The Committee of Ministers, Having Regard to Article 38
RESOLUTION (69) 47 (Adopted by the Ministers' Deputies on 9 December 1969) 1970 BUDGET The Committee of Ministers, Having regard to Article 38 (c) of the Statute of the Council of Europe; Having regard to Articles 3,4, 5 and 8 of the Financial Regulations; Having regard to the draft Budget submitted by the Secretary General; Having regard to the Budget Committee's report dated 17 October 1969, Resolves: 1. For the financial year 1970, appropriations shall be granted to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe totalling 51,454,253 F (Fifty-one million, four hun- dred and fifty-four thousand, two hundred and fifty-three French francs) divided into Votes, Heads and Sub-heads in accordance with the attached Budget Summary, Appen- dix A; 2. The Budget of Receipts totalling 51,454,253 (Fifty-one million, four hundred and fifty-four thousand, two hundred and fifty-three French francs) is hereby approved in accordance with the attached Budgetary Summary, Appendix B; 3. Contributions totalling 48,807,568 (Forty-eight million, eight hundred and seven thousand, five hundred and sixty-eight French francs) for 1970 shall be ap- portioned among the member states in accordance with the attached Schedule, Appen- dix C. - 103 - APPENDIX A BUDGET OF EXPENDITURE BUDGET SUMMARY VOTE I - Common expenditure 39,988,253 VOTE II - Expenditure pertaining to the Intergovernmental Work Programme 7,565,000 VOTE III - Expenditure of the Consultative Assembly 2,178,500 VOTE IV - Operational expenditure of the European Court and Commission of Human Rights 911,500
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