SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 2018 DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU daily Excelsior Striving for Good Governance Established 1965 Pradeep Gupta mean transfer of power from cen- State is strewn with many road Elections were next due in June, hosted a workshop on 'An Agen- Committees to oversee the pub- Founder Editor S.D. Rohmetra tral authority to lower levels in blocks. The ruling elite are reluc- 2016 but have been deferred on da for Effective and Responsive lic delivery of services; Decen- was sponsored by the Gov- territorial hierarchy. Decentral- tant to share power with local one pretext or other making the Administration' at Jammu on 1st, tralization of powers; Abolition ernment of India for the post- ization can generally take three units. No elections were held to State ineligible for receiving February, 1997. Mr. Jaitly was of discretionary quotas, wherev- Incapable of utilizing PMDP funds Igraduate diploma course in forms--De-concentration, dele- the PRIs in the State from 1978 much needed central funds. keen to show case the event as his er existing; Appointment of Gov- Governance, Democratization gation and devolution. De-con- to 2001! It would take another There is fierce power struggle own initiative and consequently ernment Advocates on merit and n 2015, Prime Minister announced hefty sum of and Public Policy at the Institute centration tends to extend the ten years to hold next round of between the Panches/Sarpanches being his Special Assistant, it fell establishment of multi-tier rupees 80,000 crore as developmental pack- of Social Studies at the Hague, reach of Central Government by elections in 2011!! The upper lev- and elected Legislators. upon me to coordinate the entire Grievances Cells etc. Netherlands in the year 2003. The age for Jammu and Kashmir. As financial wiz- moving executing agencies to els of PRIs viz. the Block Devel- Immense political sagacity and arrangements for the seminar. Action was initiated on some I crux of the course study was that of these recommendations by the ards sat down to work out the nitty-gritty of the lower levels in the political sys- statesmanship is Two secretaries to Government democratic decentralization can tem. Delegation involves transfer Action was initiated on some required to bring con- of India, three former Chief Sec- State Government. In fact, the package, they computed the estimates to Rs be used as an effective tool for of managerial responsibility for of these recommendations vergence between the retaries, DGPs, other Senior J&K Right to Information Act, 82452.66 crore for which sanction was given. good governance and political specified functions to the lower stakeholders. It is Government functionaries, acad- the State Accountability Com- integration. In different regions mission, the State Vigilance This huge amount is distributed over various levels. Devolution on the other by the State Government. hoped that the State emicians, and social activists and of the world national govern- hand involves power sharing Government will hold media personalities participated Commission, the Public Service areas of expenditure, major and minor projects, In fact, the J&K Right to Guarantee Act and introduction ments are using decentralization between the Central/State Gov- the Panchayat elections in the workshop. The valedictory multiple welfare schemes, social and cultural as a strategy for coping with Information Act, the State of IT in Government functioning ernments and sub-national in February, 2018 as was chaired by the Chief Minis- owe their origin to the sugges- expansion, health, education, transport, road con- political instability threatened by authorities. The devolved author- announced and to the ter. The workshop threw up sev- secessionist movements and Accountability Commission, tions made in the workshop. Alot nectivity and dozens of other areas so as to cater ity has autonomy to tax and spend ULBs soon thereafter. eral far reaching recommenda- still remains to be done. It is demands for regional autonomy. and may even have limited leg- the State Vigilance Commis- While democratic tions viz. Citizen's Right to Infor- to the all-round needs of the State. Thereis hardly In our own State there is demand hoped that the government will islative competence. sion, the Public Service decentralization is the mation, Establishment of an carry out these reforms and for regional autonomy from Jam- any walk of life that is left outside the reach of this The Constitution 73rd and Guarantee Act and introduc- time tested institutional Ombudsman; Establishment of revive the PRIs. This will be a huge developmental package known as Prime mu and Ladakh region and State 75th Amendments already pro- mechanism for good Permanent Law Commission, good tactical move by the ruling autonomy from the Kashmir vide a framework for local self- tion of IT in government governance, concomi- Establishment of State Adminis- alliance to expand its political Minister's Developmental Package. There could region. Democratic decentraliza- Government through the Pan- functioning owe their origin tantly administrative trative Tribunal on the lines of reach and marginalize the seces- be a lot of figure work about amounts sanctioned tion through the institutions of chayati Raj System (PRIs) and reforms are also neces- CAT; Constitution of Civil Ser- sionist and anti-national forces. / released under each head which we would local self government may just be Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). On to the suggestions made in sary for providing vices Board for effecting transfer There is no better way to defeat eschew and come straight to the point. According the 'mantra' for providing good the lines of these amendments clean, effective and and postings of AIS and KAS the designs of the militants than governance and satisfying the the workshop. at the hustings. Let the people to a conservative estimate not even 50 per cent of our own law, the J&K Panchay- responsive administra- officers; Introduction of IT and political aspirations of diverse ati Raj Act, 1989 provides for a opment Boards and District Plan- tion. There is no dearth of ideas. office automation, Strengthening enjoy the fruits of good gover- nance and development. the released amount has been utilized by the religious, cultural and linguistic three tier system of Panchayati ning & Development Boards Soon after formation of elected of the vigilance organization and State Government. Two years have gone by and groups in the State. Raj. Attainment of local self- envisaged under the Act have not government in 1996, the then weeding out of corrupt elements; (The author is former Divisional Decentralization within Gov- Commissioner) not even half of the released funds have been uti- Government through PRIs in the been constituted, even once. Chief Secretary, Ashok Jaitly Constitution of Village Level ernment is generally taken to Feedback: [email protected] lized in several high priority sectors. When will all the funds be utilized is a question nobody has an B L Saraf istan is to be deterred. answer. Avoiding individual details about amount Mercifully, unlike in the past n his New Year statement this time in Pakistan the threat released and amount utilized for each project, a President Donald Trump Pakistan fooled US has rattled many a serious polit- expressed his disgust with task that entails careful figure work, we would con- I lords proved to be America's nation run by a monster I call prising intelligence and law would deter it from pursuing ical observer and those who are Pakistan and issued orders of nemesis post dismembering of Octopus. Its tentacles are long enforcement communities. Its nuclear program. Then in 1981 in charge of the Government fine ourselves to an insight into the general and stoppage of American aid to that the Soviet Union. That Pakistan and its grip is strong. Its shape is rank extends to select think tanks US President exempted Pakistan there. Some blame Pakistani UN overall position of amounts sanctioned/released country. He said "The US has played double game in US, with without solid form. It can lurk and interest groups. 'Washing- from the Amendment. Representative for her over exu- foolishly given more than $ 33 and utilized. As per the figures of the Planning and the help of insiders, was known into any corner and crannies. It ton is headed by the people who, According to Pressler the berant elation after U N Vote on billion in aid over the last 15 Development Department, actual approved cost to the Chief Executives of the can change its appearance to hide whether acting officially or Octopus started devising ways to shifting Israel's Capital to years, and they have given us great country. People in US from predators and strike at a unofficially are able to put a circumvent the Amendment the Jerusalem went against the of the package was Rs 80068 crore but later it nothing but lies and deceit think- administration knew what was prey." thumb on the helm of state and minute it was passed. One gov- Americans. Others feel that pol- was revised at Rs 82452.66 crore. Of this, funds ing of our leaders as fools." Who going on, and they kept regular- Pressler had succeeded in help doing deals. ernment agency or another was itics of Pakistan is moving in a fooled whom and when did this to the tune of Rs 27235.09 crore have been sanc- ly informing taxpaying Ameri- introducing Amendment to the Republican Senator Robert trying to sabotage the law from dangerous direction. There are fooling business start are mat- tioned out of which Rs 14910.63 crore released till cans. US Foreign Assistance Act of Corker recorded his protest in within. Consequently, Pakistan alarming signals from the coun- ters of no guess . While demitting office, Pres- 1961 which necessitated prior 2016 when State Department was not deterred. try that with the help of some sec- date for both State and Central Sector Projects. Pakistan has been fooling ident Eisenhower delivered a certification by U S President, in approved subsidized sale of F- Senator Glenn is blunter. He tions in the establishment and America right from the day of his However, the expenditure as on date is to the tune warning to the country. "In the writing to the Speaker of the 16s to Pakistan. He noted that admonished Reagan administra- Army, the terrorist Hafiz Saeed birth. Rather, America blissfully of Rs 11917.04 crore. According to the figures pro- councils of Government, we House of Representatives and Pakistan Government maintains tion in statement made on 26th organization is emerging as a allowed itself to be fooled in a vided by the , who is also Minister must guard against the acquisi- Chairman of Committee on For- a relationship with Haqqani March 1987. "Six years $3 bil- political force through his Milli foolish bid to lord over the eign Relations of the Senate, to groups. Despite U S pressure lion later, we see Pakistan poised Muslim League (MML). Anoth- In-charge Planning and Development Department tion of unwarranted influence, Globe. Men like Dullous Broth- whether sought or unsought, by the effect that Pakistan does not Haqqani group enjoys freedom at the " nuclear threshold State '. er US Designated terrorist Fazulr in response to the question of National ers in 1950s, Richard Murphy, the Military - Industrial Com- possess nuclear explosive device of movement and possibly has It is amply clear that Pakistan Rehman Khalil is reported to Conference MLA Ali Mohammad Sagar in the George Schultz and others in plex. The potential for the disas- and that the proposed United support from the Pakistani Gov- gained the status of 'nuclear have plans to constitute his own 1980 acted as collaborators in the political party. These observers Legislative Assembly, an amount of Rs 77.50 trous rise of misplaced power States assistance program will ernment. threshold state ' during the peri- fooling business. exists and will persist." Quoted reduce significantly the risk that Glenn - Symington Amend- od when the U S assistance was in Pakistan have cautioned the crore has been released for development of Ronald Reagan , Trump's by Larry Pressler in his book Pakistan will possess a nuclear ment was invoked when Presi- its highest level." Government about the emerging tourism in the State but the Tourism Department distant predecessor in office, Neighbors in Arms. explosive device . dent Jimmy Carter received Pakistan always found a sup- consequences in the region. has registered expenditure of only Rs 31.46 crore hosted the Afghan warlords , Larry Pressler, the Republi- In his book American Rules intelligence report that Pakistan porter in "Military - Industrial We take leave with two like Gulbudin Hekmetyar and Professor Bacevich Sr , devised was continuing with nuclear Complex ", "Octopus" and prayers. One, may no 'Octopus ' so far. can law maker and author of others in the White House and famous Pressler Amendment has a word 'Washington' or 'the Mil- weapon development program at "Washington "in US to go on the or ' Washington 'sabotage Trump The slackness in execution of the projects is described them as moral equiva- made a telling comment on the itary Industrial State which a facility at Kahuta. In 1979 the fooling business. Is that scenario within. Two, Pakistani's deep notwithstanding the fact that an amount of Rs lents of the founding fathers of unholy nexus between Military - encompass the principal compo- Amendment was enforced and a thing of past now? Hope it is state listens to the voices of san- ity raised within. 387.51 crore has already been sanctioned and the world's oldest democracy. Industry - compromised public nents of the national security US Military Aid was cut off. But so! But then more than the vic- They were then playing Ameri- servants in U S Administration. state - the Department of it didn't stop Pakistan. Same tims of Pakistan sponsored ter- (The author is former Principal District can be easily released provided the department can game to defeat Soviet Union He writes in Neighbors In Arms Defense, State, Homeland Secu- Carter provided F -16 to Pak- ror, it is for President Trump to & Sessions Judge) submits the Utilization Certificates of the already in Afghanistan. These very war " United States has become a rity and various agencies com- istan, on a fallacious plea that it be aware of his insiders if Pak- [email protected] released amount. What to talk of obtaining more funds under the sanctioned amount even entire Anil Anand to deal at the same time with political rivals within a particular released amount has not been utilized. This is here are two direct out- state despite the existence of new just one example out of a dozen or more of them. comes of fiercely contest- leadership. For instance, he has a ed Gujarat Assembly Rahul in new Avtar T forged friendship with Samajwa- The simple point is that there is inefficiency and elections; that the fort Narendra match his political rival's aggres- mother and the then Congress Congress-led combine to take on at him. incompetence at various levels of administration di Party chief Akhilesh Yadav but Modi is no more impregnable and sion mostly wayward, with cal- chief Sonia Gandhi who despite Modi in the post-Sonia era. Much would depend on how at the same time he would have in our State and the functionaries are finding on that elections-2019 culated retort, pun, and fun and at the political-novice tag attached Still, Rahul has a long way to he approaches the like-minded to use his skills to rope in Bahu- one or the other pretext for not being able to deliv- would be a Narendra Modi ver- times packed with catchy slogans to her forged and handled the go to make his leadership accept- political parties as he would have jan Samaj Party supremo sus Rahul Gandhi direct contest. and strong sarcasm. UPA alliance with maturity win- able to the alliance partners. to begin this exercise with a Mayawati in order to forge a for- er the goods. This is the sordid state of affairs in Since last General Elections it He emerged victorious in ning her the accolades. All this There is no doubt that the part- strong baggage of history. His our State. This is also the reason why we have midable front against BJP in was BJP (read Modi) desperate- defeat and it was but natural for ners including some tough mother had developed an excel- Uttar Pradesh. A similar scenario been repeatedly saying that the Government ly trying to ensure such a line-up. his supporters and critics to nuts such as Mamta Baner- lent rapport with the allies and would exist in West Bengal as he should constitute an assessment and advisory Come Gujarat-2017 and there immediately talk as to how he jee of Trinmool Congress, won their respect. Forging would be required to deal with was a shift in roles as Gandhi took would be able to handle the chal- Sharad Pawar of National- alliances is all about being flexi- committee which will examine the reasons for both Trinmool Congress and the everyone by surprise by chal- lenges ahead in the run-up-to the ist Congress Party and even ble among other things. Flexibil- Left Parties. departments in not completing the projects in time lenging the lion in his den and Lok Sabha elections not too far. the Left grouping leaders ity is not a trait attached with As was clear from his Gujarat effectively too thereby giving a and not submitting Utilization Certificates. Yes, he has a formidable chal- have not much options to Rahul but recent developments campaign, Rahul would harp on finality to the line-up for future lenge to refurbish his own image take on the BJP but come have shown that he was ready to a strong counter anti-corruption electoral contests that his politi- through changing the perception, under the Congress-led shed the tag of being inflexible or diatribe against Modi Govern- Rohingya issue cal rival had earlier sought. rightly or wrongly, painstakingly umbrella . But still, it would at least being seen so and devel- ment and BJP. In a way he is try- It was widely expected that built by Team Modi portraying need convincing by him op a working model. ing to hit them with the very ohingyas are Burmese Muslims though BJP would scrape through as him as a non-performer and a that he meant serious busi- However, having seen the weapon that badly bruised Con- majority of them are originally Bangladeshi powerful duo of Modi and the reluctant politician, and gal- ness. The only way to con- malfunctioning of UPA-I and II gress in election after election in Muslims having clandestinely sneaked into party chief Amit Shah would do vanise the almost crumbled Con- vince them and also the from close quarters which was R a bid to puncture the high moral their utmost to save their home- gress structure to make it worth public at large would be mostly on account buckling Myanmar and settled there. With Pakistani ISI ground which Modi has taken pitch despite their lofty claim of fighting the BJP's well-oiled through carrying forward under the allies' black-mailing ever since 2014. making deep inroads into their community, insti- winning 150 seats in a house of organisational machinery. while the focus still remained on the spirit of Gujarat by giving a tactics, he will have to develop a In order to give teeth to his gated them for anti-Myanmar Government activi- 182. And the outcome went on But a much bigger challenge him and his each and every move- further account of his leadership different working model. He counter-offensive in exposing expected lines. The duo has man- for him is extraneous and would ment was closely watched by the capabilities. would have to ensure that flexi- ties and subversion. ISI provided them with arms corruption in ruling dispensation aged to save their turf by the skin entail convincing the like-mind- alliance partners knowing fully- The fact that he single-hand- bility is not misconstrued as and funding when they were in their province in Rahul will also have to deal with of their teeth how so ever boast- ed political parties of his leader- well that they would have to deal edly managed to unsettle Modi- license to raise unreasonable his key ally Rashtriya western Myanmar, obviously to strengthen the ful of victory they and their sup- ship to stitch and spearhead a new with him directly soon. Amit Shah combo in Gujarat has demands that ultimately led to chief 's recent Bangladesh fundamentalism against India. porters might be. alliance if he is to stop the Modi- Gujarat has definitely given won Rahul appreciation from all alleged scams during the UPA conviction in yet another case But the surprise package of juggernaut in 2019. The chal- him headway on this front as quarters including his rivals. regimes. Myanmar Government came down with a heavy related to fodder scam. RJD is a this election has been the newly lenge on this front is daunting as well. Atotally transformed Rahul Even some awestruck sections of The prospective allies mostly hand on them and after destroying their hideouts force to reckon with in and anointed Congress president Rahul is beginning from a place took the like-minded political BJP are often heard these days would be regional players. Fortu- and safe heavens left them with no choice but to Rahul Gandhi who became the of total lack of confidence in him parties by as much surprise as mentioning that Rahul has given nately for him a new set of lead- with entire Yadav family under flee their homes. Muslim countries like Pakistan, party chief two days before poll by the leaders of friendly parties were his own partymen. The a torrid time to the duo in Gujarat ership has either emerged or the scanner in different cases of results were declared. A picture for which he has to blame him- whispers of criticism gave way to notwithstanding their utterly emerging in the regional parties corruption, it would be testing Saudi Arabia and some gulf countries accepted time again for Rahul as how to lakhs of them as mohajirs. ISI advised a group of of reluctance till the other day, he self to a great extent. Ostensibly, a word of praise and hope to these aggressive and misdirected as well as is the case with Con- came out all guns blazing to he basked under the glory of his parties about the prospects of a spokespersons belting out scorn gress. His real test would also be deal with Laloo Yadav clan. them to go and settle down in Jammu (not in [email protected] Srinagar) and particularly along border with Pakistan. Intentions speak a lot. More than ten Boosting Rural Tourism thousand of them are settled in Jammu and reportedly have obtained Aadhaar and PAN cards Sir, Holiday on Hari Singh's birth anniversary and maybe State Subject certificates. In the Rural tourism is the form of tourism that showcases the rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural Parliament the State Minister for Home said he did locations, thereby benefitting the local community, economically and socially, as well as enabling inter- Sir, action between the tourists and the locals for a more enriching experience.It is essentially an activity not think Rohingyas in India had obtained habita- that takes place in the countryside.Rural tourism has vast scope in India and in our State. Our State is This refers to the news 'No BJP member joins Ajat on Hari Singh holiday issue' DE Jan 4. tions. predominately a rural state with majority of people living in villages and practising different reli- It is quite disappointing that MLC Ajat Shatru Singh could not garner the support of his fellow BJP We believe that the Government of India wants gions and traditions, savouring myriad cuisine, observing many rituals and celebrating various festi- legislators on the issue of holiday on Hari Singh's birth anniversary. As a response to this incident, Mr vals. Our State is also endowed with unparalleled and breathtaking beauty having snowcapped moun- Ajat Shatru Singh should follow his brother Vikramaditya Singh who resigned on the same issue from Myanmar Government to take back these tains, lushgreen pastures, murmuring springs, meandering rivers, enchanting slopes,thick alpine forests Legislative Council. Rohingyas and let them resettle. The etc. It is high time for the Rajput community to introspect and make future road map for their well being. MyanmarGovernment's stand is that the A visit to such pollution free spots located away from the hustle and bustle of cities can be a mem- Yours etc... Vijay Singh Jamwal Rohingyas have formed their armed legions orable and enriching experience for the visitors.Then tourists can also be attracted by our diverse farm- ing systems and adventure activities such as skiing, rafting, swimming as also by gardening, floricul- Jammu something like Rohingya Islamic Front which is ture, apiculture that they can have a glimpse of the rural life from close quarters and enjoy the being funded, armed and abetted by ISI and some unique experience of living with the rural community to have a firsthand knowledge of their peace- II other secret agencies of Islamic countries. ful and calm life in the lap of nature.For this purpose, it is important that rural people are trained in the Sir, art of hospitality, serving local cuisine, hygiene and sanitation etc.They need to be taught the impor- Sensing the possibility of their habitats in tance of good communication skills and keeping their beds and rooms pest/insect free so that the tourists If Jammu legislators are not supporting their own fellow for a common cause, then who's going to Myanmar turning into a den of fundamentalist ter- can have an enjoyable and comfortable stay. The Government should identify such villages along with fight for Jammuites. The Jammu legislators have not only embarrassed themselves but also the people rorist Islamic centre, China supported Myanmar in their main attraction such as location, practices, traditions, heritage etc and give wider publicity to of Jammuites. It may be mentioned here that Hari Singh, as a king of this State has worked very hard for the wel- dealing harshly with them and turning them out of attract tourists from across the country. Steps should also be taken to improve road connectivity and provide other facilities to such villages for good accessibilty of the tourists in these areas.If steps are fare of poor State subjects by initiating various socio-economic reforms. His contribution in education Myanmar. We doubt whether Myanmar will accept taken in this direction, rural tourism can open up a large number of avenues of employment for the field is commendable and noteworthy. He did not discriminate people on the basis of religion and them back unless these Rohingyas shun their ter- unemployed rural youth and it can also help in wider interaction between the local people and the vis- region. A holiday on his birth anniversary will be a great tribute to this last prince who had to quit his rorist trappings. They are reported to be indulging itors, which can broaden their exposure and horizon. throne in difficult circumstances. Yours etc.... Yours etc.... in heinous crimes of murder, drugs and women Ashok Sharma, Veer Singh trafficking. Udhampur. Kathua