are very lucky. 0352269802 G58085 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433707-1 BODU Govi Postgraduate Computer Software En- gineer & a Director of his own leading Business 14 Company, 5' 5" smart 30 years old son. Business Owner father & Retired Teacher mother seek a very pretty slim figured educated virtuous daughter. Re- ply with the horoscope. G58099 C/o Sunday Times, 1985 5' 3" in height B/G pretty, virtuous, fair, young P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T434038-1 looking, inherit assets Research Scientist (BSc BODU Karawa 36 years old 5' 9" Computer Engi- Chem/SL), PhD (USA) only daughter. Government neer son, legally separated from an unsuccessful Sector Retired parents seek a suitable, virtuous marriage. Parents seek a pretty educated daughter son. No barriers. (Ravi, , Kuja, Cha.1) (Sha, from a decent family background. G58076 C/o Sun- Ke. 5) Horoscope matching to A suitable partner is sought for Engineer sister, 49 Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428401-1 4" in height employed at a Government Bank. Re- 2047 Colombo T428894-1 day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433611-1 horoscopes. Email: [email protected] years of age, to share life. ajithagamage27@gmail. BODU Govi decent family born in 1992 5' 5" tired parents seek qualified & handsome partner. RATNAPURA B/G 1994 5' 3" in height inherit BORN in 1985 6' in height smart son legally sepa- B57462 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- com B58095 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- studied in a Colombo leading School good looking (He should be the middle child.) Only brother at- assets pretty daughter Higher Diploma Holder in rated by a marriage limited only to a signature. Cur- bo T428916-1 lombo T433846-1 Final Year Medical Student daughter. Parents seek tached to the Private Sector. sumedhamendis22@ English & expecting for the Graduation. Business rently employee abroad. Looking for suitable pretty 1988 well connected G/B parents seek a partner A wealthy, respectable Sinhala family from Colombo a suitable Doctor or Engineer son. B58084 C/o Sun- B58031 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX parents seek a son. Kuja 7 horoscope. B57230 C/o daughter height above 5 1/2 feet. 0812421675. for their professionally qualified well employed fair wishes to find a qualified, tall (minimum 5' 10"), day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433699-1 2047 Colombo T432945-1 Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T427691-1 Contact after 7.00 p.m. G57226 C/o Sunday Times, pretty daughter with assets. props202010@gmail. handsome and decent son from respectable family BODU Govi Parents from a well established and COLOMBO resident Southern Bodu Govi 1987.6 RESIDING in Melbourne, parents in Colombo per- P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T427659-1 com B57835 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 for marriage to 5' 7" tall, very pretty, elder daughter respectable Business family in Colombo, seek high born 5' in height English Graduate Teacher daugh- manently working with high salary. Former Visakian, BORN in 1990, 5' 7" in height, University of Mor- Colombo T431169-1 (1992). She is a Consultant Lawyer to a PLC and a well mannered son for their daughter 25 year very ter. Parents seek Graduate son. Father is a Spe- higher education done in Melbourne. owns her own atuwa NDT and BEng Graduate, NS/TT, handsome 1990 February Panadura B/K 5' 1" in height inherit Directress in the well-established family business. pretty own luxury house & car. Please reply with cialist Doctor. Rahu 1, Kethu 7. proposalgle@gmail. vehicle & house. Australian Citizen. Borne feb 1988, son is working at Government Authority as an As- a land & substantial assets in cash, BSc, CIMA Educated at leading School in Colombo. She has horoscope and family details. E-mail: proposalmar- com B58034 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 enrolled in masters. please forward your HC & FD sistant Engineer. Buddhist parents looking for edu- Graduate, leading Government Sector Institution CIMA and MBA from Jayewardenepura University. [email protected] B58056 C/o Sunday Times, Colombo T432971-1 Email- [email protected] B58107 C/o Sun- cated decent Teacher or Bank employee daughter. employee, fair, slim figured daughter. Parents seek She inherits substantial assets. Please email all P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433285-1 COLOMBO suburb born in 1990 January 4' 10" in day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T434177-1 Please reply with copy of non-malefic horoscope. a devoid of all vice virtuous employee Graduate relevant information to: [email protected] BODU Karawa/ Govi affluent parents from South height Buddhist Govi obtained MBA, BSc, HNDE SOUTHERN Bodu Govi Government Bank Execu- [email protected] G57471 C/o Sunday partner. Shani, Kuja 7 horoscope. Reply. Thank B57705 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- living in Nugegoda, father Director of a well-estab- engaged in Public Sector employment for daugh- tive daughter, 1988 October born 5' 2" in height. Re- Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428990-1 you. B57603 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 bo T430255-1 lished Company, seek an educated handsome son ter, parents looking for academically/ profession- tired parents seek Government Teacher/ Bank em- BORN in 1992 November 5' 9" in height Buddhist Colombo T429896-1 ACADEMICALLY and professionally qualified from a respectable family background below 30 ally qualified devoid of vices employed compatible ployed son of suitability. (Kuja Shani 1,2,4,7,8,10, Deva fair complexioned handsome Automobile 1990 Sabaragamuwa Bodu Govi 5' 2" in height read- caring well-mannered professional/ Businessman years living in Sri Lanka for their elder daughter Int. partner. Western Province preferred. B58017 C/o Kumbha, Deva Gana, Anura Nekatha) (Southern Engineer (Dubai) for son, parents looking for ing for BSc Degree fair Government Nurse daugh- son from a respectable family background sought Management (Hon) Graduate, fair, pretty, well-man- Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T432795-1 preferred.) B57887 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX academically & professionally qualified a beautiful ter. Mother seeks a devoid of all vice, educated son. by Govigama Buddhist mother from Colombo for nered religious 5' 6" tall born 1996 January working COLOMBO suburbs Buddhist Govi parents retired 2047 Colombo T431723-1 compatible daughter. Kuja in 7th House horoscopes Contact only who are matching to Kuja Shani 8. well accomplished daughter 1979, slim and smart, as an Executive in a reputed Organization inherits teachers seek a suitable partner from an under- WADDUWA Buddhist Govi 1989/7 5' fair pleasant preferred. No barriers. 0112707665 proposalsr92@ 0113408763 B57265 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX brought-up with Buddhist values, MBA qualified, substantial assets. Please send family details with standing family for fair beautiful daughter educated looking MBBS Graduated daughter employed as a G58015 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428122-1 holding a Senior Managerial Position in a leading Fi- non-malefic horoscopes and contact details in first in a leading girls school in Colombo, 5' 4" tall 35 Doctor, legally separated from marriage confined to 2047 Colombo T432786-1 1991 born Bodu Govi 5' 2" in height Graduate nancial Institution. Inherits substantial wealth includ- letter or by email. [email protected] years old. MBA qualified holding an Executive past signature within 3 months as complainant. Parents BORN in 9/1980 5' 8" in height Upcountry B/G smart overseas employed owns dowry slim figured fair ing properties in Colombo suburbs. Please reply B57522 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- in reputed firm marriage confided to the signature seek virtuous partner preferably Engineer/ Doctor/ Engineer son. Looking for a pretty equal caste complexioned daughter bearing good character. with full family details & horoscope. mproposalc@ bo T429348-1 only and separate. Telephone 0112843294 B58103 Executive compatible to Kethu 07 and horoscopes equally educated daughter for an immediate mar- Business parents seek similarly qualified employed B58111 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX BODU/ Karawa 39+ 5' 1" in height fair complexioned C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo without Kuja 07/08. B57757 C/o Sunday Times, riage. Legally separated by a short time period of teetotaler son less than 34 years of age. Kuja 1 2047 Colombo T434297-1 pretty younger looking Diploma Holder (College of T434159-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T430523-1 marriage. [email protected] G57483 C/o Sun- horoscope. Shani Mangala horoscopes are com- ACADEMICALLY and professionally qualified Education) expecting Degree Government Teacher G/B affluent Business parents from Colombo sub- WAYAMBA Bodu Govi 1981 born only daugh- day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T429076-1 patible. [email protected] B58047 C/o well employed caring son below 43 years sought daughter. Retired parents seek suitably qualified urbs seek Engineer/ Lawyer or educated well estab- ter Graduate Teacher. Parents seek Executive Badulla, Buddhist, Govi 1982/04, 5’ 8" BA/IT Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433072-1 by B/G parents for the young looking, attractive son. Owns dowry. All true particulars along with lished Businessman son bearing good character to Grade employed or professionally qualified son. Graduated, highly government employed son de- 1993 January born Bodu Govi 5' 4" in height edu- daughter born in 1990, 5' 4" height, Graduate, well contact numbers should be forwarded at the 1st 1992 born 5' 7" very fair pretty well educated (MBA, 0372286035 B58041 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX void from all vices. Possessing new house, lands, cated at a Colombo leading School pretty Graduate employed in Pvt. Sector. Inherit substantial assets instance itself. [email protected] LLB, AAL) daughter occupying a Managerial Position 2047 Colombo T433044-1 modern vehicle and other income. Government Re- Lawyer daughter. Parents seek son of moral values. in Colombo suburbs. Email: brideprposal@gmail. B58026 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- in the Cooperate Sector, owns luxury house, car and WESTERN B/G 1990 5' 4" Graduate, Executive tired parents seek virtuous daughter. malakadushy- [email protected] B58063 C/o Sunday com B58102 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 bo T432925-1 valuable business premise. Reply with family details, Grade employee, fair, pretty daughter. She owns a [email protected] G57329 C/o Sunday Times, Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433493-1 Colombo T434096-1 BORN in July 1993 5' 6" fair Bodu Govi Dewa Gana HC and phone number. [email protected] 3 storied commercial building, land, mud lands with P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428416-1 1993/12 Govi, Buddhist Professional parents from ACADEMICALLY and professionally qualified resident in Anuradhapura Colombo National School B57253 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo good income, a vehicle & other properties. Father is CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Vishwa Caste 24 years Colombo suburbs seek a suitable son with Sinhala well mannered caring son is sought by B/G Retired Teacher daughter. Retired father seeks a devoid of T428047-1 a Retired Principal & mother is a Teacher. Parents 5' 6" in height Graduate pursuing Higher Studies in Buddhist Values for our daughter (5' 1") studied at professional parents in Colombo suburbs for their all vice partner. Reply with the horoscope. B58082 seek a Doctor/ Engineer/ Banker/ highly employee Australia owning valuable assets handsome eld- a leading Colombo School with full qualifications in only daughter born in 1988. She is pleasant medium C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo GALLE Bodu Karawa 1995 September 5' in height partner. Reply with the horoscope which are not ma- est son of a well reputed business family. Parents Accountancy. Both CIMA & CASL employed in a pri- complexioned and holds a Bachelors Degree in En- T433676-1 College of Education Internship English Training lefic only & with all the details. B57608 C/o Sunday seek qualified daughter. (Those with ability to keep vate firm. Family consists of two daughters. Reply gineering. Currently she is involved in family busi- BORN in September 1990 5' in height B/G BSc, MSc Teacher daughter. Teacher mother seeks Govern- Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T429906-1 proposed can apply along with copy of horoscope with family details and a copy of horoscope to pro- nesses which she will inherit subsequently with sub- Graduate, Executive Grade employee in Kandy Pri- ment (special) or Private Sector permanently em- WESTERN B/G 5' 4" 26 years old Government & contact numbers.) G58038 C/o Sunday Times, [email protected] B58098 C/o Sunday Times, stantial other assets. She is separated from a short vate (International) Company, inherit assets, slim ployee educated virtuous son. Kuja Rahu 1. Reply University BSc Graduate, Government Sector em- P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433008-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433960-1 term incompatible marriage and has a three year figured, fair, good looking daughter. Building Con- with the horoscope & telephone number. No barri- ployee daughter, parents seek a suitable educated COLOMBO educated Buddhist parents seek slim, 1994 February 5' in height Government Nurse old lovely daughter. Please reply with family details structing Businessman father & Teacher mother ers. Email: [email protected] B58042 C/o partner. Non malefic horoscope. B57599 C/o Sun- fair MBBS Doctor BSc Engineer, Lawyer, Lecturer daughter. Parents seek Government/ Banking and horoscope to email: mproposal202088@gmail. seek an educated age below 34 years equal caste Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433046-1 day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T429885-1 or an undergraduate daughter from a similar field partner. Uva province special. B57321 C/o Sunday com B57571 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- son who has a decent family background. Partners GAMPAHA Bodu Deva/ Govi 1988 born 5' 3" in WESTERN Province Bodu Govi 1985 born 5' 3" in from a respectable family for their MBBS govern- Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428397-1 lombo T429604-1 who are employing in abroad or expecting to mi- height fair complexioned Doctor daughter. Retired height Senior IT Engineer daughter. Teacher mother ment Doctor son just 28yrs old 5' 10" in height. 1994 Kottawa Bodu Vishwa Bachelor of Commerce AN educated handsome son is sought by Colombo grate special. Reply with family details, horoscope Teacher mother seeks suitable son. Mesha La- seeks qualified & employed son. B58045 C/o Sun- owns assets in Colombo. Reply with horoscope. Statistics Graduate (J'pura) Government Sector em- Sinhala Buddhist parents (cast immaterial) for their copy, T/P number from the 1st letter. Email: propos- gna, Kuja 12 (Non malefic horoscope.) Punawasa day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433063-1 Tel- 0112883399, Email- augpro1992doc@gmail. ployee pretty daughter. Kethu 07. Parents seek a only daughter slim, fair, pretty 22 5' 2" studying for [email protected] 0812200870. B57244 C/o Nekatha, 1 Padaya. B58040 C/o Sunday Times, WESTERN Province Bodu Govi 1988 born 5' 4" com G58104 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 partner. B58048 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 her chemistry degree (3rd year) reply with horo- Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T427876-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433031-1 in height Graduate (College of Education) Maths Colombo T434161-1 Colombo T433099-1 scope. Email- [email protected] B58110 CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Govi 27 years 5' 6" in GAMPAHA near the town B/G 5' 2" in height born Teacher daughter. Teacher mother seeks qualified & GAMPAHA District Buddhist Govi decent 1985 5' 1994/8 born Civil Engineer in Australia possess- C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo height educated at Museus College MBA qualified in May 1990 employee as an Accountant & getting employed son of moral values. B58044 C/o Sunday 9" son primary and secondary educated at Colombo ing PR 5' 3" in height owning immovable proper- T434194-1 beautiful & religious daughter. Business parents ready for Law Graduation, pretty daughter owns a Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433060-1 leading School, Graduated a Colombo University ties in Sri Lanka. Engineer/ Teacher parents seek ATTRACTIVE professional lady, Sinhalese, seek compatible & qualified son. Owns substantial modern type house. Parents seek a decent, edu- and PhD from USA and employed there, coming to Graduate based overseas or Doctor/ Engineer in kind caring 71 Y, looks 50s, seeks sober divorced assets worth over 100 Million. Reply with full par- cated son. B57618 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX reside in Sri Lanka in August, possessing a valuable Sri Lanka. 0912258653 B57895 C/o Sunday Times, Engineer, qualified Businessman, good charac- ticulars together with contact numbers. marpro@ 2047 Colombo T429925-1 property, legally separated from a short term mar- P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T431749-1 tered smart. Marriage only. 62-72 Y. Details, Tele: B58061 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX GOVI Buddhist parents in UK, seek partner for riage as complainant. Parents seek a daughter from 1998/01 Buddhist Govi born in Kotte 5' 5" educated [email protected] B57804 C/o Sunday Times, 2047 Colombo T433491-1 pretty, fair daughter, qualified as Doctor of Head a decent family. Send phone number & horoscope. handsome son employed Executive in a Colombo P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T430815-1 COLOMBO Bodu Govi 1969 born beautiful reli- and Neck and working as a Dentist in UK, born 0112608062 [email protected] G57763 C/o reputed Bio Medical Company, devoid from all B/G Matara 1988 October Management Graduate gious Government Doctor owning modern vehicle, 1986 and 5' 5" tall brought up with Buddhist values. Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T430557-1 vices, possessing property. Business parents in- MBA qualified completed 4 years as a Government complete house & land. Those possessing horo- Looking for academically and professionally quali- GOVI/ Buddhist parents from Kandy seek a beautiful vites an educated pretty daughter preferably em- Accountant, own a new vehicle & other properties scope in compatibility towards Thula horoscope can fied son. Preferably a Doctor. No divorcees please. educated girl willing to reside in UK, for their hand- ployed in Health/ Bank/ Teaching Sector compatible inherited by parents, 5' 3" in height. Parents seek reply along with copy of horoscope, family particu- Respond with horoscope to: proposal202011@ 1953 5' 3" Retired member, wife has passed away, i some son 35 years and employed as a Software En- to Rahu/ Kethu - 01. Non Rakhsa Gana and Kuja a suitable partner for the daughter. Please be kind lars & contact numbers. Email: mdgpp124@gmail. B58100 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX have a house & a vehicle, own the pension & other gineer in UK. G58093 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX Dhosa. Send horoscope and details in 1st letter. enough to send the horoscope copy with the details. com B58021 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 2047 Colombo T434078-1 incomes. Son & daughter married & live separately. 2047 Colombo T433762-1 No encumbrances. Inviting for a lady who knows 0112875410. B57248 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX B57616 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- Colombo T432834-1 HOMAGAMA Bodu Govi beautiful 1986/12/16 KALUTARA B/G 1989 born 5' 3" in height em- what is love & educated as a Science Teacher. I 2047 Colombo T427898-1 bo T429920-1 COLOMBO Bodu Govi 25 years 5' 7" in height born 5' in height BSc MBA qualified employed as a ployee in Tourist Field only son. Businessman fa- would like to have someone like that. Reply via let- 1999/9 born 5' 7" in height educated at an Interna- B/G Science Graduate Teacher daughter, Retired Graduate employed as an Interior Designer eld- Manageress at a reputed Firm, owns dowry, seeks ther seeks a pretty educated equal caste daughter tional School, having obtained Biomedical Degree Teacher parents seek devoid of all vice partner. est daughter in the family. Parents seek qualified suitable partner. [email protected] ters or contact me. 0112760282. G57619 C/o Sun- (Teacher special). G57612 C/o Sunday Times, from Melbourne University, Australia, currently pur- 1991/11 5' 6" in height, fair, slim sister. Only brother son of moral values bearing good character. Only 0412283552, 0117866161 B58046 C/o Sunday day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T429927-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T429914-1 suing MD at a University in Australia, only daughter. is a Computer Engineer. 89/90, more than 5' 9" in horoscopes with Shani Mangala Yoga need apply. Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433067-1 1982 Dec Teacher & Director parents, Account- KANDY B/G 1973 December, legally Separated Engineer/ Lawyer parents seek Doctor/ Engineering height expecting for a young gentleman, non ma- B58043 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- KADAWATA born in 1993 5' 4" in height after pur- ing graduate (Melbourne). He inherits substantial have a 11 years old daughter within him. He is a Co- assets including car & house (business family Student to keep proposed. 0382235384 B57897 C/o lefic horoscope. Uva Province special. Reply with bo T433052-1 suing education at a leading School in Colombo re- partner of a leading business. He owns an official background) prefer. [email protected] Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T431762-1 the horoscope & T/P number. B57323 C/o Sunday COLOMBO Bodu Salagama 26 years daughter 5' ceiving Higher Education at Victoria in Australia, for vehicle & a house, owns 27 acres of land, monthly daughter parents looking for a suitable compatible G58105 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- earning more than 1 Lakh of income. Studied in partner. B58012 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 lombo T434173-1 Kandy leading School, 5' 10" in height, educated, Colombo T432760-1 1988 Southern Buddhist 5' 6" handsome Moratuwa smart. Brother looking for a kind employee partner. KANDY 1988 Bodu 31 years old 5' 3" in height University Graduated only son with Chartered quali- G57305 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- BSc, MSc fair, slim, pretty, employee in Colombo fications devoid from all vices possessing a house, bo T428363-1 Semi-Government Institution, daughter inherits 20 motor car. Retired parents seek educated virtuous KANDY B/G Government Board Institution Ex- Millions of properties. Retired parents seek a virtu- daughter. Only sister is married. No barriers. Send ecutive Grade Electric Engineer 1984 5' 4" son. ous, equally educated, employee son. No barriers. horoscope, phone number & family details. win- Parents are looking for virtuous, fair, pretty, slim [email protected] With Kuja 7. B57286 C/o [email protected] G57759 C/o Sunday Times, figured daughter. Central, Uva, Kurunegala, Kegalle Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428238-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T430537-1 special. Teacher, Nurse, Banker, Government/ De- KANDY B/G 26 years old 5' 2" in height Govern- 1989 August 5' 4" in height MBBS Doctor son. Re- partment or expecting for a job. Graduate special. ment School Teacher daughter. Retired parents tired parents seek B/G Doctor daughter. G57537 Contact only who are below 30 years. Contact after seek suitable, employee partner. Inherit assets. C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo 7.00 pm. 0813150900. G57340 C/o Sunday Times, Reply with the horoscope. Around from Kandy T429385-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428447-1 special. B57267 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 42 years 5' 6" in height Bodu Govi handsome (young- KANDY Bodu Govi 58 years old 5' 8" in height stud- Colombo T428125-1 er looking) engaged in an Industry related to innova- ied in Science, Administration Service qualified, Re- KANDY close to the Temple of Tooth permanently tive Products seeks wealthy & kind partner who is tired Government Officer, experienced Playwright, resident Upcountry Buddhist decent family back- able in giving a supportive hand towards success in Private Teacher, with a good family background, ground, studied in Mahamaya Girls' College, born life. Divorcees & age differences holds no barriers. devoid of all vice, fair slim figured young looking in 13/11/1994 5' 6" in height, College of Education Someone who values humanity more than wealth healthy, unmarried. I'm looking for a partner who English/ French Teacher daughter. Government preferred. 0117917631 G58051 C/o Sunday Times, values mental attachment more & can help in mov- Sector employee parents seek a suitable son. Non P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433180-1 ing forward, own a house, a vehicle, substantial as- malefic horoscope. Reply with the horoscope & T/P 43 + years 5' 2 1/2" in height Chartered Accountant sets, art loving Doctor, Engineer, Executive Grade Number. No Barriers. Around Kandy special. Email: employee in Foreign Service, son inherit assets. or educated virtuous partner. 0812385374 G57851 [email protected] B57347 C/o Sun- Mother seeks a pretty, educated daughter who C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428498-1 likes to go abroad. [email protected] T431380-1 KEGALLE 1995/01 Buddhist Govi 5' 4" fair slim 081-3135407. Contact after 5.00 p.m. G57343 C/o KANDY Upcountry B/G 6/1990 5' 11" in height Peradeniya University Graduated (Agri Technology Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428467-1 BSc Special Degree Q.A. Consultant son. Retired and Management 4 Year Degree) only daughter in- A reputed business family seeks an extremely pretty, Teacher parents seek a suitable daughter. Kandy, volving in Training. Retired parents seek a partner. educated well mannered daughter between 22 and Matale, Colombo special. [email protected] Only brother is an Electrical Engineer and married 28 years, for handsome educated son, Govi, 33 5' G57271 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- with a Doctor. Send all details with horoscope with 11" studied At a leading Colombo school and run- lombo T428134-1 1st letter. [email protected] B57767 C/o Sun- ning well established business caste, creed, dowry MATARA District Bodu Govi Mixed 32 years old 5' day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T430581-1 immaterial please respond with family details. 5" in height smart educated son. He owns vehicles KEGALLE B/G 01/1992, 5' 2" in height studied in [email protected] G58108 C/o Sunday & commercial places. Mother seeks a pretty edu- a Girls' College, Sri J'pura University English Me- Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T434185-1 cated employee partner. Not considering about the dium B.A. Graduate & M.A. Graduate Government A wealthy, well-connected, respectable, Sinhala Bud- dowry. G57764 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Teacher & Postgraduate Diploma Holder, elder dhist family is searching for a daughter between the Colombo T430567-1 daughter of the family. Retried Principal mother & ages of 23 and 31 and taller than 5' 1", for 34 years old OUR son is youngest. Born in March 1993. He was Administration Officer father seek a devoid of all (born in 1986), 6' 2" tall, handsome, well-mannered educated at Lyceum International School. Com- vice, highly employee, educated son. B57597 C/o son. He respects Buddhist values, has a good per- pleted his Bachelor's Degree reputed University Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T429875-1 sonality, is highly educated (University education was in USA in Electrical and Computer Engineering in KELANIYA Bodu Govi 5' 2" in height born in June in the U.K.) and does not drink alcohol or smoke. He 2016. He is currently working Senior Network En- 1994 (Foreign) MBBS qualified, to be sit for the owns a company and is a shareholder and director of gineer at leading Company in Sanjose California. ERPM Exam. Expecting for a Doctor or Engineer another company in Colombo and hopes to continue He is a bright and creative handsome nature loving son for the daughter. 0112400242 marriagepro- to live in Sri Lanka. He owns a house in Colombo 3 man. Reply with Kuja 7 matching horoscope copy. and will inherit a substantial amount of wealth, includ- [email protected] B58083 C/o Sunday Times, ing valuable income-generating commercial buildings [email protected] Call more details P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433693-1 in Colombo. Please email all relevant details, which 0112632400 G58101 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX KIRIBATHGODA Buddhist Govi born in 1994 will be treated as confidential, to: marpropc@gmail. 2047 Colombo T434090-1 with proper rich in beautiful figure 5' 5" in height com G58112 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- RESPECTABLE G/B parents seek pretty daugh- Accounting Clerk with 3 years experience, expect- lombo T434571-1 ter with Sri Lankan values for son 1991 November ed a new employment. Both elder sister, brother born height 5' 8". He is an IT and Network Engi- married. Retired father looking for a TT an educated ABLE well established professional 44 years young neer working for a British Based IT Company in Sri virtuous religious towards Buddhism a compatible looking, divorced, having one kid, invite young lady, Lanka. He is well established drawing a respectable son. B58009 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 without encumbrances for marriage. Divorced with salary, owns vehicle. Mesha and Kuja in 8th Colombo T432741-1 kids welcome. [email protected] G57819 C/o House. Please respond with family details, horo- MATALE B/G/K Retired parents, 1994 4' 10" Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T431022-1 scope and contact number. proposal20205@gmail. pretty virtuous, Private University Assistant AMBILIPITIYA 1992 November Bodu Deva com or 0112884191 G58090 C/o Sunday Times, Lecturer daughter. Looking for educated smart virtuous Karawa 5' 8" in height very smart Junior Executive P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433747-1 employee son. Reply with the horoscope & Grade Officer in a leading Private Bank. Only son UPCOUNTRY Bodu Govi Kurunegala educated family details. [email protected] 0662233624. inherits properties. Government Bank Executive smart 1980 5' 8" Businessman son. Mother seeks B57513 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- Grade, Teacher parents seek a pretty virtuous em- a pretty educated daughter (employee or not). Own bo T429313-1 ployee daughter. Teacher special. No caste barriers. a new 2 storey house & a vehicle. Kuja Shani 6. Muslim parents from Kandy seek suitable profes- 0472262790 G58049 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 0375646707 G58039 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX sionally qualified partner for their daughter, born 2047 Colombo T433107-1 2047 Colombo T433022-1 1993, 5' 2", well-mannered and fair. She studied at AN educated pretty and well-mannered daughter is WESTERN Bodu Govi 1993 March 5' 7" BSc En- a leading college in Kandy and is currently working. sought by respectable G/B parents from Colombo gineer (Moratuwa) currently employee in a Private Hometown is Kandy but currently living in Colombo. for their handsome Doctor son 33 years and 5' 8" Sector. Government Sector employee parents seek Contact: 0812314305Email: proposal1993hr@gmail. tall. He inherits valuable assets. Please reply fam- a virtuous educated daughter for the son. Non ma- com B57357 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 ily details with horoscope. Email: proposal1014@ lefic. Email: [email protected] G58077 C/o Colombo T428567-1 G57241 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T433621-1 2047 Colombo T427840-1 PLEASANT looking professionally qualified or B/G close to Colombo affluent Business parents educated established Businessman son from a seek educated pretty fair kind daughter for our edu- Bride and Groom B/G family living in Colombo is sought by mother cated (BA, MBA) Landed Proprietor, Businessman for her daughter, aged 33+ 5' 8" tall, fair, pretty, son born 1990 6' owns luxury house, vehicle and educated in an International School, holds a Degree in inherits substantial assets. Legally separated from a COLOMBO B/G respectable Engineering parents Business Management from a University in UK. brief unsuccessful marriage with no encumbrances. seek educated same caste son & daughter for our She owns properties worth 750M. in Colombo and Reply with family details, H/C and contact number. twins 1992/10 son 5’ 6”, daughter 5’ pretty BSc a Luxury vehicle. Reply with full family details. Email [email protected] G57254 C/o Sunday (Eng.) Software Engineers working at Multinational Add: [email protected] B57246 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T428048-1 Company each of them having houses, vehicles, Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T427893-1 commercial properties & etc. Need horoscopes, details & T/No. [email protected] BG57812 RATHNAPURA B/G born in 1985 good looking Govi 1987 Warakapola employee as Canr- BODU C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo 5' 2" in height studied in Capital City leading Girls' riyan Diploma Front Line Hospitality Worker, devoid T430928-1 College. She inherits about 15 Millions valuable Tea of all vice religious smart son. Planning to migrate to State. Parents seek a permanent Businessman or Australia after the marriage. Retired parents seek a highly employee son with a non malefic horoscope. virtuous Government Nurse daughter. Dewa Gana, 0452246226. B57456 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX , , , , ,