February 2005 Roll 69, Exposure 2 Editor: John Opie Associate Editor: Dennis Mally Website: http://www.members.aol.com/tccameraclub/ E-Mail:
[email protected] Next Competition Night: Monday: March 14 Subject: Portrait: A photographer’s attempt to capture a person’s mood and/or personality under controlled conditions. Backgrounds and lighting should compliment the subject. It’s important to remember the written guidelines for select subject on competition nights: The written guidelines that describe what qualifies an image for the particular month’s select subject category are not being followed – either by the members or the judges. Competitors are asked to review these guidelines before submitting their entries and Ken will be more explicit when lining up the judges at future meetings. Gorson will also attempt to get the select subject description as well as the overall judging guidelines to the judges before the meeting whenever possible. Think Ahead: Future Competition Nights: April: Night photos May: Architecture June: Nature Reminder: Spring 2005 SWMCCC Competition photos due April 25 The Spring conference of SWMCCC will be held June 3-5 at the Jackson Community College, Jackson, Michigan. The conference theme will be digital photography and processing. Representatives of Adobe, Epson and others will be on hand to offer workshops and presentations. (Film shooters: don’t be alarmed. You aren’t being excluded; digital is just the theme. Film entries for the competitions will undoubtedly outnumber digital by a large margin.) Don Vander Molen will need your entries by the April 25th program meeting, so he can organize and submit them to the competition chairs at the May 1 Board Meeting.