Jupiter to associate with the 2nd lord and Mercury. If the 1st, 2nd and 11th lords are in their own houses, a Dhana yoga is formed. If the 2nd and 11th lords are in the lagna, a very affluent. powerful Dhana yoga results The Sanketanidhi explains that, When Rahu together with Mars, Satrun and Venus be placed in Virgo , The Native would Should Surya and Chandra be in Labha Bhava, as Sani is in Putra become Wealthy. If debilitated planets placed in their own - house of debilitation be placed in 11th , 10th 2nd and 3rd house ent. from Lagna, the native would become a King. Bhava identical with his own Bhava, the native will be very afflu Combination for Dhana Yoga as detailed in Various Astro- classical literature are appended for ready reference:- 1) If the lord of the ascendant is in 10th House the native will be richer than his parents. 2) The same will apply if 10th lord is in the ascendant 3) If Jupiter is placed in 9 or 11th and Sun in the 5th the native becomes rich 4) Mutual exchange of Houses of 2nd and the 9th lord (except Saturn) makes a person rich. 5) Sun in 6th or 11th the person becomes rich. Particularly so when Sun is in Rahu star and Rahu in Sun’s Star. 6) 2nd lord in 8th a person becomes rich by self-efforts. 7) If Moon and Jupiter or Moon and Venus be in 5th the person becomes rich 8) If Mercury happens to be in Aries or Cancer the person be- comes rich. 9) If 7th house has Mars or Saturn and 11th house has any planet other than Ketu the person will earn huge wealth by do- ing business. If Ketu is in the 11th he will earn through foreign agency 10) If the 7th house has either Mars or Saturn and the 11100th house has Saturn or mars or Rahu the person earns wealth by sports, Gambling, Commissions, rent lawyer’s fees etc 11) Mars in 4th Sun in 5th Or Jupiter in 11th or 5th, earning will be through ancestral properties, crops, or building, which will increase. 12) Saturn in 4th identical with Libra, Capri- Should Guru be in Putra Bhava identical with his own Rasi, as corn or Aquarius the native will earn through Num- bers ( accountants, statisticians, mathematician etc) Rasi of Mars happens to be Putra Bhava with Mangala there in, Budha is in Labha Bhava, the native will be very affluent. If a- 13) If Mars, Jupiter and Moon join Cancer for a cancer native ent. If Karkataka happens to be Putra Bhava, containing Chan- he becomes very rich through employment resource and divine drawhile therein, Sukra whileis in Labha Sani isBhava, in Labhs the Bhava,native willthe nativebecome will very become afflu grace. and be yuti with, or receiving a Drishti from Mangala and Guru, 14) If Rahu, Saturn, or Mars or Sun in the 11th the native be- onevery will affluent. be wealthy. Should Should Surya Chandra be in Simha be in Katakaidentical identical with Lagna with comes rich gradually. Lagna and be yuti with, or receiving a Drishti from Budha and Guru, one will be wealthy. Should Mangala be in Lagna identical 15) If quadrant or trinal houses are occupied by Jupiter, Venus, with his own Rasi and be yuti with, or receiving a Drishti from Moon, Mercury or houses 3, 6, 11 by Sun, Rahu, Mars, Saturn Budha, Sukra and Sani, the native will be rich. Should Budh’s the native will become exceedingly rich during dasas of Rahu/ rasi be Lagna with Budha therein and should Budha be yuti mercury/Saturn /Venus. with, or receiving a Drishti from Sani and Guru, the native will be rich. 16) If all Kendras are occupied by planets OR All trines are oc- IJSR - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 13 Research Paper Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179 cupied by benefics OR All “oopachayas” (3,6, 11) occupied by Malefic The native becomes exceedingly rich or lord of 7th in 10th the native will become rich by marriage or through17) Benefic wife’s planets earnings. or 10th lord in Taurus or Libra and Venus 18) JUPITER IN CANCER , Sagittarius, or Pisces, and 5th lord in 10th the person becomes rich through son/daughter. 19) Mercury + Jupiter + Venus in any house, earning by religious means (purohit, Pundit, Astrologer, Preacher, Head of religious institutions etc). 20) Mercury +Venus + Saturn in any House, the person will earn by business leadership 21).
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