Aid Eligibility Reaches 100 Percent Faculty Now in Award Hiatus
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Thursday, May 3, 1 979 - Volume 62, No. 24 Ito Augustana Aid eligibility reaches 100 percent By Mark Maser financial aid. working in this area may be said This year at Augustana, ap- Approximately 300 students Staff writer Gift monies that the college to be, in a sense, employees of proximately 470 students were will receive money from the Nearly everyone who wants receives and gives to the the college. involved in this program. On state as an offshoot of this bill, financial aid for next year will students include institutional This past academic year 1324 the average, each student Scott said. be able to get it in some form or grants, the Basic Educational students were involved in some received $609 in grant money. If students are interested in another, according to Don Opportunity Grant (BEOG) part of the financial aid pro- Next year, Scott projects that applying for financial aid, they Scott, director of financial aids. program, the Supplemental gram. This is 70 percent of the around 700 students will par- should go to the Financial Aid The federal government and Educational Opportunity Grant Augustana campus population. ticipate, and the average dollar Office on the lower level of the other groups are taking steps to (SEOG) program, nursing Although there will still be figure will rise by $200. Administration Building. insure that students will be able scholarships, private scholar- aid assistance to the very needy, In addition to this large in- Hours there are from 8 a.m. to receive- financial assistance if ships and the South Dakota Stu- there will also be assistance to crease, the SEOG program will to 5 p.m., excluding the noon they really want it. Their ac- dent Incentive program. families in the middle-income also increase. Scott said that the hour. tions have subsequently increas- Monies in the form of loans bracket next year. program would remain basical- Personnel to make appoint- ed the amount of aid money ly the same, but the total dollar ments with there are Don Scott that Augustana will receive. figure would rise by about and Gene Linton. Primary cause of the boost "Never before in the history of the college $70,000 on the Augustana cam- When applying for aid the comes from the United States could we say that 1 00 percent of our pus. first order of business will be to Congress. A recent action in The above programs are open have the individual's family Washington called the "Middle- students were eligible for financial aid. This is to all United States citizens since complete a Family Financial Income Assistance Act" has a new and exciting thing." they are national undertakings. Statement (FFS). changed the need-analysis used Donald Scott, director of financial aid Students may apply where they It will be upon this form that in regard to who can receive go to school despite residency. most of the student's needs will financial assistance. On the state level, however, be based. This means that many come from the Guaranteed Stu- The increase in aid will come there is additional interest and The office will attempt to students who were ineligible for dent Loan program, the Na- from a variety of sources. A action regarding student aid help the student receive or find aid before may now be potential tional Direct Student Loan pro- major source of financial monies. aid in may areas, including candidates. gram and the Nursing Student assistance will come in the form In South Dakota, the state loans and grants. Scott said,.. "Never before in Loan program. of loans from participating legislature passed the Private Once these possibilities are the history of the college could Also, two types of campus private lenders with help and College Tuition Equalization looked into, the direct gift we say that 100 percent of our employment provide financial gujdance from the federal Act. sources are explored (scholar- students were eligible for finan- aid at Augustana. One is the government and other groups. This bill applies only to South ships, institutional work), but cial aid. This is a new and ex7 campus work-study program More federal and state money Dakota residents going to South only as a final resort. eiting thing," which is greatly subsidized by will be pumped into grant pro- Dakota private schools, such as Augustana has numerous the government. grams as well. For instance, the Augustana. Students may programs at the present that The other is funded solely by BEOG program will be upgrad- reeive up to $250 under this pro- Aid/to page 2 allow students the benefit of the institution and students ed. gram. Faculty award now in hiatus By Steve Lillehaug be hereby terminated." Business manager Goldammer says that two Yesterday's Awards Day was reasons exist: many alumni feel lacking a tribute that has that they are unable to fairly become a near tradition at choose the most deserving in- Augustana —the Faculty/Ad- dividual for the award, and that ministrator fo the Year Award. the alumni has "encountered The reasons given for the hiatus noticeable lack of enthusiasm of of the award, according to Dean the faculty and administrative Hofstad, alumni director, were staff of the college of our that a certain ambiguity exists presentation of the award." concerning the award and its In additon, Goldammer selection. stressed that this was not a Hofstad indicated that the criticism of any individual or lack - of a clear-cut power any particular process, but delinieation has existed ever rather the selection in general. since- he gained the office four In an effort to compile a stan- years ago. dard method for selection of the Calling back to his military award, Hofstad has begun a day, Hofstad is attempting to method of cooperation with compile a record of the methods boththe administration and the used in awarding honors faculty, particularly the faculty ,:throughout the Augustana com- Personnel Council. munity. In this regard, he has LaMoyne Pederson, past undertaken the task of clearly chairman of the council, said Selection of UBG governors discussions, records and reports and deliniating who is to give the the council sent a memorandum for the 1979-80 academic year award and what it is to consist to Hofstad after discussing the publicity boards. of. matter in meetings in the early has almost been completed. Approv- The Union Board of Governors is In the past, three separate part of the year. Pederson in- ed for positions to date are (seated) responsible for programming of all- groups have suggested the dicated that the Personnel Alice Ramsay, fine arts; Becky campus events, encompassing a awarding of a faculty citation. Council felt that it was impor- Johnson, programming; Marcia wide variety of activities. Planning These have included the Board tant that the alumni continue to of Regents, the Alumni Council be involved in the selection pro- Olson, student development; Mary for next year's events has already and the faculty. In all cases, no cess to allow for the greatest ob- Kilian, coffeehouse; Shelly Landon, begun with many details to be made determinative action was taken, jectivity, and that the award be recreation; Tom Lloyd, social ac- final during the summer. and the task of selecting the accompanied by a significant tivities; (standing) Brad Hoppe, films; Postions are available as members award fell to. the alumni, par- monetary award. Mark , Berdahl, programming; Bill of the various Union Boards. ticularly the Alumni Council. Faculty, alumni and student Vance Goldammer, chairman dissatisfactions with the awards Weiland, student development; Students interested in becoming in- of the alumni committee dealing have been minimal, according Steve Stadem, coffeehouse; Doug volved with Union Board activities with awards, said that a two- to Hofstad, Goldammer and Raynie, recreation; Tony Smith, should contact the appropriate board part feeling has caused the Pederson. All expressed a desire social activities; Mark Maser, person- governors. Anyone with questions of aluinni to reconsider their part to see that the award have nel. a general nature should contact the in the award and resolve "that definite guidelines established in the Alumni Council and the order to give the award the Governors have not yet been of- UBG office by calling 4429 or writing Alumni Association participa- eminence that they feel it ficially approved for forums and to. box 2138, campus mail. tion in the Faculty/Stiff award deserves. Financial aid/from page The reason for this concern is responsibilities and personal deals with parents of students to that in these areas there is a obligations. For instance, it is a great degree. Often parents direct monetary outlay from the up to each student to consider have questions as well as do college's operating budget. all information before enroll- students. This past year $4.2 million ment, complete applications on In an attempt to answer all of went to students in various time, read and understand all these questions, the office has a By David Borchert forms of financial aid. Of documents before signing, and toll-free number for people liv- that,$966,000 came directly accept responsibility for ing outside of the Sioux Falls The draft may be reinstated when a bill approved by the from Augie's pocket. agreements that have been sign- area. Within South Dakota, the House Armed Services Committee reaches the House This figure includes ed. number is 1-800-952-3527. In floor. The bill would provide only for the registration of in- everything from money award- For students interested in surrounding states, the number dividuals between the ages of 18 and 24. Activization of ed to foreign students, work- financial aid for next year, ap- is 1-800-843-9956.